How do Mexicans feel about Mexican dressed Mario?

As a Mexican, I loved it, when he got revealed at the E3 trailer and the Tostarenans, I cried a bit. Even some South Americans were pretty happy too despite not being its culture.

It's a shame that some Americans and Europeans hated it.

Attached: mario sombrero.jpg (460x442, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

It’s just westerners being stupid as usual.

It’s like that girl who wore a Chinese dress to prom, westerns pissed themselves crying, while actual Chinese people in China liked that she wore the dress and were flattered by it.


Just (((white))) people being offended for others

Do you actually dress like that?

Why are you repeating the exact threads we had over a year ago.

not always so colorfully but yes that's all pretty typical.
It's sunny in Mexico. Big hat and breathable coverings.

Smelly dumb beaner scum

was asked before i believe
most mexicans liked it

Mexicans aren't westerners?

Same shit happened to Speedy Gonzales. When Cartoon Network got the rights they refused to air it at first because of its "ethnic stereotypes" even though Mexicans really liked the character. They eventually started airing them again though.

I mean Mario is an Italian plumber and as an Italian it makes me chuckle and smile that someone thought they'd include an Italian as the MC

This was great.

It's rabid leftists being stupid as fuck, as usual.


Why do they ruin things for people they rarely meet face to face?

westerner is pretty much synonymous with white

I thought it was cute, a shame people get offended over stupid shit all the time nowdays. I thought if anything this would go more smoothly with the whole diversity is great meme sprouted by normalfags.

Great, we love positive stereotypes

Because they are addicted to the high they get from appearing to be virtuous to others, the likes and retweets and shit. It's pretty much fishing for (You)s but on a much bigger and more publicly visible scale.

tfw no hairy user's beaner wiener to compliment

We have always liked sombrero and fiesta characters. I don't know a single person who is not a gringo who has been offended for how mexicans are being depicted in video games.

they're not gringos, I thought Siesta Mario was great

Attached: elmario.gif (480x270, 1.29M)

>anyone with a culture sees a reference to their culture
>anyone from a culture but moved to america or britain
>muh cultural appropriation
The problem is just anglos

as a Hispanic, my genuine favorite mexican representation was Sanchez from Payday 2. Wore loud and ugly Hawaiian shirts and yelled like a drunk tío. He was a walking stereotype but i love him. Also his akimbo revolvers was pretty neat.

It's all looks for them then

as a white person i was just offended that i was forced to be a mexican to get a moon

Who cares about how Mexicans feel? Do Mexicans care about how honest, hardworking people feel when they rape and murder them? Do Mexicans care about how the families of drug addicts feel when they smuggle drugs across the border?

>westerns pissed themselves crying, while actual Chinese people in China liked that she wore the dress and were flattered by it.

Yeah, I remember that. There was a similar issue in Florida over a decade ago with a sports team calling itself the Seminoles, which the actual chief of the actual Seminole tribe was completely okay with while rich white limousine liberals were crying crocodile tears about muh racism.

I swear, the idea that all the country's racists and segregationists switched parties/political alignment in the 60's is one giant revisionist meme, because the way I see it the Democrats are still every bit as racist as they were back then. They still don't let minorities have their own thoughts or opinions; they get called things like "house nigger" or accused of having "internalized racism" for the slightest deviation of opinion from the way they are "supposed" to think as defined by white Democrats, white Democrats tell them it's okay for them to be criminals, dropouts and delinquents because they aren't competent enough to be held accountable for their own choices, white Democrats do everything in their power to sour race relations and push racial identity politics so as to encourage racial groups to self-segregate from each other while downplaying the idea that skin color and content of character can be separate from one another.

For all they tout themselves as the party of anti-racism, when you actually think about it they only think they actually do that is anti-racist is to *say* they're opposed to racism. That's literally it. They *say* they aren't racist. They do nothing else to combat racism and everything to make it worse.

How do we stop the Anglo menace? I'm sick of them coming here and polluting my fjords. I don't think there's a single race that on a whole like the average Anglo.

I am not mexican but I will say that I dont care

I bet you've never even met a Mexican person from your basement
I've worked in immigration for 10+ years, Mexicans are the nicest of all my hispanic clients, always pay on time, always willing to work and always grateful
Of course the drug lords in Mexico are human garbage, but i'd much rather ban Colombians or Indians from entering the country as a race

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>I cried a bit
What the fuck.
It's not even that big a deal.

am mexican, don't give a shit. i like it

I asked friends, they also don't mind. I don't think I have ever heard a single complaint about Speedy Gonzalez too. We all laugh and always quote that one cartoon network "biography" about him they used to air all the time during commercials.

What division?

Don't you worry, buddy. We got soiboys and liberal white women to be offended for you!

Liberal whites are so self centered they think that they are the west.

but... sombreros are cool

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>liberals love VA11HA11A
>Japanese-style visual novel dev'd by Venezuelans
>No one calls Venezuelans on cultural appropiation
It's all hipocrisy.
Also, no, Mexicans they either didn't care, or were flattered, most like the second one. Americans are just so mind bogglingly retarded nowadays.
I remember when niggress said I was just a priviledge white kid when talking about racism in LatAm.
Bitch, I'm Venezuelan, I'm not even white, what the fuck is wrong

Falseflagging libcuck detected.
Sucking Jose and Pablo's diseased cocks for free.

I'm a lawyer at my own immigration firm. I help people get their Green Cards, citizenship, naturalization or stay in the country

>unironically falling for my Mexican mario shit post over and over again
Keep the replies coming soiyboys.

>enters a Mexican thread
>to ask who the fuck cares about Mexicans
>when it's clear that some people do
Please ban all Colombians and their fucking MLM. They have taken over Mexico and are now extorting people with bullshit credits. Remember also to have a soft spot in your heart for Venezuelans

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it's mostly white americans trying to play hero. and by white Americans i mean white girls thirsty for multicolor cock

Checks out.

Remember to think twice about immigrating to the United States with your family, Humberto. The streets are NOT SAFE for beaners like you!

>hahaha, that's awesome amigo
>wait, you say I can get money if I'm offended by it?

im a mestizo

i couldnt give less of a shit

Who gives a fuck about this kind of stuff? what is wrong with people?

>when it's clear that some people do
You mean some schizo beaner who keeps spamming the same Latin American video games thread with the same pasta and the same Mario in the OP with his spic flag

Liberalism is a mental disorder

Insecure middle class Mexican-Americans hated it and that's the only opinion that matters when it comes to Mexico-related issues.

First of all how would that be a liberal falseflag?
Second of all, like I said, any cases I take from Mexican clients, they pay me exactly what the owe me on time. Even my mandatory Pro Bono cases (cases I do for free), they pay me anyway because they hate being given something for free.
Meanwhile, 90% of my fucking Colombian clients, who I know for damn sure have money to spare, try to weasel their way out of paying for anything, even consultation

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They want to feel better than others by being offended for other people ecause they have literally nothing going on with their lives.

Based immigrationanon, helping illegals stay just long enough to be made examples of. El Paso couldn't have happened without you.

>moving to the US
Lol, I rather get beheaded by Pablo's minions than Michael's temper tantrum about not being able to have a girlfriend.

Reminds me of that one time a museum in Boston banned Kimono Wednesday because harpies screeched about cultural appropriation.

What followed was actual Japanese housewives in kimonos staging a counterprotest and basically signaling them to eat shit.

Sadly I don't think they actually reinstated the kimonos, but it should tell you everything you need to know about [culture] vs [culture]-Americans.

>Stepping into the dispute this week were several counterprotesters wearing kimonos, including some older Japanese women, who advocated for the museum to return to its initial “Kimono Wednesdays” programming. One held a sign saying “I am not offended by people wearing kimono in front of French paintings.” Another sign read, in part, “I welcome museum exhibits that share Japanese culture with the community.”Stepping into the dispute this week were several counterprotesters wearing kimonos, including some older Japanese women, who advocated for the museum to return to its initial “Kimono Wednesdays” programming. One held a sign saying “I am not offended by people wearing kimono in front of French paintings.” Another sign read, in part, “I welcome museum exhibits that share Japanese culture with the community.”

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Nah guys, you pretty much fucked up there, Mexican is not a race.

Mexican here.
I think it looks bien chingón alv.
I wonder if that Mario jumps over walls or so.

Mexicans fucking love Speedy Gonzales, that should tell you everything really.

This reminds me of Nacho Libre. I had a white friend tell me how I was probably offended by Jack Blacks portrayal of mexicans and blah blah. She was literally shocked when I told her that my mexican family loved Jack Black and Nacho Libre.

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>Do Mexicans care about how honest, hardworking people
Many Mexicans are exactly that.
How about we talk about the US white people funded paramilitary groups that raped and killed thousands of innocent farmers in the Central American country side?

Also best song

Gotta keep those bananas cheap

kys beaner apologists

>tfw my landlord is Ecuatorian and one of the nicest dudes you'll ever meet
He is hardworking, fit, keeps his shit in order, and has a nice family, he is a real inspiration.
He is like 5'4" tho.

Cheap bananas contribute more to the world than a Mexican ever will.

That's cause people from Mexico have real problems in their life, bigger than OH NO MY VIRTUAL GAME CHARACTERS ARE STEREOTYPICAL

Tfw your uncle was apart of those groups and got rich off the back of it
I'm gonna ask the fuck for a Guatemalan Mosin

post your contributions to the world.

Depends on who you ask.
Mexican here with a Mexican wife.

Personally I don't care. Just looks like another stereotypical "Mexican" character.

My Wife however is very prideful of her Mexican culture and is often annoyed by this type of stuff as it is often used either to parody Mexican culture or to badly represent Mexican culture. No one ever wears those hats and no one ever wears those blankets unless it's some type of festival and even then, they are not that colorful. So I get it. I don't feel the way she does, but I get it.

What does bother me a little is when you meet a none Mexican that thinks you should look like that or can't believe that you are Mexican cause you don't look like that.

Ironically, I have some relatives who are also beaners, but they think they are white. They are so white washed that they have had "Mexican" themed parties with shit like that all over for decoration. It's embarrassing. It would be like being Japanese and going to your Uncles house for a party and he has a bunch of weeb anime shit everywhere for decoration.

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Mexican here. Colombians suck, holy shit they are mean, loud, can’t stop talking and, dunno, you can feel they’re false as fuck

West is OTAN, Mexico is like...Central. The rest is just "The South".

We're going to bing bing wahoo over that shit wall.

Thank you, Trump for putting up a shitty wall that's nothing more than a monument for your ego rather than putting that money into more resources for border patrol.

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This. Every Mexican I know loves this movie. The only people ever offended by this kind of thing are white people.

There's only ever just a sombrero and poncho in video games but that shit is always awesome to see

>Mexican here
if you didn't spend your first 30 years here you aren't.

>Americans want to colonize Central America
>But they don't want to annex them
>So they destroy their economy, fund guerrillas and prevent them from progressing
>Central Americans are now running away from all of those problems to the US
I really like that gringos are killing each other

Attached: los-topos-leaving-from-mexico-to-japan.jpg (1000x750, 121K)

>As a Mexican, I loved it
who cares about your opinion lol

What would a Mexican Peach be like?

Tan skin, brown hair, thick with fat tiddies ass and chubby belly, and begging for you to work hard and impregnate her while calling you "mi amor"

The real issue is generalizations. Some Anglos are shitheads, some are outstanding people. Some Mexicans are fucking awful, some are wonderful. It works for literally any race or nationality. But of course, *some* people don't grasp this concept because they've never strayed more than 100 miles from home (or whatever the km conversion is) and live through filters their entire lives.

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They’re all babies if you ask me

It IS a good movie

A pregnant cunt with twelve beaner kids that lives off of liberal welfare programs. Her kids can sleep easy, knowing that their college education will be paid for by libcuck policies and programs that grant more to illegal beaners than actual Americans.

This. The opinions of actual Mexican people are irrelevant regarding Mexican culture. They are biased by design. What we need are people who learned about Mexican culture in academia, so they can be objective.

Beaner detected.
Remember that El Paso isn't for you anymore.

... that sounds INCREDIBLY retarded.

>“No, black people can’t talk about black people rights. Only white people who has studied and learned about them can know what’s best for them”

That’s how you sound

>killed just 4
not even a worthy killstreak

Not an argument. You're one of those idiots I was talking about.

Tiny, smelly, native looking ugly fuck that is jealous of every women you talk to, including your mother. Unsecure, with daddy issues, probably already had 5 abortions

What's racist about pretending to be a mariachi band member? A little stereotypical sure but they are a real thing.

You're part of the problem. You're like the 75 IQ crowd from this post

neither peoples with autism

Sonora user, yes.
except the poncho is white or brown instead colorful.
The colorful ones are a south thing.

Be honest, if you spend like 20 minutes in the presence of these kind of people, you legitimately end up seeing this line of thinking.

>Wetback in charge of basic fact-checking
>Wetback asking for handouts and spoonfeeding
I can't really blame you, since your people lack the cultural and genetic inclination towards education, but a simple Google search demonstrates that the count was 24, Sancho.

>Yea Forumstards would rather be edgy than sensible
I'm not surprised that depression and self-loathing still runs rampant here, all things considered

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I'm Italian, Mario is a giant Italian stereotype (sorta, other than how he talks there's no real indication that he's supposed to be Italian). Does he bother me? Not really, I'm happy that Italians have such a beloved character in videogame history.

he killed that many, including americans retard.

>alphabet agency glowniggers fuck up your countries
>haha I sure am glad people who had nothing to do with this are suffering the consequences

That's only for those people who are heavily biased towards their own culture. Their line of thinking will always be detrimental to objective studying because they'll ignore the bad facts and only pick the good facts. You can talk to X person about X culture if they are able to discern and accept those things that are negative about their lifestyle or people.

That's because statistics show white liberals are the only group that show an outgroup preference (meaning they trust outsiders more than their own)

Mario would have to save her from ICE instead

There's no use bringing this up here bro.
The incels that lurk in Yea Forums will die alone in their rooms.


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no lol mexicans are just ugly people, simple as
because of that I don't care about their opinions on anything, otherwise their country wouldn't be a shithole

Dying alone in a comfortable room is not a privilege that Jorge gets to have. Beaners get to die in groups.

Do they not realize how much they'll be fucked if native mexicans all move here? They're all socially conservative and only vote dem because that's not the party that wants to kick them out, are anti-abortion, are anti-feminism, anti-LGBT (though not as much as they used to be), pro-catholicism, etc. Yeah they're economically liberal, that's about it.

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how do you hate something so much without knowing anything about it?

Non-criminal Mexicans are pretty okay.

Exactly his point you low IQ autist

I'm almost sure they are proud, hell as a venezuelan i'm proud of the developer of Val-Ha-11a l.
fuck colombians and somebody help me, my country is constantlt sinking to new depths

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Siesta is from spain, not mexico.

No no user don't you see, we're their white allies. They surely won't turn the clock back to the 1950s if they're in charge!

I think just "pro-beating your wife if she talks back" would be enough to make the left not want them here.

This, holy shit those guys are fucked in the head. The worst is that I have to speak their stupid language so I can understand all the bullshit they say.


I promise you, only white Americans find this offensive or whatever. The cultural appropriation meme never took really hold in Europe, because you can drive two hours and have another culture to appropriate.

we're not sandniggers and it's not beating if they're the ones to swing at you girst

Are blacks in the us westerners?

To be fair, beating their wives is one thing that chimpbrained beaners do correctly. Mexicans have a culture and history of domestic violence.

As a Chilean, fuck Colombians and fuck Venezuelans, fucking parasites

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>anti-abortion, are anti-feminism, anti-LGBT
The stupid, poor parts of Mexico are all this, yet they would abort if they could, and they have gay sex with each other in the dark, and idolize Juan Gabriel.

The cool parts of Mexico know aborts are needed as a right, real feminism is ok and respectable homos are alright. But the thing that mexicans as a whole do not respect are pussies, and SJW are a bunch of them. To us, the americans have to be one of the most pussified people.

you wish you had a wife to beat you chimpbrained incel faggot

you will die of starvation

It is a pretty basic flaw in our political system. It has ironically, become somewhat like a religion, you have to pretend to follow all of the bits, even the ones you don't like, because you can't be seen as not being 100% adherent to that political party's ideology.
Amusingly enough, I'm pretty positive that mexican immigrants would be 100% republicans if existing republics didn't have have such absurd views about them.

Imagine being proud of dying like a jaded unloved sardine.
I'd rather die poor and in the comfort of my loving family than in your shallow pristine cradle.

are you from 2017? did your post fucking TIME TRAVEL?!

also, most MEXICANS are american as fuck, you have no REAL culture that you deal with from "the old country" save for your gpops and gmam remembering when your country wasn't a shithole overran with fucking gangs and shit.

Yeah pretty much. Imagine a Mexico that didn't have machismo in its culture.

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>It is a pretty basic flaw in our political system.
It's less a flaw in our political system and more a flaw in the idea of big tent parties. You don't HAVE to be in those parties and can join something that better represents you, but then you won't win.

>Wetback directly ripping the same insult from the post he quoted
>Wetback falling back on his Mexican instinct to steal things from others
Don't you have some welfare to apply for, Ramon?

The implication was that you and your loved ones would all die in a mass shooting, you retarded beaner.

"Mexican dressed"

... That's what Spanish mariachi bands wear.

I count that as being a flaw in the system as a whole. The way it currently works, voting for a third party is worse than wasting your vote, it is literally giving your vote to the big party you want to win the least by virtue of not using that vote to oppose them with a candidate than can win.

I'm a middle-class Mexican-American and I thought the Mexican Mario costume was pretty cute.

>incel thinks he can make actually good insults
>incel fails miserably

well written comment user

>middle class Mexican hated it
But my friend is a middle class Mexican and he told me he liked it and his family thought it was cute

As a Mexican I am offended. Guess what different people have different opinions

>Remember also to have a soft spot in your heart for Venezuelans

Those agency's represent the US government retard. Dont know why neckbeard NEETS care so much though, leaving your house and seeing more Latinos doesnt mean the world is ending.
I and other Latinos ( I'm not Mexican) dont usually get butthurt over crap like this but it is kinda annoying to show Mexicans as some caricature that wears sombreros and panchos. The retards saying "it's an honor" need to get some self respect though.

fuck off footfag

Is this a threat to commit violence? It sounds like a threat but i bet you're too scared to do anything or even confirm. What a pussy

Yeah, that's pretty accurate actually.

Speedy Gonzales ran into the same situation. Lots of Americans were bitching about him being a racist caricature and mocking Mexico, demanding that he get removed. And he was. Until the ACTUAL Mexicans joined the conversation, said that they really liked how Disney was showing off their culture, and liked the character in general. Then Disney put him back up.

Attached: 220px-Speedy_Gonzales.png (220x276, 24K)

There is no such thing as a "subhuman," because a significant portion of every human population is deeply incompetent.

Puerto Ricans = Mexicans > Columbian > shit > Cubans.

I thought it was cool desu

Is Super Mario Odyssey good?

One of the best 3D platformers ever, it makes look Yooka Laylee like a joke.

It's okay. Plays a lot like a watered down Banjo Tooie than SM64/Sunshine.

Reminds me of another classic:
>We had a chance to speak with Ono-san about this big announcement and what kind of research went into creating this character. He said that it was a challenge at first to figure out how this character looks and what kind of moves would be suited to him as Capcom does not have many Middle Eastern employees. But they worked closely with Sony and their Middle Eastern distributor Pluto Games and with their help they were able to make a character everyone would be happy with.

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I think it's cute, but people going biba el pinche mexico pinche cabron gringo pinches gringos ajajaja make me want to end it all.

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The only thing that pisses me off is that it's always a mariachi outfit. Fuckers always go for the easiest route instead of doing some research. Coco for example was grating because it featured us in a yellow rural area with mariachis, again. It's like making a movie or game about Americans and only focusing on the south. Wouldn't that piss you off?

>announcing a flying Saudi Muslim on September 11th.

Only virgin-ass (((Latinx))) get mad over that

I'm kind of used to it.

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>while his stage is on top of a flying airplane

There's not enough wild west games nowadays desu. t. Texan


Man fuck the West

But then there’s trip fagging, which is never cool

unironically upvoted

>The retards saying "it's an honor" need to get some self respect though.
Why should we be offended over a cartoon? The only retard it's you.

god damn

I love this shit lol

They are latin americans.
The teams are like this
>latin americans that all hate each other
>the west (USA (Israel) and their bitches)
>eastern danger trio
>arabs(mainly syria and iraq)

Every Mexican I work with works like 60 hours a week, is married and raising kids. All the whites I work with just stand around and call each other faggot all day and take like 90 minute shits .

No you retard. No self respecting mexican would say they're westerners. Westerners are white western American people you stupid cunt.

the west is full of dumb whites and jews stumbling over themselves to appease a small minority of minorities who get offended over everything

And don't forget the jews are part of the minority when it suits them.

If you unironically belive Mexicans or Hispanics are garbage you are objectively wrong about your entire worldview. We may be dirty and do hard labor but you asshats who argue we take your jobs wouldn't dare stick a finger in the dirt for your life minus a few of you actual cool rednecks or hillbillies. Also, black people are lazy too.

>Also, black people are lazy too.

I wonder if you can figure out the irony.

Please don't include europeans in american brand mental illness.

Stfu moron t's an add on not inclusive.

Well Northamerica has the US, Canada and Mexico so make of that what you will.

eh... why indians?

nobody cared how Italians felt about mario dressing up as them, why should anyone give a fuck what Mexicans think

>country is literally in the fucking North American continent.
>not westerners

Honestly I found it funny because it doesn't look like they did it as a way to mock Mexican culture, rather as "what are some of the most iconic objects/garments from Mexico? Ponchos, Big hats and acoustic guitars."

Now put this in front of a zealot whitexican and watch them lose their shit. Those two faced niggas always pretend to be all about their heritage when it's time to show off, yet discriminate them when no one's watching.

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Aren't mexicans racists with themselves and everyone

As a whitey, I appreciate Mexican shit more when it's goofy. Makes me more interested in the culture than pictures of paid immigrants crying at a border.

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I am not saying we should be offended dumbass, but saying it's an honor and thanking the Nintendo for just putting a sombrero and a pancho on Mario is pathetic.

This is the cold hard truth. We call indigenous people "indios", and use the very same word when we want to tell someone that they're ignorant, uncultured and dumb. We look down upon central and south americans as an inferior race, and live by the "el que no tranza no avanza" motto. We are full of fake and superficial patriotism (Viva Mexico cabrones, indeed) and we are always finding ways to step on others ( because we are chingones, right?)

>just ugly people
fuck off. i'm beautiful

this. and people feel proud of this shit...

also fuck whitexicans

hurr durr you're right, open borders now! stupid pedo

Yeah we are but we're also tough, which is why I never found an issue with it. I'd intervene if I saw violence but I never saw anything besides making fun of how someone talks or looks. I hate how in the US we have the opposite, the media trying to put us all in a blender and selling us homogenized shit. Nigga, we hate each other. We make fun of each other. We're happy this way, don't try to say you understand our shit when you clearly don't. Same shit happens in Iraq. Only they understand themselves, but the military thinks otherwise. Let them hate each other in peace.

How do you feel when localize their front page?

But they aren't even real Anglos.

you're not Mexican. but yes, outrage culture is retarded. hence why i dislike /pol/

What are white americans contributing nowadays? Feminism? School shootings? Sucking jewish cock?
You're no longer needed, asians are smarter and less violent than you.

It's alright. I enjoyed the time I put into it, but I've never played it past the day after I finished it.

why are americans so fucking afraid of being racist? literally every other country in the world is racist
PR speak is for fucking corporations not individuals

>loud mexican afro shouting

Mexicans don't exist.

Well we're not going anywhere, bean-breath, so get back to scrubbing the toilet.

based and eloquentpilled

You really think that?

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Sr_pelo is overrated trash.

Fuck it, was better than Raiden's Mexico

Aww come on, at least he tried.

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From Chiapas, if I'm doing shit outdoors it's always nice to have a Sombrero.

They are Jews in disguise.

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We all insult each other, everyone has always done it.
North hates south, south hates north.
Prietos hate indios and indios hate prietos.

Attached: El Chado vs el Virgen Chino.jpg (746x1024, 188K)

But with a heftier dose of self centralism and being even less open to opinions than some media fantards.

>tfw Poland
>zero, literally zero mentions or references in any game ever made save for a couple world war 2 games that mentioned it in passing

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Shh, dont provoke him, he may go to shoot another wallmart

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even though speedy was a joke stereotype he was still the good guy.

>americans in charge of beauty standards

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He was a cheese thief.


>natives to a country like that a video game acknowledges them
>retarded white folk start to REEEEEEEE and get mad for them
Every time.

>So we need to depict Mexicans in our entertainment product with core targeted demographics 12-24 years old. Boddy, and ideas?
>K, chief, Let's take sombrero, guitar, skellies and desert. They will sing so-
>Shiet, ok, Bryanna von Soiberg do you have any suggestions?
>Let's take some transgeneder revolutionary from Mexico city with cocaine problems, who went through child prostitution and gang rape by angry white American tourists and catholic priests.
>Hmm. It may work...

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What a Jewish post

To be fair, we liked the character because he was funny and part of the looney tunes. Americans just think we liked him because we were pandered to.

Whoever came up with “cultural appropriation” is the biggest retard on earth. I honestly belly laughed the first time I saw a news story about it because I thought it was satire. Now it’s just fucking depressing.

These morons are literally pushing for segregation in attempt to be “woke”.

Fuck the families of drug addicts; I wanna get high.

A bit mad, It should look cooler

Wish minorities would stop appropriating western culture by wearing our clothing brands, watching or media and using electricity and technology in general.

Do Venezuelans deserve what happened to them?

You're painting everyone with the same coat, my dude. Just like how there are people who look down, make fun of and are weirded out by indigenous cultures, there is also a plethora of people who deeply respect and love them. Granted some are very fucked up and have backwards ass cultures. For reference here in Nuevo Leon we technically do not have a single indigenous culture native to the region yet we have dozens of indigenous groups established and leeching off money from the government. Worst is how they distribute that money..

If someone is clutching their pearls about something on the Internet, especially if the topic is racial, chances are high that someone is white and filled with estrogen.

Minorities don't actually give a fuck a about their own culture
They just want an excuse to lash out at whitey and to feel special for having some things exclusive to them for shit no one can choose at birth

and the usual chicanos who feel offended on behalf of the mexicans. chicanos are like the black americans, they are proud of their origin but won't go back because they know they are shit

I like Mexicans. I wish we had an open border between them and they could clean up their drug problem.

They really aren't different from us, and really only suffer because of what our agencies have done to their country.

Its just hwite peepul getting offended over trivial shit like this. I thought this shit was dope

This was a non-issue. Shine a spotlight on cherry picked posts and you can make anything seem like it was an issue. Gamers are fucking retarded.

>Gave up rights to own guns
>supported a socialist leader

>Gave up rights to own guns
I am amazed Americans are sticking to their guns teehee on this one, despite the current state of affairs.

I like you user. Thanks for not being a fag.

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what makes you think that starvation of all things is what Mexicans will die off?

Aw, thanks user. It's a shame my feelings on the matter don't mean much in the grand scheme of things.

Based. But it’s their country now, ese

A lot of the guys that finish concrete wear sombreros for the sun where I work at.

>immigration lawyer
Let me guess, you’re Jewish

Based. Why would anyone move to the US, aka Greater Mexico

i love my people even with their flaws

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gringo with benezuelan blood here, whats everyone got against columbia

Being offended on behalf of others is one of the worst things a person can do.

>My Wife however is very prideful of her Mexican culture and is often annoyed by this type of stuff as it is often used either to parody Mexican culture or to badly represent Mexican culture.
Is she actually Mexican though? Because honestly it doesn't feel like she is if she thinks that people don't actually wear gabans or sombreros. Sure you don't see everyone wearing them every but they're still regularly used.

It's ok, we're tough. But you're right, we're very alike. I only understood that until I came here and saw the other side's view. We have the same proverbs, the same boogeyman (regarding borders and drugs), we both have corrupt officers even. It'd do us good to just admit we love each other and move on.

>How do Mexicans feel
who cares?

>in which country is the Witcher series set?
Based retard polack

Seems like the shootings are working then.

>he thinks Velen is a real place

>mfw remembering that one comfy mariachi Mario thread that was filled with porn
Good times

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hola onions argentino

you know a whitoid is mad when he starts to talk about genocide and shit like the little bitch boy he is

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Good post.

its also a mix of libtard mexicans and chinks getting offend for the real Mexicans and Chinese people.

Enlightened and yellow pilled


Speedy is owned by WB

>Chileans whining about literally anyone

Did she try to ignore the fact you're Ven, or did she shut up?

Wasn't it just a comedy based on a really famous luchador?

I'm a venezuelan. Yes, you're 100% right. I'm one of the middle-class venezuelans that ditched that shithole (only over a year ago) and left to Portugal because my dad's a pure blooded portuguese and we've had dual nationality ever since Chavez rose to power, because my mum knew shit was going down the gutter soon.

Yeah, the real guy is an actual priest who wrestles for the orphans he takes care of. Now his son is wrestling in his place. That priest is badass
>also based on him

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El Santo, right?

Oops the answer was in the King picture. Nevermind

Started the game playing with my gf on tostarena, the moment she saw the poncho and sombrero she made me get enough dorito-coins to get it.

I laughed my ass when Mario started playing the guitar and saw the gas tanks outside the houses.

No but he's often compared to him, he even has a similar rival

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Latinx identifying pendajas from California are the only ones who give a shit about this. Literally no one else cares and MexiCHADs like it

>white americans being offended by a Mexican stereotype
Uhm sweetie do you see who is in office? Sure we have a whole bunch of libs that pander to brown people at every whim, but most of us want Mexicans deported.

come on pendejo

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Can I get a quick rundown on what happened to Venezuela? I know things were bad but what made you guys leave?

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Why is lucha so based lads?

They allowed two dictators rise to power. History should show you what happens when a stupid egomaniac rises to power.

Sweetie posting is bigoted

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