>EU has a total of 2 (two!) english PvP servers at launch
>And he thinks that sharding is a temporary thing
EU has a total of 2 (two!) english PvP servers at launch
If they need more servers, they will just make new servers.
good, keep the frogs and spaniards who can't/refuse to speak english on their own goddamned servers
>20% actually decides to reroll
>20% isnt enough and the server eventually dies
this has been tried before and it doesnt work
I feel like this just solidifies that layering will probably be a permanent thing.
I think they're gauging interest based off the running subs that actually bothered with the beta and shit. Which is obviously a small fraction of the people interested. It's gonna be shitshow with this few servers on launch day.
>BfA ui with all the old vanilla menus changed to a soulless modern version
>Retail graphics, cataclysm water, high foliage that changes all the zones
>No addon limit, which means advanced addons we didn't see back then
>Autoloot, and many other qol changes
>Streamer culture
>Real id integration
>Layer hopping to farm resources, or to avoid world pvp and competing for mobs. No server culture.
Enjoy your nu-wow. This isn't the vanilla we wanted.
What are the chances of this being planned sabotage to boost retail numbers vs incompetence? My guess is 50/50 both ways.
Well, according to Blizzard they're surprised that people even want to play Vanilla, so its not surprising that their philosophy is to make Vanilla ''better'' by adding all the retail features that made retail shit to begin with.
What are you talking about lmao, current addon rules are much, much more restrictive than they were back then.
imagine having an aneurysm over autoloot or menus being transparent instead of parchment
Are you some kind of 2 digit boomer who didn't know about shift clicking or do you genuinely think it makes a difference?
Not him but auto-loot was in the game IIRC, just not AOE loot. Menus I'd prefer the old ones, had a bit more style, but it's not a big deal. What killed it is the sharding. Vanilla lived and died by it's community and this is just a community killer.
>I think they're gauging interest based off the running subs that actually bothered with the beta and shit.
They only invited like 10k people you fucking moron
I meant that shit that just happened. Stress test or whatever. Anyone could get in with an active sub.
ماذا دهاك؟
No, but its removal of soul. There is no reason why we should have bfa ui in vanilla.
That's my problem with it too. Why change it? The old one looked a lot better. It's just pure laziness not wanting to spend 20 minutes to have the old menus.
even EU isn't safe from twitchspeak
>20% pulled out of your ass
seething BFA kiddie
The classic wow now is completely garbage
And mostly for the opposite reasons you ol crackhead are talking about
No one wants to fucking click on every single quest on the log to get it logged
No one wants qol changes reverted
People want all the vanilla content with a modernized client and ui
Everyone that disbeliefs those things is just a nostalgia fag or pretending to be one delusional loser
>start off with a shitload of servers
lots of them end up dead and forced to merge, causing naming issues
>start off with few servers
>unexpected amount of players
just open more servers until the player load is handled
are you seriously saying they should have gone with the first option
fuckign tard
haha shard in mard :DD
>t. salty chink pserver admin who is buttmad that he can't sell rank14 characters anymore
>English speakers playing on EU servers
going to be in every chat, gonna need an addon to filter all these fucking memeshits
Basically they're people who never played Vanilla
This should be obvious, Eurotrash
God strike down those cunts, please.
Inb4 Asmongold rolls on the ONLY RP-PVP server
>people like this are going to be playing Classic alongside us
god help us
hate it, would rather wait in queue
>BfA ui with all the old vanilla menus changed to a soulless modern version
I see your point but the old menu really wasn't much more flavor than an aged scroll backround image
>Retail graphics, cataclysm water, high foliage that changes all the zones
I didn't notice this, but personally I would prefer better graphics, I dont mind the old ones either
>No addon limit, which means advanced addons we didn't see back then
I wish the game didnt allow add-ons period. It might make raiding slightly challenging.
>Autoloot, and many other qol changes
I dont mind auto loot
>Streamer culture
Community events will be the lifeblood of this 15 year old MMO
>Real id integration
THIS IS A MASSIVE PROBLEM. Very close to being a deal breaker for me. The whole point of a fucking roleplaying game is to make a character that isnt fucking you. What if I want to make a character who acts like a dick and another who is super helpful? I LOVE the idea of having different reputations on two or three different characters, besides the fact I don't want to get fucking doxxed and publicly shamed if I call someone a nigger in a videogame. (or anything else for that matter. FUCK BLIZZARD)
>Layer hopping to farm resources, or to avoid world pvp and competing for mobs. No server culture.
I honestly think blizzard knows layering is dog shit and wont work. They're implementing dynamic re spawn in starting zones.
So a lot of times when your fucking with your settings, you're doing while walking somewhere. There is a LOT of walking downtime in vanilla. Its actually very useful to be able to course correct your character while messing with your settings.
Best solution would have been to design a new UI that was still transparent but added some medieval fantasy flavor to the borders or something.
Why spend the money though i guess.
>would rather wait in queue
you won't be saying that when you have to sit in a 2hr+ queue just to get in
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't understand that layering is the same exact thing as "create lots of servers and then merge low pop ones later", just virtualized
Wouldn't the alternative of having a bunch of people make characters on dead servers be worse?
>So a lot of times when your fucking with your settings, you're doing while walking somewhere. There is a LOT of walking downtime in vanilla. Its actually very useful to be able to course correct your character while messing with your settings.
I used to mostly do it during FPs.
>Best solution would have been to design a new UI that was still transparent but added some medieval fantasy flavor to the borders or something.
I'd be fine with that.
You can still /friend people and only have their single character on your friends list. At least that's how it worked in the stress test.
Maybe. I can say from experience though that I was able to purposefully switch layers pretty easily.
Why dont they only layer the starting two zones? (elwyn, westfall, loch modan, dun morogh, barrens, orgrimar, tundebluff, bone zone, lorderon.
It's been shown to just be sharding with people popping in and out of existence...
>people popping in and out of existence
that's view distance you sperg
Yes, the guy literally next to you disappearing and being replaced by another is just view distance.
This. People need to stop being so extreme about it. Doing the first 10 levels without some kind of fix is a night mare. Blizzard can either spawn mobs in the same exact place with a one second timer where people form circles and mash attack, or just split up the server pop in starter zones. Having the entire server all load into one area is fun for all of five minutes
>things that never happened
kill yourself zoomer
Have you not seen any of the webms of people getting invited to a group and having dozens of players load in right in front of them? Blizzard explained how layering works.
Why is Yea Forums so toxic about all the games people talk about here?
I just don't get it.
I've extensively played all of the stress tests so far. Not once did I ever have "person next to me disappearing".
Shoo, BFA kiddie.
What now faggot?
>specifically going out of your way to try and layer-hop
>spanish are so butthurt over not getting their own server they are threatening to take over one of the two (2) english pvp servers
>his has been tried before and it doesnt work
Like half the servers that exist were added this way. Outland EU is an example of a new server that became one of the biggest ones even though it was added late.
I'm pretty sure there's a competition between both retail / classic team to see where the budget will be allocated in the future
if classic fails, they'll just sweep the event under a rug and say "we told you you think you do, but you don't" and if classic thrives, bfa will end up with sylvanas uniting the universe and the only content we'll see will be bc classic, wtlk classic, cataclysm classic
back to re.ddit fag
>cataclysm classic
I don't think anyone unironically wants this
cata is pretty much the tipping point between old WoW and nuWoW
Things are literally dispawning by mistake shill.
>>No addon limit, which means advanced addons we didn't see back then
Are you retarded? The limiter was added after vanilla, vanilla had addons that literally automated your character. Addons were far more advanced before they nerfed them.
>I never had the problem so it doesn't exist
Yeah homelessness is imaginary too I bet
i bet you noticed the world got completely fucking empty when they started adding more layers after the initial spike?
>I don't think anyone unironically wants this
by the time it will come live, any opposition to the expansion (today's wow slaves) will be old news and irrelevant except the token "resistant" on forums that will be mocked by everyone.
and if it isn't enough, they'll just need to say "we learned of our mistakes" it will be enough to calm down the masses
All that a reasonable person can say now is just a solid fat ehhhhhhhhhh. Part of the promise of classic wow was going back to the server communities, and the most extreme people were asking to completely remove layering. Others, including me, were able to accept it because Blizzard promised us that you won't be able to meet people from a different realm (so it's kind of like layering a single realm into parts, but no cross realm bullshit). Apparently Blizzard just decided to pull a fast one on us with this, i don't see how this is any different from the current retail situation of crossing realms. What is the difference between having 2 realms with 100k players and 50 realms with 4000 players but with cross realms?
This just means that the idea of realm communities is essentialy done, i'll still play but enjoyment will take a giant hit from this. Just a bit sad, i was actually starting to believe that blizzard gets the mentality. Guess that having amazon hosted layers is just too sweet to give up in terms of development costs.
White knight, kys
BFA kiddes, everyone
>i don't see how this is any different from the current retail situation of crossing realms
different layers are still the same realm / group of players, and layering is guaranteed to be gone by ~3 months into release
that's how it's different, retard
>and layering is guaranteed to be gone by ~3 months into release
hey guys blizzard here
We looked at old sekrit hidden cloaked code and discovered WoW Classic had DYNAMIC spawns!!!
What do you know? How magical!
We just found this in the last week and now you'll notice the FIXED AUTHENTIC classic experience with dynamic spawn rate.
We totally just found this out. What a magical thing. Totally convenient to address the spawn issue. THE OLD GAME had this lul, what a surprise and we just noticed the same time we got lots of complaints about spawn rates
We "FIXED" the bug!
- t. Blizzard Classic Developer obviously, now it's back to CLASSIC feel.
ps. New PLayer Expereince is super important for our designers so we added dynamic spawns and called it a bug fix.
Literally the least of our worries desu, classic will be a bottom of the barrel private server tier if we are lucky
Sorry, WoW Classic was so successful that we can't move to phase 2 for an additional few months. We are going to address the overpopulation issue by layering the world bosses. Thank you for the amazing support WoW Classic Community!
rp-pvp layer 7... home...
see you on the asmon layer, bucko
Is duskwood actually dark in retail classic or are we beyond cucked graphics wise?
BFA kiddies are the ones defending sharding
how dumb are you?
"No, i'm not moving any goal posts. in fact i was always saying that layering probably was a permanent thing. I just said that layering isnt bad at all and its infact alot better than having a very populated server. "
you will have post cata graphics and you're going to love it
>it's just the first 10 levels
>it's just the first month
>it's just the first three months
I hate new nights so much
I’m honestly mad they didn’t get their own containment server. Fuck playing with the literal subhumans from Ragnaros or Queletheras in retail wow.
It actually won't make a blind bit of difference in the first part of the game. I actually think it's a pretty clever idea and technology.
Imagine back in the day, when we were crashing servers in Southshore/Tarren Mill that instead of BG's being the solution, layering was. What a different future it might have been.
It's not ideal and can ruin immersion but there are limits to concurrent connections in all mmo's and they all deal with them differently. Like Time Dilation in EVE "TiDi" go look it up.
So long as it gets removed eventually, it's a pretty elegant temporary solution.
There was a solution back then. Have a single realm with multiple servers but names are unique to that realm. Once population goes down you start shutting down servers.
what's that ? you hate "nights" that are just a blue tint on the screen ? you wanted the nights the original devs wanted you to go out with a torch because it would be pitch black ?
well fuck you, be happy you don't have chinese censorship yet, -75 social score, fuck you
ToC is what actually killed WoW
Fuck those stupid dungeons that let you skip past raid content.
b-But Blizzard said they were going to keep Classic classic, straight from the horse's mouth! This can't be happening!
It's probably one of the biggest flaws of retail. There's technically so much content but everyone runs the same 3 fucking things.
This. Early WotLK was fine (from Blizzard's standards). Then they ruined it forever.
feels good not being forced to play on english servers
reminder that you're a literal nigger IRL if you don't play on Zandalar Tribe.
>Why dont they only layer the starting two zones?
That's what they pretended that they would do early on, we know how that story ended.
Seriously, if someone here starts playing Classic hoping that they will remove layering like they pretend they will, I'm sorry to inform you that you are more retarded than current Blizzard.
WTS Asmond layer. Just one (you).
I wouldn't give a shit about classic, if it didn't mean all the private servers shutting down.
I plan on playing classic WoW almost completely solo (no raids or dungeons most likely). What's the best class to live a comfy solo grindy life? I'll be playing a Human if that means anything.
Do not call it a grave
Its the layer you chose
t.literal BFA faggot who never played classic or pservers and defends layering out of hist ass
Wow, you're actually an idiot
this kind of gay shit is going to make Barren's chat look civilized
doesn't blizz use AWS now? I'm pretty sure they can just scale up whenever they want if they are using AWS.
reporting, I played on ED back when I played retail
I only ever raided Naxx in WotLC, looking forward to seeing what it was like originally.
more like goobers
You never played in classic era, did you.
Rogue of course. You can literally pick and choose your battles.
at that point i'd do my damndest to organize mass reporting on that guy given what he's said about ruining servers
Imagine having to roll on a server called Grobbulus instead of Zandalar Tribe.
>Donating to your favourite streamer while they are streaming in Hillsbrad
>See in the distance this running towards him
What do?
official golemagg server boys, no trannies
Just imagine the chat:
>baguettes angrily discussing how awful Macron is
>Pyccкaя блa блa вoдкa
But HEY, no streamers, amirite? :^)
Enough to fit EU English population, sorry you share servers with jajajas and huehuehues, ameridumb
whats that?
Don’t real-Id friend people, retard
*changes layer in front of you*
noting personnel, kid
How much did Putin pay the blizzjews for russia to have sole privilege of the Chromie name for a server
Chromie means cripple in russian, it's great banter considering it's a pve server
Grab free honor kill?
He's not wrong
They offer free transfers when new servers get made due to overload, you absolute newfag
He isn't though, there was addons back then and alot of players myself included used Thottbot. Sure there was some quests that were straight forward enough so you didn't need any of that but people who think this way about addons & database websites are autistic as fuck.
>No e-celebs on EU servers
>Faggot trannies from /vg/ are rolling on RPPvP
Oh fuck yeah.
look at this dood
Go back to your safe space faggot.
Wrath of the lich commander?
i think you're confused with where /vg/ is going
Russian pvp server on the other hand... Fucking Flamegor. I'm tempted to start on Chromie just because it sounds so much cooler.
Oh shit you're right. I'll just go on the server they're not on then.
I fucking hate twitchspeak so fucking much.
Players to avoid in classic
>Streamers and their audience
>Female (males) from /vg/
>autistic boomers and Yea Forums incels that are potential future schools shooters
any other obnoxious player base that I forgot?
bring back emoticons :D
people who don't write with apostrophes are always a redflag for me
You already listed 100% of Classic players. Glad that WoW was always a shitty single player "M""M"O"RPG", so you can play alone.
So literally everyone playing classic?
Take your hormones before trying to post next time
oof cringa to da max
>>Retail graphics, cataclysm water, high foliage that changes all the zones
There's a graphics preset specifically for classic, though, isn't there?
Yeah but using it puts you at a disadvantage
Imagine being this autistic, i feel for you
eu is too busy getting stabbed by muslims anyways
I'm hearing golemagg is being taken over by the spanish.
What worse about it? Draw distance?
>no arguement
The absolute state of classic zoomers
who /whitemane/ here?
me and my russian boys are gonna roll on these eu servers 500 best boys in discord all best pvp players from rus region gonna gank you 24/7 and bgs are ours YOU GONNA PAY FOR SUPPORTING AMERCIAN PROPAGANDA
based POG
>he made a video react from the "10 motives you should avoid playing on streamer servers"
fucking hate that worthless excuse of human species
Every time ruskies attempted this on private servers they'd get BTFO by Swedes
Neck yourself loser LUL
>dumb frogposter
>r/the_donald buzzwords
Like clockwork.
I'm afraid I don't go there. Can you tell the class what it's like?
almost as cringe as 4channelspeak
Oh no no no...
we had no such community back then I've not played on nostalrius rn there is a HUGE discord all gonna roll 1 guild best pvp leaders with us all country with us GOD WITH US we are gonna control EVERY WORLD BOSS EVERY RARE SPAWN and EVERY BG You don't even know whats coming all chat is going to be us
>asmon literally does what Yea Forums did before long time ago (pool's closed) by raiding servers because it's just fun
>Yea Forums faggots seethes
Why would they need more than 2 servers? Shit will die in a month.
but ps faggots do this too
>only 50k votes
lmoa DOA
>anime faggots
>Wojack faggots
>people think classic will die in 2 weeks
>actually stillborn
how many Yea Forums 4channers become millionaires for doing it? Oh that's right 0
But now some faggot streamers do same shit Yea Forums did years ago and receives $ for it
I don't understand any of this shit
Maybe when classic is out we can feel young again, blizzbros.
Are you same faggot from g who is a janny
/The Vidya/ & /Kangz Honor/ where at?
Rollin on Thiccmane
You really need to google "stillborn", sataniaposter.
A legit complaint that depends on how quickly they open up new servers.
>BfA ui with all the old vanilla menus changed to a soulless modern version
Legit autism
>Retail graphics, cataclysm water, high foliage that changes all the zones
Game defaults to Classic options, this only matters if you're a literal autist.
>No addon limit, which means advanced addons we didn't see back then
Congrats on exposing yourself as a clueless shitter who didn't actually play Vanilla. Addons were far more busted back then.
>Autoloot, and many other qol changes
You could shift-click to autoloot back in Vanilla regardless. Not an argument. Unless you think being able to send more than one mail at a time is some defining experience of Classic WoW.
>Streamer culture
If you're an Amerifat maybe. Even then Asmongold and his orbiters will gravitate to one server, pick another one.
>Layer hopping to farm resources, or to avoid world pvp and competing for mobs. No server culture.
Already fixed by adding cooldowns on layer hopping.
In summary, neck yourself.
Bros ... the retailchads are laughing at us again ...
they don't exist
So what's your prediction, boys?
I think every server ultimately dies except one normal, one PvP, and RP-PvP. Maybe just PvP and RP-PvP honestly. Don't get me wrong, though, the surviving realms will definitely be huge, but I don't see the others making it.
>The actual devs of classic WoW. Mark Kern, Kevin Jordan, and John Staats. Who don't work for the company anymore, have stated multiple times that the game had this form of dynamic respawns back in the day.
Neck yourself you fucking #nochanges sperg.
g-guess we'll finance their game in 2 weeks, that will really teach them!
Trick question. There is only one real server per region, the rest are layers.
the "vanilla veterans" keep exposing themselves hard. it's hilarious
>pays to play a 15 years old game
>thinks anyone else is financing it
Just like how I remembered it
cant wait bros
C'mon dude, Activision-Blizzard won't lie to me, right? And these guys totally don't signed a NDA and other shady agreements, so they are 100% trustworthy too.
Literally "soul vs soulless".
>funko pops
The top one is better.
Did you see Yea Forumstards in games? They're not different
Why do they always have a stick of deodorant on their desk
Why would you play alone? Inviting randoms to duo with you triples your levelling speed in any quest that involves a cave. The classic playerbase on Mulgore EU was just people shittalking BfA and people debating if Shamans or Druids were more fun. I can't wait for Classic to launch because it was so refreshing to discuss the game without trannies or twitch being the topic of discussion for once
This, what server is the vidya rolling on I dont want to join those other tranny vg guilds
Looks like a complete joke.
Herod is the Streamer server btw
what's the fastest way to get a wand? or the fastest way to level enchanting?
buy one, buy stuff and disenchant it
Sell a WoW token for gold and buy one, duh.
How do you get gold from BfA over to Classic?
fastest way is probably to get tailoring and enchanting and make robes and disenchant them
Deodorant AND supplements. My man's taking care of himself.
>playing the AH at level 10 to get a wand
sounds like i'm better off sucking mage cock for water instead of trying to get a wand asap as a priest
I want to level a Paladin and Warlock(my mains for each faction) should I level the slow Paladin first just to get it over with or speedlevel my warlock first?
Having just one character is an immense time investment, just pick your favorite
That's disgusting, never ever post that shit again.
Fake news.
PSA that thalnos is the decided upon server by the brazilians
No, the other way around.
Since you are going to be playing on a PvE server, then Warlock becomes extra easy to level up.
Get Warlock up, then use the money on your Paladin.
Since they you won't be able to trade anything between them it doesn't really matter which one you level first. Comes down to personal preference.
why aren't there south american servers
Everything must be the new Tortanic.
literally who?
>hue's dont have their own quarantine
what the fuck
>I want to level a Paladin
I promise you that you don't.
idg what does ump mean? the gun?
Maybe not, but i do want a level 60 one, so gotta do it.
Is it true there are classes that are absolute cancer to play, but are still hard required in raids? Who the fuck would play those classes?
>a community of people at the same hierarchy level doing something fun all together is the same as one guy racking money and fanboyism to do whatever he wants with the game while screaming for attention and money
>His defense is just sophism over sophism
My friends are considering playing on an rppvp server to get away from the streamers and the fools yelling twitch memes. What should I expect? (I’m playing undead so don’t worry erp is mostly off the table)
RP and PvP. We have no idea how popular RP will be on both sides. If it takes off, you'll have a fun server like Emerald Dream used to be with lots of world pvp events and memes. If the RP aspect doesn't take off it'll just be a less popular PvP server.
thank you for just linking the post instead of taking a screenshot of it and posting it
>the amount of soijaks rolling horde
i knew alliance was the way to go.
>>Retail graphics, cataclysm water, high foliage that changes all the zones
I don't get autism over new vs old graphics; old graphics are dog shit and I am absolutely not nostalgic about them. If they could have made the game in 2004 look like what current wow looks like in 2019 they would have and I remember graphics in my head looking much better than they actually did anyway. Quite frankly I'd add not only modern graphics on par with current wow but also new character models.
Addons are my biggest problem with vanilla in that I think 90%+ of them should be banned by Blizzard and made against game's TOS. What's the point of classic wow if you can have shit like quest trackers and mob trackers that tell you what to do, where to go and what to kill? It completely kills the point of the vanilla experience.
Well here’s hoping for the best then. I haven’t roleplayed in an mmo in a long time but I suppose putting more thought into how I talk and enduring some corny pretend playing is worth avoiding the horde trying to type twitch emotes into chat.
did the streamers say what realm theyll be on yet
It'll be an eastern PvP server, looking like Herod.
and they will be 90% french frogs, jajajajas and SWE? SWE? fags who speak english but are still annoying.
He's gotten people banned for mass reporting him, I don't suggest doing that.
french frogs have TWO servers of their own.
they'll still play on english servers because the french are dicks like that.
Anti-streamerfags blown the FUCK out
Streamers or BRs take your pick NA cucks
For me, it's Grobbulus
Furries and erotic roleplayers.
Horde is zoomzoom in 2019
Asmon isn't playing on a pvp server
>wtf bros why aren't all of the boomers on twitter
>trackers that tell you what to do, where to go and what to kill
vanilla had those.
Ascension is better than Classic Wow. Prove me wrong you can't.
I always wondered what is up with all the french and russians who refuse to play on their own language servers, yet also can't seem to speak a word of english.
whoever had any hope for this shitshow to succeed was and still is delusional
french people simply refuse to speak it most of the time even if they know it because they're butthurt, and russians know it pisses people off if they don't speak it.
my brain is too small to determine interesting specs
Yes he is
What colour is best out of all UD skin colours? I'm thinking Green
>not voting Herod so they infest the streamer server
You don't want to divide them up, you want to contain them.
>normieshit entry level posters
>those "aesthetic" lights
>Blizz fan
>fucking Pops
Had to swallow my barf
Its probably better to stick with your fellow discord trannies and make pink haired gnomes
Might make middle as my mage. I'm trying to find a skin colour that works with warrior gear
Warlock funner and faster. Also you will have more pvp fun at lowergear levels
>Gets 95% of Streamer cancer
>Gets south american monkeys
>No Streamers
>FR/GE monkeys get their own servers
Man, feels good to be EU
>kikes banning many players (more paypiggy $$$) instead of one guy
I'd rather take trannies than either
Mommy's server...home
blue la-la-de-do-da-di
>hair edit
Subhuman and shit taste.
>he doesnt know about forsen, APES, hydra, pshero, method
all my fairbanks hordie boys please raise your hands
>No Latin America servers
Oh... Oh no.
Absolutely exciting time. Everybody who's interested in MMO games is watching how this will go.
If they don't go full classic though it'll botch the observation.
Truly the white man's server
Release new servers, offer free server transfers to new servers, slowly lower sharding, queues will force people over.
White is right.
Realistically this could start a trend with other mmos.
green is the best warlock skin
blue is best for everything else
You do realize even back in vanilla 90 percent of people were using custom uis and raid frames?
Friendly reminder NOT to roll on Grobbulus (US RP-PvP).
Thank you.
tailor + enchanting
create the green quality robes and then disenchant them hoping you get the lesser magic essence
I don't understand this fallacy about how classic wow wasn't retuned every 5 seconds
Shit they didn't even have "don't stand in the fire" raid issues until Naxxramas void zones
>sweat steam clouds
Why does every hack artist do this
Any bets on how long it's going to take to hit level 4 at launch? Three hours?
Literally Magmadar, you retarded Catabab.
Just use the lvl 100 boost, you idiot.
>b-but that's for BfA, you retard!
They'll fuck it up.
how about this
>twichspeak blacklist
and just kill them on sight
u got a loicense to play mmorpg from 15 years ago m8?
>caring about naming at all
Even if server was named ASSFAGGOTS, it doesn't care.
Only thing that really matters is quality of population on server. By tradition, Russian servers will be filled with bydlos.
unironically kill yourself
From announcement until now I was so sure I was going to play Druid. Now im giving Hunter a serious look... Class choice is torture
>What if I want to make a character who acts like a dick and another who is super helpful?
Just change your status to offline. This is literally a nonissue.
Fuck off. Trial of the Champion and Frozen Halls were peak five man content. Best dungeons in the game since Vanilla. And the catch up gear was NOT as good as actual raid gear but allowed returning players to be able to tackle Trial of the Crusader or ICC 10 respectfully without having to try to go back through three other tiers of raids missing the content before Cata dropped. Grow up.
Warlock. Human lock is based choice and kino for RP purposes. Also can grind almost non-stop all day.
live has server transfers, cross-realm and a bunch of other shit because it didn't work
you cannot just jack up a bunch more servers at launch and think its going to be fine. people don't want to constantly have to reroll after investing in a launch character
Wait a sec, I haven't played WoW since like 2007. Sharding completely fucks the economy right? If everything is more plentiful then everything sells for less, which means it takes longer for me to get my mount.
agreed. anyone who gets triggered by this is a fucking turd that destroyed retail in the first place
>Playing a warrior
>Implying PvE won't be the based Boomer population
Kill yourself PvP cuck
gross. this is a blue board. get that shit out of here.
You can't. He is shitposting
Pick up skinning. At launch get skinning as soon as you get to goldshire then skin every dead animal they leave laying around and vend the stacks of leather. You will amass silver. Within a few hours wands will be up for auction for a fraction of their eventual price. On the stress test server they are going for as little as seven silver for the Lesser Magic Wand.
How playable were the starter zones when the stress test dropped?
There were hundreds of people in Valley of Trials. Each mob was individually corpse camped and Sarkoth had at least 40 people around his spawn. After getting out of there it wasn't nearly as bad, although some of the Sen'jin quests were a pain in the ass, makrura eyes and raptor eggs especially.
Good to know. I have an exploration route to level 5, but I wasn't sure if the respawn bug being fixed changed the starting areas being swamped.
just ban the use of all addons and be done with it.
What? Pretty sure it wasn't like this, I remember spending ages looking for boars in Teldrassil
I live in PDT zone and will roll Whitemane because, let's be honest, who is going to pick Fairbanks over Whitemane. You know Whitemane is going to be the most popular server though and this is undoubtedly going to be the server that gets trashed.
who /going herod or faerlina after the streamers decide to avoid them because thalnos was compromised by brazilians/ here?
At least the streamers are going east coast most likely. Only thing I'm worried about now is if it becomes the official SA server. Thalnos is BR so I guess they don't want to share?
>every thread on Yea Forums is people shit talking classic
>sprinkled in are the battlestation neetposters
>anyone with a brain knows how to have fun in classic and dodge streamers
>each day of threads convinces me more and more just how many people want to see their BFA progress validated
We're going home in 18 days.
confirmed pretty much every streamer is rolling on a single server
very early on it was terrible spawn rates but I do remember for a while that spawning was actually near instant for a time in newb areas. It was hilarious and great for skinning. My guess is that for the period it was working was short and disabled later on and then broke in a future patch.
i'm not doing shit about servers until i see where that toothless wonder takes his army of fags.
whichever he rolls on, i'll be on the other server.
No, this wasn't supposed to happen. THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN
>He thinks Classic going to be glory like what is use to be in past.
>Thinks avoid streamers going to make any different
>Doesn't know that the people in the old days is what makes the game great and not the people who cry and whine 24/7 calling classic the glory of the wow that makes the game great.
Faerlina is probably the streamer server
Eh, they'll still be outnumbered by everyone else significantly, and I'd imagine the quality of south americans we'll get won't be too bad because of the sub model.
Most poor third worlders are too busy playing freemium shit to afford a subscription. The ones joining will likely be more well off and more likely to know English.
I'll take them over risking being on the streamer server desu.
Which server will be Asmongold
Herod, Faerlina, or Whitemane.
I can only hope they are like the ones from Goldrin. They were the only Latin Americans I could ever play with.
Most are tolerable if you talk to them outside of their usual zerg.
I'm also hoping the Faction dynamic will prevent anything particularly stupid from happening.
Unless all of them also decide to all roll Alliance or Horde. Or they decide to collude between the factions just due to some dumb BR pride thing. Those would be cancerous outcomes.
I need it bros...I need to get into the Asmon layer....LET ME IN!!!!!!!! I'LL PAY WITH ALL THE GOLD I HAVE JUST LET ME IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!