Skyrim Thread
Skyrim Thread
Skyrim Thread
Skyrim Thread
Skyrim Thread
Skyrim Thread
Skyrim Thread
Skyrim Thread
Sweet rolls
Is a stealth necromancer a good build?
Fallout > TES
Buy my paintings.
Is this a Skyrim thread?
Nice caricature of yourself, anom.
Comfy on the Switch.
i have never been addicted to porn, but im actually addicted to skyrim porn, i just can't get over bijin and gman97 mods even if it's the most vanilla skyrim porn mods ever, i have installed and uninstalled the game like 10 times in 4 weeks trying to break this addiction fuck
No that's you, this is me
>Haven't had access to PC in 7 months.
>'Gee I wonder how far the modding scene has come'.
>Hesitation to check as I won't be able to play.
>Probably can't even run MGE or anything good for Morrowind on my laptop either.
Skyrim Thread
How? no mods
Is a 2070 super enough to run it at 4K60 with mods?
what goods good with a vampire necromancer?
was thinking destruction 1 handed and i kinda wanted to have stealth archery as well
a 1050 is
Special Edition though.
achievable natty?
of course
God I love wildcat.
Bethesda TES >>>>> Bethesda Fallout
Bethesda TES >>>>> Check my 5
Thanks for sharing.
TES VI fucking when?
depends on the mods
it should be enough, provided you don't run 100 different "photorealistic" mods with shit tons of ray tracing or whatever
predicting announcement trailer probably next e3, probably early 2021 release for next gen
Will TES Vi have vampire lords?
Does sneak mix well with a vampire necromaner?
1 handed dagger
dunno how well that mixes
other option would just be ditching that and going heavy armor battle mage but i wanted to do dark brotherhood and thieves guild as well
no interest in illusion
Just occupy yourself and keep using it bro.
It's easier that you get it out of your system until you're bored, than going back and forth in an install/uninstall cycle.
Is there anything else op like sneaking and archer? Wanna play something different for a change.
both armors, block and all melee, every perk all maxed out, start out with companions
no magic, except for shouts and enchanting, ABSOLUTELY NO ARCHERY
play as nord, big muscular one, large jaw and short hair
get a bounty mod, so you earn proper money from bounties
finish companions so you can max out shit easier
Make it your task to earn the home in the midget den cliff town
Max out alchemy, smithing and enchanting
make a set of steel plate armor without the helmet
bash the absolute living shit out of the terrorists in west of skyrim, collect briar hearts in midget den bowls
put only bounties in book shelves
use shield + sword against terrorists and mace against briar heart terrorist
add mod with visible favorited gear and sheilds on back mod, you get a 2 handed weapon under a shield on your back, a mace on your right and sword on your left hip
dont take shit from ANYBODY
become a dog in the markarth mines wipe out everyone
use mods to get drunk and beat up the crippled terrorist beggar in midget den cliff town, punch him once every so often, pay the guards or remind them who you are
take the alcoholic terrorists in the pub named crosscroch or something to go fight terrorists with, give him money after payment from the accountant, give him alcohol so he is happy
beat the shit out of every sliverblood fuck in the midget den cliff town
become dragonborn
join stormcloaks
call in dragon when attacking forts
kill the gay ninjas trying to recruit you
beat up the Scottish thief fuck in riften, all of them
marry mjol and soul trap her beta orbiter, find a cane to resurrect him, then beat him up in front of her
become a cannibal and eat and collect pixie hearts from slain thalmor, roast tehm and eat them, or collect them in buckets
>not having an MO2 instance with your degenerate mods and another for normal play
why do people like skyui? looks like shit
master illusion perk tree. grab perk that makes spellcasting silent. invisibility for days
master destruction after, silent fireballs of doom
actually, thats too edgy and it makes it feel like im compensating for something
ignore that post
Obsidian > Bethesda
You think what you do has meaning? You think you slay me, and I am dead? It is just dream and waking over and over, one appearance after another, nothing real. What you do here means nothing. Why do we waste our breath on you?
post elven sluts with massive fucking tits, faggots
but you didn't hear it from me
Wtf happened to the fitgirl repack?
>steam_api64.dll missing
>inb4 works on my machine
>Never get seen while your Storm and Frost Atronachs wreck house
Yeah probably.
Spare or kill, Yea Forums?
only reason you can kill him is because hes white
>killing bing bong wahoo
Kill the whore instead
don't tell me what to do
how do i make a qt goth gf in skyrim?
She's set to essential.
anyone know how to find a good sens in skyrim?
They gonna black the shit out of it. Instead of Persia we'll get Wakanda.
When you'll stop posting old hags /tesg/ nigger.
>play Skyrim on PC for first time
>install nude and sex mods
>only quest is to bang all the girls of Skyrim and marry Queen Elisif
Why does Sacrosanct change vampiric grip to chokehold? sounds fucking retarded
gay nigger faggots
>can't make up my mind between continue playing Skyrim in PSVR or pirate it and mod the shit out of it
>play nothing, fap and have zero drive to play anything after
Why is life so tough?
Why do most mods make the game worse?
As it should be? It’s home of the redguard.
I wouldn't expect it before 2025, they still need to release Starfield and after that it will be the usual 5-4 year wait time.
>can't stick with a character past lvl 12 because I want to try a new build
>been playing for years and never beat the main quest or dlcs
I wish I could show you guys her tits, but this is a blue board.
do it anyway
Just change it from yotsuba b to yotsuba
>yfw TES6 won't have creation kit because they want to push their paid mods
What's the matter? Can't stand the sight of a strong Nord woman?
You would think they would get some talented modders to work on the CC before shutting down the free mods.
I went to visit my bf for a week and all we did is sit around and play Skyrim and it was great.
I just want to stop by and remind you all
Breton Master Race
Nord=Dunmer>Argonian>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everything else
Chad Tier List, my man
>that mod that lets you join the forsworn
> lets you be a slut amongst the tribe or a slut for knots
>no DJ Sotha
Haven't played in 4 years. Anyone got a gimmick to play thru again?
theres people that play skyrim for something other than porn mods?
just play enderal
Still a few years at least. Don't even bother counting until after Starfield and all of its DLC is released. Probably 2-3 years after that.
because its good
I decided im gonna mod the shit out of it once again.
Does anyone want to make suggestion about gameplay adding and enhancing mods? Personal favorites or hidden gems? I will install half of the top 100 anyway.
What's the comfiest place in Skyrim?
SexLab Defeat, even if you're not going for sex mods. It adds a non-lethal take down option and you can even sell bandits you tied up to guards for a bit of gold.
Far North and then Fire south
Any mods for handholding and kissing?
SLEN, I think. I have a dialogue option to ask my follower for a hug and stuff, but I can't remember if it's from SLEN, RDO, or iAFT.
how do I stop playing stealth archer? I always just pick up a bow and do some stealth archery regardless of what kind of character I play
when the game released i played orc and 2 shot every dragon i came by. dont know how its been a decade and people still dont realize that
play requiem and get fucking dabbed on trying to be a stealth archer without perk investment
requiem + survival mods + rape and pregnancy mods + disable fast travel for a kino playthrough
in the knee
The only "build" in this game is runing with one or two-handed weapons and beating the crap out of everything and then downing a potion.
>playing game without requiem
ahh this meme again.
comments hidden
whoops missed this sperg's meme...
>lvl 6 thiefnigger with all my perks in pickpocket and lockpicking and shit
>lvl 25 hired thugs with heavy imperial/dwemer armor after me
>halfway to windhelm after getting run out of riften but down to 40hp and no healing items
>can't sleep to regain health without thugs catching up to me
i may have gotten myself into a bit of a shitpickle here
Thanks for reminding me to go play Skyrim today.
how in the fuck do i lower the sens to an actual usable level in this game? is it just shit with kbm or something?
works on my machine
Bad horse mechanics don't recommend - Pony Fucker 69 P.S I don't fuck ponies
fucking hated to not have the choice, the blades can all go fuck themselves, they were retards in every games
I bet with the console, you can have both Paarthy and the Blades. Hell you might be able to recruit him into the Blades with mods.
>not just installing paarthurnax dilemma
because i played the game before that mod zoomer
How do I fix the Riekling stuttering? They keep taking random half steps while standing still.
>That moment when you start bitching at the blades in the dragon tounge signifing that your character did in fact learn something more from the greybeards then just shouting the enemy kaput
shut the fuck up nigger
Legacy of the Dragonborn adds a bunch of unique tresure scattered throught the world so you can put it in a museum.
I like it because it reminds me of how looting was in Morrowind.
non cannon
yeah but it's been out since early 2012, there's no reason to play without it since then
>beth games are awful on release until Modders Fix It
woah shocking
I'm a console peasant so I can't use mods or anything.
>replaying the main story
low iq pleb
imagine a fromsoft skyrim remake
would it be kino?
The only thing I like about Skyrim or any other Bethesda game that isn't Fallout 4 is the ridiculous amount of broken shit you can do in the game with glitches and shit. Trying to fix the game with mods to be an enjoyable game is impossible imo so I just play vanilla and break the game with glitches every now and then. Also the soundtrack is 10/10. Other than that it's a really garbage "game".
Anybody know how I can default the FOV to 110? Maybe with NPP or nano or something? I'm fed up with using the console every two minutes.
Legacy of the dragon born is a whole dlc with its own guild, quests, dungeons and the fuck ton of stuff like unique items and enchantments.
games still 10/10 withought mods anyway
I have to do it, otherwise the game is just pointless, leveling up means nothing, class means nothing, tactics mean nothing and most overhaul mods don't alter and increase the difficulty enough to truly make use of the gameplay changes.
And vanilla? Holy shit, completely unplayable.
>Alchemy Olympics in Morrowind
>Chameleon cheesing and infinite dup in Oblivion
>Enchanting in Skyrim
I swear it has to be a feature by now
>caring about canon in a roleplaying game where the big civil war conflict will probably be retconned into "nobody won" or just "the thalmor invaded right after the civil war, nobody knows who won"
That's fine with me. It's my first TES game anyways and I'm still enjoying it.
>his most played game on the switch at 815 hours
it's funny because TES is on switch and fallout isn't
it'll just be Skyrim 2 but somehow even more half-assed.
>PAAR (ambition)
>THUR (overlord)
>NAX (cruelty)
>as soon as Alduin is dead he announces that he is going to assume leadership of all remaining dragons
>like a good little useful idiot you let him get away with his 4 age long plan for stealing the dragon crown away from Alduin
How dumb do you have to be to fall for this?
>stealth archery: the mod
>finish companions so you can max out shit easier
what do you mean by this?
i've never done the Companions quest line because furries are gay.
do you get a boost to learning skills?
Skyrim LL mods!! :D
the vamps still won't be retconned
cannon mattters
only mod i could do is maybe a skill tree expansive buffs especially for vampire lord since it's very weak at high levels and texture stuff
that's the redpilled way to play
so you're the pilot of the balam
Help a man out, Yea Forums.
CBBE or UNP or one of the many UNP variations?
UNP or a variant on LE
Why would Paarthurnax go on a rampage when people are more adept in killing dragons than ever before?
Because the dragonborn is going to die one day and there will be nobody left to stop him
Nord pussy was made for Dunmer dick.
Fuck morrowind
Fuck valenwood
Fuck orsinium
Fuck blackreach
Fuck high rock
Fuck cyrodiil
Fuck dunmer
Fuck bosmer
Fuck orsimer
Fuck dwemer
Fuck falmer
Fuck bretons
Fuck imperials
Fuck the empire
Fuck emperor titus mede II
Fuck the aldmeri dominion
Fuck the summerset isles
Fuck aldmer
Fuck magic
Fuck oblivion
Fuck daedra
Skyrim is for the Nords
Talos is real
Is the upgrade to Skyrim SE worth it yet?
I still only have normal Skyrim with pirated DLC
Only worth it if you got it for free imo.
does it actually run/look better?
does it crash less?
did they ever get SKSE/SkyUI and that shit working with it yet?
>does it actually run/look better?
Out of the box yes. But a perfectly crafted autistic ten thousand mod LE setup will look better
>does it crash less?
In my experience yes
>did they ever get SKSE/SkyUI and that shit working with it yet?
Yeah, but it breaks every Creation Club update.
just drink 3 bangs a day to supplement your creatine and you should be good
way less
yes, there's pretty much nothing that isn't working on SE at this point
Obsidian > Bethederp
yeah, in Oblivion that could work as a build.
skyrim has no builds. you actually have no player character either. there are no birthsigns, no classes, no nothing, the dragonborn doesn't even exist. the empty puppet you play as never even looks people in the eye. you're the NPC. the others have personality and you don't.
But Paarth has been peacefully meditating atop the Throat of the World for thousands of years. No reason to assume he'd go back to his old ways, especially since he helps the Dragonborn kill Alduin.
Requiem vs YASH
there are other dragonborn so that dumb dragoncuck can suck a dick. shout that nigga off the mountain, not like he can fly with those ripped wings.
FUCK ARE YOU ME!? Im in the same damn boat for the past 4 years, I want to play skyrim so fucking badly, but its just sitting on my shelf
>No reason to assume he'd go back to his old ways, especially since he helps the Dragonborn kill Alduin.
Making sure you think this is literally a part of his plan
works on my machine
requiem is the way to go, it's fucking great
He's been perched on TTotW for thousands of years, awaiting Alduin's return. He could've been fucking shit up that entire time, but he chose not to.
You say peacefully meditating I say biding his time.
No reason to assume he won't revert to his true nature either.
Paarth himself tells you to never trust a dragon.
Because he needed Alduin to revive the dragons first and because he also knew that Alduin was destined to return one day, but didn't know when, so he needed to wait for him to be removed from the picture permanently otherwise his reign would be destined for failure.
Everything is OP you retard.
[Spoiler] yes, even destruction, with proper equipment [/spoiler]
Is Obsidian still around?
Is Ordinator any good?
I'd say it's the best of the perk overhauls that don't change everything else about the game, but I don't think I could ever go back after playing requiem
Look at this pleb. I had 600 on my first character only. Lost count how many I made.
>his reign would be destined for failure.
So we're supposed to assume that Paarthurnax betrayed Alduin, leading to the demise of dragons and his own exile in the hopes that when Alduin returns he could become the leader of the dragons? That doesn't seem like a very well thought out plan, not to mention that Paarth acknowledges his wrongdoings in the past.
What does Requiem do that's that much better?
Very redpilled post.
It makes arrows and spells kill you in one hit so you're railroaded hard into playing stealth archery just to stay alive.
It does have some really nice features though, especially stuff like the perks to set tripwires and different kinds of traps are a lot of fun
It overhauls the entire game rather than just the perk tree, there's a ton of stuff but things like
>perks are now essential to be good at anything and generally more important than just straight skill level, so you have to actually build your character to do certain things rather than being good at everything and using anything you find
>armor system completely changed, different armors have varying resistances to different types of damage, heavy armor protects you far more but fucks your stamina and spellcasting without perks
>enemies are all much more dangerous and require preparation to not get fucked by, like silver weapons for damaging undead or fire to kill trolls since they now have somewhat less health but can regenerate it all in about 2 seconds if you don't have anything to stop it
arrows will fuck you if you're unarmored but enemies actually run out of ammo now, you can break their bows by attacking them, and there's new spells like blur that will save your ass if you're too slow to move out of the way
if you're playing unarmored or lightly armored your main focus should be mobility and getting out of the way of attacks, make a heavy armor + shield character if you want to be able to wade through everything
Gonna do dawnguard for the first time, is becoming a vampire worth it?
Seems like its more trouble than its worth.
Do it for Serana.
No, Harkon is dumb and you are also dumb if you follow him. Finale spoilers, you kill him whether or not you join him.
Every build is a stealth archer
no, and remember to kill serana the instant you dont need her to finish the quest
What’s with Bethesda and forcing us to become the leader of every guild and yet you never actually feel like the leader
>love the early game
>make my own stuff with loot from wolves and ingots stolen from the blacksmith
>iron weaponry looks great
>level 10 and becomes useless
I must have made lots of early game characters only to quit before lvl 20
>TFW couldn't kill that annoying slut even with console.
Well apparently Todd was the head, or at least a high member, of several clubs back when he was in high school. I guess he considers this sort of writing to be completely normal.
Use setessential my friend. I've used it a great deal in FO4 to remove annoying cunts.
I'm telling you it ddidnt work at the time. I made the grave mistake of accepting her company when I didn't really intend to finish the quest. Then I literally couldn't get rid of her. Couldn't get any other followers until I finished the 2 hour soul cairn quest line. Fuck Serana and everyone involved with her.
>province of Oblivion
Just got myself a gaming rig. Been playing console Skyrim for eight years.
Recommend me mods for:
>survival sim
>general graphics upgrade like water and foliage and lighting and weapons and armor enhancements
>character creation
>lore friendly weapons armor and spells
>sex mods
No, not even mods can fix vampires.
We're here to teach you a lesson.
too bad all of my other mods aren't compatible with the latest update to requiem.
Best Vampire mods for someone that ones it to be legit lore wise? i wanting something that just made the vampire lord stronger and ice magic buff like a skill tree
fuck you guys stop fucking following me everywhere
>t. was taught a lesson
Fuck the Thalmor
I know stealth Archer is fun but for me, its summoner.
It never gets tedious even after a hundred hours because your pets do the heavy lifting.
Morrowind: legion of dremora or Golden saints wreck havoc while you watch
Oblivion: Daedroth or Dremora and buff him with agility and two handed, go invisible and watch.
Skyrim: 2 dremora rape literally everything
All of this, of course, with Breton master race with that bonus to conjuration and magic resist.
>survival sim
Campfire and Frostfall, iNeed
>lore friendly weapons armor and spells
Immersive Armors, Immersive Weapons, Heavy Armory, Apocalypse Magic
I really hate that this mechanic only works once per playthrough.
Choose your Skyrim version and pick the recommendations you want in each category.
Use Mod Organizer 2 to manage your stuff, read guides to avoid mods eating each other and stop working properly.
>immersive weapons
armors is fine as long as you disable some of the worst sets, but weapons is fucking awful
there's a few good things that don't look out of place in it but 90% of them look like fucking model imports from wow or something
>tfw illusion master
>causes everyone to kill each other while invisible
when the fuck is enderal going to be ported to se
Immersive Armors and Weapons apparently has some really garbage mesh optimization issues. That could lead to unnecessary performance loss, but the author's never gotten around to fixing it. And with Nexus's rules, no one can upload a separate fix either.
Guys going to kill everyone and or betray you as soon as he sees the opertunity
he's alduins brother
overall weaker but smarter and since it's skyrim he can potentially become stronger through knowledge
he really gives off the manipulating traitor vibes
>Immersive Armors, Immersive Weapons
Garbage mods focused on quantity over quality. Just download some new textures/meshes for the vanilla equipment, plus your favorite slutty bikini armor for Lydia if you want.
You just need one mode
thx bruvs
Is SSE a pain in the shit to use older mods on?
mods to add in capes and also more npcs in the empty cities for immersion
more like every pussy was made for nord cock
LSAR as an armor enhancement. Sexifiies every vanilla gear, but not to the extent where armor is just another word for bikini.
Chadenborn is cannicly a Vampire though
also there is Serana which is also a high tier follower of the Chadenborn
less mods and overstated bright shading
Sky Ui is hidous why would anyone use that
not really, most stuff is already ported or takes 10 seconds of effort to port if it even needs anything
most mods have been ported and for the ones that havent you can easily do it yourself
>skyrim has no builds
Is the only way to get Skyrim Legendary edition at this point just to pirate it?
Steam only has Special edition.
Makes it easy to organize and sort through your shit.
The vast majority of the popular (non-erotic) mods have ports available already. If you found an old .esp mod that didn't get a port from its original author, you can use Creation Kit to port it to SSE.
its just hidden, you can still buy it on steam if you have the link
there's literally no reason to play it at this point though tbqh
False 8/10
perk overhauls suck
almost all the LL shit already has ports or works fine as it is in SE too tb h
it's only worth it if you get the Necromage perk from Restoration tree.
It adds a 25% bonus to everything you do.
>have to wait while 2 dude with huge health pools slap each other.
That said, making different factions of mobs fight each other is my favorite thing to do in the game. I once lured the Ebony warrior all across the map to see what he could kill. Sadly, he himself and dragons completely ignore each other.
no not really
He has a point. Everything works.
What is the point of this place?
>survival sim
requiem and frostfall
any ENB, 2 or 4K texutres, immersive first person, as well as immirsive armors by hothtroper
>general graphics upgrade like water and foliage and lighting and weapons and armor enhancements
SkyUI, skyrim flora overhaul, ruins clutter improved, HD fire effects. realistic lighting overhaul, bathing in skyrim TWEAKED
>character creation
Racemenu, every hairstyle mod you can fit, and whatever face replacer you want
>lore friendly weapons armor and spells
weapons of the 3rd era, balanced magic, quick light,
>sex mods
for starters:
ZAZ animation pack
CBBE HDT Puss puss
FNIS sexy walk
sexlab aroused
real vag CBBE
sexlab strapon
Slhongs of skyrim
Blush when aroused
female cover self animations
crawl on all fours
female monsters
all female guards
HDT highheels (for specific armors)
for the more kinky stuff:
milk mod economy
more nasty creatures
feminine khajit and argonian textures
dripping when aroused
spank that ass
sexlab seperate orgasm
sexlab warewolve's
alright so meme out of place reddit garbage
thanks for the info user kun
Try that in morrowind, game requires multiple play throughs.
How the fuck does anyone play a vampire in requiem when it make the game unplayable half the time?
Honestly I had to slap on one handed and and destruction just to speed things up sometimes. Also why doesn't the ebony warrior, who claims to have done everything,not use daedric?
I'm fairly sure that Legendary Edition got removed, I was only able to find the original Skyrim on Steam.
Free inivisible loot chest,iron for transmutation, and a jarl who grants access to best hearthfire house.
Ignore this guy
Just use Enderal
base serana is better
hideous anime garbage mod
Playing as a vampire already makes the game unplayable half of the time. Requiem just breaks the other half.
whats the problem
>oldrim only
it's a hard pass
that isnt skyrim.
user said he wanted skyrim mods of specifc tags.
so i gave him that, todd.
Yeah Skyrim vampires are GOAT as is all you need is to download a perk tree buff for the lord at later levels
everything else is better vanilla than those stupid vampire mods
This has basically been my life for the past three years
small ugly lettering and base menu looks better
Haven't played Skyrim in years, but remember this weird bug I once encountered.
>heavily modded game
>do Dawnguard, go into Soul Cairn and choose to get bitten
>finally when get out and back into the Skyrim map, look up into the sky
>sky looks really weird, with weird lines running across, looking as if the sky had turned into the inside of like a Dwemer orb or something
>not like the Blackreach orb, or the lexicons, but had that brass feel, similar to the oculory?
>thought it had to do with being turned into a vamp, "Oh this is what vamps see the world as? Pretty cool." because at the end of the normal main quest the sky in Sovngarde looks pretty amazing
>somehow turned it off again and only later realized it had nothing to do with being turned into a vampire
Never managed to figure out what it was. Does anybody know what it could be?
She's pure and nice and the best follower
that's pretty much everygame
early game is always better
All vampires mods just bloat your spellbook or add useless mechanics and most of the time are pretty much identical to vanilla
>Been playing console Skyrim for eight years
This is a joke right? Skyrim doesn’t have that much content. Copy pasted dragur ruins can’t keep you entertained that long.
>What is doing a different build
>Been playing console Skyrim for eight years.
now continue to play valilla but with graphic mods that fit lore wise
>like the characters from Fallout 4 because they feel more alive
>but prefer most else from Skyrim
Just three.
Choosing a house is the only lockout choice you make.
is that better for you
So can we agree
Dawnguard>Thieves Guild>Dark Brotherhood=Companions>>>>>>Mages?
>thieves guild above anything
i fucking wish
Bethesda always put a lot more soul into ES than Fallout.
Because it looks like shit.
Magic is underpowered, melee is literally just clicking enemies to death. Stealth is braindead if you put even a couple levels into it. Stealth archery is probably the only fun build by virtue of how stupidly overpowered it is. There is literally not enough content in Skyrim to spend eight years playing the game, it isn’t possible.
>No option to slaughter the thieves guild
Yeah but base game is still better
>Magic is underpowered
Git gud.
Theres the two mainstream mods sacrosanct which just adds more spells, and better vampires which is just bloat, i would say the best vampire mod is probably how requiem changes them, you die in the sun if you dont have enough health and using drain/ feeding is the only way to regenerate health but otherwise they are op and get a bunch of buffs when not in the sun
what is this
pointness when the npcs suck and it's stupid that everyone has a cape
they should be rare ish
People have spent decades on roleplaying gameplay that's nothing but rolling dice.
Sometimes the sky of apocrypha bugs into the regular sky. Kinda creepy bug.
It's not THAT bad. Now dragonbone,that's pure disappointment.
has skyrim always had 2 moons?
Its not. The base game UI is a fuckng disgrace.
>tfw you turn skyrim into a genuinely fun and good game but the mod list is too long and complex for anyone else to bother installing and believing you
having high iq is suffering
It's comfy
can you get all 3 houses? i like the falkreath one to
>what is this
birth of toddposting
>immersive first person
the base first person is already good
My first character in oblivion was a summoning stealth archer
>can't look down at your tits
no it doesn't vampirism is op as fuck
My sides.
>having high iq is suffering
Cease this opprobrious drivel, you vituperative swine.
daedra all share 1 planet?
>Hammerfell and High Rock
>Stros M'kai DLC
>you are a sword singer and aspect of the make way god
>fight some last second enemy faction instead of the Thalmor
>skills are now combat,magic and guile
>introducing GUNS invented by Redguards, the smartest race on Nirn
>it's like Skyrim with guns without guns with guns again
>also you're a voiced protag and always Redguard
>one quest written by Kirkbride for the nerd audience
>it's just gay shit
>Bosmer named Todd that is essential and spouts memes after killing M'aiq
redpill me on magnus
buy a key
TESVI should take place in Summerset Isles.
Yeah, I got all 3.
Summon's damage doesn't get affected by difficulty so Chadmmoners can play on highest with no problem.
Also alchemy. Used to make potions with 3 DoT of like 20 damage each for 30 seconds.
it's disgusting how long magic takes to cast in dogma
she looks like a forgettable anime bimbo
shit taste
they arent black you nigger
I remember back on ps3 there was a unfixable big that made my female vampire lord form naked and get stuck in animation everytime i transformed
spent over 100 hours on that build and nothing fixed it so i got mad and never played again and started activly hating the game and telling everyone it's shit
Use a pawn and sync the spells in the last momment.
Turn it off
>played console skyrim for 8 years
I'm kind of the same but in reversal. Played skyrim on pc for years, migrated to console for skyrim vr and now I'm never going back to pc (yes, I now it eventually came out on pc as well but I ain't investing into pcvr)
I like having them be pretty common on guards and such, although the fur ones look kinda awful if they are everywhere
How so? what is the problem with it?
He was one of the primordial beings of the ES universe and was the architect of Mundus, under Lorkhan's orders. During the formation, he realized that he would have to sacrifice much of his power and he fled to Aetherius feeling betrayed by Lorkhan and the rift that he tore through become one of Nirn's moons.
All are good
i like conjuration in TES and Ds1 and DD magic is just goat all around
>cant look down at your tits and thighs
>cant set FOV
>cant ride first person on horseback
>cant use first person with the sexlab animations
awful use of space
only usable with keyboard controls and not mouse if you're one of those speds that clicks on everything, skyui works great with mouse or keyboard
>you die in the sun if you dont have enough health and using drain/ feeding is the only way to regenerate health
sun should make you weaker but never kill and strong ass vampire
why is the thieves guild bad?
>cant set fov
~fov 95 works fine with or without camera mods, you can even set it in the ini if you want but I never get around to it and just type it in every time i start the game
Okay so your options are hit things up close or hit things far away. Still god awful game design
Ebony is the best looking armor besides maybe daedric gauntlets but daedric is good too
Steel Plate and Dawnguard set are good heavy armor as well
skyrim daedric is def better than the other games
theyre red
its in the name duh
i just use keyboard for that so yeah
Just go on Nexus and find what seems good to you, stop expecting to be hand fed you fucking nigger.
What is the best controller for skyrim?
>the best looking armor
the true birth of heisenberg?
>reminder that Talos should have never ascended in the first place.
keyboard and mouse
>go to /aco/ /Teslg/
>its all the same people
>constant, unironic use of the words "waifu" and "husbando"
>theres a literall cuckhold poster
>most pictures are shitty nords/Redgaurds
>the ones that arent are cuckshit, but with a "girl" with a dick
>its bigger than the guys
>fag shit
>but no orcs
>or khajiits
>or argonians
jesus ive never seen a single general more pathetic then this.
they dont even get unique pictures, its all stuff from fucking 3 threads ago
T. The Blades
I hate the powerlevels in TES
i feel every type of god should be at least somewhat close in power
thanks todd, instead of putting a fucking fov slider in your game, i now have to mod one in or mess with console commands and ini files
literally not that hard to add it.
You first.
The helm looks like they made a model for the beast races.
Yeah looks pretty based
>your name defines your personality
My name means “spear-holder” in a dead language, yet I have never touched a spear in my life
fuckall actual thieving past the second quest, just shitty dungeon crawls
karliah is second only to serana in level of irritating retardedness
the nocturnal thing could have been good in concept but was fucking awful in execution, it should have been a sideplot with the main TG questline about actually stealing shit and doing illegal things
the nightingale gear looks incredibly retarded and out of place with everything else in the game, so if you trudge through the whole thing your reward is gear with stats that break everything else in the game but at the cost of looking like you just escaped from warcraft or something
>/aco/ /Teslg/
also anyway to kill all of those "people"
Cheer up crew cut.
Power levels of gods in ES aren't static; it depends on the context of the situation. Plus, 'power' is a bit of an arbitrary concept.
what do you mean what?
theres a general for tes5 on /aco/
how new are you?
Wanna hold mine?
>irritating retardedness
*cool and cuteness
skyrim daedric is fucking awful, one of the few armors I think oblivion actually did the best of all the games
6 years new
never used that board
first thing i seen was korra
garbarge character but would make a nice slave bitch pig
Is Dawnstar the comfiest location in the game?
also turning nocturnal into a bitchy milf was an awful idea
and don't want to use it judging by what you said
>finally reinstalling skyrim
>spend most of my time getting sex mods that look decent so I can have an orc warrior woman with a huge cock running around and raping femboys before dragging them to a player home and putting them in there for the rest of their life where they are forced to gag on orc cock as the superior species rapes them half to death
Is this normal?
its okay, the only threads worth visiting on there is the monster girl and nightmare girl ones anyway
No. That would be Haelga's Bunkhouse.
Pardon me but what is MGE?
*blocks your path*
I think you mean oblivion>morrowind>>>skyrim>>eso
>orc warrior woman
sounds pretty hot and bas-
>with a huge cock
i dont understand this meme, it just makes you a fag.
this isnt normal.
unironically go on nofap for a month, if you cant visit a therapist.
Too bad the "face of x" helms in morrowind are hard to get.
holy shit that looks awful, it looks nothing like previous games. eso armours all look absolutely awful
Not if the cock is feminine.
>Why yes, I do choose werewolf over vampire lord. How could you tell?
Mjoll or Lydia, Yea Forums?
Hair mod? Also preset? Also show us her tits anyways. Just draw smiley faces on the nipples
The male bellend and female clitoris have the same amount of nerve endings.
Feminine beauty for most normies boils down to height, hair,facial structure, aesthetic and build. most of these traits are found in both sex's. If It's hot I'd fuck it, it's a no brainer.
Yea Forums is aerin
Because you can one shot everything with the sprinting attack as a wolf? Especially as an orc.
What about that horsefucker in Riften?
It's going to be a horsecock if that makes it better
pls help
I have no fucking clue how this happened. Adults are fine, but every fucking child looks like this. I have RS Children, Immersive Children, and Prince and the Pauper installed, as well as body mods for male and female adults, Apachii hair, and Bijin all in one installed, though I don't think those last few should affect children...
I have used LOOT to fix load order, this is really the only conflict I have, but this is fucking terrifying.
My Bretons always call Proudspire home, even though Markarth is closer who wants to sleep on a fucking stone bed?
Holy shit, that is genuinely horrifying.
just check the conflicts in xedit
not him but all ENBs seem to do for me is fuck up the lighting and half my framerate
Based or cringe?
it's designed for consolefags
hes an excellent father
>Immersive Children
This mod is a mess and can fuck up a lot of things if you don't manually fix all conflicts by yourself.
It's really not worth the effort, but if you really want to use it take a look at the mod's incompatibility article to see what is breaking your shit and fix it with xEdit.
As it should be.
>enter a fucking dungeon
>slaughter everyone and everything there easily
>until i get to one fucking asshole enemy
>5 billion health
>does 2 trillion fucking damage per hit even when blocked
>the only way to beat it is to find a way to get it hung somewhere or otherwise cheese the living fuck out of it to chip away at its health EXTREMELY FUCKING SLOWLY
Fuck this goddamn poorly designed game.
If you need a fucking mod to fix a CORE GODDAMN PROBLEM OF YOUR FUCKING GAME, your game is shit and shouldn't be played.
No other fucking TES game had this bullshit.
>let's his children commune with the fucking Daedra
>good father
Pick one.
What's wrong with Daedra?
>wow this dungeon is easy
>2 handed bandit chief shows up
wat? I never ran into an enemy that was that tough and I started out on the highest difficulty setting from the get go.
I mean, granted I played a turtle character so its like a river trying to erode a rock, but still. Enemies don't hurt that much.
I WILL say though that I wish all enemies in a dungeon were the same power level. its annoying to have trash next to actual legit enemies.
Daedra are the liberals of the TES lore. Its in their name.
Just install sex mods and use it for it's true purpose desu
Sure you're not running some fucking mod that fixes game issues?
Based. Might do this myself. Mod recommendations for SE? Asking rest of thread btw
>using sex mods when you have to lower graphics quality down quite a bit
*be's you at you *
What kind of shit computer do you have where sex mods make you have to lower graphical quality
>being too stupid to install mods
UNP if you want to go with futa girls.
CBBE otherwise.
I went CBBE and added schlongs for girls anyway because the seam around the dick doesn't bother me much.
Where is this at in game?
hes probably just running 30 different cloak scripts with 0.1 sec updates for erection checking and shit
Play Vigilant
I always wind up doing twin dual bound sword+sneak when I can, straight melee when I can't.
The gameplay is fucking ass but at least bound swords look nice.
Not him, but installing those dumb encounter zone mods usually is what creates these "trash on top of trash followed by a fire-vomiting, one-hit-rape, FFXII-Tiamat-HP-Value 'mini'-boss" situations to me. Skyrim really isn't designed for those kind of mods.
Skyrmi itself no mods needs low quality. I don't need useless high quality graphics to play VIDEOGAMES.
No, trash on top of trash followed by elite 1 hit rape is what you get with VANILLA FUCKING SKYRIM. I don't waste my fucking time with any goddamn shit mods.
Already did, shit was a depressing experience yo. If being forced to slay an innocent mother and her child wasn't depressing enough, trekking through Coldharbour for hours on would pretty much have you covered
>TES VI fucking when?
when teso stops making zenimax money
Going through Unslaad before doing another run.
This is specially true in that fucking Silver Hand quest. You don't realize its a high level mob until half your health is gone in one hit, since they all have the same name.
>had a mod setup that was a balance between improved vanilla with extra content and light amounts of lewd sprinkled about
>uninstalled skyrim at one point and got rid of the modlist
It was a really stable setup too that was a lot of fun to play, I'm so stupid
Based and almost certainly Resdaynpilled
At least keep your compatibility mods, everything else can be downloaded again from Nexus (well, except if the mod creator decides to delete everything because his candidate of choice didn't win the elections).
only the helmet
how does orc effect it?
fuck those stupid nigger class
kinda based but kinda cringe
So it's all as it should be?
For their berserk racial power.
The basic build would be.
>werewolf damage perk 5/5
>bloodlust ring
Before transforming cast
>berserk power
>ebony skin with mage armor
>dragon aspect shout
>elemental cloak (optional)
Sprint attack one shot anything.
If only it was cannon
since canonically the Dovahkiin is Daedric Lord tier
should let me kill those fags
If you have any hair that looks like that you have SHIT taste. especially on a medieval setting game.
He said it himself. Never trust a dragon. This fucker is going to raise an army and strike when man and mer start killing each other again.
>muh Victoria's secret catalog tier stiff hair that clips through the armor.
Grow up.
>wanting sloppy seconds of a daedra
that looks fucking awful
Perfect hair is acceptable on elves actually.
basic bitch bimbo
vanilla looks like a badass viking warrior
Was rape and 1000s of years ago
restoration magic revirgined her
Bijin is reddit repellent.
Morrowind graphics extender. Allows for resolution changes, shaders, and increased draw distance.
dont like the hair, the rest is alright
Bijin is the most normalfag waifu mod choice though.
There are other potential lockout choices in MW (the camonna tong influenced fighters guild vs. thieves guild, and more generally any quest that involves killing important npcs) but they can be avoided if you know what you're doing.
There's also the three vampire clans but that's just three quests each and you can align them to your three playthroughs for the great houses anyway, so yeah three ought to be enough to be everything possible.
So I've trying read up on my lore and get a firmer grasp on it. I have a question for you seasoned lorefriends. From what I've gathered it seems EVERY religion and creation myth is right all at once, what with Shor and Lorkahn being one and the same yet clearly both existing. Is this correct? Is everyone right and wrong at the same time due to metaphysical magical bullshit that I can't QUITE wrap my head around?
That would be BTRH.
More or less. Most culture's gods can be interpreted as a different ways of viewing the same fundamental gods, and then there's seemingly unique gods that are local to some region whose standing among the rest are up for debate.
The "Varieties of Faith" book is a pretty good introduction on the gods themselves. The book "Monomyth" examines various creation myths and draws connections between them. "Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi" describes another that shares many of the same elements as the ones described in that book, just told from a Khajiit point-of-view.
But how can Shor be Lorkahn if Lorkahn is dead? Who's in the wrong?
he's as strong as he needs to be
>no sneak buff at night for redguards
fuck you todd
M'aiq wishes to you well.
Can I play as a night elf mohawk
Think I got it figured out. Apparently regardless of what LOOT says RSChildren.esp has to be at the very bottom of the load order.
Thanks, M'aiq.
Is Skyrim still the most dudebro game out there?
M'aiq is tired now. Go bother somebody else.
Call of Duty still exists I think.
Not sure exactly where but the building there is part of Goldenglow Estate.
he looks like a shitty anime character
that mod is shit
why do most of the mods make the game worse
either something completly retarded or shitty wow tier or anime jrpg shit
how do i get sheckles on my new character?
Yeah, that's kinda shit but it's still better than the fucking potato heads Bethesda gave them.
Get the transmute spell from a camp north of whiterun and turn iron ore onto silver and silver into gold. Make ingots and then jewelry. Alternatively just clear out caves and sell the good shit as intended.
Odahviing or Durnehviir?
He's not dead, his heart still beats and his soul is cursed to wander Nirn as a mortal. Thus why we have Shezzarines.
the one that isnt a gay bitch
Durnehviir acts a tad bit gayer tham Odi.
2023 release at the latest. Setting will be both High Rock Hammerfell, so Oblivion/Skyrim fans get their generic medieval fix and Hammerfell so older fans get that exotic culture and lore they crave.
You heard it here first.
You also killed the husband who was tricked into working for Bal
wrong and homosexual
I mean most of the mods in his list aren't bad at all and I use them on my requiem install, but
>Dovahkiin is Daedric Lord tier
Clavicus Vile says otherwise
i dont get it
Yeah I just used it after I reinstalled a few months back as an avenue to easily install a lot of good mods. It's cool experiencing everything being in place at the beginning compared to the usual 'install mod, playtest/check for a bit (until bored), quit, install another mod" cycle that I go through Also some of the performance mods included I didnt even know about so there's that
It's great that you can pick and choose which mods you want to because as you said
>dead is dead
>skyrim souls
anyone notice how Bethesda shills are shilling tes games for the last 4-5 months to set up the mood for 6
fuck you todd
it pays the bills bitch
>shilling for TES6
>a game at least 4-5 years away
ok retard
You can summon both at once.
Its one of the most accessible games there is.No player will have to worry about anything in it besides what their character looks like and not dying.
Builds don't matter when you can eventually one shot everyone through legitimate gameplay methods. Just play whats the most fun.