bros ....
Other urls found in this thread:
where are the European servers?
Got a shit RP PVP name
Theres only like 11 active realms in the actual game and they have 1mil players still
Reminder to play on Whitemane
>separate beds
>his wife is off blowing chad in the hottub while he is locked in the room watching the latest hollyjew garbage
how do cucks live with themselves?
>two fucking EU PVP servers
fucking hell, this is a joke
>those realm names
>only 2 english speaking pvp realms
holy fuck its a disaster
>No South America containment server
not like this bros ... NOT LIKE THIS
Can you count or what
It's not free there's no need for a south america containment server
golemagg and shazrrah
are you implying pvp and rp pvp are the same
Oh you're a eurocuck, learn to quote your posts
>you gonna play it for more tgan a month
I think it's a hotel room, user.
yes, thats why i said english and not bixnood mystery meat 56% spanish
>After 1 month they will start merging servers
Unlimited layers
>Mankirk server
Never gonna lose her again
so they literally confirmed never lift sharding. enjoy your phasing you retards deserve it for supporting activision
Imagine not playing on Whitemane.
Who /grobbulus/ here
>On classic launch you will actually be able to be inside Whitemane
>Not playing Ret Pala on Whitemane
lmao cucks
how much are they charging for this dead after 6 months nostalgia fest
150 kroner a month
it's included with your retail subscription, so whatever that is, $12 or some shit
fucking joke for a 2004 game, they didn't want people voting with their wallet as it'd make retail look bad when the numbers are far higher, and they'll use the new players joining for Classic and say 'look, we fixed retail and now everybody's back!'
fuck Blizzard
>It's retail's fault! It's Blizzard's fault for not bringing it exactly the same way it was! Its society's fault! Its the Zoomers! Its Its...
yeah im not going back to auto attack 24/7 LOL classic is shit without the 2004 community it's just a old shitty version of the game with toxic incels and virgin streamers
>toxic incels
Only way to dodge streamers is playing PVE or PVP RP.
Do people even watch wow streamers?
I have to imagine that wow is the single worst game for streaming.
implying less realms isn't way better
I hate my German brethren crying for exclusive servers. It's a niche game after all and counting by ALL the active German only raiding guilds (like 1 horde 1 ally) there is absolutely no reason to split the community further. Fuck em all gonna roll on the britfag realm
its really not when its an open world where people get to snipe them
>just don’t go on the streamer realms bro
>Complains about "toxic" players
Gays not welcome
So is it just ironic watching to see him get fucked over?
who /Faerlina/ here? Whitemane is going to be the meme server for meme players, and fuck pacific time
>Best class fantasy
>Holier Than Thou
>Smites undead bitches
>Can watch hardcore porn on the second screen and edge while raiding
LITERALLY best class
>playing Alliance
you cant because noone would take ret to the raids
new meme spec came out a few months ago but you need to grind gnomeregan 10hr a week to make it viable
We told 'em.
We told 'em it was a waste of time and money. But they didn't listen.
Shidd, got me there
>muh safe space
>RP-PvP isn't named Bloodsail Buccanneers
Missed opportunity
Whatever you say Ahmed
>each server will have like 50 layers
>only 5 pvp realms
kek you'll never avoid streamers
Enjoy Asmongloid and Sodafaggot ruining your experience
Meanwhile us EU chads will have a great old time :)
>no south america server
>I have to play high ping with fucking burgers who watch zoomer streamers
>only 1 PVE and 1 PVP for goymoney
Oh nice, the servers will fucking die for a week straight.
All the money they have and they jew out this hard on a product that has been anticipated for years and achieved very respectable levels of interest? Can't wait to see how reddit will defend them this time.
I mean this just shows that Blizzard themselves have no faith in Classic. They think it will just be a fad with maybe a million people trying it at launch and then everyone will just stop playing and 8 servers will be enough.
They said 100% they will remove layering in phase 2 so that's the only explanation, they expect the population to drop off a cliff.
What the fuck happens if the pop stays high though? Imagine Asmonglores server, how the fuck are they ever going to turn off layering on that?
>2 servers
>100 layers each
cant make this shit up
>The Virgin Faerlina USA Asmogold Layer
>The Chad EU Golemagg World PvP Server
Get fucked America
Literally nobody wants to play with Brazilians and Peruvians you fucking loser. Quit acting like you aren't a bottom of the barrel poster just because the reddit tourists don't know to hate your ilk.
>they won't add sharding
>they won't add layers
>they won't merge servers
They wont.
And they never intedned to
Who's the guy in OP's pic?
Let's saying each layer holds 5k people and each server has 10 layers.
That's still only 50k per server. That's nowhere near enough. Launch will be such a fucking shitshow.
I don't want to play with you fat fucks either, that's the point of my post you retard.
I still love you, though :^)
i can hear them now...
Guess I will be rolling on whitemain, where are my west coast bros at
there hasn't been a single game that I've played where North and South American have been merged, that I don't see BR? BR BR BR?? BR BR BR! BR? BR BR?? BR :D so much that it makes me wanna blow my brains out.
EU PvP server names suck ass, give us whitemane too! :(
Meh seems to me they are very pessimistic about long term Classic population. I fully expect them to release more servers if they are wrong though. No way they can get away with only 5 PvP realms if Classic is a big hit.
gib moni i rpot u!!! huehuehuehue!
>not going PVPRP for instant streamer avoidance as well as all the digital pussy you can eat
>the most crucial part of playing retail fresh is avoiding the streamers
this is actually the hardest thing to prepare for
>only 5 NA servers
There's literally no way to avoid the streamers. Especially if you live on the West coast.
>me big boy i play the big boy faction
BRs only play free mmos dummy
>Hydraxian Waterlords
>RP server
They did this on purpose didn't they holy kek
how many odd folks will I run into if I roll on an rp-pvp server? will anyone run dungeons/raids or will everyone be in goldshire
>digital pussy
>5 pvp realms
>only two major streamers that could impact the realm enough to make it unplayable garbage
still 3 other options retard even if they both roll on separate servers.
They have hard data from the stress tests. People thinking classic will have 10 million players are stupid.
I'm not talking toxic like a pussy these guys are the actually toxic disgusting waste you want to avoid they literally smell like fucking walking sewers, with a leader like asmonvirgin who eats maggots and doesnt shower for months.
They smell like shit and all want to be the top players on a shitty old version of a already shit game it will be a horrible experience
Sodapoppin and asmongold are the big two to avoid, most of the other streamers are small time and wont be a problem
RP servers will be 95% goldshire prostitutes
RPPVP will have goldshire prostitutes but mostly a normal playing population
There's still retail goldshire with the updated models and additional elves. It's not going to be an issue on Classic.
EU servers
I'm glad we don't have to deal with Russians.
French and Germans are segregated too. Looks like it will be mainly Scandis and Brits together on EU it will be kino
At this point, the br hue shit is actually just a meme to trigger americlaps tbhwym8
Now we have to play on shitty burger servers full of game breaking streamers because the Blizzard devs are a bunch of cucks
At least you fatties won't even hear the BR amidst the INV TO ASMON LAYER chaos :^)
Oh, got a link?
where are the asian servers?
Are the Australian servers going to be full of chinks?
how the hell can we determine what servers these leech streamers will be on to avoid them? I thought those cunts said they wouldn't stream at first
stress test doesn't mean shit I fully intend on playing but I'm no subscribing until release, there's lots of people just like me who haven't been subbed to wow in years and will come back on launch
I want to avoid esfand because of ret paladin memers
>Tfw blizzkikes are basically reinacting the treaty of versailles and all Germans are going to be up in arms about the lebensraum
kek this is gonna be hilarious
This. Not only that, but they also know how many players resubbed to reserve names. Must be very few people. Less than 100k at launch for sure.
guess I might try rp-pvp and hope to join a decently normal guild
>At this point, the br hue shit is actually just a meme to trigger americlaps tbhwym8
It literally isn't, go play any game with a seclusive BR community, they are a bunch of shitskins who think they are above the world and they frequently bar themselves from the communities they're in because they refuse to interact with people that aren't fellow tibia grinding monkeys. BRs are a plight to every community they show up in.
Every server will have at least 1 big streamer guaranteed. There's no escape. Best you can do is form anti-streamer guilds and try to bully them into quitting.
Read absolutely everything. I'm gonna it this because I'm a masochist with too much time
every time i see one of these type of posts i always think its a so corporate stooge doing it
This absolutely confirms they will never remove layering or stick the game on phase 1 for a year until it dies
Mexicans can't afford a monthly subscription.
dragonmaw or we riot
>non-english speakers group up with other non-english speakers
That's why we fucking need a separate server, ping and not playing with foreigners.
This absolutely confirms they will never remove layering or stick the game on phase 1 for a year until it dies
This absolutely confirms they will never remove layering or stick the game on phase 1 for a year until it dies
This absolutely confirms they will never remove layering or stick the game on phase 1 for a year until it dies
It just confirms they don't believe Classic will be a long term success. They will add more servers if proven wrong. They're just being cautious.
tanga i'm east coast but it's looking grim
It's not going to need more than 11 realms. Tbh, that's probably 5 realms too many.
Most brazilian servers in big MMOs are routed through fucking Miami anyway. It wouldn't kill you to not be niggers in every MMO just because the devs dont want to waste money on server hosting for kids who don't even spend money on the game anyway.
Bootybay, home
fucking moron
5 PVP servers for all of NA at launch
Fucking LIGHTS HOPE had 12k+
Can't wait to RP and ruin guilds with drama
>implying even 30% of the classic playerbase is gonna pay sub 3 weeks in advance just to play a stress test
Future Stream Titles
>"Road to Scarab Lord - come hang out!"
>fagmongold and faggotpoppin just sitting and eating while their drones do all the work carrying them to the titles also receiving constant donations from little zoom zooms
>"Road to rank 14! 92 hour stream - come hang out"
>maggotmonmold and virginpoppin both sitting afk in their bases eating and reading donations while their handpicked broken classes and decent gear zoom zoom streamers steamroll pugs for their honor gains
I am not advocating for layering (I hope it's removed quickly) but Light's Hope was 12k+ because it's a global server (with 70% of the players being chinese)
They expect most people to stop playing by the time phase 2 rolls out.
>Not 2h sword
Not a fan, but thanks anyway user
11 is far too many. They will have to merge with in 2 weeks once the Zoomercaust sets in and every mob doesn't shit purples.
>>implying even 30% of the classic playerbase is gonna pay sub 3 weeks in advance just to play a stress test
I'm subbing a day before classic
At least there's french/german/russian containment servers
god i cant wait to crush zoom zooms and send them back to retail
90% of classic will be gold farmers
It's just how things work, people who don't speak English will probably never group up with English speakers because it doesn't work. That's why you see a lot of Russian, Brazilian etc exclusive servers on multiplayer games.
The ones who can speak English will probably just pretend to be americans.
Take something like Russians, what would they do if there were no russian servers? They would have to play on american ones and try to find other russians to play together.
Nobody is going to roleplay with 20 year old lore.
t. Area52 player
Do you think chinese won't farm gold in classic retail servers?
>Fucking LIGHTS HOPE had 12k+
>one of the most popular free, global private servers in existence had t-twelve thousand or more people!!!!
Yes. That is why there's only 11 NA realms
AQ is a long long time away. Let's see how many people even stick around until then. I have a hard time believe any streamer cuck zoomers are going to stick around that much.
I fully expect Asmonshit to just go back to retail before phase 2, he's always been a fraud casual and he won't be able to handle the constant griefing and ganking
>People here being this excited for a classic WoW
Are you guys for real?
you're moronic
People don't play private servers you monkey, most normies, 95% of players will never touch a pserver
No one wants to play with euro faggots and its infested with chinks russians and bugs
This. Asmongold has always been just a tranny mong and mount collector. I don't know where this meme of him being a hardcore gamer comes from but he's a fucking casual. No fucking way he's still playing Classic by the time AQ comes out.
>thinking more than 0.5% of normies who have touched wow give a shit about Classic.
Nah my excitements dead, this shit will be enjoyable, but i'm realising everyone actually is rose-tinted. I love seeing blizzard shoot themselves in the foot though, that gets me excited.
I prefer this one
>le lurking boomers meme
I'm one of them.
Vanilla to me is farming gromsblood before classes every goddamn morning to maintain zero sum dkp. Otherwise I'd get outbid on naxx tokens every night.
And the casuals who think they will enjoy it this time around while all their friends/guildmates moved on are more mentally ill than a gender fluid san francisco patreon princess.
laugh at euros
>cucked irl
>cucked ingame
oh god please jesus christ dont let this be real
>pls tell me your server
i'm a zoomer but i never even played retail
my only experience with WoW is levelling on nost right as it got shut down
lots of people are actually in the same boat as me
>no frogs
>no russians
>no streamers
Looks like EU chads have it good
It could work in theory, but in reality noone gona make complete meme comp with 20 full meme paladins/10 semi meme smite priests and 10 support cuck classes just to try it out.
Dude what
There were like 3-4 German Horde guilds on the latest pserver who were raiding.
Who the fuck cares, Europe is lost.
based capitalism.
trannybringers out of the woodworks
I'm so happy to see homefags getting btfo time and time again.
>Only 2 (TWO) European PvP servers
Layer #36... home...
the absolute STATE of weeb cunts
>euro realms
>no russians
found the amerimutt
>no streamers
Why would they? You can buy tokens, then buy retail gold and then trade it for classic gold.
The whole point of classic is to have lots of people around the zones, so ofc they want fewer servers.
It requires a subscription. You won't see BRs
Blizz is probably deciding based upon the stress test which is retarded, everyone is going to sub on the 26th. I don't want to lose on 10+ days of gametime because of the name/stresstest.
and it was a shitshow why would anyone log on for it anyways. still can't play for 20 days.
good stream games are either super exciting or super boring
super exciting explains itself, super boring allows for plenty of chat interaction
>trannybringers continuing to get nervous the closer classic gets
You have a general that you can cry in
If I was a streamer I would organize to evenly spread across every server to make u fags seethe
If his maggot eating perma virgin ass is getting dono trains he will keep up the fraud for awhile he even gets carried by his viewers in heroic raids on live and those are 10x more difficult than anything vanilla has to offer. vanilla content is a joke
FFXIV wants you zoomers gone. You've been shitting up the game for months with your inability to learn basic mechanics.
Go back to WOW and stay there.
the fuck are you talking about
there are a hundred guilds at least 4/8
This they should spread out so there is one 10k+ streamer on every NA server for each faction.
>XIV is a game of skill
>it has tough mechanics with our super global cooldowns
>everyone who shits on our game is a refugee that tried it out
>we definitely aren't nervous even though we attempt to shit up every classic thread
mental illness speaks everytime a trannybringer player opens their mouth
This. I played on Pserver and have no reasons to playtest.
Seething retail fag everyone
>going to have to work twice as hard to cement myself as (THE) guild shadow priest since every server will be overflowing with players
filter all frog and wojack niggers
>insecure wowbabs bringing up another game every other post
i'm a zoomer and let me tell you that literally none of my friends even know what your shitty tranny game is
the zoomer boogeyman doesn't exist
Gonna be a White Man on Whitemane.
I don't give a fuck about Streamers, I'll probably just do the starting quests I fondly remember, fuck around in Iron Forge and then unsubcribe a month later.
nah it's mostly trannybringer players that are mad that their shit game will be dead soon along with retail. They have gotten more and more triggered as the release date gets closer.
I've been leveling for allied race armor and even some of the revamp quest are a chore and I did all the vanilla bullshit back in 2004.
This is going to be hilarious to watch for the rest of the year
I never played a mmo. what's the best one to start?
Why would SA players limit themselves to low pop sudaca servers
You won’t even get higher ping since SA servers are still located within the us
>trannybringer player attempting THIS much damage control
l m a o
What's up with these shit names? Hydraxian I understand since muh MC but Golemagg and Shazzrah? Zandalar Tribe?! I know most of the good ones are taken like Hellscream and Blackmoore etc. but there has to be something better.
>had 21 realms ready for the first global stress test
>downgraded to 11 already
well... it was nice dreaming guys, looks like retail is still top dog
Whitemane bros, rise up
based and whitedwarfpilled
why are classic trannies so fragile? literally no one talked about other mmos yet they can't stop screaming about them
vanilla WoW private server at this rate
More like underage shitposters who don't play either game false flagging and samefagging for delicious (You)s. You know, like you.
>even in wow threads people can't resist talking about ffxiv
jesus christ lmao how dead is this shitty game
tell me where the bad anime game touched you
b a s e d
is that you in the gif?
u r very talented m'lady may i donate to ur patreon to hear some of ur divine tambourine tunes?
I would actually prefer for classic to not be over the top popular. You need a good population and a flux of new blood but a smaller, more loyal and established community can be incredible.
Nice, didn't think we were getting one of those. And we even have subhuman servers to dump the trash in.
All is as it is suppose to be.
>no central time servers
anyone else quintuple false flagging to get wowfags and ffxivfags mad while kicking back and playing osrs? lmao this shit is too good
shut the fuck up rural retard
thats how it was early on back in the day, if you were a dwarf priest who was guildless you were literal prime real estate wherever you went.
It's like being a 10/10 girl walking around alone the world just revolves around you til you accept a guild invite.
>still requiring a sub to stress test
yeah I'm sure plenty of people like me aren't dumb enough to sub to for a stress test almost 3 weeks away from launch
>koiboy DOESN'T like Asmongold
god when will this meme fucking die?
dont respond to me coastnigger, Im trying to talk to humans here
Oh yeah because board members don't expect anything more detailed than the number of subs, that's right, you must be a great economist and have been in many big companies I can tell ;)
im not looking forward to classic. im looking forward to the slow realization of the playerbase to the fact that it is nothing more than a slow monotonous grind with nothing but kill/fetch/escort quests that every other mmo has been shit on for having. then at max level it is a gear treadmill of hours long where you do the same rotation over and over if you dont already have it macroed to a single button.
the only good parts of classic were two pvp things. the first being the world pvp southshore/tarren mill battles. the release of battlegrounds killed that. so those battles wont exist in classic. the second being the days long alterac valley battles, but those were turned into a pve race in a patch before the one classic is going with so they wont exist in their best form in classic.
What's even the point of RP-PVP? RP is for people who want to play the game and enjoy it whereas PVP is for people who hate other people and want them to die. It's like combining ice cream and hamburgers.
based chaosbro
I really don't understand why people are upset.
Blizz has all the internal data. They saw how many people played the beta, played the stresstest. They're putting out the number of servers according to the expectations set by those numbers.
FFXIV has more subs than WOW right now
am i doomed to play affliction if i want to play warlock in classic? always played warlock since wotlk but never liked affliction, maybe i should go heal slut with an undead priest
>tfw I play xiv and plan on playing classic (played a fuckton on nost) and shitpost both games on Yea Forums
why the fuck would boomers who don't even know what a game is care about stuff like that?
all they care about is profit
>live in FL
>hurricane season soon
imagine not being a florida chad
I don't understand, what's wrong with streamers ?
They'll just have some people watching them playing, how can this affect me ?
to be fair they didn't send out that many beta invites
i didn't get one and i know at least 3 people who really wanted it and would have played almost every day
I thought the honor system was turned off and BGs were closed at phase 1?
this bitch blew threw a tree though my pool cage into my pool fuck her
you've clearly never seen what Asmonturd and his fanatic zoomers get up to
I believe that too
What are your thoughts on undead warriors?
irma was a big gal and had very powerful braps
Literally every Alliancefag back in vanilla
either way you are going top be spamming shadow bolt. You are either affliction to shadow power and then destruction or demonology to sacrifice and descrtion
you've won at absolutely nothing.
This thread is a perfect example of your average Yea Forumsermin being stupid as fuck.
All people see is a reduced amount of servers compared to retail, or compared to vanilla launch back in 2004.
Nobody wonders about the server pop cap difference.
Nobody wonders if layering is helping to offload people and therefore makes less total servers required.
Nobody wonders if they have even more servers on standby in case there is more demand that they think, that they are preparing for.
Just your standard, low IQ shitposting from the usual braindead fuckstains.
Why does NA have more realms than EU? I thought yuros had more players, at least on privates.
there will be a lot of people that are waiting till release until they sub again
literal chad tier race/class combo and had the best pvp videos back in 2005
a undead warrior made the very first lvl 60 pvp video during in existance during closed beta, the same undead warrior also got warriors severly nerfed right before launch
played one during TBC was largely redundant since berserker rage and recklessness took care of fear and sap
go with orc
Kino class, but plate looks shit on them due to model
The real question is since Vanilla WoW put the MMO genre into a never ending dark age, will Classic WoW pull it out after seeing how bad it is? Will MMO developers now do anti-WoW games?
Are they sending out the JIDF already? boy they know they messed up on this one.
I have a question regarding wow:
Is buying 30days worth of game time refering to in-game time or real life time?
this quest is a big waste of time tho
only one pvp oce server, nice my decision is made for me. all the aussie pvpers on one server, gnna be crazy populated
real life
Yeah because having a server with 5k total with layering that doesn't lose pop by phase 1 sounds great. Assume the worst with blizzard
one IRL month from activation
lol no. My russian guild is going to play on english eu server and there is like 500 ppl active in discord waiting for release.
Russian servers will die in some months so all hardcore players coming to eu to slay noobs in pvp.
Will gank u nonstop ;)
They use to have fuck huge shoulder models in the early days but randomly got reduced.
Thalnos bros ww@
Meridian 59
retailfags won
inv mankirks wife layer
>Servers still up
ok den
Probably Shazzrah
>huge shoulder models
Is it bad that this is a BIG reason for me to roll a specific race?
I'm debating on Undead or Orc for Warrior, I wish they made it so Horde model stood up straight, it's a big gripe I have with Blizzard
How is this for a Orc Warrior Pvp spec?
imagine getting hyped up to pay actiblizz a subscription fee so you can play the same game you played in 2004, but this time it has streamers and their zoomer fanbase. are pc mustards really this starved for games?
Inferior race choice
So ... this is your typical classic wow fan? Lmao
>implying anybody on Yea Forums played it in 2004
Hello zoomer
>Zoomers going to come play this old nostalgia game and make sure not to go off the guided Asmongold trail
Like sheep to the slaughter...
why do people watch asmongoloid?
oh sure those obsessed turbospergs would never log into the video game and ruin every zone that streamer is in.
dead on arrival
Why are you obsessing over some random asshole on the internet? Stop giving him attention.
tick tock trannybringer
they don't even merge the 900 dead fucking servers they have on retail. doing that would just be admitting that their game is fucking dead now.
yeah that's exactly what I said, they don't care how their investments are doing or going to do in the future depending on the company activities.
By the way the meetings usually go like this: everyone get in the room, a board member asks "do we make profit?", company director says yes or no, and then meeting ends just like that :)
why do zoomers watch streamers instead of playing games
surrogate best friend, albeit one that doesn't know they exist
>muh 6 million players at launch
>lol dude ironic smiley faces
stop being so passive aggressive, dilate and restitch
it's just an easy place for the wow community to congregate and shitpost while watching youtube videos about wow
srsly just read this thread its pathetic the final cuck trannies are seething because everybody will leave for classic retail cucks are beyond mad because they know classic is better and all their tranny outfits and mounts will be useless god this is pure gold they seeth like the hillary voters.
I wish I never googled this shit
>No server hosted in NY for East Coast
well they just lost a shit ton of subs
>c-classic will be dead on arrival, trannybringers will win!
When is this shit flopping (launch date) again?
golemagg probably
>log on to stress test in elwynn
>chat is unironically nothing but "invite to Asmon Layer"
>muh streamers are bad muh streamer are going to kill my server please reddit repeat streamer are bad m'kay
it will last until all the people who had time to play it 15 years ago realize they don't anymore
i give it about a month or 2
Based realm names to be totally honest
>Yea Forums has become so contrarian it defends zoomer idols
I'm gonna cave in the faces of you fucking trannybringers if you keep bitching
Last warning
Data servers are in chicago
>making anything but a paladin on Whitemane
>trannybringers still seething over classic killing their dead weeb shit
im confused
people actually care about realm names?!
people who worry about time zone server locations are worrying about nothing. i have comcast and have always used a server on the opposite coast and never have bad latency
when i played retail i had great ping on a central time zone server, pretty sure they kept a data center in chicago
Reminder that Herod is the "obvious" choice for streamers and consequently they won't roll on it
Whitemane or Thalnos are going to be the streamer servers
>Have Time-Lost and Phosphorescent drakes
>Can't use them because retail sucks cock
>just play on a different server bro
>there are tons of servers bro
>you wont have to deal with streamers bro
Yeah, good luck escaping soda / asmond and hundres of other large streamers
I'm not passive aggressive I'm making fun of your retardation. Gamers talk shit about publishers and board members and industry in general without having a clue of how this shit works.
Classic is free and has a sub shared with retail.
The only reason they do this is because lots of people will drop off Classic really quick, and they'll be more tempted to give retail a try since they'll have their sub active.
It's not about faking retails numbers with classic, saying something like that is beyond retardation or maybe you just think you saw through Blizzard evil plan and somehow the people who fucking own the company won't see that evil scheme.
Blizzard will give publicly the separate numbers for classic and retail because literally everyone will ask for it, not just board members.
can you repeat the question
I pity you, I really do.
They will most likely open more servers if there`s a demand for it, so this list means nothing
>3 eastern servers
>only 2 pacific servers
>tfw pve chad so won't have to worry about reddit streamers shitting my server
esfand is talking about where streamers are gonna roll and shit btw no shill
why they will all be on one server you tardo.
you really think blizzard has an ounce of skill.
you really do right ?
Who? Btw go back to redit
They lost their value anyway. New loot rules let groups kill Timelost and everybody get a mount.
Camel and Voidtalon are still rarer
I don't know why people don't think the Night Elf zones were the fucking pinnacle of WoW experience
>Wondrous mysterious Teldrassil
>Dark brooding Darkshore
>Beautiful but perilous Ashenvale
And yeah that quest was pinnacle Boomer WoW
Good thing I had it easy by running on foot all the way to Westfall, then teleporting to Moonglade and completing a 30 min quest to get Travel Form for my Druid and only dying twice there for 1,000 xp
I would be fucking shocked if they released their sub numbers
i believe asmon will go pve, he would be permacamped on pvp server him specifically. he might go pvp at fjrst then change his mind, he's mentally weak in that way, easy to give up, he kept ragequitting dark souls
Sorry guys, I played WOW for years, it got real stale, moved on to 14 and haven't looked back. But keep being in denial, your salt is tasty.
they wont decide for days
I mean Blizzard does not know how many people will play they don't know anything remember the diablo 3 disaster?
Esfand is a literal disgusting monstrosity and dogshit at the game.
I KNOW the people bitching are talking completely out of their ass. They have literally zero evidence to back up their claims of this being too little or too many realms.
>all the streamer cucks will be on whitemane
>there will be no way to camp them to death because they'll have an army of faggot niggers surrounding them at all times
Pick one.
If anything they will add more layers, it's pointless adding more servers that will be dead in a month.
so it's cheaper just to buy game time instead of getting a subscription?
gametime is also real life time. There is no way to pay for wow in terms of time actually spent in game.
Considering there`s a faction inside their company that does not want classic to be a thing and their company president belongs to said faction I would say they are aiming for the smallest projection of players on launch, and yes it will be unplayable on the first 12 hours
So they adding so few servers means there's little to none interest in this. The BC/Wrath dream is dead I guess.
>TBC was the crucifixion of WoW
>Wrath was the spear in WoW's side
TBC and Wrath babbies need to commit suicide
It's hysterical how fast all the constant "WoW Classic...Home" disappeared from this simple singular nugget of information.
>why they will all be on one server you tardo.
And where do you have the source that all the streamers will be on one server?
Bro we have sharding and layers now, who need hundreds of servers when you can just split the same server into a 100 pieces (layers)
Not at all man at the end of the day you will have fun more if you enjoy your character looking cool especially a warrior.
Back in 2005 I rerolled to warrior from priest when I watched my warrior friend get the obsidian edge and cool ass looking plate on his tauren, I was just some little undead man in robes while this dude was a giant fucking minotaur with a omega blade chopping people up as I kept him up like a nurse.
Never regretted that choice, I rerolled on a new batch of servers and eventually became high warlord on my warrior best gaming memories of my life and met my SO while on the grind along with live long friends.
But i doubt you will get that same experience with nu-classic
Here some autists made this, it will probably be updated latter today:
>Grobbulus RP-PvP
great name
The real question is ... where /ourguy/ Towelliee will be playing?
I'd rather play on a server with all three of them than on asmons server, lol state of na
Bro, you do realize that TBD is not a SERVER but a shortcut for "To Be Determined", you do know that right? Meaning that they all of them are not going to play on the same server.
>why yes I will play on Zandalar Tribe (EU), how could you tell ?
every classic low IQ monkey needs this bashed into their skulls.
The president of Blizzard was elevated to that position in the last year.
The current president of blizzard is actually the "You think you do" guy and was fully outspoken about classic being a bad idea and trying to keep it from happening.
Large factions of employees inside blizzard are upset about classic being made
The idea blizzard wants classic to succeed is not a true statement. Parts of Blizz want it to succeed, and the most powerful person at the company is not in favor.
Does it mean they will totally sabotage it? nope
Does it mean they will do some thing to fuck with it? Yes.
Also, the president of blizzard is not 100% of shareholders. CEOs and employees even don't operate without personal bias.
>B-Blizzard is wrong!! There will be 11 million players at launch! J-just wait and see!!
How much money should we spend on servers?
How many people should we put on the support team?
How much should we spend on advertising?
Should we invest money into classic going forward?
What rate should phases go at?
All of these producer level things including funding etc are decided by people who are personally embarrassed if it succeeds wildly.
so Zandalar Tribe is going to be the biggest EU server along with either of the regular PvP ones right?
all the boomers from my old guilds and my IRL normalfag friends are already set on rolling there just because it's the only rp-pvp
2 more hours
The 4 eu servers will be flooded by nothing but russians and lets not forget that the servers will be split apart. You will have people from all over europe who speak different language in the same server, it will be chaos. There will be pretty much a race war because i really doubt that russians and germans will get along and so on.
Every streamer will want to be the BIG streamer of their server, which means each one will pick a different one to hog all the attention of their chosen place, thus leaving only a couple of servers free of their taint.
are you fucking retarded
Ragnaros and quel'thalas are two SA servers that contain the absolute worst retail WoW players.
leveling is so much fun that everyone tries to rush through it as fast as possible
Yes user I wrote exactly that on the post you replied to, why are you re-iterating my take?
Calm down sperg that`s just a list to facilitate people`s avoiding streamers, it was made like 2 months ago
honestly most streamers aren't equipped to fuck up a server that bad
i'd avoid asmongold, sodapoppin, and swifty
no, they all want to be on the same server to farm clout and events
>i never played vanilla
The dark age started with wrath of the lich king. Other MMOs wanted to emulate WoW’s success, but they all looked at wrath for insipiration since it was when WoW’s subscriber count peaked. That’s why they all have catchup gear, easy dungeons, and party finder nonsense.
It's just Blizzard being retarded. I don't know why they seriously think the people who left retail long ago are going to sub a fucking month+ ahead of time just to participate in a stress test.
The 2 PvP servers EU queues will get capped 5 minutes after they come online. I hope they have additional servers lined up.
swifty isn't a big deal as he'll mostly be in bg's all day, same with soda, and he actively discourages fanboy autism, it's mostly just asmon
I wouldnt worry too much really, the servers will be dead in like 3months since most people leave for retail again or just lose interest and go back to watching twitch. Hell blizzard might even cut down servers before 2020
swifty loves fanboy autism and does his best to monetize off of it same with faggotpoppin
What part of "there`s a faction against classic wow" you didn`t understand you dumb faggot
soda's fans still swarm him like asmontards
i unironically like sodapoppin, i feel like the people who swarm him are the same people swarming every other streamer
I think they’re implying that only koiboys care about streamers and Classic WoW
go back to your trannybringer containment thread
Why do you think most private servers are full of yuros? Because in those commie shitholes they can't even afford food, do you think they have money to play vidya? Lmao
im french and i will never go on a fucking french server, bunch of fucking retards
>muh boogeyman
are blizzdrones sinking to nintendie's level now
I'm wondering if they'll actually enforce naming policy on rp-pvp. I'd like to roll there but don't want a boring totally forgettable name.
my dog loves broccoli desu
>people in this itt dont understand that each server will have hundreds of layers
I honestly don't even care about Classic that much to the point where I wish it would just fuck them over. I have absolutely zero problems believing that this is indeed the case because the faggots at nu-Blizzard keep shitting out garbage games. It would surprise absolutely no one if they were genuinely upset about the praise older Blizzard games get because none of those soibois were there to make them. At this point, most people from the Blizzard old guard are long gone from the company. It's only the same company in name.
And for that reason the thought that they could keep profiting from the skills of their old employees when the current company is irredeemable garbage upsets me. But Blizzard is too big to fail any time soon.
rent free, even when classic is out, you'll still be here posting away while ffxiv niggas are playing the game, that tells you how much content is in classic.
>triggered anti-social autists seething at the fact that they have to avoid social aspects of a game designed completely around social aspects
Oof, yikes, looks like you’ll have to cope.
i hope they do
obviously people just use MRP/TRP for their name but still
>russian server is named Chromie
Time to learn cyka
That's 3 Streamers and we got 5 PvP Servers, 6 if you count the RP-PvP one.
Even if some of those Streamers aren't as cancerous, you can bet their fanbase is.
That's a remote possibility, but think about it: What's stopping you from making alts in different servers? What's stopping them from getting frustrated because they can't login due ANOTHER Streamer that isn't them is logged into the server they want to enrich and thus going to other server to twat around?
It will be dead for sure, not just because of the Streamers but because Blizzard is divided on what to do with this mess of a relauch.
cmon update this shit
>2 french servers
>2 german servers
>2 russian servers
>no poland severs
>no combined czech + slovaia servers
>no spain servers
Its like blizzard wants the eu servers to be bad on purpose so they can go "we told you so"
I thought soda wasn't streaming it? Did he backpedal?
I guess the irony is that I can't tell if this is bait or just the geography knowledge of the average American at work.
based emet posters
on release, i think he said he plans to hide which server he picks, and not stream for a bit, and then just start streaming and reveal his char name
Oh believe me when I tell you all I want is to see their shit company dead and buried while all the queer devs, diversity hires and hacks blaming the original fans all the way to their graves, not supporting this shit would be the best move. Sadly I am not strong enough
There's nothing to update until reservation opens up in a few days and probably still won't be anything to update until launch if streamers are going to intentionally hide what server they've chosen.
rent free, incel
make sure you get to work on time so you can continue being a paypig for your fav streamers
you're right, im gonna come join the furry master race so i can fuck dogs
he's been a huge voice in the legacy server movement and he's said it's all he's wanted to stream
he's likely gonna stop doing variety gaming and return to his roots as a WoW streamer when classic launches
He said that hes not going to stream for like 2 weeks and just level because there is no way he is going to get anything done when thousand of people are going to orbit around him.
Wait is this the same ""human""?
is that why you're seething in a classic thread instead of "playing" your "game"?
worgen aren't in classic, zoomzoom.
I have no love for WoW, but XIV is unironically more boring to watch. There is quite a lot of down time and if the streamer can't be arsed to read dialog or watch cutscenes then you're not really watching much of anything.
t. watchers an XIV streamer and plays XIV.
i dont even play mmo's why would i waste my life on such trash when i can make you seethe posting single images
>8.2 saved BFA
>All the twitch cancer will move to classic
Yea, I'm thinking we won
wow is not an mmo
delusional tranny
even with that photo I can tell he looks terrible at any normal angle and his shoulders are massive
Genuine question: why are you in this thread then?
>why would i waste my life on such trash
Like, the fact that you are here making shit tier bait shows that you really don't have much else going on in your life anyway.
its a real time strategy RPG, we know.
Genuinely one of the few redeeming features that WoW produced.
You guys clearly aren't familiar with Quel'Thalas and Ragnaros.
>he doesnt want a football shoulders big butt girlfriend
XIV is not Streamer friendly due the amount of reading required when doing quests. If you want to enjoy XIV you have to be playing the MMO, not following some e-celeb on Twitch or inside the game.
I can't tell if this is serious or not.
now post 2019 sjw version
I forgot Azralon.
Yes. Asmon had 100k viewers not too long ago on a stream. A lot of the biggest people in twitch history got rolling on WoW (Sodapoppin, reckful, mitch jones). It's a game that allows for heavy chat interaction similar to how OSRS tends to work in the favor of people actually into entertaining rather than just playing a game. Plus it gives people a larger experience in game. Its a lot easier to group up for a raid if asmon just coordinates it with his 60,000 viewers.
It depends on what you think viewers watch a stream for. It's not consumed like a YouTube video. People throw WoW streams up just to be on all day to the side. It's not active content. A good chunk of twitch isn't.
>wtf no herbrew server
>wtf no Norwegian server
>wtf no italian server
>wtf no hindu server
>wtf no greek server
if I see even one non english language spoken on MY aryan white server I'm going to SCREAM
imagine getting pegged by sally haha that would be so dumb lol
>norwegians aren't white
>jews aren't white
>Italians aren't white
>Greeks aren't white
>Those realm names
Whitemanebros, are you ready to offer up your semen for your queen?
I might just open a trial account just to ERP desu
what are the limitations between a paypig account and a trial account
i dont make semen anymore after hrt...
kek reditfag having a meltdown
you need a sub for classic. no trial
Is Blizz that desperate for cash
>obsessed with streamers
like clockwork
you can do that i think, unless there's chat restricts. moonguard is the erp server, make a human and go to goldshire inn
>worshiping the scarlet crusade's bicycle
unfortunately whitemane is a pacific server, so no
dream is dead
>give raid loot
>when it's bop
Whoever made this image is retarded.
loot sharing is in, user
If any 4channers want to join a normie guild with Yea Forums apartheid leadership as an officer, add me on battlenet: Steadman#11317
so far: 30~ normies, 8 channers
imagine being this sheltered from the world
If I just wanna comfy level and enjoy world pvp shenanigans, horde or alliance? Probably will be a warlock.
You are in for rude awakening
Forgot to say, its EU RP-PvP (Zandalar Tribe)
Sorry cant hear you over Chad Thundercock
Countless hours of tranny porn says otherwise
Whats the easiest/most in demand class for raids for a girl like me?
>those server names
You can share loot with people outside the raid?
>even considering alliance when there is undeads on horde with fear immunity
cyproterone acts differently to what 98% of americans use (spironolactone)
>four ears
In the trash
Hey, I just don't want to be outnumbered 3:1 where ever I go is all, I don't know what the faction balance is going to be like
tips just tweeted out they're looking at east coast pvp herod thalnos or faerlina
Asmongold wont even make it to 60
God bless the retards on the opposite faction who will camp him 24/7 until he quits.
>playing PvP when felwood is unplayable because of small zone + world buffs + demonic runes (also only like 25 creatures can drop the runes)
you're in deep denial if you think the other faction can stop the INVITE TO ASMON LAYER crew
>Implying he will be alone
Are you guys actually going to reconnect with 2004-2006 wow friends in game or rl?
If you already used that forum blizz put down, how many old friends/people have you seen?
>"It is not by my hand that I am given donations, but by zoomer who wish to pay me TRIBUTE"
I fucking hope there's a group meets dedicated to camping him 24/7
Where are south americans playing? Pacific or Eastern?
It doesn't matter at all though. Mobs will be permanently dead around him. NPCs he needs for quests will be dead 24/7. He'll be camped outside of dungeons.
He will literally need to level 100% entirely in dungeons for any chance to reach max level.
Anyone stupid enough to roll on the streamer server is a fucking moron.
You're gross
Imagine going into someone's workplace uninvited, and disrupting them whenever they're trying to work. Grow up.
I'll be playing on eastern since it's only 1 hour difference.
>mfw true world PvP again
You are actually rolling on a PvP server, right user?
seething zoom zoom
Of course, I miss leveling with fear
>dumb monkeys are not getting contained in their own servers
I'd rather have high ping that play with retarded Brazilian monkeys and Hispanic Indians. Even in English servers you can set up a Spanish speaking guild that only lets in Latinos with 100+ IQ.
>Zandalar tribe
Eu-bros, why...
I'm broke but my childhood friends want to reconnect, should I bite the bullet and resubscribe for this? Seems like a mistake
haha of course user hahah
go yankees!
>true world PvP
addons will prevent that, classicfag
>HotS went from this to releasing a nigger donut steel
What went wrong?
its a video game you grow up
>addons didn't exist in vanilla
You retarded, m80?
>game with the only non-pozzed team at Blizzard gets the axe
>if I send him 20 bucks he'll say my name on stream!
The niggeress' alt skin is actually pretty nice.
True. But finding good spanish speaking players is difficult, so I've been raiding with burgers for years now.
Golemagg chads report in
my face when these names
Yeah, if your friends don't play the same online game that you do it can be hard to find.
Literally all the based artists left or got reshuffled to other projects when they downsized the team
>he thinks the 2004 addon scene is the same as the 2019 addon scene
yikes! oof! don't know about that one chief!
>oh boy all my addons will keep me safe
>Chadorc charges you
>Chardorc hits you for 483
>Chat orc's Mortal Strike crits you for 1,500
>You are affected by deep wounds
>You die
>Why yes, of course I am playing on a PvE server, how did you know?
>4 normie servers
>5 pvp servers
this might be good
>use PVP radar addon
>see "Chadorc" 2 miles away
>avoid him easily
nothin personell nerd :^)
Dungeon leveling + 100 layers in his disposal
>all these incel orc warriors
I'm gonna enjoy ganking you into oblivion on my whimsical gnome Chadfizz
>implying his army of zoomers won't camp the zone to protect him
A big streamnigger is picking Golemagg, the name it too cool not to
Fuck horde
Fuck trannies
gonna be a yikes from me senpai
>Openly admitting to playing a Gnome
>Oh boy an RP-PVP serv-
It will be great with my warrior main haha, it will be great
they'd rather underestimate than overestimate as having free server transfers to balance too many players looks a helllllll of a lot better than merging servers due to low pop
Yes but I'm going to try warrior because I think vanilla casters are boring as fuck so I'm pretty sure I'll regret my decisions in the middle of my 100th corpse run by level 30.
>no run will stop me I have stun resist
>Zandalar Tribe boys gonna rip this fucka wide open
Final Fagstasy btfo.
gnomes and dwarves are based as fuck. trannys play night elves and human females
>not roleplaying that it's 2005 again
This is the only reason to join an RP server.
there's no reason they can't have unlimited layers per server. the only real problem is name collision
Millions of people will try it simply because of the hype and because they don't have to buy a client. Even if most of them stop playing after the first 2 months, that still leaves you with a sizable playerbase.
Look closer
Who /thalnos/ here?
2 PvP English servers in EU and they think the population of either is going to be at a level where they can remove sharding before phase 2? I think not.
R-Right guys?
>and this is a good thing
Still in denial
>CrapSick WoW
please stop
Ahhhhh WOW Classic.........Server 6.........Alliance side..........Ironforge...........Guild C..........Raid Group 11..........Layer 9..................Home................
Streamers have agreed not to play on Thalnos. Looks like we have a home, boys....
24 realms means they're anticipating ~1/4 the population of vanilla (4.5M)
They're way over estimating it, there are too many realms
Add Dilation station 6
>it's not fair
fug dis gheigh eard
I will fucking cave your face in, you fucking tranny.
Last fucking warning.
Classic server pop levels are ~3k. Do you think the population of the two EU PvP servers are going to drop to those levels before phase 2? Because they're not.
>mfw every single NuClassic server will have a big streamer on it, making it impossible to escape the twitch zoomers
>playing classic
They're not going to be rolling on PvP realms you fucking idiot.
Join the RP-PVP server and have that streamer and his followers banned for breaking immersion.
All I wanna do is just chill out on my dwarf hunter and catch em all. Is that so much?
I don't know if you noticed but a LOT of zoomers are itching to play Classic with their favorite twitch streamer. They want to be like the boomers.
>wow in 2019 has 4.5m subs
wow in 2006 had 4.5M subs and ~100 servers
>People being retarded and not knowing that modern tech means more people per server
ITT: Zoomers that dont realize how fucked things get with celebrity divas on your server.
I remember Barry Bonds was on our server, raiding with a top guild in secret and when he finally got outed, everytime he showed up in a city or at BRM the server became unplayable because everyone wanted to talk to him (his char) in person or take a screenshot or some shit. He ended up quitting because it was lag everywhere he went, he even posted the reason in the official forums.
I imagine if everyone gave him money and kept him relevant irl he wouldnt have given a shit tho.
>Wanting changes
Most of the prominent ones will play on the same server to make events and content for their brand
You'll be able to avoid them
>Ruining the community by doubling/quadrupling the population
Pop cap remains unchanged
>addons will prevent that, classicfag
you must be new
why are you replying to yourself lol
t. out of touch boomer that hasn't ever even touched a pserver and has no idea how things work this way
lmao let me guess are you also rolling a ret