Don't lie on the internet. You've shed a tear over this moment
Don't lie on the internet. You've shed a tear over this moment
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what kind of mega faggot would shed a tear over a 1 dimensional filler character whose whole story is "lol she naked xD parasites!!!!"?
I don't even remember what scene that's from
ew no. I laughed when the snake almost revealed them though.
nope, i havent played metal gear solid 5
I feel absolutely nothing for Quiet.
Worst buddy. Stop fucking humming.
>Stop fucking humming.
for the longest time i thought it's a bug
>implying I played metal gear
I came here for the horse porn
Worst character in the entire franchise if this piece of shit game qualifies as a real MGS.
Or this one.
What is happening here?
Based, I wish I was like you
Same, what a shitty character
showing her pornhub Quiet videos and asking what she thinks of them. No it's not edited.
I didnt because I never got this mission as I only used the horse and the dog.
Are there clips like this of celebrities having a interview and getting shown shooped cumshots of their faces?
Shed a tear over what? Theres nothing in that scene that pulled at me. You can get her back ezpz.
I wish Quiet would stop horsing around
I was extremely annoyed that I lost a buddy without warning.
I liked the idea, I think it was a good end to her story. But it was overdone, too much dialogue, ended up feeling like a parody of the very scene.
I haven't cried in nearly 20 years. I won't lie I think less of men who cry frequently.
i dont even know what this scene represents as the game was so bad i stopped playing shortly after getting to the second area
t. closet homo
This is some impressive deflection. Men were just raised not to be pussies when I was young and I think that was the right way to do things.
This, she fucking tried to kill you and was more a nuisance than anything engaging. She was also braindead easy mode, I stuck to D-Horse or D-Dog for fun.
Wonder if she saw breaking the quiet
God bless anime for being one of the Patreon artists who actually tried. Also AgentRedGirl if you like futa. He's finally fixing his Chuckie faces.
>Development time went into this.
I like the actress and the character but personally Kojima pushed this character too hard to be waifu material.
I mean it would had been welcomed if MGSV core story had not been rushed. it likely to see a new MGS game in the future or is it over? I mean even if Death Stranding does super well, it will take years for either:
Kojima to buy back MGS IP.
Konami and Kojima to reconcile.
The later seldom happen as far commercial relationships go. Kojima would need to make big bucks to be able to buy the IP somewhere in the next decade.
>crying = pussy
yeah that's a closet homo alright
I mean, do it once in a while in private if you must. But anything else then yes it makes you a pussy. I don't care if they told you differently.
Fuck No. I was like "god damnit how the fuck am I supposed to feel over this moment when there's been zero dialogue or relationship buildup between her and the boss? Fuck you kojima."
I am NOT ashamed of my words and deeds.
the whole game should've had scenes like that, you know, actual bonding scenes where, at the inevitable death scene, I actually bonded with the character and cared about her? You know, like the rest of the fucking series?
I would've if not for that retarded cobra.
I was ready to cry like a bitch when Venom looked like he was gonna pass out from blood loss and was dragging her with the last of his strength, but then that faggot reptile had to ruin the mood by biting him because "lol can't have BiBo show weakness in any way, didju rike it?"
Also Code Talker could've just given her some of his herbal bullshit that suppresses the parasites. Then she could've talked freely and not died. Fucking bullshit.
She was pretty boring earlier on but that ending was really great. The jolly cooperation between her and Venom was great in that mission. It really gave them chemistry and made it seem like they actually love each other. Really made me like her much more tbqh.
hows metal gear solid V in terms of gameplay? dont give a shit about story, i just want a good game
Why does Quiet have such ugly many feet in the game when the girl doesnt?
i really liked the game but this part was so jarring i can fully understand why people hate it
If 1% of your audience give a shit why bother modelling them properly.
Then it's exactly what you want because most of the story is a mess but the game play is fucking great with ridiculous variety.
OP you are a faggot stop spamming mgs5 threads you dickless shitter
Quiet literally has no lungs anymore, she cannot survive if you suppress her parasites
This cutscene was good, but it would make so much more sense if the mission 51 was available in-game.
Fuck Konami.
Not her skin parasites, her vocal chord parasites. Code talker has the skin parasites too but he smokes his pipe without issues. The herbs he has only suppress the reproduction of vocal chord parasites which is why he has Venom smoke it before talking to make sure he doesn't trigger any infection.
you underestimate how many footfags exist
It was literally a scan of Joosten's feet though. They were just dirty.
In my timeline, Venom Snake shoots with a 1911 after their first encounter.
Why though? That's objectively the worse choice. I couldn't bring myself to do that at all during any replay.
It is really satisfying but then you realize it's like playing the game with even more stuff missing.
Nah, cuddling her would be satisfying. Shooting her is the opposite of satisfying. Please don't abuse the waifu.
It's easy when you consider that Quiet is one of the worst vidya """characters""" ever
Not really, but that one comic was pretty sad.
Seething for 6 years
No I mass debated to her feet.
>people can just come up to her and beat the shit out of her
>meanwhile I crawl up behind her during a sandstorm and she still instantly spots me, shoves a grenade up my ass and jumps away
>OP shed a tear over this moment
There weren't many emotional moments in MGSV but this was one of them tbqh. Shining lights gave me goosebumps.
I liked the snakes biting venom, the rest was cringe, but my dick cried over the chopper scenes with her
I shed my fucking cum all over the damn screen whenever she showed up.
MGSV is my favorite game. Still, no.
The action scene at the start of the mission was dope though.
I only ever shed a tear during the end of Snake Eater and to "This is good, isn't it?"
There is nothing in The Phantom Pain that can bring that kind of reaction out of me, but nice try though.
I remember that part going on for an uncomfortably long time, similar to the WHOOOOOOAAAAAHOOOOOOO car ride
Gameplay is fantastic but insanely repetitive if you do all the side ops. Individual level design is top notch but the world design is trash and the sandbox was unnecessary. The level of player freedom is ridiculous
>didn't like the scene
>did like the retarded bit Kojimmy threw in to sabotage his own cinematography
I bet you also liked when Huey shot Skullface. Absolutely cringe.
The ones that obsessed over not being pussies were the biggest pussies of all usually, if not closeted
I literally can't take seeing men crying, it breaks my heart.
sorry user I'm a brainlet, I don't know what you mean, I only see reference so I clapped
It's perfectly healthy to shed a manly tear when you Shining Lights
They literally invited her there, so they could rub that 3d horse cock on her face and get a reaction. This is the absolute state of journalism.
Yeah that's yellow press for you. The drama gets views. Sad considering that Stefanie isn't slutty at all and is very reserved. She doesn't even cuss let alone discuss lewd things in public.
this is the only time i ever teared up at a video game
I felt angry over how kojambo can't even follow his own rules.
>sandstorm is such a big deal because she apparently can't breathe
>except when sandstorms happen during normal gameplay she's completely fine
>she can even shoot straight during them
And the snake part is also dumb.
>no matter what you do you just cannot find a snake in the world
>they exist solely to be caught by traps
>in cutscenes they lurk below any ol' rock
>you can shrug off snake bites in mgs3 but now they're extremely lethal, so much so that she had kill herself to save you
She could have ordered them to drop antivenom through idroid. They could have just waited, the storm passed quickly anyway. She could have talked in the language she and code talker knows. If you have a guy sitting on a radio translating everything you hear from russian to english they wouldn't have had trouble carting old burgerfuck to the station. Fulton Snake.
The problem wasn't her inability to breathe. The problem was that she literally just got hit by a tank shell from a T-55. She even has a giant bruise on her stomach from it.
Also Venom was just hit and wounded by the explosion and presumably there are different snakes with different potencies of venom involved.
>They could have just waited, the storm passed quickly anyway
With an army of Soviet troops searching for them right nearby and with BiBo breeding out and poisoned?
>She could have talked in the language she and code talker knows
She did. Pequod doesn't speak Navajo so he told her that he doesn't understand and to speak English. Code Talker was back at base and nobody would have even known to get him, she needed the medevac from whatever support site Pequod was waiting at and she needed it asap.
Clever idea but he was badly wounded and poisoned. Wouldn't survive. You can't Fulton wounded prisoners either.
The real question is why didn't Code Talker just give her his anti-vocal chord parasite herbs that he smokes. Those can temporarily deaden the vocal chord parasites allowing you to speak safely. He knew she was infected and didn't want the cure, should've at least given her that in case of emergency.
*BiBo bleeding out
*deafen the parasites
Couldnt take the character seriously. Its like someone in a clown costume trying to deliver deep dialogue, she looks fucking stupid.
>SJW feminist
Fuck off, youre not going to convince me that the character that literally looks like a prostitute is suppose to deliver some kind of sad dialogue and have me take it seriously, it looks silly, this game is silly.
This would all be fine if it wasn't for Code Talker's health pipe.
id care her more if she was fucked up from the burns she got in the hospital or if we knew what she endured or her backstory to how she became what she is.
I'll bet you took this seriously, and he looks way more ridiculous.
"Game was a bit rushed and has cut content" is putting it lightly. I like the game well enough but holy shit was Quiet some silly shit. I feel like they couldve done more with her.
>likes female characters in games
>likes it if they're hot and tough like Lara Croft
She can't get more perfect then that.
man this joker was so good
clown faces and heavy makeup gives a sort of unsure feeling about ones true nature. the jokers personality and looks gives a sort of worry when you see him. you dont know what hes gonna do or what hes capable of. all you know is that hes evil and thats what makes him effective. a half naked sniper isnt deep or thought provoking. shes eye candy.
You assume wrong, I think the movie is neat, I was not moved to fucking tears and given a different perspective on life by it user.
He was actually menacing, and it fit his character. All of her alternate outfits look better on her. The truth is that Joost was there because of Kojima’s foot fetish.
Everyones criticism of this depiction of Joker is basically "it's too accurate".
He's a goofy cunt. Ledger nailed it
>using buddies
Fucking casual. D-Dog made the game the easiest.
even the actress for mirada mass effect has porn of her.
I feel bad for her man, dont entertain those people, quiet is a video game character that all
This isn't Katawa Shojou.
She became what she is after Skullface had Code Talker give her the skin parasites and the vocal chord parasites and told her that this is her life now and she needs to go kill BiBo.
You don't really need more backstory for her, what you need is character development. Imagine getting to see her romance with Venom actually develop over time instead of just suddenly being there in pic related. Imagine there being genuine friction because of her contradictory emotions toward Venom.
Instead it all drops on you during that mission because you don't even know about her love/hate for Snake or her suicidal ideation.
why would she even pose like that if she didn't want the D?
Uniforms are always the best.
Why didn't she just write stuff on paper.
She's probably into it, the weirder shit is, the more women you find, from regular porn being nothing but creepy arabs and pakis, to futa dick-docking threads in /d/ being almost exclusively no tranny females
Maybe she can't write.
Everyones criticism of this depiction of Joker is basically "it's too accurate".
dont make shit up man
She clearly does want the Diamond D. She spends the whole game basically going "PLEASE LOVE ME DADDY BIBO"
Seriously? Ledger sucked all the fun out of the Joker. Easily the worst depiction of the character ever. It's what kick started this whole grimdark shitshow that plagues DC to this day and makes their movies unwatchable. The Dark Knight trilogy is no different. The Joker was just one of several character assassinations that made those movies shit
That's because she didn't even have any real feelings for Venom Snake until that point. She knew all along V was just a body double, because she saw them side by side in the hospital at the beginning and knew the real Big Boss didn't have a big piece of metal sticking from his head. She kept "quiet" about everything mostly because V was still her best chance to actually reach the real Big Boss and kill him, and only saw him as a tool to that end... until the last mission, when she finally realized the real Big Boss was never going to expose himself, and her mission could only end in failure. Suddenly free to do whatever she wanted, she made a decision. Then she died.
Unironically FPBP
Them trying to make her feel uncomfortable on camera like that is pretty fucking shitty.
I would really like to see people whose scans have been used for porn talk about it some time. I don't know if I agree that it's the same thing as just drawing or Photoshopping someone nude/in a sex scene, but I wouldn't know first hand.
At no point did i feel anything for Quiet. She was an evil civilian killing bitch at the start of the game and just a booty shaking waifu for "Big Boss" during the rest of the game. She had no personality, no real backstory and didn't talk. Her acting skills and the game engine itself weren't enough to do what Kojima supposedly wanted "talking with body language, facial expression etc rather than words". She was an amazing support buddy that made the game an easy affair of "kill everyone here please Quiet" though. But she really was just "Fanservice, the video game character" and i've never been able to feel anything towards that one-notedness. I use the word gamer in a completely un-ironic way when i say this, but literally only gamers felt anything toward Quiet by the end of the game. She wasn't a good character.
No because I put a bullet in her head instead of sparing her for a waifu like all you homos
Yeah nah. The whole game is played from the perspective of Venom. She mistook him for Big Boss from the very beginning which was evident from how she tried to kill Venom. Your claim is bullshit
Fuck off Kaz
>kumbbrain word filters to "gamer"
huh, this is news to me
>Its bad because it was so good it spawned imitators that couldn't live up to it
Not Nolan's fault the DC movies following his sucked ass.
Nah, that would've been pretty but she moves in on Venom and prioritizes him the whole fight. She clearly sees Ishmael as a random fag with bandages covering his entire face while all the hospital records were changed by that point to make it seem that Venom is the real BiBo.
When Ishmael stops her from shooting Venom she just throws him aside and throws the knife at him but them prioritizes Venom again to strangle him.
Imagine getting to scan her feet imagine the smell
Quiet is literally the worst character in the entire Metal Gear series. Fuck her and fuck Joosten.
>I'm in Big Boss's room. There's another patient here, I think he saw me. Orders?... Right. No witnesses.
>then she begins strangling you
>she took out the nurse and doctor before approaching "Ishmael's" bed as well
I actually thought we'd get to choose between taking her to the field or just torturing her for intel when I first played it because they showed that in the trailers.
Yes, user. Let's just ignore who is the one actually writing the script and code for it and just blame a bitch.
What did she thought about it?
>worse than MGS4 Naomi
>worse than Rose cucking Raiden and then coming back to him
>worse than JOHNNY
No, Quiet is a good girl and Stefanie is a fucking goddess
It was bad to begin with. It took comic book characters and made them bland and sad the same way comics nearly killed themselves off in the 90s. The other movies were DC not taking the hint
Yeah I cried because I realized I wasted hours in a shit game that failed to meet almost all my expectations and I got played like a damn fiddle.
Quiet was a ball of fucking nothing.
No then she tries to shoot Venom with the little pistol the doctor had, then when Ishmael jumps her she throws him off and focuses on Venom again. Literally makes no sense to assume she knew
>worse than MGS4 Naomi
>worse than Rose cucking Raiden and then coming back to him
>worse than JOHNNY
Yes, yes and yes. Also the fact that you think Rose actually cheated on Raiden shows you don't know shit about MGS.
What's with all the MGS 5 threads as of late?
>She was an evil civilian killing bitch at the start of the game
nope just war casualty
>just a booty shaking waifu for "Big Boss" during the rest of the game.
quiet was best buddy and millions enjoyed her help gameplay wise.
>But she really was just "Fanservice, the video game character"
funny cause not even normafags have complained about quiet, only those from a certain website with agenda.
>She had no personality, no real backstory and didn't talk
what wrong ani? the cutscene not long enough for you? everything about quiet work thanks to the buddy system, no talk needed just gameplay
I'm a bona fide sperm cranium and Quiet absolutely did not appeal to me in the slightest.
>No dialogue
>No attempt at characterization
>Just a frumpy set of tits with a butterface
Seriously, the 3D render of Joosten has such a weak fucking chin. It's like Leafy got a sex change.
There's literally no evidence to suggest she could differentiate you from Big Boss. He was awake the entire time as made evident by the fact that he jumped right onto his feet, so who's to say she didn't know Big Boss had seen her and mistaken him for someone else?
I'm fucking right there with you man.
>You just KNOW
i shot her in first encounter
It's quite funny to hear people complaining about fanservice but at the same time I understand they should have at least come up with something plausible for the character. Wouldn't go as far as calling her "best buddy" since you can't ride her like D-Horse through the map when she is dashing around.
Fuck off, Raiden could've suicided because of that cunt. I don't give a shit that her excuse was "I totally wasn't cheating teehee, I was just hiding from the patriots". Also Naomi was awful in all the same ways with how she withheld crucial info from you throughout the whole plot and was an annoying traitorous cunt.
Johnny is just fucking cancer in every way.
Clearly you're just a tranny butthurt about her outfit.
>reeeeeeeeeee my headcanon!
>V's story was finished in early 2013
>It and the game itself just sucks, that's all
IMO the gameplay is pretty meh to decent at times. It's got slightly less depth than MGS3 and only a handful of environments that are actually fun to sneak through. Mostly just a bunch of bland outposts. If you like grinding then there's plenty of that. The biggest fault is that the game is just braindead easy, and just gets easier the more you play, unless you intentionally gimp yourself. The enemies will try to adapt to your playstyle if you do the same thing over and over, (sneak at nigh, use the tranq gun repeatedly) but that mechanic is pretty shallow.
Forgot to mention it's also super repetitive, the second chapter is a garbage fire of both shitty missions and reused missions.
damn bruh
D-Horse thread?
The second chapter is a glorified Epilogue and the epic MISSING LINK
anyone happen to have the webm of her jumping down the helicopter, that was so kino
Pls no. Waifu is not for horse, nor for dog.
Do it (Defecate)
MGSV WAS SHIT AND ALL MGSV shills on Yea Forums got BTFO hard years ago
>remove quiet
>add sniper wolf
Have sex
sniper cunny
>Getting surprised by marketing lies
>When you could tell that you were going to get bamboozled before the game even came out
MGSV was top 3 most sold game of year. Once again Yea Forums's weeb fag community got BTFO. Accept it, future of gaming is not FOR YOU. You can only play old shit games to get a minor hit of nostalgia to stop u from killing urself. Biiiiitch
that's the whole point retard
it's making fun of those who fall so easily for marketing gimmicks
it's to wake you up to Them
I cried like a bitch, also wept at the "Zero visits Jack in hospital" tape.
Story was weak otherwise.
This. I fucking hated the character because everything about her and her story was perfectly complete even though she was a pointless new character. Then the ACTUAL STORY didn't even get finished, became clear Kojima spent too much time with his dick inside stefanie joosten
At least those games don't try to milk me out of every cash possible with an incomplete mess.
quiet is fucking awful
only code talker is worse.
>kojima says MGS is not about zombies
>missions where the enemies all act like zombies
really makes you think.
>kojima says it would never add zombies to MGS because it wouldn't fit in retaliation to MGS Survival
>the same who did the Skull units
>the same guy who did parasites
>the same guy who did Vamp
>the same guy who did Paz "naked" fighting snake in a metal gear
>the same guy who did Quiet
>the same guy who actually added practically zombies in MGS V
Kojima is a hack.
Death Stranding out in 3 months and we have 0 gameplay.
Snake is the protagonist as a whole, throughout every single Metal Gear game. In other words, some random guy dressing up in Big Boss and Solid Snake costumes.
>Are you high wtf
Metal Gear Solid is franchise of movie games. Kojima treats them as literal movies, especially since he sees himself as a movie director. Movies have actors, who play roles. Treat Snake as an actor, who plays the main role, which consists the characters Big Boss and Solid Snake.
>"A former hero"
Means that this V is the last time that Snake will act, as he'll retire after Ground Zeroes. He appears for the last time in The Phantom Pain, to give the main role to you, thus allowing you to take his place.
>the horse poop has no collision model
*Quiet is fucking beautiful
*only Code Talker is more based
quiet was worse
code talker was just pointless and just made for parasite exposition and some weird "eyes on Kazuhira" plot that never went anywhere
Easily the worst/least interesting part of the game
did portable ops have you play a hero, with the ending implying that snake was going to become a bad guy, like all the other prequels?
the only interesting thing about the game you mean.
so good they brought her back
>parasites fixes a woman
the more you know
I only felt emptiness during the last half of the game.
parasites would've noticed
I mean it was cool but I wondered why the fuck they wouldn't have their Navajo interpreter go on the flight in case they needed to communicate with Quiet
Nobody but her and Code Talker even know that she speaks Navajo. As far as everyone was concerned she can't talk at all.
Holy shit that goblin that's interviewing her is on something.
Why didn't she just pick up Big Boss and sonic boom him to safety? She never had problems traversing the landscape up to this point.
Also, why didn't she just communicate by writing like a normal person? Did she really think pretending to be mute was a viable tactic?
I honestly liked it. The story completely crashes down on you towards the end and it made me feel a way that few other games can, largely thanks to the soundtrack and how good the cinematography is. It was not however a nice way to end the series.
I cried at not being able to play as her. Her powers were awesome. Still doesn't make sense how not Big Boss could beat her
I can't wait for Konami to save the series.
Wake up soon, old friend. Time is running short.
FPBP. Quiet was a terrible character.
It was kino as fuck. But I felt like Kojimbo was trying to make me kill myself with how depressing that part of the game is. It's needlessly sad.
>Episode 3 of Braking the Quiet with sound is released
Thanks for reminding me to check OP
This. What a shit character. I'm actually mad that dev time and resource went to create her retarded ass. It's hilarious that people defend her shit character and actor because they makes their pee pee hard while even Kojima discarded the whore as soon as he found a new model to fuck on the side.
absolutely based. The game was some shitass attempt at peacewalker expansion. And peacewalker had far more cohesion then 5. Only really shit thing about peacewalker was the vehicle and metal gear side ops everything else Yea Forums hates about it is whining. 5 had pointless unlocks up the ass, a brokenass ending, and kojima trying too hard on the multiplayer stuff. Peacewalker was best metal gear post MGS3. 5 had all the shit of 4 and a piss shit attempt at expanding on peacewalker.
Series shouldve ended at 3
Stop calling it 5, we already played 5 on the PSP years ago.
How the fuck I haven't seen this before.
real niggas shot that hoe in the face first time around. Revenge, Nigga
I always toss a grenade to avoid that stupid cutscene.
that first week of multiplayer when it actually worked was really fun
I had... a different reaction to that webm
I've finished MGSV (by which I mean redoing the hospital/second credits roll) and I don't remember this. It it something that unlocks if I finish all the tedious auto-generated repeat missions?
Unlocks after maxing out her relationship, the repeat missions can be completely ignored iirc.
My penis shed a tear every time I watched her get fucked by a horse.
That tape alone was worth MGSV.
Zero loved him ;_;