Monster Hunter Thread
Monster Hunter Thread
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Loc Lac City is the best MH hub.
what are we going to do on the bed?
>friend for years
>always been decent at games
>usually just on discord while playing
>we coop'd all of MHW
>friend says he wants to start streaming
>tell him cool, go for it
>been about a year now since he started streaming
>haven't played any games with him since he started due to life, work, game interest
>asks me if I want to try the Iceborne beta with him
>hes streaming while he plays it
>Hes the equivalent of a guy that reads bill boards out loud
>overly reacting to everything thats happening
>must read all text that isn't voiced out loud in his own made up voice for a character
>plays as if I passed my mom the controller for the first time
>think maybe hes just rusty
>carts 2 times to the first monster in the beta
>just starts complaining about the game
>comes back to the fight to repeat the same mistakes
>must make sound effects when hitting the monster
>twitch lingo everywhere like "wait I dodged that; Hello?!"
>carts again
>"F's in the chat boys"
>mostly just shooting slinger pods at this point
>I kill it
>I agree to move on to Tigrex with him despite all this
>it ends with me soloing Tigrex while hes running back from camp after carting 4 times
Thanks twitch for turning my friend into the worst kind of casual
>cleanest hitboxes in classic MH
>distinctive openings (spearwing sweep, double wing blast, etc.)
>paw jabs to keep blademasters on their toes
>inhales after two rages, which is merciful
>divebomb gives ample time to heal or sharpen.
Valfalk is peak MH gameplay. No powerup roars, no instant divebombs, just a fair fight between you and the monster.
And he's doing it all for the two autists that sucks his cock I guess. Get better friends, one that sold you out in an attempt to gain fame is not a friend.
I'm sorry for you user. Have a cute monster picture.
>equip valor
>dodge everything and counter
peak MH indeed
>Got shitty Lavasioth stealing Agnaktor's gimmick in World
>didnt get a based birdwyvern adding some fucking sleep weapons
Why is Sleep restricted to Uragaan? It always felt super tacked on, especially since he also farted explosive gas since his introduction in 3rd.
Just give me some variation. And Leviathans, for god's sake. I don't care for Lagi, but if Agnaktor made it in, you'd get the Glacial variant for Frostpeak, you get a skeleton for Amatsu AND Lagi to boot (both popular and add better elemental spread)
>foresight everything and helmbreak
Right back at ya
Streaming is a malevolent cancer
that's just if you pick LS. Meanwhile, you can use Valor on all weapons in XX. It's basically temporal mantle but infinite
I'll leave you to it
Now educate someone who never played Gen/GU, are styles or arts as retardedly gamebreaking as that temporal mantle thing in World?
Coming from FU, I just can't picture it, clunkiness was mandatory, and there wasn't any crutch option.
I feel you man, im also friends with a streamer with room temperature IQ. I just carry him through shit as he spends most of his time staring offscreen at chat and making wierd anime references and streamlabs cutaways
is he the hardest "tutorial" monster?
He's the most complex as he has more than 3 attacks so kind of
Lavasioths armor is even worse than Agnaktors.
You don't even get the satisfaction of breaking his armor piece by piece.
I can't believe that Generations Lavasioth is actually a lot more fun than Worlds
>tfw temporal is getting gutted in IB
It's even more broken than mantles. Iceborne's gonna nerf mantles while GU added Valor, which lets you do insane damage for some weapons but give everyone a temporal mantle-like auto-dodge by sheating. You don't even need to time it, just hold it and it'll dodge when you get hit
LS is broken as fuck with Valor because it skips charging spirit gauge and gives you a parry move that can break, cut parts, and stun monsters at an instant
It's essentially the same, the only difference is that with Valor you have to press a button while baby blanket plays the game for you
LS, HBG, and GS are absolute bonkers with Valor. Valor is basically sheating and countering to power up a gauge. You start with most of your moves locked out but as soon as you charge up the gauge, you become OP as fuck and for some weapons like LS, you can skip a lot of trouble powering up weapon-related skills and just go straight to powered-up mode like spirit. If you're good, you can keep this gauge on forever until the monster runs away
At least there's a timer on mantles AND in iceborne it's gonna be like 3-4 hits until nullified. Don't spread misinfo
I only played Gen so I have no experience with Valor, but Adept dodges are stupidly easy to pull off, and while most Arts aren't terribly broken, Absolute Evasion and Absolute Readiness existed, funnily enough where the spinny dodge from the baby blanket comes from. Basically a superman dive on command, and the latter variant also sharpens/reloads iirc. You can't spam it, granted, but still really powerful.
Temporal Mantle lasts 90 seconds and is on a 5 minute recharge after that unless you get the skill that reduces that a whopping 30 seconds
In Master Rank, each attack the mantle eats is going to cost a large chunk of its duration.
Brave turns your sheath animation into a dodge while you hold the button, on top of giving the weapon a lot of over the top stuff once you get the Brave gauge filled (takes 2-4 attacks), like Greatsword getting to lunge forward on their charge attack or Longsword getting an effective 50 MV counter on the first swing of their spirit slash.
A lot of specific arts are really stupid too like Enraged Guard giving Lance up to a 30% raw boost for a few minutes if you block the monster's biggest attack with it, or Absolute Readiness/Evasion which are panic dives on short recharge times that you can hit with your weapon out.
>It's essentially the same
it isn't. It definitely isn't. Only similarity is that both gives you an auto-dodge. I'm literally playing GU right now
And let's not forget Adept style and the entirety of Hunter Arts.
the worst part is since hes tasted a sub and a donation hes not gonna stop anytime soon either. cute monster.
bless you user. I don't know how you do it. I don't truely care if you suck, but putting in the lowest of effort makes me REEEE
are G/GU actually easy games or do the styles and arts just break them?
Styles break them
take away the styles makes it hard the same way you take away mantles from MHW.
IMO GU's LR and HR aren't as hard as 4U but atleast its not like P3rd which is piss easy
Kinda but he's also the easiest to knock on his ass
The Dromes get up really quickly if you knock them over, and Great Jaggi doesn't have any special stance where it's super easy to knock him down
>At least there's a timer on mantles
Before Iceborne that timer was retardedly long and was essentially a get out of jail card, it wil be acceptable only after they nerf it into the fucking ground
Best monster
and Valor is infinite. Your point? lets not forget the G-rank expansion of MHGen introduced Valor and did nothing to balance it
If you just play Guild style with no arts it's pretty much the same as 4U, maybe a little quicker to kill normal monsters once you get the Silverlos crit boost train rolling.
You have to activate valor, it's not actual autopilot
I'm not defending it i'm just stating the facts, that one of them is autopilot and one of them is accessed with the press of the sheating button, gonna also throw a fit and call me listfag?
>some retard spreads misinfo
>actual MH players correct him
I love it. Best outcome of a shitpost
>thousands of edgelord human version ocs of this monster, essentially emo anime girls/boys
>when the monster itself is literally a walking abortion suffering every instant with it's brain scrambled
>tfw you could never be bothered to unlock any of the mantles besides the ghillie mantle
I love Barroth!
nobody mentioned listfag, you ok? also, it doesn't matter, there's a dodge button and it skips over tons of hoops for weapons and just goes straight to OP mode. Everyone complained how broken this style is
They did such a great job with him
The only mantle i ever use is the one for sellable drops
World Fetuses thinking their crutch mantle is any better than styles is both incredibly hilarious and incredibly sad, at least Ryozo "make more fucking piscine wyverns before i fire you all" Tsujimoto understood that it was time to take the training wheels away from them
Doesn't the game just hand you all of them in the main story except the Affinity Booster and the elemental resist mantles? I honestly forget.
too bad they didn't even do anything about the styles when they ported it to Switch while based Ryozo nerfed the broken mantles
Pressing a guaranteed invincibility button during obvious tells is vastly different from being invincible for a minute or so.
Legit question, did G/GU give its monsters retardedly powerful AoE oneshot Frontier-tier skills to compensate?
It's a girl
>cleanest hitboxes in classic MH
This is complete bullshit, the ONLY major issue with Valstrax are his hitboxes
Styles are dead, they're never coming back
Just hope Ryozo doesn't shift into maximum mouthbreather again and releases something like the temporal mantle again
I'm pretty sure only the ghillie is given to you via story mission. All others are side-missions.
Adept is pretty easy, but valor takes a lot of skill.
The valor ls counter that is super broken has like a 2-3 frame windows that is delayed 2-3 frames after you press the button. Plus its pretty sensitive to direction.
Its definetly strong as hell, but to pull if off coblnsistently requires a lot of practice so ita fair enough in terms of skill vs reward.
Great monster either way
Only some of the Deviants got big fucking AoEs and only the Super Deviants (final tier challenge versions) like Azurebolt got really nuts about it. Hyper Lagiacrus gets a fucking MASSIVE AoE if his back gets the Hyper effect but that's just a side effect of Hyper making projectiles bigger in general.
Gammoth is basically AoEs: The Monster I guess but it's also slow as shit outside of Super Frostpeak Gammoth
lets not forget that valor style can avoid chip damage hits while temporal cant.
>but valor takes a lot of skills
you serious? It's the most used style out there. Only skillful part is the counter, and that shit is easy to master
What was the in game explanation for the guild adding timers, fees and cart limits to quests?
I cant remember for the life of me and im sure i read it in one of the games. Maybe had something to do with avoiding newbie hunters from biting more than they could chew or something like that?
I'm pretty sure they gave monsters less downtime between attacks or something, Barioth seemed way more aggressive than the previous one
I never use it so it's gonna be fun seeing all these babies adjust to losing their safety blanket.
The only "difficult" part of Brave is that you need to stay aggressive and not actually eat a hit to keep it going for as long as possible. Good way to reward skillful play but the end result is ridiculously powerful.
Valor counter in itself is chip damage
>"make more fucking piscine wyverns before i fire you all"
there's literally only 2 piscine wyverns in world and only one of them is new
that you can control and predict. It's not even that much of a chip damage either unlike Nerg's chip hits which goes right through Temporal mantles
Now there's 3
And they're surprisingly all the same fucking monster
The cart cats demand big payment (a third of your reward money) to haul your sorry ass out of danger, and they're not just gonna leave you there to die so once that reward pool hits zero they just drag you all the way home.
In World the usual 50 minute limit is nearly two full day/night cycles, I dunno if we want to compare gameplay abstractions like that but it's clearly a "don't kill yourself from exhaustion" limit.
If you just stand there all day waiting for a monster to attack you it'll chunk your hp
Strange, this weak we didnt have any news, reveals or even leaks. Last week we had the subspecies at least.
Lavasioth has been completely rehauled(ruined) so they're essentially all new
I haven't played monster hunter in nearly a year, and I'm reinstalling world now. What should I expect?
>gut shitter mantle
>add a completely free revive built in the gadget that already vomits heals
1 step foward
9 steps back
and there won't be a situation where this happens unless you're a complete pleb. Also, there are hunter arts that compliments that style like devouring demon which completely nullifies any fear of chip damage as long as you keep hitting.
No point arguing, styles and hunter arts are much more broken than Mantles. Hell you can tell Iceborne's made by GU devs because they added a revive gadget and a clutch claw
i can't even get mad at the devs for whatever delicate difficulty balancing they have to do in iceborne in order to cater to your average pub, like this guy i got in an at zorah sos (he spent the nergi repel fight bouncing off a broken magma core with his fire duals)
don't see the problem, it's a only the first time, like a felyne insurance.
>Play beta
>get carted by Tiggy
>He just stands over me while my cat revives me and carts me instantly
That won't matter outside of solo/duo hunts though
If anything it just means shitters will be less willing to dirty up pubs
>one time revive that leaves you wide open to get bodied again
Quarter step back, maybe.
It's once a hunt like Moxie/Insurance/Guts
Also obviously can't be used with 3+ players because cats
I wanna know what kind of OP shit Plunderang and Orchestra will get though
Babymode until you get to Yian Nerguga
Endless gacha grind that will be rendered pointless with G-rank(partially)
Lao strikes back
Shittiest final boss
Most of the gathering bullshit fixed, gathering in itself is less tedious
Mostly shitty music with some glorious exceptions
isn't it only for solo? and it doesn't give iframes so you're fucked in a bad situation
It's for solo and 2 players, like cats
With Felyne insurance, 2 cats with this, baby blanket and scaled down Multiplayer hp they might actually make 2 player hunts baby mode
>played Tri and P3rd
>pick up World
>feeling a bit a rusty but I quickly get the hang of it again
>only cart once when I got careless against a Diablos
>get to HR
>do some shitty Great Girros hunt
>suddenly a new monster shows up called Bazelgius
>rapes my anus and I triple cart to him since everything he does hits like a fucking truck and he always takes up like 3/4 of any given area he's in at the bottom of the Rotten Vale so I can't see what the fuck he's even doing
gonna revenge kill this fucker now
>Hell you can tell Iceborne's made by GU devs
Can you imagine if they added styles in MHW:IB
Palarang will probably give you more items, maybe force monsters to go AT Jagras and vomit parts
You don't use it to have fun, you use it to farm bullshit
>he doesnt know
multiplayer was always babby mode
They kinda did, things like the CB chainsaw is straight from the arts but implemented into the moveset
The real crime is that the huntresses don't get the witch outfit the guild lasses wear.
2 players is technically the hardest way to play World since monster trips and part breaks scale along with HP now, and you can't solo stuff at multiplayer HP at all unless you have someone join and then intentionally disconnect.
Multi in World is hard mode tho, especially if you're playing with randoms
Stun/aliment thresholds are completely fucked, monsters sometimes goes full spastic and changes target in between attacks and there are other people that can make you fail the hunt
why do bow users use all the carts?
it's also always hard mode if you're playing randos. What did you expect?
He's piss easy, his ugly ass head is an entire weakspot
Just learn to avoid the bombs and slap his face
Some weapon stuff in World was already like that so it's not too surprising.
Lower defense and lack of skill
>wobbles harmlessly while letting his spores do all the work and fight for him
90% of bow users are retards who saw videos of top tier players using them and have their eyes glued on to their modded in DPS meters instead of the fight
Oh so he does actually have a weirdass jaw
i figured the bigger mouth was part of the corpse he wears
last MH I played was on the PSP (monster hunter freedom unite). How fun is this one? And how long are the fights on average? I remember the PSP one being 20m easily.
Also is Khezu back?
Your friend sounds gay as fuck. Cut your losses and find less gay friends.
What's it like to be a perfectly normal citizen of the Monster Hunter world? Not a Hunter or guild member, just an average Joe. Would it be as comfy as it seems?
He's literally a dragonfish plastered onto a Kushala Daora
He even has those fake glowing eyes
>still need another fucking black diablos crown
losing my mind bros
bazel is genuinely pathetic if you run HBG. Fighting him as GS main was torture but I managed to easily defeat 2 tempered Bazels with HBG.
Hes based on a Stoplight Loosejaw
Streaming is the "moving to Hollywood to become an actor" of our generation, it's fucking horrible.
>Constantly in fear of getting eaten by a basic bitch Jaggi
No. My autism demands I be a god-tier hunter.
fuck i haven't seen this meme referenced in ages.
You would be scared shitless that a diablos decides to burrow under your home and kill your entire family.
>Fighting him as GS main was torture
>position yourself
>can't get close because mines
>finally get one
>shockwave kills you anyway
Of Smash and Slam
LBG is pretty funny too
Literally just walking backwards and shooting while he desperately tries to catch up with you
GS is one of the better melee weapons for him because of the long reach and easy flinching. Just have to avoid tackling into a cluster of tempered Bagel scales.
Alright bros, finally got through the massive unskippable cutscene.
What weapon should I pick?
>this is a male monster
Lance it is then.
>Just have to avoid tackling into a cluster of tempered Bagel scales
Which are fucking everywhere around him while tempered. IG is so much nicer against him.
>this is a dragon
You start with 1 of each in your box, try em all out. Keep in mind that some weapon types have different playstyles depending on the specific weapon from that category though, especially bowguns.
I'm a lancefag too though so I second
I want to fuck him!
I want to make big fucking swords from him!
I hate charge blade because of how it overshadows my baby the switch axe. Anybody else?
>my favorite monster is also my zodiac sign
....I'm calling it right now, I'm going to catch my girlfriend looking at porn of this thing I swear to god her and dragons
Literal Dex > Str retards. They go full glass cannon mode because they think they can pshh their way around with the bow dodging.
Is there anything to do in World that you couldn't do in the older games? There aren't any new weapons so it feels like I'm just going through the motions again.
mizu with teostra rising here
What is the palico gadget that people at the endgame of world use? Ive been sticking with drums for hundreds of hours but ive heard people say the shield and healing work out great
I've played the game before, my dude, I'm just starting a new game so I can get back into it.
Some weapons have major changes to their playstyles, not all of them, but some.
You know, all the monsters who threaten villages in the games' stories are usually super strong.
But really what's stopping a herd of seltas from just massacring a town of unskilled and unprepared people? Mooga village for instance would be fucked if it were attacked outright rather than just wobbled by earthquakes
The bow and...?
My unending, seething hatred for ranged weapons kind of keep me from giving it a try. Latching on to monsters with the SA seems kind of fun but ultimately pointless.
Not my favorite monster but breddy good nonetheless
Dual Blades probably changed the least out of all the weapons.
Gunlance got a massive overhaul
GS, you now tackle through bullshit to get to TCS instead of unseathe, hit and run.
just wait for IB then
Like wild animals, monsters instinctively stay away from human settlements. Shit like Lao Shan Lung are the result of something disturbing the natural order, and the ones that actively target humans are a big deal, like Teostra.
i hate my parents for having new years sex.
No new weapons there either. Are there any new moves that look interesting?
Sounds tedious but I'll give it a try.
It's just a new combo tree, right? It's the same slow piece of shit it always was.
wide gl is a lot like the pokeshelling of the old except you just do poke shell instead of poke poke shell
The quest descriptions in previous games made it sound like Teostra was just a real ornery territorial bastard, but only really a problem if he was disrupting miners in the volcano or if he showed up anywhere outside of a volcano.
Every weapon gets new moves and a new somewhat overlapping slinger mechanics in IB
All I need are the gold crown trophies for the Platinum.
I've been at it off and on for a whole fucking year.
HELP ME dudeski's.
>Sounds tedious but I'll give it a try.
A lot more dynamic and on the offensive, really, tackle are a lot of fun.
If they just added being able to launch yourself to the enemy after charging it'd be perfect.
gunlance has double hop now as well which is gigantic for anyone who has touched it before.
I usually just turn around a backhop in the old games. It's nothing new to me.
In Dos he was the penultimate boss beside yama tsukami, and was generally fought in the city streets. Unlike Lunastra who was more of a desert/volcano inhabitant.
I don't know the details because my moonspeak sucks.
what the hell is this build...
longsword plays completely different from any other iteration, it's closest to valor ls from gu but even then it's still fairly dissimilar
sns has a couple viable playstyles, the raw-focused falling bash one is pretty different from old sns
ig has dogshit motion values now and only wants to spam tornado slash so that's new (?)
i'm pretty sure sa plays somewhat differently combo-wise from the old games
cb is 4u-esque except you use saeds instead of aeds, can charge your sword and you can roll super fast now in sns mode
Come on, the LS is fucking identical unless you spam that one completely OP move like a faggot. The SA seems pretty similar too and I keep running out of sword mode which adds another layer of tedium considering it's not really stronger than just using a LS.
oh no someone halfway through the game doesn't even have a meme armor set yet what a scrub
You want to finish your combos with the tornado slash but the old infinite is still your best damage on a stationary target iirc, you do the tornado slash when it's time to bail.
Post investigation with correct rewards. Hunt monster. Hope. Good luck.
SA regains a bit of sword meter when you toggle from sword to axe now, you're supposed to switch whenever you're backing off from a monster instead of waddling around in sword mode all the time now.
Can't believe I've never seen a gunlance player in MHW pivot backhop.
investigations with either 3+ purple boxes or with at least 1 gold and 1 silver box are the only things that have gold crowns. anything else is a waste of time
what? world ls attack loop isn't even similar to valor ls and why wouldn't you want to spam helmsplitter? it's like cb not using saed, it's dumb as fuck
I did until I realized you can scooch forward, long gone are the days of the backhop
Just got my plat a little while ago, fucking had to kill almost 200 black diablos
No, the LS is very different and only getting more different in IB. Base MHW is all about the foresight slash, which the weapon never had before, so you no longer care as much about repositioning with fade slashes to keep up your momentum. IB introduces the iai slashes, the weak version of which builds meter so easily and efficiently that you'll barely ever even bother with normal attacks, while also letting you cancel the auto-sheath of your spirit roundslash and change the direction you face at the same time. Literally zero downtime.
Pivot backhop lets you cover more distance faster since you can pivot backhop->big backhop rather than just inch forward step by step.
gotta love autist build
>on fucking ds
Or not using arts in XX.
When I said "scooch forward" I meant the forward hop World added. Combined with Evade Extender the GL has great mobility now.
Shuffling forward into the running scoop gets enough distance usually, any further than that and you'd be better off just sheathing and drawing into the scoop when you run over.
Lance can actually cover a shitton of distance with alternating guard dash backwards into long hop backwards, but now that the Charge is pretty much 100% safe since you can block right away there's not much of a reason to do that kind of shit anymore.
> halfway through the game
it's at zorah and he's rank 56. it's not like there exists only meta sets and dumpster fires, with nothing in between
even then, why would anyone bring fire duals to at zorah?
Damn, you can block in the middle of a charge? Why do they keep boosting that move? It's so not what the Lance should be about.
Maybe it's the only halfway decent white sharpness weapon he has?
Pretty obvious it's just some shitter who was carried the whole game and just mashed through every tutorial explaining basic mechanics
They exist in every MH, at least in World they have *some* sort of skill activated.
The damage is back to normal, not Striker lance levels of stupid anymore, if that's what you were worried about. And blocking still stops you dead in your tracks.
based mhfu bro
are you asking how fun mhgu is or how fun world is tho
are we not going to talk about that anthro gold plesioth sticking a TV remote up his ass
>"based mhfu bro"
>never played another monster hunter game and probably got walled by Khezu
it's a tough one. Keep it up, you'll get it eventually!
so why didn't he just make another halfway decent weapon. you're telling me that there are people who go through the game up until past tempered kirin and into at elders using one trash-tier white sharpness weapon in a weapon class that requires elemental weakness matching for the entire game?
Feels good to be a Devilbro.
World? All fights except the crossover events and Kulve scale down to solo now so most normal stuff will only take like 10 minutes tops your first time through solo, half that once you get endgame meme sets. Arch Tempered monsters have their HP cranked way up though so they take longer.
Don't get the reference newfag?
>acts like Khezu is hard
here is how his fight works. every single fucking time.
>spot it and attack it
>it goes in to its T pose for a full minute due to shitty programming left over from the PS2
>screeches 3 times in a row
>lightning bubble x3
>jumps on to the roof for 3 minutes only doing his drip attack
>jumps down
>neck wiggle
>bugs out to T pose again
>goes in to his exhausted animation loop
if you have high grade ear plugs he is 100% a joke.
>Deviljho literally eats his own tail, eats up blue meat like crazy, and just stumbles everywhere
>Tigrex gets depicted as the retard in fanarts
based "mhfu-bro-that-got-filtered-by-khezu" then
facing khezu pretty early in the village quests with nothing more than a low yellow weapon was actually pretty kino in my opinion. In Freedom 1, he comes way later.
things that didnt happen
I wish he still went full retard on meat
You don't get to be a special boy for no reason.
So lets talk about the Riders instead of hunters for a bit.
Are Tigrex the Pitbulls of the Riders?
Deviljho is constantly starving, Tigrex has no excuse
He still does, just when he's hungry
Deviljho is driven only by hunger
Yeah I don't get why they removed that, or Kush's poison weakness. I guess Teostra lost his poison weakness already but still.
i thought the t-posing was intentional. i mean it’s even in xx/gu, you would think that it would be fixed by then, if it really was a bug
Barroth is even earlier in Tri and like 10 times harder. Khezu only gets hard in HR with all those wombo combos and fleeing into the caves in the old jungle.
What the fuck were they thinking with the cave bullshit?
Jho is
I hate how the community has moved toward streamer circlejerking. 4U really marked the major shift in the community and I wish we could go back but there's no stopping it now.
You've gotta remember that a lot of monsters in the handheld games were literally just copy pasted from one iteration to the next, with some minor additions or hitbox fixes. Khezu's t-posing probably never crossed their radar as a priority to fix.
Now if he comes back after World and STILL t-poses then someone on the dev team is having a giggle.
jfc, i haven't even thought of that in like 5 years
i timed out on a red khezu in there, stung near to death by bugs
Who cares how other people enjoy games? If you want to hang out with the old guard I'm always here.
They gave Plesioth a big windup hipcheck, they obviously don't want to touch the memes
naw it is just Capcom being lazy as fuck.
they have not even fixed plessy's hit box on his wings/tail. those are the things that hit you on his hipcheck.
why would the purposely add that? It goes completely still for a long time. its even more apparent it's the AI bugging out in GU since there is a separate exhausted animation loop.
yeah barroth was a bit of a slog early on too, i can see him filtering plebs.
and i think the better question is what were they thinking with the old jungle map in the first place? when i hunted my first ykk ever, it wasn't the monster that actually nearly filtered me, that map just sucked ass to hunt in.
That was just to gimp i-framers and adept fags. Lucky for me I always grind out Plessy's armor since it gets great skills for only 4 pieces so I know how to deal wtih his bullshit.
>Hey ya'll, prepare yourself for the Rubberman
>You've never heard a sound like a Rubberbandman
This picture has 6 Nargacuga in it.
dude weed lmao
Of course it's intentional he's not literally t-posing, he's just stopping to sniff out an escape route
Why are you with a zoophile
it's a reference? just seemed like typical furry shit to me
Yeah I had no idea what they were talking about. The only real glitch I've ever seen in MH was in Dos when I saw Plesioth swimming in midair this one time.
shit user youre really bringing me back today
got my commission layered, never stop believing bros
It's not the sniffing animation. Nah there's a different "animation" he does after a flinch or an attack where he suddenly snaps to his head straight forward and his wings straight out at the sides, and stands perfectly still like that for like 5 seconds. And I'm pretty sure he's done this in every single MH he appears in.
Several times in 4U I saw flying wyverns get stuck when they try to dive through a canopy layer, and they just rotate in place face down for about a minute before the game says "fuck this" and snaps them into place somewhere else in the room.
Open up lil' zoom here comes the airplane
Yeah, dipshit, that's just his sign for being cappable. He didn't trigger Hunter's Eye in the old games (because he's blind) so they made it easier to tell when he's about to die.
that's still only 3 piscine wyverns, not really that much in a game that is going to have over 50 monsters. also pretty sure people have said that beotodus is actually a decent monster.
>Be LS user
>plessy tries to hip check
>he falls over
>unleash the spirit
>Deadly Rave him over and over again, constantly tripping him
>hit him with the Nani Slash
>dies as i put the sword on my back, like in my japanese animes.
oh I remember that! never watched it because of cringe. i think G4 interviewed that guy and made him admit to faking it
yes he didn't get the reference he just figured it was a tv remote because it couldn't be anything else
>people have said that beotodus is actually a decent monster.
Shit they're already paying people to lie about their game
user, please.
>geese theme
>knows that swag when he puts his sword back after wide-slash
my fucking nigga
If that's the case you would think they would've given it an actual animation
And it's certainly not a low HP thing since I've seen him do it immediately in 4U before, and it doesn't happen every hunt either.
Wasnt as fun as a begginer punching bag as great jaggi and azuros.
I still enjoy slapping those two.
He has a separate animation for his exhausted/weakened state.
his T pose he does when ever. even right at the start of the fight. it has nothing to do with him being weak enough to capture unless after literally one bounce attack from by green sharpness Kut Ku sword did enough damage to make him captureable.
his fucking magnetic slashing attacks with hitboxes that extend a whole meter to the left/right were really obnoxious
Pay closer attention. He's not frozen in place, he's taking a whiff. It's not the same as his "walk forward and sniff" animation, he usually does it when he's ready to be capped. The lack of transition is obviously janky looking though.
>Beotodus has unique attacks
What the actual fuck
>halfway through mh4u
>mhw is 50% off
do i abandon mh4u and bite the bullet?
How can magic be real if magnetism isnt real the elder dragon
A literal reskin would be too boring.
exactly. They gave their official plushie eyelashes. That's not a male monster.
i said a decent monster, not a great monster. but yeah, saying anything good about a new monster is just shilling.
Buy it, continue in 4U and move on once bored of it.
Well, W+IB is cheaper than that.
Sure, but in 3U you can just skip the tutorial and go hunt Rathian as your first monster. Now that's hardcore.
And yet i'm pretty sure that's what everyone expected
Shit, he might turn out to be the best fish in 5th gen for now(which isn't really saying much seeing the competition but still)
I thought the same but apparently theyve always refered to it as "he"
Nah keep playing. By the time you're done, Iceborne is out and all future MHW copies will have Iceborne included
Finish 4U and buy Iceborne once you're done
ib is paid dlc?
ok that convinced me. i don't really have time to play much
IB seems to have a lot of effort put into it, having already the base set probably helped a ton instead of redoing everything from scratch.
It's the G rank version of the game, except this time you can actually use the base game instead of being a new one altogether.
you made it sound even edgier
>In constant pain
Data transfer has been a thing since forever. Joke's on them though because I always start fresh.
It's less insane and more mentally deficient
naw. that animation is him standing in place but his head is lower and slightly wiggling around. he also has the sniff walk which is done before his electric tackle.
the T pose is him just bugging out. completely still and not making sniffing sounds. he does it randomly all though out the fight. i dont know how many times he has done it right at the start of the fight.
if it is intentional than it's a even worse fight than i thought.
>lets make an early game easy monster even easier by giving him an action choice of standing still.
>temporal mantle
I just unlocked rocksteady because i wanted to do all the side quests and it's way stronger than temporal.
Literally get any weapon with health augment or use the health booster with it and Unga bunga for a few minutes.
I'm a dude and i have long as fuck eye lashes
Data transfer still implies buying the new game.
If you have world, IB works as a cheaper expansion.
He meant that you don't have to buy a new game altogether
>Be a shitter.
>Join hunt with three other capable players.
>Finish the hunt flawlessly.
>"No dude, multi is harder trust me."
yeah whatever.
4u is a shit game. Just play the better game.
Most monsters randomly stand still. It's there to fuck you over if play defensively/went away to heal or sharpen and miss a chance to beat it up.
>4u is a shit game
gore magala got your knickers in a twist?
I see. Like Frontier then.
Wait a minute, Frontier had a magnetic dragon too. And it was on PC. What's going o
Almost 10 years and I still don't get why he tried to shove the remote on his ass.
i haven't done it for fucking ages and now my friend is playing, whats the endgame progression again
he's hit hr 27 and done the bazelgeuse x2 quest, is it just a grind to HR 50 for Kirin and then everything is available?
I'm not sure if he'll survive Snow and Cherry Blossoms with his un armor sphered un auged armour though.
>get carried
I mean
Mad the wyvern flagship doesn't charge
>corpse he wears
did they really go full edge?
for views.
You never realised that Vaal Daora is covered in flayed skin?
What's a nerscylla
they have animation loops while doing that though. their wings/tail/head/neck/legs are still moving around. they dont go in to T pose like Khezu. Khezu looks like he is in model viewer mode. The other monsters look like they are trying to intimidate you. screatching the ground/ spreading their wings a bit.
Yeah. But Khezu is a weird who does weird things.
Chameleos in FU will also very VERY rarely completely stop and just stare you down for like 10 seconds.
Edgelords don't care
Attacks with multiple hitboxes will utterly fuck you since you can't flinch, it's a tradeoff.
i thought it was his own skin.
i don't like his design and fight, so i never payed much attention to him
the only mh i played before world was Freedom unite
Fight a Tempered Bazel with that mentality and see where it takes you
new to the reply chain, but i always thought it's part of his behaviour
propably was a bug at first, but cap notices and kept it on purpose because it kinda fits.
His actual skin is greyish/silver, he's basically a giant fish
You just die instead of going the pinball way?
i understand he is weird. but that is not an excuse for him being T posed.
Chemeleos tail is still slowly going up and down. his eyes are still doing their thing. Khezu is comepetly still. no flinches, no slight movements. he goes from being a "living" thing to a statue.
obviously it doesn't work 100% of the time. But whenever you can use it unpunished, it's broken as shit. And that's often.
not saying temporal is balanced or anything, but in my opinion rocksteady is just more overpowered
I fail to comprehend
Meant to quote
You can do it anons, don't give up!
I somehow have one crown left to get, I need a giant Vaal and the game refuses to give it to me, and keeps giving me investigations with the wrong rewards, help me bros
I mean the entire map is full of rotting corpses and has bodies raining down from above, it's no surprise that some monster decided to make the most of it
now it makes sense.
Ok now I'm confused, I've fought hundreds of these things and can't recall this animation. I'll have to look it up later
Why is narga a gemini
yes, and it's a terrible locale.
I hate it so much. The higher parts are really cool, but towards the bottom it's just uninspired and disgusting
it sounds stupid and you're probably right i'm an autist
is there any in-lore reason he does this?
>You've slain the monster by mistake!
He's sleeping under fucking carcasses
so they just stick to him like leather to my back in the summer?
>hammer/GS/lance player
>decide to suck it up and learn how to LS and foreskin slash and all that
what the fuck this weapon is completely broken with a greedy damage build
Vaal is a smelly NEET
Probably, he's covered in hooks
it is to attract and feed the affulvium.
that is my head canon anyways.
To be honest it's probably just part of whatever system Capcom tried to make between Nerg-Xeno-Vaal.
Nerg kills 'em and eats 'em. The carcasses either get dumped into the everstream or into the vale. Vaal hiss piss smoke eats the rest of the body. Bioenergy goes to Xeno.
Also bioenergy cancer makes you have puffy yellow and orange warts.
The warts on Vaal Hazak are heat sensors or whatever the hell those things are on Dragonfishes
>Classic MH
The little mud skippers and a bunch of fish around the maps have them too though.
What did you expect? Japs always make katanas, bows, and other honoraburr samurai weapons strong as fuck in their vidya games.
now i'm imagining a mighty legion of samurai spamming foresight slash and helm splitter on each other, a truly horrifying vision of history
So, when does Gen get good? I've been playing it for about a day now.
It's cool they mostly just helm splittered unarmored peasants
After 200 hours
Do you mean in the multiplayer hub or are you talking about killing her in the egg quest?
so why don't you tell him how stupid this shit is? what kind of a friend are you?
Ghille, Health Booster, and Glider are handouts, you have to do sidequests for the rest, like Hunt Low-Rank Kirin or Hunt Rathalos and Azure Rathalos, or just kill some gay parrots with AIDS
Iceborne trailer fucking WHEN?
On gamescom
>best zodiac is also best flagship
As to be expected.
It looks way better as a side view than as a front view, I have to say. It looks like a mentally unstable duck from the front.
I'm okay with this.
Never, gen is fucking horrible and it tries to force you to use the shittiest gear for the longest time because how how badly it handles it weapon upgrades. Just drop it and play 4 instead.
>Show up to a SOS tempered Teo with Hammer
>The other 1 hammer and 2 GS are all spamming aerials
>Now all 4 are spamming aerials until Teo dies
Pretty based hunt
It doesn't register since hes already tasted a few subs and donations. Its shitty but hes happy being that way so I gotta let him be.
I swear to god the game reads your use rate to choose kjarrs.
I am playing through 3U for my third time, 4U for my second time and also playing World with my friend while waiting for IB. I just want to say that I love Monster Hunter.
Also, Steve should be in IB
Based. Playing World, GU and Tri myself.
4u is one of the weaker games to play. Really overrated too.
Give FU a try. Forget about 4u
MH3U is pretty fun, bros
Even though I had to restart due to a shit charm table I am enjoying it immensely
It is much better after I replaced the shitty 3ds c-stick with a psp cap
>pleb styles and arts
they're lights which both lure in prey and help to see in dark places
Based. I'm flip flopping between that exact combo too.
It also helps that the XX team are on it. They're trying to preserve MH.
Reading too hard for your small brain? As expected from someone who likes 4u.
>tfw will never finish GU thanks to Citra fucking up.
I really enjoyed the Fated Four and Malfestio. Shame I won't get to meet them again (except for Glav obviously).
>IB works as a cheaper expansion.
Except it comes out as the same price.
oh shit you're right. I'll eat the BTFO
He's just a 4Uchad taunting FUvirgins
Even GU is a better game. Eat that btfo.
A-team is a bunch of hacks
A switch exclusive is looking better and better with each passing month
>>must make sound effects when hitting the monster
Fuck you, I do this too and I don't even stream
Assuming the A team is working on a switch game it's going to be hot shit.
I just started playing GU and got to the Daiyo Hermitaur. What the fuck do you do against every attack bouncing off of it? It's like the vulnerable zones just kept changing. One minute I could hit its claws, the next every attack to the same spot would bounce off.
Teostra is sexy. I wanna fuck him :3
B-team is working on the switch game
A-team is working on IB and world 2
Bit harsh.
>B-team is working on the switch game
They're working iceborne user.
Oh great, its gonna be kino then
XX team is the B team and they're working on iceborne.
A Team intentionally gut the games so people have incentive to actually buy and play the superior G-rank made by B-team
Which monster would you hug?
Should do the boomer/zoomer meme instead
Nargacuga, outside of the spiky parts he must be very fluffy
all of them
>They've been rehashing the same concept for over 10 years now
This thread has so many furfags. How many of you have actually played a Monster Hunter game?
>the same way you take away mantles from MHW.
world is still pissbaby easy without mantles. The only remotely challenging thing is AT nerg
You get to know monsters really well when you hunt them. You learn their body language, their habits, their abilities, and what they're trying to say to you. Soon you fall deeply in love with every monster you grind and don't even realize it.
What I'm trying to say here is that I'd fuck every single one. I love them all.
Except Khezu. He really needs to lose weight and stop t-posing so much.
>or do the styles and arts just break them?
They do but they aren't the insta win kind of break, you still have to put in time and actually git gud with them or it isn't going to help in the slightest.
Honestly outside of the bandit mantle for money grinding and the glider for when things go to the top of the Highlands I don't use them at all.
>They do but they aren't the insta win kind of break
You're really hellbent on downplaying how broken the styles are. Only time you need to git gud is Hypers. I literally never failed a single quest in GU until G-rank
All of them, everyone deserves one.
Except Lunastra, god I fucking hate her.
I probably wouldn't give a shit about the monsters if i didnt play the games at all
Oh jesus christ that's some quality cringe material i dont even care if it's made up
He's just obsessed about defending GU, but gets countered by people that did play the games. It's nowhere a classic MH game, Absolutely not. That title goes to 3U and ever other game before it. FU is peak classic
I use fireproof when I don't want to deal with teostra's blast cancer.
But that just makes it too easy.
No game with any combination of exhaustion, mounting, mantles, augments/honing, delayed wakeup, underwater, climbing, etc is classic MH
Classic died at the end of generation 2.
Why do people think Valor LS is the most broken when Valor HBG is even more plebier?
The CD was twice as long as the active timer. Still don't know how you think valor and temp mantle are even at all in terms of brokeness. In short stop defending both of these shit mechanics.
Did you really have to reply to yourself.
Twitch was a mistake.
>twitch lingo everywhere like "wait I dodged that; Hello?!"
I don't believe that's twitch lingo, man.
the attack where it slams the booster in the ground, the G rank spin, and pokes in general are noticeably bad but everything else is alright.
I use the weapon I enjoy most and play the generation of monhun that I find most rewarding!
>Styles are dead
They already incorporated some of them into weapons. Like SnS's charge slash basically being aerial.
The sexy monsters is what got me to play the game
>this is fine
>following speedrunning trannies on Twitter
user, look at the wind around the wing.
That's not meant to be an effect.
AT nerg is harder and more unfair than any monster in FU except maybe G rank black gravios
oh this is gonna be good
Baby's Garuga
He's still Nergigante so he dies in 4 minutes
the post about Ouma Blos's dig is even sadder how bad the hitbox is. Strax deserves another chance to actually clean up these attacks, basically everything involving those wings extends twice their hitbox but people never call it out because you always proc an Adept or Brave evade on them so people simply don't care about Strax hitboxes being the worst of the flagships since F2/FU Tigrex
Eh, that's more because of his janky hitboxes.
cute birb (cat)
It's common for streamers to say"hello?" when something they cant believe happens
I was going to link a clip for proof, but fuck that
>he dies in 4 minutes
where's your sub 5 proof?
Y'know it really seems like Adept and Valor break a lot of the game because they let you ignore bad hitboxes
What's his nickname, I wanna see how much of a scrub he is
All for 5 fleeting nanoseconds of fame
fixing hitboxes takes too much time. Much easier to just give everyone a second dodge button
Shitty hitboxes will never go away no matter how advanced and shiny
Even Nergigante has extremely glaring ones that people just ignore because it's suboptimal to do anything but hit his face/arms, Anjanath is the same thing but you fight him once so nobody remembers him
I can guarantee you Velkhana's ice magic will be all over the place in terms of hit detection
no mattter how advanced and shiny the games are*
>prowl R*ddit in desperate need for any kind of shitty leaks
>see some Stories fanart
>people comment on how they all LOVE the artstyle
>it's obviously the same guy who made the Seregios rape comic
Oblivious fools
i-frames and/or a way to avoid damage without physically moving, you mean
Garuga is a joke in comparison
Was Tigrex meant to be retarded or was that an accident
Nerg is nowhere near Garuga.
FU garuga is very easy
>must read all text that isn't voiced out loud in his own made up voice for a character
A friend of mine did that some of an Okami stream she was doing. What exactly is the point?
Pierce LBG or HBG
Crack open a cold one
Let loose
So what you're saying is that you've never played FU.
>tfw I've been yelling at videogames my entire life
>can cuss a monster for an entire minute whenever I get hit by shit hitboxes
>all those twitch whores faking yells with shit voice tones. Some shit they keep doing matches mine's
>never recorded it
I always rage so fucking hard at games, seeing those camwhores faking rages keeps dissapointing me. I don't doubt there are many that can pull it off though, and I do enjoy them.
Children need to be constantly entertained
That's not what I said actually
Are there any fun water monsters to fight in the series or are they all gimmicky battles in waist deep muck?
What are you talking about? Garuga feels unremarkable in FU, especially compared to Freedom 1 and 4U
>Why do people think Valor LS is the most broken when Valor HBG is even more plebier?
>tfw just happened to choose LS and HBG as my main weapons of choice in Generations
>tfw when later importing that save to GU learning how busted Valor is
It's still good fun either way. I actually really enjoy how over the top G/U is because you're able to hunt as straight or off the wall as you choose.
Post side game monsters you want added to the mainline.
Based as fuck. I was very disappointed they left it and Desert Seltas Queen out of GU.
Yes, but pic related is never coming back because half of its moves, especially it's signature combo, require the hunter to be underwater with it.
I hope to god that augments are invalidated by IB, I haven't gotten a single relevant streamstone
>More Kushala
No fuck off
>pic related is never coming back
How will augmented weapons work? Will you be able to upgrade them and basically augment them again when they reach their final form?
>Visibly bites my character, his entire fucking head essentially clipping through him
>But I take no damage
God what an absolute joke of a monster, doesn't help that he's a living weakzone
And you're okay with that?
Underwater was fucking garbage so yeah. Unless they thoroughly fix underwater to make it not shit then the third gen monsters that require it can sit in a pile of forgotten shit.
Underwater was pretty shit. I'd be interested in seeing if they could make a way for it to fight on land even if it meant turning its fight into a complete gimmick of whack a mole: underwater edition.
What made underwater shit? I never played 3
Bad controls
Movement more limited than usual
Half the weapons were shit underwater
You get even slower than normal and the monster gets faster and more agile
You weapon's moveset get altered usually for the worst
I'm saying this counts since there were Velociprey and Felynes in the arena too
The director stated they have a strong attachment to underwater combat and the only reason it wasn't in world was due to the amount of work it requires vs focusing on other things. Sequel may have it
Funny thing about underwater, you get slower while the monster your fighting is at their best. Though honestly that's to be expected and kind of what makes the pay off for forcing them onto land even better. Its biggest issue was some weapons suffered for it and there's no i-frames from evading either.
Personally I'd never want it gone because I want the avenues in which I face monsters to be as broad as possible. Plus it was cathartic to dive after Plesioth and Green then proceed to pay them back for what they put me through in Freedom Unite.
Fuck underwater battles, give me sky battles. I want to dance the dance of death with Valfalk in the heavens.
>tfw I do all this but only if I'm playing by myself
>play like a mute when with pals or strangers
Fuck sky battles, give me mounted combat. I want to ride down Rathalos on a Velocidrome and drive my Gunlance up its cloaca before Wyvernfirirng.
The closest you'll get is Stories. Hope they build on it if they ever give it a sequel.
>shit charm table
Got like sixty hours in before someone offhandedly mentioned it
Why the fuck do game devs always do this dumb "read a wiki or suffer" shit, it really kills my desire for going in blind
>mfw they add sky fights with wingdrakes carrying you and some balloon platforms for landing
>tfw you knock a rath out of the sky and going falling toward earth
Will Iceborne feature layered weapon apperance as well? It will suck if I get to keep the cool early armor sets but have to swing around some korean MMO tier overdesigned shit for a weapon.
There might be. There was a weapon tab in the layered armor settings when they previewed transmog
>haven't played in a year
>don't remember any of the buttons
>land in the quest
>maps open on its own
>well that's exactly what i needed
>close it
>1second later i've eaten a max potion, loaded my flashpods and running toward the monster
>thanks hands
>basically a Tatooine reskin with added buildings, colosseum, desert zeppelins and other strange monuments in the background
>Pure SOUL,
How did they do it, Yea Forums?
God why was Tri so soulful
In awe at the size of this lad
Cute, now try to kill him underwater.
Maybe someday
I actually remember funlancing Abyssal in 3U, it was pretty fun.
Cant' you craft/ discard box Max Potions for that still?
>Have to wait until World 2 for Lagi and other leviathans like Clack-Clack and Gay Fox
>tfw cant decide between db, ig, or bow
hold up, is that Jurassic Frontier? It can't be Ancient Forest
Do all three, DB struggles against tall monsters, which IG has no issue with, and then you can mix it up with bow.
It was an alpha version of Ancient Forest. Wouldn’t surprise me if they were using the level geometry of Jurassic Frontier for it though, considering how flat the area looks.
Beta version of the ancient forest where the top of the big tree has a marsh in it
I love the renders for these games. Love their openings too. How long until we get an online tavern that can host 16 people?
I think uneven terrain in MH is fine but holy fuck they overdid it too much in Ancient Forest
Have faith, user. MH6 will herald the return of Leviathans, Fanged Beasts, Carapaceons, Snake Wyverns, Amphibians, Neopterons, Temnocerans and underwater hunts. It will be the greatest MH ever. Just have faith.
>one of my most hated monsters is my sign (I'm a cancer and I really dislike all Raths)
>my fav monster ever is Virgo
>from what little googling I just did, cancer and virgo are supposedly very compatable?
>Deviljho, but according to some zodiac sources Glavenus
Both are pretty cool so I’m happy.
Spotted the shitters that couldn't adapt.
Check your moon and rising signs too
>Good player takes advantage of the Garuga's timing and baits out more attacks
You can do the same shit in FU. Comparing cheesing methods means nothing, especially since in FU you can cheese every monster in the game easily and effectively. In 4U, Garuga has a much more difficult moveset, moves faster, acts more aggresively. In FU, for some reason, despite him being very difficult in F1, he dies quickly and doesn't do anything difficult unless you're fighting the one eyed garuga.
>Why the fuck do game devs always do this dumb "read a wiki or suffer" shit, it really kills my desire for going in blind
3U's charm table fiasco was a coding fuck up. Your charm table is supposed to reset every time you reset the game. Instead, the first time you start, it locks you in permanently.
just in case I play the older titles, which ones have cursed charm tables and how do I avoid it?
Is that your clip? I think I played with you before. If so you're a cool dude.
It was supposed to reset per completed mission iirc, that's how it works in 4U and Gen at least.
Based and kiranicopilled
>no kiranico page for FU or P3rd
That's beyond retarded. I wonder how much effort it would take them to fix it. I know they never will since it's an ancient game, but I bet it would take like three seconds of coding
For those you have to endure through the wiki
It was fixed in p3rd
Heh, I was 150 hours in
afaik, only 3u has the fuck up, but someone can correct me if some other game has it.
Kiranico is run by a bunch of BINGS.
Correct, only 3U
Does that include the 3ds version?
ded thred
It's a tech demo slapped together from assets that would later form part of the ancient forest. The full video shows that it's essentially a long obstacle course for Anjanath to get through.
No, you're fine user. Don't worry about it.
This is a soothing silence.
Demo when capcom I want some frosted kush pls
>soothing silence
You're right about that, slower threads are always very comfy
Of course he did. FUfags are mentally ill.
>What made underwater shit?
Nothing at all. "Classic" fans are just bad at the games and terrible at adapting. Any sort of change disturbs them deeply and causes them to rampage due to their low IQ.
>implying the whole game isnt a tech demo
anyone wanna help with Behemoth PC? Literally every group i get sucks ass.
What are your favorite deviants?
Snowbaron and Redhelm made both those fights actually fun, albeit still pretty easy. Grimclaw is #1 though.
cute pic, user
Bloodbath, though diablos was already one of my favorite fights
Goddamn do I suck at GS. I'm a newfaggot on MHW and it feels like half the times I've predicted the monster is going to attack me, and I do a shoulder tackle to avoid that shit, the monster suddenly decided to go for someone else; then half the time I decide I'm not gonna get attacked, so I sheathe and roll, the monster fucks me up unexpectedly anyway. Should I just be going on solo quests leaving my Palico so I get used to a monster's moves?
Yeah, you're better off without the Palico
God I love Vaal Hazak so much. If only his fight was better
>online tavern that can host 16 people?
Iceborne is going to have this if I'm not mistaken
quoted the wrong post, that was meant for
Lagiacrus is very cute, especially when he's sliding towards you fully charged with his planet-sized hitbox.