Predict its metacritic score.
Predict its metacritic score
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The last two numbers of my post
The metacritic score is the last 2 digits of this post
These last two digits
That will be the user score.
Something overrated for a game with poopoo gameplay and a story which will only appeal to journies
around 90
It'll be 99 because paid numale reviews and ZOMG LGBT123ABC REPRESENTATION
100, anything less would be a lie.
>TLoU2 is going to be another overrated move game from Son-
same old scripted "gameplay" trailer as the first game, nothing has changed
Remember when western female characters were attractive?
the game will be good
but because She is openly Gay and her romance is apart of the story, sj points will be counted
last 2 digits but for real this time
Oh man, scripted gameplay like the trailer for the first game :)
What was the guy doing while she was killing the woman? He went to swing and then nothing.
directly proportional to the amount of gay people, black people, trans people, asian people, latino people and female people representation and inversely proportional to the amount of white males in the game (unless they are villains and die a horrible death)
Underage spotted.
I think 92-94ish.
98 or 99.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were already paying metacritic.
Saying it'll have any sort of gameplay is being generous
there is no unpaid AAA product score on any critic site (user concensus excluded sometimes)
>implying normies will not love it
first one has 9.2
Beats me. I didn't get the hype behind the first one. It had a lot of nice little character interactions between its two protagonists but the rest was just an adequate third person Zombie game. And no one has managed to do anything interesting with Zombies in decades.
*blocks your path*
They are literally paying to get people employed as reviewers.
>humans are the real monsters
This was legitimately one of the most disgusting things I ever saw. My own nose grease disgusting me, I can only imagine the gag reflex I'd have if a disgusting goblin smeared her own on my face. And you can hear a gritty, raspy scratching sound while she does it. Fuck.
>fluid transition into dynamic and unique animations depending entirely on environment
It's scripted senpai
"Pushing the Envelope on Storytelling"
"Bold new direction of a technical masterpiece"
"TLOU2 Did something Incredible, Here's What"
Accolades out the ass, strong 98 to a light 99 on metacritic
It's a curious case because I appreciate the amount of autistic effort ND puts into the little details (U4 is especially insane with that), but this time TLOU2 just rubs me the wrong way and I can't even pinpoint why
>men are the real monsters
I think you mean white men, user.
68 for being an average movie-game,
ITT: angry white incels whining about women and minorities in video games
This is why the PS4 sold over 100 million units. It appeals to normal people, not just you shithead misogynistic losers.
near 99 because of lesbians and cinematic experience
Metacritic: 97/100
Literally every non-jew: lesbian queef/braaapp
>I appreciate the amount of autistic effort ND puts into the little details
Just close the distance and chop-off your genitals already.
The top games are too video gamey. Not cinematic enough for today's braindead audience.
last two numbers of my post
93+, all the Snoyboys will drool all over it, journos will shill it all year and it will still lose GOTY to Cyberpunk
>Frog developer calls this fake, as it is
>Internet gangs up on him
Why do normies clench their fists when something they feed from (news, entertainment, games etc) is questioned?
Yes. See the reaction to people saying Black Panther and Captain Marvel were terrible even by Marvel capeshit standards.
Main character identifies as a lesibian and has a relationship with another (((lesbian))). It will be in the 90's by default and have white knights to defend any bullshit by bullshit I mean real criticism
And by real criticism what do you mean exactly? Calling the game a movie?
Bad combat and terrible stealth.
It's the most SJW game yet so it will score 100 since Snoy will buy out all the reviewers.
So things that aren't in the game if it is like the first one.
Yaaaaaaaaaaas slay queen slay
Please, that game had the depth of a small puddle and I played through its entirety.
OG Lara Croft
I bet it will get a 91/89 critic/player score. It won’t be as good as part 1 but it will be super solid.
Critic 92
User 54
What do you mean by depth and what has that to do with bad combat or terrible stealth. A game with simple gameplay can be great just look at everything Nintendo has ever made for example.
Man, most sony 1st party exclusives are such trash.
They had some good shit in the 90s like Legend of Dragoon but that's it.
>poopoo gameplay
You clearly didn't watch the gameplay reveal last year
shut up nigger
go back to n4g
Because people act like the combat is anything more than a basic third person cover shooter and stealth is nothing compared to even something like Dishonored.
The fuck is n4g
Why couldn't they leave well enough alone? First one was pretty ok, but that's because the narrative worked thanks to Joel. Meanwhile the plot in this one already looks like an edgy agenda pushing mess. Would have been a lot more interesting to me if Joel and Ellie were just cameos or the sequel showed what happened to areas like Germany or the UK, or some place with far less guns.
journalists: 91-99
gamers: 0 or 100
Yea Forums: bing bing wahoo
The game has a lot of different ways to approach encounters, you can pick items from the enviroment, you can craft on the spot, use different weapons and melee, you can pick enemies one by one, you can just avoid everyone if you like, there is not much more that you can do with a third person shooter. The gameplay is perfectly fine for a game like that and better than anything similar like the Resident Evil franchise.
Yeah I think the first one had a compelling enough story and some great set pieces but that's about it
Because (((Druckmann)))
>Ellie and Joel integrates into Tommy’s town and become respected members
>they are visited by remnants of the firefly who are looking for Joel specifically
>unless he goes with them, they are going to attack the town
>Joel gives himself up and is killed while Tommy hides Ellie so she doesn’t try to stop them
>after the fireflies leave, Ellie goes after them by herself to kill the new leader of the fireflies
>she meets up with a splintered group looking for new recruits and pretends to be one
>unbeknownst to her, one of the other recruit is an undercover agent from the military sent to kill the new leader of the firefly
>he and Ellie gets romantically close but they don’t know that the other is planning to double cross the fireflies
>they get put to a series of test as they make their way across the country to the firefly headquarters
>the fireflies eventually catches on that their is a traitor in their group
>Ellie has to play a game of intrigue as she shifts the blame to other members, watching as they are executed so the group doesn’t suspect her
>she lets her hate take over as she slowly lets her new friends die more and more as suspicions continue to rise
>eventually she and the undercover guy have to be at odds
>throughout the journey, she is told tales of the new leader, whom we play in flashbacks as we uncover the origin of the fireflies
>this leader turns out to be Ellie’s mom, seeking revenge for Marlene by hunting for Joel
>they get to headquarters and Ellie’s mom eventually recognizes her
>her mom wants to use her immunity as a pawn to bargain with the military for control of major cities
>the undercover guy contacts the military and they launch an assault on the headquarter
>Ellie’s mom ditches the group to start anew
>Ellie realizes how far she’s fallen and has a final confrontation with her mother
>Ellie chooses not to fight as the military destroys the headquarter
>afterwards, she leaves with the military to make a cure
10/10 across the board unless it pisses off the san fran lefties
I hope it gets a fun multiplayer like the first one.