Are ALL "HD Remasters" shit?

The FFX and X-2 HD Remasters are absolute jokes, they're beyond bad; they're simply jokes. The Silent Hill HD Collection is a fucking disaster, from the voices to the glitches and missing graphics etc.

Is the MGS2 HD Collection also full of fail? Or did they manage to not fuck that up?

Attached: MGS2_Solid_Snake_with_M9,_Tanker.jpg (465x242, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

MGS2 and 3 are perfect HD remakes

>full of fail


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They aren't perfect but they're better than most.

>all these mgs threads nonstop
see you at gamescom

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So? Are they?

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The mgs remakes are missing some post processing effects but run better and in HD. You should play them and I would say this is the most accessible way there’s emulation of the ps2 originals as well but I can’t speak to the quality of the emulation.

>Modern Warfare Remastered
wtf it's actually real

only a remaster in name, just like the crash trilogy. Activision just prefers to use that term.

Emulation is the way to go but MGS3 has a couple slowdowns, not a big deal though.

Attached: mgs2.jpg (1260x1020, 155K)

...What is this?


Whenever I see the word "remaster" it's a red flag to me. When someone says they will "remaster" something it's an indication that it's going to be made worse in some way. It's the same with music. CDs released in the 1980s and early 1990s usually were properly mastered and have lots of dynamic range. New "remastered" re-releases always lowers the dynamic range and often even introduces clipping and distortion, resulting from messed up equalization and artificially increased loudness.

It's not happening chief

I think it's kind of ridiculous that most people have somehow been convinced that these games even need remasters, granted it gives those who don't own the originals/original consoles a chance to play them which is cool. But the remastering itself is so unnecessary, just fucking play them how they are you'll still have an amazing experience regardless of their technical specs, how do you think people played and loved them in the first place? These games were very much crafted around their hardware at the time, to fuck with that deminishes them, even if the remaster were not horrible flawed and compromised like so many turn out to be. I think it's understated just how much of a cashgrab remasters truly are.

Solid remake, if only they didn't mess up sound design and didn't add microtransaction weapons. Also PC port was crap.

Nobody knows the source of that image. It's extremely mysterious.

I actually got all achievements on X360 version of Silent Hill collection. Instead of 2 plat trophies we got 1000G, 500 per game.
I can confirm that SH 2&3 HD is a shitshow and I have no fucking idea why I played it and hunted down all achievements.
>inb4 autism
No, probably just to see how sane I can be.

FF X&X-2 HD is not that bad imo.

I swear to god they messed with the sensitivity of the pressure-sensitive buttons (or that's just how the DS3 was and they couldn't do anything about it) because using assault rifles in 2HD was a nightmare and I kept slitting throats by accident in 3HD which never happened to me before. Before playing the HD collection I kept seeing people complaining about the throat slitting accidents and didn't understand why the fuck it was such a big deal all of a sudden but it instantly made sense when I tried it.

I bought a couple HD Remasters. I was mainly too lazy and poor to get a Framemeister or some other method to hook up my PS2 to a modern television.

Now that I have a Retrotink 2x and 150 PS2 games on the internal hard drive I'll never support this industry again.

Attached: Retrotink 2x.jpg (700x490, 93K)

Pressure sensitivity is legitimately very important to some PS2 games. Most people forget about it. If your controller or the game version doesn't support pressure sensitivity at all then it can ruin the game.

Xbox version is unironically superior because all the pressure sensitive actions just have a different input

Boss, this is Kaz, where is your Head? Boss?

Name 5 games that use it, genius.

Ps2 frame buffer effects seem to never make it over to HD ports. Gta:sa looks like shit on mondern hardware, even the pc port

alright this is the most hype post ever

They cleaned up most of the sound design issues post launch, only stuff left over are the new announcers for modes that weren't in CoD4.

No mgs shaver easter egg or mgs 3 ocelot bandages
Frame rate still dips and worst particle effects vs ps2 version

Gunshots are still muffled.

The PC port is fixed with mods.

MGS 2+3, Ace Combat 4+5+0.

>MGS2 and 3 are perfect HD remakes

That's 2 games.

>granted it gives those who don't own the originals/original consoles a chance to play them which is cool
that's really the only value I give to remasters

and it's still bittersweet because those newcomers are going to play a compromised version

That's a moving goalpost.

BLUEPOINT's HD remasters are the golden standards.

FFX/2 HD are ok.
Nothing compared to the SH ''''HD'''' Collection.

Attached: SH HD Collection & Why to AVOID it at all costs.jpg (1200x2700, 1M)

Nothing you said was true.

Attached: 1552861805332.png (1025x1152, 1.44M)

Like that user said; MGS 2+3, Ace Combat 4+5+0

I'll add to that: Zone of the Enders + ZoE2 + Silent Hill 2 + Silent Hill 3

>Frame rate still dips
...during cutscenes, yet it still stays over 1.5x the PS2's stock FPS.

Last I checked you couldn't get the haze effect right

Oh and obviously Gran Turismo 3 and 4

how so?

>post pic of a remake

Gran Turismo.

And Wipeout Fusion. Probably several racing/car games use pressure sensitivity.

>I'll add to that: Zone of the Enders + ZoE2 + Silent Hill 2 + Silent Hill 3
I played all of these games and didn't use it, what does it do?

What did pressure-sensitivity do in ZoE? I don't remember that at all

bruh, sotc HD's climbing physics fuckup is unforgivable, mgs HD are lousy remasters, and I know the sotc remake doesn't count but it's a fucking travesty

if your remaster is in Any Way lesser or lacking or altered dramatically from the originals assets you're really fucking up, and falling below par for what should be a remastering

The Bouncer

That's not a remaster shithead, it's literally a remake

Like I said I haven’t tried emulating mgs2/3 some people have zero problems others can’t make it work at all. It’s definitely worth the effort to try though.


>The Silent Hill HD Collection is a fucking disaster, from the voices

>thinking the voice acting in original SH2 was good

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kys, Tomm.
the voice acting in original SH2 was good.

OOT3D isn't using a new engine.

In SH2 for example when you hold the wood with a nail on it, James will strike the enemy harder and faster if you press the attack button hard. Pretty sure its the same in SH3. Also in SH2 I THINK in order to step on the little bugs that bites you, you have to press hard otherwise he doesnt step on them.

In ZoE how hard you press controls the effective distance of the Phalanx and Geyser weapons foir example, I think theres more than that but I cant remember everything about those games.

>sotc HD's climbing physics fuckup is unforgivable
Actually this is the fault of the EU version of the original game, which the HD version is based on

>sotc remake
>a fucking travesty
How? I couldn't ask for a more perfect remake.

>the voice acting in original SH2 was good.
It was never good.

For reference, this is a cutscene of James meeting Maria for the first time:

During all of this, James' voice is almost completely flat and monotone, never changing in pitch. He is meeting a woman who looks exactly like his deceased wife. You'd expect his voice to be quavering with all sorts of emotion, but nope, there's absolutely nothing there.

Now let's look at a cutscene from a random low-budget game that came out the year before SH2:

This cutscene also concerns a surprise meeting, although the two characters in question have only ever seen each other in passing, but never talked to each other prior to this. And yet, upon stumbling upon each other, you can hear a palpable sense of relief and other emotions in their voices.

That's right, two random dudes meeting each other convey more emotion in their voices than James meeting what appears to be his dead wife, that's how atrocious the voice acting in Silent Hill 2 is.

Sly Cooper, i think?



How does that work in the ZoE2 remake for PSVR? DualShock4 doesn't have pressure-sensitive face buttons, right?

I doubt anyone has cared enough about those games to look.

>It was never good.
It was & is.

>this pasta again
is this autism.

Yeah the DS4 has no pressure sensitivity. No idea... Maybe ZoE2 deals with it in a different way. But I 100% know that ZoE1 uses pressure sensitivity in that way for those weapons.

>this copypasta post again

You not doing yourself any favors by missing out on them.

And for someone somewhere it may actually be true. Say, FFX-2 HD on PC are true blue "sub 2Ghz processor running Windows 10" toaster games. PS2 emulation comparatively less so. Very specific example but a real one.

>no actual counter-argument or rebuttal

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>You'd expect his voice to be quavering with all sorts of emotion
No you don't

FFX HD is probably DX10 whereas PCSX2 had those games playable in 200..8?

They changed it entirely by having it be timed based, making the cone large at first then shrinking. Geyser just has one pattern now.

>No you don't
Why not?

Sly HD is pretty good.
The only real sticking point is that it removes the dev commentary from Sly 1 which you unlock by beating the Master Thief time trials

There are some minor graphical things that are off in the collection, mostly in 2 and 3, but by no means would I think they're a big enough deal to play the PS2 versions instead.

>Actually this is the fault of the EU version of the original game, which the HD version is based on
This is a meme. The EU version is fine.
>How? I couldn't ask for a more perfect remake.
You are a meme yourself, can you only parrot reddit nonsense?


Oh, I forgot how petty and nitpicky SotCfags were about the remake

Interestingly, MGS2 and MGS3 on Vita are almost perfect """HD remaster""", but that's because they're almost exactly the same as the originals, aside from controls and pieces of dialogue relating to it. The only fault I found in the MGS3 HD on Vita is the fact that it took a second to bring up the menu when you pause.
I've seen some people say they've experienced frame drops, but I never have.
Looks like some more shit tier remasters.

They aren't HD and they're lacking content. They're portable ports.
Yes you have experienced frame drops you're just too blind to realize.

>full of fail

epic win!!!

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are you thinking about the same bug, HD versions climbing is fucky because of the jump to 60fps not playing well with the engine, regardless it's still a fuck up that shouldn't be, and a diminishment over the original

The game is only 30fps, and the bug isn't there when you play it on PCSX2 at 60fps.

you deserve all the internets my friend

REmake remaster is as perfect as it gets.

For more info on the voice acting and why it was created in exactly the way it is (and why that is the most appropriate way for it to be), see:

The above documentary is mandatory viewing material for all Yea Forums fags when it concerns the Silent Hill series. Anyone posting here who hasn't seen all of it (aside from those people who already properly understood the series back when the Team Silent games were new), his opinion is considered null and void as he has no clue about anything, and such an user probably "grew up" with the Tom Hulett version of the series.

In-depth videos with the voice actor of James himself, who the character of James was largely based on (Guy Cihi basically *is* James Sunderland):

Also, original vs retarded voices:

To sum up; the original voices are an integral part of work of art that is Silent Hill 2.

Attached: guy_cihi_james.jpg (545x287, 37K)

>You'd expect his voice to be quavering with all sorts of emotion
That would be the americanized/hollywoodized take on it. His voice is the way it is because he's a fucked up psycho who murdered his wife and has deluded himself into believing he didn't.

>"REmake" is literally in the title of the game
>still somehow confuses it for a remaster

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath is still the best remaster ever made.

>Are ALL "HD Remasters" shit?
No. There are those that are actually pretty good if not great. Problem is that they are in the minority.

>That would be the americanized/hollywoodized take on it. His voice is the way it is because he's a fucked up psycho who murdered his wife and has deluded himself into believing he didn't.
But James doesn't sound like someone who's mentally numb and depersonalized himself. An actual example of that would be something like American McGee's Alice, where Alice, even as she's helping others, can't help but come across as insensitive and aloof because her trauma has made her mentally check out and struggle to muster up emotion for anything.

James just sounds like an actor flatly reading from a script. His voice is completely at odds with his dialogue and his body language. Look at that cutscene. His robotic voice is completely at odds with his over the top hand gestures. It's just bad acting, plain and simple.

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Was better as a hd remaster

thank you good sir!

The PS3 Jak & Daxter remaster collection was A-1
Wish they'd make it for PS4 instead of those buggy PSN ones they put out

>mindless appeal to authority
I don't care what went on behind the scenes. Why should I? A work of art/entertainment should be able to stand on its own.
SH2's voice acting was bad, plain and simple, so bad that it took me right out of the experience

The fact that the only defense you can attempt for SH2's voice acting consists of pointing to external factors basically tells me you tacitly agree with me.

Attached: 1552412027262.jpg (640x640, 103K)

It looks worse.

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Are you retarded?

Does the remaster let you get rid of those post-processing effects that blur everything?

>SH2's voice acting was bad

>SH2's voice acting was bad, plain and simple, so bad that it took me right out of the experience
As summer approaches its end, the weakest among the wild retards hem and haw with their inadequate mating calls, desperately seeking for validation before the brutal winters end their pathetic lives

Haunting Ground

>Makes QoL improvements
>Makes it HD and Widescreen
>Adds Hero Mode
>Superior Gyro aim
>Only bad thing about it was the Bloom, "remade" OST and the Tingle Bottle
How can this remaster be so good.

Attached: 640px-TWWHD_Boxart.png (640x915, 934K)

I haven't spent much time with the PC port so I'm not sure how much better you can make it look compared to that image there but I know you can't get rid of the color filters that make yellow look green. You can remove the letterbox with a mod though.

Attached: TZA2.jpg (3760x5336, 3.38M)

So the game sucks dicks and I hate it, but yes. That guy is playing on a fucking potato or some shit. I have the HD game as well as the game on emulator and have seen the difference side by side.

It's not like that whatsoever.

Attached: ZZZZZZZZZ.jpg (2560x1440, 648K)

>make a 1:1 comparison
>i-i-i-it's not like that
Come on man don't be dumb.

Attached: 2.jpg (3828x1080, 640K)

>only bad things about it completely outweigh and overshadow the questionaly positive changes

The greatest sin of all is that the cel shaded original was one of the few video games that truely manage to avoid aging and replaced it with a fucking horrendous lighting engine that looked bad on release and gets worse every day. It was the game least in need of remaking and the HD port has already aged more than the original it was based on.

That looks hideous,

The faces in vanilla FF12 already looked like uncanny wax dolls, what possessed them to double down on that aesthetic?

I like Serious Sam HD, though I never played the original version. I think HD doubled the damage of the minigun and halved the fire rate, which is nice because it means the DPS is the same but you go through ammo half as fast.

Attached: 32475423446345.jpg (1278x1920, 583K)

>Only bad thing about it was the Bloom, "remade" OST and the Tingle Bottle
They got rid of the celshading and fucked up the colors. The original with mods is better.

I'm thinking about buying a PS3 slim just to play the legacy collection. I don't think my fat first-release PS3 can handle being turned on again.

Virtuous is a garbage developer.

Mgs2 is missing some effects but other than that it's great. Didn't notice anything missing from 3 but there might be.

Just use the psnow trial. You can beat the whole series before the trial ends

Way more is missing from 3.

OoT 3D is a remaster, just with more work put into it than most HD ports (for better or worse)
Completely different lighting and new models, but they're simply replacements and a few things added.

SH2 has bad voice acting but everything else is so on point it doesn't harm the immersion much. I personally like the redub for Silent Hill 3.

>I personally like the redub for Silent Hill 3.
That phoned-in cheap anime shit is an absolute insult to the original voice work

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>random low-budget game
Don't you dare disrespect Sacrifice like that.

>still no actual counter-argument or rebuttal

Look, I don't dislike SH2. I enjoyed my time with it well enough. But I will never understand this defense squad that has materialized around the game that goes apeshit the moment you criticize anything about the game.

The fact of the matter is that a bulk of the voice acting in SH2, particularly from James, approaches Tommy Wiseau levels of awkwardness. Lines are delivered with either virtually no intonation or incredibly over the top intonation that is completely unsuited for the particular context it is delivered in. Yes, yes, James is fucked up. But you're telling me that somehow makes him act like someone with severe brain damage even when he's just asking a person for street directions?

The new voice acting in the HD version is a vast improvement, and I say this as someone who thinks Troy Baker is a boring actor with very little range. Not because the new voice acting is particularly good, but simply because the original voice acting was so bad to begin with.

Attached: 1560852515204.jpg (1125x1102, 98K)

>My opinion is a fact your opinion isn't

>Don't you dare disrespect Sacrifice like that.
Budget is not indicative of quality, so how is that disrespectful?

Your conception of what constitutes "good" voice acting appears to be limited to "mainstream" or "orthodox" voice acting.

In other words, SH2 is "bad" because it's different from what you usually hear.

And that's a stupid way to think.
Guy Cihi's James is perfect. That's exactly how he's supposed to sound.

>New "remastered" re-releases always lowers the dynamic range and often even introduces clipping and distortion, resulting from messed up equalization and artificially increased loudness.
Why the fuck is this? So they sound better on shitty little speakers and headphones?

Douglas Cartwright got a straight up upgrade, and the others are give or take.

Does it support ps2? I thought it could only handle ps1 "reliably"?

>Your conception of what constitutes "good" voice acting appears to be limited to "mainstream" or "orthodox" voice acting.
Hardly. Dogville for example is one of my favorite movies and it's literally just a bunch of people play acting on a stage.

Besides, this argument makes no sense. Silent Hill 2 is not som abstract piece of avant garde filmmaking. It's a game that clearly apes a Hollywood movie in evrything.

Kingdom Hearts series got good remasters. But most people in this thread are right that most of the time remasters are a miss.

Do you happen to know how well this thing handles resolution switching. I have a Framemeister but some N64 and PS1 games are impossible to play because they regularly swap between 240p and 480i which results in a lengthy handshake with nothing being displayed on screen.

>Why the fuck is this? So they sound better on shitty little speakers and headphones?
Yes. Mobilefags ruin everything.

LoZ TPHD, WW HD and OOT3D are all the definitive versions of their respected games

>Kingdom Hearts series got good remasters.
They aren't.

That's just like, your opinion man


you're soulless


Shitow of the Colarses

All three of those are soulless.

Attached: 1484877975332.png (1500x1000, 1.66M)

How is 1080p60fps not an improvement?

Habeeb it

You could always get that on PC. The remasters are buggy.

How is the DmC HD collection?

They got rid of important music and voice cues.
Some bosses would warn you of an attack with a taunt. The remasters got rid of the taunts, making the battles harder.

The remasters all look great and WWHD fixes many of the issues with the original, TP is just the original with gyro aiming and nice visuals and OOT3D has everything the original had with quality visuals and more. There is not a single valid reason to prefer the inferior original versions

This has to be bait now

Silent Hill is a series of games where normal, everyday people are thrown into a malicious nightmare.

They aren't supposed to have perfectly-delivered dialogue with telegraphed emotions. Real people don't talk like voice actors do.
They're awkward and they stumble over their words and they don't always know exactly what to say.

There's a reason Team Silent picked out these literal whos to do voicework in their games.
The """bad""" voice acting grounds the characters as flawed, normal people instead of polished, fictional characters.

They are higher res than the original games.

What content are they lacking that you are referencing?

WW definitely fucks up the cartoon look that defined the game.
TP's probablems are mostly only noticeable when you're doing side-by-side comparisons.
OoT is a full on graphical remake so it's more of an issue of whether you think 5 gen 3D graphics have any artistic merit to begin with.

you mean the DMC collection
PS3 and 360 are fine, I've heard the pc one was questionable but I didn't play that one

There's only one DmC game. How could there be a collection you silly goose?

That shit triggers me too. At least people are realizing that dynamic range is important. Most recent album remasters are actually good and clean up distortion, but look back even a few years and it's fucking terrible

It works but it's not good.

ape escape, tony hawk, and vampire minigames for starters.

it's obviously gecco's Big Boss statue they released two years ago at one of the stages of assembly.

Attached: Gecco-MGSV-Snake-Statue-012.jpg (2705x3322, 756K)

I've never had a problem with PS2, Saturn, Super Nintendo, or 3DO. N64 has a weird sound problem though.

I'm not sure. I dont know which games resolution swap. N64 is a no go unfortunately. It's a documented problem.

TP looks worse than the original on an emulator and it plays worse, with added input lag, fucked up Epona controls, and other issues.

WWHD looks like garbage, not worth playing that crap.

OOT3D is literally fucking dog shit.

Attached: 1523488147150.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Oh, so the core games aren't missing content, just the extras from the director's cuts.


Attached: medievil remaster.jpg (3516x1088, 647K)

Something about that head feels very out of place
Maybe it's the neck

The post processing is off too.

I'm still amazed Assassin's Creed 2 and Assassin's Creed 3's remasters look like they do because 3's clearly had a lot of effort put into the new lighting engine. How did hundreds of people look those two games over specifically and okay them? Rogue Remastered was literally just upping the resolution to 1080p, added better AA, and provided all the DLC and it had no problems. But when AC2 and AC3 have PC versions with all the features you would need to add to a remaster and you mess it up I am flabbergasted. They even managed to add new glitches that never existed in the originals before which is impressive.

The game didn't look anything like this even on the 360 so how in the world did they manage to cock it up so spectacularly? That's a lantern on the wall by the way, and the thing on the right is a candle. This is on default brightness too.

Attached: Assassin's Creed III Remastered 2019-08-08 00-41-45.jpg (1920x1080, 538K)

his head looks really large when he wears the SV suite

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>I dont know which games resolution swap.
Off the top of my head SotN changes every time to switch between the pause menu and regular gameplay.
>N64 is a no go unfortunately.
You mean it doesn't work at all?

A lot of visual effects in the environment and on some bosses don't display correctly, and I believe there's a few audio bugs. Otherwise the gameplay is spot-on, albeit with remapped controls to be consistent with later games in the series (they're better).
I don't think anybody cares enough about 2 to check for minor differences, and if they do then it won't matter anyway because it's just a plain bad game.
Perfect outside of one move on Kalina Ann (the grapple hook) not having a hitbox for some reason, and I think a couple small audio bugs.

>They aren't supposed to have perfectly-delivered dialogue with telegraphed emotions. Real people don't talk like voice actors do.
>They're awkward and they stumble over their words and they don't always know exactly what to say.
But the actors in SH2 don't do that. It's not as if they stutter or rapidly cut of their own dialogue mid-sentence like people do in real-life all the time. They deliver their lines perfectly just like professional actors would, they just deliver a terrible and unconvincing performance while saying those lines.

In fact, it's the new voice actors from the HD version that do a better job at injecting little 'slipups' and other quirks into their dialogue to make it sound more natural.

>They aren't supposed to have perfectly-delivered dialogue with telegraphed emotions.
lolwut. The performances in SH2 are about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face. Though to be fair, that's also because of the dialogue, which is not exactly subtle either.

>There's a reason Team Silent picked out these literal whos to do voicework in their games.
Yes, I know the reason. It's the same reason Resident Evil, and many other Japanese games, picked out literal whos to do voicework in their games: primitive localization practices. Also, obvious unfamiliarity with the English language, which is why even Japanese games that do pick more competent actors (e.g. Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid) still have awkward sounding performances in their games.

Because they remastered REmake.

What the fuck

>a terrible and unconvincing performance
Bad opinion
>it's the new voice actors from the HD version that do a better job

>primitive localization practices
Silent Hill 3 was still doing this in 2003
Published by the same company that put out Metal Gear Solid 2 two years prior

Most of the time the actual developers aren't involved with the localized voice work AT ALL.
Team Silent were. They picked the cast, they coached them through the scenes and got the performances they wanted. They didn't hand it off to Konami of America or some third-party company like every other game basically ever.


I really like what they did to AoE2 DE. Much better graphics while keeping all the charm and comfyness of the original with some small QOL that don't do any harm whatsoever.

Not if you play on xbox and they have to change the controls around no pressure sensitive buttons and triggers. Arguably the xbox one X version is the best way to to play these games because of forced AA and the most stable framerate 2 and 3 have seen to date. But the lack of functionality on the xbox controller leads to 2 and 3 needing different control schemes.

>Most of the time the actual developers aren't involved with the localized voice work AT ALL.
You have no idea what you're talking about. They absolutely are. For example, this is from a game from 1996, when voice acting in video games didn't even have any established practices yet:

>The developers undertook a talent search for the game's voice cast, listening to dozens of tapes submitted by Hollywood voice actors.[46] Before the game's voice-over was recorded, Dyack expressed concern that the actors cast would be unable to convey McCulloch's complex dialogue. He later said, however, that their performances "blew him away", commenting that "after five minutes with Simon Templeman [...] we knew that there was no problem".[2]

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Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

>This is a meme. The EU version is fine.
the PAL version of SotC has the exact same issue as the PS3 remaster
that is the version it was based off of

>Most of the time the actual developers aren't involved with the localized voice work AT ALL.
Localized voice work as opposed to what? You do realize Silent Hill 2 never had any Japanese voice acting? It only had English VO.

Attached: 1543613345359.gif (480x270, 1.86M)

You clearly missed the fact that he was talking about JAPANESE developers. Hence the word "localized" in the part of the post you quoted.

Prove it

>You clearly missed the fact that he was talking about JAPANESE developers. Hence the word "localized" in the part of the post you quoted.
Which is irrelevant, since SH2 didn't have Japanese voices. It only had the English VO. Of course the developers were going to be involved with it, because it was the only voice acting the game would have.