What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Isn't this like a Dark Souls clone?
i hope theres no niggers in this game
Nintendo refused to make a game about the Great Ape Wars so they are taking it into their own hands
The what now?
>he never heard about the Great Ape War
you ignorant fool
The ape wars when rhodesia kicked out the whites and established a new nation.
note: "white" is a codename for Kongs
Explain what it is NOW
Why does it have two "O"s?
Are you a retarded Christcuck or something? We evolved from him.
I really want to play this.
Crackers going e tiny that's why u mad
My monkey ancestors raped your beta progenitors out of existence.
as a black man i'm glad we're finally getting representation in videogames.
Sure we did
>went from black to white
Fucking based
Cool we get to play as whitties before they stole others inventions and rewrote history
Something tells me Yea Forums is gonna be spammed with drama about this game when it nears release.
I wish, but the game isn't really getting attention.
>Ancestors announces Epic Game Store exclusivity
there you go
Doesn't it come out by the end of this month?
unironically looking forward to this, looks interesting
I see why someone edited that.
Cringe valve baby
how did the monkeys turn into white people?
religion: 1
darwincels: 0
same way they turned into polar bears
just like my manga
I thought it was made by square enix at first and that they were inspired by the human evolution documentary that they worked on for nhk
should've continued with 1666 amsterdam rather than this shit
imagine unironically believing to be an ancestor of a literal monkey, and as such, are no more than a mere animal
at that point, why even live instead of just ending it right then and there?
Expand to something besides Epic? I certainly hope so.
>not believing that man is a political animal
>rewrote history
Nigga what
Niggers = Monkeys
Isn’t this an Epic Store exclusive?
Who pirating here?
Bitch ass nigga.
If people evolved from monkeys how are there still monkeys
Human prehistory was one massive battle royale between mutant monkeys who had obtained some degree of intelligence. Other hominids didn't just stop existing peacefully one day. Chimps, the closest thing to our ancestors, have no problem killing and cannibalizing other monkeys and fighting wars over territory.
Why atheists in general feel morally obliged to defend evolution to death?
Just google or search in a forum anything slightly bad about evolution and check top results.
Just a simple example :yourlogicalfallacyis.com
Imagine the amount of mental gymnastics to come with a shitty example that indirectly tell you to ignore scientific research as long as it is against evolution theory.
I think that they are somehow convinced that they are winning if everyone accept evolution as a "new religion" or something.
>OP wanted to create a fun thread that would spawn "EXPAND" edits and shit
>thread turned into an history lesson and religious debate
I tried
>the end of this month
What? I thought it was years away.
>It is set to be released for Microsoft Windows on August 27, 2019, and on December 2019 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
The exact same day as Control.
Well shit. I am surprised since pretty much every video of it looks clearly not finished. And not in the low graphics not finished, but the large blank unfinished areas kind.
>humans came from monkeys
Not him but history is a bunch of bullshit. A lot of it has been rewritten or misrepresented etc.
Watch this for instance
Stolenhistory.org has a lot of this kind of stuff.
The most interesting topic for me is America before Columbus because it wasn't just Indians running around over here but whites, asians, blacks, and everything in between.
Sauce for academic reasons
and "Rhodesia" is a codename for Kremlings
people don't realize that we are the mutant monkeys. we have trace amounts of neanderthal and denisovan that doesn't mean we hugged them, at one point we were half and half.
OK I believe you
You shouldn't believe anything. Learn about this stuff on your own, it's interesting.
Evolution isn't real.
the Habsburgs weren't black you fool, they had genetically surpassed all of humanity and ascended to godhood.
>see Caesar on the cover
>"i hope there's no Romans in this game"
If we evolved from monkeys how come chimps can fuck us up?
Jesus, just look at that thing.
You can believe whatever you want. This is in the historical record though. Whether it's true or false neither of us know but it's an example of our pozzed history.
Because we didn't evolve from that exact species of monkey.
you're fucked in the head.
We invented pointy rock on a stick to fight them off
fuck off Joe
How so?
next you're gonna tell me we've been to the moon right? lol
That nose...OOOOKAAAY
>t-that monkey doesn’t count!
t. Bonobofag
Human and chimp genome are 99% same
Nossotros somos monos
Christcucks are subhuman spiritual semites with nothing resembling a dignity but evolution is a hoax. If it was true we would have all kinds of primates still alive today.
The truth is something else.
Have you heard of the conspiracy theories about tall white blonde and blue eyed aliens that created us and reptilians walking between us?
That's the truth but a bit allegoric, still less then what you think, though.
We were created by Satan to be Gods like him but the reptilians attacked so they had to go back to their planet to fight them. The reptilians then created the jews (the reptilians walking among us) that created Christianity and Islam to steal all occult knowledge and replace it with pseudo spirituality. The jews hate Satan and used their powers to brainwash people into believing he is an evil monster, Satan means adversary in Hebrew because he is the adversary of all Abrahamic lies but it comes from sanskrit meaning truth (satya, sat, satyan mean truth, satnam means true name). Satanama is a powerful mantra used even to this day to reach enlightenment.
If you want to know more visit Joy of Satan, you can't find it on Google because it's censored so here it is satanisgod.org
Just know that they're often trying to shut it down like in this moment. And help us with Reverse Torah Rituals if you can. Everyone should do RTRs, it takes less than 20 minutes.
Here's another colored depiction.
well not my ancestors 100%
>If it was true we would have all kinds of primates still alive today.
um we do?
well for now because Asians and niggers are doing their best to drive them to extinction
Jesus fucking Christ
Based and redpilled
Get back on the right board
Not sure, but this is what I want to create in this game.
Because humans spend their points into INT
>Chimp can fuck us up in physical prowess
>human can create a rifle with tranquilizer darts, hit the chimp and turn him into his sex slave
Humanity got so tired of killing others species, that now we kill our own for challenge.
>we do?
I don't think so. And the accepted version is that we evolved like 40000 years ago? It takes millions of years.
the absolute state of godless retards
I thought native americans were nomads and would always travel around and now they had settlements at a fixed position? since when was that a thing and why did they stop? I do not believe this at all.
so what's your crackpot theory as to how these two produced a wewuz kang?
Yep, christkikes confirmed for the thousandth time to be illeterates.
>God CANNOT be real but I'm smart enough to realize evolution is an impossibly retarded theory
>therefore I must listen to schizophrenic retards on youtube. Yes, they know the way...
>Unironic Satanisim
Autisim at it's finest
Literally Yea Forums the game
Reading comprehension.
God can have as much or as little to do with religion as you want. It's an objective reality that God is real though.
>le ebil Satanists
Try thinking for yourself once. Just read the home page of the Joy of Satan. >God is real
Not the Abrahamic (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) one.
And Atheists are more reasonable than modern religious people.
You're asking a pretty stupid question bro.
I'll visit your website only if you allow me to fuck your edgy asshole for 3 hours straight.
You can't prove that at all though. Logically there's a higher chance of that one being real than evolution being real.
Yikes. Can't you go one day without being racist you fucking nigger
>unironically thinking that the habsburgs, famous for inbreeding, birthed a nigger
pic related was smarter than you are
There are no stupid questions, user. :^) Enlighten me and point me towards the evidence that reinforces your belief in the Habsburg KANGZ
>Logically there's a higher chance of that one being real than evolution being real.
Nope, for example watch rationality rules on YouTube. Or you can read the Bible, Torah, Quran to see for yourself.
I haven't told you my thoughts. I just posted some random curious artifact and you flipped your shit.
He asked how a half black person could come out of white parents. Obviously there was a third party involved if this was the case. Like that photograph also implies.
No we weren't
>just watch goytube propaganda
oy vey
>this thread
Fucking big yikes my dudes
these are never not funny to me
>Obviously there was a third party involved if this was the case.
Despite your aura of superior intellect, this didn't go over anyone's head. What I'm asking is what evidence do you have to support this that is actually solid and not just wishful thinking based on your perceptions of art?
A lot of them are probably foster placements, which make my heart warm.
>that one game about being a cave man worshiping a giant snake goddess got cancelled
>this game is gonna get cancelled
why do us prehistoric bros always get fucked?
Where did I say what I think?
>this game is gonna get cancelled
it releases in literally 18 days.
>nonce doesn't know that swarthy features and olive-toned skin is native to europe
>"surely, this must mean they wuz kangz"
>unironically believing black israelite propaganda
>now he's just putting words into my mouth
Are you two drunk?
>responds to dude thinking you said the habsburgs were black with some weird shit about pozzed history that makes you sound like any other "x person was actually black" retard instead of correcting him
>wtf why do people think I said habsburgs were black
Based retards
>migrate north from africa to colder climates
>less sunlight causes skin to lighten because sunlight is needed to make vitamin d from cholesterol and melanin blocks absorption
>colder climate also encourages white humans to evolve larger brains for hunting and competition
How did Asians evolve Asian eyes?
>didn't actually say anything like that and was clearly trying to get across the point across that history is pozzed for various reasons
>including multiple wildy different depictions for a single person
Socrates was black though.
Probably some kind of mutation hundreds of thousands of years ago that persisted through subsequent generations
Same reason eskimos and abbos and so on look the way they do
Evolution doesn't exist. There are dark Eskimos and white Americans are still perfectly white after 500 years.
>evolution happens in 500 years
Based retard
>didn't actually say anything like that
Then you shouldn't have responded to that user who thought you did
>including multiple wildy different depictions for a single person
Those busts of Philip II look pretty much the same
>Socrates was black though.
pic related
I said it doesn't happen at all, you illiterate cunt.
>Those busts of Philip II look pretty much the same
There are others.
>pic related
It's a fact though lol. St. Augustine was as well.
Viruses evolve every year with countless international scientists documenting it and developing new antibodies to fight them and we still have retards like you who can't even use google. Truly dark times to be alive.
Viruses are viruses. They aren't animals.
>There are others.
There are more busts that look the same, indicating the Philip II looked pretty close to what these busts depict? What a shocker
>Socrates was a nigger because he looks weird on a tiny coin
Pic related
c-can i pet it...
The good old non-argument, huh.
No, Koalas are proper fucking cunts, screeching retarded evolutionary dead ends.
Viruses and animals are both organisms.
Viruses have DNA.
Animals have DNA.
Plants have DNA.
Bacteria have DNA.
All forms life are made of the same matter you fucktard, the only difference is the number and type of cells they have.
The leading theory is that Inuit aren't as pale as people living in similar latitudes because of their diet rich in fatty fish which has provided them with sufficient vitamin D, decreasing the environmental pressure for less melanin.
Also America has template and cold climate as well, I don't get the other example. If anything, it contradicts your own post since the larger spic/nigger concentrations are located in the southern part of the US, which is significantly warmer.
You keep telling yourself that champ.
>using a poorly edited image for ants to prove your point
You're the one without arguments you retard
No they fucking aren't. Atheists are mentally still in middle school. Agnostics are the only true imtelligent people
Some of them farmed but mostly they wandered around, often because if they settled down other fuckers kicked the shit out of them. That said, I imagine hes counting south Americans.
And you believe this nonsense. Random genetic traits being passed on is science -- evolution as in intelligent adaptions dictated by ? ? ? isn't science it's pseudoscience.
White people are albinos you find them in Africa born of black Africans. They didn't evolve to soak up the sun or they wouldn't start burning when they're under it.
I'm also not talking about the USA but the America in its entirety from north to south.
>posting a clearly black man while pretending he's white
Are you illiterate?
I'm not coping, you're reciting some commonly understood facts as if it has anything to do with evolution.
You were taught poorly, there are thousands of mounds and ruins in North America.
I'll spoonfeed you only because it's entertaining to see you cope this hard
>Deoxyribonucleic acid (/diːˈɒksJˌraJboʊnjuːˌkliːJk, -ˌkleJ-/ (About this soundlisten);[1] DNA) is a molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form a double helix strand carrying genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth and reproduction of all known organisms and many viruses. DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNA) are nucleic acids; alongside proteins, lipids and complex carbohydrates (polysaccharides), nucleic acids are one of the four major types of macromolecules that are essential for all known forms of life.
>a brainlet thinking he can indoctrinate me
Kinda shitty that I'll have to play a throttled version of it on my PS4 due to Winnie the Pooh.
Intelligent? Dude, it's natural selection. Every once in a while a pale mutant manages to permanently live uncontested in a colder climate and 5 thousand years later you've got Scandinavians.
As for Amerindians, the only parts that are cold enough to warrant pale skin are in Southern Chile and Argentina, and natives in there also had fish rich diets, and some of them even were tall like Northern Europeans are. If enough time had passed, they might have looked like they do, but they had 10000 years, not 50000.
>August 27, 2019,
Same day as Classic WoW. RIP this game, then.
>so far gone he doesn't think DNA is real
What's your nationality? I want to know who educated you
The only three letters I care about are U, S, and A.
You're forgetting that the land bridge closed at the date you're thinking of not that it was only open then. People have been migrating there for over one hundred thousand years.
That said, evolution doesn't exist. Only natural selection. White skin does not come from the snow or cloudy weather just as pitch black skin doesn't come from being under the sun(or every negro would have that shade).
The black aboriginals beside the light asians in south east asia are something you should look into, maybe it will help you start thinking straight.
>clearly black
Not an argument
Like poetry
You poor lost soul.
>MY statue is MORE RIGHT than YOUR statue
Evolution = changes in DNA over millions of years
>based on zero evidence
lol nice
Cool idea let's hope it's not some spore shit
There is literally libraries of evidence from the past 200 years of people dedicating their lives to researching biology
Keep telling yourself that, ape man.
Why did humans evolved from having fur to needing to wear other's fur? From having sharp claws and teeth to needing tools to do the job? From eating raw food to needing to cook food?
>posts an image of a statue that barely even looks like Socrates and that doesn't lead to any respectable source
You sure proved me wrong
Your Copenhagen dip, madam?
Do they not have libraries in your flyover bible belt state?
he could tear your head off
look at the arms on that thing
This is a really good fucking bait image. It's so horribly incorrect that I'm actually shocked people fall for it.
Evolution is most definitely a thing but I dont know how it disproves creationism. A rising theory among scientists in the last few years is that evolution and the rest of the universe was created by intelligent design..
Self learning bio-computers. Omg God doesnt exist!
Well this is by far and away the dumbest thread I've seen in my life, nice job Yea Forums
I don't think that's how evolution works
Bananas also have more than 60% identical genes as we humans
Are we talking walking fish into humans evolution or like dog breeding?
>What is Greece
I don't see what sort of intelligent design led to the creation of the human body. We have females with hips too narrow to give birth safely. We have male nipples. Our knees aren't well designed and can wear and tear extremely easily. Our backs arent well designed for bipedal movement either and the stress of it is good enough to give us back problems later in life. We also don't have any real natural weapons, we aren't fast, we are barely able to survive in most biomes without clothing.
Only thing we got out of it was a brain that lets us make tools which is game breaking.
God needs to check his fucking speghetti code and sort this shit out.
Bruh all we need is our brain
>somebody thought Yea Forums could discuss about this
>walking fish into humans
If you look back far enough
>playing AC Odyssey
>99.9% of npcs are caramel or black
>the few painted statues are white people
>cult of cosmo target list in the pause menu has almost all of them looking white with blonde hair in their profile image
>their in game models are black or caramel w/black hair
>in game lighting can't replicate the lighting that makes them look white with blonde hair like their profile images
They changed them at the last minute, lol
You should try before they all go extinct
Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, Bronx, Harlem, Africa.
>9gag image
>deleting half of the posts in the thread instead of deleting the whole thread
retarded mods
It's rehash creed, what did you expect? Some actual effort?
Just don't be fat
yeah what the fuck I got a 3 day ban for asking if evolution was fish into humans or dog breeding