Post favourite vidya couples, canon or non-canon
Where is the love
me and ur mom
That's nice. I'm glad she's getting out there and meeting new people.
I love Reisen!
I don’t see you around as much these days.
Mods don't like me and I can't always be bothered to find a working VPN unfortunately!
I feel you. I got banned the other day for saying mods are really ‘no fun allowed’ as of late. It was even a rangeban.
One of the few romances in any media that really got to me
Nero needs to be treated like a baby
let me fix that for you
Why not both? Do you not have multiple playthroughs?
>ugly as fuck Tali version
You're a disgrace to yourself, and all those you've loved.
Nigga how is she pregnant? She can't even swallow his spunk without health risks.
Future science magic.
Garrus is best husbando
pretending like that's not her canon appearance and calling it ugly is the REAL disgrace user
if you loved her you'd accept her appearance no matter what she looks like
even if bioware are lazy fucks
I prefer her canon photoshop over that horrible jew drawing you posted. If YOU loved her you wouldn't want bottom of the barrel quality of your waifu.
I love my gorgeous wife!
I just want him to be happy bros.
Based mods. Fuck you. Also rabbits are food.
Same. The Darkness is virtually the only game that does the "dead girlfriend get revenge" premise well. They let you actually spend time with her before it all goes to shit, and knowing that she dies doesn't dampen the shock in the least.
>This is not your fault
>we will never free her from the Angelus
Man, why are there so few good romances in video games?
Because 90% of people don't even know what a relationship is, let alone a good one.
pic not related right?
It is. I don't care how little you may or may not like the characters, Final Fantasy games tend to build up their romances really well. They lace their stories with enough interactions and smaller scenes that I always believe it when the two characters end up together.
Now, they might be ultimately doomed relationships or they might be two characters who are so polar opposite in isolation that it wouldn't happen irl, but there's always enough within a game's adventure that a romance never feels like an asspull or a token given love interest for the sake of it.
At least, compared to other games where the main character has a love interest.
God keep that shit out of vidya, it's already terrible in 90% of movies.
>Cheeky quips back and forth between bf/gf
>No real affection
>No intimate ties
>softcore sex scenes
>more cheeky unfunny quips like that's all a relationship is composed of
>Over romanticized love where the characters have no personality on their own
I've never watched a movie or played a video game with an accurate depiction of a relationship that wasn't created in a boardroom except for maybe transistor and even that's a stretch because i'm forcing myself to think of one good example.
All of these couples.
Stay delusional.
Stay upset.
I liked the "romance" in kingdom hearts as a kid because i could empathize with the childhood friend that you can never really have thing that was going on in the first game. I bet i'd think it was cringe and absolute shiet going back to it now though.
>Tfw you remember your first love that got away.
Disregarding the virgin incels that are posting right now, have any of you that have actually been in relationships ever found real love? I've had gfs but i never really viewed it more than having a friend that sucks your weewee every once in awhile and acts cute. No edgyness here, i honestly believe it will be fucking impossible for me to feel romantic love in a relationship so i'm curious. What does it feel like?
I loved someone when I was younger. They were murdered. I've tried since but it didn't work out. I'm done with that now.
I'm inclined to say my relationships have been onesided.
Which way?
I loved one girl once and never really got over her. I have no real interest in a relationship now or anytime in the future, so my closest reference for "real love" would be the way I felt about her.
rebecca x jill is top tier