It's fucking bullshit that it's not gonna get local co-op

It's fucking bullshit that it's not gonna get local co-op.

Attached: crystalchronicles.jpg (400x349, 77K)

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what the fuck? any source?

you have got to be fucking kidding me
are they like trying to make people anti social faggots on purpose???

I don't think anything concrete was confirmed, but nothing has been said of it having local co-op either.

They only say it's online co-op in the trailers.

>they skipped their chance to do Wii + DS or Wii U + 3DS multiplayer

Attached: 1428961332635.jpg (212x185, 5K)

jesus christ what the fuck happened to couch co-op?

That'd be fucking bullshit and you know that. There's no fucking way they can't just cram the menus on a corner of 1080p 16:9 screens.

hello please provide proofs

For anyone interested, an old interview got translated about the game. It doesn't really reveal anything too amazing, but its nice to have.

Attached: Untitled.png (372x170, 3K)

Wait, Kawazu made a FFCC game and Iwata him? That's wonderful, thanks.

While S-E has stated that the game will have online coop they've said nothing on local coop.

It's pretty much alive and kicking with many Switch games.

Then just have the option. The novelty of having our own personal screens with different radars and shit made the game that much more fun for me and my siblings.

name some local co-op games then

I've been playing Super Bomberman R and Enter the Gungeon. Might eventually get Blazing Chrome.

>no PC release
>online only multiplayer
I think I'll stick to emulating it on Dolphin, the game is gorgeous anyways

I just wish SE would stop infesting everything they make with mobileshit.


Even this remaster they're bringing to mobile.

I don't see what's wrong about that, they're not gonna put microtransactions or anything. Hardly "infesting". The japanese like their RPGs on mobile.

This pretty much. Why the fuck would they ruin the appeal of the original game?

It's probably a big part of why no local multiplayer because mobile is the only platform that can't support it.

>putting development budget into making sure the product works on retarded phones
>putting development time for phone bullshit
>making the engine itself run on phones, which will no doubt impact the PC game in some form (oh well phones couldn't handle it so we cut it!)

Hmmm, I don't see why that should be since you could apply coop functionality on console releases; but allright.

Because They don't want differences between the versions and marketing and development efforts are obviously being put towards mobile.

>making the engine itself run on phones, which will no doubt impact the PC game in some form (oh well phones couldn't handle it so we cut it!)
This argument is a bit absurd. A mobile version, in S-E's case mostly precedes a later PC version, or are at the very least correlated, (the three FFXIII games, FFIX, for example), and running on inferior hardware does not invalidate running on superior hardware. That doesn't make any sense. S-E is just marketing the game onto the markets more likely to buy it within their japanese perspective.

How do i play couch co-op with this on dolphin? gameboy emulation is required and running it with vba link makes the game chug like a motherfucker.I don't think dolphin emulates gba controllers yet..

The multiplayer has gone from 4 players communicating locally on a single client to 4 clients communicating via wireless. I've been saying since the port was announced that this would lead to complications.

Also, considering that old FFCC multiplayer required 4 GBA's + 4 connector cables + a game cube, a new multipler requiring 4 Switches wouldn't actually be all that more expensive.

>in S-E's case mostly precedes a later PC version, or are at the very least correlated, (the three FFXIII games, FFIX, for example)
Those were all absolutely fucking terrible on mobile and on the PC.

Part of having no local multiplayer is definitely a sales tactic. The players need to own a copy each instead of one copy supporting up to 4 players.

Is this true I’m fucking pissed

>Menu is touch based so you don't need to take control away to access it
>Radar on top screen is always visible no matter where in the menu you are
It would have worked so well.

It's because of the way they did the menus.