>You have failed me, completely and utterly
You have failed me, completely and utterly
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Boo hoo
If japan dev was doing this game, would Kreia be a loli?
You too.
I wonder what Kreia would say if you could give the guy money then kill him yourself. I think there were already a couple moments where you could just be an absolute lunatic
deconstructing a purposefully simplistic morality system is the writing equivalent of shopping at Hot Topic instead of having an actual personality
>please just give me the same dark side bad light side good story again for the 17th episode
Too bad you have to pick between light and dark
>People still don't understand Kreia
Imagine being this weak willed
Yes, because it's a series for children. We shouldn't have properties like My Little Pony or Star Wars or whatever grow up with us because you can only do so much to "fix" an intentionally simplistic juvenile foundation. People aren't conditioned to seek out serious adult work anymore, they're trained to find everything in established properties that stick with them from childhood onwards (eg Marvel movies).
I think Clone Wars was pretty good
She's an obnoxious mouthpiece for the writer who didn't even want to work on the game. That is more than enough.
>i'm bored of what this franchise is
>but I don't want to buy something new
>just gut the series and stick its aesthetics onto something different
do you clap when you see something familiar in the sequel trilogy too?
what if you beat the beggar to death with credit chips themselves?
Ironically, this is exactly what I think when playing any Obsidian game. Never again, fuck Obsidian.
>kotor kills the series making it a dead end that cant be built upon
>the same franchise where 1 newbie jedi or sith ends up saving or conquering the universe
>I just want to see remasters because only old things are good
Why?The reason we have a game and this thread is because it didnt follow that fixed foundation. Why shun it if it;s trying to be something your looking for?
No. Not completely.
>says i will weaken myself by freeing my friends
>save my friends... but fuck them all, release poison gas. To make a point about power.
>face Sion as one more of Master Kreia's tests and literally demoralize him to death.
>offer Kreia redemption, not to come back to the light side, but because she has given me everything and I do not want her to give me her own life too.
>kill her during the last fight, leave knowing I will make her proud.
best master/10
only Jolee comes close to this level of based
As if this bullshit teaches anything.
it teaches you that power enslaves you, that the teachings of light and dark limit you. That you are greater than that and you can transcend all of this by combining the shards of truth of both philosophies.
The dark side is bad and the light side is good, period.
Star Wars is black and white and has always been so.
Kotor 2 tried to make star wars into something it was not and didn't even do a good job at it since all the dark side options are literally Hitler and the light side options are space Jesus.
>it teaches you that power enslaves you, that the teachings of light and dark limit you.
And she's wrong from the get-go.
I'm already a moral relativist anyway.
Sion is a slave to the dark. Hanharr to his primitive nature. The three Jedi masters are hypocrites and they even tell you you surpass them as a Jedi. Gray Jedi are passive isolationist bitches. You go beyond all of them. In the end Kreia welcomes you as a graduate.
gray jedi are gay boys who lack both the conviction and self-discipline of the Jedi and the animal wisdom of the Sith.
Kreia was a delusional old woman and the player is her vanity project. The best choices in Kotor 2 all involve disappointing her.
Is the non-revenge neutral option to correct option?
>only Jolee comes close to this level of based
Jolee is a terrible character. The fact that he knew the protagonist was Revan, yet did nothing in the entire game apart from act all smug and like an obnoxious enlightened hippie, makes him impossible to take seriously.
she is not a gray jedi. she is both light and dark as it suits her. she is the ghost in the machine.
It genuinely baffles me. it's blatantly obvious that her main position is to act to make you think about the ramifications of your actions, regardless of what those actions are
I only assume it's because they're so used to the rpg staple of
>he agrees with me = good guy, he questions me = bad guy
That their minds shut down and the actual words fail to sink in
Jolee was a gray Jedi. Passive. But his teachings were good. In the end he chose to act and be a true Jedi. There is a lot of wisdom in his bullshit rants.
I liked KOTOR because you start in a big city and could be a smuggler or something. Literally quit once the jedi shit forced its way into the story and didnt play KOTOR 2 because jedis are boring
But the jedi are all dead in KOTOR 2
When I played KOTOR, I failed to get a sense of character from him, unless you count "crotchety old man" as character, and I wouldn't. It felt, to me, as if in designing him BioWare had decided to hold to the stereotype (grumpy old man) and forego the personality underneath it entirely, which really made the character more shallow. And that's a shame, because Jolee probably has the most possibility for depth in the entire first game.
His crotchety half-senile old man defense doesn't endear me to him, it's only annoying, especially when it obscures the personality beneath the charade. But, because of that charade, you never really get the sense of that personality unless he's caught completely off-guard, and even when he is it's not like you actually ever have a straight conversation with him anyway. That annoys the hell out of me; I don't want an on-and-off character who's a trope more than half the time, I want one that can have that personality underlying everything at all times, and I feel Jolee always failed to do that.
We should have nuked them more.
this. As cool as Kvar was, siding with him destroys Sobrik's identity. Your "dark side" choice of siding with Vaklu keeps their people strong and not assimilated by the republic.
That is literally the point of she telling you the future.
Judge Dredd says thirty years in the isocubes, creep.
anime star wars would be kino compared to the sequels
I'm STILL mad about Vaklu being the darkside option.
Hell all of the options in the game should have just been "do whatever you think is right" instead of boiling it down to LIGHTSIDE GOOD DARKSIDE BAD.
I was a full on moralfag Space Jesus and she ended up being proud of me just because I told her I'd consider her teachings every time she scolded me for making light sided choices. She even gets happy when you try to talk her dow. before the final fight even though she wasn't going to change her mind no matter what but appreciates how you would still try to save her.
Idk I thought it was a pretty decent game, but that might've been cause of my age back then.
That is a good point though.
Your actions dethrone a rightful government and put an idiot in charge, also you kill a Master Jedi. Kvar tells you that there are immediate consequences to your actions as well when you offer to spare him.
Kreia tells you to ignore all that bullshit for your own sake.
>plays a game from a franchize literally centered around space wizards, magic force powers and laser sword combat
>wants to play as some generic "le mercenary guy"
>not being female james bond in space with imperial agent and wrecking space wizards with your tech and wits.
It's not that people are "conditioned", dipshit. It's that copyright lasts 100 years and a previously successful brand already has marketing done for it and it ranks in Goolge's SEO. Being simplistic makes them widely accessible, so if anything, it's just the low-risk corporate environment forcing you to see the same brands retraced again and again.
What went wrong?
Not anymore. Kids don’t give a shit about Star Wars. It’s primary audience is millennials who grew up with the prequels and boomers who saw the first three in theaters
I really fucking hate how they treated the Mandalorians in SWOTOR.
>Hey sir, could I please get a credit?
>Sure why not
Jesus I won't
That’s the problem with the first KotOR. They just took the usual Star Wars tropes and tweaked them a slight bit. There’s actually very little character to many of the party members because they’re just meant to be a cliche with a spin.
>implying that Revan was ever anything more than a plot device
Drew got triggered, despite his darth bane trilogy nearly perfectly aligning with the philosophy of 2
"Apathy is death" isn't said by Kreia, it's said by a figment of your own mind during the spirit cave hallucination.
Jesus Christ does no one understand Kreia's lesson on Nar Shaddaa? Also she never says that some vision of her on Korriban.
more like soi wars
Lead writer is a piss baby.
No joke, the majority of his revan book is him erasing kotor 2.
>t3 dies in a fucking sentence and nobody cares
It also doesn't help that disney killed the only things keeping star wars alive in the modern era.
>Kreia tells me not to rob the Sith dead on Koribban because some blah blah
>she actually just wants to rob me of the xp from killing all those Hiss and some nice loot and gets mad when I call her bluff
Fuck that cunt
Yes, user, some people like playing non-wizards in settings with wizards
Valkorion had good VA
so did the fem imperial agent and the Sith Lords
Male Agent was pretty decent as well
Not getting involved in something doesn't mean you're apathetic. The whole apathy is death is a warning against nihilism like much of the game. It comes as a response to the player essentially saying nothing matters, which is completely different to not getting involved in the situation you're describing. Also Kreia might not be the one literally saying it, but it's inline with her philosophy so i don't know why people respond with that every time.
but she's hot
>Want to romance the Chiss dude
>actually do
>flirt with imfected bugboy but dont actually want anything with him
>mfw a kiss happens
>mfw thousands of other horrible bug creatures felt my imperial agent's kiss
>fuck her while having an exceptionally strong bond in place with her mother
What ending do you get if you completely ignore Kreia and tell her to fuck off whenever she tries to talk to you?
I bet she was hot as fuck in her prime.
topkek. I wish they made some lines on this
>Gray Jedi
>Pisses on you for anything that could remotely be construed as a Sith choice
There was nothing gray about Jolee.
Playing through this right now and I might do another playthrough. Doing LS sentinel, I don't remember the Nar Shadaa finale being one gigantic guantlet with no breaks in between where your PC is locked away for the majority of it, oh my god.
>want to play KOTOR 1 because I like Teris and the galaxy isnt in a dark age
>getting it to run is annoying and its even buggier than 2
Where the fuck are the remakes, STOP NUKING THE FAN REMAKES YOU MOUSE FUCK
Yeah Nar Shaddaa can be brutal but if you play your cards right you can get your lightsaber quick if you go there first
The gauntlet was added in the restored content mod.
I hope for your sake you didn't get the droid planet part, too.
Everyone that says 'hurrrrrr that's just some vision on Korriban' misses the point that she tells Zez-Kai-Ell
>to hide yourself on Narshadaa yet blind yourself to all that happens there
is literally the same as apathy is death.
I have my lightsaber but my PC is locked away so I can't unequip it.
I don't remember - I just subbed to it on the workshop. What's wrong with it?
Reminder that Kotor 2 killed the series and was the reason SWTOR became what it was due to lack of sales and interest
Guys I like swtor, as far as SW goes. The "Then let's roll the die!" delivery by both voice actors during the hangar mission on the Sith planet is one I remember fondly.
It wasn't his apathy that was the problem, it was the fact he actively avoided anything to do with it.
Kreia is apathetic to plenty of things, but having a responsibility and then sticking his head in the sand was why Zez was a failure. If he'd never pretended to give a shit in the first place Kreia wouldn't have given him nearly so much grief.
Best planet order?
Fuck you Traya.
Nar Shadaa, Dantooine, Doxun, Onderon, Korriban
Young Kreia was hot as shit, tho.
For lightsaber run? Telos omitted:
>Nar Shadaa
the thing I hate about kreia is how the game puts her on a pedestal and prevents you from killing her or even being disrespectful to her. the entire game I just wanted to tell her to fuck off but the story forces her down your throat.
Not him but it's.... so... fucking bad. It's incredibly tedious, will break the pacing of the game, make you want to pull your hair out. It makes you do insanely long backs and forth, has horrible fan-made voice acting, dumb as fuck puzzles, it's just bad bad bad, I AM NOT EXAGGERATING WHEN I SAY IT ALMOST MADE ME NOT FINISH THE GAME AND QUIT THERE. I forced myself to finish it and then enjoyed the ending.
I don't mean any disrespect to the people who worked on restauring or modding that planet, I can see it must have been a lot of work, but it's fucking horrible to play honestly
t. failures
t. lawful evil
t. true lesson in strength
As opposed to what, Alec? Being an actor; someone whose career is roleplaying in fantasy worlds?
>I don't care what you think
>I'm glad
Kreia in a nutshell
I feel like this is the boomer version of "and then everyone clapped".
Well said.
Onderon felt old trilogy as fuck. one of my favorites.
Are you kidding? Avoiding to do anything is literally apathy. He did nothing. Kreia is never apathetic. She distances herself and makes a rational decision, but she always picks sides and chooses. Even Avellone agreed with me and said I was right.
Point being, you're objectively wrong and apathy being death is part of Kreia's views.
>The dark side is bad and the light side is good, period.
You can't just say something is so when reality contradicts it. Star Wars isn't black and white, the Jedi are a bunch of space hippies who are powerless in 99% of situations and only pull through in the end through miracles, at the expanse of thousands of lives of the rebels. Just look at the newest movie and how sticking to the same cliche has fucked it over so hard, it ends with them being confident the good guys will succeed because they have "the force" on their side even though there's like 20 of them left after the entire rebellion was crushed and killed. The rebels are weak as fuck and basically just a thorn in the side of the Empire which is the only group that actually accomplishes something of note. The Sith are run by absolute maniacs. There is little middle ground between Jedi and Sith which is what Kreia is pointing out, they both blindly follow either an ideology of absolute power at any cost or being a feeble space hippie that is constantly in hiding and getting BTFO by your enemies.
On top of all of this civilian lives are basically treated like cannon fodder. Normal workers and soldiers in every faction are comically killed in droves while the only real people with agencies are the heroes and villains, mostly Jedi and Sith. It's just like Atton Rand says soon after you first meet him, the Jedi and Sith are going around having their religious wars while the ordinary people are fucked over at every turn. Being a non-force user in the Star Wars universe is being at the whims and mercy of religious freaks with retarded secret orders determining the future of the universe without any say of ordinary people.
It's better to see it as the Sith are evil and the Jedi are the lesser of the two evils, without any possible alternatives. The problem ultimately is the Force itself, as Kreia rightfully hates, and that human nature is inherently selfish and will seek to use the Force. There needs to be a purge of all Force Sensitives in the galaxy, but then you wouldn't have any stories in Star Wars, or any wars.
That’s the funniest thing about TLJ. It pretends to do the subversion thing, but only fucks with small shit while leaving the hamhanded SITH BAD JEDI GOOD shit completely intact after playing footsie for hours
I like the non-force stuff of star wars. Clone Wars was cool, I am still mad about the Boba Fett movie being put on hold, because it had the director of Logan on it.
man they really forced bugboy onto you. I kept rejecting him and the dude straight up fucking proposes at one point.
>introduces a thirty minute long unnecessary side story to state "Yo weapon dealers profit off of both sides"
It was shit like this that really made me distasteful of the movie. It was playing with morality while still having the mentality of a kindergartener
I like it too but we all know that most of everything changes because of the Jedi and Sith. Having a galaxy changing event in-universe every decade or two really makes everything interesting.
why cant kotor threads be full of fun ideas like this .
Less Kreia REEE more snacks and HK47
One would argue that that was the intention. Luke tried to have the whole 'huurrr Jedi bad' but it ended up showing that the Jedi were still needed to defeat evil. I prefer it that way. Having changed the metanarrative of the Sith winning would have actually ruined Star Wars.
Shut up, you old hag. You don't even believe your own fucking teachings, you lying sack of shit. The only honest thing that came out of your wrinkled lips where when you praised me for manipulating a bunch of homeless bums.
Is there a way for Mira to love Jesus dick?
Evil he created. Like, on purpose. And then left to burn the galaxy. Luke wasn’t even close to correct and it’s laughable people treat it as some sort of deep meaning. As I’m sure many would attest, kotor II handled this exact subject with far more grace while maintaining a semblance of logic. Whereas TLJ falls apart completely with any sort of scrutiny
No you're too old
god damn it
Meh. Luke ran away. Apathy is death. All Apathetic Grey Jedi are apathetic and cowards. I mean, sure, you could argue that Luke would've never done that, but it's still consistent with the structure of Star Wars. Arguably, Luke did the same dumb shit as Yoda. People tend to forget this but Yoda also acted apathetically; letting the galaxy burn for two decades until Obi-Wan begged him to train Luke. He even says at the end of Revenge of the Sith that he has to 'go into Exile'. Arguably, Yoda left to burn the galaxy even more than Luke.
That just makes me want to put it in her even more.
Who's the best girl?
The Handmaiden. She's too pure and doesn't get sarcasm. And she's always naked.
Yoda actually fought and lost. It is not the same shit. They were waiting for their opportunity. Luke tried to kill a child AND RAN AWAY TO DIE
The twelick(however you spell space sluts} sisters
Don't give me that bullshit. Yoda fought, lost, and never tried again. Arguably, both Luke and Yoda 'tried' and gave up. The difference is that Yoda confronted evil when it manifested itself while Luke tried to end evil before it manifested itself.
Both Yoda and Luke trained the next generation to fix the mess of their generation.
Nice. Good choice.
>Luke trained the next generation
You mean Kylo, right? Because Rey didn’t actually get real training and was, in fact, chastised for immediately going to the DARK SIDE HOLE. For which she suffered no consequences. Then she literally went there and instead of having a personal trial, as Luke did on Dagobah, she saw a mirror of erised showing only herself. Much like Captain Marvel, the real power was just her all along :^)
Rey got training on the nature of the Force. It's the same as Yoda's speech on how the Force ties everything together.
>vissas and handmaiden having a heart to heart about you while you're not around
>Bao durr bulling atton for loving fem exile
The shit that happens on the hawk is always comfy as hell
why does bao-dur just randomly disappear at the end
ew what the fuck is that fem exile
>You have touched the Force... what does it feel like?