Link's Awakening

>e3 demo build

>nearing launch
>recent video is 60fps

contrarian cunts

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Other urls found in this thread:

You are giving anti-Nintendo retards way too much credit to even try to engage their bullshit on a logical basis.

Can you link a recent video? Haven't checked in a while.

I'm glad it is at 60 but why would you expect Ninty to deliver 60 when most of their first party titles are 30 or less?


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Thanks for the 60fps dolphin porn.

>that slowdown at the 0:18
seems exactly the same

>$60 for a GB game that can't even keep up a constant framerate
The only thing I still object to is the price

They're a pretty mixed bag and one of few developers who even releases games at 60fps on a semi-consistent basis

The ugly art style was and has remained my complaint.

Any console warrior is immediately not worth engaging in any way

their current platform's most important game is 60


no thanks

> OMG a game with graphics that would look poor for a 3DS game can run at 60fps on a Switch

Based bois on the Internet right now (see pic)

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BotW is 30 or less

No, it's just not capped at 30. You're fucking delusional if you think it can manage 60 for more than seconds at a time.

this fucking TONGUE EW

seek help

>framepacing problems
Fucking yikes.

> OMG a game with graphics that would look poor for a 3DS game can run at 60fps on a Switch

yes im sure even that would look poor on a 3ds that has a 240p screen... stfu you retard.

I watched a Digital Foundry video that showed the game running at either 30 or 60 depending on the location. Is there a new video that shows consistent 60 on the overworld?

Anyone doubting this is going to be amazing is a seething retard.

>not playing it at 59.73 hz

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yikes, this really isn't looking good...

>60 dollaryoos for a 2 hour game

How are they being contrarian if it was in fact 30fps and now that is 60fps no one is complaining? Learn the meaning of your buzzwords

Why is there no animation for turning directions? This looks awful

>recent video is 60fps
Nintendo has been worse about it lately but they are still are the most committed to performance out of any major publisher.

>only charging 60 dollarydoos for a remake of the fourth best game of all time
based Nintendo

Link has 8-directional, non-analog movement in this game, and you can't use the D-pad to move him. E3 build also had a wildly inconsistent framerate and frequent load times, as well as pop-in when exploring the overworld. Don't spend $60 on this. Luigi's Mansion 3 was by far the more polished demo of the two and I implore you save your money unless you're unironically a fanboy with no tact.

t. waited hours to play this at E3

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You'll defend anything, huh?

>$1 per frame
consoles are cucked

What is this meme?
I can only find like five videos of dolphin porn on the net and that's it
one sucking a dolphin dick, one stroking the dick, one fucking it with a mcdonalds big mac and one spreading the puss puss, and one just jerking it off. I don't understand where the rest is user

mega yikes

you faggots nitpick whatever you want, I'm getting this and I know I'll love it. Get laid.

you first lmao

poor faggot

>actually telling people to buy canadian shitfest 3

It doesn't matter how rich they are. The game is over priced. Just because you have a lot of money you spend it stupidly?

get a life loser

>Canadian shitfest 3

Its $60 dollars, get a clue

i preorederd special edition


Yeah, 60 dollars for a gameboy game.

Luigi's Mansion is made by Next Level Games, who are Canadian.

i bet you think bloodborne is GOAT though

You mean the people who made mario strikers?
Well now I have to buy it.

>bad thing
>thing gets fixed
>OP still expects people complaining about a bad thing

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Nintendies are literally mentally ill

No, the people who made Punch-Out Wii.

Good game too.
I'm thinking the game is in good hands

Yeah because it's really a fucking gameboy game

>contrarian cunts
But thats not contrarian, thats simply a change in opinion on a product due to new information

You can like things if they have desirable traits, you know

>calls out mental illness


They stopped complaining because it was fixed maybe? What kind of victim complex is this that you think you're being targeted based on the brand you prefer? Grow up.

Glad you agree. Waste of money.

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If you're trying to make them sound bad because Dead Rising 4 happened due to canadians, you're doing a bad job.

Strikers and Punch Out were both Next Level unless you mean they have a specific team on LM3 that did punch out and not strikers.

Deepest gameplay.

I'm not the guy who first brought Canadians up, he's a faggot. I love NLG and everything about Luigi's Mansion 3 looks amazing.

you should have said it's the people that made luigi's mansion 2
which was trash

There was once a dude who posted a download. A guy downloaded it and posted a screenshot about why did I download xgbs of dolphin porn or something like that.

It was better than LM1.

I actually really like the art style, but it’s too expensive, Even at $30, it would be a stretch.
I'd get it if it added anything, but it’s a straight remake of a relatively short game.

I'm getting real sick of this reverse hype marketing. Real Fucking Sick.

>and you can't use the D-pad to move him.
Why tho

No idea. The D-Pad did nothing, and considering how close to release we are I don't know if they'll change that.

Oh well, they probably fixed that for release since you played an E3 version. It'll be seen.

Did you preorder him?

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months ago

remember 3d dot game heroes?

>nintendo shits out a subpar product
>fans complain
>nintendo fixes problem

>my toaster can't even run this video without stuttering
I really need to build a new pc

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why did i buy a switch lol

dilate tranny rofl


I really dislike the flute-sy cutesy shit they're doing to the music. The cutesy graphical style shit I can tolerate, but the music sounds like garbage, fucking Tal Tal Heights also sounds like garbage like come the fuck on.

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yes, fans complained
fans of other platforms, that is

Well yeah how are Nintenbabbys even supposed to complain when they aren't even literate.

>this looks like shit, why is it running at 30fps
>>it's actually 60fps
>oh, it still looks like shit
That's not being a contrarian.

Whats wrong with 30fps

Jewtendo is one of the few companies that improve their game from first trailer to release version most of the time.

Same, I really like the glossy look of it.

I'd like to play it but the 60 bucks pricetag is really pushing the boundaries.


Holy fuck. This is lazy for even Nintendo standards.

Not only this looks trash but the $300 console known as the switch™ can't keep this $60 game running at constant 60 fps, sad!

I HAAATE when games do this. If the movement isn't analog, don't force me to use analog controls. Switch is full of indie shit like this.

So is this the same exact 4 hour long game that was on the gameboy except it looks worse?

My fucking face when this game comes out and everyone gushes about how gorgeous it looks and it gets rave reviews across the board and I won't stop thinking about all the months of their lives haters wasted trying to shit on this game and achieving absolutely fucking nothing so instead they spend the next 6-12 months sperging out afterwards.

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kek's and baste

can someone post cute wart and sale images please

mfw it gets forgotten about a week after release

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>if retards gush over how gorgeous a shit looks, that means it's not shit!
Such cope, but sure, if you want to keep giving them money and ensuring that games become worse over time, you do you, but don't be surprised when less and less do the same as you when they realise how shitty things are becoming.

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Fucking nice gif

Listen to this go-I mean, paisano. Nintendo should be charging way more, you're getting the bargain price! Bing Bing!

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>if you want to keep giving them money and ensuring that games become worse over time, you do you, but don't be surprised when less and less do the same as you when they realise how shitty things are becoming.

Give me one single reason - a single fucking reason - why this game should be considered shitty.


That's not being contrarian. That's just not sucking nintendo's cock for fixing something that they themselves broke.


The game isn't even fucking out. As I suspected, you have absolutely nothing to level at this game beyond your own fucked-up preemptive hate towards it for whatever irrational psychosis you have.

Ah the old "bu-but it's not even out" non-argument. This shouldn't be an issue at all for such simplistic graphics, it just shows laziness, probably because they know retards like you will gobble it up regardless, they don't even have to try.

Why is the game locked to 8 directions

Name 1 gb game that didnt frame drop

I honestly love the artstyle this time around.
Zelda is one of those games that benefit from experimenting with different artstyles

I saw an article about the creators of Cuphead wanting to do a Zelda game with Cuphead visuals, and that alone would make it GOTY every year

botw is a 30 minute long game

>This shouldn't be an issue at all for such simplistic graphics, it just shows laziness

What's simplistic or lazy about them bub? What happens if the game is tweaked before launch? What else will you decide to complain about? When the game gets rave reviews will you deny them? Why does Nintendo upset you much? Tell daddy.

>I can tolerate one thing that rapes the style and atmosphere-
And that's why they can get away with doing it to other aspects. As soon as they see that you people can give them a pass on one thing, that gives them almost free license to not give a shit on other aspects. For fuck sake, we have retards here justifying this game having worse framerate stability than the fucking Game Boy game it's remaking.

I'm a huge Zeldafag and I've bought ever remake, but I'm still not sold on paying 60 dollars for an 8 hour game that looks like it was developed by 4 guys.

"a pass" lmao, as if companies need the permission of the whiniest 0.001% of the userbase before releasing software
fucking pathetic

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I'm pretty sure you would shit on this game no matter what. I wonder if you would have lost your shit over the flickering sprites in the original if you had been born back then.

Thankfully - I know you cannot handle this - your opinion is laughably irrelevant. This game is going to get rave reviews and there's not a fucking you can do.

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You come across as one of those people who unironically uses the term "toxic entitled gamer".

>hey this is shit
there, we fixed it
>okay, cool

then you'd be wrong, I don't really believe actually plays video games

No. I just think it's pathetic that a Switch remake can't keep full pace with a Gameboy game. Better question, why does your happiness rely on Nintendo's numbers being beneficial to them?

I'm not gonna pretend it's everyone's cup of tea but piss off with your nostalgia googles. Even though I don't entirely like the artstyle I can at the very least tolerate it because there is a logical reason for it. Everything in the original game was a fucking chibi that barely represented what the real thing was supposed to look like anyway. I don't fucking care if you're gonna pull the "b-but it was because of hardware limitations, it shouldn't be like that now!" because it's a falacious dude trust me-tier claim that not you and not anyone else can prove. You would be pissing your panties too if they changed that and screech "that's not how it looked on the Gameboy nintendo wtfffffff". And before you try it, the performance is another can of worms unrelated to the artstyle so don't even try to play that one either.
The music, on the other hand, can go fuck itself upside down and I'm not gonna defend it. This violin-y flute-sy shit is awful and sounds like something out of a nursery rhyme. It fucks the atmosphere worse than the artstyle does but you're so fixated on tying your panties in a bunch over the art that the music seems to be flying over your head.

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leftists really can't meme Jesus christ

>I just think it's pathetic that a Switch remake can't keep full pace with a Gameboy game.

You haven't even played the game. And I suspect you don't own a Switch. So, you're sitting here seething about a game you'll never play on a system you don't own. Are you mentally ill?

>Better question, why does your happiness rely on Nintendo's numbers being beneficial to them?

The fuck? All I know is that LA is a masterclass in game design. I play it every year at least once. And now I'm going to have a gorgeous deluxe version to play on my Switch. Feels good being me, thanks Nintendo!

I like the music desu
tal tal heights should have been a bit stronger I suppose

What now, you dumb fucking nigger?
Pick one, dipshit.

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So its no longer an issue for them any more so they don't talk about it...what do you want exactly?

Stay upset about life bro, hows that working out for you?

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fuck, this looks like one of those cheap chink phone games. and what's with the ambient music? HATE.

>s-s-stay mad
That's what I thought, faggot.

Why do these threads always devolve into piles of worthless text about whether someone is a shill or a Switch hater for defending or hating specific aesthetic choices this remake is making?

maybe filter them off with your brain?
just give your opinion about something and see how someone replies to your or not. if you decide to reply back everything's okay.
it's that simple.
what is it with weak-boned people and their butthurt?

That's what OP wanted it to be from the beginning.

What's the problem with the music then, user? Surely you'd want it to fit the aesthetic that you like! :^)

Are you seriously trying to put the ball back on my court without even attempting to half-ass an argument of your own? Yeah no, try harder faggot.

>People complain about something worthwhile
>They fix it and now everyone's silent
Why the fuck would they complain if the thing they complained about was fixed? Are you fucking stupid?

I'm boycotting this game because of Nintendo's BAIT AND SWITCH BULLSHIT REVEAL! I'M STILL MAD GOD DAMN THEM ALL TO HELL! We could have had a comfy 2D hand-drawn artstyle instead of the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer garbage we got

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Well, there's your problem.

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I dont want a grid remake, Id just play the original.
the most you are getting out of this game is the new sound track and bonus content.
how much is it again?

well you need a pc in the first place before you get a "new" pc

Isn’t it common knowledge that frame rate stability is the last thing developers fix before a game goes gold?

Because the feedback needs to be instant you dumb zoomer.

I knew some retard reply conflating "putting in an animation" with "disabling inputs until the animation is complete".

it is, but people will use anything to shitpost

Post some examples of it being done properly.

Racist, white people like sony, too, fuck you

Not him, but I'm gonna buy 2 copies and an amiibo!

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Sure smells like summer


Most games feature animation cancelling.

what the fuck is supposed to be fun about this game? it still plays like 1996 but with prettier graphics, nintendo NEVER does remakes that only improve the graphics, this is something sony would do, what the fuck is the point of this upscaled port with post processing, fucking cringe

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There's a make-your-dungeon kinda thing and there will probably be extra content. I don't understand your point about Sony tho.

>there will probably be extra content


>are you seriously replying to me and asking me to defend my argument and address my inconsistency? How fucking dare you! Stop harassing me!

>extra content

im hoping they add the color dungeon at least. Make your own dungeon sounds fucking stupid tho

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I mean, they'll probably add an extra dungeon for post game and call it a day. I'd be very surprised otherwise.

Literally die

A turning animation is completely unnecessary gameplay wise. Considering how Link needs to turn INSTANTLY when going left to right, any animation added for that one frame would just look bad.

I wish zoomers would leave. Zelda games have always been about the dungeons and puzzles.

they have already shown the color dungeon
it was shit in DX so I don't know why you'd even want it

Toddler mad

arent we a bitter cunt

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it is shit though
it's a low effort "look, we've got color now!" shitty little dungeon

>muh hour long tech demo
kys nostalgiafags

Have you seen Link's Awakening? It's not exactly the system's most intensive title. There really isn't an excuse to not target 60.

It has a lot of lightning effects, bloom... on UE4 on a Switch. It's going to have a rather low resolution on portable mode like the Yoshi game or Travis Strikes Again unless they've worked magic. In that case, I'd rather 30fps.

Brick falls on your foot.
Brick doesn't land on your foot.

Contrarian cunts

It's a video game, not an anime.

This is the weakest genuine defense I've ever read on this website.

If it was $40 I'd get it, though I wish it had more to it (like a new dungeon like in the alttp port) or maybe a hero mode with rearranged dungeons and difficulty. Even a world flip would suffice

>I wish it had more to it (like a new dungeon like in the alttp port) or maybe a hero mode with rearranged dungeons and difficulty. Even a world flip would suffice
Those are pretty realistic things and could pretty well happen. It's not like they're going to do a straight remake for 60 bucks... right?

The only thing they added that wasn't from before was the mario maker type level creator, though it seems pretty bland to me

That they've said, I remain cautiously optimistic about surprises they have under the desk.

*tech demo