billions of starving children in Africa:
gamers: *donates to a streamer*
Billions of starving children in Africa:
also gamers: *says the N word*
Difference being that the starving children have to impact on the average zoomer while streamers provide them some sort of entertainment which they feel needs to be compensated.
Maybe there wouldn’t be billions of starving kids in Africa if they fucking STOPPED HAVING SO MANY FUCKING KIDS THEY CANT FEED
I don't give money to either of those.
>gives billions dollars of aid to starving kids in africa
>they live and breed
Do you really want 3.3 billion more African niggers by 2100? Because that's what happening because of western aid.
That's 3 300 000 000 niggers. Think about it.
Worry about blacks? Never. Only if it effects my safety.
I won't be able to hear the African children say my Twitch username
Formerly SNEED
It's not my job to feed them. They already get huge money in foreign aid.
Donating to Africa is problematic. It implies Africans aren't capable of running civilisations with farms, roads, healthcare and clean water.
>implying that money doesn't disappear into the pockets of warlords and corrupt bureaucrats
oy vey we must increase Africans population another 3 billion!
so you should never donate to africa
They use our tax money for that already
you already killed my Sneed
We tried building farms, but the moment we turn our backs they eat the seeds and sell the tools for scrap. They have no ability to plan for the future. They didn't need to, they evolved in the Garden of fucking Eden.
We should stop sending aid
Sex is a basic human need. Wouldn't expect an incel to understand that people do it.
you're right, we need to fund death squads to take em out
and the chinese
>billions of starving children in Africa:
>Apple: 120 billion sat in a bank account and does stock buybacks.
what’s stopping Africans from streaming?
International charities are all scams. If you want to make the world a better place, start with your own neighborhood.
"My bad"
well """my bad"""
We should be helping them set up and maintain proper infrastructure, we should be doing something about the corrupt governments and warlords stomping all over everyone else. Just throwing food and money at them won't solve anything.
At least you know where your money is going when you give it to a streamer. Whatever that starving African children money is being used for clearly isn't fixing the problem.
>keep fucking themselves out of a place at the dinner table
>keep feeding them anyway
You know we're only setting ourselves up for a famine of apocalyptic proportions, right? This literal gravy train can't continue indefinitely.
they need to die really, we aren't gonna feed them