
Are they serious with this price? This is an indie game right?

Attached: indivisible.png (1107x517, 119K)

>candyland bucks
Whats the price in real money?

*laughs in EDF5*

you'll need about tree fiddy

2499 indian rupees.

$40 united states USD dollars

Seems OK depending on the game length. If it has a length similar to Valkyrie Profile I could see it being worth that much.

Does being indie diminish the worth of the work done by the devs?

Don't you mean rubies?

Attached: Rubies.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Can't wait to pirate

Yeah, indie means less funding means less people working on the game means less overall effort put into it. A single guy can work on a game 12 hours a day every day for 5 years, and it won't be worth the price of an AAA game with 5 year development cycle.

I wouldn't pay $10 for that shit.

I paid $60 for the physical edition.

One of the main reasons I'm worried is that it's not typical for an indie to be as long as an AAA game, which was fine because they always priced their games competitively because of it. I don't care if the game is nice and pretty with a big cast if the game is also just three environments and 20 hours of story content.

Ive legitimately heard this same thing from my roommate multiple times

So? Isn't their desire to work on something they love AND earn money the same as a AAA game company?

if anything I'd say indie devs are MORE deserving to be paid more for their work than the average game produced by any behemoth of the industry.

>indie devs are MORE deserving to be paid more for their work
No they aren't. I don't care how much love someone pours into their work, only about the quality and quantity of the resulting product.

>actually converting properly into €
Wow, the devs might actually be pretty based.

Unfortunately 99% of consumers don't think that way. Supply and demand.

I dont even own a ps4 anymore.

Attached: Screenshot_20190809-140723_Chrome.jpg (897x143, 30K)

No dummy, what he's saying is that for AAA game development you're basically paying more people with your purchase so of course the games should cost more. Even if you say the one person that developed the indie game deserves $200 an hour for every hour he worked on the game, it won't be nearly as expensive as how much an entire team would need at a more reasonable salary.

If the indie game is as content full as a modern studio release from a notable team I'd say its fair. Smaller games like hat in time should definitely be cheaper.

How are you not used to how expensive shit is for you at this point. Did you just move to canada?

ahoy me mateys

What kind of autismo sits down and works out the man-hour cost of a product before deciding how much it's worth to him?


Not the individual dev, no. It diminishes the worth of the product as a whole as there was less money invested into it.

Simmer down Timmy I'm just explaining what that dude meant as to why AAA games have the price point they do. Of course if a game is subjectively really good it'll be worth whatever price is reasonable to the individual paying for it, regardless of who made it. There's people that pay tens of thousands of dollerydoos to play with digital train DLC after all.

>everyone is a shade of brown
>wonders why the game is expensive

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