Laugh at goobers general.
Laugh at goobers general
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This kill the nu-arc system and the casuals fags
>core A gaming
You have no argument casual fag.
So... They're finally bringing back bridget?
It could not be casualized you know, how about we wait to actually see the game before making assumptions.
>game is a bridge that connects people
Where were you when Guilty Gear became the second Social Strand System (S3) game in history?
Isn't this spiel repeated every time?
I don't think the db or gbf game say much considering the target audiences
Which one of you made this post?
A dead man
This nigga's argument is inconsistent. Links in SF4 were fucking dogshit in the sense that you had to know the magic two frame where you attack could connect otherwise you'd eat massive shit. Meanwhile SF3 the "real mans" Street Fighter is incredibly generous when it comes to linking attacks and was more about expressing yourself with custom combos as opposed to SF4 and 5's flowchart combos where you're a literal retard if don't use the only ONE optimal combo every single time. In that regard SF3 is way more casual than 4 or even 5.
Can't wait to hear new versions of everyones themes.
I really want Zappa back but I sincerely doubt he'll return.
It is odd to make such a vague, back and fourth statement if it isn't just a positive. It could really just mean fuck all, or it could mean GG is a smash game now. To introduce such confusion to the conversation seems very unwise. We could have got a lot more people playing GG, but now it is like well is it even the same style of game? Why bother practising your execution, it'll be irrelevant soon! Oh this system will be gone for sure, so ignore it and practice this thing instead. It just opens the door for confusion.
It just means that right now this game is nothing, I have no reason to get excited for or care about a game that I have next to no info on. You like GG? You shouldn't care, this might end up being something entirely different from what you like. Yet we still see hype cause most are just pulled in by ooooooh fancy graphics. Which is really the only reason this game is getting any positive attention. No one would be defending this statement if it didn't have pretty graphics and everyone likes to pretend they play GG for cred. If the same statement came out about MvCi it would be made into a 100 memes, cause you'd have to be an idiot to defend that game and it was socially acceptable to laugh at it.
There's no reason to it won't be.
What's a goober?
Execution is not the only problem with 5
SFV game design is very streamlined and the gameplay is also streamlined toward single strategy. I do think that SFIV’s link window is ridiculous but the game design that is very open so many players can perform well and enjoy the game even if they don’t have the best execution.
If daisuke says this is a high risk then i would be worried. Japs don't take high risks in anything, just look at how samey anime is.
as if the nigger character wasnt a big enough red flag
I have mixed feelings on the comments made here, in one respect it's obviously a bit worrying how he talks about it as though it's going to be vastly different, but I do appreciate the openness and how he doesn't seem like he's lying to appeal to everyone. A lot of developers would say exactly the thing he doesn't say here in situations like this, where they're "going back to their roots." I like that he at least is being open right from the outset that this game will be different, which is expected anyway because it isn't Xrd anymore and if they wanted to keep making Xrd they wouldn't have made this game to begin with. I appreciate their willingness to experiment instead of just putting out the same product over and over again, even if it is worrying because change isn't always for the better.
I'll reserve any real judgment until we actually see the game. I think it's far too reductive to act like this statement alone is proof of the game being turned into BBTAG-tier simple or anything like that, and even if it does end up different, I do have more faith in Team Red and Daisuke than I do a lot of developers, so I want to believe it'll turn out well. I can accept it being different in some ways so long as its still Guilty Gear at the end of the day.
I'd say he's fairly likely. He's the 2nd most likely of the XX characters not in Xrd anyway.
>links core A gaming, the e-celeb of choice for casuals who have no argument to present and blindly follow the current bandwagon unless it affects their game of choice, as demonstrated when Tekken Pros criticized Rage Arts, side steps and movement in general to the point of it clearly being greatly nerfed in comparison to past Tekken games, along with tracking on regular/general use moves being too strong, and all of a sudden it's no longer an issue.
Enjoy your casual GG, faggot. You're the target audience and the only reason the Super Dash mechanic is in DBFZ.
>the only reason the Super Dash mechanic is in DBFZ.
But it's there because the source material has the characters flying around. Also Arcana Heart first implemented that mechanic.
I think I'd be more positive if their history of experiments was better. Isuka and dust strikers were big departures that were still recognisable in some way. Neither had a particularly desired result. Recently they have been experimenting a lot, and that has not been the greatest. BBtag is fun kuso, but I really wouldn't call it a good game. DBFZ and GBV are way too stripped down, not necessarily bad games but I don't believe anyone would care about them if it weren't for the IPs. What I see linking these 3 is arcs thinks simplification means making characters less unique. In some ways GG could do to strip some of that like different wake up timings per character, but it is very easy to strip away too much when you start saying does this system need to be here. Part of the appeal is there is a convoluted and complex system. Make that more apparent through tutorial and in game rather instead of saying fuck it and going back to square one.
My reaction to all this is kinda just why? Okay GG could do with some re-configuring, but the whole taking it all apart and making something so new just seems like throwing the baby out with the bath water. Lots of franchises change course for the better without re-inventing the wheel. And it isn't always bad to strip back, I'm personally hoping the next KoF goes back towards 98 style of smaller combos and max mode doesn't lock too much up. But at least I can be sure that whatever happens it will still be a KoF game. Here they could launch off anywhere.
I agree with you on Isuka and Dust Strikers, those along with Overture and some others are fair reason to be concerned, but I don't think BBTAG and GBVS are really comparable. Those games feel like they are the way they are for accessibility's sake largely, and in BBTAG's case, to accommodate all the crossover characters who come from games with different mechanics. This to me sounds more like they're taking this game in this direction because it's just what Daisuke wants it to be. That doesn't mean it's going to turn out well necessarily, Overture turned out the way it did because it was what he wanted after all, but I think it has more to do with his own vision than it does playing to a wider audience. I don't think it's really comparable to those other games because of that, also because they weren't even Team Red games.
As for why they're doing this, I can only guess, but I feel like part of it is that with Xrd, I think they were trying to recapture the faith of old fans, after Overture failed they seemed to want to recapture the XX fans and prove they could still make a good fighting game, and I think it really shows through in how a lot of character designs are the same as in XX, Milia and Potemkin being the only big changes. I wouldn't be surprised if they feel more willing to just make what they want to make without worrying about something like that with this game, why they want to make the changes they are making is something we won't be able to say until we know what those changes are, but I can kind of see why they would at least be open to making things different this time around after Xrd's success.