I don't want to play video games, I want to meet women, have sex and make children. I don't know where to start so I end up playing video games.
I don't want to play video games, I want to meet women, have sex and make children...
Other urls found in this thread:
anyone posting on Yea Forums should never have children, for their sake
Exercise, nutrition, reading, fap twice a month max.
Shut the fuck up
where do I start with reading? all I have on me is Dune and At the Mountains of Madness
I've been needing to read Dune but books are intimidating to me somehow
I do all of those things.
That doesn't make me less of an incel.
You read more text on Yea Forums each day than the length of an average textbook
You start by fucking off from this site, your life will get unironically better and I get to see one less "why are games not fun anymore" thread down the line.
I did for a long time, didn't do a thing for me
Go to a bar, a lot of girls there. They even talk to my mediocre looking ass
Also drink a little to get the Dutch courage
Then go to the women, sex and children board faggot.
There is no such thing
I just want to meet a cute God fearing gf who will write a baby making letter with me.
I'm so old I remember when Yea Forums was about video games and shitposting instead of a place for conservative Christians to commiserate about their inability to meet the societal expectations of their political cohorts.
Does the dificulty to get a gf apply mostly to stacys ? Or its even true for Tomoko type girls
Damn, wish I knew how to read or write that sounds hot.
>here's all those things that have nothing to do with OP's goal!
You're not very smart
try suicide you worthless fuck
god isn't real.
This. The woman you want to start a family with doesn't care what you look like, how healthy you are, or how interesting or informed you are. But don't forget, this does not apply to YOU. Men are obligated to only procreate with beautiful, submissive women.
No one cares, looks like you're just a closet normalfag, also this is not your blog you worthless dumb fuck.
I'm not obliged to do jack shit you fucking faggot.
The greeks or Shakespeare
True, you have the freedom to try to destroy the white race and western society if you want, but don't let me hear you crying about it on the day of the rope.
>its another r9k crossboarder
begone incel
It's the truth you cancerous /pol/cuck
I want a bf.
The day of the rope will never come, this is Yea Forums not /pol/, and lastly I don't give a shit about the "white race".
bootlicking self-hating faggot
What are your interests?
>Easy to read thriller: And then there were none
>Philiosophy+ story: Crime & Punishment
>Easy to read mystery: Dan Brown shit, the Bourne series
>50 hours
Based and redpilled
Also, Tomoko looks like she fucks white guys
Do you literally scour this board every waking minute faggot? Every single off topic thread I see you shilling your profile.
She canonically lusts after japanese men.
I want to play video games, I want to meet computer with more 2 gb ram, have windows later 2007. I don't know where i mayplay in 3d gaems
don't act like this garbage thread deserves better
Have you tried going to church? I would but I'm too beta.
Nobody asked you, stanislav
You really don't see the irony in calling believing in God and subscribing to an organized religion the "redpill"?
how you guess?
That sounds like how to become a grandpa 101 lmfao
>Exercise & Nutrition
You don't want to die early grandpa? Exercise more! And eat your vegetables!
Go read all these great books you've missed out on all of your life!
>Fap twice a month max
Kill your sexual drive entirely!
I can tell you it's possible to do both, I have, and I still do today, keep trying.
/pol/fags are retarded, of course he doesnt
the greeks
I'm also old and I remember this shithole being like this since its inception.
You don't fit in yet, summerfag.
I'm going to gym in september. Never went there. I decided to buy 1 year card so I won't drop.
My body is a mess.
no you dont
why the fuck do you post here then
fuck off back to /r9k/ with your inane faggotry