Other urls found in this thread:
>low level character
>first elder scrolls game
>get the quest to retrieve the puzzle box
>this guy summons his bound spear and two-shots me
>eventually cheese him down with spells
>explore the entire dungeon occasionally one-shotting myself from reflected damage
>don't find the puzzle box
>tell a friend about it the next day
>"How didn't you find it? It's just on some shelves right near the entrance"
what was his fucking problem
"I've come to deliver some bad luck."
>*curses your race*
The best thing is when zoomers forget to save and wind up having to completely restart here after like 5 hours.
>that morrowind bait thread up rn
probably by that guy all buttblasted about dagoth's ur mask a while back
She literally CURSED them to look like that.
I honestly gave up on the game at this part. Yes I know I'm a retard.
Just try again
I always wondered how many people never beat the main quest solely because they couldn't find the puzzle box.
Most people bounce off at least once before it clicks with them.
>implying zoomers would follow the main quest to this point without wandering off and dying to something else
Honestly, I thought it was funny as hell the first time because it's just some random thing the bandits don't care about, so it's just on a shelf. But when you first run through you instinctively assume it'll be deep in the dungeon.
My biggest problem with Morrowind is that there's no way to keep playing, I've played everything there is.
Have you played as a summoner?
I remember exploring the whole fucking dungeon and eventually finding it somewhere at the start as well.
The devs really didn't fuck around when it came to size.
Nowadays the dungeon would only be as big as the path from the entrance to the quest-objective.
Did that HD fanmade version of morrowind ever come out? I'd like to replay this
1. No
2. Skywind was never going to be good.
What do you mean, Skywind? Just play Morrowind, MGE XE + 4K Texture mods. Some textures even have normal mapping now.
did this guy actually give people trouble or is it just a meme
>did the guy with effectively an enchanted daedric spear actually give people trouble when they were instructed to go there at level 1
>mfw someone posted the webm I made
Morrowind melee combat 101:
Stack Agility to HIT (and not be hit)
Stack Strength to hit HARD
If your Agility and/or Weapon Skill sucks or your enemy is exceptionally hard to hit (like Gaenor), Fortify Attack is gold.
Is it physically possible for anyone from Tamriel to go to Secunda or Masser?
What's the comfiest Morrowind town?
I always loved Suran
Shame there wasn't too much to do there
ive literally never had an issue with this guy
>daedric prince
n'wah just buy one of ravirs devil spears
Ald’rhun or Raven Rock
The one with the sandstorms.
I love the sandstorms in this game.
Are you implying that Azura is hiding a 16'' demon dick under that dress? Interesting theory, please tell us more.
hes also using like...the most op weapon in the game so....
use OpenMW
Four digit hours into Morrowind and every time I get back to it, I sink another hundred hour into it. I keep finding more things to do.
I've recently completed my latest challenge run inspired by people saying low level sucks in Morrowind and some german guy posting about his "Artifact-Run" on his website a decade ago where he tried to get as many Artifacts while leveling as little as possible. I've already one-upped that by a level 1 run before, so when I tried to improve upon that I've decided some time in I'd try to complete the game without any skill-ups at all, though I've already had some at that point and kept going anyway.
In the end I think I did everything you can do on a level 1 char, and with only 4 misc. skill ups (1 unarmored, 1 speechcraft, 2 enchant, NO ALCHEMY). Though I've had to cheat once because Caius is a faggot and won't give the Mission to Vivec quest to chars below level 3. Mages guild and Telvanni both have a level 1 guild leader now who became a vampire in order to trick them into promoting him to the higher ranks he'd normally lack the skills/stats for.
Mathematically unlikely.
I am. They're all female as well. When you don't have time/akatosh to keep your realm straight being everything all at once is pretty common.
I like to look over the cliffs in Gnisis
Seyda Neen.
I don't really like challenge runs or anything like that, I prefer to do as much content as I can because I just like hoarding, collecting, and displaying loot.
So my playthroughs are usually heavily modded with lots and lots of content mods, dungeons, quests, all that shit. And I try to find the best house mod I can and make the best treasure room possible.
I think I've played through Building Up Uvirith's Legacy like, 4 times now?
These aren't recent, but I've only got screenshots from a playthrough from years ago that shows how I play. I love Tel Magus, but it looks better with a better Telvanni texture set.
Anyone here familiar with Morrowind modding? What sort of format are 3d models used in the game/modding and can the modding tools be used to export the original formats that can be opened with regular modeling software (.fbx .obj)?
Daggerfall Unity recently went Alpha and I've been wondering if it would be possible to use a Morrowind character models mod to mod 3d characters into DFU.
More old screenshots of random stuff I like to collect in my MW playthroughs.
Trying to soul-trap every Ash Vampire in the game because why not, and collecting every Sixth House Statue in the game.
Being able to exactly place items around was so satisfying.
I made a tomb my home.
Every few other builds I've tried I keep going back the the same character because it's just the easiest and most comfortable way to play, also going for Telvanni and not really using mods, recently discovering a mod for unlimited container weight actually made vanilla houses viable. Thought countainer weight was supposed to be hardcoded at the bottom of the engine and unchangeable.
>functional decent way to place items around your home
>They can't replicate it, on the same fucking engine, for nearly 20 years.
>Was inferior to shit like fucking Ultima which came out 5+ years before it.
supposedly the Khajiit did, but i think it's infinitely more likely they were all just collectively high as fuck and thought that they did. i think the story is they all climbed on eachother's shoulders to achieve it
>Have over a million
>Can't actually give it to him
Shit design
>spend hours decorating my home in Oblivion
>place items pixel-fucking-perfect
>go out doing some stuff
>come back
>open door
>everything flies all over the fucking place for no reason
I hate physics so much. Even Skyrim does the same. Morrowind had it perfect.
>I hate physics so much
That has more to do with Bethesda being fucking incompetent than the physics themselves.
The reason the can't replicate it is because physics. As some anonymous game dev once said, once you build physics into your game, it's broken and you just need to accept that and move on.
Bethesda built ragdoll physics into their engine to handle collision bodies, and they can't just turn that off selectively without it breaking all of their animation keys that rely on collision physics. Plus the way the engine handles collision, it has no practical way to tell the difference between an item sitting on a surface and an item colliding with that surface. The only way the sort of solve it for props is by having their inertia manually reset to 0 when the zone loads, but they don't make this check for items placed into the world by the player which is why when you load a zone, everything it in can just randomly explode because the game spawns them in and thinks they're moving, so they get ragdoll'd.
The reason Morrowind is different is because there's no object physics, so items have a set 3D mesh, and they're just placed at whatever point in the cursor is targeting, adjusted for the closest "hard" surface.
The short answer is: Could Bethesda do it, actually make it so items placed in the world don't respawn every load and then have the game forget they're not moving? Absolutely, but it would require work and not just copy-pasting the physics library into their game engine and calling it done.
Bethesda is a very, very lazy company.
Git gud.
I've heard of a khajiit moon colony but I'm unsure of the lore behind it. Also you go there in eso I think.
So, when it comes to spellmaking, you can only create spells with effects that you have already learned, yes?
Ok that's IT I'm finally playing this game fuck it. Any starter tips or things I should know? Is it ok going in vanilla or do you recommend some mods?
And lastly, seeing in RPGs I usually prefer making characters that are utility or exploration focused (sneaking, stealing, speech etc) but that can still do the combat parts of the story without suffering too much, what class do you recommend?
Damn that looks comfy - that's the one the Nord in the bar hints at the location of right? Also I'm sure you get this a lot but what mods are you using? I always just did Vanilla but want to liven up the experience when I replay again (it's been years for me).
Raven Rock is comfiest to me - I love the wood/stone textures and the contrast with the frozen outside/firelit inside. On the mainland I always ended up making a wing of the Ald'Rhun fighter's guild my home.
I think by that point your character probably realized he's just an asshole.
there an ebony spear uo on the third level in that high ass tiered room, need levitation tho
Suran or Gnisis. Balmora is too empty for my tastes.
Why do every morrowindfag always suffer from OCD hoarding?
>Any starter tips or things I should know?
Webm related.
>Is it ok going in vanilla or do you recommend some mods?
Always vanilla for your first time, zoomer.
I slapped the MGSO package on it and called it a day, but to this day it's outdated and probably not too stable. it's a good idea though if you dont like autistically modding each individual thing separately like me.
I can already hear the cliffracers.
Skaal Village, they even give you a free home.
>Wanting to live with literal snowniggers
because out of the modern TES games Morrowind is the only one that lets you do it. Try this shit Oblivion or Skyrim and you have a 90% of all your shit flying off the shelves every time you enter a cell.
>Ok that's IT I'm finally playing this game fuck it. Any starter tips or things I should know?
Yes, it's a very slow game to start. You have no quest markers, no active quest list with simple objectives, and no real indication of what you should be doing. You walk very slowly and you will probably suck at everything except the one combat skill you major in at creation. This is normal. Skills improve as you use them.
> Is it ok going in vanilla or do you recommend some mods?
Most people will install the MGSO pack to get better graphics & textures, and this isn't a bad idea. Some people say the game is best experienced pure vanilla, but I don't think it matters much. The 2002 textures are objectively very shitty.
Outside of texture & distant land mods MGSO installs, I wouldn't try any content or gameplay changing mods.
>And lastly, seeing in RPGs I usually prefer making characters that are utility or exploration focused (sneaking, stealing, speech etc) but that can still do the combat parts of the story without suffering too much, what class do you recommend?
Morrowind doesn't really have classes. It does technically, but a "class" in this game just defines what Major and Minor skills you start with. You can take one, or you can build your own by picking the skills you'd prefer to use.
Just remember that leveling is tied to skill levelups so if you pick a class with say Sneaking as a Major skill and you sneak a lot, you will end up leveling up very fast, which means you won't get optimal level up bonuses.
But you can Sneak and fight just fine, though likely only with one weapon type at the start of the game.
Just play it, experience it, and be prepared die a lot because enemies WILL kick your ass. Save often, and don't be afraid to run away and come back later.
I jumped over him with scroll of icarian flight and then used the amulet of slow fall
Just get MGSO to update some of the more jarring graphical limitations while staying true to vanilla. Other than that you should play through it un-modded I think for a first time, as long as you keep in mind that it's an older style RPG and can therefore expect some differences compared to modern surface level stuff.
There are little things that are better than the newer ones too though, NPC's won't magically know what's stolen for example but if you try and sell a vendor's wares to himself then expect to get caught.
t.Skyrimbabby that is likely also an Empirefag
If you actually dislike the Skaal you're an absolute faggot and tasteless philistine.
1. Choose race, class and birthsign that has synergy with what you plan to do. Only experienced and patient players can get away with shitty characters and make it work.
2. Always use weapons and armor you're skilled in, even if its low-level trash.
3. Fatigue bar affects almost everything you do. Full bar = good life, empty bar = you'll be miserable. Use the wait command to refill it before talking to shopkeepers or entering dungeons, and carry Restore Fatigue potions for unexpected fights.
What the FUCK was her problem?
>Any starter tips or things I should know?
Don't use a weapon you don't have any skill for.
Never fight if your fatigue is low, your fatigue dictate how often you will successfully hit your target with melee and the chance of casting a spell. Either run away and come back later or find a place to wait for it to regen.
>What class do you recommend?
Classes like rogue could work, it's pretty much just a thief with personality as its main attribute, but even then you'll have a weapon skills to defend yourself. Or pilgrim, they are mostly speech based and their combat skill is hand-to-hand and short blade.
She was the one that enjoyed her god status the most.
Bitches be cray cray
If i were a skyrimbabby, shouldn't i be liking nordcucks?
You wouldn't believe just how many, most of them...
went crazy from lack of heart juice
>which means you won't get optimal level up bonuses.
A good thing about that game is that it is somewhat balanced, you should still have some pretty decent attributes even if you fuck up.
she was the last chimer alive in a world full of niggers
You just like it for the slaves and prostitutes.
Stop suggesting this shit to people, MGSO is fucking awful.
my n'wahs
Of course, you can still have a functioning character if you just crash through every level like the game expects. But if you take your time and choose your levelups wisely, you end up with a much stronger character.
House Dren is best house, fuck catniggers and fuck lizardniggers
No because only a Skyrimbaby with absolutely no grasp of in-universe lore would actually hate the Nords if you aligned with the Empire. Or maybe you're an Oblivionbabby who is loyal to a crumbling Empire for no reason and are shitter shattered the Nords want out. Either way you're a troglodyte with no taste.
Not enough of my cock
>What is Hlaalu
>Stop suggesting this shit to people, MGSO is fucking awful.
I know but I can't imagine any new player will be able to install, coordinate, and set up their own mod pack from scratch.
You can just say "lol well they should just git gud" but that doesn't change the fact that they can't and won't do it.
This. MGSO is a fucking nightmare. Literally just follow the Morrowind Graphics Guide and you'll get far better quality than MGSO without the fucking nightmare of using MGSO.
What's awful about it? All it does is upgrade the graphics, you can even customize the settings to change as little as possible
Telvanni cities/houses literally is fucking compost garbage tier.
Reds also don't know shit about aesthetic design.
Based Hlaalu however, realized dunmer architecture is SHIT tier and instead adopted a more imperial design which instantly gave them the nicest and most comfy aesthetics.
Nothing beats classical imperial architecture though. Caldera is 10/10 and ebonhart is pretty cool too
Was he /ourguy/ all along?
Modding Morrowind has never been easier thanks to shit like Mod Organizer 2. Especially if you're using OpenMW.
Ah, i see, you're a filthy dumb snownigger who is too dumb to see how hard you're being used by (((them))). gg, kill each other and go extinct.
You gotta fuck the cat!
I challenge you to actually say what's so awful about it, show me you're not some edgy contrarian
Absolutely. He was a true cowardly cuck, just like us nord players
Figured, enjoy your dead Empire.
Hlaalu is literally the Empire's cocksleeve
>it's still a dual if I bend the rules to my liking
>damn elves, what we should do is start a war against the empire
I think the man secretly enjoy sucking elven cocks.
Traitors to the Dunmer people, Telvanni and Redoran are the real bastions. The Redoran being its proud warriors and the Telvanni its wizards
Imagine being a DUMBmer who lost to literal lizards
>love Oblivion
>love Skyrim when I can mod it to being borderline unrecognizable
>no matter what I do I can't get into Morrowind
Man, all the stories I hear make me want to play it so badly, but every time I try I invariably get bored and quit by the time I get to the Puzzle Box. The way everyone talks about it make it seem like it's a lot more fun once you know where shit is but I don't, and there aren't any real powergaming "guides" that aren't just for one or two specific exploits.
The magic is the most appealing part so I try to roll a mage, but my spells are pathetic and getting new ones is super hard, not to mention how I can barely get off a successful cast and even if I do everything's likely to just beat me to death anyway. I know I could just cheat with console commands but that defeats the purpose. How do I enjoy MW?
Thoughts on M'aiq?
I always get to the trials where you need recommendations from house leaders and say fuck it.
>magicka doesn't replenish on its own unless you sleep, so bring restore magicka potions if you're doing serious magical combat
>get a reliable source of Restore Strength or you'll want to kill yourself later on
>invisibility wears off instantly if you try to take items while invisible. Get Chameleon instead if you want to steal from in front of people.
>pickpocketing is broken (as in, doesn't work) so make sure you quicksave whenever a quest forces you to pickpocket someone so you can quickload 90 times until it works
>buy probes to disarm traps if you don't want to get one-shot by a door
Everything else you can figure out for yourself.
Defend this
It's genuinely so easy to mod Morrowind though, don't even need a mod manager just drag and drop the stuff you want into data files enable them from the launcher and run mlox when you're done.
Thanks for the tips. So mostly don't do stuff tired and always fight with something you are skilled in, gotcha. I just booted the game vanilla and I actually think it looks pretty charming so I'm probably going to leave it at that, I don't mind old graphics. Gonna restart now and think about my character a bit more though.
Is hand to hand viable as a sole or primary way to fight? or should I still have some skill in an actual weapon?
>but every time I try I invariably get bored and quit by the time I get to the Puzzle Box
Bro you're literally 15 years old.
Yes good job they managed to use the situation when disaster struck and crippled the dunmer, that definitely makes up for all those centuries of utter domination at the hands of the dunmer, you really showed them.
Because Ulfric knows that the Empire is not the united front against the Thalmor that they claim to be. Cyrodiil will sell out every province and give up their real power to maintain an independent province, and so Ulfric liberating Skyrim is stopping the bleeding.
Hand to hand is viable, but annoying and you'll have to know what you're doing to make it work. Go with a real weapon.
>Meme image that isn't even close to true
I don't need to defend anything, you're clearly talking out of your ass and your only argument is that you parrot what this meme image has falsely convinced you of.
MGSO is not like that, not once have I encountered those problems when I replayed Morrowind. You even have easy customization to change as little as possible and make it as vanilla-like as you can.
I have MGSO and my game look cozy and I have no frame rate problems.
Why does OpenMW leave out vast amount of options MCP gives you? You can't even do "No loot on corpse disposal".
At the very least you should get Morrowind Code Patch and Patch For Purists, apart from optional tweaks in the code patch they change nothing about the game except ridding it from bugs.
thanks for the constructive response my man
>It's genuinely so easy to mod Morrowind though, don't even need a mod manager just drag and drop the stuff you want into data files enable them from the launcher and run mlox when you're done.
Nigga I know how it works.
I'm telling you that expecting a new person to find the mods on the multiple different sites, pick and choose the parts they want, run and configure the EXEs for the various patches and setups, and troubleshoot their load order is literally not going to happen no matter how easy you insist it is to the.
Also fucking lol, vanilla MW textures are not just low-fi pixelated versions of real textures. They're muddy, unreadable messes.
Did I finally find the only other Hlaalufag in the whole world?
can I play morrowind vanilla?
are there any mods like CASM for it?
i got carried away with fallout 4 in that case back in 17
God I want to replay Morrowind but I'm waiting for OpenMW 1.0 to drop before committing. Might as well play Daggerfall unity for the first time while I'm at it and extend my replay all the way up to Skyrim.
>not to mention how I can barely get off a successful cast
Casting chance are based on the difficulty of the spell and your fatigue, if you fight tired your spell will fail often. If you use a powerful spell in a College you have no points in, it will fail nearly everytime.
Pick your class carefully, if you can't handle magic but want a magic character, try a spellblade, battlemage or witch hunter, they are combat-oriented magic classes.
Don't bother, only decrepit nostalgiafag boomers actually love this piece of shit game, with some mods Skyrim is better in all aspects
what's that?
>every time I try I invariably get bored and quit by the time I get to the Puzzle Box
Is this your brain on zoom?
Why does everyone obsess over morrowind so much? It’s not even that good. I mean the lore is fucking amazing but the dialogue, if you’d even call it that, is like reading a Wikipedia article or some shit. It’s absolute garbage and so many NPCs repeat the SAME shit depending on the region/province. The world is beautiful and alien, I must admit but even the missions are pretty bad. Thieves guild missions just feel so hollow and empty. Oblivion did everything so much better even if it had to dumb down some things. Normally I am against dumbing down game mechanics (enjoyed the dice rolling in morrowind because I love dnd) but god morrowind was just such a boring chore at times. I’ll never play it again.
The issue is going to war with the empire, they could have just ignored them but instead went braindead "skyrim belong to the nords" so even if they win, they lost a lot of good men in a pointless war and are just going to get steamrolled by elves.
You're already a lost cause.
Zoom zoom.
No, is.
Just get the vanilla install. OpenMW is far behind lua scripting is going through major updates that OpenMW will likely not have.
>Oblivion did everything so much better even if it had to dumb down some things.
You're contradicting yourself in the same sentence, Oblivionfag.
Garbage generic post.
Garbage morrowind-tier boring post.
You are all so predictable.
>playing TES
>not being a storyfag
why would you ever cheat yourself this hard
Rate my sword.
Is that image suggesting magnus is a ball? It's a hole into Aetherius
Why wouldn’t you play tes games for the story? Combat is shit in everyone of them and exploration is their only other saving grace. You find something cool you want to know it’s history, right ? Fucking adhd faggot
I lost my 15 year old morrowind installation a couple weeks ago when my PC died.
I've got a new, much much better PC now, where do I begin? I want maximum looks.
dude start with mage then go to combat as you rack up money
im lvl 19 and i already broke the game in a legit way, because i was killing those deadras and selling the deadric weapons in vivec to get my long blade skill up by training
now i have about 100k gold , 81 long blade, 100 destruction and barely in the main quest
new wallpaper?
new wallpaper
openmw is fine as long as you don't seek to install mwse mods
buggerfall unity is, on the other hand, barely playable in its current state
What's stopping Skyrim from allying themselves with a common enemy of the Thalmor? It wouldn't be the first time that it's happened in Tamriel, such as the Dwemer and Chimer allying themselves against the Nords.
bro the lore is the best thing about this franchise
a new open source engine for the game
>There aren't any real powergaming guides
Wasn't it that Gaenor refuses the million, reasoning that there's no way you could possibly have that much?
That they should have probably done this BEFORE going to war with the empire.
Again be ready to get half-Nord half-High Elves in the next TES
See I have no idea how to go about doing that. I have almost no experience and don't know where anything is.
>Combat is shit in everyone of them
Zoom zoom
MWSE-Lua is being worked on integrated into OpenMW, but it's a background thing
OpenMW has great potential, but it is nowhere NEAR ready. Give it another 5 or 10 years.
It's great that it fixes some things unfixable in Morrowind and runs better, but it still lacks accuracy, there are hundreds if not thousands of fundamental gameplay issues that work differently.
And it feels like the two ruskies are the only ones doing any actual work fixing things.
Stick it up your butthole.
God fucking expensive daedric weapons piece of shits, I'm carrying a 60 pounds broadsword in my inventory I can't use and I can't sell because it sells for 35k at my current level
Where should VI be?
how did we go from vivec......to this
>"Why yes, I do crush skulls, how did you know?"
Skyrim had to run on a PS3.
enjoy being raped by aldmerifags
They could have just went the Oblivion way with multi-segment cities but instead we get this.
because Skyrim NPCs do far more than Morrowind's ever did and the city needs to have a proper layout so no one walks off and dies. NPCs do their AI routines even when the player is not present. Vivec also looks nice from afar but actually going through it is a slog, it takes forever to get anywhere and everything is the same flat texture.
>How did we go from 9 buildings to 14?
Yiff in chains faggot
Morrowinds map and cities are incredibly tiny compared to skyrim
This must be b8
zoomer here. i have almost 200 hours clocked in morrowind on steam.
just play the game.
Illiac Bay
the nord village in solstheim
sometimes I dream about when I was 13 playing through bloodmoon. I never had that sense of mystery and desire to explore before
Skyrim's cities aren't that small. Not to mention that Skyrim is one of the least densely populated areas in Tamriel.
im still using the deadric crescent lol
Morrowind was made for consoles as well.
You are both big dumb
bottom left made me so mad, i looked up what table model was missing and replaced it with another.
>Morrowind was made for consoles as well.
No, it was designed first and foremost for PC.
It wasn't, it was a miracle they even got Morrowind to work on the Xbox. Morrowind was designed as PC game. You can tell this by simply looking at the UI.
what race and class?
>the corpus from some fag while exploring beyond the fence
>hundred days later still functioning just fine
So much for this illness being mental cancer
how do you cure that shit?
I recently got it from the main quest
Someone spoonfeed me a mod guide to make the game less dated.
>made for console
>stuttering is the standard performance and crashes ten times more than it does on PC
What the FUCK went wrong?
every city in morrowind is better than skyrim. more buildings, stores, npcs. ESPECIALLY VIVEC.
I spent 5 fucking hours searching for that thing.
I was looking for a fucking key if i remember correctly because of that locked door you open AFTER you give them the box.
On May 5, 2001, Bethesda announced an additional Morrowind release for Microsoft's Xbox. The project was, according to the same release, something that Bethesda had been working on with Microsoft since they had first known of the console.[43]
TESGeneral's guide
>Vivec also looks nice from afar but actually going through it is a slog, it takes forever to get anywhere and everything is the same flat texture.
It's not so bad when you make use of the shortcuts to each level and the boats to go to each section
It's called a port, that doesn't mean Morrowind was specifically designed to be a console game. Did you even read what you copy pasted?
>"additional" Morrowind release
porting to console is not the same as making for console
>The project was, according to the same release, something that Bethesda had been working on with Microsoft since they had first known of the console.[43]
Do you even read? Bethesda had planned to release on xbox since they knew of its existence.
Vivec wrote some hilariously bad fanfiction that appeared in Skyrim, about fucking Azura to death.
>Vivec held his spear, the gleaming pole he inherited from his father, up to Azura's face. "Guess what this represents."
>And then Vivec shoved his spear in Azura's mouth.
>And then Azura exploded.
No mention of Azura having a pole to match.
so...when you go to a city in real life you start talking to everyone you see?
>>Vivec held his spear, the gleaming pole he inherited from his father, up to Azura's face. "Guess what this represents."
>>And then Vivec shoved his spear in Azura's mouth.
>>And then Azura exploded.
This can't be real.
Bethesda being Bethesda.
>made SE version specifically so they could shut down SkyUI every time they updoot their "Creators' Club"
literally described me playing mw 2 hours ago.
Laughed my head off when I finally found it
Is Oblivion's UI worse or better than Skyrim?
Probably will be Hammerfell and High Rock with a Stros M'kai DLC.
>SkyUI and the script extender only break because of a one-line version anit-piracy check because the SKSE devs are super anti-pirate moralfags
Several years ago I wrote a letter to the QUEEN of Daggerfall... it... never arrived.
where is that slave?
I just realized that most ES DLCs take place on an island.
I think a physics engine should be able to handle objects with a speed of 0 and their collisions and not go crazy, but maybe I haven't thought about this enough, or tried it. And also make the snap to the next surface when the player places them, so they don't float in the air on the next reload.
Yes, and you're failing to understand the concept of a console port. Morrowind was ported to the Xbox, it was designed for a PC.
This is an obvious troll image but I'll bite.
In the Skyrim part, you've circled buildings you can't even enter. As in literally, they have no door and just cannot be entered.
Meanwhile in the Morrowind image, you've missed out a bunch of shit. You've missed out several shops, a few houses that are involved in quests, the corner club which has a bunch of quests and is how you join the thieves guild and the fighters guild which is involved in the main story.
By going g further in the main quest.
>NPCs do their AI routines even when the player is not present.
It's just checking values to see if a character can reach a destination at a given time, that was the same principle in Oblivion.
You can enter all of those buildings though. They even missed the Dragonsreach Jail.
I noticed this too
>Point Lookout kind of
>shivering isles
>Solsthiem again
>far harbor
>approach someone
What is that smell?! .... Speak freely friend!
They just need a state where they effectively don't process physics beyond some basic checks.
Would a game in Black Marsh be feasible?
Deepest lore
only Argonians can endure the environments of Black Marsh,so I don't think so
Is this true? What the fuck is the point? The game is almost 10 years old now fuck off
That's how physics works usually, if an object stop moving you stop processing it because it's not going to move on its own without help.
Back in the day you could open up the source code for yourself. I pirated New Vegas, it was the same shit, so I took the source code and compiled it into an exe with the version check removed.
People keep acting like this is some huge casual filter. But literally any character can just cast a few fireballs at him while he runs at you and swing at him 2 or 3 times more. Even at the beginning of the game, a pure warrior player could probably cast a few fireballs before he gets to you. And even if he gets to you, him and his skeleton don't do a whole lot of damage.
>actual content
>only circling one of the three guild halls in Balmora, four if you count the club the thieves' guild uses
>circling random houses in Whiterun that have literally no content unless you count shitty radiant quests
I like Pelagiad. Caldera is good too.
He doesn't send you there at level one though. He tells you to git gud first.
>He hasent seen skyrims master destruction spells
user, its canon That Boethiah is a Woman.
That SHE LUSTED AND LOVED Lorkhan because "Trickster God x Deceit Goddess".
That SHE and Mephala Raped and Skinned Trinimac for killing Lorkhan.
That SHE is YANDERE for Malacath.
That she is the Biological Mother of Indoril Nerevar with Saint Veloth.
And that She fucks around mundus Dressed like a Dunmer xena cosplay to send people to troll Malacath's shrines for shits and giggles.
Plus the Fact that she's always Disguised as a cultist inside her own shrines to keep an eye on future champions for her cause, since everyone thinks that she's Male Archiles Daedra, shen she's using good ol Ventriloquism to fool idiots.
Is that even their real form or just the ones they use to interact with those from Nirn?
I will never not be mad about this shit.
Bottom left is the only issue I had with the mod but I just fixed it myself
They don't actually have a specific form, that's just their prefered one.
whoops, i thought this was Daggerfal Unity + the texture mods. anyone still playing that?
>roll female Nord, get good STR and have a warhammer to start
>find rogue in tutorial dungeon, OHKO
top lawl
After Red Mountain exploded, the houses and temple collapsing and being weakened by the blight and expending many resources trying to contain it.
Not to mention that the Argonians acted with one mind thanks to the Hist, which itself might be daedric in origin.
>all in one overhaul bro
>just be yourself bro
somehow missing shit, maybe that's why i couldn't get back into morrowind, or probably cause mages suck goat balls, though i think that can be fixed with a times x magicka mod.
>which itself might be daedric in origin.
>tfw read that as "sneed"
God help me.
how did you manage to get your video settings so unbelievably ass
I can't remember which one but it's in one of the books talking about Argonians and the Hist, that the trees are not native to the area or possibly not even Nirn that the might be from Oblivion.
feel like it would be a disappointment if besthesda doesn't implement survival mechanics, which i doubt they will do
I don't think the Hist lickers were still being directed by the Hist when they decided to stomp the dungmer.
I believe it was a group called the An Xiheel(sp) that fired up the Argonians.
Redguard is the best vanilla Morrowind race imo. Just pick spear+long blade, hit adrenaline rush, activate your magic items and one shot anything for 60 seconds. Also helps you carry loot
making games run on the 360 was worse. fucking 512mb of ram
There are hist trees in Umbriel, but they're not daedric in origin. Rather, the Hist existed in a previous kalpa and survived the reset by hiding out in Oblivion planes. Whether or not they came from that kalpa is unknown.
Nords are just better a version of Redguards.
You can skip all that shit though right?
PS3 had 256.
Dude *FUCK* the Hortator quest line, shit is fucking DUMB. I was tempted to just COC my way through it because of how much walking to the middle of nowhere you had to do.
And Orcs are better at Nording than Nords.
Lore time: Will Secunda eventually turn red? It's said that both moons are dead, Masser turned a sick red a result of decay and was previously white.
Mundus is clearly on the way of dying, with all the towers getting destroyed, and heroes are part of prophecies destined to delay the inevitable, what do you think would be the last hero prophecy? I imagine it would be about destroying Mundus
Yeah, but then you're playing as an Orc.
The ones with the whores. Now that's a place to settle down in.
What's the white structure in the far east?
The city of the dead
Dude that's glorious, I wish I could figure out how to do mods like that in Morrowind
>didn't buy the expansions
>none of the cool mods will work
Dumb frogposter.
Nay. Nords don’t get Adrenaline Rush. Adrenaline Rush breaks the game. I can play at +100 difficulty on my 1st level Redguard and be basically invulnerable. Having access to spears is also unbelievably powerful
I'm sure we all, dunmers, argies, cats, orcs etc can all agree that nords is the absolute dumbest, worst race in existence and that they should all just go back to atmora
How is tamriel rebuilt getting along anyway? Is there any major content in those new locations yet?
So how far are they now? Is it all just ghost towns with no dialogue or quests?
Oh boy can't wait for a full release in 2186
this guy killed me the first time I fought him but it never happened again
>redguard going MUH POLE REDGA when facing a superior race
Every time
>loading area
Thats why
I remember some woman who made a surprisingly good elsweyr mod for oblivion. Didn't finish it but the assets, cities, mobs and biomes looked great.
Skyrim's UI is so shit because it's a console UI
it needs to be easily readable on a TV while your sitting on a couch several feet away
At least use patch for purist, code patch and maybe mgx or something.
it's a 3d hole, like a wormhole because it projects aetherial energy in a spherical way
Daedric Princes are not bound to sex/gender
and eight of the nine divines are trying to accelerate Mundus' destruction, because they are just so bored with it all
You are fundamentally missunderstanding Mundus if you think about it as "dying".
Mundus, Lorkhan and mortality are literally a virus created by Sithis to achieve a specific purpose and bring disbalance to Anu the Everything.
The right arm and the rightish southernish part have NPCs and quests.
way better than those shitty daggerfall threads on Yea Forums
No, unless they butcher everything about it to make good gameplay, so I guess yes.
Never done an...
Never done an...
Never done an honest's day work for all that coin you're carrying eh lad?
Do you think he stands there everyday, saying that to everyone he meets until one day he finds a sucker that would actually do his shitty job?
DO they have main quests at all yet
>Redguards are the best race because they have a skill that's only useful for the first 3 hours of a playthrough
If you want every body in just say the Hist willed it that the jungle was less toxic.
Shows the power of the Hist and explains the change.
It isn't some huge leap to explain.
The rumors are they are going with Hammerfell/Wakanda though.
Not really, the sidequests can get pretty in-depth and good though.
The whole idea of each releasing having its own main quest has been moved away in favor of integrating Vvardenfell as a whole into TR.
What exactly is the Hist?
To be fair once you are past that you are on easy street. So yes mitigating the crappy start is worth it.
Kalpa end dodging trees.
Hist Trees..history hmmm.
argonian kangz
try out daggerfall if you want to see a big dungeon
Based and Daggerpilled.
I tried but the procedural generation made it so that you couldn't go past the first room.
they are like a network of trees that act like an AI and also harddrive for souls
the put souls into argonian babies and then when argonian babies die the soul goes back to the tree network, making it gain new experiences and shit
that way argonian tribes accamulate knowledge of hundreds of years and shit
basically plant based hivemind
Nobody gives a fuck about procedural garbage
Git gud.
>can't pick up the puzzle box if you haven't started the quest
I'll get gud when Daggerfall gets good dungeons
Nords racials never at any point stop being useful. A level 25 Nord is still completely immune to frost and 50% resistant to shock. Nords/Breton/Altmer are the best races in the game, Redguard is slightly better than Nord at the very beginning of the game.
That's pretty rad. I always take over and cozy-up the Sorkvild's tower, because I fucking adore Dagon Fel.
>He's never played as an Argonian alchemist
>Hist Trees..history hmmm.
Next time, when you're about to stack your shit:
>enter the cell
>drop any of the deco items you wish to have
>exit the cell
>leave again
It works in Skyrim, should also do the job in Oblivion.
By mid to end game you can reasonably expect to be so powerful those racials won't matter.
They are little more than flavor by endgame.
Ehlnofay ...Hell no fay
Elswyr...Else where
Anumidium ...A new medium
Somebody was a fan of Piers Anthony's Xanth series.
i didnt even see this guy until after completing the legion quest line, he died in a single hit
Spear is best weapon.
Fight me.
yeah probably.
Exactly, sacrificing what's cool about it to make way for gameplay.
If I want the best looking morrowind experience what mods do I need? I haven't played this shit in over 10 years and I want the deluxe HD experience
anyone else use the console to make all their weapons skills decent as long as one is good? it doesn't make sense that a great swordsman would magically become useless if they happened to pick up an axe. say long blade is 60 i'd make it at least 40. not ideal but you should still be able to fight
she betrayed and murdered his husband desu, she always crazy.
that is not god mode
god mode is having enchanted everything that machine guns soul trap area spells with poison fire ice and shock all at the same time while having infinite levitate, super speed and super jump
No, but I can see your point. I've never had a reason to switch out of whatever weapon style I'm primarily using, though. Then later on you've got 100/100 in all skills anyway because of trainers, and the insane amount of gold you have. Honestly considering doing a playthrough without using Mudcrab Merchant and the Scamp, just so some items are unsellable for their real value. It just hurts my zoomer soul too much to sell a 20k item for 2k with maximum mercantile just because the merchant literally doesn't have enough money.
Is there anything to spend gold on in Morrowind besides trainers?
Not seeing the issue.
> god mode is...
That sounds like level 20+ in vanilla.
Every point the image makes can be said for using a controller, too.
what content does belethor and the hall of the dead have?
you also circled the drunken huntsman for some reason
and forgot to circle the graymane estate which has the rescue quest
is that the apothecary shop I see circled too?
lmao you have less than 100 hours in skyrim, scrub
Yes, along with the Khajiit answers. The Imperials and Altmer have been to space. The Imperials had an entire space program and astronauts called mananauts. Their spaceships looked like giant moths. They also had training facilities in pockets of Oblivion (Battlespire). There's a cool (non-canon?) story about a Redguard using magic to make his boat Spaceworthy to fight Tiber Septim on an Imperial moon base. Elder Scrolls is fun when Todd doesn't make it LotR lite.
By using moon sugar
>he doesn't know
go to fucking vivec
8k is better than 2k
What are the odds that we ever get to go to space in an ES game?
how did we go from this......to vivec
>download some mods to make towns larger
>the only fucked up one is Suran, where everything is superimposed over something else and there are two characters of everyone
I ruined the city and removing the mods won't fix it. Fuck me.
We already did.
Based and Daggerpilled.
Well when every house is made of 6 polygons it's fairly easy to put 6 bagillions of them.
3d models
also a properly explorable open world that isn't literal, actual miles of nothing
I fucking googled it out of anger, I hate morrowind when it becomes like that
TESO is not an ES game, assuming that's what you're talking about.
Nice picture of a vimana from the Hidu myths.
Where is this from?
I think he is talking about Battlespire. It was supposedly a space station.
user... Vivec's buildings are INSIDE the cantons.
>playing as dumbmer
never gonna make it
I've got to say, Elder Scrolls threads are consistently the best threads on Yea Forums.
why is destruction always so meh in this series?
cancelled moon mod trainwiz and MK were making
That's just a lie.
I thought that took place in Oblivion.
So what's the deal with Legends?
So i tried to make a House Redoran honorable character but ended up becoming evil, like all my morrowind playthroughs. What do you guys usually play/rp as?
Yeah I'm sure Nords being immune to frost has no advantage in Bloodmoon.
People overstate our involvement in it. MK was there as a consultant and I was mostly a tech guy and to make sure there were trains.
>spell failed
>spell failed
>spell failed
>spell failed
>out of magicka
fuck this game
Morrowind uses .nif files.
Stop casting while you're fatigued.
Same difference to them.
i'm a melee pleb, i have virtually no points in magic, i just want to fucking fast travel
>inb4 m-m-muh striders
they are shit. thanks god there is a multi-mark mod, but it's still shit since i keep failing recall every time
Snowy was standing point for the other treasure hunters in the ruins, he wasn't a Legion guard or whatever misconception people have
>i'm a melee pleb, i have virtually no points in magic
you are supposed to buy magic rings and amulets, not cast magic
You don't need to be a Nord to be immune to frost in Morrowind.
There's an option in Daggerfall Unity to reduce the size of all the procedural dungeons
Is this the most underrated province?
i mean in magic school, alteration or whatever mark/recall needs
You can use a ring enchanted with mark or recall even if you don't have any skill in magic
it's full of fags
>A forbidden city for nearly fifty years, Alinor is both capital of the Summerset Isles and the heart of the Aldmeri Dominion. Human traders were only allowed at its ports, and they described the city as "made from glass or insect wings." Less fantastic accounts come from the Imperial emissaries of the Reman Dynasty, which describe the city as straight and glimmering, "a hypnotic swirl of ramparts and impossibly high towers, designed to catch the light of the sun and break it to its component colors, which lies draped across its stones until you are thankful for nightfall."
Bethesda could never do it justice
hey anons, heres a comfy pic someone made for me in a trade a long time ago
>described the city as "made from glass or insect wings."
That sounds cool as hell. What is its depiction like in TESO?
don't i need something in magic to enchant stuff? or just souls gems?
>sounds cool
>doesn't read the very next sentence
here is what it was based off of
White and with a bunch of not too high towers.
This is the most generic shit ever, why?
oh, i thought it was balmora, that's for posting the original
I said I didn't trust Bethesda to do it justice, but to be fair, I don't know if anyone could
Based and Seydaneenpilled.
Seyda Sneed
Very nice, I made this..
They only have 1 set of textures/models that they use for every single building in the game.
It is easier to write cool lore than to implement it.
Is he riding a wolf?
We warg riders nao
You can pay someone to teach you the spell and then pay to have someone enchant it with a soul gem
>The walking city of the Bosmer king, Falinesti is south in the summer and north come Hearth Fire. It is the largest of Valenwood graht-oaks, whose magic was invoked at the dawn of recorded history. The Camoran throne is somewhere in the highest branches, as are numerous other natural dwellings. Wood Elves climb about its surface like termites, or carefully swing from level to level by means of thorny vines. Humans have generally been too unsettled by the city to stay there long, though Great Apes (Imga) and Orcs are common.
ESO has all sorts of weird shit for mounts, like guar, bears, and dwarven spiders
It's not weird to ride a guar.
nice, have any more?
Well it is an MMO.
Here's an answer from ESO's game director, Matt Firor, given in an interview before the release of the Summerset expansion:
>Q: There's been a lot of talk among fans about how what we've seen of it doesn't really match, necessarily, how it's been described - like Alinor's buildings looking like insect wings? Is that a matter of just, it's hard to reflect that in the gameplay, or was that a deliberate design choice, or is it the unreliable narrator?
>A: Yeah, you mean picking certain lorebooks, cities looked a certain way, but they're not definitive, so, you know… I think Elder Scrolls is, at its heart – and Todd Howard says this all the time – if magic left Tamriel, no one would notice, because it's very mundane at its heart. It's like, there's poor Altmer pig farmers, like, it's not like the high elves are better than anyone else, they're just different, right? They're not like the super race, or they would've been able to control all of Tamriel. They have their own thing going, and so they can't be that much more advanced than everyone else. It just doesn't make sense in the lore. So with that in mind, that's how we came up with the architecture for them.
>like guar
Guars were always meant to be ridden. Todd Howard mentioned it before Morrowind's release as the biggest thing he wished he could have finished if he had more time.
Hand to hand is actually OP. Even though sometimes it takes forever to finally kill someone you'll have them on the floor in no time. If you stick with it you'll see why it's so good.
Things like this are why I autistically search every inch of every room as I go through dungeons in games like this. I search every container, every body, every shelf, anywhere there may be items. It makes dungeons take ten times longer, and probably 95% of the items I find aren't worth taking, but it makes me feel good knowing I'm not missing anything.
>it's not like the high elves are better than anyone else
That sounds like something someone who hasn't reached Alaxon would say
Why do they bother making excuses?
The real answer is always either: we're to lazy or don't care
Imagine having such shit taste... I played Morrowind for the first time in 2018 and it's now one of my favorite games.
Didn't Tiber Septim have to use the Numidium to conquer the Summerset Isles?
I go even further than that, I gather everything to the container nearest to the exit, and then I do back and forth to sell anything I don't use in dungeons. Doesn't matter if the dungeon is 10 miles away from the nearest merchant, I'll do that.
>Responding to a four hour old post
So interesting architecture is too advanced and clear use and application of magic is a no no now?
With this mindset the dwemer should cease to exist in lore as should, the gods, the tribunal, the hist, etc.
>Doesn't matter if the dungeon is 10 miles away from the nearest merchant, I'll do that.
If you've got teleportation spells/scrolls/potions you can streamline that. Mark -> intervention -> sell -> recall -> get more items -> repeat
Shouldn't take more than a minute or two no matter how far the dungeon is from civilization.
>yes I bought the inflatable hammer for 1200 tickets from chuck e cheese, how did you know?
>you can't respond to anything more than a few minutes old
Where the fuck do you braindead faggots even come up with these bullshit rules?
Suran > Dagon Fell > Raven Rock. Hla Oad or Gnaar Mok for comfy/laidback fisherman life.
>if there isn't a quest that starts there then there isn't any content there
Make your own fucking adventures you retard. Explore shit like towns yourself without being specifically told to you drone.
The lack of Khajiits is really disheartening. Are the graphs of the other games?
I get an automatic deep inhale from pics like this as if I'm trying to inhale the atmosphere.
Or the author of the lore had no idea what industry he worked in.
Khajiit aren't allowed in cities in Skyrim.
Hand to hand is garbage. Why should I take ten minutes to kill a random thug when I can just two shot him with an actual weapon?
We didn't have to use nukes on Japan it just made it far easier to get them to surrender.
Same thing with the robot.
Based analogy.
>it’s too hard! No omnipresent fast traveling! No quest markers! I have no patience because I’m a filthy fucking zoomer!
Oh, is that actually legit cannon?
>Phoneposter calling anyone else a zoomer
My sides.
The only kahtshit allowed in cities is the player.
>No omnipresent fast traveling!
I love Morrowind but I completely understand why they added fast travel, a lot of the game is just walking back and forth with nothing in between but the daily respawning enemies.
I can’t afford a gaming pc you fucking nigger, give me some slack
Yes, Khajiit are seen as untrustworthy and as thieves.
The transportation in Morrowind was one of the tricks they used to disguise how small it was.
By placing them far away from anything it gave the feel it was larger.
This was my experience with Morrowind and just made me Google anything that wasn't immediately obvious to me because I knew then the devs would try to fuck me again.
Honestly for a RPG it's a really disappointing thing, I get they don't want to penalize people for playing a specific race but that's actually a major part of the roleplay and the player having to learn how to deal with it.
They complain they are thought of as drug dealers and thieves.
Everyone of them is a skilled thief and holding.
A few reasons.
1. Not many enemies if any have a lot of fatigue whereas plenty of enemies have a lot of health.
2. You can drown enemies if you knock them out in water (won't even be counted as a murder)
3. No need to repair your fists
4. No need to worry about using the best damaging attack type since all 3 do the same damage
5. The skill levels up extremely fast
That being said sure it has its downsides, it won't ever come close to out damaging a daedric dai-katana or something, but it can still be perfectly viable. Besides if you have MCP you can steal from KOed opponents which makes being a mugger really fun.
I noticed that when I went from Balmora to Vivec on foot, it doesn't take that long to reach if you go straight and roads are twisted to add length between destinations.
definitely Suran
Did they ever reference this to the player at all? I played a Khajiit for like two hours once and I don’t remember anyone saying anything to me, despite the fact that I’m supposedly not allowed in the cities
The guards will harass you at the start, but nothing otherwise
I never play as a khajit so wouldn't know.
Repairing is almost free, drowning people is dumb. Actually, everything you just said means nothing, hand to hand is the least efficient way to defeat enemies.
Two shooting enemies > punching them forever.
The end is the same, but actual weapons are just flat out more efficient.
where's your collection of PS4 games?
They might have a throwaway line but it doesn't matter.
It's like how the Stormcucks don't really care and let you join them even if you're a high elf
The real trick was the slow movement speed. Things seemed further than they really were.
>No need to repair your fists
When I read that I imagined a man hammering his fingers
But the MC is the Last Dragongorn, so they don't really have much of a choice but to comply with you. I do agree, though, that some concessions could've been made if the MC chose Khajiit/Argonian.
Also, as a tangential question, is every Dragonborn canonically a Nord?
Yeah Morrowind is fairly tiny. Boots of blinding speed made FT only useful if I was going to the other side of the island.
The loading screen took longer than the journey eventually.
If you don't mind exploiting the game you can get so fast you will get loading screens in the over world.
cant believe there are still neckbeards who are hostile towards eso while claiming to be tes fans
the travel nodes
the fog
The foyadas
They were fairly clever disguising how small it was.
>make factually inaccurate statement about a measurable trait
>get corrected
>is this bait?
maybe I'm falling for some bait myself but really: what did he mean by this?
>Besides if you have MCP you can steal from KOed opponents which makes being a mugger really fun.
You can steal from KO'd people even in pure vanilla Morrowind. Unconscious NPCs will fail all of their defensive checks, so pickpocketing anything from them has a 100% success rate.
What will get you if you just knocked someone out with your bare hands is that they're still "in combat" with you, but all you have to do is cast a calm spell on them and they'll leave combat even if they're knocked out.
What do mean as in every Dragonborn? Because Talos was most likely a Breton
I always figured Vvardenfell would smell like shit
From TES history maybe
From the game no.Whatever your DB was the DB was.
Better start believing.
I don't think anyone cares about ESO either way anymore.
>Talos was most likely a Breton
[citation needed]
I would kill you with my bare hands. You can repent before God or be cast into hell.
The arcturian heresy.
You would think the heresy part would be a hint yet they persist.
I think it matters to MKs fanfic that talos be three people so they beat the drum for it incessantly.
I kinda wished that they would just say what previous characters were and not vague titles that reveal nothing about the greatest heros that ever lived.
Was the Neravar a dark elf? Was the blades agent breton/redguard? Who was the eternal champion? Etc.
right now it is in top 3 of mmos with most active players, also it is really good if you only look at the things it adds to the lore
So, technically, he's both a Breton and a Nord.
Not him, but Tiber Septim was likely a Breton, even his statues make him look like a manlet and this lore tidbit
>"The more recently created holidays of High Rock are those like Tibedetha, "Tibers Day," celebrated every 24th of Mid Year in honor of Alcaire's most famous, son, Tiber Septim"
Its likely he was from alcaire, the rest of tale him being from Atmora etc. was the result of the warp in the west shit
It's not even about quests, in fact the image missed the majority of quests in Balmora and even circled a couple houses in Whiterun that have none. There's not really any measure of "actual content" that could possibly explain why any building was/wasn't circled in those two cities.
The more reasonable conclusion is that it's just bait.
>really good if you only look at the things it adds to the lore
Yeah, tell us.
This is gonna be good.
>all these shit answers
COMFIEST place in the entire fucking game right here
They like the "Your game is true to you" method.
The reason behind the dragonbreak was to make every possible ending of Daggerfall possible.
If you like the "There are 3 cutcenes possible and we will tell what happened next game" style Bethesda isn't for you.
if you believe the heresy yes.
If you believe everything else in the game on the subject then no.
This was posted ironically, right?
>explore world
>enter chief tent
>he attacks on sight
>kill him in self defense
I think we have been through this before. If you are a Nord born in High Rock you are still a Nord.
from your extremely toxic responses its obvious that you are too ignorant and biased to deserve a proper answer
go spam your gay terminator and kinmune bullshit on reddit
Okay mutt, whatever you say,
Do we ever get any closure on what happened to him? He gets sent back to Cyrodiil midway through Morrowind, but we never see him in Oblivion.
>all three have the same shitty cast animation
>2/3 are just wowee look at me shit out aoe damage
>on top of that they all fucking induce fps drops
>put like 2k hours into the game
>never finish the main quest
>never even did the redoran quest line
>dont even think I have ever been to the top 1/3 of the map
Is there anything even up there?
>makes excuse to not give a proper answer because he doesn’t have one
Nigga, what were you doing?
No not really
>extremely toxic response
first time away from reddit?
are you upset
Did he actually smoke moon sugar? I assumed it was just a cover. Seems like being addicted to it would keep him from being as lucid as he is and able to manage the Blades on Vvardenfell
Overdosed on skooma sadly.
Ever see Dagon Fel/Sheogorad? Probably one of my favorite regions.
If you just mean the northern coast it's got some main quest stuff and some daedric shrines too as I recall but not super dense.
Very much so
Back to plebbit, cunt.
It's most likely a cover, then again skooma and moon sugar are highly addictive and he may actually have fell for it.
Yes. People in Balmora even comment on it.
I assume he was recalled to protect the emperor heir, considering by the time you arrive on Vvardenfell, the current emperor is sick and mages are accusing his sons to be imposters, when he leaves he tells you the empire is on the brink and you should focus on the empire presence on the island.
They can steal my virginity any time.
That was from the official forum when they were still allowed to post there correct?
Do you really want fur up your bumhole?
It is
Did it ever make it in game? I know they like to throw nods his way in game. There was this and I think a love letter from the forum and was wondering if they acknowledged either.
As someone who never finished Morrowind, did this actually happen? middle finger, “fags” and all?
>I assumed it was just a cover.
When he gets called back, doesn't he say it could be about his skooma/sugar addiction? He'd have no reason to keep trying to use it as a cover since you knew who he was and you were working for him at that point. He was probably legitimately addicted. A lot of alcoholics can still function for their jobs.
Is Vivec /ourguy/?
It's even stranger, but it didn't happen in the game.
it's a text you can find online easily, it's canon iirc
I think moon sugar is more like crack then alcohol.
You do not rc.
It's in a weird state of semi-canon
Vivec is a hermaphrodick.
No he is not our (guy)
He is quite popular on teslore though. They argue about his pronouns all the time.
That is called head canon.
It is never out of the question for it to be added in game and become honest to goodness 100% bonafide canon though.
If it hasn't happened by now I think that is not very likely.
I remember liking her more in Daggerfall, although I can quite remember why.
Which is ironic considering that he was the one who made Talos a Nord in the first place. The previously established lore in Daggerfall (1996) was that Tiber Septim was a Breton, but Michael Kirkbride contradicted that by giving him an Atmoran/Nordic origin story in the Pocket Guide to the Empire (1998).
The Heresy (2002) seems to be his attempt to reconcile those stories.
No, not really. That scene was from an event on the forums around 2003 where the fans and devs were roleplaying together. It hasn't been referenced in any of the games as far as I'm aware.
In the age of METOO having someone mouth rape a lady would cause much pearl clutching among the sisterhood of the perpetually offended.