Why does every MMO have to have a midget race?
Why does every MMO have to have a midget race?
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I'm actually pretty tall in real life so playing as a short character in games feels good.
The height differece compared to how tall i am IRL gives me a different perspective.
Also it's funny to see a very short character perform acrobatic combat, taking down much bigger characters etc.
This. I'm not too tall (5'7 but my legs are long so I'm above average) but it's fun to see life from a short person's perspective.
Catering to the gentlemen of the highest taste
FFXI popularized the concept and Tera popularized upping the sex appeal dial 10 notches.
The rest is history, with everything falling somewhere in between those two levels.
I'm grateful for all the porn but no one ever posts lewd lalafell screenshots which is the only thing I hate.
just look for lewds on twitter
Twitter is dogshit and if you don't already know who to follow there's no way to find them.
I'll take the two on the right, you can have the box.
>still no potato gf
They're sexy.
>Above average
Pick one.
My friend you are short.
so that at least some of the porn is decent
Like I said, I'm 5'7 but my legs are long so I tower over the average person here. It sort of gives me two perspectives on the matter so it's really interesting to play character creator games.
5'7" is 5'7" no matter how long or short your legs are, retard.
Because they are sexy
Truly the great potato famine is upon us
one of these is an actual child
>I'm 5'7 but I tower of-
Fucking kek he's in denial.
>only one
What the actual fuck can I unsee the link I don't want to go to prison.
Because game designers (read: nips) have no creativity so for "races" they design human, tall human, knife ear human, bulky human and squat human. It's just an easy go-to for people without talent.
They're cute. Well mostly, lalafell are creepy as fuck.
take that back, lalafell have the most delicious midriffs
You have to go back.
Pretty much, one of my favourite things in fiction are little characters overpowering intimidating titans. Young Goku was probably my first experience to this.
I'm actually an oldfag been here since last summer
This. Lalafell are only cute in fanart but the real thing creeps me out, their faces seems a bit uncanny to me
A lot of MMOs are Japanese-owned and Japan is full of pedophiles that sexualize clearly underage girls and then use a paper-thin justification of "b-but she's an adult, her race just looks like children".
Actually paper-thin is overselling it; it's as thin as graphene.
>been here for a year
>I'm an oldfag
That's not what an oldfag is you newfag
>replying to obvious bait
>Japan is full of pedophiles that sexualize clearly underage girls
why do newfags think this is a bad thing
bigger issue is their overall proportions, the awkward way they walk etc. Harvins are pretty much just tiny humans so you have guys like Yodahara doing flips and mid-air spins like he's from AoT
Because dwarves are fun
>jew star eye-patch
Thanks, but no, thanks.
>muh boogeyman
I'm pretty sure that's a cog.
Doesn't matter if your legs make up 90% of your body. 5'7 is 5'7, and 5'7 is manlet status. Just accept it.
I never said I was tall. Simply that I am 5'7, an average-ish height, but that my long legs give me the perspective of a tall person. Jesus, did you skip reading comprehensation in elementary school?