Reddit HATES Fortnite right now. Is Fortnite /ourgame/?
Reddit HATES Fortnite right now. Is Fortnite /ourgame/?
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Yep that's how it works.
They don't like BFV either, is it good now as well?
you need to go back
Sounds right to me
le reddit boogeyman xd
Fortnite is a great game. I don’t care what anyone says, it’s possibly game of the decade.
No one hates the game right now. It’s just everyone on the planet being pissed that they added OP mechs with no counters. Then today they released a patch and people thought it would be removed but all the did was make it easier to aim which is a buff. So people are losing their minds
Based Fortnite.
i fhcking hate this place
are the mechs not their own mode? how do you even get one?
I forgot this game even existed
What went so wrong since BF3?
Fortnite is a good game Yea Forums is just filled with contrarians
u mad contrarian?
i played fortnite once for a couple hours. it's fine, a little boring.
it only gets hate because Yea Forums doesn't like kids. there's nothing wrong with the game. at least it's polished unlike steaming turds like BFV.
minecraft is the same. Yea Forums pretends that minecraft was only good during some obscure early production beta version. but the truth is that period is only referenced because that was back when the game was new and Yea Forums was the notch's target. once it became popular and kids started loving it, minecraft became "the worst game ever"
>Frogposter newfag thinking his opinion matters
kids game top esport competitor and prizepool closing the gap to dota league
No is not and you should go back.
All stereotypes aside, it's a genuinely fun game. Something Yea Forums always hated.
lol minecraft was never good
While i agree BC2 is miles ahead every other battlefield BF3 atleast had threads, videos and content being made for a long while
Everything after that seems to have fell from public opinion in a few weeks, hell the only thing that kept some kind of BF1 discussion going was >WE posting
>Transphobic doctor
Should have said redpilled. Ana valens is a triggered trans
The mechs are great. They are an absolute IQ check and it's amazing, hence the entire playerbase shitting on them,
>Hurr there's a mech jumping around over there
>let me and my buddy shoot at it with our grey pistols
>oh shit it's shooting at us lemme build
>wtf it broke all my buildings and killed me???? WTF UNFAIR I'M GONNA GO BITCH ON REDDIT GAME IS RUINED
Everytime. Even without a boogie bomb, mechs are easy to destroy or avoid. I've literally never been killed by a mech. But stupid kiddies expect to just be able to build their epic towers and ignore everything, so they bitch and moan and anything that could possibly counter building is removed.
The mech will be patched out soon enough, don't worry. The playerbase is too stupid for it. It's the same shit that kills MMOs, nothing can ever be fun, different or powerful because people refuse to adapt and change and instead just bitch because of all the avenues in which to do their bitching now exist.
>Yea Forums doesn't like kids
>Yea Forums loves Nintendo and their kids products
we always said fornite was shit they can fuck off
>Liking shit biomes and hunger update
That’s one of the main complaints. People want them either in their own game mode or in just team rumble which is a respawn TDM mode.They are even in the games arena mode, which is forts ranked comp play. They are in all game modes right now.
You get one by looking at the map and seeing that they literally just fall from the sky in random points on the map. So you just fly to it and boom mech. Like 10 or so spawn every game. I’ve had them literally drop right next to me like titan fall titans.
I think they are fun and they control nice but they are absolutely OP. No one can figure out good counters. Run speed is too low to run away, you can’t build enough pieces to protect against the amount of missiles, and it steps on you, jumps on you, and has a shotgun turret hand.
Mmm i'm pretty sure playstation is the kids console now .
The mechs are the best thing to happen in Fortnite.
they hated him for he spoke the truth
my best friend since i was 12 is a huge weebaboo, he started hormone therapy this month to become more "androgenic". i havent spoken to him since, am i the one in the wrong?
BF3/4/5 > every other post-Refractor BF
Bad Company Babies get off my board.
Dumb retard summerfag Yea Forums liked fortnite when BR came out because it was the PUBG killer. Only when it hit mainstream you was when it was “cool” to hate it
>no one can figure counters to them
Retards can't. Normal people can.
Fight them in constrained spaces where they can't move.
Snipe them.
Avoid them.
Boogie bomb them.
Shoot the gunner.
Mechs are piss easy to deal with.
Sort of. He's clearly got mental issues, but he's also clearly not interested in getting help for them, so dodging a bullet is probably the best thing to do and just cut off contact.
Trannies are all mentally unstable as fuck.
>basing what you like and dislike around reddit
That sounds pretty reddit, bro
based Tim, fuck buildfaggots, mechs are here to stay
Nintentoddlers are manchildren in denial and also hated despite having a strong presence here.
Yeah you are. You should’ve put him out of his misery like a true friend would
The base is good, even though they fucked up by having their stupid unlock system for the weapons instead of a BF4-like progression and UI.
Content wise they are slow as fuck to add anything.
I enjoy the little changes like tank turrets have a max speed and you can't 180° spin with max mouse speed.
And the fact that you can crouch run and soon manually lean.
Now they just have to slow player movement and it'll start to feel better.
It was ALWAYS our game you retarded newfag
>lesser known game comes out
>Yea Forums all over it
>reddit/twitter/etc pick it up
>Yea Forums hates it
>the normalfag tides recede
>Yea Forums loves it again
is save the world free already?
>Yea Forums has to hate what reddit likes
>Yea Forums has to like what reddit hates
Name ONE game where this doesn't happen.
Reddit is in love with minecraft so I have no idea what kind of people they are
I thought we didn't revolve around what Reddit does.
Hit the hammer on the head.
>many more
Yeah sure that’s why people who placed in the World Cup can’t fight them either. Literally the best of the best don’t agree with you. Stop acting like youre some god at the game because “hurt durr I’ve killed some”
Yeah me too you can get lucky beads on them and sometimes self destruct them if they don’t one shot stomp you first. But they are completely overpowered. If theres mechs in the final zone (which there always are multiple) and you don’t have boogies you lose. That’s it. It takes too long to shoot them out. Yes I know how you can shoot their shield head thing, I know you can shoot the driver. I’ve done it. I’ve killed mechs too. But they kill 90% of the player base with no effort at all. Stop acting so high and mighty and just accept that there’s something in the game that needs to change.
>But they kill 90% of the player base with no effort at all.
go outside
I genuinely don't understand the appeal. It's ugly, the gunplay sucks, there's one map period. The building is pretty cool though
No and the community went to shit since the first sale back in spring of last year. The youtubers and their fuckhead fanbase really screwed the game by promoting dogshit behavior. Now every mission outside of the endgame is filled with retarded children.
whatever you say
I love my wife Headhunter!
Battlefield 1 was actually really good in the drought we've had since BC2 and 2142
I am a contrarian of contrarians and tend to love the big popular games. Fortnite rocks. Feels good to be on the winning side, cucks
It's basically a gacha game at this point, the appeal is in grinding out challenges for cosmetics so 12 year olds can flex on their friends.
>fortnite will die soon
>apex will kill it
>now brute will kill it
>Reddit HATES Fortnite right now
>reddit hating fortnite
That's not how it works. Nothing current is a "flex", the only shit you can flex with is from the first 3 seasons.
that sucks
gacha game without gacha, based retard
Mario Battle Royale
If your life revolve around Reddit you're a fucking idiot.
OP is baiting anyways and being such a shitposter is even worse than being a redditfag.
It was the worst modern BF, on the same level as Hardline.
Weapon mechanics were completely fucked
>let's make rifles ohk at some "sweet spot"
>let's take bf4 gunplay and make the bullets go faster
>no lelvolution but inept or OP behemoths
You mean first 2. Literally everyone has S3 and on shit
This is spurdo you fucking ignorant fuckboy.
My sides have left orbit
Both Reddit and Fortnite fucking sucks
Fuck off and never return
BF1942, Vietnam, 2, and 2142 are still the kings over all.
Fortnite is a game for children and thicc waifufags.
Never implied it was good, I said it was better than the other post-Refractor titles.
You're on a website rooted in anime.
>he says while shiting on based company
Its too late for you
Of course.
I was talking about Frostbite titles.
My wife Headhunter is perfect but I wouldn't say she's thicc.
upbased and downcringed?? xD D D D
No, but when it does you won't earn the premium vbucks currency
Never said that. Only talked about the mech. Don’t put words in my mouth.
The game won’t die from this but you are the minority opinion. You can feel the way you do but people aren’t having fun with the game right now and that’s why most people play games. To have fun.
I called it like I see and and so did you. That’s fine. I’m not going to argue anymore.
> literally the birthplace of the trap phenomenon
You're only proving his point. We made Bailey Jay a star.
What did he mean by this
Did they make a map that's not fucking giant and fix the autistic build-offs?
Baseless statement. With a dynamic format like an internet forum - especially one that has many many visitors - the origins and intended purpose are irrelevant if the owner does not wish to enforce the original purpose.
The majority doesn't give a fuck about underage pros, Fortnite got big because of the casual audience and accessible gameplay, now it's a sims simulation.
>Baseless statement
>map that's not fucking giant
It got slightly bigger.
>fix the autistic build-offs ?
It's too late for that I'm afraid.
Why do they hate it? It's unironically at the best place it's ever been right now, especially after two lackluster seasons.
If you don't like bad company you don't like battlefield. Bf is not about lots of people or combined arms shit, its good because it's counter strike with control point style maps. Bad company was the last time dice built the maps around the points thinking about how they would be attacked and defended, and that is with hugely destructable levels. Everything after is the map is made first and the points are placed based on trying to make them equal distance apart. When metro has the best flow out of all the maps in your game you know shit went wrong somewhere.
Not even gonna bother going into detail the fact class balance has been fucked since 3 or the fact unlocking your kit is a chore and takes way to long to unlock even basic counterplay options.
>Is Fortnite /ourgame/?
it's popular, so no
Absolutely cringe. I can still smell the grease of that lardass of a mod when he lost those ben and jerry's calories moving his arm to press the ban button a year ago
Fortnite bad, block game good, keanu doggo wholesome breathtaking.
the robots last I checked
How about you make your own thread instead of shitting in mine?
Fortnite was fun until they started adding whacky sci-fi cities and hamster balls and rocket-powered ATVs and shit. Why jump the shark so much?
Literally every game made by Ebin is futuristic sci-fi themed, they couldn't help themselves, at least now we're going back to the past
Moot made Yea Forums from inspiration from SomethingAwful, he mostly focused the anime side on the anime boards. Anime since 2005 was the last reason anyone went/goes to Yea Forums
>If you don't like bad company you don't like battlefield
Stopped here.
You clearly don't know shit and never played anything but dumbed down trash that was at the time baiting cod kiddies.
It helps people who wants to travel faster.
How about you leave forever?
have sex
more like 2012 newfriend
>u-ur j-just a c-cod kid
Every map post bc2 made like an oversized cod map. Get fucked you cod kid in denial.
Yea Forums is literally just a copy of Futaba Channel / 2chan. Hence why it's called Yea Forums. He browsed SomethingAwful, yes, he didn't make it based off SomethingAwful. He made it to be an American 2chan.
>sucks off BC/2 which is literally cod bait from gameplay to ads
>y-you're just in denial
BF2/2142 > every fucking other BF title
5-10 years from now there will be people on Yea Forums nostalgic about Fortnite.
Which is infinitely better than nintendies and just as bad as halofags and codniggers.
>this is me trying to save face
>literally steals my insult
Lmao nice try but if I wanted my come back I would have wiped it off your mom's chin
probably did the right thing. I would say that you should've tried to talk him out of it, but he probably won't listen to you and it will just ruin your friendship, so better leave it as it is and move on, he's a goner.
Reddit hates punching themselves in the dick. Should we start punching ourselves in the dick? This is how fucking stupid you sound.
>lmao ur mom
You have to be 18+ to use this website.
whats wrong with being nostalgic for fortnite?
Yea Forums says otherwise
>kids saying ur mom jokes
This is how I know you are not old enougt to have experienced bf2.
t. boomer with a kid
Put your glasses on boomer.
>is now acting like a zoomer
Only proving me more right at this point
Nope, not your personal army.
What level in the BP should players be in rn? I only came back because they brought back sparkle specialist (at least a remixed version) and will only grind up for her then fuck off again probably
that's what brainlets will never learn.
every BR or FFA mode has the same principle:
If you know, you won't win the fight, run away or don't even start it.
oh god
no cause i am not a retarded contrarian
jesus christ
He made it because SA was banning anime discussion and 2chan didnt like filthy gaijins in their page
There was some Mario BR hate sometimes
Boogie bomb the mech
Fight it from far range
>b-but missiles
move, Move, MOVE. The people dying far range to missiles are box turtles who are literal retards outside their safety box. Lasers showing you where the missiles are going will help you dodge even better.
Here's a question; Is there an Epic Blacklist?
As in, is there a list of devs who've taken patreon/kickstarter/etc. money and then become Epic exclusive? Because there probably should be, and it should be constantly updated. I can't really fault the devs who got scooped up by Epic after solo developing their game, it's free money and they'll go to Steam later, but fuck the people that take your money and have the audacity to shill for Epic.
Literally, go fuck your self
no u
It's almost as if the best of the best are culprits in abusing the same shit I'm talking about.
>Get really good at the game by outbuilding people
>New thing gets added that can't be beaten by building
>Wow this thing is shitting on me it's totally OP
I never said I was good at the game. I'm pretty shit and I've had several victories, both in solos and duos since mechs were added. I honestly can't remember a specific case of being killed by them.
Gee, maybe if you're in the middle of an open field with no good weapons, you shouldn't fire at the fucking mech. That's really difficult to grasp, isn't it?
Imagine being this retarded
Even not counting the mechs, the fact that they removed nearly all mobility means that landing on the edge of the map leaves you fucked most of the time
Well, there should be one
It's a basic concept, but too much for modern gamers. Now it's íf I didn't win, it's overpowered. Fix it or I play something else.
Well Yea Forums, Have you gotten the new umbrella yet?
>Pros cry about the Infinite Blade and get it vaulted.
They were so stuck on being meta faggots none of them used balloons. A simple counter for mechs exist but who knows how long they will still last.
Why do Esports kill fun?
I get a lot of kills but can't win the end-game, probably because the build-off aspect of the late game isn't for me. Honestly, it's the only BR I can muster though and there's no modern non-BR shooters that grip me in a competitive sense.
They haven't re-released an actually fun mode that awards umbrellas like Air Royale, so no.
I don't build and I win plenty.
Lategame is all about positioning, not building. Get up on mountains and shit, hug the edges and see people before they see you.
Ultimately, the game rewards being a bitch and avoiding fights as much as possible.
defensive building+editing > getting into dumb buildfights, in fact, the only people who actually get into build fights are streamers and people who want to be them or are unable to develop their own playstyle.
You should probably try and talk to him at least once.
Holy fucking BASED
reddit waits a while and then claims Yea Forums culture as their own, it is like they want to be on Yea Forums but don't want out of the hugbox at the same time.
haha Yea Forums has been reddit for a long time, so it doesn't make a difference.
every part of that game leaves something to be desired
gunplay feels like the placeholder to end all placeholders, and the building mechanic is so overshadowing and overcomplicated that pulling it off looks and feels like abusing a glitch rather than playing the game
I loved this thing
You get to see that sad sob face up close with the alt fire, then a mini nuke blasting their gibs to the wall
i've played for a while and can say the mechs are baby shit
if they want casuals to thrive then just add a no build mode
I've been here for 14 years and newfags are more tolerable than anybody on Yea Forums. I have so much experience with anime ruining otherwise decent human beings I could write best-selling novel cataloguing it.
AAAAAA the French
Hahaha Epic dabbing on all them haters
the hell were you even doing on Yea Forums of all sites in 2005 if you don't like anime?
Just last year people said "building is for casuals"
No one will be happy with ANY changes made to FN. Someone will always bitch.
Easiest choice for me was to just not play.
Go read Of Mice and Men right now and find out exactly where you went wrong. I'll give you a hint, it's at the end.
If you need help, don't forget to add luna-lux for help. S(he) can guarantee an umbrella within 3 games.
Just be kind and patient with her, she is still undergoing hormone treatment and if triggered may have a m meltdown.
>no counter
>boogie bomb spawn rate increased just as they added the mechs
fuck outta here shitter learn to play the game
So you want a counter that everyone has without even using an inventory slot?
How about you just learn to play the game instead of watching streamers do the hard work of finding things out for you?
You'll need to do the time limited weekly/daily challenges most likely. Have fun unlocking all of her styles.
Nope. Cut the faggot loose.
>Reddit hates something.
>It's Yea Forums's favourite thing now.
>Reddit (and most of the majority) likes something
>Yea Forums fucking despises it, like someone fucked their dog.
Explain this logic, contrarian fucks?
Yea Forums basically is reddit these days with all the copy paste threads, eceleb cock sucking and lack of OC.
Yea Forums's always had "eceleb" threads in one way or another, the only difference now is people posting them constantly and people bitching instead of reporting or filtering and ignoring.
You can't avoid a person who you'll eventually have to fight when the only people left is you and the guy in the B.R.U.T.E. in a small circle. If it stays, well then it's for sure a game changer.
Played from season 4 to 10 right now, really getting bored. All my normie friends that asked me to play initally don't even play anymore and I just hoop on with the /vg/ once in awhile to grind the battle pass. The br portion is boring but I really like the big team rumble modes. This'll probably be my last season tbqh.
I don't base my opinions on what certain websites like or don't like and neither should you
even a broken cuck is right twice a day