Other urls found in this thread:
Remember what i told you yesterday?
we will talk about it tomorrow
>Join open lobby
>Join open lobby
>Join open lobby
Why do these fucks have open lobbies if they don't want people joining them?
>gift PS3 and EDF 2025 to small cousins after I noticed I haven't really played that console since ever
>boot up the split screen
holy shit how did I actually stand playing that? 4.1 and 5 on PC coddled me too much.
Focus on the mission.
ok which dlc mission are better?
for what? I'm running through dlc pack 2 offline right now and am up to mission 6. This is some cancerous shit, even on hard I got oneshot by a gold that got up close and personal with 2k armor as a fencer. I know golds are ass, but jesuss, might have to drop down to normal for a lazy quick clear.
what's your loadout
Gold ants at point-blank range (as in, all the globs hit you) do 35,000 damage on Inferno.
>Galleon R3
Eh, this weapon is cool
solo on inferno its easy peasy as Ranger with the Blazer
>farm DLC2 mission 8
>mfw unlocking the fencer nuke mortar
What's a good mission to farm early game? 37?
early game farming is useless user
Any tips for mission 107 HARDEST?
The moment those fucking tadpoles show up it's game over.
flamethrower or bulge their line they fly in
Doesn't work because you get buttfucked by rolling balls at the same time.
I've tried with 3 different rooms and we just can't kill things fast enough and then those small green flying fucks just melt everyone in seconds.
The only way to play air raider for me.
Learn to move around then.
>just do everything at the same time, bro
Well obviously bitching and moaning is doing tons for you right now.
luckily you have 3 slots
bulge laser the tadpoles and phobos the gammas
if you can't manage more than 2 strikes at once you're not cut out to play air raider
Because what you're saying is the equivalent of "just shoot them until they die". If it was so fucking easy I wouldn't be having those problem.
None of the other missions even come close in terms of difficulty.
Wait for the next mission then. 108 is worse. 107 the rollers are the hardest part. Take the ai with you and the tadpoles break off enough to not instant kill you. If you insist on being air raider then you need to bring a red nyx and a fencer who knows how to kite, and be comfortable with the idea of staying dead most the mission.
Use the red nix after the fencer does a lap then jump to destroy the towers. You wont be able to stay alive for long on the ground.
>ar bulge tadploe line as they fly in
>ranger/whatever with red nix kill the ones that land due to stun
>fencer go and aggro most of the rollers
>any that get past will get killed by the nix
>4th player kill whatever is left after all that crap spawns
i wonder if the devs for this game realize that acronym is basically the one for erectile dysfunction if it had 3 letters and not 2
>hints and tips: this will be a tough battle. good luck.
come on game, give me SOMETHING to work with here.
Not playing AR.
I've tried AR and the beginning of the mission was fine but then everyone dies and leaves me alone because they refuse to get into my spare nixes and prefer to hide in some corner like that would help anything.
I'm playing WD and I can kite them fine, but everyone else is dead so I have to turn around and fight and then I get melted too. I even pull some of the spiders and deroys at the start of the mission to let my team have an easier time but they still die. I can deal with everything except the green shit, they are just way too fast.
I guess I'm not completely sure what would be the optimal loadout on that mission.
It's gonna be hard.
not if i play on easy
But I need more weapons and armor so I'm not dead weight online.
Tips for getting the first 60% of completion? It feels like such a slog
Don't bother with anything below Hard is the only tip there is.
doing everything on hard is the easy part, the real slog is when you only get 0.08% per mission
your not dead weight user even if you can't kill anything you can still revive People
If you are playing WD, refer to my previous point. Learn how to move around. Also stop getting shitters in your lobbies.
>Also stop getting shitters in your lobbies.
I wish.
Blew though all the dlc 2 missions on hard today in some JP room who were constantly typing out what I assume is strategies in Moon, but those rooms are rare.
Every single time I make inferno lobbies I get nothing but shitters with 1200 armor joining.
They want to be carried for free weapons.
so if i am understanding it, I get one barga assist, 2 emcx assist, and realistically have to solo 10 erginus and 2 spiky dudes?
Nooo, you don't understand!
I love the lines in this game
Yes. Zillas are not that threatening anyway.
the community was almost perfect until 4.1's permenant price drop. too many fucking normalfags and discorders invaded the game. i mean, the community is still good, but nothing like it was before; even a lot of the wittiness is gone. i had one lower level guy kick me because he thought my weapons' level was too low when they did more damage than his higher level set. this kind of shit -- and pettiness -- never used to happen
>join two fags' lobby that says DO NOT JOIN just to spite them
>they both have multiple VAC bans on record
i fucking hate brainlets
the erginus aren't really the problem for me, they die in 2 fucking hits from a ZAT, it was that the first archelus blew me the fuck out since my WD has less than 1k armor.
>50 posts
no lobbys at all
i can't wait until you shitty visitors get drawn away with another shiny game so this community can go back to being the 400-1000 people who actually care. i bet most people won't even slog it through the months to collect the EDF enlistment money they spoke about in-game during one of the missions. hell, they're probably not even thinking this game will keep them good for the next 10+ years
YOU make a room, faggot
>wanting to play with Yea Forums
oh, no no. i'm not wearing that mask. my anger is clearly displayed
There's also infantry and some tanks. I've only ever done that mission as AR and it's easy mode thanks to Tempest.
>use a tempest ATS
>it doesn't oneshot an erginus
my tempest is not stronk enough.
Yeah even maxed out it's just shy of one shotting them but usually just one 105mm and one vulcan shot will finish them off.
Plus you can hit multiple Erginus at once.
Therein lies one problem, and I dont really feel like slowfarming 87 in hopes of a better damage tempest ATS drop. I guess my option for now is essentially to just hope I can kill them all as wing diver without getting hit.
>ranger shotguns are all penetrating
>fencer shotguns are not
this irks me, along with
>armor piercing cannon is not penetrating
I only have 300 armor and level 3 weapons. What number should I be around so I can play with you guys?
More than that. It really depends on what you're joining. If you're doing low level hard rooms you'll be fine.
How's the Starship Troopers stuff?
>lower armor limit
>no good weapons
Yeah user, play it on easy and still lose, I dare you
WD with ghost chaser should knock those fuckers out of the air. Won't do damage, but should stop your guys from getting completely overwhelmed
I would like to know more
WD was trained for big hard long shafted steamy smooth ... energy cores.
I didn't lose, obviously, but I got fucking anally destroyed by mission 11 on inferno.
>trying to stay alive, trying to change mech but archelus keeps kicking it around and I dont have the health to get out of my current mech to swap
>haven't looted the many erginus corpses because they're too fucking big and can't be pushed around, so drops are essentially locked until they despawn
>both fucking archelus are killed by npcs literally 3 seconds after I change mechs to a new one that has ammo, so I can't even go around looting in safety, knowing that I can kill the last one
fucking npcs sometimes.
>stands next to you and friendly fires you for 10 damage every time the thunder crossbow fires
>Walks in front of class that can actually kill and complains about 10's of damage
>repeatedly knocks you down with Ghost Chaser while you're trying to call in fire support
I was babysitting a WD through hardest who would always take my advice and seem happy about it but when it came to the cave missions would oneshot me with the dragoon lance from behind at chokepoints like three times per mission. I never got mad though and it was quite gratifying to see him go from being a useless ticklebeam backliner to popping frog heads with the chadlance under my guidance.
Yeah, that's a good feeling
>babysitting WD
WD babysit others.
Is there anyway to deal with tele ships / the base / the mother ship as an air raider besides limpet guns?
don't like it when my health bar goes red for any reason REE
vehicles obviously.
Not if they suck at the game enough to die before a ranger without even taking any high-value targets with them they don't. I had to scrounge for so many healthkits for revives it was unreal.
Is it ok to start playing 2025 if I haven't played the first 2024 games?
No way.
That's impossible!
Mechs pop ships easily enough, it's just a pain until you can get one out.
Pretty much the same with the base. You can use 105mm or 150mm gunships to take care of the cannons, even on the bottom the bullets will pierce through. And then for the middle hatch use a mech that can jump high like the red one.
If you haven't figured it out already just about every other vehicle is useless compared to mechs (Nix). There's niche uses for things like Depth Crawler and Barga but for the most part Nix is king.
>no jet fighters in this game
>if they were in, they'd probably fly at retarded fast speed and handle like a brick
there is no starship troopers stuff. that was just a cross-promotion
The maps would have to be at least double the size to support something as fast as a jet and they're already kind of big for footsloggers. Plus, there would have be some new kind of enemies to pose a threat to fast flyers.
It would be neat to see EDFs scope expand even more, but that would probably require more tinkering with the engine than they can afford
No need for "fighters" really. Something like an A-10 would be more fitting.
why the hell were the names so fucked up in the west? 4.1 was the first game to be called the same in both japan and everywhere else.
EDF 1 = Monster Attack, EDF 2 = Global Defence Force, EDF 3 = Earth Defense Force 2017, EDF 4 = Earth Defense Force 2025.
Keep it simple stupid.
Lobby up
Starting from mission 1 on inferno
I can imagine a meme use for depth crawler vs base, climbing up a leg and just literally sitting upside down next to the weak point waiting for it to open.
What would you even do with them that the air raider already can't do more precisely and faster?
>there would have be some new kind of enemies to pose a threat to fast flyers.
With how the developers handle the controllers of the vehicles in general, there is no need. Just give them more or less the same amount of HP the Naegling has and you're set.
What's with this constant "AR is so good" spam? He's not that good, he's just easy. He has simple inputs, and it's hard to die playing him since you have everyone else in the lobby taking aggro for you. He's simple, kind of boring, and his strength falls off on difficulties above hard. I certainly wouldn't consider one-tricking him like some kind of laser-pointer fetishist.
I'm going to put off the air raider complaints that contain some full retard statements (strength falls off on above hard) and stick with my original argument. There's nothing that flying a jet would do that an air raider already can't do. Most of the enemies are on the ground, and in order to kill them you'd have to visually spot them while flying at high speeds and with a bunch of buildings blocking your view, maneuver into an attack path where you can fly straight at your target for a few seconds straight, then hope that they don't move behind cover while you're attacking them. All of this requires time and finesse, especially if the aircraft flies very fast. You'd probably kill a few enemies every 10 seconds or so if you're really good.
Meanwhile the air raider can just point and click every few seconds to to the same thing with lower chance of missing.
when pricedrop, love edf, not paying 60 for it
no notable price drop until edf6 hits
pirate it, play with other pirates using the steamworks fix
Why are you assuming that it has to be an AR vehice? Ranger already has helicopters, and WD's gimmick is flight already. Or Fencer could just transform into it like he's fuckin Starscream. And the whole attitude of "fun thing is pointless because it's not optimal" is a casual attitude. Even if the jet was so bad that it's a sub-optimal gimmick, well if you can't win with sub-optimal gimmick gear, then you're kinda bad.
I mean that's basically how the Free Bike is used and that works about as well as you expect.
a massive chunk of the arsenal would get axed if only the most efficient pieces of kit were allowed to stay. It's not always about completing the levels as fast as possible, it's about having fun
guess you don't love it then faggot
2 spots open, mission 3
it launched for $40, you can probably catch it on winter sale
>tfw got a "kino barga" after the mission
God I wish. EDF with BRRRRRRRRRT.
What's with all the threads recently? Did something happen? This came out quite a while ago. It's made me want to play it again but what triggered the threads?
EDF5 got a PC release in July, big online population right now
and pc dlc2 yesterday
Damn you lot had to wait 2yrs. At least it's reaching more people now.
Fuck off. You don't love the game. Support devs you mongoloid.
>Not good
>Just easy
Which is it, fucker?
Play solo and see how good he is without idiots in the way.
i think you missed
$48 was the launch.
Pay the price you faggot. Humble has it for 15% off if you are a monthly sub. But obviously you bitching about a few dollars means you aren't.
Less than 8 months from ps4 NA launch.
No one counts the ps4 JP launch.
I do. I practically learned japanese in the year I played that version. learned weapons by stats alone and strats by just watching everyone else. sometimes I'd get english speakers and it was a treat
I never stated dogmatically that it must not be added, just that if it would be added, it would likely be shit.
It's a balanced class with easy inputs. It's not an overpowered class, it's just simple and uses weapons that have a lot of uptime when you're standing in the right spot and you're getting correctly bodyguarded.
>mothership's main gun doesn't do damage
I wonder if you can reflect these as a Fencer, I mean you can reflect literally anything so wouldnt be surprised but useless sure.
Yea Forumsdf
mission 1
Nice! spam STRONGLY encouraged
Room: riki6
no pass
07. Monsters Attack ++
Yup, they're reflectable.
How do you feel when the map goes red?
horny for killing
Oh it does do damage, its just the after explosion is disproportionate to the damage radius.
Melee Nyx when
only if it controlled like an obese fencer
The latest in Rangertechâ„¢ anti-alien technology.
KM6 bombing run is basically like an A10 strafe. Definitely not as cool or satisfying though.
anybody figure out a way to farm any of the second dlc pack missions on inferno?
Not sure why you're advertising a straight-normie lobby like this here. If you're not lurking and figuring out the patterns, what are you doing? You're just gonna get filled with shitters using the browser and expecting to be carried.
8 with spiders. Need WD and the 55 big plasma. Fly for the mechas, boost up, exit, blast spider 2-3 times, hop back. Repeat until they are dead.
you can farm mission 2 with roof cheese as wing diver with a rapier nova (slow as fuck, but almost 100% safe), or a phalanx ZAT once it drops (dlc weapon, can 2shot the ayys, also 2 shots erginus) with a bit more risk as it has a lower spread. Mission 11 is also viable as air raider if you can survive long enough to actually summon a mech.
power lance zd is best for 2 offline imo, it usually staggers and it only takes a few hits to kill
thanks anons i'll try those
Mission 11 is nothing but Erginus and then two Archelus near the end. Just let the npc's tank the Erginus while you hit them from far enough away that you won't take aggro.
You need pretty good dps for this mission though because you need to kill them all before all the npc's get wiped out.
Buy why? Once you've farmed the optimal levels for maxed drops, what's left to do? Why not just play the game regularly? There's no better way to kill desire for playing this game than by reducing it to a farming chore.
>But why?
Because I already have all the other weapons unlocked and I want to see what the new ones are like.
Also you can use the new weapons to help clear the DLC which is ridiculously hard.
>play the game regularly
>have a shitload of worthless weapons because of the good in theory but poorly executed upgrade system where drops aren't even guaranteed to give you an upgrade
maybe I want to crush bugs with strong weapons
The nyxes in that mission are strong. Its cluster grenades can one shot silvers on inferno.
>overheard from a couple NPCs
>Ranger: I'll give you something *nice* later.
>WD: Oh thank ~goodness~
what the hell bros, they actually are sluts, I thought it was just a joke
Okay, but wouldn't using existing inferno weapons in levels set on easy do the same thing for you? I totally get farming, I just don't get why it's applied to this game, and I don't want activity to die off super fast. From the way I see it described, people farm this game so they don't have to play it, and it's one of the most fun games to play since 4.1 came out.
I'm farming weapons at least, for the purpose that when I eventually play with a friend down the line, I have a good selection of weapons to use on the medium difficulties even though i'd undoubtedly have the limiter unlocked by then.
I agree with you, farming is a drain on the playerbase, but you can't really stop people from doing it.
DLC levels on inferno has no weapon limit, only armor limit.
What a great session
arent leviatans where a meme useless weapon?
No way, they're crazy strong and you can be very accurate with them. It's just rare to see them in pubs because it requires coordination between players
sleep thight EDF!
What happens when you blow up the support struts? I blew them up and it seemed nothing changed at all.
Yeah, show me that low level Blazer then.
Power of attack severely decreases, ship fires 2 plasma bombs with no pylons on hard. You also get nice loot.
Oh, I was actually thinking of ROF but see no difference.
Does it even matter? Last time I played on hard the plasma bombs always seemed like all fluff and no bite.
Is it an Inferno/Hardest thing?
I'm still trying to figure out a way to farm dlc pack 1, mission 4 on inferno with air raider. So far the only way I've been able to beat it at all so far is with wing diver
>hates based games
>has little understanding of english or lyrical meter
>you will never be able to set a gatling fencer in the back of the civilian truck and make a technical out of it
>you will never have the fencer switch to a gallic cannon, and send the truck flying from the recoil
as said, you need actual coordination to use it, most of time if people use it on pubs is some lazy woolie using a power beacon instead of using the guide laser that allows fencer to lock in 3-5 times faster
killing ayys as fast as possible is how I have fun
Am I wasting my time with offline mission mode? I want to play with you guys but I'm still only on mission 25 HARD from playing with a buddy
Kinda, offline is pointless except for testing/farming. It's chill gameplay with no pressure from online people, but it's kind of pointless.
Hello fellow EDF! How do you feel about martians and/or miners? Personally, I'm not fond of them.
well... we don't actually know where the aliens came from, they may have come from mars for all we know, and since they expanded the caves to accomodate the monsters, they seem to be proficient at digging...
>love playing air raider
>always tell team Ill take a beacon if any fencers want to use the crazy powerful missiles
>nobody ever takes me up on my offer
>implying Armageddon's ridiculous story is canon
Unfortunately, that's what the series ended with. Damn shame too.
It's kinda niche, but not useless. Wild Leviathans are level 57, which means you can use them pretty early on. It can be a good weapon to open with, since you'll do like 240k damage over a 50m radius.
So I'm doing the extra pack 2 missions because apparently, mission 9 is pretty good for armor farming. I just noticed that the mission progress I'm making offline isnt reflecting online (I'm still at mission 1 when I checked online but I'm already at 7 in offline).
Question: Do the armor and weapons I get offline go to online as well? I dont wanna be fucking farming armors offline if they're not buffing up my online characters too
>tfw you just bought the extra mission packs but nobody wants to play with you because < 1k armor
>Do the armor and weapons I get offline go to online as well?
>tfw you just bought the extra mission packs but nobody wants to play with you because < 1k armor
post room, I'll play with you
Thanks for the invite but getting carried isnt gonna solve the actual problem. I just unlocked mission 9 anyway so I'll be farming a bit
Why not just play the campaign online on hard for the other classes? You'll pick up plenty of armor along the way.
Best Mission to farm lv55-57 weapons?
>inb4 low level stuff
yeah yeah but there are 3 weapons lv 55 56 and 57 i would like to star now for personal reasons
Drop weapon tab and look for a mission that you can do easily
I always farm mission (11? I think.), the one with all the silver spiders with Air Raider.
Bring 150mm cannon, flame turrets, and Tempest along with the Nix EZ unless you already have Assault Nix from DLC 2.
Basically just setup flame turrets at the start and use a tempest to take out the first group of silvers. There's a chance 1 or 2 could survive, the flame turrets will help you kill them along with your 150mm.
You can basically call in a new Nix from like 2 silver spider kills so keep replenishing it throughout the mission. The EZ can one shot the silvers at close range with the explosion cannons.
Hardest part is the last group with the silver king spider. Make sure you take down the king with a tempest first, and make sure you have flame turrets already setup and a new Nix out as backup because it's a pretty big group of silvers.
you ran into the middle of them. it's safe directly below the gun. they spread out in a circle
useful tool, thank you
Yea Forumsdf
lvl 75
11 is underground mission.
Yeah it's mission 9 I was thinking of.
I love it when I sneak behind a frog and blast the legs off with the shotgun. They just gives me this look, and we both know exactly what happens next.
I make mash potato with my jackhammer.
>Idiot dies because he's an idiot
>Can't wait 5 minutes to be rescued
>Just leaves the mission
But why.
>dies 5 miles away
>spams Help me! And pings body whilst you're fighting stuff as ranger
I KNOW you fucking died jeez let me kill this stuff before I run half a marathon and lose half my health on a res.
>twitch recommends EDF 5 streams
>tune in to the guy with the most viewers
>dude is playing fencer and keeps getting wiped on Brutal Battlefield
>viewers try to tell him how to dashjump so he doesn't die to trash mobs
>he gets mad and bans people for backseat gaming
>subscribers flood the chat with asskissing supportive messages about ignoring his "toxic" chat
I'm starting to understand why people make fun of zoomers for this
The fuck are you doing browsing twitch in the first place zoomie.
i use vinny as background noise because he's not a sperg
Tell me some unconventional Ranger weapon types that I should try out.
have you tried the giant hand grenades?
Never saw them before.
Super acid gun, firecrackers.
It gets bigger when you throw it.
>use the weapon checklist site to keep track of what DLC weapons I still need to farm
>you can't actually mark DLC weapons as collected
Thanks for nothing.
His missile launchers are pretty decent. He also has support equipment that will make your missiles where they can target a single target multiple times instead of just once.
And Super Acid Gun can carry you through hardest, very good dps.
are some buyfags interested in dlc2 farming?
Might not work that well for testing though, considering the 2.0 online multipliers. Works perfectly for farming because of the aforementioned multiplier.
Personally I would just play online whenever I can, if you want to see the offline only ending cutscene just use late game weapons to rush through easy offline.
do u use cheats?
no user no cheats
ok host
Yea Forumsdf
dlc2 mission 5
How do i not suck at Air Raider? I've just started playing so I don't fully understand what weapon combos to use since i'm still unlocking shit.
My standard Air Raider loadout is
>airplane cannon strikes like minigun or 150mm
>great for taking out smaller enemies that get too close to you, and they have long range so you can use them on frogs/ayys
>spritefall because Spritefallchan is mai waifu
>great focused damage in a medium sized area
>phobos bombing run
>amazing damage in a huge bombing run that tanks your frame rate
>robot is sually the best, but some maps its nice to have a faster moving tank or go full RUNNING IN THE 90S with the Grape
I decided to take a risk and join a CN room. Surprisingly, these guys aren't cheaters nor enabled no limits in spite of the host having 80% completion rate. Although, they talk a lot. Maybe they shitting on me, the obvious foreigner.
It's the reason why you get the games on PS4 while it's still fresh. Iron Rain will have the same problem when its PC port hits, despite being a worse game.
>join a cn room
>air raider calls in is own personnal A10 warthhog and just sprays everything with vulcan cannon
Room up.
Mission 57 hardest
Buychads, lootbros, simple instruction followers
No limits, 70% completion
1 slot open
>"Why yes I only use throwable grenade loadouts, how could you tell?"
Does anyone know whats the Ergnius health on dlc 2 mission 11 inferno solo offline? The site I use doesn't have the DLC data.
For the early game:
>Spritefall/KM6 with strafing run if you need something party friendly
>Autocannon for solo target
>Turrets for trash
You can take two turrets when there is a lot of trash, or two autocannons/miniguns/etc vs green humanoids who look just like us and ayy lmaos
Always use a vehicle, it's a lot of extra HP and firepower. You can attach a power post, or even a healing post at times to make it last much longer.
Nix is generally the best, but don't underestimate tanks and grapes - they are fast and you can easily attach your turrets on top of it. Melt Buster, for example, is fantastic vs ants and spiders on hard.
Use limpet sniper or Nix to destroy the dropships.
Spritefall is virtually always a good pick since it's fast, powerful, can hit air and hangs around so can be used as area denial. Artillery strikes are generally less useful than bombers simply because they're slow as shit to call in and are a lot harder to place precisely. Phobos bombers dumpster hordes as long as its damage is enough to one shot trash, but abusing it can pull a lot of aggro and destroy cover for your team if you aren't careful. KM6 strafes are safer for your team and do a lot more damage to large targets but don't have the same large-scale trash deleting ability. Flame turrets are pretty good for giving you breathing room and especially in cave missions. Having a gunship beacon in your loadout gives you insurance against things that get too close and do good damage to alien infantry. Limpet snipers are good against drones and can damage ships. Grape is fun and Nix models are usually a safe pick.
i dont know the % but tempent ATS comes close to one shotting it in online with only ~20% of its hp left
One very important thing - the only vehicle AR can use underground is depth crawler. Early models aren't very good, but it's better than nothing and it takes only a couple of seconds to summon them underground.
He would be a fencer player.
Any decent ranged options for Wind Diver that don't murder energy supply in the 15~20 range? Plasma Big Cannon M2's been my go-to but it's shit when you're being overwhelmed and need to boost out of the way for awhile. Generally been riding a Rapier as my melee-range murdering gun due to its stunlock potential.
throwing grenades are for high IQ rangers only. the reward is massive damage
Use a lance instead of the rapier. It's got enough damage to kill anything that'd be a problem at close range. For long distances, Plasma Cannons are your only real friend. Unless you want to figure out how to work with blink balls.
Powered Exosuits ain't natty though.
C4 > Grenades
How do I even use Helicopters properly?
>too slow to descend vertically fast enough
>can become really hard to steer in the direction you wanna go on a whim
If they didn't have such ridiculously good weapons attached I wouldn't bother with them.
>not c4+grenade loadout
the big brain player
>How do I even use Helicopters properly?
you don't
You wait for the lvl 107 dlc one because it's the only one that doesn't control like absolute fucking dogshit.
Why aren't there high level Powerdynes and why aren't they reloadable?
Surely it wouldn't be THAT broken.
It's weird that the description of Disruptors mentions that they can be reloaded with a certain type of support equipment but no such equipment exists in the game for Fencer
They can bring back WD energy posts for AR and have them reload it or something.
less than 2 phalanx ZAT shots.
That was the thing that annoyed me the most, I was like "oh cool, this means laser weaponry might be a thing since this implies that fencer will get an energy regen device". I was lied to, really. I gotta say though, fencer SHOULD basically be the ground version of a wing diver with an optional energy core subequipment to power 'heavy beam' weaponry or the like.
Burst Rifles are really shit, why would I ever use them?
no only sarge can use the blaser
A phalanx is a phalanx, you can't say it's only a half.
well fine if you want to be technical, less than 6420 phalanx zat shots.
I know it can be a good opener but its a very unsatisfying weapon for me
I didnt pick Fencer to align a small box with a circle for what feels like a year
Disruptors are still powerful on solo inferno because you can eliminate great tanky threats with ease.
That is without DLC weapons of course
Well, I got lucky online and managed to get into a lobby doing mission 10 inferno. I followed them after they cleared it into mission 11 inferno and am now the proud owner of a Blazer and MA10 Slade.
I can finally reliably kill Ergnius now, think I'll go get up to around 5k armor and start farming.
Speaking of which, Blazer may be good, but I actually really like the Slade for close range combat. Its pretty much a full-auto PT AR with good range and damage.