>the perfect vidya girl has existed for years
>nobody cares about her
The perfect vidya girl has existed for years
What was with Xenoblade 1 girls and preemptive strikes?
looks dumb
I love Fuuka!
I love Reisen!
She might not be popular, but there are still people that care about Fiora. She's even getting a new (SFW?) doujin in September.
Don't know who this is, but she's not a loli so she's garbage.
You're my favorite poster
That's because nobody played her game
We'll keep that candle burning.
>Tons of doujins of pyra
>none for her
Do people really hate mecha musume so much?
I know, it's a tragedy. 20 years on and she's gotten a single figure. It's a pretty cool one though.
It's just how these things go.
Same goes for poppi
Most doujins for mainstream stuff like Xenoblade aren't even drawn by fans, it's just artists jumping on trends. Naturally they all just jump on the main girl to get the largest audience possible.
you still have it better than me
What's really fun is when they paste a character's head and general design onto a completely offmodel body.
>love interest has it better than side character
That's not surprising.
I thought melia have it better than seven?
>perfect girl
>some saber clone
Mecha Fiora has such a godly butt. Why the FUCK wasn’t that form in XC2?
Melia's well-liked and gets a load of fan art, last I checked.
Because it's postgame Fiora.
Just because she has suffered doesn’t entitle her to anything.
Shulk is for Fiora.
I love the Asuka clone!
>When you design a girl so perfect your artist wife refuses to draw her
You know they could have easily written that differently
Thought it was Nina.