Other urls found in this thread:
What happened with Borderlands 3? The Zaibatsu sucked ass.
Why does the short fat man cry about something and not say why he's crying about it?
Did something new happen?
Eceleb talks about Borderlands 3 leaks and Take Two hires goons to intimidate him at his house and claims all his videos.
People are mad because Take Two sent private investigators to a youtuber's house because he leaked stuff about the game
Really though people shouldn't buy it just because it's a shitty reddit gearbox game
Take 2 sent some giga niggers to rape a white boi youtuber for posting videos about Reddit memes that also happened to be in the game so they assumed he leaked something.
good fuck eceleb subhumans
Corporate boot licker. You probably support red flag laws too, statist
He was still gonna buy it during the podcast, so it must be something new.
>Take 2 sent some giga niggers to rape a white boi youtuber for posting videos about Reddit memes that also happened to be in the game so they assumed he leaked something.
You're an idiot. A guy was actually leaking info so Take 2 sent private investigators to "doorstep" him, meaning they went to his house counting on him being so surprised and worried he'd let them in to discuss the matter (incriminate himself)
I don't understand, private investigators have no power whatosever. Why didn't he just tell them no thanks and close the door immediately.
Borderland streamer talked about "leaks" about B3, after some "accidentally" public streams happened.
Take 2 accused him of hacking into their accounts, sent "private investigators" to shut him down, issues 15 or so copyright strikes against his channel, and shut down his discord channel by claiming he was using it to sell cheats and stolen accounts.
Fuck them crying twat streamer
Borderlands 3 will still sell regardless of how many people try to make a shitstorm out of nothing.
A YTer looked up one of the test bot names from the footage Gearbox showed off and found a Twitch channel that was set to private, but private streams still update thumbmails publicly so he showed that off and that was it.
Take Two responds by sending a PI to his house to ask him questions about how he figured out this information, why he leaked it, and what he thought he'd gain from it. From there he received 7 random strikes from T2 on his channel and had his Discord server just down randomly. He's since had 6 strikes removed, but it was most likely done to shut him up and make him stay quiet about what he knows even if it's public knowledge.
Now since other YTers are covering it a hashtag started boycotting Borderlands 3 which has some people saying that they'll still buy the game because that original YTer was totally definitely hacking into the stream.
I'm not buying it because Randy's a cocksucking, kiddy diddling, magic man, pisspot, bootlicking, lying, Gaben wanna-be, retard.
Can't believe people are hyped for a shit game even after the preceeding games were shit too.
Nah they definitely sent some black guys to rape a dude. Your and idiot an a boot licker.
>Take Two responds by sending a PI to his house to ask him questions about how he figured out this information, why he leaked it, and what he thought he'd gain from it.
1) let them introduce themselves as PIs
2) google 'what legal power to private investigators have'
3) find that they have no power to question you or come onto your property without consent
4) close the door in their face
problem solved
What a bitch, private investigators literally have less power over your legally than a fucking janitor. I'd have slammed the fucking door in their face and pumped a shotgun shell into the chamber just to fuck with them. They're absolutely powerless and the only thing they can do is ask you to talk to them.
>Corporate boot licker. You probably support red flag laws too, statist
I'm not buying it because Borderlands is for the mentally incapacitated.
>A guy was actually leaking info
you can only "leak info" if you work for someone and have signed NDA for that.
What did he leak?
That's actually wrong, he didn't leak it. He was reporting on a leak.
Good, I hope this will bankrupt them
Man these guys are so neutered in the podcast nowadays. They could barely go a single minute in the Ooblets controversy discussion without constantly reminding everyone to not send death threats and wording everything so carefully in order to not appear to "victim-blame". The real story should have been about Tim Sweeney being a cock again.
Its normies who make up the vast majority of sales of games like Borderlands. They don't watch youtube videos about games or follow games news. They just see an ad on the telly and go buy the game because they liked the last one. Youtube people boycotting the game means nothing.
This reminds me of that time Sony sicked their goons on that one kid who modded his PS3 and he had to flee to South America.
>and shut down his discord channel by claiming he was using it to sell cheats and stolen accounts
Is that part actually real? That's hilariously childish.
I'm pretty sure they did that so people wouldnt get on their case saying they were promoting death threats. They essentially said they deserved to get shit on. You got to remember that people today get easily offended by shit nowadays and misconstrue points.
what the fuck
Why wouldn't you just pirate the game? People that buy second hand game keys are so fucking retarded.
Yes, those were the reasons for it getting shut down. I haven't heard confirmation that it was shut down at Take Two's behest, but it happened within like half an hour of the visit from the PIs, so chances are high that Take Two was behind it.
America is a frightening country. I thought you guys are allowed to shoot and kill home intruders without repercussions if you feel threatened?
at least that's the reason discord gave him for terminating his channel
>send your armed private security forces to someones house because they made a video about your "rainbow rarity" video game drops
But remember folks, you don't need a second amendment to defend yourself, just trust in the nice and friendly billion dollar corporations not to intimidate and harass you.
Less risky. I don't know how to pirate properly as I havent done it since the PSP like 10 years ago.
I'm not American so we don't have guns here. I just get my dogs to scare away unwanted visitors.
>armed private security forces
Because you get more features, retard.
Also, there is nothing wrong buying stuff second hand.
depends on state really. Some places are cucked enough, you have "duty to retreat", where you have right to defend yourself only if it's impossible to escape
Sounds like a smart guy, yet he let a PI into his house? What.
Fuck reddit and twinks
Bought super deluxe. Mose is our girl.
But its your house? Are you just expected to run away and let them in your house? What if you say you are too unfit to out run from them?
>type in your discord chat that the new loot drops are going to be SUPER EPIC "RAINBOW" RARITY
>instantly your discord channel is nuked, your twitch account is nuked, your google accounts are nuked
>you get a phone call telling you your bank account is closed
>you hear knocks on your door yelling about how they are corporate security and you have 10 seconds to comply or they will break your door down
>can't defend yourself because President Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has amended the constitution so its illegal for white people to own anything more dangerous than a spoon
The future looks great, all hail our DMV lady/Technocrat overlords
What would they have done if the youtuber was based in Europe? Would they have flown their PIs to the country to investigate?
They would have hired a local PI firm I would imagine.
Only in deep red states, in blue states or battleground states, even if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night and has a knife or gun you can’t defend yourself and just have to get stabbed or shot. Some old man is sitting in prison because two hoodies broke into his house armed and defended himself and the state didn’t like that. Blue states are basically like Europe, you just have to let yourself and your family get fucked by criminals.
If they hired 47 this wouldn't have even made the news and his corpse would be in a laundry bin.
Probably make up some hate speech accusations and have them thrown in eurojail. If they're petty enough to get their discord server deleted you know they'd absolutely do that if they had the power to.
This is Yea Forums first experince with youtuber self promo?
Borderlands trailer showed a user name that was jumbled letters. Most thought it was an arg so they followed the trail and found pictures of game footage. It's 2k's fucking fault for leading a bread crumb trail.
>Missing out on the most Epic and badass game of the year
lol what a nerd
Steamtards made some fake news about some soiboi being bullied about BL3 not being on Steam
Not all EU countries are like this. In Ireland you are allowed to kill home intruders if you feel threatened but you can't use a gun as guns are illegal. So you could kill them with a knife or something.
just got this so i can get swole lads r8
Was content to wait till it released on Steam (the EGS stuff, while obnoxious, doesn't put me off of games). The way Randy Bo Bandy and crew have been acting though has changed my mind on that - just gonna pirate it now.
Sorry I'm not familiar with these terms you use. "deep red states, in blue states or battleground states" ????
This thread reminded me that for some reason I bought the Handsome Collection thing when it was 5 bucks. Should probably play the Pre-Sequel I guess.
>download qbittorrent
>hop on tpb
>type what you're looking for
>download the one with the most seeders
>install like normal software
>apply crack
so easy, 12 year olds do this shit.
Republican majority states, democrat majority states, and states that historically could go either way.
State voting trends are kind of traditional in some of them.
Play Athena with the community patch
Then you get fucked by the police after the burglars are done raping you. Welcome to life in a gun free zone! Where might makes right, and you'd better tell everyone it's perfect, or you'll get fucked for being wrong.
Because I like random coop experience in borderlands. When I injured lwg at woek, I spent 6 months on leave and most of time spent playing bl2 with randoms
>BL2 gets a new DLC after all these years
>Its free
>Decide to play BL2 again yesterday
>DLC is 15 dollars now because it was only free temporarily
Yes. This is why many places passed Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine laws.
Because, even if trapped on the second floor, the prosecutor would argue you had a duty to leap from the window instead of confronting the intruder.
I'm playing through 2, it's actually pretty fun and unfortunate that I missed it the first time around. Haven't started the presequel yet.
Wait, they're charging for that DLC now?
And do you need to be disconnected from the internet while playing?
It's easy to come up with a logical solution when your removed from the situation. When it happens suddenly and unexpectedly to you things are different, guy probably thought they were cops and they played along.
can't speak for all of Europe, but here in Poland you're technically not allowed to smash homebreaker's skull in, because we Europe and shit, but when it happens, it always ends with slap on wrist. Only case I think where actual punishment happened was when some lady shot thief that wasn't even technically on her property.
In a red state you can shoot somebody in the street if they start a fight. In a blue state you cant even shoot somebody in your own house and in some areas the cops literally wont show up to your house if you report a break in because they aren't required to defend a home but instead the general public. People have literally been murdered in DC after calling the cops because they refused to show up to stop a break in.
red states = Republican majority
blue states = Democrat majority
swing/battleground states = balanced, usually ones that decide who wins general elections
>"why are Republicans RED?"
because calling Democrats red would make it too obvious
>you're only hurting the devs by boycotting, not Take 2!!!
Not at all nigga, just don't expect to be able to pirate multi-player games and still be able to play with people.
Thats madness. Why are your cops so disinterested?
Screeching lefties would get mad if they have to put down a rabies-infested negro.
I'm torrenting this game 4 times once it releases
Nah thats fine. I'll just buy it later when it comes out on steam to play it online with people
Here's on example:
Women were beaten and raped for literally hours and the cops who didn't show up got defended on the grounds they had no obligation to protect individual citizens. This happened in the US. You never trust the cops in the US. It's part of why so many Americans are adamant about self defense and gun rights.
I tried that SteamDB install link someone left as a review and it actually works
But can your cops just show up and not kill?
Borderlands 3 is cringe-tier dialogue, and crappy characters made by Randy “Kid Ass” Pitchford. I wonder what stupid meme references and what retarded jokes are in the game now.
You don't live around black people, do you?
hand rubbing intensifies etc.
>paying for BL3
>pirating BL3
>acknowledging BL3
This is complete and utter lunacy. What the fuck. There would be national outrage if something similar happened in my country
I don’t even think it’s worth pirating lol
This image is eerily accurate. Writer?
Theres not really many black people in the part of my country where I live. I rarely ever see any. But would the criminals not be intimidated by the cops presence alone?
Just because BL2 was cringe doesn't mean BL1 was
>click a link on a website anyone can use
>tell someone what the link had in it
>suddenly two corporate dudes show up at my house to threaten and harass me
Bros what the fuck
Take Two is the one who leaked it, they're giving shit to a youtuber because he pointed at the leak Take Two made and has an audience that will listen
based chen poster
How are you supposed to make sure your game has the latest updates?
Only if they're too scared of being killed.
Why doesnt he sue 2k?
Fight or flight typically translates to fight when you've got no where to run, as when dealing with police in the U.S.
Meme-and-Cringelands 1 was boring as fuck and it has an annoying brown color. Therefore it was shit.
Pop pop pop watching motherfuckers drop
I suppose. Your cops are crazy. They shoot like sleeping people and stuff. A cop in my country hit someone on the head with a baton and it was on national news due to excessive force for no reason or something.
>Implying I'm gonna miss on the game of the generation because of some streamer
No thanks. Already preordered the Super Deluxe Edition and took the week off to play this game, so I don't give a shit.
You've heard the term "chimp out" right? Black people have an extremely violent response to situations that involve conflict. There's no talking it out or standing down. The response is to immediately resort to violence.
I doubt that most people even know this. They just think that an investigator has some kind of legitimization to do what they're doing and not that they're bullshit their way to whatever they want most of the time.
Borderlands was never that good.
2K sent some hired goons go silence a streamer.
This is the Zoomiest post l've read all day
but what do they think will happen if they shoot a cop? They arent going to get away with it.
They don't think. That's the point.
>The problem is corporations
>Try to spin it to blame literally anyone else
Go back to /pol/, I know you only came here because one of these shitty threads got moved there.
Few years ago we were threaten by the city that "there will be consequences" if we keep harassing poor neighborhoods.
How we did harass them you may ask? By increasing patrols in crime infested areas. You know, the only logical way we can affect crime in these areas, by making ourself visible, so thugs know we know, and that we are watching. So we reduced patrols, and surprise, surprise, more people gets robbed, raped and killed. And guess who they blame for that? Their own community for shielding criminals? Politicians for removing police presence? No, everyone point fingers at us, for not being there to prevent a drive by that killed small child playing in garden. And then we get called racist fascist pigs, because we obviously harass them by searching for criminals, who probably still hang around town in car full of guns.
Now tell me, you wouldn't be like "ahh, fuck this shit"
How peculiar
Can we get a solid list of everything Randy Pitchford has fucked up? Like every single thing he's done wrong as a human being.
In the UK we're allowed to use reasonable force to stop an intruder, but only in the heat of the moment.
If we plant a trap or carry on attacking after we're no longer in danger, then we can be prosecuted. I can't speak for the rest of europe
BL3 will be though.
Same in Ireland. If you have kids as well I think you can say you feared for the safety of your children.
Just remember who wants us to hate you when the day finally comes.
for what purpose?
*shrug* not really. We have more people. You would hear similar shit from china and russia if those places weren't 2nd world shitfarms to begin with. Same for india only 3rd world. More people means more incidents. That's all. Most cops are just working men. Yeah we have more psychos, but thats because we have more people, which means more cops. Comparing us to anywhere in europe is dumb because europe is fucking microscopic by comparison, and it's largely homogenous as well. The U.S. has always had a kultur kampf issue and being wildly more populated than most 1st world nations doesn't help.
My city is getting rid of those cameras you see at stoplights to catch people who are speeding. The reasoning being "racial profiling" because a lot of the people who got busted for speeding were minorities.
There's a lot of shit cops out there, but yeah, with the way a lot of them get treated I don't blame them for not giving a shit sometimes.
You aren't wrong, but where do you live, in no way in hell it's in the South. Most people are opening their doors with rifles in their hands these days.
>randy kills any chance for more Aliens games
>randy destroys the duke nukem franchise
>randy is exposed for fucking children
>randy takes down some literal whos videos
What the fuck is wrong with you people, honestly
good luck user
focus on shoulders
The fucked up thing is knowing some fucking corporation will go and find out your location for something trivial like that. More so because its probably really easy that they could blackmail you like CNN did to that reddit dude
>having USB with porn = fucking children
Herp derp
The colors actually used to be switched between the two.
They don’t think that far ahead, people get in high speed pursuits just because their license is expired, they are just too dumb.
There's no reason to play borderlands at launch anyway.
Wait for DLC and/or sales.
JESUS....this is almost like all every other game comming up this year, almost all of them have this type of writing today user, fucking hell
NO, don't make Randy sad! He needs millions more money bigots!
They pretended to be cops without saying they were cops. A lot of times PI's will try to give off the feeling that they're detectives, which is why if anyone is acting like a cop you need to ask for a badge.
>the Capcops could actually come knocking
mad lefty still in denial
If some dick gumshoe shows up on your door, literally just close it. They have no power
if only you knew just how bad things are here in burgerland
Even if cops show up on your door and you don't wanna talk, all you do is suddenly ask for a warrant and when they say they lack one you shut the door.
If they try to barge in anyway (can happen with retarded departments that don't know law) you can record it and get free $300,000+ settlement.
>I'm still going to buy your game, take that!
probably not as big a protest as he thinks
>Person who was intimidated conveniently takes down all form of ability to contact him after he makes a big stink of it
>People take his word for it 100%, totally can't be exaggerating one bit, even though this guy is known to play the victim for shit all the time
Needs more dumbbells and something you can do leg extensions on.
The trouble is they'll like, introduce themselves as "Detective Peepee, and this is my partner Detective PooPoo." and they might even have badges that say "private detective" real small on them, clipped on their waistband with an open carry holstered handgun. As long as they do not say "and we're with the FBI," or "Your City PD" they haven't broken the law.
And yes, I have seen two private detectives dressed exactly like this, trying to hastle my friend over an auto deal, while I was over at his house. He was hesitant to let them in, and I told him to ask what PD they were from and they just hastily added "Oh, no, we're Private Detectives," but up until that point they were acting like cops.
there's probably a list of kids somewhere
>Haha fuck it I'm gonna not buy your game now, but later
He's retarded, right?
gearbox isn't just shady, they're incompetently shady
Imagine being still excited by bonerlands after the devs send you thugs to make you shut up
>Pat from SBFP
Yes. Of course he's retarded. He's literally the same person that spent hundreds of dollars on loot boxes for Overwatch and HotS and doesn't even play those games anymore.
Pat...had a hard life
yeah, they reversed it in the Y2K election to try to help Al Gore win, thinking conservatives were so stupid they'd fall for it
turned out liberals were just enough stupider than conservatives to put Dubya in the White House
Its not really a “leak” when it was gearbox being incompetent and not understanding how twitch works. Not only did they leave the twitch names in their video, they apparently didn’t know everyone can see the thumbnail of even private streams. And THEN Take2 had the balls to complain people were exploiting twitch and datamining, when it was just screenshots of their stupid fucking thumbnails
Although, word is that supmatto found out there would be post-release loot boxes in BL3. He shared it with his discord, where either Take2 or Gearbox had been watching him. So they went scorched earth on his ass before the news went out.
>I'm not buying it because Randy's a cocksucking, kiddy diddling, magic man, pisspot, bootlicking, lying, Gaben wanna-be, retard.
So what's this about Randy being a chomo? What happened? Been out of the loop.
no bahroo kill yourself
It’s got that “early 2000s internet fan fiction” flavor all over it. I’m guessing most of the writers were the first generation of lolsorandumbxD Internet kiddies and now they’re all grown up. Physically at least
>Gets to be all cushy and sit on a couch all day streaming video games, having his cocksucker fans send him hundreds of thousands of dollars
Yeah, so fucking hard.
American cops are shit. They never stop complaining about shit like this.
It's literally a constant stream of "waaaah I have to do my job can you like believe it?!" followed by a complete disregard for doing their job. They're like abusive spouses. They will constantly attempt to gaslight you.
that HotS stream was awful, I love it. also don't forget the warframe thing IT'S BASICALLY FREE
fuck borders
impeach randy, fucking nazi
>caring about anything this retard does or says
>this guy is known to play the victim for shit all the time
Source? I’ve seen his channel around as the biggest BL shill ever
I like that song, it's a shame about france though
Imagine giving a fuck about ecelebs
wait, Pat has friends still?
What kind of stupid fuckery is this? Your Common Law system is stupid as fuck
>That cop that got caught planting heroin on people just so he can arrest them and ruin their lives
>He didn't know a single one of these people, he didn't have race or sex-based prejudices, he just did it to completely random people
>DOZENS of people whose lives were completely destroyed by completely false charges by some psychopath who just felt like ruining people.
Yes, someone had to dick those children for the pictures to be taken.
You guys heard the news? Drumpf is fucking finished. Done.
Well Take Two had done this before in the past with a GTA V modder. So establishing a pattern.
And they just fucking admitted to it in a statement, >“Take Two and 2K take the security and confidentiality of trade secrets very seriously. The action we’ve taken is the result of a 10-month investigation and a history of this creator profiting from breaking our policies, leaking confidential information about our product, and infringing our copyright,”
>t2 claiming he was advertising selling spots in his discord to see the leaks
>also claim they weren't able to screencap in time before he changed it but they swear it was there
So where can I find the footage?
Sometimes I wonder how much that dude is getting paid to shill BL3, it must be a lot.
Lol Randy you're embarrassing yourself
what was the leaked info anyways
What's even better is how every single cop will feel the room out and then make jokes when they want people to like them about how funny and enjoying it is to be a fucking asshole to random people or just fuck with scared people for shits and gigs and then immediately turn around and react with shocked indignation when people react with disgust. Then they're "totally not one of those bad cops."
Every cop I've ever met is abuser level of manipulator.
>he doesnt know about the rainbow parties
T2 is obviously spreading a lot of bullshit. Their statement to IGN was full of straight up lies and misinformation to anyone who knows shit about these shill communities that crop up around games. They all operate in the exact same way. It’s hilarious they turned on their own rabid fans
there wasn't actual footage it was just info taken from and presumably screenshots from the private streams since twitch autogenerates screenshots or some shit.
I'm so fucking sick of dramawhores.
>wanting to play Borderlands at all
it is effective though, through that line alone you give people a way to defend your decision. what better way to right a wrong you did then destroy the other person.
>My preorder is cancelled, I'll just buy it for more money at a later date on a different estore
Wow what a show of rebellion.
Reminder antishilling was a thing with both borderlands 1&2 when they came out.
Granted, a lot of you probably weren't here when those games launched but I can assure you it happened.
He's dying faster than Plague
He ain't hitting 50
>more money
Borderlands was always garbage
Well they sound like a bunch of faggots then.
1 was an awful boring 4 player mmo drive here and plink away at monster to get different colored guns and repeat. 2 was the same but stuffed full of memespeak and people somehow put 1 on a pedestal because at least it wasn't stuffed full of memespeak, the series has been shit since day 1 and you only like it because you were 14 when it came out.
To be honest he spent hunderds of dollars of other people's money.
I'd have no problem doing the same.
Mate, let me explain something to you since you aren't American. America's entire history is about fucking over black people. The reason why marijuana is illegal in the US is because it was the drug of choice for black people in the 20s, so they made it so illegal that any possession at all led to insane penalties. Except they almost never bust white people for it even today, despite white people using it in the same numbers.
So then they get to use that as a way of saying that blacks commit more crimes so they get to patrol them more and arrest them more for anything they can trump up. So that lets them patrol even more and get fucking deadly with them, which attracts actual racists who want the opportunity to murder black people with no repercussion.
There was a story this week about a guy who bought a former cop's house and found a trove of Confederate and KKK memorabilia and stuff showing that he was all but a member. This same cop shot and killed a 22 year old black guy ten years ago during a traffic stop because he felt like it, and then didn't even get penalized.
>Make mediocre series
>lie about all the possibilities and features
>practically give away the game to inflate sales
>everyone thinks people want your game
>the conman steals from the deceiving rat
Yeah, more features on the EGS.
That's what my friend and I are doing. Waiting for the release on steam.
fuck you're right, I finally understand that all police are hitler and shouldn't exist, thanks anonymous wall of text
kys commie scum
That isn't even what the nigger said you delicate fruitcake.
>more money
you don't know jack shit about pricing
Borderlands has bee complete fucking trash from the beginning. If you were ever planning to buy this game then you are a tasteless retard or a child still enamored of endless grinding to make meaningless numbers slowly rise.
This is going to be the most successful game in the series and there's nothing any of you retards can do about it
Someone will upload the updates in a torrent
He's just a snall youtuber, he would be etenrally fucked over by take two's legal team and lawyer fees
Police should never be trusted or shielded from public inquiry. They aren't really all bad but the level of power even a beat cop in a small town wields over random everyday citizens means they deserve continuous spotlight and heavy criticism as well as distrust from their citizenry. You're actually a retarded person if you ever talk to the cops or trust them with anything. They will literally fuck you over just to do it or if they're in a bad mood. And when you catch them being honest, every single one will admit to slapping cuffs on someone over a bad morning before work.
Do you really think people are taught about how the law works?
Also, don't forget there are 3 gas cannisters or whatever spread throughout the map. A group of enemies guarding each one.
That's the extent of mission variety for the whole game.
You'd think the phrase "don't send death threats" would be BASIC COMMON SENSE, but that's not the world we live in anymore.
You're sort of missing the biggest part of this fiasco, which is that he started selling his leaks to people who paid $5 to get access to a private Discord channel for him to leak details in.
What do you manchildren care? You'll still buy that r*dd*t cringefest. Be a good fleshhole for Randy's baby cuck dick.
Reminder that Take Two has done this before.
That's not how it works, pal. Go educate yourself on Escalation Of Force and Use Of Force. That's what all law enforcement are trained to follow.
this happened
>paid 32 bongs for chink spyware and to fund for randy pitchford's pissy CP collection
good job
death threats would happen no matter what, saying hey don't send death threats saves their asses later on, but even then people will spin it as "wow you gave them the idea" or "you sounded sarcastic"
is it just me or does randy look like he would drop the biggest, greasiest shit ever in the bowl
Ironically or unironically?
ironically being a retard makes you unironically a retard
Cops in my country don't use guns.
what a toothless boycott that is
>yeah, when more content is out to buy and there's a sale, then my friends and i will buy it!
just don't get the mediocre shooter
But Pat what friends will you play with?
Why only 6 months of exclusivity? The expansions will be at least half out, updates will be out, pricing will be cheaper, and Randy will still be a narcissist asshole like usual.
Sorry, I should've specified all 'US' law enforcement.
Based trannymaster Pat.
But the Discord server was free.
>When you send your McDonalds Investigative Inquiries Team to shut down a dissenting Freelance Marketer when he tells everyone about your up and coming McDoubleChickenTendies
He can be glad they didn't resort to launching a cruise missile at him.
I already forgot about Borderlands 3 when they decided to go Epic exclusive.
>eceleb breaks laws to get leak information
>preordering games in the current year
>preordering a game by fucking Randy of all people
>preordering games that are epic exclusives
I don't even need some dumb controversy or DLC faggotry to know that preordering is retarded
>Big corporation screenshots discord
>user from Yea Forums screenshots and records discord
>but i'll buy it later
This is considered taking a stand by someone who is 2 feet tall.
The problem is they also have to deal with large chunks of people who want the police to protect them, but also to fuck off and never go near their neighborhoods.
That tends to work itself out thankfully. I remember several years ago a black kid got shot in my city. The ghetto neighborhood, after all the dinduing, decided the best way to handle that was to boycott their own business, demolish and destroy their own property, and basically burn their own neighborhood to the ground while blaming cops.
There's definitely bad cops, but pretending the bad lazy shitheads make up 100% of the police force is just as retarded as thinking cops are 100% good law enforcers who do no wrong.
anyone who buys borderlands 3 is fucking retarded
I was thinking of Randy... when I decided months ago I wasn't going to buy this dumpster fire. This just reinforces my decision as a good one.
As the good Lord intended.
>People who like video games I don't like are retarded
Taking Americans cops and lining them up in front of a firing squad would do wonders to eliminating crime, since a vast majority of crime in the US is done by cops.
He's not wrong. I played 2 on launch and just cbaed when any DLC came out. Played pre sequel when it all came out and didn't stop till I beat all the DLC. Pre wasn't even that great. I will wait for 3's DLC to have all dropped then play it all at once.
Needing a warrant to enter a home is pretty basic law, but people are generally inclined to help them to get them out of their hair quickly.
>epic twitter screencap bro
they sent nigerians to rape him, the news said it so it must be true
>vast majority of crime in the US is done by cops.
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>being a bootlicker
They'll probably find some excuse to gun you down, worry not user.
we're reaching levels of a lack of self-awareness that shouldn't even be possible right now.
>my police are good boys, they wouldn't break the law even though they face dramatically less consequences in doing so
>t. randy cuckford
cry more faggot shill, you know the cracked version will get multiplayer at release
imagine paying for this SJW shit
cool facts
>Randy bad
>T2 bad
>Steam good
>E-Celebs good
Who cares? Both sides are genuinely retarded. Don't leak shit and the men in black won't show up at your door. Hell, when game journos leak stuff they get shit on too by companies. What made this brainlet think he was special?
>reporting on someone else's leaks is leaking now
Randy is a piece of shit. He can go bankrupt with his cancerous company.
I'm sorry, but this is so wrong i couldnt let you slip by.
I know you have an agenda to spread, and will do it at any cost, but what you posted just simply isnt true.
I hope in the future you will not resort to use lies to spread misinformation.
Here is a link with more information about the man you referenced. You clearly did not get the facts right.
Does Epic need to make another statement, like they did with that game nobody's going to buy?
Out of the 3 best friends which one end up more successful after going solo?
>I'm gonna buy it later, that'll show em how much I hate them!
gee nice boycott bro. gamers are retarded and have no self control
Literally didn't, he just found some shit they had already uploaded online on some random test account
>im not going to buy it imma buy it later that will show em
You can’t say you know a insider and keeping leaking shit and putting it on YouTube with 2k trying to shut you down but on the other hand they should blame twitch for having a glitch like that in their app
Wow great job tearing down that strawman, you must be a muscular and intelligent fellow to accomplish such a task so easily.
Did he ever claim to know an insider
why the fuck would a gamedev use a third party like twitch for internal "private streams" is the more interesting questions
gearbox is a fucking joke
And here I thought the epic exclusivity was gonna be the worst part.
well I was gonna pirate it since that was announced so nothing changes desu
kinda feel bad for the actual devs(because I loved the gameplay of 1 and 2) but if they're willing to work with assholes like this, they don't deserve my money
It’s not even a glitch, literally everyone knows you can see the thumbnails for any actively streaming channel
Good read, unsurprisingly not one sided and an interesting case.
Well remember this is the same company lead by a man who forgot a usb stick with porn and company secrets at a public cafe
borderlands is fucking boring
I have to say though the characters/Skill tree seems to be getting better with every game. So thats fun.
Too bad the dialogue, characters, and story get steadily worse. With one or two exceptions (Dopplejack)
>hurr durr me have gun me defend self from multi-millionare entity that employs thousands of people
Source please?
The action skills all seem to be "deployables" (turret, mech, phaselock) instead of a type of "hypermode" (gunzerk, buzz saw rampage,phaseshift) which i do not like personally
did nothing wrong
Shit series.
>because that original YTer was totally definitely hacking into the stream.
I don't have any screengrabs to prove this but when they started doing these "test" streams it wasn't set to private and the only thing that happened in the stream I watched was a silent playthroughs in areas they've already shown off. When the developers finally noticed that it wasn't set to "private" they immediately turned off the stream.
So, no. He wasn't "hacking" shit.
>believing the take two death squad spin
>giving a shit about youtubers
Literally did nothing wrong.
Videogame Social Media containment board when? I'm getting tired of this literal-who news/twitterposts/fake news/sjw bullshit on a daily basis
Yes, because you should absolutely believe everything you hear on the internet. I'm surprised you didn't accidentally put .com instead of .org to get here.
you can still be pro-capitalism and still not have to suck corporate dick you fucking retard
Not American but that is not my experience with cops over here. Well, not the majority by any stretch.
Because the next person would have power. The power to make you commit "suicide"
I remember the "Quintillion guns that shoot bees!" posts.
Why did people have faith in this exactly?
not like it changed my mind at all dude
like I said I wasn't gonna buy it because of epic in the first place.
>Some redditor got btfo so now you shouldn't get BL3
Nah, im still in
>posts an anime picture
>is retarded
Ahh, the pairing as old as Adam and Eve...
Holy fuck I also got that done here in Houston. I was wondering why that was. We have lots of people lacking car insurance and illegals. I remember getting in an accident with some illegal and calling the cops. Dude bailed the fuck out in his fucked up truck calling me a race traitor.
My city's letting illegals get legal driving licensees in the near future, and there's currently a smear campaign running against people who are opposed to it.
I don't even know what the fuck is happening anymore.
>Hoodies broke into his house 4 seperate times
>Had stolen four thousand dollars, as well as personal memorabilia
>He finishes one of them off after shooting them
>2 counts of first degree murder + 2 counts of second degree murder, prison for life, no possibility of parole
He did nothing wrong.
>implying PIs aren't armed at all times
>implying they aren't retired LEOs that can legally carry no matter where they are
Castle Doctrine states are the place to be.
>gearbox does something stupid and overbearing
At this point I feel like it's just a viral marketing hoax because nobody is talking about the game otherwise.
>pirated online games behave exactly the same as retail copies
always one retard
Fucking BASED.
Yeah it's my fault that the site's search features can't find cropped pages
t. pic related
Seriously what exactly was Take Two's logic when they went after some nobody streamer? Everything he was leaking was just building hype. They could have just let him do what he wanted to and even played along and given him bits here and there to further push the hype. Instead they decide to go after him and even double down on him after the backlash? At best they would lose a bunch of free advertising/hype and at worst they lose buyers.
What the fuck are these corporate shills smoking?
It boggles my mind that anyone even ironically gives Borderlands money when it's attached to someone like Anthony Burch
Let's be honest, the kind of person excited for BL3 and happy to support Gearbox wouldn't change their mind over something like this. And even if they did, they'd cave closer to launch and by it anyway.
Anthony Burch doesn't work there anymore.
Burch isn't doing the writing anymore but his spectre still hangs over the game
Then why is he in jail
It's just the corporate mindset I think.
They could have just sent him a letter from a lawyer telling him to take that shit down and been done with it. Sending people to his house is such a ridiculous over reaction it sounds like a joke.
I'm not going to buy it now. There are much better ways to spend $60 bucks and if it's really good and doesn't have bugs/issues, I'm just going to wait for the inevitable sale to pick it up.
They don't care about borderlands at all, they are looking at the bigger picture. Their message is simple, don't mess with us
>shot them with a vintage .22 single-action revolver
holy fucking based
It's your fault you don't have 4chanX with the archive view same links on.
Someone gave sauce for this picture back in January, you can find it on fireden.
I would agree if it was something like game files or hidden builds that this guy was distributing. But he was literally sending out leaks about character art and shit. And some of the things he was reporting weren't even leaks, they were just speculation based on SteamDB code and stuff.
>Not even Russian VA
It's DOA jim.
The only issue here is he was supposedly selling these "leaks". I don't think they have much of an issue with leaking alone
>If we're stupid enough to give you a bread crumb trail to leaks you better not follow it
Their message translates to "We're fucking incompetent and information security"
There’s a rumor that he discovered lootboxes for post-release. But also what everyone else said is true
sounds cyberpunk as hell fuck yeah
Thanks for reminding me of what's important, OP! Now that I've thought of Randy, cancelling my pre-order will be easier than ever!
He did several times.
No one cares, niggers are brain dead 80 iq apes that can't stop shooting each other.
I wonder if it was randy wearing a fake mustache
Funny enough, when the news broke about Randy's flash drive full of CP, he was very defensive of Randy, so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was Randy himself giving out leaks to him, especially considering Randy has such a massive ego and loves the whole magician/man-behind-the-curtain aesthetic.
>When you're a zoomer and you have to pad words just to reach the 1200 limit for your English class homework
I have zero doubt Randy lurks popular sites and shitposts constantly
holy fuck now i'm definitely pirating bl3 fuck those greedy jews
I don't know what the current hate boner for BL3 is, but I was going to wait to buy it anyway. BL2 was a huge disappointment for me. If it wasn't for the krieg dlc I'd probably actively and strongly dislike it.
I mean, lie as much as you want, answering the door with a gun is a good way to incriminate yourself
boy you can't fucking read, can you
This board has been shitting on the series since day 1. Mostly because of the shilling at first
That wasn't even randy. People are obsessed with that dude
they made a private stream to show stream functionalities for trailers for Borderlands 3, but they mistakenly showed the accounts used.
The dude went and took the thumbnails from the private stream, which were public.
then Take 2 sent 2 private eyes to his house to question him, got his discord channel shut down, DMCA claimed most of his videos
>buying something second hand years after its release date
you're aware that this basically irrelevant to a company correct, like, when you buy something like that the company sees like a dollar
based retards giving emergency responders a lower call volume
I got a Maltese cross on my forearm and my local union bordering my license plate, never had a problem with a single cop and I live in the South
>second hand
Hurp durp
>I was going to buy this game despite it being trash and randy being evil garbage
>but now I won't buy it due to perfectly reasonable defense of intellectual property
kill yourself corpo cock gobbler
The spyware thing has long since been confirmed fake. The only problem with EGS is just that its a shitty storefront with limited features. To most people that doesnt matter.
Come on, I'm not buying it either fuckers, pay attention to me.
ITT: People pretending they don't know the full story and acting like its only this one incident
>Matto had dozens of BL3 videos where he discussed content from a 'source' within the company that he was leaking constantly
>Over the course of months, alongside these videos he had been selling the information to other streamers to use in their videos
>This event in particular had just been the final straw and the most opportune time to incriminate him since he had acted publicly
>They didn't seen 'goons' to his house. They were PIs from a law firm that works with 2K.
>People acting like they fucking beat him up and burnt his house down. All they did was ask him questions about where and how he acquired all these leaks, he could have just told them to go away at any time.
amazing it took this for people to swear off bl3 and not the fact that the last game sucked
nice story bro
although it all bullshit, since the recent "leak" was just stuff from a link posted in something that the company released. He got chased down for posting something anyone could find from an official source.
He got it during that $10-15 Epic Game Store sale. If he buys it later on Steam it'll be full price.
>No Russian accent
I hope whoever was responsible for that decision gets waterboarded.
How is it a story? I've walked a ton of his videos over time and they're always frustratingly filled with him making statements about stuff he knows is confirmed to be in the game, but NEVER cites it or explains how he knows it.
>not expecting every update, patch, DLC, etc to also be 6 months late
I'm not getting my hopes up
Its probably funny knowing Epic probably already paid them the entire development cost of the game, the game (in terms of preorders) is already selling gangbusters and that almost nobody actually boycotts gaming. Nobody is going to boycott a game over some scummy isolated incident that they really don't care about. Expect to see Pat "change his mind" about it somewhere down the line and get it at launch.
I swear this is dialogue straight out of borderlands 2. If not then fuck me its fucking perfect. I couldn't stand that game. When it went free on PSN I figured what the hell I liked the first one back in the day. Within 10 minutes I had deleted that shit, my rose tinted glasses of the first game were shattered by the worst dialogue known to man, and the most sloppy shooting mechanics coupled with the most unrewarding gear grind to ever exist. Borderlands was unironically never good.
Real or not can someone explain to why some of the most dumbest fucking drama keeps happening around Randy?
Like it's not even "manufactured" drama for easy marketing but literally just absolutely dumbfuck headlines and outlandish shit.
Because he is an eccentric person.
Unfortunately while the term eccentric has connotations of being fun unusual and wacky.Randy is also gifted at not being a very good person and frankly an arsehole.
>not already boycotting them after Colonial Marines
You fags have goldfish memory.
Who do you think is going to hold a billion dollar corporation accountable?
Nobody, that's who.
This. Imagine buying Gearbox games ever again. Imagine getting excited for the next Bioware game. How do companies like these still have an audience?
I guarrantee you that borderlands 3 will be the same rehashed game as 1 & 2 with the same dogshit gameplay loop.
I have no idea how anyone can like that shit.
The dude was selling access to the links for borderlands twitch stream account for 5$ a pop. This is why they hit him so hard.
>starting a smear campaign against GOTY
do you retards even know the amount of weapon variation in the game? Literally no other FPS has done this.
he has autism
Yes. THIS is the reason you should stop supporting Bitchford. Not the LITERAL PEDOPHILIA AND CHILD MOLESTATION. It's this. Frankly, I dunno why people bought these games to begin with.
i guess its time for me to start using "magic man" as an insult
No Man's Sky
>"Guys we fucked up, here's years of free updates to eventually deliver what we promised."
Colonial Marines
>"What are you talking about? The game is good, I stand by my team and received thank you messages from fans because of it."
But no, the faggots are Hello Games and not Gearbox.
Didn't that end up being completely false and it was just videos of a questionably young looking but still legal streamer?
Nice fake news fucko, camsites have no underage girls.
He left a flashdrive full of barely legal watersports at a renaissance fair.
No man's sky really surprised me because I forgot and so did fucking everyone then one day I decided to try it again and it's completely different. Still shit though but at least they tried.
It doesn't work if you let them in and they aren't directly posing a threat to you after that. If they say, "We're PIs, can we come in?" and he says, "No, now get off my property before I shoot you," he's within his legal right. If he says, "Uh, y-yeah I guess..." then the waters get much hazier.
>Still thinking you aren't being spied on by Steam, Microsoft, Apple, and Android all at the same time
You faggots who think anyone even cares about your personal shit or what you do need to go outside. You're a literal spec of dust in an infinite galaxy to any of these "Spy" systems on your computer.
Yeah, it's that Anons fault for not using a third party extension on the off chance he wants to find some cropped picture's source. How dare he ask a simple question.
What kind of faggot fuck "Gate keeps" hentai? Go the fuck outside you stupid nigger.
>the system is perfect and never wrong
bootlickers are pathetic.
please consider killing yourself
We'll see if it's still shit after the 14th.
Wait what's happening on the 14th?
Supposedly their biggest update yet.
No, it was CP. No proof was ever presented otherwise.
I think proof is required to make that claim, not disprove it. That's not how burden of proof works.
Who was it then?
Nope. All news sites seem to have updated it. He was on a "barely legal" 18 streamer site. As usual, people just want drama where its not.
source(s) provided: 0
I have no idea. If it's what they say it is, then maybe someone with a bit more authority should look into it.
wait what
the loot boxes aren't new to borderlands, they've always had the shift key things.
I'll go with it was child porn. If the alternative is true, it's creepy porn of someone who is basically a child. At the end of the day, Randy is still a creepy fuck who has never made a good game, including op4.
brote if randy pitchford had any idea who you were he would be completely justified in having you banned from every venue on earth
I mean neither of you have provided a source but who's paying attention.
>implying reddit memes: the game was ever worth playing
Only decent one was the first.
I think Randy is a scumbag for plenty of other easier to prove reasons. Saying "he liked porn" isn't half the window into his darkside as his public actions like embezzling money from his employees and Sega.
first one isn't good either.
>plenty of other easier to prove reasons.
all reasons people still don't give a fuck about. Believe me, I've been waging my war against him far longer than you've been around.
He's a pedo creep, and his magic shows are right up there with the disgusting shit Epstein would do.
>caring about memelands 3
>caring about e-celeb drama
Did you even read it beyond the clickbait title? The person who found it BELIEVED it was underage, until Pritchford revealed the source of the porn to be a legal camgirl.
What does it mean if I don't give a shit how creepy a CEO is or if he sends detectives to some leakers doorstep and all I care about is whether or not the game is good?
>T2 using goons to intimdidate
Didn't the same occurred with some modders who were making a non-shit version of GTAO?
>the source of the porn to be a legal camgirl.
creepy if true, if wrong (probably unless proven) still creepy.
Well, the game in question is Borderlands, so we already know it's not.
Randy and his whole company is fucking nuts fuck'em.
>Ew gross, completely legal prime sexually developed age adult females! What kind of sick man likes those?
>Anthony Burch doesn't work there anymore.
So what? It still has the same sense of """""humour"""", which stinks like old cum. Why would you even lower yourself to that level?
Yeah, porn is pretty disgusting on its own, let alone porn meant to appear as if it's of a kid. Who's the model, by the way? Does she have a name or are we actually believing the same guy whole funneled money from Sega on to Borderlands?
If it were CP he would be in jail or court now. With all these Kotaku articles, IGN articles, etc calling obviously adult characters "Children like" I tend to not believe what people in the gaming media think normal females look like.
>private investigators
>for a video game
Holy fucking shit, Randy Pitchford is fucking retarded
why do people like these games again? I honestly put over 150 hours in the 2nd and I constantly felt like I was waiting for something to click and the game would get fun.
Take your own advice Reddit sooner
You too
There's like a dozen better games coming out in September, and Gearbox is gonna release like 7 different GOTY versions of BL3 anyway
Leaks can cost companies thousands of dollars. Its why they hate people breaking NDA and showing unfinished products or things meant to be a surprise.
>If it were CP he would be in jail or court now.
Not how due process works unfortunately.
>clearly using deceit and lies to try to cause damage by promoting a narrative that he knows is false
between the lawyer jargon you can hear the utter desperation and insistence deceit is at play from a person who he has never met outside of using his services at a restaurant.
Say it with me now: Randy Pitchford is a pedo who carries around CP he makes in his own privacy.
>Not how due process works unfortunately.
I hate Randy, but let's not throw "due process" under the bus just yet.
The man could spit bars, though.
I played the first for about 15 hours or so. Tried to convince myself I was having fun, was baffled at how boring it was. The skinner box worked for a bit. Felt the sinking feeling that I was making some progress that might pay off eventually, one of these days. It didn't of course. It was a miserable time from start to finish.
Started the second one on the insistence of a friend who claimed it fixed all the problems with the first. It was still incredibly boring. One of the few games I started to fall asleep while playing.
I don't do boycott's but there is 0% chance I would ever spend money on this game. Best I can do is a pirate but really Borderlands gameplay hasn't aged well to begin with
Had people sneak into their house and plant nazi memorabilia
due deez nuts, kike
But for the love of god, do it politely. If you start making demands and quoting legislation it is gonna put us in a bad mood and probably ruin your night. Just a simple "Oh, okay, before we go further do you mind if I see some identification just so I know this is legit?" will suffice just fine. Barking about what you think your rights may be tends to never end well. Think back to all the youtube videos you've seen of people barking about their rights. Pro tip: Most of those 'rights' have exceptions granted for extenuating circumstances. Which we can make up as we go. Don't be a dick, you won't be treated like one. We just want to finish that shit and go home as much as you do.
From what I heard there wasn't any exclusive leaked content on the discord. It was just his fanboys paying to talk with him and being able to see what he was making videos on.
>Preordering BL3 when Based Tim already paid for our copies.
Don't do this
He was perfectly fine with using saucenao and google images but suddenly going into the archives for this very site was asking too much?
I'd tell you to go outside but you'd end up right back in your after everyone tells you to fuck off for not being able to figure shit out on your own. It's kind of a life skill expected of people.
>If they try to barge in anyway (can happen with retarded departments that don't know law) you can record it and get free $300,000+ settlement.
LOL you wish. The "probable cause" laws are like 6 shelves in a library worth of fine print. You slamming the door in our face cause for suspicious right off. Or, we can say we heard a baby screaming, or that we saw drug paraphernalia, or any of a million other things. Doesn't matter if it's true. No one ever wins those lawsuits. They got that got swatted and literally murdered by police got no retribution.
i don't get the appeal of the temporary exclusivity, you need to be braindead to buy a bordelands game at launch, so why would anyone buy the game in the epic store instead of waiting 1 year to buy the goty edition in a steam sale?
These leaks were publicly available, it's like if you showed off footage of a game in a small ass TV show and expected no one to watch the show, but when people watched the show you sent PI's into their houses to make them say why they watched the show.
T2 does this shit not to actually get info but to make people back down from shit that T2 doesn't like. Nothing is illegal here at all. They did it to a GTA 5 modder who continued his stuff with no legal issues and they're doing it to this guy who's continued on with no legal issues. Randy is most likely involved but it's more likely some retard at T2's legal team.
imagine being this gullible
lol they had R Kelly dead to rights in a hardcore CP video and they couldn't bust him for it until decades had passed and he kidnapped and raped a dozen more teens lol
you got money. you get away with anything
look at this fag
where's your movie marty
>randy embezzles money from sega
>"lol who cares fag"
>randy leaves a usb drive filled with sensitive corporate documents (from other companies) and questionable pornography at a medieval times
>"um whatever gonna buy it anyway"
>randy steals money from take-two that were supposed to be given to his employees as bonuses
>"haha i dont work there why should i care"
>take-two goes after a streamer who is selling leaked information to youtubers
i dont understand
I'd actually respect Gearbox a little if they included this verbatim in the game.
Randy gave himself millions while cutting staff pay
They sent goons to attack a youtuber because he said he had leaks, even though he never released anything
They've gone on a heresy hunt against anyone who says BL3 is bad, copywrite striking them
And they pulled the game from Steam for Epic
Basically Gearbox are just cunts as usual, wont stop people buying BL3 since people love trash.
what's wrong with harassing clickbait youtubers?
Have you ever heard the phrase "the straw that broke the camel's back"?
Where were all of you when Take-Two did this with both GTA5 and Read Dead Redemption 2?
Except your last greentext is wrong, BL3 went 'gold' a few days ago.
People are buying it, no one gives a fuck if you're immoral as long as they get enjoyment from your products.
To be honest its the employees fault. If you accept getting stepped on then you're going to get stepped on. Gearbox employees could just walk.
>camsites have no underage girls.
ID's are literally IMPOSSIBLE to fake. nigga Strip Clubs get busted all the time for having underage dancers cause the girls use fake ID
I mean the real problem is the average "gamer" doesn't know about all that other shit, they only know about this because it's happening to a streamer.
Desu this is why you send your leak to other news agencies first and let them run it.
>They sent goons to attack a youtuber
no they fucking didn't, they were private investigators who can't do shit.
This the smart choice, Fuck paying full-price for the dlc, I much rather enjoy the complete game rather than being drip-fed DLC a few months at a time.
>And they pulled the game from Steam for Epic
You mean epic paid them an unknown amount hope the game launch flops on EGS
err, a youtuber.
>wtf why didn't they just quit their jobs over something they had no idea was happening
Randy please go.
they only care because randy pitchford made fun of gamergate 5 years ago
im just here to let you all know that the fuckup of saving the vods to twitch literally didnt need to happen at all because of the following settings
they had to go out of their way to fuck this up, and are now shooting anyone who so much as notices they fucked up. dont stand for their bullshit, laugh at them for this
>Reddit: the game
>game of the generation
Get jailed drumpftard. Rot nazi.
desu, if a giga nigga showed up at my house and took his 12 inch big black cock out, i'd let him do whatever he wanted to my white boi body.
>cop shows up
>nigger assumes he’s under arrest because he has an outstanding warrant
>nigger runs
>cop chases
>fight ensues
>nigger reaches for cop’s gun
>cop shoots nigger
This is literally how every interaction with blacks goes down, then the media spins it as “cop shoots unarmed gentleman without provocation.”
how many pounds of weight, and how much does your bar weigh? i got 300 pounds, and a 40 pound bar.
yeah, here in the de facto country of earth, the United States of America, we say pounds.
He could wait till all the dlc shit is released and get it for less, retard.
we really should use our cultural hegemony to simply obliterate the adoption of si units
F U C K I N G Who?
>kill non boss enemies
>get shit weapon
>open chest
>get shit weapons
>kill giant lobster raid boss a couple of times and open chest to be found after killing said lobster
>not even single item above blue rarity to be found
>kill giant randomly spawning bug raid boss 4 times
>get only a legendary class mod out of it each time.
>the same legendary class mod that drop from special enemies that are way less time consuming to spawn
I enjoy all this "fun" I'm having.
You have to remember some people want to commit suicide by cop
No he wasn't. Take your Fake News back to /vg/ and reddit you fucking libtard tranny.
Neohot was pretty based desu
Isn't he making self driving cars now?
>You're sort of missing the biggest part of this fiasco, which is that he started selling his leaks to people who paid $5 to get access to a private Discord channel for him to leak details in.
Fake News. Love how you "guys" got all organized to continue spreading this everywhere.
>in blue states or battleground states, even if someone breaks into your house in the middle of the night and has a knife or gun you can’t defend yourself and just have to get stabbed or shot.
Why do MIGAtards love spreading fake news?
But not getting any usable weapons over the course of ten level ups is badass.
Already have the deluxe edition pre-ordered. Don't really give a shit about some streamer cuck getting his just deserts.
Kill all streamers.
It wouldn't be the first time I've told someone to get the fuck off my property.
>no proof
good. fuck e-celebs and fuck leakers.
>implying people will buy this game
>Some old man is sitting in prison because two hoodies broke into his house armed and defended himself and the state didn’t like that. Blue states are basically like Europe, you just have to let yourself and your family get fucked by criminals.
Do you like to lie to others that badly
It's stupid. Up to the moment he disabled them, it was justifiable, though a bit scummy, given that he already had clear evidence of their breakins with that security system.
The executions wasn't
The humour is necessary and brings colour into the world of Pandora. It’s a shame that people are actually defending dull writing. Imagine if every dialogue was like the first line. You’d then have no memorable dialogue or characters.
>buying a gearbox game
>at launch
>in 2000+25-6.
I hope none of you are this stupid. Make Randy suck your dick first.
hey it took woolie 3 years to finally admit on camera that backing mighty number 9 was a mistake and shouldve let scam master vanish away
>t. Anthony Birch
Trusting that man’s teethe any where near your dick,
Not gonna lie, former Gearbox supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Gearbox crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let this game be an EGS exclusive.
How tf would thumbnails leak something worth spoiling and why tf would Gearbox use something so insecure to begin with?
>implying randy wouldn't try to turn it into some kind of fucked up illusionist act
That's a nope.
He put his hands down user after they told him to place his hands up. Gotta be vocal that you have a bitch of an itch on your left as cheek. Do people NOT have home surveillance?
You are missing the point. The first line was given just to be the bare bones baseline so you know what the actualy starting point and outline of the mission is. He wasn't advocating it be put into the game that way (although it could be done, and even in that bland form it would be an improvement over BL).
There are much better ways of going about adding falvor.
desu all these boycott shit is doesn't really matter and don't have any effect if the games good, people will still gonna play it. Its too big to boycott
Pfffft, Fuck Randy Bitchford.
>Private investigators
Come to my house if you want to see how many bananas shoved up your ass.
Jesus christ
if you're going to collect menial stuff for a menial goal you don't need to pad this shit out as if your life depends on it. Sometimes 'go fetch that shit for me' is enough, there's plenty of room to have actual dialoge where it matters. If you oversaturate your game with meaningless WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS people will eventually filter it out.
Have you not heard the song? Both get shot.
Imagine spending $2,000 on God Hand porn you'll never fap to.
>Game of the century.
Get outta here Randy.
The most recent one sure, doesn't explain his other leaks.
The dude is just a newfriend looking for a hand, whats wrong with that?
>Naoto is Trans and Kanji is gay
>Laura Kate dale did nothing wrong
>TWEWY has objectively bad controls
>Animal Crossing is busy work but MMOs are not
>Reads JoJo via wiki
>Gave up on life saving diet and exercises
A shit on pat thread sounds more fun
>chinks send secret police thugs to terrorize a man at his residence
based tim sweeney
that is certifiably BAD ASS
If he breaks laws why would they hire goons instead of calling the tax funded cops?
>boycotting a game by buying it slightly later
Why are normalfags so fucking spineless? He has the nerve to act like they lose at all from this.
As far as im concerned its a Pirate Bay Exclusive.
supMatto got what he deserved for being a faggot
It's like Pat is retarded or something..
Some motherfucker's having a laugh at your expense.
>even wasting your bandwith pirating it
Geez dude, go watch step brothers again if you like that stupid shit
he literally never mentions the word boycott.
>Yea Forums claims to not give 2 shits about Borderlands
>constant threads about it
>People that buy second hand game keys are so fucking retarded.
They are obviously less retarded than people that pay full price? Whats your point?
>These leaks were publicly available, it's like if you showed off footage of a game in a small ass TV show and expected no one to watch the show, but when people watched the show you sent PI's into their houses to make them say why they watched the show.
With the difference that it wasnt intended to be public, you fucking retard
still obviously fucked up move from them to get this guy spied on.
>Blue states are basically like Europe
with the difference that the chance in not third world countries to get mugged is almost 0
when in americuckland you guys shoot each other on broad daylight
How about shutting the fuck up instead of giving one modicum of a shit? Either you have the source or you don't, in which case they'll put in footwork.
saucenao and google images have a convenient search button built into Yea Forums by default.
as important as fireden is, it's really shit to use
Actually you'd think the phrase would be "Why do we give some kind of importance or notoriety to death threats in every single mild internet controversy? They've never and will never mean anything."
yes egs - no buy
>i don't know how to pirate properly
My 12 year old self could do it. Americans are really retarded.
There is such a thing as non-lethal weapons. Rubber bullets, tasers, tear gas.
>playing anything borderlands
>not spite pirating all of blandy bitchford's games or at the least buying it off a keysite so you know he didn't get any money
Unironicly true. Fuck shamed wolfs.
What fucking leak? They left info out in the open.
>Pat might get into a Twitter spat with Randy after annihilating Cliffy B
I can't wait