How come I keep seeing shitty dancers?
What a shitty OP.
I'd rather let people play DNC, at least they do better than the shitty BLM I've seen in DF
cuz u r shit urself n only c the and n others lmao
It's just bad RNG procs bro
Better question: Why are all the player Buns ugly as shit
here user i hired some new retainers for you
That's a damn good Lion Paladin there.
job made so people who erp would finally play the game
Source on the image?
is there a specific tag for this pose I can search on gelbooru or rule34
There's a logo dude...
>Yea Forums always mention trannies are related to static, healer and discord
>yesterday got one
>one of the “guys” is literally a huge queer tranny with an anoying voice
>it plays SCH and never DPS for all the runs
I thought you guys were joking but I’m thinking about dropping because he’s annoying as fuck
We have like three different threads up you retards. Now that the expansion is one month in mods have a reason to ban these threads until october.
Thanks. I'm forever a PLD main now.
>join group
>the dark knight has a wojak avatar
>he literally reeees in voice out loud randomly to the point where i muted him
its not even comedically timed or anything he just kept screeching
>only spawns rarely and is up for a measly 30 min
>delevel everyone who wants to kill me and get achiev to 44 because fuck you, oh, youll also aggro every mob near plus my adds that spawn at 75-50-25% HP
>spamcasts my fun 360 Aoe instakill super often that will often kill you noob tank while youre busy picking up my pooopoopeepee adds because you cant see mee casting :^)
Wich FATE boss am i Yea Forums ?
This. Proc to proc to proc fucking sucks if you get hit with a string of bad rolls. I think they should up the chance a bit.
I kind of side-eye Ultros whenever I see it in the server-list for that reason, it usually gets plugged as the "unofficial Yea Forums" world and I'm all too aware that most likely means memelords, underages and obsessing over other FCs.
Every FATE superboss.
he sounds based
>learning new fight
>do ready check
>pull without countdown after 8/8
>samurai starts crying about how the dancer needs a 15 second countdown
>keep instapulling until the SAM leaves
>play MNK
>join a dungeon
>DNC make the tank its partner
Fucking dumb hoes
So who's the faggot youtuber who told pugs to stack with healer in e2s? Happy or mtq?
You're the asshat in this scenario.
Do the countdown you nigger.
>doing countdowns for prog
why? i bet you waited a minute for summoner aetherflow too
Whats wrong with stacking with the healer? Tank too lazy to reposition boss?
How is mnk at max level? Does it still play the same way its been since ARR but faster?
Playing DNC in PF was a mistake.
>Weekly E2S clear
>Hit enrage 2 times
>RDM goes "we can't beat enrage because of the DNC"
>Barely clear while Void is doing the animation for the enrage
>See this as a result
Yeah, I guess it's my fault. No point in bringing a DNC if I have to boost your shit DPS.
If a melee gets the flare he loose uptime.
DNC is a surprisingly fun class. I didn't think I'd end up enjoying it half as much as I do, but now I think I'm going to main it for the expansion. I think it's one of the best designed jobs in the game.
So? Tanks always will lose uptime on flares. 50% chance of melees losing 2 GCDs versus higher chance of party wiping to stack marker hmm i wonder what NA prefers
That's the problem. If you're in a static, can you get reported if you call someone out for bad DPS?
agreed , plus i feel like a slut dancing around the alpha tanks
You don't need 2 healers to heal that, it won't kill none.
>alpha tanks
On the flipside gunbreaker is a disappointment. All the tank jobs play the same.
A purple DNC is a grey BLM/melee. They aren't exactly wrong. Although saying that, a green RDM is pretty pathetic.
And you don't need two GCDs it won't kill anyone
And all the healers play the same too.
If none gives a shit about doing damage enrage will kill everybody, but keep trying.
God I want to fuck a Lala
So the parses means that's the overall damage the class brings to the table? So despite DNC doing such shit damage its buffs compensate for that to be even better than RDM, SAM, and even BLM?
>retarded as fuck
>pick up GNB
>can’t be bothered to read skills
>just clicking shit on bar
>can’t hold aggro
>keep dying
>X out of game mid dungeon and post this on Yea Forums
>his group wiped because of two GCDs
stop eating damage downs
FFLogs already ranks by rDPS, which includes buffs given to other players
So no, DNC has significantly less damage even when factoring in their buffs
DNC unironically will scale better than the other RDPS as gear gets stronger
the more damage BLMchads do the more rdps DNC will have
do the countdown you shitter.
The Cyclops in Coerthas?
Come and get it Big Boy
What are the punishments for unlawfully petting a lala
might as well savor the lala cunny too if I'm going to die afterwards
Do Elezen have any negative sterotypes?
why would being in a static prevent you from being reported for harassment? agreeing to play together doesn't mean the rules have changed. but you can call out bad dps while also not being a jerk about it.
>Do ready check in farm party in stormblood
>7/8 ready except for summoner
>start 15s countdown
and now
>do ready check in ShB
>7/8 except dancer
>start 8 second countdown
How would you? I'm trying not to be a jerk about it but it's hard to reflect tone in text.
good, they've gotten shitty.
>15 fucking second countdown
no. you get 7 at most.
Fun and fluid, it's literally the best best time to be play MNK
Nah they're fine.
Literally fell asleep playing dark knight and picked up gumbreaker holy shit its like night and day
I want to fuck a Miqote bitch so badly
>How is mnk at max level? Does it still play the same way its been since ARR but faster?
Muscle Memory the class.
are all lala players thirsty cocksleeves?
You can keep aggro by popping royal guard and fucking auto attacking you drooling retard, read your tooltips before making us look even worse.
I wish I had a thirsty cocksleeve lalafell gf
Not all of them
I want to be a cocksleeve lala gf...
I'd rather get a female wife
Well, first it's frustrating to fail because of one or two people every time, so that can always heat things up. It's a bit like managing an employee. Give some time to calm down if possible, or discuss it at the end of a raid night. Having run multiple guilds throughout mmos I usually find that a private approach is best, but this is up to you entirely as well as the social structure of your static. Address the issue with the players in a rational but direct manner, noting what they are failing as well as what you would like to see improved. You must also set an expectation of improvement as well; but we must also set a rational expectation of improvement too. Make sure they have the necessary knowledge, and if not direct them to it where you can. Openers, explanation of mechanics, timelines, they're all out there. It is work to bring up a low performing person, but it can have a big payoff. However, it is a lot of work. If it isn't feasible for that reason then it may be best for both parties at the end of the day to separate.
I'm joining a FC static (I'm not in the FC). I've seen their parses and most of them are grey in primals so I'm a bit worried. I do respect and want to keep their opinion in being low stress but I also want to progress.
If they're grey in primals they're getting massively carried and won't be able to clear anything savage lmfao
Are they new parses? Or are they from their first clears early in the expansion?
What's that?
Looks to be recent. They did say they reached end game recently.
Granted I've only seen the tank and healer and one DPS who was green (almost blue). Hoping to at least do E1S and E2S and decide to stay or go afterwards.
I would say just give them a chance
Well, they may have a lot to learn or may be a beginner static. I am assuming your skill level is higher since you are concerned about their performance. Finding the right static for you is also important too. You may wish to seek a more experienced group if that's the case. This is a careful balance of finding of who you want to play with. Finding the "right" static is a challenge itself.
Too many button presses make the unga bunga DRG and BLM players trying out the class too confused
Healer is whatever, they have to play more conservatively until they know a fight really well and even then doing a parse run as a healer means you're introducing additional risk to up your damage which isn't something you'd do in progression anyways.
Tank having a grey parse is a REALLY bad sign in my experience. DPS depends a lot, a grey pase with MNK is better than orange with SMN but not everyone can play MNK.
GNBro roll call, how are you lads holding up a month in?
Parties of mid-high gray parses can and have cleared Savage Most statics don't care that you want a high-score and aren't fooled by the self-improvement meme, nobody uses FFtools for insight
Nice joke, only people from levi are like that
New sound-effects are Whatever. since explosions are better but slashes are worse
Just in retrospect, I'm a dirty blue parse DRK (my last parse was two weeks ago though.)
I'm new to joining savage seriously as I only joined one way back in HW and it didn't go very far. I feel happy that they aren't hardcore as that usually causes too much drama and schoolyard bullying.
I'll see how it goes. I want to be able to progress through it but I don't want to yank their chain.
this is why you're bad
Ranged dps jobs are shitter magnets and Dancer happens to be both a shitter magnet job and it also attracts netflix healers and other degenerates.
Cleared E3S with it i love it
Everyone keeps making me the MT in groups.
maybe a grey parse on content from last tier can clear
you cannot pass enrage on these fights in i450 with a grey parse unless your grey parses are all high end drg blm and mnk and you're using all 3
This. But, its top dog rn. The tricky part is trying to forget that sss is useful only when you know you're not going to be able to keep your stacks(looking at you eden1) and trying to forget TK is a thing. TK is actually the worst it's even been.
Then, this may be a good group for you. Some level of patience is needed in going in with a new to raiding group. At the same time, do not be afraid to mention areas of improvement. If you remain positive about it, people will generally want to improve for you and for themselves.
Assuming you are adding some color commentary to the current discussion. Those groups are fine and should be encouraged. Finding the appropriate group is important, though.
Guys, how do I keep affording raid food/pots. what are you secrets for someone who only can play 4 days for like 3 hours a day?
Ding ding ding
lmao nigger. His tonne swing is slow in comparison to even a level 70 map variant. you fucks just gotta disengage and pay attention.
>>DNC make the tank its partner
Some dancers are retards user, or it could be their friends with the Tank or whatever
Thanks user! One last question,
Do I need food when learning the mechanics? Feels a bit wasteful if we're going to inevitably wipe.
Gonna add to this post, for the other monks out there. Should TK just be replaced with a second DOT with an OCD cooldown at this point? Or do you do potency based on current lightning stacks?
That's the problem, i am 99% the time. but sprouts keep getting btfo's and i eat shit when i have to peel off the giants from every kiting archers ass and i miss the cast on the main cyclops and it's a free trip to long laoding screen limsa. bonus points if you ever dare to walk outside his fate circle too and reset him.
did you join as DRG? Cuz me and my freind tried starting our own static yesterday and one of the guys that joined was literally what you described. a really bad tranny SCH player, with a clearly male voice.
You don't need food but the extra cushion is helpful and it's not like it goes away when you die. Buy some i400 level food you should be able to get enough of it for only 150k or so.
How the fuck do I find a good static to clear content with? I don’t want memelords, degenerates, or shitters. Just normal people who want to clear content.
I’m in an FC full of married normies but none of them want to clear content.
What the fuck do I do?
>shitty egirl dancer gravitating toward their single pulling bf tank
no way
If you want to pick-and-choose you're going to be there a very long time.
Tranny healers are a diamond dozen
Guy I have a dilemma
>16 year old girl in FC, another members little sister
>develops a crush on me, sending flirty PMs and wants to rp as my pet cat girl
>tried talking to her older sister about it but she thinks it's cute
How do I get this girl to stop, I tried politely telling her I wasn't into it and it makes me uncomfortable but she won't cut it out
Uhhh why does a dancer need 15 seconds fir their opener
report her for harassment
I will do that if the other dps is a femroe or an ugly male
get bent
>load into an alex raid as a GNB
>Viera DNC makes me her partner immediately upon loading in
Heh, smell you later losers.
get her neutered before she starts pissing on your furniture
Stop being a pussy and be more social. You're only feeling awkward because in your head you think you can irl fuck her. Instead just play along and have someone who will do whatever you want to do in game just to spend time with you.
Grow a pair
>guy in FC refuses to tank because of "tanxiety"
how beta do you have to be to be scared of something as mundane as tanking lmao
Just blacklist her you limp wristed bitch. Either be direct and tell her to fuck off or outright blacklist her. Stop being a pussy.
>not jumping in wanting MT when you play tank
people who willing want to be OT are sissys
are you a sissy user?
are you saying that having to pop a tank CD during your gnashing fang combo is too much for you?
there is no real meta for who is best MT now
dont be a sissy be a tank
>RDM goes "we can't beat enrage because of the DNC"
Not like the RDM is helping either though
Wow. What an amazing faggot you are
Grow some balls and play along. Or don’t. It’s not that deep
Why does drg have significantly more parses than every other job? I didn't even think it was that popular
You have it easy this 17 year old at my job keeps rubbing her ass against my cock when no one is looking
dancing for shitters is a waste sorry
follow the wisdom of descartes
How in the fuck is MCH below RDM
I really enjoy SAM so much, but I wonder if DRG is any fun? I heard Monk was boring even if it is top DPS. Is Dragoon more fun than SAM?
so only people who cant press button play MCH
there is no way mch is that low when played well
>You're only feeling awkward because in your head you think you can irl fuck her.
No I'm feeling awkward because I'm almost 10 years older than her and don't trust teenagers to not do stupid shit like sending nudes in discord and then getting me in trouble saying I groomed her or some shit
just go for it faggot
tell her you'll meet her when she turns 18 to guarantee loyalty
Well, then it's time to start searching or creating a static. To find a perfect group, that's like winning the lottery. You're going to have to put yourself out there or take the time in constructing a group of likeminded folk
Food is probably at its most helpful when you are trying to score the first clear, imo. The bonus stats may give you a certain edge in a critical moment. I know I've survived things simply because of the vit bonus.
>I dont think I can fuck her
>here are some reason I think I can
Dude. Stop. It's harmless. She's young. You're making this a way bigger deal than it really is.
Shut the fuck up you fucking cop
Fuck her you fucking faggot
Those are 95th percentile parses so if you can do better feel free to upload some better parses and it will adjust accordingly.
What a strange coping mech. If you want to fuck her that's on you and no one else. Starting to think you've never talked to girls before.
You probably posted why...
>It's harmless. She's young.
t. actual pedophile, wait until she's legal
>don't think I can fuck her and don't want to
>know that teenagers do stupid shit and if not handled delicately women are insanely volatile and can legally fuck you over hard with just an accusation
>"nah you totally think you can fuck her, I'm so mad at you for some reason"
Stop being a retard
>dude erp back knowing she's underage it's no biggie
>what you don't want cute and funny??? cope lmao
You are insanely pushy about this.
Not that user but 95th does seem like it would be more accurate, the higher parses are all padded and catered and have been for years
lmao, sure buddy. Just gonna throw it out there it's possible to be just friendly with people you never met. According to the original poster, her elder sister sees it and thinks nothing of it. You and him must be real insecure and unsure you can control your "primal urges"
>plays ffxiv
>posts on Yea Forums
>”Starting to think you’ve never talked to girls”
Should’ve been clear before anything was even said that that was the case desu
problem was healers
they should be doing 6k each
>when your tank is so dummy thicc that he can keep aggro with the clap of his iron-asscheeks alone
>If you’re not a five star chef you can’t call out that a meal was cooked improperly
I'm new and what's a retainer?
Honestly, what is the fastest way to level from 70-71? I prefer leveling through fates and dungeons but it always feels like I just brute force 70-71 and similar ranges like 50-51 through roulettes.
Just admit you are a homo. To her and to yourself.
>doing near 10k dps
>get told I need to dps more
>healers doing less than 2 in ilvl 450's
I dont know who to believe anymore.
>reply to your posts
You are, quite literally, the one that came into the thread and asked for people’s input. Quit being a dumbass.
>hit a midare setsugekka, direct-crit, for 87k
Is NIN any fun to play? Will it make me feel like i'm in the world of Naruto, the greatest anime of all time?
lots of people use fflogs for insight. Are you retarded? It shows shit like buff timings and CPM.
>ahhh of course Im a gardener, how could you tell?
is xiv fun anonymous? should i play the free trial?
i always want to try playiing healer classes in mmos but i'm shy and end up soloing everything
ninja has a great aesthetic and style. its damage is a bit lacking for all the work it has to do though. overall it lives up to the class fantasy pretty well.
If you like a high apm it's fun, the problem is that all that extra effort and activity isn't rewarded and you'll be sitting in the middle of the pack dps wise
made millions of glazenuts, baby. will probably make millions more.
Play the market. Gather shit and sell shit. Doesn't even have to be rare materials, just farm something and sell it. Even elemental crystals ESPECIALLY Lightning and Wind Crystals. If you don't have the time to farm it, send your retainers to farm it for you.
>Tfw critical direct hit technical finished lord of crowns divination’d devotioned Midare
I’ll never get the stars to line up like that again but seeing the boss lose that massive chunk of HP made my dick so hard. I’ve peaked in my SAM career
New class and people are trying it out without researching it much
It's free. The trial is limited in a lot of ways, but you'll get the idea. There's legit nothing to lose but harddrive space and time (for the duration of your play)
>Meanwhile, on Balmung
>Is NIN any fun to play?
If you like fast gameplay, yes. Plenty to do but not very high dps.
>Will it make me feel like i'm in the world of Naruto, the greatest anime of all time?
Yes. It's the weebest shit in this weeb shit game.
That's not the discussion, and that matters far less and is harder to pad someone now that parses are sorted by rdps. Using 95th percentile instead of 99th will give you a more accurate picture though, since the difference between most parses at the very top is just RNG.
What he was saying, though, is that at 95th percentile play MCH should be higher than it is currently, meaning the MCHs parsing at 95% are making multiple mistakes that could be corrected to bring the average parse higher.
If there are multiple mistakes being made it has to be proven somehow, if you can't offer any kind of proof that the current 95th percentile parse is too low then there's no reason to think it should be higher.
mfw want to grind out levels
my wrist starts hurting
fuck :(
i think ive been on this for too long
What are retainers good for?
Auto-farming those mats only? Mine are still stuck at 30 or something while I'm at lvl 57
you should take a break if you are actually having wrist problems. 2-4 days at least.
certain rare pets are locked behind retainer ventures, but yes, the majority of their tasks allow you to automate and remove some of the tedium from your item collecting. Or you may use their found items as a supplement to your income by selling it on the market boards.
little bit of passive income mostly
can also gather crafting mats for the hyper autistic jews
>already posted in the other thread that's up
crap baskets , i really just want to get every class to 80. it only really started freaking out like 15 minutes ago.
They can bring you a ton of different shit not just materials, you have to get them leveled and geared up though
It's worth it in the long run my retainers have made me millions of gil and furnished a house and apartment just with stuff they brought back to me
There's at least two years worth of time for that shit. Focus on gearing one class, when you're comfortable do the rest. It's the age old adage, do not let an mmo take over your life.
It's like driving on a flat tire. If you have to drive a little to get off the road, then do it. The pain is telling you that you're inflicting damage. So give it a bit of rest as soon as you can.
it's the only break i get, next month i'll be going back to work :(
i already geared up my main class i just really want my amaro
but youre right, i'll take a break. god dang it i just want to at least finish roulettes today. ahhhhh
Not those guys but buy some wrist braces, take some ibuprofen, and start playing with a controller which you should have done from the start
In terms of raid dps mch is terrbile. desu I think the rework was way worse than how it was in stormblood
> Be walking orange crayola to annoy slutglam friend.
>tfw would rather be on a controller
>play healer
yeah naw.
This is ironic right
i tried it but honestly, i could never get used to the controller. i leveled up my healers that way and it's fine but there's something about how it's setup on the pc which is nice and simple
oh no people are privately doing erp
i'm so upset
Doesn't a parse not count unless it actually killed the boss? So by definition, solid grey parses will have felled the boss at multiple points, just because someone has to be the lowest man on the totem pole.
Who smells better, Au Ra Raen girls or Xaela girls?
standing_split bro. In general if you're looking for a tag, search for a similar one like "split" and click an image that has the feature you want, then get the tag from there
You can upload failed parses.
Not him but I've been playing healer on controller since 2.0 and I've cleared all savage content and UWU. Selecting party members is fast and you can set up handy shortcuts for yourself, like Assist Target.
I just want a qt Au Ra gf, why is that so hard to find
Raen for civilized cleanliness and knowing what soap is, xaela if the idea of smelling like dirt, exertion and BO appeals
A lot of them fantasia'd to Viera
I will never stop being angry they tried to pass this shit off as a steppe tribe culture.
Blame the playerbase for following trends.
>Triple Xenoglossy at the start of a dungeon boss
>All three crit, aggro instantly stripped, get fucking murdered by a tankbuster.
It allows Standard Step to be used during their Technical Step and Devilment window, among any other raid buffs.
It also allows them to buff themselves and their partner while before throwing out Technical Step and allowing both of them to reap the benefits of the +5% damage while aligning Tech Step to come out along the same time as other raid buffs like Chain Strat, Trick Attack, Battle Litany, etc.
>I'm new and what's a retainer?
that thing thing your gonna regret not leveling up sooner.
Every gray parse in titan beat the dps check. You're literally being compared to the 1000 other runs of your job who also cleared titan. Doing 100 less dps will drop your color variance by 20%.
Not only that people are probably starting to parse run with their new ilvl 475 titan weapons.
You literally can't complain about colors except for like E1S because that fight is so lenient one good dps could carry it
t. brazillian monkey everyone barely even pretends to like
A joyous day indeed, my brother.
almost all grey parses come from people uploading stuff from pf, bad players typically aren't uploading their own parses
that guy said they had grey parses on ex-trials which means they got carried in pf, the trials have so many parses uploaded that if you can't at least manage green you're doing something really wrong
Do they actually count towards the percentiles though? I could see someone fucking things up by unloading a huge burst at the start and then immediately wiping, leading to a massive DPS spike.
It's either that or fucking horses.
>its not even comedically timed or anything he just kept screeching
thats not even right, they do standard step as the first gcd
it just lets the first standard step be buffed
go reread all the posts in this chain, he said they had grey parses on primals
if EVERYONE in your group is parsing grey on a primal you won't clear enrage for a savage fight, maybe not even the primal depending on your comp
>both a DNC and BRD in clear party
I didn't actually want to meet the dps check anyways
No, because it uses an average adjusted time to calculate the per second amounts, not your infight timer.
You remind me of trying to do Baldesion Arsenal on Aether and that tranner SCH that used to be in almost every run, that had an exceptionally masculine voice but everyone would flip the fuck out if you accidentally called them "him".
the post i responded to said "you cannot clear in 450 gear grey parse this tier" which is factually untrue
I leveled monk and sam to 80 so can’t say for raids, but Monk is really fun. I like the extra speed and ignoring positioning 50% of the time because I’m a lazy fuck. SAM’s LB-tier burst every two minutes is fun, but kicking in brotherhood and FOF is really great too.
Its girl BO, its not like its smelly
I just don't get why anyone would give a shit about whether people ERP and what they do if they do. I don't do it, but I don't care.
that was my post and it was replying to a previous post that you obviously didn't read
if all your dps have a grey parse on the primals in i450 gear you definitely won't clear savage and you might not even be able to clear a primal as a group depending on your comp
why do lalas have better thighs than cats?
It's Yea Forums so people expect other people to give an inordinate amount of a shit towards things that literally do not affect them, see the shitposting about Balmung/Mateus and how some people have gotten genuinely upset in these threads when somebody tells them to fuck off and the worlds are fine with some kind of proof that they're on Balmung/Mateus
they’re stout but the same width
smasged and slammed
>could have had lalafell shortstacks if they weren't designed as tarutaru taru-point-oh
>*does 4k less dps than you*
y-you're welcome
enjoy your dance rework bro
Why do people keep posting this as if it's impressive?
It's just baffling and annoying. I'd love to come to threads and ask if anyone wants to run anything but no one's rolled on Crystal because "hurr degenerates"
Oh well, guess I'll enjoy my content without Yea Forums.
there are 0 jobs that do that many actions in that window of time besides ninja
it's not meant to be impressive, it's meant to showcase how ridiculous the job is compared to every other one.
It's not. The point is that you do all that for next to nothing.
Ive had 3 little girls hard crush on me, I havent had to deal with any late teens so this might not be good advice. if you play along but make yourself sparse and give her time away from you it will let her down soft-ish I know she will feel lonely but she will fixate on somebody else closer to her age hopefully.
I'm on Balmung and I don't ERP
You're right NIN should be thankful it's not SMN
>old NIN had ~45 CPM
>no one cares
>new NIN has 50+ CPM
>what, now this class is impossible to play.
You niggers just want NIN back in meta again. Jesus fucking christ. This is what happens when you constantly bitch that selfish roles should just beat raid utility. It's a fucking see-saw you fucking mongloids. There can be no true balance as long as the raids only take 4 dps.
Are male roes welcome too?
Baby bitch class that's mad it can't skate around doing Ruin IIs and still do 95% of its max potential damage because half of your class is still automated. Bitch class for retards who couldn't cut it as SCH. Now you have an actual rotation and optimization with Ruins and you bitch because your easy-shit caster was made to require two braincells to spark together.
*tanks your Eden clear party*
heh just stick behind me n00b ill carry us to victory
well its that you have to fit all of it in a 10 second window for minimal dps
Same, I just hang out. It's more of a social server that happens to have a good chunk of RP.
Because its a shit job designed to attract dumb erp sluts.
Too bad the dancer gear doesn't look like that.
you can level up retainers? I've only used them as pack mules
I'm pretty sure two people in the FC I'm in are actually a samefag, is there a way to tell if the characters are part of the same service account?
nice thanks user
Why do you care? Lol
Male roes preferred if half the NPCs in this game having a thing for size-difference between races is any indication
>made for anything other than catboi butt
Because reasons
>All the tank jobs play the same.
Guess that was their solution to tank balance. Healers will probably end up the same in the next expansion once there's 4 of them.
what's a grey parse?
alisaie is made for hrothcock as well
silly user, alisaie isn't a catboy
alisae is made for my female potato futacock
A parse that's grey
Alright anons I want your genuine opinion why classes with higher APM should be allowed to perform lower not strictly on just personal DPS, but including group contributions.
Why would someone put in 3x the work for half the reward?
>burning all your cooldowns prepull
Found the Crystal player
alisaie is made for my IRL midlander cock
it looks cool at least, bro.
but why is it grey?
Very low IQ post.
let her roleplay as your pet catgirl and then NTR her by having someone else roleplay as your gf at the same time
>potato futacock
Thanks SE.
Male Miqo'te aren't gay! End this stereotype.
You didn't answer my question.
Our of all the jobs in that picture, DRG is pretty much the only one that is in pretty much every comp.
Pushing more buttons is usually less work, just look at MNK.
nice tatsumaki
works on my machine
>Are you sure you want to discard this item?
Bring something worthwhile next time, you useless cunt.
Suncats are, Mooncats aren't
so a male potato then
>potato futacock
It's grey because it's in the 25th percentile or lower
I kinda hate how they changed Bardock's origin.
No, it really isn't. In theory, yes. The saiyans are still pretty much almost similar but they're suppose to be barbarian savages. Having them living in villages and supporting a family just seems off to the original idea of saiyans.
Kinda sad we'll never hear solid state scouter in the anime/broly movie despite it not being a plagiarized track.
Are you really going to ask questions nin cuck? You're going to miss the window where you can safely lb for us.
If you genuinely think APM correlates to difficulty, you're just a stupid faggot, user. Don't know any other way to tell you.
Hroth holes are for cocks!
your opinion is shit and your in the wrong thread.
Not as a general rule, but in this game it does
You like the new saiyans? I thought a lot of people preferred the old saiyans desu.
Wrong thread but here you go
>ah yes, I've finally made it to Yea Forums
When are you even supposed to use Improvisation? I don't understand this skill at all
final fantasy xiv fighting game when?
Tell me your favorite race/gender combo, user.
It really doesn't
Anything to do with phasing is always going to be leagues more complex to optimize than any kind of rotation no matter how tight
NIN is mostly braindead and the difference between doing fine and doing optimally is tiny, the more buttons you press the less each one matters
Almost all of playing NIN correctly is just having low ping
>he doesn't know
Is this emote in the game for players, or is it NPC only?
Miqo'te female. It's not really a contest in my opinion.
I do like all of them besides Lalafell male, though. And even then the lore characters are great, and if they're not some obnoxious memer the player is usually cool too.
This but as a healer. I honestly don't understand why most healers don't dress in attire befitting of their roll.
In ARR it was the tafeta stuff. In HW it was the Thavnarian stuff. In SB it was the Shisui stuff. What will be next?
Barbaric savages still lived in villages and supported their families dumb dumb
You're thinking nomads and there's nothing indicating Saiyans are nomadic outside of being shipped out to different planets by the Frieza Force
that looks completely broken imo the animation looks really flimsy. is it a browser game?
someone on the animation team had a lot of fun with this one. what was last year's april fools joke?
>When you want to be a good healer but still gotta work with satan
I guess. I just wasn't a big fan of the new portrayal.
Having them emotional stunted monkeys made them a lot more reasonable for Frieza to just wipe their planet. It was honestly a more interesting take as well.
Everyone in this board is much too young to even know who that is.
Seeing a femroe is pretty rare, seeing a competent femroe is golden. I like my muscle-mommies though and highlanders aren't big enough.
I'm using the field commander set on my SCH
that's ryoga isn't it?
Female roegadyn
Male elezen
That looks like a fun car ride.
>be BLM
>3 comms
>someone asks me to marry their sister
>Clipping gcds
>figured they called lalafell potatos because they look like potatos
>its actually because of the down syndrome faces
>This post
Was it autism?
Didn't remember either. Looked it up, it was a Pokemon GO sort of thing. I actually forgot this years too, was Omega as an Alexa style assistant.
you prefer the new saiyans?
Getting old sucks
You are trying a little too hard
Can any of you cute anons tell me if there is any point in getting into this game now? It's been out for ages. I'm gonna buy a new PC soon and spend like 3K so I want to check out games I've been putting off.
it really depends. did you like naruto or naruto shippuuden more?
They’re about to completely restructure the 2.0 MSQ so that you don’t want to kill yourself while playing it. I’d suggest you wait until then. At the time 2.0 was fun but looking back on it holy fuck, it’s one of the worst slots I’ve ever had the displeasure of going through.
now THIS is shitposting.
Please respond dancerbros
It was fine doing it at launch since it was done over time. But holy fuck is it a pain to go through all of it at once now, I don't know how people can actually legit level alts.
I'm hoping this change won't end up cutting out story details, or will fix some character moments that got fucked over in the original localization.
During boss phase changes/downtime. It’s not used very much.
e1s - Fragor Max
e2s - never
e3s - maelstrom
e4s - maximum transition
You can activate it as an off-gcd to give the healing buff as a shitty mantra.
If you can't attack the boss, improvisation. Usually a phase transition after adds.
Stop playing dancer, you're an active detriment to the team, that's how low your pdps and rdps is
Transitions in fights I guess when there's nothing targetable to increase your gauge. Only thing I can remember right now where the extra healing potency would come in handy is the end of Orbonne.
but it actually helps figure out if you like this game bro.
Really? So I'm the only one who liked the portrayal of saiyans better in the OVA than the movie?
What the fuck is a dancer? Is it short for something like blade dancer, shadow dancer or w/e or is there literally a class dancer whose job is to dance?
Sounds like a sitcom
You are still in the wrong place, Ryoga
>full outfit
partician. slut-glam tranny cats and lizards blown the fuck out
Finally, some good fucking taste.
>is there literally a class dancer whose job is to dance?
Yes and no. They dance for two attacks/buffs and they use chakrams for their weapons and they way they throw them are kinda like dancing.
Your whores who are smart enough to carry weapons in the lightpocalypse and unfortunately got turned into a job.
Why are you in this thread if you don't play the game?
Dancers are a classic FF job, in FFXIV, their lore is they perform the "Kriegstanz" (literally german for "war dance") where they throw bladed chakrams or other weapons around while they dance.
I've not seen the full outfit and i've just started healing for holminster for leveling. what's it look like?
Look at what tab you're posting in first before actually hitting post next time.
Could you fuck off?
Oh. that's embarrassing. still i'm surprised not a lot of you guys prefer the old saiyans.
Go back to WoW
That's actually not bad looking for a cumscale
Taken off google not me.
If you're parsing below 50 then this is true. Otherwise disregard this faggot.
Why are you mad user? Had a bad day?
People are so angry in this thread. the heck?
Yeah I’m in a pretty bad mood, your mom gave me head again but it wasn’t as good as usual. Disappointed
>Be absolutely retarded
>People call out your retardation
>”wtf why are you mad”
that was uncalled for. my mom died last year.
Anyone have the hotfix notes?
The right people get it.
Probably cause I nutted on her so hard she drowned in my semen. I’ll be more careful with my bitches in the future
the update page said it was just some shit to stop the ddos stuff.
chill user. that was really mean and i'm not over her death yet
>lvl roulette
>noob bonus
>take the leave penalty
I feel a bit bad but.. I need more exp than that.
The aethercell gloves are so stupidly awesome
it's short for dancefaggot
doesn't satasha give you the most?
It’s all good man, she comes up from hell sometimes to give me and my friends head. She’s doing fine. Wish she would be better about not letting me feel her teeth Endgame she’s blowing me tho
t. never gets chosen as their partner
What a garbage player
It doesn't add up to be more than a higher level dungeon if you add in the kill exp alongside the bonus.
I said cut it out user. Fuck, you guys don't know how to stop it when you've gone too far.
Sastasha's bonus is hugely bigger compared to other dungeons but still doesn't amount to the same EXP as kills + bonus in post-ARR dungeons
You are one angry little man
Depends on the job. I don't know jack shit about BLM but I assume it has lower APM than a lot of dps jobs, but it's difficult to play optimally due to keeping up buffs and correct positioning which is harder than just spamming keys as fast as possible.
On the other hand something like AST contributing less than a Glare-mage to a raid weaving dozens of cards in between nukes and heals makes no sense.
wtf is this god awful layout of skills? This doesn't make any logical sense to me.
For starters, why the fuck would you put weaponskills on the dpad unless you ran out of fuckin' face buttons to put them on?
why would anyone care about that it affects your rdps zero
They better not lock it behind a shitty grind like Eureka again.
Gonna cry? What would she think if she saw you being such a baby. I’ll tell her about this the next time she’s bouncing on my cock
>clickers who dont get rid of hover tooltips
honestly the only bait ill take from this webm
Would it be worth it at all to make an alt if i'm a catgirl that also wants a lala? Would there be any use for it or would it just be a complete waste?
Fugg a dancer!
Yeah, it honestly depends on the job and their class-fantasy, especially as compared to prior FF games. Ninja has never been known as a huge DPS job but makes up the difference with Ninjutsu magic, and Throw potentially being extremely powerful depending on what it is you're throwing. I'd probably just give it a slight, but noticeable potency raise and call it even.
The dyeable AF is so early and easy in Eureka that only a retard wouldn't have it in like an hour.
Slight bump up on your sub fee to have more than one character if I'm remembering right, and otherwise it's just for aesthetic since any character can have all jobs
Would it be okay to burn all of your cooldowns after you pull insteadl?
If you have a high enough elemental level to actually get rewards from most/all NMs maybe
>white """"""""""women""""""""""
Newfag to 14 still playing main story as a level 25 PUG but I’d assume because it’s a newer class and not quite as well known with min maxing just yet? Honestly that’s the best take I got and I’m not an expert so I’m not trying to talk like I know better than you guys.
My CPM with a purple parse as BLM is around 28, most other jobs are closer to 35.
People saying BLM is hard is a meme though, you'd have to be completely incapable of thinking ahead to fuck it up badly. The rotation itself is brainless and the only thing you need to figure out is when it's best to use your CDs that let you move for mechanics.
Your mom was megaslut brah, she’s probably happy to be away from you even if it cost her her life
>Not clicking super-bolide on the pull
0/10, see me after class for a proper rotation
How do I nu-AST? I feel like I have to press twice as many buttons to keep up with what I was doing leveling WHM.
Can you honestly cut it out now? I'm seriously asking you. I'm not a point where I can laugh at it right now. As a man to another man, I'm honestly asking you to stop.
You must be under 18.
It's just because shitters are attracted to it because "lol muh lewd catgirl xD"
Same reason most drg players are shit. They're attracted to the cool look and don't actually try to get good at playing their job.
>they perform the "Kriegstanz"
...Does Thavnair have any prior connection with the German language in the English script for the game? Are Dancers connected to Thavnair in the job storyline, actually? Haven't started leveling the job yet.
So do you want to show them the flowchart?
Who’s laughing? I’m being serious, your mom gave some of the best head I ever got. It’s why it’s so depressing when she fucked it up. You should be happy knowing she was good at something other than dying
I'm 24. I'm desensitized to a lot of stuff but family means a lot to me.
Fuck you user.
That's just the way the job is now. Some people like pressing lots of shit and staying busy, but I find it clunky and a bunch of busy work for very little result.
>tfw the only support class isn't close to what I wanted at all
All they do is spam an attack buff on 1 person and sometimes use one on party members in the AOE. I wanted a support class that did more buffs then that, a party wide defense buff that lasts a good amount of time, a party wide attack buff that lasts awhile, a party wide skill/spell speed buff, just more buffs in general.
Maybe we're looking at something different user, but it doesn't look like that on my end.
This was literally AST in 4.0, but they removed all that so statics could spam mini-balances
Right there with you user. I don't get why so many seem to love the job and call it "support oriented." It's just another range dps with procs and a little utility.
The rotation should be pretty self-evident too honestly are you asking for one?
Yes, the dancers are all from a Thavnairian dancing troupe.
As for german language.. ehh? I don't recall anything, they're part of the "near east" so it would be a weird connection.
God damn this post out of context had me for a second thinking BLM was black lives matter.
I’m still WAY too new at 14...
That's because that guy pic was taken last week
I wonder as she died, as she took her last moments and last breath, how much she was suffering? Or if it was sudden, imagine all that time you are missing out on with her, all those laughs you’ll never share, all those memories that will never be made. Oh well!
For what it’s worth, as she was gagging on my cock, tears running down her face, she did say you were a disappointment. But you don’t gotta worry about than anymore since she’s dead.
Hope you go to hell. You're a very unlikable person.
cringe and yikes
you must be 18 to browse this website
I always assumed bad dragoon’s were just nostalgia boys instalocking into their jumpy FF4/9 fantasies
you'll look back on the memory of making this post once you're above the age of 18 and cringe remembering that you made it.
Well that guy is a shitsmith for bringing old info, giving people the wrong idea about some classes.
>this much edge
There’s a threshold of edge where once crossed it’s not even edge anymore it’s just cringe.
You crossed that threshold my user.
they really are. they're aesthetic as fuck.
Every (You) gives me more power
Female Midlander with a realistic hair color and eye color with no highlights or heterochromia.
>ywn live a comfy life in Amaurot debating with your fellow citizens and creating new magical inventions
Hey ;)
>here’s your DNC for the night
I too fantasize about guild sellers
too bad no amount of (You)s will keep your dad out of your bed
But you did
Based. I don't know why people go full retard without thinking of aesthetics. If you give yourself a two-toned hair color you need to think about all the coloring of your outfits that will match with it.
Heterochromia itself that doesn't imply that one eye is bad is just snowflaking.
This was my original character. The highlights aren't too noticable.
No but that's what they called the dancing style in XI, which was originally Bastokan which had a good amount of German naming conventions. You could maybe say that the Thavnairians inherited it from some Ilsabardian nation but I also haven't done the DNC quests except the initial unlock.
>blm main forever
>this expansion it's hot shit
>dodge the nerf bat for the first balance pass
>but what's coming?!
anxious bros
>m-muh full armor!!!
Meanwhile the people actually doing content and clearing all of savage week 1 are literally slutglammed cats and au ra. It's more likely that people in full armor or robes will be shitters.
Nah that looks fine.
complimentary colors go nice.
Fucking perfect
Thavnair in general is a total unknown outside of their Aladdin-esque clothing and being a Near East country but Dancers are a Thavnairian job. It's named that because it was called Kriegstanz in XI as well, pretty much any recurring job from XI is going to be themed after their XI counterpart in one way or another.
Not according to Hydaelyn, now get on with those outstanding fetch quests already
Not bad but much prefer the new one
blm has always been ontop near the start and falls off later as ilvl rises so I don't believe you
BLM is Yoshi’s favorite job so it will never get nerfed
>Amaurot doesn't give rested
fucking bullshit
>Thavnair in general is a total unknown outside of their Aladdin-esque clothing and being a Near East country
There's actually a shitload of information about Thavnair scattered around levequests, class quests, item descriptions, and throughout the lorebook in blurbs about other countries.
Bro, don't you know? Yoshi mains it. It will never get nerfed.
>wait guys I need my 15 seconds pre battle prep
Don't mess with perfection
based bugman
They really smoothed off all the rough edges with the latest expansion. More time with Enochian, no more getting stuck with too little mana to switch to ice rotation, you can bank an extra Foul, Xenoglossy is instant cast ... mmf. Chef kisses fingers.
>Saw an aetheryte Crystal on the map when I first got to the city
>Thought this sprawling city was going to be the new patch hub (like Idylshire and Rhalgr’s Reacharound)
>It’s not
>There’s fucking nothing but some mobs
>Onky the area immediately surrounding the aetheryte is a sanctuary
>the hub ends up being gay ass Eulmore
Bad end
You're pretty sad, you know that?
>load in
>tanks just standing there, no stance
>start a 5 second timer myself
>both tanks immediately turn on stance and start moving forward to pull
It's like having trained dogs
Shut up nigger or I’ll rape your mom too.
now I know you started playing blm later in SB because you didn't list the actually best change
>DNC is shit outside of padding one person
>Nobody looks at padded logs any more
>DNC wasn't even mentioned in the live letter
Remember to disable DNC slot from your groups for rest of the expansion
Did something happen to MCH? I assume they just scale better with gear?
Crystarium was obvious, and you saw that bigass room with obvious vendor stalls in Eulmore with the Aetheryte looooooong before you ever got to Amaurot, you have noone to blame but yourself user.
What's the lowest effort for the most reward?
You have to be over 18 to post this.
You sound like a salty trickslut. I'd take dnc over mch, nin, and smn anyday.
I hope Ahnro Thesra gets AIDS.
Depends, you gave 0 context in your post, faggot. Levelling? Crafting? Masturbation? That poor thing you call your life?
Any of the tanks especially if you MT
Probably BLM. I can usually type and play phone games while clicking Fire IV while moving every minute. Then everyone applauds you for using one of your fifty movement options to adjust for mechanics.
MNK is also braindead easy. They made the already easiest melee class even easier and everyones jumping around like monkeys saying the class is fixed. Goes to show you what all those TK bitchers really wanted.
You need to chill and get out of this thread.
Tanks have to actually care about positioning though.
Feels like ranged DPS of some kind is the at least lowest effort.
Content clearing and parse-fagging obviously.
You need to shut up and suck my fat cock.
I'd roll back to 5.0 launch monk if they'd give me back steel peak and howling fist. Was nice having more OGCDs and I love the animations.
shit it's been too long
Ranged dps have to push fucktons of buttons for marginal returns other than BLM, BLM is really easy
I main SMN, will I like BLM? I feel like shit everytime a black mage parses higher than me no matter how much buttons I fucking press
don't get carried away faggot
You're right about one thing.
No you'll probably turn into a gigantic whine baby after playing a well designed class instead of your autistic fuckfest
Such a baby.
I know SMN is far, far from well designed you massive faggot that's why I'm considering playing a different caster
1.0 was better
>play monk
>fuck up everything because im too busy looking at my buffs than the action
give a gauge to leaden fists and twin snakes
based & lagpilled
You'll just get even pissier about SMN than you are now is what I said and it will prevent you from liking BLM
You're also going to be bad at BLM to start with because the only thing that makes it even a little difficult is a skillset that isn't at all something you need to learn to play SMN
What's more braindead to play, Black Mage or Red Mage?
Guys do i play [class I enjoy] or [meta job]? Alternatively do I stick with [job i hate] for the extra 100 dps?
>hit dragon kick every time you've used your bootshine
>twin snakes timer would need to be refreshed then or else you'll drop it before you can use it again
every other oppo-oppo and raptor, it's not hard.
Play the meta job that you hate the fact that you enjoy it
Small, blonde, blue eyed Au Ra women.
too busy trying to not die in titan to know how to press buttons
At what level of play? RDM is much harder to optimize but you get basically nothing for doing so
So mnk is just alternate your buff combo string and your dps combo string and hit stuff as it comes off cooldown and anantman when the boss jumps away or what?
Red Mage by far, the people circlejerking over how many movement tools BLM has now don't usually recognize that many of those tools are proc-based (effectively random chance) and never actually guaranteed to be up at any one time, with the remaining ones being recast-time oGCDs
Imagine how fucking broken you have to be to make this string of comments and believe that it gives you any form of satisfaction
I want to lick her armpits
just take the lalapill, catgirls are shit anyway
What really fucking bugs me retarded is that you have to do mechanics and positionals during this entire fucking piano recital AND maintain doing it for like 10 minutes straight minimum
This is a redditor trying so hard it's embarrassing.
You can really picture him sitting in his room, dreaming of how badass he thinks he'll seem as he hits submit.
I fucking hate other tanks so goddamn much.
>tfw want a 1.0 server
>just so everyone can finally experience how fucking shit it really was
So uh...what did Urianger do to the doll? Was he that sexually frustrated?
Because some classes dont have a choice but to be lower APM such as BLM due to the nature of the class (caster) why should they be punished for not (impossibly) being and ADHD piano class? I get what you're saying but someone's gonna get fucked somewhere
please post lalas
These posts are always great because while it's possible he just posted in the wrong thread, there's always the chance this fucker has 200 IQ and posted this here intentionally to get me to laugh
Same. I also just wanna see the experience.
>queue for trial roulette
>other tank puts on tank stance
>he just sits there and doesn't pull
>put on tank stance and pull boss
>other tank doesn't take off tank stance
>he is constantly creeping up on me since he has superior gear and refuses to take it off
>he eventually pulls literally as the tank buster cleave happens
>we wipe because he killed everyone
>the party rightfully blames the OT for being a retard
>"is not me fault, is other tank"
>check search info
I hate being on Chaos sometimes
>3K for a PC
There was one that got pissed at my friend misgendering them when they didn’t even tell anyone their preferred pronouns except for one guy in the group. Fucking, just a little communication is all that’s needed. Fucking assuming people will just use whatever fucking inane pronoun you assigned to yourself without knowing it.
user left the thread after realizing he got exposed.