>mfw loot boxes in a fucking single player RPG
>mfw pirated it at release when it got cracked (thank you fitgirl) and played to the very end
>mfw they remove loot boxes later
>but add in STRONK WYMEN and a nigger DLC
Haha not getting my money lol
The Palantir is just a long ranged walkie talkie
they didn't need your money anway faggot
>no sequel
>game did poorly
lmao ok
These threads were short lived. I kinda miss them, but I guess nobody is in the mood to talk about a game they haven't played in a long while.
Source on those sales?
The sequel was a massive fucking chore to play, I dropped that shit halfway through despite enjoying 1
Who is worse? Him or sauron?
You bought those lootboxes right?
I wanted to fuck the spider chick.
I found them on google
At least Sauron isn't an annoying fucko.
yeah the fact that they made shelob a hot woman really threw me off
i wonder if it adds more meaning to what that one orc said about her "having her way" with the people she webs up in return of the king
>mfw no Celebrimbor ASMR
Really? I found the sequel better than first in almost every aspect save for the story. Outside of the main missions is where the real fun is at in the series, anyway.
What did they mean by this?
>Gets killed off like a bitch by Sauron
shit character i hated every moment she was onscreen
>Sexy shelob
>Sauron almost gets mindbroken by spooky elf
>Talion btfo of isildur and becomes a free willed ring wraith who still fights Mordor from within its ranks
Fuck this gay game and its artistic liberty with the property.
>killed off
oh sweetie
>MFW Celebrimbor might be a better hyper man than Speed Weed
Hype as fuck desu
Wasn't this the game that made the Tolkien estate basically recide their contract with WB and now are making a bunch of LotR games with other publishers?
>make "hey guys, remember X?" game
>go absolute retard on the "hey guys, remember X?"
I mean, I've had fun but this shit was ludicrous
Don't fuck with this Bright Lord.
i enjoyed it because it's one of those games where you spam click, with an occasional tap of the dodge button, which makes me feel like i'm playing a game well even though it's just shit combat that looks good. like mad max and arkham asylum
i can't remember anything of the fanfic story, it's surely the worst part of the game
Oh man, a genuine retard
>shelob isn't just a giant spidah
crazy qt
Any chance they make a third one? I enjoyed them and didn't touch two until after the lootbox shit was removed so didn't have that to sour my enjoyment
Artistic liberties is basically the only way a Lord of the Rings game can be fun. Games that are faithful are text-heavy shits where you might as well just reread the books. I loved Shadow of War just for going full-on crazy with its bullshit. It's pretty much just playing decent fanfiction with high production values.
Pretty sure WB still has the rights since they're making a Middle-earth open world game.
>"hey guyz look at how stronk she is, she needs no man in her life except the black one of course, he gets a pass"
How obnoxious.
she is, shes just messing with your mind
The game was a success despite seething incels. Like always.
Spidahs don't talk
They sit in a dark place and catch flies
Shelob, however, has plans and also knowledge about geopolitics
Like.. The fuck?
She was an annoying bitch. So a well written elf I guess.
>literal coal burning nigger lover
I'll never forgive them for pushing their Jewish bullshit into muh vidya.
So War is unironically a great game. I wish it had mods.
I also wish you could conquer human lands and break human heroes
It's more like
>hey guise, this is my gf, pls be nice to her
>her daddy is in charge so she gets to hang out with the big boys
>oops, there goes her sanity
still a qt
name me a worse ending in any vidya
Maybe if they make a 3rd game it can about the War Of The Ring.
Prince of Persia 2008, both vanilla and the Epilogue.
that was pretty cool tho
the Gladiator scene afterwards was dumb
literal daddy issues and broken.
I pity the Haradrim dude. Not marriage material.
It's not that bad. Talion gave everything he had, and he got redemption after his death.
The Cunt elf DLC ending was far worse, making Talion into a poor bitch that can't do shit
not saying its canon because that shits stupid, showing an illusion as a female to lure prey would've been fine
This orc slaps your ass and shouts "MAN-SWINE!"
What do?
Humiliate him until he's reduced to a blabbering fool.
>be black in fantasy setting
>still a slave (to the pussy)
they are not planning to.
>ywn shame elves and derange them into becoming orcs.
wanting to be morgoth is suffering
>microtransaction bullshit
>shit story
>orcs have too long wacky speeches
>celebrimbor fuck offs
>now your stuck with retarded talion
>no more suffer me now
This is where I dropped the game. I liked the first one but the sequel sucks.
>thank you fitgirl
Fatboy didn't cracked the game you idiot
his prince of persia dlc was fun tho.
>Nazgûl are just ghosts
>have a fine understanding of blade combat and the art of warfare
wtf... ghosts just scare you in your house and ask for candy at your door once a year. what is this shit
Poopoo peepee
y-you too
Arent Haradrim supposed to be servants of the dark lord just like the men of Rhun?
I really like the presentation of the Ringwraiths in this game except for a few things:
>important lore characters
>asian lesbians
that's racist
would have been neat a new shadow of war stage with nazgul, balrogs and other crazy shit coming at you.
Honestly, considering how her species is super ancient and very OP to the point that even Morgoth was scared shit of Ungoliant, i can see assuming a different form as one of her powers.
>remove lootboxes
>every orc is still painfully generic and a rehash of the same thing you've seen 1000 times
>no unique orcs
>if you get one they die
even if you remove the lootboxes you built the game around them so it stays shit
new game called "Shadow of Death" WHEN
it was. Ungoliant was a hyperintelligent being with incredible power... who only thought about eating and consuming. So spooky even Gandalf and the Balrog ran away from her children
Maybe, but Tyrondrin was an illegal immigrant in Gondor.
Actually based. No one wanted to play as a black Gondorian or a nothing personnel kiddo Elf assassin bitch. Wtf were they thinking?
How's the game and show gonna be fellas? Bigger lore fuck up than shadow of war games?
Quick rundown on the DLC ending?
How did the system work post lootbox removal?
I heard it's only an assumption Shelob could do what Ungoliant definitely could and the game took huge liberties.
I hated how out of place he looked. I also hated his brother on the DLC, but he was pretty good and his hunter-assassin gameplay was great.
Nothing you already don't know. Talion becomes a Nazgul, the elf chick remains to fight in Mordor, same as black dude with his mercenary army (so it's safe to assume both are dead by the time of the War of the Ring) and Celebrimbor survives after Sauron's eye goes kaput at the end of the War of the Ring.
the cast of War in the North was totally fine, as bland as they were
Talion becomes nazul and gets blown up when Sauron dies
We'll see when they actually release some details and gameplay.
they just scrapped the premium currency for the ingame one, removed the store and let you spend ingame money for the same shit. It made it didn't fix the fundamental problem that when you design the orcs to sell l00t they all end up being infinite generic variations of each other, same lines and everything. None of them seem unique or special
show is gonna suck donkey dicks
game's probably going to be fun
I thought Idril was really cute and she helped me start my fantasy romance novel. I wanted to play as her over Eltariel
the game was incredible fun, but is a shame that it has to be based on tlotr, because all of the fucking horrible originel cherecters.
it could be a fucking fantastic game if they grab the nemesis mechanics and just create an original game around it, it feels like if the game wants to try stuff but is holding back because of the license of tlotr
*blocks your path*
that is their next plan but...
>sci fi fantasy
dropped hard
>random elf is strong enough to keep fighting a literal demi god for the rest of eternity
There's a fuckload of potential but it's never gonna happen because pretending to be evil is "problematic" now?
shit series milking a good franchise that has its end
I wouldn't mind a game based on a DC superhero property (pls no more Bahman) using the nemesis system for the goons and their captains.
>toss enemy in some vat with experimental chemicals
>comes back as supervillain
shadows of more door had the most boring and repetitive gameplay cycle for a 'rpg' in recent memory. dropped that trash after 3 hours.
is that agreed upon and is that why nobody talks about it or what? I don't care enough about non-literary lotr to persevere through that.
It's like the writers looked at Tolkien's work and took a massive shit all over it.
it barely qualifies as rpg in the first place
S U F F E R M E N O W!
Shadow of war, however, was a pretty neat dark Lord sim.
>Gondorian shieldmaiden
It's shit on paper but I'll let it slide ingame because they're pretty much isolated from Gondor and her dad is the head honcho
These games fucking suck, the lotr lore is fucking all over the place and takes a giant turd on Tolkien's face and the gameplay itself is incredibly repetitive, the only interesting gimmick is that enemies remember you and you can make them fight for you, but that novelty dies quickly because of all tedious shit surrounding a decent mechanic.
Oh wow, I can make x, y and z fight for me when i can do it my self, oh but warchiefs and overlords are too spongey so I better use my npc buddies to make it less spongey and spam the same attacks 50 times, so dull.
Sauron is not that strong, he was defeated by a dog, a very special one.
Not all are, though probably most. There was one easterling tribe during the first age that refused to fight for morgoth. I think their leader was called Bor the faithful. Though third age easterlings and haradrim were all for Sauron thanks to him expanding his empire into there first. But that guy was adopted I think.
bitch lol
the fuck how did he get a helmet? is that a special cape or something?
goddamn i hate how rare some items are and when you do get them they're a godawful color or something
>no good LotR games in years
>no good HP games in years
hopefully the next-gen hp rpg game will be good atleast.
short answer: I don't fucking remember
long answer: I guess it got added with one of the patches or the definitive version, probably the former since I have them in my vanilla version. You probably need to finish the game to get them. Also, you can change the player character to black dude, elf chick or Human Talion if you like.
yeah i know about the skins
the leader of the mercs in the DLC is pretty cool looking
>the only black man in all of gondor
>everyone acts like it's normal and black gondorians are common
>inb4 haradrim
it's a variant of the cape from the nazgul set
it's not a helmet, it's a cowl with a nazgul mask that has 2 broken horns
They really didn't check what black gondorians really are.
>blond stronk girls with black male interest
Can this get any more obvious?
I like the game but let's be real: it is fucking retarded
after you beat the game tailions starter gear upgrades to the ringwraith set, all wraith magic is now green as opposed to blue, by completing shadow war defences you get nazgul cloaks.
This is really stupid.
>beaten by a dog
>while using his sorcery to shapeshift
>from a werewolf, to a great serpent (i think), to a bat
>uses his son's broken sword as a dagger in the first game
>replace it 2 minutes into the second game with a shiny epic
>canon weapon for Wraith Talion
and entirely canon in game
Man, the Nemesis System is so fucking fun. I wish more games used it. Watch_Dogs Legion seems like it will use a version of it but it won't have the same charm.
This bitch reminded me of the annoying bitch from Thief reboot.
It was a high leveled dog.
>I found the sequel better than first in almost every aspect save for the story
I mean sure the Nemesis System was deeper and more untegrated in the story but better in every way? Even the way, way shittier graphics and clunkier controls?
The regular orcs banter is some of the best parts of the game.
>stealthing around an orc camp to go fight some guy
>hear two orcs talking to each other
>one is trying to convince the other that being a carpenter is like being a warrior, since technically you are still hitting things
>orcs in camp talking to each other
>orc 1 "'ey, you ever get tired of grog?"
>orc 2 "tired of grog?!!? of course not!"
>orc 1 "y-yeah, me neither!"
Who later got beaten by an even higher level dog that had a unique drop.
Looking at this, i really don't blame Chris.
>blonde goblinoid
what the fuck
>Lord of the Werewolfs
>Didn't use any in the war
Sauron was a fag.
I hated this obnoxious little bitch.
I was glad to go full Nazgul.
>most famous duel was him singing at a dude about violence and death until the other guy got sad
Oh, its the Hot Bars Lord.
something something build wall
>dominate enemy
>go to mission to level him up
>he levels up
>go to do something else
>he shows up and betrays me
>dominate him again
>cant recruit because he's too high level
>shame him
>track him down again
>some orc I killed forever ago pops out of nowhere while fighting the guy I want to re-dominate
>new orc is almost immune to everything
>kill him
>another orc shows up
>guy I want to re dominate freaks out and bails after killing the other orc
>try to stop him by pinning his leg
>fucking camera moves on its own to zoom in on another orc
>get hit by an enemy as I regain control back
>orc I want escapes
>everyone starts chanting UGGU UGGU UGGU
I blame the movies for portraying Sauron as a warrior type, when he was never like that.
hold on whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
>we r anonymoose
Sorry, that's just news to me. I think? I've read the Silmarillon but that was a long time ago.
Treacherous elf thot or random guy DLC instead of a DLC about how ratbag managed to get from where he "died" to the start of the game, including how he meet Ranger and that necromaner and whatnot. You could even have the DLC be launchable from in game by walking up to ratbag chilling in your fortress and going "what a minute Ratty, could you elaborate on that story you summarized on how you undied?"
I mean it's already confirmed that the orcs are 100% more charismatic and human then any of the human or *lf characters, so they should just make a game without the humies already.
Yeah, Sauron created werewolves too.
>orc betrays me.
>tank, shield and spear, poison explosions, immune to most things, immune to stealth
>murder him
>mfw he comes back as an undead, stronger than ever and immune to dodge and executions PLUS regeneration.
hardest boss I found in this game. literally invincible.
The elf was still alive, her DLC ends with her looking for Celebrimbor after he escapes sauron's eye
I would honestly love to see the Silmarillion on the screen, but I know that it would be butchered to hell. Maybe as a multi part series, but even then there are just so many fucking characters that most people would get bored. Like why is Ulmo lord of waters obsessed with that guy? Oh yeah, his grandkids will be important in the story, better remember that from 15 hours ago.
Reading it like that cracks me the fuck up.
>Yeah I did that, what you gonna do about it?
Sauron was a powerful Maiar (think of them as lieutenants to the valar), and was skilled as a sorcerer and shapeshifter. When his physical body was destroyed during the fall of Numenor he lost a great deal of his physical power and would never again be able to take physical form. Like when he is in his armor, he is basically just a ghost possessing the armor to give himself a physical form.
That would be great, but we have to wait until Chris is dead.
Only way to deal with those guys is to bait them up to a high area like a watchtower then trip them over the side to kill them with fall damage. I had a similar guy, was immune to everything except fire, which enraged him. Just baited him to a rooftop and kept running into him until he fell.
I dropped it pretty hard, too. I hate this Ubisoft-style map litterbugging. If I wanted to turn my brain off I'd just play AssCreed with better production values.
*wrecks your canon*
Heh, nothing personnel...
Sorry if i'm wrong, but he didn't only lost his "beatiful" form?
Those fags really don't know how the lore works.
I hated the character but her DLC was fun. Those light powers were kickass and showy.
I'll play it SOMEDAY.
I think.
blade of galadriel is shit.
The elf chick lives through the war but the black guy dies from him just being human and getting old.
That is entirely correct, he lost his physical form which was also called his beautiful or fair form. The numenoreans came to mordor, and Sauron knew that he wouldn't win a war against them without great loss to his own forces (if he could win at all), so he went out to meet the army. In his fair form he was able to hide much of his malice and evil from others, especially from men who were less perceptive of his evil than elves were. That was king Ar-Pharazon of numenor, he wanted to rule the whole world, and demanded that Sauron come back to numenor as his prisoner. Sauron did, and after a few years he basically became the kings most trusted advisor. Sauron essentially became the ruler by proxy, telling Ar-Pharazon what to do. When the numenoreans went to war against the valar and started to sail west, the valar broke the earth where numenor stood, causing the whole island nation to be broken and swept into a great chasm in the sea, with only a fraction of the people surviving (only those that didn't go to war against teh valar). The destruction was so great and so swift that Sauron couldn't escape with his physical body, and left it behind so he could escape as a spirit.
The light powers aren't as diverse but it's really hard to not giggle at when you can clear a room full of orcs. I consider it a challenge mode for everything you've done. In order to get equipment, you need to kill these legendary orcs and you need to put all your skills to the test.
You mean BADASS™
it wasn't to bad the rings of power were made before he lost his body
Great, thanks user, i really need to read the books again.
I want to like this game but the story is so awful. Every single character is shit, your motivation for doing anything is shit.
At first I thought that when I'd unlock the different open worlds that there would be more varied content. But no instead you get a same mission type in different areas for different characters. And you have to listen to that bitch elf.
Not to mention that a good chunk of the story just wouldn't happen if Talion had any reason and listened to Calebrimbor and gotten the Palantir before doing anything else. But his obsession over pussy is too strong.
Who cares about Middle Earth when you can follow that dumb little girl around that can somehow parry strikes from urks when they should be able to overwhelm any normal adult male.
Fuck this game.
At least it did reminded me of LOTR and put the Silmarillion on my to-read list.
>only black guy in lotr and the princess form a relationship
God bless America
>your motivation for doing anything is shit.
It sure is but I found it endearing whenever Talion went "muh Gondor".
What's the point in setting it in LOTR if you're not going to follow any rules that have been established in the lore?
What's the point of setting it in the movies version of LOTR if you're not even going to use the music!?
Getting the full Lightbringer set with top tier gems in every slot literally makes Eltariel invincible and able to one hit everything and honestly that's pretty cathartic after playing through the Shadow Wars on Gravewalker where everything else could do the same thing to you.
So is it possible for the captains to eventually adapt to everything you can do?
>play game for huge battles
>only a handful of huge battles and over half the units are background billboards
>What's the point of setting it in the movies version of LOTR if you're not
This is the most baffling thing to me.
The aesthetics of armor and buildings were totally ripped from the movies but established characters and creatures were bastardized.
There's some things I like, though. The masks on the ringwraiths are pretty cool (no idea why they didn't give all of them unique ones) and Sauron's silhouette forming the Eye was one of the few things I like about the Hobbit movies.
Definitely. Its a fairly common tactic to hit and run against captains with good traits that you want in your army. Attack them a certain way and let them escape, hopefully the come back with an immunity. Take a look at some of the highest ranked fortresses and their warchief, some of those fuckers are insane, no weaknesses/full immunities, several enrages, gangs of spear chuckers with cursed weapons, the works.
>Kellogs's speeches are pure eargasm
>every victorious siege is a banquet
>fucks off, leaves us with Mr. Zero Personality
>guy doesn't even have voice lines for his shit and only goes "grrrrrr"
>devs have to patch in additional voicelines
The lines Talion does get are good though. You can tell how sad he is and how tired he is. A man who is sacrificing his sanity for the sake of the world.
but I can't get hype with Mr Sadman
Can I go back to the human Talion/Celebrimbor skin in endgame? The aesthetic of Nazgul Talion is so gay.
we should get new evil lines and some gondorian cities to invade. orcs are meh
Celebrimbor's voice in these games are so well performed. Criminally underrated performances.
>Celebrimbor teases you for being a worthless human for 60 minutes (soft spoken)
I prefer the instrumental version on the main screen, btw.
"Elven image boards had ten times as much traffic and half the shitposting of your pitiful human ones"
What's the next logical step for Middle Earth 3: Shadow of Middle Earth?
>Expand to regions outside Mordor
>Feature more races than just orcs in the nemesis system, as orcs began to die out after Sauron's defeat
>New protag that has realistic connection to Celebrimbor, the new antag
>Set after the War of the Ring, could be loosely based on Tolkien's abandoned follow-up to LoTR
The old pause menu was better. It felt more somber.
You can go bakc to human Talion but your wraith form is still nazgul Talion instead of Celebrimbor
"Our shitposts were humorous, and our laughs were many. Not like the twisted web you call home, where the Reddit lies. "
I think they're going to make you play as the elf from SoW because that's hinted in her DLC.
Weak. I loved Celebrimbor's voice lines during dominations.
Sounds about right. I'm not sure if they will make someone else the big bad or if CB will be the new big bad. Honestly, I hope it's someone else. Taking over Middle Earth with Papa Elf sounds too good.
Talion is ded tho. Elf thot is the one who hoes after cele
>Tolkien's abandoned follow-up to LoTR
Is this real?
Turning Shelob into a cute barefooted goddess was the best thing thats happened to LotR in decades
>shadow of war is over 120GB
What the fuck WB, learn how to do something right
>Tolkien's abandoned follow-up to LoTR
Delete the other languages. Saves a shit ton of space
Turn it sandbox like mount and blade since nobody gives a shit about the story anyway
you got a knack for this stuff
I miss the voiced segments during loading screens
a man of taste
these threads were the only good things to come out of those lotr middle earth games
changing the shelob into a woman because "HURRDURR I THINK SHE'S A MISUNDERSTOOD HERO" is fucking retarded
Yeah, after Sauron in eye form goes boom, you see Celebrimbor flying off into the distance, elf bitch sees him as well and says she will follow him and stop him. Or some shit like that.
she was a horrible character
the nemesis system is honestly what made the game for me
wh-what, how do i do this sorcery
you can't help but get attached to that one poor sod that can't get a break
>tries to ambush me
>beat his ass
>tries to take out his rival
>show up and beat his ass
>tries to take a shit
>beat his ass
I don't remember but I think their is a guide out there. You'd be surprised how much space voice lines takes up and those HD movies.
I'm beginning to lose hope that they will ever crack the most recent version and fix the 5 minutes of load times.
>captain comes back twice from the dead
>after his second resurrection he is horribly burned
>now has "fear of the gravewalker"
>he's arrow proof and stealth proof
>he also runs in terror as soon as he sees me
I left him alone, I felt bad for the guy.
or better yet, just make some sort of sandbox spinoff playing as an orc in the nemesis system. story optional
>keep putting some harmless bum down for the sake of mercy
>he just won't stop coming back
At some point you just want to run away so you don't have to look at him anymore.
Does someone has a picture of the hot spider woman?
>customize your orc
>fight rival orcs to assert your dominance and gain influence
>claw your way up the ranks until you are the warchief
i wouldn't say shes that hot but if she came onto me at a cougar bar id still go for it
Literally just Liv Tyler.
>blonde princess white girl has feelings for the only forced quota nigger in the entire game
>nigger is also the commander of an army of white gondorian people
I know some people felt very smug after writing this
I actually loved her
I mean, I can kind of get it. Her father was the commander, and she spent most of her time studying and cataloging the artifacts in the keep and tower. Few of the other men came there often, except for Kunta Kinte and maybe some other guards. So it was really just a lack of options for her, but forced by the writers.
Grind my ass into his hip
Yeah, her father somehow adopted a niglet from 1 continent away, brought him back, raised him, made him commander so he could give his BBC to his blonde princess virgin daughter, based EA going full BLACKEDRAW.com on my LOTR
There were neutral haradrim villages near mordor, but it an INCREDIBLE stretch to assume that he was somehow a refugee/orphan of war the commander adopted.
Why didn't that elf cunt give talion the new ring after the sauron fight so he wouldn't turn into a nazghul
He was already a nazgul, just not ebil yet
So in the end, what the FUCK was Sauron's problem?
hoes mad
>values "order" above all else
>his armies are made up of orcs
The orcs are bend to his will.
Damn i love that armor.
We dont even know for sure if that was Ungoliants children down there, they could have been her cousins or uncles or god knows what else. I mean the Balrogs collectively fought off Ungoliant once with their whips, so seeing a lesser offspring of her shouldnt have freaked a Maia spirit out that much. Im betting there was an entirely different being(s) down there
"fuck off Kelloggs booberry"
Wanted to be the big swinging dick but he was asian as fuck.
Mah absolute nigga
He’s a big olog-hai
was part 2 any good? its free on xbox game pass pc. is it worth the 100gb download?
It's alright, if you like freeflow combat you'll probably get some fun out of it.
>>Sexy shelob
Chaotic world. Sauron was literally an assburger with OCD
Everything had to be neat or could burn to ashes
>want to play this
>crack with all dlc is broken
>that one time it was on sale for $10 i missed
>never goes that low in price again
Does Shadow of Mordor look better than War or are my eyes just shit?
Yeah, can't remember if they use the same engine or a slightly tweaked version of the same engine, but the huge environments and cities tax the shit out of the game and everything suffers for it. I have a decent rig, can play most new games on high, and this old game I have to have on medium with some options turned low or disabled, and it still gets my gpu up in the mid 80C.
what are you talking about here it is for $11
shit user thanks