>Everybody knows now how to CQC
>even the gorilla meril and her shitboi husband
I fucking hate this game so much.
Why wouldn't Murl know?
Nanomachines, son.
How to fuck they know CQC in the first place also why snake knows now CQC it's supposed to be a meme betwen Big boss and Boss, not even the genoma soldiers knew hot to CQC.
They explain it though. Big Boss's file got made public after MGS2 so everyone got in on it. Snake's excuse for not having it prior is dumb though.
Oh shit didn't knew that my bad but still fuck MGS4.
Are you just figuring out that Kojima hated the metal gear series and tried to kill it two times, starting with MGS 2, and again with MGS 4?
That's a rather small thing to focus on when there's so much to be angry about regarding that game.
MGS 2 feels like evangelion btw.
It was a popcorn experience also EVA dead sure was retarded, lol.
>Be Revolver Ocelot, a known trusted ally to the Patriots
>Decide to pretend to be Liquid Snake, a known enemy to the Patriots
>Be The Patriots, an ultra intelligent A.I. that controls the entire world's culture, society, media, infrastructure and warfare falls for this trick
>Somehow becomes weaker and more vulnerable by figuring out that a trusted ally of theirs is actually a rival trying to backstab them
MGS4 is so fucking shit
>litetally training their whole army cqc on the beach
>Only snake can CQC
>Everyone else trained in CQC
MGS4 might have been a shit game but it was definitely the work of someone who absolutely loved his series.
More like the work of someone who wanted to rape the series to death. Well, he succeeded. MGS 4 is a war crime.
>who absolutely loved his series.
Then why Snake suck ass? the dude can't even aim and he got tired very quickly also he got cucked.
japan loves NTR
Where did this "pretend" meme come from?
He thought himself that he was Liquid, akin to Venom thinking he was Big Boss.
It's not that dumb. People who are critically disenfranchised with a previous establishment tend to avoid things that remind them of it.
CQC is a perfect example. Snake was so thoroughly disgusted by his mentor that he gave up everything that tied himself directly to him. Wasn't til his late 30s that he realized that CQC, even though it was partially developed by a psychopathic war junkie, is still the best game in the biz.
Mgs4 is a great game
Why did he hypnotize himself into thinking that, genius? How did that achieve anything for him? It makes no sense. MGS 4 is trash.
>Vamp wasn't a vampire all along
Would be cool if he was a vampire and not nanomachines.
Its literally explained in the game. Snake always knew CQC because Big Boss himself taught Snake. When Big Boss's missions went public, people basically learned how to do CQC on the internet, and Snake started fighting people using I-CQC, he just naturally reacted to it with his real life training
The game play of MGS4 isn't bad, but the story is fucking garbage. To be fair, Kojima absolutely fucked Liquid's arc in MGS1 by killing him off, and tried to salvage it in MGS2 by, for some reason, making him 'live on' through Ocelot, which gave us this retarded plot thread in MGS 4. Also, MGS2 laid the groundwork for much of the retarded bullshit in MGS4 because Kojima the hack tried to end the story with MGS2 - and then had to retcon everything for 4.
All armed forces learn hand to hand combat you tard.
No joke, the in-game explanation is Snake knew CQC all along because BB taught him when he was young but just refused to use it.
Years later sometime after MGS2, information about BB was leaked and CQC was made known to the world. Snake got pissed that everyone was using this watered-down CQC so proceeded to use the real CQC to show everyone what for.
Kojima did a complete turn on the supernatural in MGS.
He explained it all away bar Psycho Mantis and the Sorrow.
If they were super human it was Nano machines, Parasites or cybernetics.
Hand to hand combat != CQC, retard.
>caring about muh story in a Kojima game
Yet you give a pass to Big Boss doing all that badass shit was some literal who medic. Fucking V shitters.
Vocal chord parasites
>Big Boss Genes
>Nano Machines
Is mgs an asspull serie?
no brainwave activity detected in this post
Johnny got his ass handed to him for not knowing CQC by Old Snake
Most people who like V like it because of the gameplay, and still think the twist with Venom was absolutely retarded.
The little gameplay in it is much more constructed than the repetitive casualized sandbox "gameplay" in V
Yes, duh. That's why everyone thinks Kojimbo is a hack.
Hand to hand combat it's not the same as CQC you dumb imbecil in fact hand to hand combat in the military forces suck ass.
I feel the same way about V and 4 is one of the best if you skip all the cutscenes and ignore the following mission in Act 3
Can you blame Meryl? Snake aged like shit and is a ticking time bomb virus. Why would you marry that? He even fucked off with Otacon to save the world.
sure thing military dude. what tour did you serve?
I think the idea was if Ocelot pretends to be Liquid Patriot AI in autistic logic will aid Solid to defeat Liquid because he is already did it before. If Ocelot went in frontal assault as himself he would be crushed by Patriots.
>The game play of MGS4 isn't bad
There's barely any gameplay nigger
Stop to toy around with the enemy soldiers for just a bit longer than kojima wanted you to and you'll realize the actual gameplay part is infinitely more shallow than the ps2 games. And literally 90% of it is gimmick sections anyways.
Fuck you and fuck MGSV
>krav maga
fucking lolololol
I like Snake trying to downplay it while still using it and acknowledging its effectiveness, line that went something like "incredibly advanced for its time"
The little gameplay in it is still better than that Just Cause/Mercenaries garbage in V.
Throat parasites to explain away the supernatural abilities of the Cobra Unit is the dumbest shit ever.
Oh shut up your professional retard, go to larp somewhere else.
>krav maga
Damn dude you are posting the worst example of hand to hand combat and i don't really want to show you how bullshit those disciplines are.
>I feel the same way about V
Yet you forgive 4 for doing much worse atrocities and ending the series in absolute misery after retconning and ruining every character and moment of worth in the previous series?
That's pathetic.
It's what happens when you take a series and add too much backstory and lore with prequels and forced sequels. Kojima is the George Lucas of the game industry.
Pretty sure that was just Kojima blowing his own trumpet about MGS3's gameplay.
Act 3 alone prevents that from being a possibility
Then you have the repetitive act 4 with only 1 highlight (mech)
The completely unmemorable and mediocre bosses except the mech fight and fist fight with Ocelot
Act 5 is way too short and extremely underwhelming in terms of the actual level part.
>I think the idea was if Ocelot pretends to be Liquid Patriot AI in autistic logic will aid Solid to defeat Liquid because he is already did it before.
I think that idea is utterly retarded and doesn't compatibilize well at all with the fact that this autistic A.I. has been in charge of running the entire world's media and culture for half a decade. Kojima is a hack and MGS 4 is trash.
Are you actually complaining that Rat Patrol 01, a hand-picked squad tasked by the United nations to investigate the PMCs, would consist of a bunch of poorly-trained fresh-outta-boot morons that have no idea how to conduct hand-to-hand operations?
>krav maga
Wait when did any enemies in 4 use cqc? Regular soldiers would just stab you and the frogs would use garrote wire
Why does an underageb& who plays vidya thinks he has any ground to talk about martial arts and military combat? You actually prove my point.
>Yet you forgive 4 for doing much worse atrocities and ending the series in absolute misery after retconning and ruining every character and moment of worth in the previous series?
Such as? You have nothing. Quit making animal noises and make an argument. I'm not a storyfag. Let's talk about gameplay.
That for you is a good hand to hand combat? oh sorry my dude i tought you were joking but you are truly retarded.
mgs prequels > sw prequels
Regular soldiers would attempt a poor mimicry of CQC in hand-to-hand along with knifework, the garrote wire Frogs use is an anti-CQC weapon
Guarantee any of those guys would kick your larping ass.
cqc is just another empty hand defense system you brainlet, it’s not some magical shit like you seem to think, you are like one of those people who think cop cars are made of mystic parts that make them fast when in reality they are bone stock just with raised suspension for driving over curbs but at the sacrifice of handling.
If you were a gameplayfag, you wouldn't forgive MGS 4 for having no stealth gameplay worth a shit past the second half of the second act. Nah, you're a MGS 4 apologist because you're a pleb of the highest degree.
Nah, SW prequels is great schlock. Only boomer autists rage over it.
MGS4 is kino you autistic bandwagonner who didn't even play MGS2. Kill yourself desu.
military knows hand to hand combat what so strange about it?
and CQC isn't some secret chineese kenpo, its just bunch of martial arts schools melded together in efficient way
CQC doesn't even exist you contemporary retard, don't compare fantasy with reality you dumb idiot.
The only good thing from MGS4 was Naomi.
I agree bro, I'm saying the game play was more enjoyable than the story. Is it the best game play in the series? Absolutely not, in my opinion MGS3 is the best. Compared to all of them, MGS4 is in the low-tier.
Shut up you teenage faggot. There's a reason why Ground Zeroes and MGS4 (which both reward you for stealth) aged better than Phantom Pain. It's because it's a more faithful Metal Gear Solid game.You're engulfed by giant base rather than running around a sandbox with nothing to explore. Condensed linear gameplay is what Kojima knows best. Either he didn't know what to do or got overhwelmed because it's a bastardized open world in Afghanistan. There's no giant bases, instead it's these tiny remote outposts. Traveling isn't even open world considering you pretty much have to travel by road inbetween the valleys of cliffs. Angola is somewhat better, but it's still empty. Only the oil factory and mansion are well designed and they're meidocre at best. OKB Zero can be cleared by speeding in with D-Walker. If you like MGSV, then good for you, but it was such a massive disappointment in level design which is integral to stealth games.
>I wish I had to call in medkits instead!
On site procurement is one of the biggest parts of this franchise. Being able to make your own weapon class and have a buddy with you AND a fucking helicopter airstrike makes this way too easy.
>Lmao. Stop shooting at their legs and expecting them to instantly die before calling for help you casual. Heads hots are instakills
The game is supposed to reward you for being stealthy, yet you get the same ranks if you play the game like Rambo. Reinforcements never even come and the "boss fights" are a fucking joke. The dumb soldiers are the least of my problems. Also, what the fuck is the point of open world when there's no NPC's to interact with or places to explore? The missions are literally the same as in Act 1 except you play it as intended with no classes and difficult enemies. This whole game was a mess. I just can't stand people thinking repetitive hours of sandbox gameplay means good gameplay.
Quality over quantity.
Also the online in MGS4 was pretty cool the guild stuff and music from it and the gunplay was cool.
Is V the most casual shit ever?
>weapon classes
>regenerative health
>slow motion
>buddy system
>helicopter with air support
>press one button repeatedly for CQC
>no boss fights
>empty "open world" sandbox
>missions only reward you for stealth, but encourages you to play like Rambo
>only real base is an african mansion
>no warring factions
>enemies are dumb as fuck
The only thing MGS 4 is faithful to is the idea of raping the series to the ground past the point of no return.
MGS4 and MGS V both suck ass the best is the third one and nobody can deny it.
i miss mgo2 so goddamn much
Prison mode was dank desu
1: hand to hand is never used in a real world scenario, you would just pull your side arm if your service rifle was having a malfunction that isn’t immediately solvable or if in a small room. A sidearm is better than your hands, you have tools, use them.
2: in today’s world of organized forces against mostly untrained insurgentcy or weekend warrior terrorists, you are up against an enemy who is just a regular jackoff with a gun, any empty hand training immediately puts you at a great advantage, life isn’t a kungfu movie where everyone is doing tekken moves and shit.
3: a knee to the nuts and a toss followed up by ground pound or thumbs in the eyes will end all physical threats.
4: shut up kid
autistic screeching is not an argument. make some points, zoomy.
Map editor for mgs5 when?
>Retard thinks he knows what's he talking about.
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
>hand to hand is never used in a real world scenario
>any empty hand training immediately puts you at a great advantage, life isn’t a kungfu movie
>hand to hand is never used in a real world
Graduate from high school.
>it’s not some magical shit like you seem to think
In the MGS world it is
Haven't you played MGS3?
The reason the story fucking blew is because Kojima is a serial retconner.
>Ends series with MGS1
>Comes back for MGS2 because konami and fans
>Is assblasted and tries to fuck with the fans by creating Raiden, and absolutely shits up the story, while also retconning Liquid, the patriots, and everything else that matters to undo the "ending" we got in MGS1
>Did you rike it?
>His other series flops and comes back to do MGS3, is actually not a nigger and tries to do a good job, ergo, MGS3 is awesome
>We get Peacewalker in this time, which is also pretty solid
>Tries to wrap up the story through the prequels
>"We need a MGS4!"
>Kojima is assblasted, yet again, and had no intention of making a fourth game, and decides to retcon everything AGAIN instead of actually putting effort into telling a proper story
Wrong about Peacewalker, should be in "GAME" category.
Agree with everything else though
>dishonest game
>Ground Zeroes
that thing is literally a virtous mission lol.
peacewalker is shit
You mean PO not PW.
Remember Metal Gear Ac!d?
I actually liked those games, playing AC!D 2 on my vita as we speak. I recommend
quality over quantity
Yeah was fun
I always like card games
>All these CQC moves
What a waste and i can't remember if you can use them on the online.
It is not a game at all. It is a collection of tapes.
MGS 5 should've been a series of ground zeroes type areas instead of muh open world imo, that's why Ground Zeroes sets such a great example
Portable ops was pretty good, but PW took everything good about PO and made it better, I don't know how you can't look at PW as an improved version of PO
Where does Metal Gear Survive fall into this?
You got pleb filtered.
Nigger did you even play PW? You're not forced to listen to the tapes, but if you're into the lore for sure. There's a lot to do in the game, and there's a post-game that's actually fun. It's what MGSV should've been.
AKHSHUALLY, there's a specific codec call that explains that after you see meryl's squad pwn the frogs simultaneously. BiBo's CQC teachings went public and solid snake lamented that everyone was using cookie cutter copy of CQC, and that the real thing, which BB taught to him, can't be matched.
Depends on whether you're snake or your cqc skill
If only they kept the plot point of spiritual possession instead of just "HAHA GOT YOU". Then again a lot of could've been less dumb with just minor tweaks, like Naomi contracting FOXDIE instead of super cancer.
PO is just portable MGS3 and PW is a new game entirely really so they don't compare.
But my original post was correcting yours as PW came after MGS4.
Peace Walker felt more like a military take on Monster Hunter. Hardly an MGS game.
>tfw staying up to watch GT on late night Spike right before MXC and Manswers aired
What went wrong?
Ah my bad bro, you're right.
There was also the Peace walker theme on the MGS4 online Ipod
You could take that route, and I'd agree with you, because there was even a monster hunter mini-game in PW. I still think PW was a good game, and was a good direction to take a spin-off series.
what the fuck is this jesus christ lmao
It was not a shit game, why on fuck's earth does Yea Forums keep saying this
It was great
Muh cutscenes though!!! ahh!!! Fuck off this is MGS.
I really hope that he was actually possessed by Liquid in the beginning. That way all the snakes contributed to beating the patriots.
The cutscenes were too long and too frequent, but the gameplay was dare I say, solid.
i think mgs4 database implied that he was in fact possessed at first and that's what gave him the idea for the whole plan
I agree, the game play was enjoyable. The best game play in the series will always be MGS3 though. The best part was being able to collect and use different camos which had various effects, ranging from better camouflage against certain things, to being allowed to control bees. Good stuff.
>over a decade since it's release
>this game still makes people mad
Is MGS4 the greatest troll game of all time?
Was metal gear online good?
The 15 minute trailer was fucking amazing though, especially the last bit with Raiden reveal.
Top tier atmosphere, felt like the end of the world...kojima and his fucking misleading trailers
It's become apparent to me that Kojima was satirizing the flooding of FPS dudebro multiplayer games in the late 2000's.
Why the hell did they change her face?
I hope so. I was reading the wiki at some point and there's evidence for both.
>dishonest game
18 years later and Snakebabbies are STILL seething lmao
This explanation wasnt' so bad for Kojima. It wasn't really necessary, either.
Let me guess, Metal Gear Rising was your first introduction to the series.
Don't take a shit in public, dude.
>pretty solid
Why wouldn't they? No one knew what BJJ was in 1993, but no every 12 year old on the planet has a BJJ blue belt.
It was explained
Kojima explains literally everything which is a different issue
To make her seem "mature". God they ruined Meryl so bad.
It was unnecessary to make Snake a grandpa. His superfoxdie was enough of a reason for him to go on a last suicide mission where he gives no fucks about what becomes of him. And the twist about the superfoxdie become normal foxdie again at the end would actually have mattered. As it stands now Snake gets like 3 more months to live from that twist, wow.
Just finished replaying 2 and 3 back to back, all of these characters were cooler when they were just inexplicably supernatural, if made snake and raiden seem cooler, and it made all these villains seem like some varied unit of super humans. Everything post 4 just retroactively shit on every single character and villain in the game by explaining away what made them unique.
Despite being a small player in the grand scheme of the story, Mgs 2 vamp is cooler solely off the strength of this idea compared to mgs 4 vamp.
mgs3 ruined the franchise
To make you feel less bad about her fucking fart man. At least she looks like a gorilla so it isn't as bad. Fuck MGS4.
MG1 ruined the franchise
the only decent part of mgs4
Kinda. I arrived too late when it was basically japanese counter strike where every newbie would just be instantly headshot when he does anything at all
The Patriots seemed to know normal reasoning and logic down pat, so Ocelot went with the utterly bizarre "ghosts lol" to see if dealing with weird shit could create a gap in their otherwise invincible system.
Ocelot WAS Liquid
Liquid had growing control over him because of his arm being grafted to Ocelot.
However, sometime between 2 and 4, Ocelot removed Liquid's arm and replaced it with a cybernetic arm. Revealing that is kind of the whole point of him tossing his coat in the final fight.
This means that Ocelot chose Liquid's arm specifically to become possessed.
Well maybe it was actually some bizarre muh bossu shit but then he got possessed and devised this plan anyway.
Then, with the Patriots aware of his situation, he'd secretly remove Liquid's influence but continue as if he'd been completely taken over, so that there was no "Ocelot" for the Patriots to monitor.
Naomi's cancer would've been fine if she didn't just up and die immediately after her nanomachines stopped working
Like they explain that they were preventing her cancer from progressing, so... was she literally on her deathbed when they administered the nanomachines or?
The patriots AI is just that, an AI. It follows prototcols even after "mutating" and has no real clue what is absurd and what isn't. Becoming Liquid instead of just saying "fuck you patriots, I am your enemy now" was necessary because he simply triggered a protocol the AI followed before which is that someone that used to be a Snake becomes Big Boss and starts the Outer H(e)aven uprising and then sends the current Snake to stop the uprising. Also without believing Liquid still being around and stuff, Solid may not have done anything. The only thing that could possibly have motivated the already half-dead Solid to get his ass up is Liquid because he feels partially responsible
Where was it said that he ever really was possessed?
That's the baffling part. Theoretically suppressing cancer at a fatal point shouldn't just let you run, jump and party like it's nothing wrong. For it to kill Naomi within minutes of being unsuppressed, her vitals would have to be so fucked that even if she's using something identical to Vamp's healing, she should be in constant pain and agony and unable to do much of anything. Even Vamp feels pain and gets incapacitated by lethal damage, but Naomi just sorta waltzes around until she unsuppresses it. It's like it really was FOXDIE and they simply changed the dialogue involving it all.
In MGS2 when Cam Clarke's voice comes out of Ocelot's mouth
Doesn't really mean shit because in the japanese version Ocelot is being voice acted by Liquid's VA the whole game. Nanomachines are crazy
Lol. Why the fuck are you self inserting as snake.
His hair style also changes every time the "swap" occurs, even though most players might not notice it without looking for it. Like how Mantis' headwear changes in 5 depending on whose hatred he's channeling.
Are you sure about that?
I'm seeing two different actors credited for Ocelot and Liquid in MGS2 JP
Koji Totani for Ocelot, Banjo Ginga for Liquid
Holy fuck Ive played mgs2 like 100 times and never noticed that
>tfw you're replaying MGS 1, 2 and 4 before Death Stranding comes out
Feels great. Also leaving out 3 wasn't a typo. 3 is a meme game for plebs.
Don't be a petty man, user. Enjoy what you want to enjoy, and if you don't enjoy 3 then just say it. I never liked 2 for its gameplay myself and can't tolerate running through 4 personally.
He has two VAs in 2, but in 4 he has Liquid's voice for the whole game because Ocelot's VA died and they had no choice.
I am enjoying what I want to enjoy. That's why i'm skipping 3. I have no interest in replaying it. Already have the plat. Gonna do my second big boss run in 4 and i'm going to enjoy every fucking second of it. I love 3 but it's my least favorite of the 4 games. I like V but it's sort of it's own thing. Might replay it if I have the time, but i'd rather focus on 1, 2 and 4.
it could have been worse
2 is the literal meme game about memes and not 3.