It's happening

Better hand over the video games now before it's too late

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How much are you being paid to spam these threads?

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>removes the signs
>not the games
>idiot's think it is a sign of change

Meanwhile the store continues to take in money while being lauded as a savior to shooting victims. You and your cuck shill squad are being played like a goddamn fiddle.

>games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, GTA, Red Dead, The Division, Destiny, Halo, God of War, The last of Us, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, assassins creed, etc are all banned
>jrpgs and Nintendo games are the only ones left

God I wish

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They removed all the playable demos too, user. But guns don't get the same treatment, for some reason

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Persona has guns so those games would always be banned

Good. Just the other day at the end of a meeting at the multi billion dollar company I work for, a misogynistic bigot had the gall to say "thanks guys" before hanging up on the call. He didn't even consider the fact that "guys" is gendered and I identify as a woman. I've never felt more oppressed in my life, and I immediately tweeted about it on my $900 smart phone.

The next day I walked down the climate controlled hall to HR to tell them I had been sexually assaulted and they immediately fired the person when I showed them the twitter mob calling for his removal. I grabbed a free coffee and snack from the kitchen on the way back to my desk, and spent the rest of the day in my climate controlled office in front of my $2000 workstation enumerating all the other ways men oppress me, and posting on twitter about how America was never great.

I finished up my work and opened a PR replacing all uses of the word "whitelist" and "blacklist" from our code base, but my efforts felt in vain when I realized the changes would still have to be merged into "master", which implies ownership or slavery or something.

On my way back to my house in my BMW I realized when stopping for gas that the pump is shaped like a penis. While I stood there, seething, with the phallic representation of the continued plight of all women in America in hand, some person (male presenting) came up to me and asked if I needed any help. As if to imply women can't even pump their own gas, he was clearly a Trump supporter.

Good to see this shithole of a country is finally making some actual progress.

Who the fuck buys games at Walmart anymore

How can Yea Forums spin this and blame blacks?


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>violent games get banned
>99% of AAA games die
Can't wait.

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Amazing how America has those exceptionally violent videogames nobody else in the world has and how those American only videogames cause thrice weekly mass shootings.

You'd think they'd regulate those videogames and not just let every crazy person have them like every other country.

Idiots that complain about their Sixty dollar game not being worth jack shit a month latter.

guns dont equal violence
Rachet and clank has guns too user. It's about realism to boomers hating violent video games. Not about guns.

I don't care about the distinctions between secondary and tertiary or whatever, politics that are vaguely videogame related belong on /pol/ not on fucking Yea Forums
Especially with how frequently threads are reposted. If you reposted the same OP image and text for a videogame 20 times a day you'd be told to go to /vg/, so there's no reason this discussion shouldn't happen on /pol/ now.


>Still Sells Guns
Yeah, Hunting Rifles are SUPER deadly. Wew.

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Brazil only allows the police to own guns, Brazils presence in video games is vast.

>Yea Forums is unironically pro-censorship now





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>boomers are horrible parents who raise a bunch of mentally ill freaks who demonize white people and want to mutilate their own genitals
>now they're going to ruin video games and take away guns because they just can't stop being shit

The only bug people are the ones supporting a brain diseased fat reality star and his spineless goons

You mean i can try a gun out at walmart before I buy it? Do they have their own ammo you can use for no charge?

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Do you feel better after typing that, you hysterical NEET?

If only there was some way to keep violent video games away from children, like some kind of rating system that would let parents know their children shouldn't be playing it until they mature. I guess that would be too tough to implement, since it would require Americans to learn how to read.

>the games are the problem, not the guns

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So these are the cripplechan threads right?

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It's more that some hope this will finally lead to the long overdue videogame industry crash.

A hunting rifle would kill you just fine

Hey, facts are facts. Reggie says so himself

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>implying you aren't
Tribalism and the desire to destroy the other tribe is human nature.

Well yeah. Guns are for self defense. Games aren't.

I don't think anyone cares about Walmart taking some ads down

didn't read lol

>Japan this low
Something can't be right with these numbers, even if Reggie posted them.

>implying there's ANYTHING wrong with abusing the system to fuck over people you don't like

Yeah when I buy a gun I have to fill out a federal background check with a government issued ID with up to date information, often pay ridiculous taxes, and am restricted from buying if I have ever committed a single felony including non violebt offenses.
But as a gamer I sometimes have to show them an ID if they ask when buying an M rated game.
It's not fucking fair gamers we're so oppressed

but muh dems. thats what you fags get for voting red

This will all blow over in a few weeks.

If you're on the left and anti-gun, do you really want to play this game? Someone should put a third graph, showing the portion of each population that is black.

Nipland probably doesn't count revenue from gachashit.


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You really want to play that game when you claim that France, Germany, and the UK are filled to the brim with minorities now?

If it doesn't affect me then i don't care.
If something that i don't like is being censored or banned then i should be happy and laugh of the ones being affected.

that's what people on Yea Forums taught me

>that corporate Walmart cares that it's employees are dying
>that Walmart hasn't taken out life insurance against every one of it's employees to cash in should they get gunned down en masse
>that Walmart cares about anything other than fear mongering negative PR

And stabbings / rape have been going up, what a surprise!

Where is the control graph showing all deaths regardless of cause?

Just go to a gun show, nerd. anyone can buy a gun there with no background check legally.


Most other countries have way more restrictions on violence in video games as well.

If gacha doesn't count, Korea and China should also be way lower.
They probably count paying for time at the internet cafe as gaming revenue though.

Yeah, not from Walmart which is the point
Also enjoy shitty fudd prices on everything

This. There has been a truly ridiculous boom in knife crime and acid attacks, ever since the mass """refugee""" migration.
Police cuts is only a small part of it.

Do you fucking job mods and delete this shit for fuck sake

>Digital sales getting bigger and bigger each year
>More and more physical sales happening through Amazon

Wal-Mart was probably planning on scaling back floorspace dedicated to video games anyway. This just makes them look good to the general public.

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Not really. Most of Europe doesn't care about violence in games, just Germany, and even they hardly ban or censor games anymore.

Oh but when i show statistics then the statistics are made up because of "unreported crimes" or some shit.

fuck you assholes

Video games are for fagots user. Go outside and play like a real man.

>Two mass shootings in a 48 hour period
>At least one is a hate crime
>People actually talking about gun control for once
>"It must be the video games"
They don't actually care about your games or think that it's remotely relevant, but they'll talk about it endlessly so they don't have to change anything.

You want to ban threads that discuss the ban on videogames?
How ironic.

>dude he quoted the president it must be inspired by COD

>You can buy guns in Wallmart

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Because gun control doesn't work retard.
Yes we need a scapegoat so you brain dead sheep will move on

Yes, you can. Walmart is like a brick and mortar reminder to /pol/ shitposters that try to claim the only stupid whites are lefties.

That's because one is a gun and the other is a VIDEO GAME.

Lose the ability to kill pixels > Lose my god given right to defend myself from a tyrannical government
Tough choice. But i get it, not living in a country with this much freedom is hard to wrap your head around
Viyda is a kid hobby, firearms are the key to liberty

I forgot the part of the constitution that protects my right to play video games

And you've never read the actual 2nd Amendment, because unless you're part of a local militia that answers to the US armed forces, you don't have a constitutional right to own firearms.

>esports being curtailed

Fine by me. Not seeing the issue with this.

This is somewhat related to video games though and I love the fucking tears happening in this thread. It's nice to shit on republicans when I get the chance. These people are literally the dumbest fuckers on Earth. They'll let a racebaiting or some trans bull shit get to 500+posts but God help them if it's something the makes republicans look bad. It's NOT VIDYA, THIS ISN'T VIDEO GAMES STOP DISCUSSING THIS, LOOK AT THIS TWEET FROM THIS TRANS PERSON. Meanwhile the fucking president is blaming videogames and there is a chance he might pull some fucking tax or some shit on M rated games to appease the mouthbreathers that believe his shit.

You're not gonna find the "violent" games you want at Walmart to begin with, and Gamestop's going out of business anyway.

Better off buying real guns than AAA propaganda and Fortnite lootboxes anyway. They're even fun!

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Militias are the pre-emptive not the right
Where does it say the state's right to form militias or the militia's right to bear arms? It's the citizen's right to bear arms dumbass.

>He's fallen for the "I'm the hero" narrative.
American education never ceases to amaze me.

Heller vs DC affirmed the individual right to firearm ownership dumb fuck

>guns don't kill people, people kill people
>ok let's enact licensing and background checks to hold people accountable

Background checks already exists
Registration is always the predecessor to confiscation

gotta scapegoat something I guess

Yes, Antonin Scalia betrayed his own alleged rules for reading the Constitution to enforce his personal politics. This is well-known.

It would be too hard to swallow the pill that is americans being naturally violent thanks to growing up thinking they are hot shit. Say bye to games.

>key to liberty
You're so fucking delusional it hurts.You couldn't defend shit you faggot. You're just some fat fuck who thinks having a rifle in your house is gonna actually protect you. Get a grip on reality man, there is nothing you can do against your government. Republicans make sure of that every year when they spend endless billions on defense. A missle can hit your house and kill you and everyone you'd ever loved with a fucking click of a button and you think your gun is going to be of any use. Eat shit retard.

>Lose my god given right to defend myself from a tyrannical government

in what fucking world would this ever realistically happen in America in modern day