>Capitalism is all about allocating resources efficien-
Capitalism is all about allocating resources efficien-
Well, it is. In this case the capital goes from braindead idiots to somebody who isn't as braindead as them.
but it was never about that
Commumism will never work, tranny
Also video games
Not vidya related.
what benefit does this person bring to society again besides shilling some shitty cartoon game?
Capitalism, while it SEEMS rational, is actually really irrational. It allocates resources into the most unproductive, useless sectors and products.
Quick burn the constitution, and give this tranny a pen and paper so we know who to round up for the death camps!
To the tune of "Who Ate All The Pies":
Fuck off back to /pol/,
Fuck off back to /pol/,
You dumb bastard,
You dumb bastard,
Fuck off back to /pol/!
Entertainment is a benefit for society.
top athletes, superstars and influencers provide a service to humanity
millions of people can look up to them and be inspired, every dollar they make is a direct donation to them paid out by their own fans
they are not scamming anyone, they are not doing misleading marketing, every fan knows exactly who their donations/merch sales will go to
stop being salty because these people have reached the peak of humanity and will forever be remembered and cherished while you die forgotten in your basement
I myself am glad I can call myself a supporter
Capitalism isn't about allocating resources efficiently it's about tricking people into thinking whatever BS you sell has value, even if it's just BS
This is how a streamer can make millions of dollars, by tricking retards into thinking whatever he's doing is valuable, this is how people make profit, by buying something cheap and tricking retards into thinking it's worth more than it actually is. That's literally all capitalism is
t. gamer
t. Jew who wants you to stay glued to your TV instead of gassing some Juden for their crimes
>capitalism is goo-
I'm pretty sure Ninja has invested the bulk of his money into stocks and indexes and all, and that money does way more work there than where the retard donators would have spend them if not for him.
Why are boys with shoes so attractive?
>clown world is just a /pol/ meme
>cam streamers make more money then heart surgeons
pick one
The only moral allocation of resources is a voluntary one
This is not video games.
No, it's about people having the right to make their own decisions and allocate as they want. For the most part this is efficient, but because capitalism has been so successful, people have discretionary income which they don't have to spend on food and shelter and so they can choose to use it as they want.
larpers are the only people who need to be gassed.
Why would I care about the suffering of gamblers?
>Yea Forums - video games
why are you anti-entertainment?
are you invading this board?
Provide an alternative
No not communism, a good alternative
>what benefit does this person bring to society again besides shilling some shitty cartoon game
Entertainment. Geared towards a younger demographic but yes, it is entertainment.
Placed side by side against shit like television or video games, the only difference is that this loser got very lucky and managed to get ahead of the curve.
Nobody is being forced to give him money, in fact they give it willingly because they want the entertainment. And when he isn't popular anymore, he stops getting the money. Capitalism is working, and communism is never better than capitalism, save for body counts.
Get fucked commie
I prefer the free for all chaos of capitalism to the organized kleptocracy that is socialism. Better that some idiot should get lucky than every mediocrity to trod over me.
lay off the jew coolaid. Capitalism is about rewarding those who can exploit the market the best. It's the economic theory of darwinism.
> save for body counts.
When will the NKVD come for all streamers?
Maybe a bit of socialism but with some nationalism too. I don't know what you'd call something like that.
It doesnt matter how useless, overpriced, impractical or stupid your product / service is. As long as you have skills to persuade people to buy it, you will end up rich.
Stay jealous poor wagie. Do you also question 100 million wages of football players?
>America is in a 'sex drought' and here's why it matters
>"We are seeing pretty marked increases in the share of people who are not having sex frequently — especially in the share of younger adults,” W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia, told TODAY. “We have come to a day that is about 50 years after the sexual revolution and what we are seeing is a decline of sex among young adults. No one, including myself, could have predicted this.”
>"Whelan believes the obesity epidemic, opioid addiction, aging population and other health factors put a damper on bedroom activity. But researchers also point to increasing reliance on smartphones and screens as another reason."
>For most of the past three decades, 20-something men and women reported similar rates of sexlessness. But that has changed in recent years. Since 2008, the share of men younger than 30 reporting no sex has nearly tripled, to 28 percent. That’s a much steeper increase than the 8 percentage point increase reported among their female peers.
The rate of sexless young men in the US has tripled in 10 years, Jesus Christ.
Capitalism is about creating new needs, not satiating anything.
I always wonder if he'll be one of those stories where he got rich quick and then loses it all when he gets old. Happens to football players all the time mismanaging their money, but this is also a different sort of situation.
>Capitalism is about creating new needs, not satiating anything.
like drugs, sex, and other debauchery?
He baby sits children online
America is turning socialist
Banks bailed out with taxpayer money, the Fed keeping rates at 0 for 8-years to help Obama, regulations through the roof, small banks shutting in record numbers, small businesses disappearing, massive market manipulation (e.g. the "plunge protection team").
All the evils of socialism are coming along with it - including lack of sex.
A joyless life.
>I'm pretty sure
So you have no actual idea then.
No businesses want to actually have competition. Hence they'll always go outside of the box to give themselves the advantages.
The real ideal scenario for them is to create the environment that dictate what products the consumers could get, and control the idea of what level of quality products they want.
Now your speaking my language
But the United States is a socialist country
Good entertainers deserve all the money that they get. I know that Ninja isn't your cup of tea, but I'm sure there is an entertainer that you love and support.