*ruins your games by enforcing retarded gimmick controls*

*ruins your games by enforcing retarded gimmick controls*
>heh, nothin personnel Zelda fans

Attached: zeldatrash.png (864x756, 964K)

All three are good games.

>not using the dpad patch


I actually would've loved Breath of the Wild to have both button and joycon motion similar to SS.

But without the tutorial AI that over animates it's intended defense vs damage angles.

Oh it leans SUPER FUCKING much to the left, attack from the right.

How? I'd play the shit out of PH if I didn't need to use the touchscreen.

>people have hateboners for motion controls
>I get to enjoy Metroid Prime 3 and they dont
Feels good man.

I just did spend 20min doing the patch myself but then I realised there are probably patched roms ready for download. Just google "phantom hourglass d-pad patched rom"

oh, so I can't do it with a legit cart? nvm then, I don't like PH enough to put it on my hacked 3ds

Only Skyward Sword is bad. PH was ambitious and ST improved on it tenfold. ST also gave way for the best Zelda to date.

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PH was bad, but ST was all right.

Just got done playing PH and ST back to back. They were for sure absolutely horrendous games that bordered on being unplayable at times thanks to the awful 100% touchscreen controls.

yeah sure it works with a real card, just pull out your developer kid and code some assembly

SS is great.

Skyward Sword has terrible issues with its design. The motion controls in it, overall, make a bad game a bit worse, specially with aiming/flying/swimming.
PH and ST are fine in terms of touch controls, they work without issues and I never had any problem doing what I wanted to do. I can only imagine how much of a retard you have to be to have problems with the touch controls.
Other than that, PH is polarizing because some people hate the Temple of the Ocean King, while I had a lot of fun going back to it and finding new ways to get around faster with new equipment. ST is garbage though, only good things about it is the godlike main theme, cute Zelda going around with you as a phantom, and the gameplay involving her as a phantom.
Also, I remember playing the PH multiplayer back in the day, fun times.

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It's really not. It sold worse than Twilight Princess and this was on the Wii no less. DKC Returns outsold Skyward Sword the year before. It had way too many problems, so much so it's the only Zelda that I dropped after beating it. Usually I play the games a bit more before moving on but SS was the one time I didn't opt to do so.

More like
>every single Wii game ever

Maybe if you're a blind braindead fanboy.

Everybody stopped caring about the Wii by the end of 2011. Also if you want to use sales as an argument, then Majora's Mask is the worst 3D Zelda and Breath of the Wild is the best by several orders of magnitudes both of which are correct actually, I guess you're right.

Piratefags seething about Wii and DS games is just never going to stop being funny

>being a braindead faggot
Don't do that

bruh the wii and ds were some of the most pirated consoles ever
what the hell are you talking about?

Ayy skyward swords problem was not the controls, in fact I thought the motion plus mechanics were fun

Don't think I wanted Skyward Sword to fail, I was hyped. But the more I played it, the more I grew to dislike it and there were some really cool concepts shown and presented like being able to repair your shield, something Breath of the Wild had a chance to improve on immensely but didn't.

very FUN games desu

That will not fix the shit train gimmick of Spirit Tracks though.
I can live with touch controlls on the DS games, but the train was just too tedious to handle, that is the only Zelda game that i played just once and never touched ever again.

ST is literally the worst Zelda game to date just because of the fucking train jimmick.

>Skyward Sword rocks! Spirit Tracks is awesome! It has a train in it! Choo choo!!!

Attached: Soyjak.png (300x372, 16K)

the train wasn't as bad as PH's boat

>implying Nintendo knows how to do anything other than make “innovative” new things with games as an afterthought

He means that OP just pirated this 15 year old game recently and he's seething about it again so much time later and it happens all the time.

Phantom Hourglass was fun, though. Has some problems, sure, but it's a good game.

Other than the Train and Duet Segments (so a decent chunk of the game), I think Spirit Tracks is better than PH. Better dungeons, better central-dungeon, funner gimmick in said dungeon, better puzzles, etc. etc. you get the gist. But where I really fucking hate ST is, again, in the Train and Duet segments.

Normally the flute is responsive enough to do whatever song you wanna do just fine, but when it comes to the Lokomo Duets it just shits the bed. The timing is some picky bullshit, and the Train is such a step down from the boat.

I will concede that ST's New Hyrule overworld was more packed than PH's sea, but that's the only good thing I can say about ST's Train. What do you like about it so much? Genuinely curious.

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It literally was though.
You are forced on rails and teleport were on fixed location and even missable if you miss the hit, while on PH you can teleport wherever you are instantly and you can travel in any direction freely. Also the boat is faster and you can turn around of 180°, while with the train you have to fina way to turn the traind on the other way.

Motion controls were an interesting idea to focus on at that time, even though they ended up being hit and miss and ultimately a failure.
The real problem with game were:

1)THE ENDLESS SHIT-TIER PADDING: forced fetch quests, forced backtracking, forced escort missions, forced repeated bosses, everywhere and all the fucking time.
2)Zelda turned into Mario 64 with separated reused worlds to access through some terrible barebone hub.
3)All the fucking endless, unnecessary, overly pedantic, unskippable tutorials.

Jesus, what a fucking nightmare of a game.

I'll actually agree with OP here.

Spirit tracks was good DESPITE its controls, not because of it-- that's not good. Its like having a plate of pasta with too much oil or garlic in it. You can still enjoy it and it can still be relatively tasty, but that doesn't mean it WASN'T made worse by that problem.

I like my classic controls for the games-- Innovating for the sake of "innovating" Often leads to shitty gimmicky controls. Clever level design and good items/puzzles are how you make a game unique.

I can't really say that I liked it, only that I didn't dislike it as much as PH's boat. Playing PH's boat segments really just made me wish I were playing WW so I could free steer. None of the obstacles in ST made me feel like I was being asked to do something I couldn't do, namely steer during gameplay. I guess they just realised it was a bad idea to expect you to steer under that system and made it literally on rails to compensate. Wasn't much fun either way but at least this is less annoying.

I agree with everything else you said about ST being better than PH. For me the big thing was the music, apart from Linebeck's theme PH was crap.
There's another patch you can use to make the spirit flute work with the trigger rather than the mic and I recommend it strongly.

The swapping between Link and Zelda gimmick was really good, I'd play a game with more of that. Only thing is I'd rather it actually be Zelda and not a Phantom. Have Link and Zelda only be able to equip certain items and have to work together with them. Then you get a game in the same vein as Lost Vikings.

Can I just patch the flute over my d-pad patched rom??

But you don't need the touch screen controls for character swapping-- other zelda games have done that before.
its not inherently something unique to ST.

it's just an ar code

Fake Mic Blow (L Button)
94000130 FDFF0000
220B5308 0000005F
D2000000 00000000

Fake Mic Blow (R Button)
94000130 FEFF0000
220B5308 0000005F
D2000000 00000000

I never said anything about the touch screen controls, controlling Zelda was a hassle, I'm just saying the concept is sound. I also like the similar concept in WW.