>games wants you to go fast
>however if you do you will skip 90% of a stage and miss on secrets, pickups, items etc.
I don't get the appeal of Sonic.
Games wants you to go fast
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Options for multiple playthroughs in different ways. Sonic is a lot like those "character action" games. They're short but meant to be replayed over and over.
>go as fast as possible
>C rank
>I don't get the appeal of Sonic.
You had to be there.
>tfw discovering The Doomsday Zone for the first time
Any old fucks here know that feel?
this game was great tho especially the OST
Going fast is fun and takes skill. You don’t “miss 90% of the stage”, it’s not like Mario where stages are linear with one route. That’s the thing about Mario, if you find a secret in the clouds or a pipe or something you actually ARE missing out on the main level which means you’re skipping actual content. Sonic levels are multi-layered with multiple routes, it’s not possible to go through every route on one playthrough anyways
Thats mainly a problem with 3D sonic games, their platforming isnt fine tuned enough to let you go at that sort of speed. The 2D ones are a masterclass in level design though, and theres not actually that much stuff to miss, so you can race through whatever path seems quickest at the time, without worrying about missing anything
Yeah I remember discovering it in the stage select
Hmh I don't know. For some reason if it's a platformer. I want to go fast. But that also in 90% cases means I'm gonna miss a lot of stuff from the level.
Well they tend to be short stages and games in general, so i think the idea is you play it multiple times, and take different paths
>>games wants you to go fast
Only nu-sonic wants this. The Classics and Sa1/2 were platformmers first with the ability to speedrun as a added bonus for skilled players.
Yea op just mentioned sonic specifically. Meant in general i guess. sonic games usually has bunch of routes. a lot of platformers don't. at least not that varied but it still feels like they want you to go fast. but that also means that you're gonna miss out on bonus levels and whatever
>I don't get the appeal of Sonic.
>game encourages fluid movement through the use of momentum and slopes
>has multiple routes and are generally short, encouraging multiple playthroughs
>nice music and aesthetics
Not that hard.
If we're talking classic sonic it's a combination of spectacle and a unique dynamic physics and level layouts that reward replay and a mastery of those physics.
If we're talking 3D its spectacle.
There were no secrets, pickups, etc. It's not a collectathon game where you're rewarded for exploration. There were rings and 1ups that do nothing long-term. If you're going slow it's because you're bad so you're given shit like rings or invincibility to give you a handicap that lets you progress. If you're good, you're going fast and the power ups aren't necessary because you're overcoming the obstacles.
Yeah, more people need to understand the little things
Wrong and stupid because then they would have added a run button
>needing a run button in a sonic game
Go away Kishimoto, Lost World was shit
>they would have added a run button
Rolling is the equivalent to a run button since it's the easiest way to gain speed.
3D Sonic is the product of a team not ever truly being certain what a 3D Sonic should be other than fast.
Drop Dash can technically be added to that phrase too since it's good at keeping a pace up.
Brainlets who have been trained to play through games once and never again while constantly be told what to do are fundamentally incapable of appreciating Sonic game design.
Legit have seen people game over simply because it doesn't occur to them that you are essentially invincible if you roll on any incline. I roll so much I will forget Sonic has a "top speed" animation at all.
I once knew someone who barely ever rolled in classic Sonic and their explanation was "it doesn't look as cool".
The game over screen and starting over from the beginning after dying in Starlight Zone is even less so.
Well, if they wanna go fast on foot easily they can always do the loop trick, and Sonic does actually have a capped speed on rolling believe it or not, it's just really high. While he can reach infinite amounts of speed on foot, it just takes a lot of speed to even enter that phase so you rarely see it.
>>games wants you to go fast
I blame Sonic X's stupid "gotta go fast" theme for people having this line of thinking
>try replaying generations after replaying SA2 and heroes
>every 3D level feels like complete shit, sonic turns like a goddamn van
i don't know how i tolerated this back in 2011
I know it's not what you're talking about but does anyone remember that guy who couldn't do the loop cuz he kept pushing left halfway?
Can you outrun the screen on stages like Chemical Plant and Hydrocity while rolled up?
I always figured when people complain about running into stuff theyre talking about all the spikes and enemies with spikes and spike balls and all the times you arent in a ball like bouncing off a spring straight into an enemy.
Also being in a ball doesnt save you from projectiles, Metropolis zone would be way more manageable if that were the case. Being in a ball wont save you from the fireflies in mystic cave.
Also you LOSE speed (very significantly) unless you're in a ball unless you're going downhill.
Are you guys sure you're not addressing a complaint that people aren't making? Because the ball doesnt really solve any but the most absolute basic of cases where you can run into something. And more of than not if you try to stay in a ball you'll be losing speed. I guess it's a bit different with the drop dash since yeah, now you can play the entire level without ever having to leave ball state to actually move after coming down from a jump.
Isn't 2D Mario also way more hold right 2 win than 2D classic Sonic?
How could I ever forget.
You kinda do in Mania, it's just slower.
The games have been marketed as fast since the first fucking commerical, are you retarded? Hell from the fucking NAME you are aware Sonic existed for like a decade before sonic X right?
Are you guys trying to compete with the stupidity of "sonic was never good" with "SONIC was never about going fast"? Because if so, you're winning
this is even worse than that cuphead webm
How they managed to make classic Sonic control far worse than a 2001 game is laughable. Even modern Sonic stages feel less engaging than I remembered thanks to the gimped rank system, at least Unleashed & SA2's encouraged you to do more shit for an A/S.
> GOTTA GO FAST is from the God Bless America version of a shitty non-canon anime
Really engages the brian cells
Now I'm convinced that IGN is an industry plant to generate revenue from merchandise, positive reviews, and clickbait on "geek" culture.
I hate the "just roll lol" argument because it doesn't actually address the complaints people make and isn't what's gonna get you through the whole game.
The correct response is to dispel the common misconception that spikes and other hazards are present in areas of the level where you'd be expected to be going fast. The most common pattern of Sonic level design is that long stretches of terrain are usually where the level rewards player with speed and where you won't have to worry about running into enemies, and vertically oriented platforming sections are where all the hazards and enemies are typically positioned. If you're complaining about running into enemies then all I can say is pay more attention to the level and recognize how the level telegraphs an upcoming enemy or hazard, usually by positioning them on ledges you have to jump up to or after ramps that launch you into the air and give you a moment to see what's ahead.
But most importantly, you have to realize that the game is deliberately very forgiving of mistakes. You have a very wide safety net, and you don't have to be too cautious about taking risks.
I can at least say Rolling succeeds in making levels feel 10x more exciting when it comes to the speed factor. I always just love the feeling of doing it next to red springs or big inclines
It's not for everyone. Some people like the fast-paced rush that it provides. Others like the exploring sections with Knuckles and Rouge.
Others just like the characters.
I used to like Sonic games. Now I'm only in it for the characters and the stories (which, admittedly, have been shit for over a decade)
Not quite sure why I'm still here. I blame autism.
As an autism person, would you like it if the next main Sonic team introduced a new bad guy team who also have the Speed, Fly/Tech, Power dynamic to their group but new species of animals?
>that webm
Gaming journalists are good at games, it's just that modern games are too hard.
You know you can, like, NOT do that to enjoy the game, right? Sonic is a speedrunners wet dream. But if you're not that autistic for that, you can explore the environment that (when give the case) is filled with life, secrets to find, and other things nice.
It's called "OPTIONS". It's how you make a good game. The funny thing is, most of the 3D Sonic games actually fail at this.
This wouldn't have been anything under my radar if he didn't double down by later defending himself.
I'm all for some new bad guys (or gals, come on ST), but I actually don't like the Speed/Fly/Power formation the characters have been forced into.
Fucking this, holy fuck. Most of the time I just ignore those things because Warping every underground level I get into 3 levels ahead isn't really that fun at all. Sonic's speed isn't a shortcut, it's just a way to play the game at a different pace than slow platformers.
This. Seen it myself and was bewildered. I blame 2000s era Sonic slowly removing physics and the point to ever curl into a ball and replacing it with ninja running and try hard aerial trick poses.
The fact that line made it into the live action movie sealed the deal X killed the series potential.
>Not naming the filename IGNorant
One Job
>2D sonic wants you to go fast
>screen isnt zoomed out enough so you can react accordingly to what's ahead
>its all the more worse in games where you can boost
How did they never understand this flaw?
2D Sonic is a racing game. The format is slightly different but the spirit is there. You have a track to learn, break down, find the best trajectory and character for it and grind off milliseconds until you achieve perfection. Exploration is a bonus for people who suck at racing.
You have no excuse in Sonic Mania
>play any game with a rush/boost mechanic
>roll speed is capped and is actually slower than the max speed run, even on a fucking massive downward slope.
this pissed me off a lot.
I have never seen a spike sideways in a classic Sonic game ever (minus the ones in Mystic Cave Zone, which ONLY become damagable after a sec or 2 from getting too close, which is enough time to react to) or any spiked enemy (which I can only assume it's an orbonuat, which are never just sitting there on long flat terrain, they usually appear near a ledge you'd have to see coming to ever get too close to), so mostly, I think they are either bullshiting, or, they are confusing the classics with the Advance games, which as of playing SAdv1 not to long ago, can understand where these complaints even come from.
>and isn't what's gonna get you through the whole game.
It shouldn't. It's call skill retard. You're not suppose to just easy mode a game, ever, it's called a challenge.
He's right though. Sonic's running animation in 2 is peak cool. How the fuck did you not think it was cool?
The running animation in CD is trash though, a fucking assault on my eyes. Mania too
This game is underrated.
>>its all the more worse in games where you can boost
>Which are games where boosting makes you invincible
People in the 90's just had better reaction time than you I guess. Also you can play S3&K in widescreen now, if you seriously have problems with reacting to enemies in widescreen the problem is you, not the game.
High tier
>Adventure 2, Heroes
Mid tier
>Generations, Adventure 1
Low tier
>Colors, Unleashed
>The rest
lmao no
I think forces and chronicles should swap there.
you got pleb filtered bro, this is the normie rankings
funny, all the little zoomers on this board seem to love Sonic Heroes
The truth is Sonic (and most games on sega console) are made with an arcade mentality, in that you play over and over and over and over again until you master and memorize it, if you want to play the game like an expert. Yeah a lot of the stuff can be bullshit but it doesnt matter because its not like you even die, you just lose rings.
If there's one thing I can appreciate about the modern games is they haven't lost this design aspect. Well at least as far as generations.
Is this a real question?
Heroes is 2D Sonic in 3D form.
Chaotic speed, constant pitfalls, extremely replayable, godly soundtrack, bright color palate, actually difficult (Casino Zone), etc
You can not tell me with a straight face that Unleashed is better than Heroes. That is an absolute dumpster tier normie opinion and you should be ashamed to have it.
At least check wikipedia before talking bullshit. Stupid zoomer
Heroes is just an awful version of SA1/2. At least those games have the Sonic/Shadow gameplay and the rest is a mixed bag. Heroes gameplay is dogshit from start to finish. The Daytime stages in Unleashed are at least playable and since it was the first time they were done it was the only time besides some of Generations I wasn't sick to death of the boost formula.
Bad Sonic games, with terrible level design want you to just hold forward and experience their amusement park ride and think you are doing something awesome. Good Sonic games want you to actually put in the work, explore to find secrets and then go back and play the level over again, to be able to get to those spots, while still making good time. Speed is the reward for good play, not the intent. This is what happens when the public opinion of what a game entails, overshadows what it actually was and because a company would rather chase that potential money then make something good, they just go with the flow and then realize that the public are fucking morons and the shit doesn't sell. Opps, now they have forgotten how to make the old game, while at the same time never figured out how to make it work in 3d. Combine with horrific comics and a laughable public image after SEGA dropped out of the console race because of their poor decisions and now no one respects Sonic.
>Heroes gameplay is dogshit from start to finish
because it is fast and too hard for you to control?
>The Daytime stages in Unleashed are at least playable
because they’re way too fucking easy?
Uhh, wait what? There's no 2D Mario game that isn't just start from the left, end at the right. Other than Mario 2 Doki Doki, that is.
>Heroes is 2D Sonic in 3D form.
surface level, you mean. Gameplay is cancer. Only Sonic 4 and Forces is worse otherwise.
There are certain levels of World that have paths going left. They aren't very numerous though. Also, his argument was that holding right to win in Mario can't happen in most, Mario is more unforgiving then Sonic in a lot of ways, either from constant obstacles, instant death pits and enemies. Mario also can't be hit an infinite number of times as long as you keep a coin.
Mario 3 and later games also have rising levels, puzzle levels which require searching for a specific door and other things. Yes, usually going to the right is the goal, even in these levels where the gimmick stops, but you'll never encounter "Just hold right to win, lol"
Neither is this true in any classic Sonic game either kek
If you seriously can't blaze through 1/3/World without getting hit you're a scrub, simply put.
git gud or play the 16:9 versions of each game
Why are you calling me a retard? That's exactly what I'm saying
How can anyone bring it to themselves to care about sonic anymore when the last good game was in fucking 2008? THAT WAS 11 YEARS AGO HOW IS THIS SERIES ALIVE STILL
>muh contrarianism
>Zoomers on this board dont know the original songs