ITT: plot twists you still think about today
pic relate
ITT: plot twists you still think about today
pic relate
>Reporting your own post while being a mod.
really can't think of a better one than this, every other game had the plot twist either blatantly telegraphed or just come from nowhere, no other twist made the second game playthrough twice as interesting as the first
I keep having this dream
Not necessarily GOOD twists mind you, but this was a fucking trip.
I know it's dumb, but that hesitation after the fight where the Shadow is lying on the ground defeated and you're just sitting there confused waiting for something to happen until you press the Jump button
it was nothing mind blowing, but it was the first tweest that ever got me
Not video game related but
it was great
Based and Messiah-pilled.
Interesting enough Full Metal Alchemist was first published five months after this game, it could be that it was also inspired since: the alchemist that received the blessing of immortality for the equivalent exchange of losing his memories
Still the biggest "oh fuck" moment when I first played this
>i purposely trained you wrong as a joke
what game ?
The only reason I still think about it is because of how much better it would have been if he was in the original body instead of a palette swap.