>They're going to be charging shekels for new weapons now
Killing Floor 2
Other urls found in this thread:
w e w
Fine by me. I dropped this shit long ago
Good, let the game die so they can start making Red Orchestra 3
Nice, KF2 is killing itself. Maybe KF1's population will grow a bit more as a result.
I'm interested. Devs gotta eat, people still want fresh content, and the monitization system as it is doesn't seem enticing.
I'd rather they overhaul their UI for cosmetics and crates, something closer to CSGO or DOTA2, where all the skins are preview-able, easy to equip, and high quality. One would be better invested in KF2 skins if everything about them wasn't so half-baked.
Won't be buy anything TW touches going forward.
Especially since they are going with the whole Chiv 2 EGS shit.
Glad Antimatter Games is making '83 alone.
I dropped the game when Vermintide 2 was released and got 900 hours out of it so don't really care.
Plenty of free content updates and now when they're asking for money everyone here is going WOWEEZ FUCK THESE PEOPLE I CANT WAIT THE GAME TO DIE
The DLC weapons are gonna be poorly balanced like the ones in KF1, aren't they?
>we're adding microtransations and lootboxes to our early access game
>it's to fund the game guys please understand
>now the new weapons will be in paid DLC
Fuck off.
They already ask for money when you buy the game up-front you complete retard. Many games out there keep updating their game for free far longer. Fuck off, John Gibson.
ah yes the payday 2 method of fuckery
And history repeats itself.
I don't understand why they keep doing this with DLC. There's several good market strategies for DLC and by now, no one, I mean no one practices them.
This is exactly what they did late into KF1's life cycle.
I don't know why some people are still surprised over Tripwire being jewish at this point.
>This is exactly what they did late into KF1's life cycle.
Except that KF1 didn't launch with microtransactions and lootboxes
KF1 was cheaper and never introduced a microtransaction system before. It was still bullshit, but far more passable than a game that started out at $30, stayed that way for a long time, got a lot more exposure than KF1 ever did, introduced a system to jew you out of money, and now they introduce another one with gameplay-affecting consequences.
Those flare revolvers were fucking sex.
Man, after literal years of free weapons, switching to a paid model is pretty fucking staggering.
I also assume that most people play the game like i do, which is in short binges once every few months, and I'm certainly not willing to pay for the new weapons every time i try to play this game.
Brutal fucking change, that's basically the end of KF2 for me, and I've played since the second day of the CB (granted I only have 161 hours)
So you mean like KF1?
The apologists in the comments and their discord server make me irrationally angry.
>I also assume that most people play the game like i do, which is in short binges once every few months, and I'm certainly not willing to pay for the new weapons every time i try to play this game.
>So you mean like KF1?
See and Is it too hard to read a 20 post thread?
The majority of people in this thread complaining have not played KF2 for more than 50 hours, guaranteed.
>Additionally, all Paid Weapons will work with the existing Shared Content system for Multiplayer Servers in which if one player owns a Paid Weapon on a server all other players will have access to that weapon within the match to prevent any possible gameplay discrepancies.
Yes given the KF2 shills in the past
Do people still play KF1? Because I genuinely liked that game a lot better than KF2 and Tripwire's Jewish antics are insufferable
>if one person in the lobby owns the weapons then everyone can use them
What's wrong, don't you guys have friends?
>Additionally, all Paid Weapons will work with the existing Shared Content system for Multiplayer Servers in which if one player owns a Paid Weapon on a server all other players will have access to that weapon within the match to prevent any possible gameplay discrepancies.
So it's fucking nothing?
I have played this game for over 1k hours. I'm glad this change is gonna kill how bad this game became over time. It started out good and now it's hot garbage.
Yeah, I went back to KF1 after a long time of playing KF2.
I'm pretty sure Tripwire Interactive isn't based in Israel.
it means if you're playing with someone that bought the weapon you can use it, otherwise you can't
>I have played this game for over 1k hours
Then not only are you an outlier, you're a moron. The only people they're gonna get are gullibles and retards. If you end up playing with either, you get the new weapons. Absolutely nothing, nothing at all, changes.
>I genuinely liked that game a lot better than KF2
I like everything but the gameplay of KF1 over KF2.
The first game nailed the atmosphere, grim look, characters, humor and OST.
>So it's fucking nothing?
>Paid Weapons will work with the existing Shared Content system
Someone still has to buy the DLC to begin with.
So let them. It net positively affects everyone who doesn't buy it.
What if I want to play solo or with friends that aren't stupid enough to spend 10bux for a few weapons?
Ok, that still doesn't remove the possibility that someone in a game may not have purchased it. At which point I get to either leave the server, or play a match that will feel neutered because I don't have the additional weapons I may have become used to. Let's not pretend like Tripwire is good at balancing, so there's good chances at least some of the weapons will end up being pretty much required in order to play a perk to its full potential. They already showed this by making DLC weapons in KF1 rarely be worse or equal to their counterparts. Things like the Musket on Sharp or the Flare Guns were straight upgrades, and if this isn't the case in KF2 as well, I'll gladly call myself an idiot. Until then, however, I don't have high hopes on the system at all.
Wasn't one of the damage control things they did when they announced the microtransactions that they wouldn't do this?
one of the main selling points when tripwire first revealed the game was that they specifically wouldn't do paid dlc weapons like kf1
Microtransactions and lootboxes.
In early access.
>Trusting Tripwire
This is what I mean by less than 50 hours. If you're playing the game regularly, you don't entertain these thoughts. You're just playing the game. You're not some flavor of the month faggot who comes scrambling back after every weapon pack. You haven't been waiting around for this day going
>Oh boy oh boy I wonder what new weapons will come out whaaaat I gotta pay? Down with Tripwire!
This is a fart in the wind for ANY regular KF2 player.
>that still doesn't remove the possibility that someone in a game may not have purchased it
I have not joined a single game that didn't have the barbed club, or the zweihander.
>This is what I mean by less than 50 hours. If you're playing the game regularly, you don't entertain these thoughts. You're just playing the game.
I sincerely did not read the rest of your post.
not surprising kf2 was always shit and twi are faggots
Enlighten me user.
I played nearly every of their games but KF when it was a mod, and the original Red Orchestra.
I really enjoy(ed) KF2 and RS2 but one massive red flag with RS2 was the rumor (or was it?) that Gibson was against characters swearing in-game because he's Christian.
What else is wrong with them?
>With the Shared Content system, anytime you access a multiplayer match with someone who owns the DLC you’ll have full access to try the weapon
Seems like only buycucks will have to bite the bullet, which there are enough of on KF.
>This is what I mean by less than 50 hours
Stopped here, cunt.
>I have not joined a single game that didn't have the barbed club, or the zweihander
I have joined many games that did not have the Barbed Club. I had Chivalry when the whole Zweihander thing started so I have no history of how many times I've been the only one sharing that weapon. Your anecdotal evidence is completely moot.
>I sincerely did not read the rest of your post
I guess if you can't be bothered to read a couple of words for the sake of defending what you believe and at least acknowledging another person's point, then alright.
So you're just a retard kk thx.
>Last played in mid July
>This is a fart in the wind for ANY regular KF2 player.
The truth is you're just looking for a reason, any reason, to be upset about something. It's sad and pathetic. Go do something else with your time. Say, play a video game? Smell ya later. Gonna go play some zerker rounds on KF2.
So it's Payday 2 or rather Gayday 2(hehehehehhe) all over again.
Seriously, are you underage or something? Pretending to be retarded doesn't stop you from being actually retarded, by the way.
>If you're playing the game regularly, you don't entertain these thoughts. You're just playing the game.
>literally Nerd Crew consume.gif the post
>Many games out there keep updating their game for free far longer.
Most games die in three years time. Fuck off retard.
That does not disprove what I said at all, idiot.
>Most games die in three years time
>but the devs
Don't care :^)
After getting this game for free years ago on PS4, I've never spent one cent on the game and I'm glad I haven't. I'm okay with the guns and cosmetics I have now.
And this is why I don't buy Tripwire "games"
This and the RS2 GAM DLC that is basically a paid mod makes me worried for the future (if there's any) of their series.
Good thing Antimatter bailed out.
why? I mean, I'm sure most people dropped this game ages ago.
>most people dropped this game ages ago
Looking at it you can see peaks (probably free weekends and major updates) but the game is slowly losing players.
That's to be expected from a 4 years old game though.
After 300 hours of KF2 I realized the first game was full of SOUL.
>$10 for one weapon
Holy shit
Killing Floor is boring anyway. Once you play like three games you've basically played them all. You gotta have autism to like this garbage no offense. Unless you're an n-word then full offense because we don't want you here. Same with redditors.
>new content costs as much as the whole game on sale
Alright user what's your regular shooter then?
Regular PvE shooter?
game was already dead, who is going to buy this crap?
The appeal of a game like this though is to turn your brain off and listen to music while blowing through zeds. It's how I enjoy this game and how I will continue to enjoy it.
This dumb fuck anime poster is too fucking dumb to realize KF1 had paid DLC weapons. You stupid shit. Retard.
does anyone actually play this for more than 5 minutes? it's the most repetitive, underwhelming pile of shit
Already dropped the game in early access when they fucked up zed damage and had no content updates for almost half a year, then had the audacity to demo that VR game. KF2 was the game that made me swear off of early access forever.
Read you mongoloid. I'm aware it had them too. What's with Tripwire shills and their 12 year old-tier cussing by the way?
>KF1 had paid DLC weapons
KF2 has microtransactions and lootboxes.
Since early fucking access.
And now they are adding paid weapons (which wasn't supposed to happen because it was the justification for zedeconomy) and not removing the microtransactions nor lootboxes.
the game is getting 2 new maps and 4 guns per year or so. nothing that warrants them asking for so much money if you ask me so i don't know what they are talking about
oh well, i had a damn good time with kf2 but i think the games lifecycle is just nearing it's end, tripwire should start working on the next killing floor
The guns feel good and it's challenging at higher difficulties, what more to ask from a coop shooter?
This dumb fuck anime poster is too fucking dumb to realize he is posting anonymously.
>buy KF 2 during sale
>Oh boy can't wait to put like 2k hours on this!
>drop it before reaching 250 hours
>can't bring myself to play even a single match
I don't know what happened
God shut the fuck up loser
I dont care
I sold all my items for 5x what i paid for the game
Fuck TWI
Refunded with 80 hours on the clock. It was amazing to witness.
>one weapon
>every new weapon will be sold individually at 10$ with 5 skins
They're making an 80s cold war gone hot game instead. With no plans for a red orchestra sequel any time soon.
I mean seriously how do you add anything more to RO2.
Yeah sure... People are going to go back to a game that's long since abandoned by the devs that had even more pay to unlock weapons. KF1 is dead. Actually dead. Even most of the maggots are gone at this point. Little more than sludge and bones.
Its a combination of uninspired workshop content, one single skin producer making and bot upvoting most of the skins (IDC) wether they're good or trash.
same, not enough enemy and map variety imo
kf1 had escape style maps and 200 player servers and thats the only reason i have around 300 hours in those games combined
>playing this shit now
>while the l4d team is making a new game
>They're making an 80s cold war gone hot game instead
That's Antimatter Games (that made RS and RS2 under Tripwire) and they are not with TW anymore.
That's the funny part. I know I'm anonymous, but you decided to jump to the conclusion I didn't know KF1 had that shit too despite providing no clue for either case in that one post anyway. I'm not gonna bother replying normally to you if you get so defensive from the get-go about it. I'm going to be a prick too.
>guys we need more money
>instead of revising our god awful, overpriced microtransactions that nobody actually cares about we're just gonna make you pay for actual content lol
Games have shown time and time again how to kike people out of money and these retards are just gonna give up and shoehorn in p2w content. Good call, dudes.
>and they are not with TW anymore
Fucking based.
>l4d team
It's a third person shooter and L4D never had good gunplay.
I'm interested still, but I'd rather have a good shooter.
Oh don't bitch. Its like the already existing promotional weapons. If one person in the match has them everyone gets them.
They're making evolve 2?
>already selling 4x different skins for the same guns
>and hats
>and emotes
>and characters
hahaha guess the game was so shit not even whales spend money on it. refunded it years ago. dumbass dev with no clue what made kf1 so fun.
their prices are really fucked up
I could maybe throw them 10-20 dollars for some nice collection of ingame trash, but the way they go about it they can suck my dick
I don't play shooters because I stopped being twelve seven years ago. Unlike you...
It clearly says "custom weapon SKINS".
Not "new weapons".
>not even whales spend money on it
The cosmetics they are selling are overpriced trash so yeah.
Man, I don't know why I thought they meant 5 weapons for $10, and 5 skins for each of those weapons. Jesus fucking christ, this is even more pathetic than I thought.
You're a big guy.
See this
They've been doing that since Killing Floor 1.
Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious.
Except for the MTX and lootboxes.
Fake and gay.
Theres a massive difference between 1 $10 pack of themed characters + several weapons and 1 weapon for $10
I hope you guys have 20$ to spend on these two new weapons!
>Charge for the game
>Add micro-transactions and loot boxes during early access
>Now paid weapons
>Just so you can get three new maps (one of which is fan made) and a handful of guns (some of which are just returning from KF1)
Ooh boy, I see why they need more money, KF2's support so far has been stellar.
So what?
Mint skins look like dogshit and no one can see them anyway
field tested > battle worn > gold >>>>>> mint
Wrong. Yoshiro just confirmed it again.
Does the game still take 3 solid minutes to start up? It's a bit late but I've realized that KF1 was a fluke and TWI has always been immensely incompetent.
There shouldn't even be a thing such as conditions for skins it's fucking outrageous.
I'll bet they will add achievements for these weapons so they can nickel and dime all the achievement hunters out there. Also what's the point of having a skin for the 2nd one, it's small as shit.
Big fucking "yikes" at least KF1 had multiple weapons for a few bucks. Honestly I bet all the funds will just be channelled in to making KF3 what will also be a EGS exclusive like everything else Tripwire is touching. With still no Crawlers walking on walls.
>Does the game still take 3 solid minutes to start up?
Nearly every recent Unreal game does this to me.
KF2, RS2, Sandstorm, PUBG, Squad.
And no, nothing changed by putting it on my SSD, it still takes minutes to get to the main menu.
its a spiritual successor to l4d since it belongs to valve now bit like aparently says its third person
could still be good but not really the same immersion
This is all your faults for not buying more skins and lootboxes. Tripwire are a small family company who can barely keep itself afloat, just because they wait several months until you've forgotten about the game and then some to start teasing another update that will last you a week or two at best doesn't mean that you should stop giving them money. Ferraris aren't cheap.
>anything under gold
Precious items are atrocious, they just texture the model with a single material and said texture makes your weapon like it's covered in cheese in third person.
>With still no Crawlers walking on walls
No seriously though, how fucking sad that I once thought Tripwire was a good developer. They are exactly like Bethesda but smaller-scale.
Mate those updates last me less than a day farming the achievements and whatever cosmetic they add to unlock. It would be even shorter if they made it so fucking HoE achievements unlocked the lower versions.
Funny how the ones you get from those free dosh boxes actually look really nice.
>whatever cosmetic they add to unlock
Also they are recycling cosmetics, this year summer event has the same steampunk outfit as last year, I thought it was going to be a new one and wasted my time.
Aye I used to think decently of them, was on the fences back when they added the MTs in Early-access then once they rushed Survivalist and kept refusing to take the criticism players gave them for it I realised they are just as bad as all the others companies pulling this shit. I honestly regret ever even purchasing KF2 at this point.
Did you do the vault dosh box glitch that was happening earlier this year? I got so many skins from that glitch that I don't care about not earning any more after doing that.
counter strike did it so WE can do it - twi
True, but they did add a new weapon skin. The steampunk unlock was just added because people who kept missing past events complained. Also who ever thought about splitting all the pyjamas up for separate characters in the "free" crates is the scummiest mf ever.
Gambling on random skins is one thing but any game dev that adds that bullshit condition system is just the scum of the earth. I hope that shit gets banned globally one day.
>It would be even shorter if they made it so fucking HoE achievements unlocked the lower versions.
Did they ever explain why that isn't a thing? Oh yeah, you can beat it on HoE but can you REALLY beat it on normal?
>bullshit condition system
I like it in CSGO, some skins look better in lower conditions, and I can get a skin for half the price because of it.
Yea Forums
>HAHA stupid buyfags!
Also Yea Forums
>you filthy poorfag pirates
What did he mean by this
Guys, come on, you're looking at it from the wrong prospective!
fuck yoshiro
>we're adding mtx and lootboxes in early access to support content
>we're selling characters because VA is costly (actually understandable)
>we're only selling weapons to support other content
How much time until they start to sell maps?
>refunded it years ago
stop lying
>Not playing KF solo
They are also keeping in mind that the game is pretty old now. There probably aren't a lot of new people buying the game so they aren't thinking about new players when adding in a $10 price tag so the statement about "comparing to the base game price" doesn't mean much to them.
>I can get a skin for half the price because of it.
Yeah well if every skin had 1 condition all versions would be cheaper and the only skins that ever benefit from wear are rustic/war-torn designs and if that's the case then they should have that as there only option.
>if every skin had 1 condition all versions would be cheaper
I'm not sure.
They more or less confirmed they are working on KF3 in that thread, so this clearly a cash grab attempting to get the last nickel and dime out of the current playerbase before they move to EGS.
Good thing I bailed on it like a year ago because loading up still took 10 fucking minutes after launch.
Tripwire are hacks. Gibson does nothing but drive his DeLoren around since his wife left him.
KF2 is such a shitshow in terms of balance, content, and monetisation I wonder how KF3 will turn out.
It will be EGS exclusive, that's a given.
>I honestly regret ever even purchasing KF2 at this point
I feel you there. The only saving grace KF2 has with me is that I found a group of friends with whom I play many other games with on one of its servers. But yeah, outside of that, what a disappointment this whole game ended up being. I had the most fun with it back when there were only 4 perks. It was all downhill from there.
Probably just as fucked, Survivalist will no doubt be scrapped for the pure-sc-fi build a lot people keep suggesting it get replaced by. I'd also put my money on them porting the original KF1 launch maps over to 3.
It will be Ebin Store Exclusives Done Right™
It would go from something becoming a 1/4 chance of getting (if you only take in to account 1 skin being in the case) so it would lose value of the whole "worn vs mint" nonsense. However it might go from 3p/5c to something like 25p/30c if it's common rarity.
>It will be EGS exclusive
Thank god for that. It will spare many people from considering buying into that pitfall trap.
we had a good run bois
>porting the original KF1 launch maps over to 3
Why bother?
They didn't do it for KF2, why bother for 3?
I highly doubt that it would be a selling point.
I'll probably pirate it to complain about it :^)
Game has been out 4+ years with free new content and balancing added every 3-6 months. Has a healthy amount of players for a game of this type and is vastly superior to the original in every way. I'm surprised there haven't been more games like this. It's basically a twitch fps shooter co-op tower defense game.
>I've put over 1000+ hours in this game but this is it man, fucking DROPPED
Yeah you sure showed them
>Fucking lootboxes and microtransactions ruining this game
They're cosmetics and weapon skins, just don't buy them. The best ones are dropped by Vault crates anyway, and everything else is like 6 cents on the Steam market to get exactly what you want. You fags act like they're holding a gun to your head. I've gone from hating lootboxes to loving them because it squeezes money out of the pockets of impulsive autists who cannot control themselves and have to whale out in every game they play for shitty pixels. Keeps the games alive while I don't have to spend a ton of cash on useless nonsense.
>"Will these weapons have any advantages over existing free weapons (i.e. Pay to Win)?"
Why would anybody believe this?
Not user but Red Orchestra 2 tanks were downright fucking broken, not in a balance sense but in an actually functioning sense, for well over a year and a half before they actually bothered to try fixing them.
They also have a long history of screwing over the original devs of mods like Red Orchestra
>is vastly superior to the original in every way
Ok Yoshiro.
Of course it will be a selling point, people have been begging them to do it for 2.
They will go from CS:GO lootboxes to regular lootboxes bloated with tags, profile pics and other shit that isn't related to your character or guns.
just like the first one
They might as well try, makes no difference because they're utterly incompetent at balancing shit.
>Game has been out 4+ years with free new content and balancing added every 3-6 months.
You say free but according to the devs we're supposed to see this as us purchasing it whenever we buy cosmetics from there store.
>The best ones are dropped by Vault crates anyway.
Unless you're blind that's complete bullshit and you know it.
The game would be better off dead and not on some shitty half baked life support.
>Game has been out 4+ years with free new content
Saying 4 years as if it means shit, doesn't matter when you release a "major" update every 4 months and you launch with 4 maps.
>healthy amount of players for a game of this type
I agree, but still, it is dropping, as expected for a 4 years old title.
>vastly superior to the original in every way
Gore and gunplay is better.
The humor is shit, the characters are annoying and the OST is generic christian metal, thank god they've got a few of zYnthetic's songs in it.
>cosmetics and weapon skins
Not anymore.
I have mixed feelings about this, for one side I think paid Weapons + loot boxes + paid characters is to much but on the other side, 4 years of support is a lot and I like most of the updates
>are you gonna change do away with the lootboxes now that you're charging for new weapons
>hold on now let's not get too crazy, maybe in the future but for now we want to have our cake and eat it too
If they can't afford to support the game from sales and the current MTs then they should just let it die.
No it's not. I get you're a newfag and all who believes in the the whole Yea Forums hates video games meme but even we still loved the fuck out of KF2.
They should have paid the players after they added the dumbass robots
The '4 years of support' is bullshit since 2 of those years were early access meaning the game was in development and not fully released. Not to mention they spent double the amount of time in early access than what they originally planned for.
>m-making crawlers crawl on ceilings is too hard! It's impossible!
>deep rock galactic has glyphids crawling all over randomly generated maps
>you're a newfag
>even we
nigga what are you smoking, the games balance is all over the place, shit like Suicidal can be more difficult than HoE. Perks have meta out the ass and have pointless talents that don't work, various guns are trash tier and aren't even worth using. The game has so many issues i can't be fucked listing them all. Teleporting zeds are still a thing ffs.
>but even we still loved the fuck out of KF2
And yet you call others newfags. Stop talking like Yea Forums is a fucking hivemind, retard.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. When I bought DRG and saw Glyphids doing what they do I realized just how useless Tripwire was at handling Crawlers. I get it that DRG is made on UE4 while KF2 is UE3, but there's no fucking way the changes were so significant that wall walking was possible to implement in 4 but not in 3.
Why? People want more , why don't give them what they want?
The game got out of EA in 2016, the EA started in 2014
Deep rock galactic doesn't run in UE3
I never even though about that until now, DRGs devs have less experience as well. Man that is depressing.
I only cared about killing floor 1 and even that was probably a mistake because despite it being fun tripwire is retarded.
>$10 per gun
Am I reading this wrong?
Are they out of their fucking minds?
i like the next line where they then point out that these weapons will fufill roles that aren't currently covered by in game weapons, kinda sounds like these weapons will have advantages if they're filling specific roles.
You see user, the DRG devs actually give a fuck.
What support?
Wasting 2 years making a VS mode that no one plays?
Ignoring their beta backers for 1 year then having to issue a apology because the player base dropped to 100 active?
Adding loot boxes and weapon upgrades after being told the underlying system does not work with this?
What support? KF2 is worse now than it was in beta. I beta tested it.
They also count the 5 skins as part of the value.
You're not.
They are.
>Why? People want more , why don't give them what they want?
Because what we are getting if half-baked. We'd be better off getting KF3 at this point, updated engine, graphics, mechanics and so on. If it's not profitable for the developers to keep making updates that basically add 2 maps (some what are often community made) and 1-2 weapons then they need to start working on something else. Also they refuse to add things players want like Mutators and i don't mean this bullshit weekly crap.
>vs mode
Man, I forgot that was even a thing. Didn't they add that fucking mode the same time they tried that resistances shit?
>The issue was the AI pathing when crawlers walked on walls. The people TWI hired wasn't skilled enough to get it to work. The code legit still exists in the game and was used for a versus mod very early in the game where you could walk on walls and ceilings as an albino crawler.
>EA started in 2014
>An early access version of the game was released for Microsoft Windows in April 2015
TWI indeed made a lot of shitty mistakes in the EA and post support, like bloating the enemy pool with unfun shit like armor and gas crawler's or , but they added a lot of weapons, maps, endless mode, the class balance is better than in the EA
Maybe if they would fix the buggy sounds like teammates weapons being silent.
Or the terrible sounding assault rifles.
Reminder that if you bought any Tripwire game ever you are a nigger and you deserve to die.
There's 5 skins for the gun you're buying with it, that somehow is "content"
Also the whole "it's overpriced because we need money to fund development"
Man, that's just sad.
Reminds me, I often mute the music in the game because i like to listen to other shit while playing and doing so causes all other sounds to glitch out and randomly sound like they are set to 10/100. Been that way since beta.
>Literally why you shouldn't listen o Yea Forums the videogame
You fuckers said it would be as good as the original and actually bought it on release. This game is pretty much dead now, they should make it F2P at this point.
Interesting how the original looked like ass and yet it was played for nearly 8 years. This game died almost as quickly as Brink.
Yeah my mistake
>literally every single new enemy type added after launch is completely awful
Actually amazing that they somehow thought the King Fleshpound was good enough to be a regular boss instead of a shitty event that comes and goes.
>walk on walls and ceilings as an albino crawler
Imagine white crawlers being actually a threat by walking on walls and ceelings instead of exploding in a gaz cloud that's from Hans and making you get the Bloat vision.
>they should make it F2P
That would be nice
But the game is not close to dead in terms of playerbase it has a 4k player base in any given moment
The Abomination too.
And there's still no Matriarch.
>Wasting 2 years making a VS mode that no one plays?
>People told them it sucked and to scrap it
>Nah, we're not going to do that because here we find it fun! :)
>Tell Gibson to his face it isn't fun during their community feedback play event thing
>"That's just like... your opinion, man."
>Funnels money toward Rising Storm 2 (which sucks outside of HUEHUEHUE City and even that is a shit map) instead of fixing KF2's problems like the TEN FUCKING MINUTE LONG LOADING OPENING
>RS2 sucks despite being outsourced just as badly as KF2
>People somehow want a KF3
People are retarded and need to let this shit dev die.
Also Gibson is looking like he's pushing 80 now going by his Twitter, isn't he in his late 40's as a mod team dude?
>Still less than a handful of bosses so there's no point to the weapons.
>they should make it F2P at this point
For what purpose?
That would justify them adding more shit behind paywalls.
Disgusting, making weapons cost almost as much as characters is wrong.
I'd bet the game's price that KF3 will have Matriarch as its only boss like KF2 had Hans, all for its selling point.
>But user! We get to go to the weapon range to model them in 600FPS for Zed Time and possibly put them in Rising Storm 2!
>What do you mean that's a pointless waste of time that could be spent on fixing shit? GUN RANNNNGGGGEEEEE! -Gibson.
For some reason I keep thinking Abomination was something they put some effort into, but then I remember it's just a bloat with a bloated health pool and a stalker running animation.
The class balance is worse than EA
In EA commando had a use. So they removed his ammo pool
The meta wasnt dominated by AA12 and zerkers. So they buffed the shit out of zerker and support, zerker is utterly unstoppable. If you think sole 6 HoE with gunslinger is ez zerker can do it one handed while you jerk off to stalker porn.
Only boss that is challenging is Abomination due to it's armour and endless shit spawns but his the least fun to fight, Pat, Hans & KP are a fucking joke but at least have fun encounters.
>The patriarch is the only good boss after 5 years
I want the monarch
It never brought my favourite character back anyways, so it's a shit game.
It's basically a fucking map pack, isn't it? There's absolutely nothing new in that DLC.
>Good thing Antimatter bailed out
Agreed. Hopefully their new game will be good, because the premise is interesting.
Patty was shit.
>Let me run away to heal unlike Hans that'll just rush up to heal instead and be immune during the heal.
>Trash mobs instead of having to wait.
Honestly, they making the shield system for Hans made him less a chore and more fun. You can't keep up with the Patriarch a lot of the time due to the stupid trash mobs.
>This game is pretty much dead now
>5k players, can find many many matches at all times of the day
It's fine, and just as alive if not more alive than kf1 was at this point in development.
Based Kevo the chav bruvva
How the hell does the content-sharing system even work? I have regular access to the knight character and the Zweihander weapon and I don't own the game necessary to have him unlocked.
>EA commando had a use
Commando is the strongest class in the game right now, what are on about? He can deal with big Zed's and small Zed's with ease stop sucking
In EA we had the broken medic that could repair armor and the stupid perks like repair door for support or explosive armor for demo
They made that included in the deluxe edition a while back.
>Good thing Antimatter bailed out.
Rising Storm 2 was shit until the Army Men update though. So Antimater and Tripwire can both be ignored until Antimatter post-Tripwire actually corrects all the issues RS2 had.
Well thats unfortunate, the game really isnt popular enough to warrant attempting this, like, I like the game, I play it every so often, but I dont think I could now that I have an incomplete game where players with DLC items will be playing the game for me when I join their games. A shame.
It now comes with deluxe edition
>tfw you exited Killing Floor 2, Payday 2, and R6 Siege just before they turned to liquid shit
How long ago? I picked up a digital-deluxe key for a song from G2A about a year, year and a half ago and the Steam page doesn't say that's included.
Ive gotten like 500 hours of enjoyment from KF2. I don't mind throwing a few ducats their way for a game I paid 10 bucks for that has added like 5 major pieces of free content since I started.
When you dont have to ask your parents for their credit card anymore, buying 10 bucks of dlc from a company you like isn't a big deal.
If you join their game you get the weapon
>Never added Shadow Ferret
What's the point
>Mfw I’ll be playing the game for the first time since I just got enough money to get a PC that can play it
Enlighten me anons
they did that with KF 1 as well
Go away, Yoshiro.
Well enjoy being exactly what the developers want you to be a bitch ass wallet that refuses to see the reason behind any valid criticisms thy are getting for pulling this shit.
It was a reply to the misleading post stating that the pack was 1 weapon with t skins.
I know that dev. Shes kind of an air head. So even if that's real she doesn't actually know herself.
Y'all niggers seem to forget they sold you 3 tommy guns for the first game. 1 in the first weapons pack. 1 in the steampunk pack and 1 as a owners bonus for RO2.
You fuckers are up the shillery of DLCs back then too and never complained.
You all just keep bitching about free suport for a 5 year old game.
>Add free skin system you don't have to use at all and infact can profit from by selling your crates and acquired items.
>you bitch
>start adding premium weapons that only one person on a server needs to have to let everyone play with.
>you bitch
even though I've rarely ever played a server that doesn't have the promo weapons from chivalry and road redeemer because some nigga always buys them.
KF2 is a different kind of game compared to KF1. KF1 is about holing up for long periods and weathering the zombie waves, KF2 is more of a straightforward gallery-shooter kind of game that tries to set itself up the way KF1 did. KF2 is easier, if you were handling up to Hard or Suicidal on KF1 you can handle up to Suicidal out of the gate on KF2 before low-level perks begin to outweigh skill in terms of how quickly you die.
Which also died shortly after. RIP KF2
>noone has it
>"guys we dont have the OP weapons"
Whats the point of buying it if you can wait for someone to give it for free, and what is the point of these weapons if they are not better than standard weapons, why would I pay for them. Why not make this another content update, they already have loot boxes and keys for sale on their store for christ sake.
Sorry bud, but some people are both capable of having a job and not giving away their money easily to anyone who offers to sell you a bunch of pixels.
>It's basically a fucking map pack, isn't it?
2 new maps for the gamemode, and they put every class but Rifleman behind a paywall like they did with RS1 that could be played by RO2 owners but only the Rifle class.
>Hopefully their new game will be good
From what they are showing it seems like RS2 but at a bigger scale, I'd say a more "accessible" Squad.
It's fun for about five hours. Then you realize you are stuck doing boring waves for a chance to kill one of four bosses. Also they are retarded and they don't let you host a match with friends. "Hosting" in KF2 means taking over an empty server and praying it's configured the way you like. They never are. This also means most map and gameplay mods are useless.
If you want to REALLY host you have to download a separate thing that's like 20 gigs and configure it yourself.
Fuck off, faggot. Even if it was somehow ok before, tripwire is too inept to balance new, paid weapons.
>reply to the misleading post
It isn't though, since both devs confirmed it.
It is 10$ for a weapon and 5 skins for it.
>You all just keep bitching about free suport for a 5 year old game
It was released in November 2016, it isn't even 4 years old.
And Early Access updates don't count, it's developing the fucking game, of course they are adding shit for free.
They even dared to add MTX and lootboxes during the EA period.
Now fuck off shill.
>ever good
Maybe the first EA alpha, but it went tits up after that. Good case of the trailer looks better than the actual game. The response mechanics looked so fucking awesome where you could spray lead and the ragdolls reacted to every shot, but ingame they either fly out of the map with the DB, or just fall lifelessly. Fuck KF2.
>one of the new weapons is a Mateba/Rhino knock-off
oh shit
>with frag rounds
The fucking kikes knew exactly what people wanted
>with a gay-ass reflex on the top
Nah, miss me with that gay shit
>$10 for a single weapon
Agreed about the trailer, I wish the dismemberment didn't trigger on kill but actually affected gameplay.
>with frag rounds
>not p2w btw
>totally balanced
I love KF2. Played it for years before finally getting burned out. Each class has a pretty big and varied weapon pool from free updates, so you can still have a ton of fun regardless of bs new paid weapons. Paid updates are for the zealots who still support the game, so you're guaranteed to get the new weapons in shared when playing online. Honestly this game is ready to bite the dust imo. It had a shit start, a great recovery into a fun game, and now it's old. There are newer and better things to play now.
I actually wasn't talking about live dismemberment, but more of the ways the ragdoll behaved when shot/killed. Each shot had more weight to them. In part 1 of the gore dev diary, you can see the dude slicing clots in half and their upper body fly away. 2 minutes in, the clot getting shot up wall felt satisfying to watch. At 2:30 in you can even see the leg fly off of a cyst that got it cut off. 2:49, the Slashers ragdoll falling on the ground looked great too as well as the Gorefast at 3:46. At 3:16, Gorefast gets shot in the face and has a minor backwards flinch into a forward stumble from the grenade. 3:53, Cyst rolls over after getting filled with lead. Onwards, you see a slaughter of Cysts with great looking ragdolls which continues into the Slasher and a Clot getting shot up and you can see the animations combine with physics and other animations. Just looked fucking fantastic. Really sad they removed it ingame.
>3 ingame weapons cost more than the the entire game
Kemono friends general
>all the people bitching clearly don't play the game
Schizophrenic incels need their welfare bideo games.
Yeah I got that too, I watched the dev diary before the game launched and I agree.
Nice damage control
Also 1 weapon costs more than the game on sale :^)
We have girls
>launched the game in early access
>added lootboxes during early access
>now making paid weapons
Yea fuck off it's clear they're implementing every jewish tactic they can in the game and they can go fuck themselves for it
>10 dollars for ONE weapon
Okay, I thought it was going to be 10 dollars for like 5 weapons. That wouldn’t have been as bad. But for one weapon? That’s fucking ridiculous. That’s worse monetization than EA.
Dilate with a chicken tendie.
+1 mint-condition skin has been added to your account
Can they just remove the robots already? They did the paid weapon shit in the first game. It was pretty whatever. The flare revolvers were the notable exception.
Is V2 any good? Shits on sale on steam right now, Not planning on buying dlc though
I dont know why you fags even boher to buy the game even before the beta
>we love Payday 2 and we think its a good game model!"
>butcher RO2 and nuke Ostfront servers so nobody can play it
>Nam is boring as fuck with somehow worse maps that RO2
>K2 runs on modded Uunreal 3 engine, still janky as fuck like RO2
>add crates even before they leave EA
You guys fucked up
It was until a couple days ago.
I like the robots. They should add flying mobs already, bats or harpies or something.
They can't do mobs that do anything but walk on the ground and you want shit to fly?
Hell yeah brother give me dragons
>give me dragons
I won't ask again. Give. Me. Dragons.
So I can fill them with lead.
I dropped it when the robots were added in.
Yeah they changed all of those on launch because "performace" issues.
The first Killing floor is better than the second and that's a fact. The first one is about tactically holding down chokes and keeping an area fortified. You may sometimes need to make split second decisions, such as abandoning a position before it gets completely overrun, but most of the skill comes from positioning and teamwork. The second game throws all this out the window for run and gun gameplay that punishes you with death if you even think about attempting to hold a position due to the enemies being walking bullet sponges. Instead of killing enemies before they get to you, you're expected to kite and out heal their damage. Killing floor 2 has always been, and always will be, a disappointment.
I never looked at it this way, that's probably because I never really played KF in the higher difficulties and only got to them in KF2.
To me it always was a fun horde shooter to fuck around in with friends and what mattered the most was the gunplay and pacing, but looking at it the way you describe it I might go back to KF and try to enjoy it for a bit more.
>Survivalist changes promised for over a year now
>"Oh hey, I know we haven't delivered on any of what we actually promised, but you have to pay money for content now"
Wait but, didn't they do this with KF1?
Nah, KF1 on HoE is definitely a game that requires a lot of strategic positioning and decision-making, and you most definitely need communication. At times you need your Sharp or Demo to look down one of the chokes, at times you will also tell your Firebug or Commando to control zeds elsewhere... there's a lot more involved in a game because if you get overrun, chances are you are going to fucking die, so you learn the hard way to do it. KF2 allows you to outrun nearly anything. You don't get punished for not having a solid strat on the higher difficulties. That's ignoring the fact that even if you make it through 10 waves, the Patriarch in KF1 is an absolute demolishing beast that you had better deal with quickly and efficiently. Almost any boss in KF2, even on HoE, is a joke. Hell, KF2's 10th wave is often much more challenging than the fucking boss ever is.
KF1 had DLC that weren't that overpriced to fund development.
KF2 had overpriced MTX and lootboxes since Early Access to fund development.
Now they are keeping that shit and making you pay 10$ for every new weapon they'll add.
When did they split from TW?
>KF2 allows you to outrun nearly anything
Yeah that's one thing that bugged me since day one, I hoped for a stamina bar to make it balanced, but nah, got to play in higher difficulties to not outrun everything.
I'm not sure.
I think some of them are still working on RS2, or TW took over I don't know, but they are making '83 on their own.
excessive swearing is a sign of a weak vocabulary, zoomer
KF2 is one of the best fps that exist right now. It's really fun for at least 500 hours and nothing ex/kfg/ spergs will say can change that.
That said, $10 a gun is probably overboard, but each perk already has like 8 weapon so whatever.
>$10 a gun is probably overboard
Yes it is.
Next update might cost as much as the whole game.
They've already showed 2 new weapons, that means 20$, and the game is nearly at 30$, make that 10$ on sale.
>10 on sale
More like 5$ on sale
If they really hope for revenue out of that they will be sorely disappointed. There's a shitload of guns already, people will buy the first couple of updates and probably stop after that. Game will slowly die.
I pulled 4000 hours out of it so I'm okay with it now, let it die slowly. Forget the pains of the upgrade system, resistance, crossperk balance, tier 5 powercreep, quarterpound walksprint speed, gold/neon cosmetics, etc
It had its run.
I hope they start with KF3 in UE4, KF2 is pretty good it could been so much better
Wouldn't expect much from KF3 considering all the talent that left TWI after KF2. But who knows.
i didn't touch the game since official release, can i claim a refund?
Shame, was thinking about installing it again to try and run the game at max settings with a fuck load of bodies.
weren't there paid dlc weapons for the first?
Probably not, you have to refund before hitting the 2h of playtime or 14 days since purchase.
Sometimes it is extended, like it was in KF2's case when released out of Early Access, because they released without all the content promised, but often it isn't the case.
the game still exists you know
i played it one hour ago it's alive and well
Yes but the first one had them to fund development, in KF2 they added MTX and lootboxes during Early Access and justified it by saying it'll fund future content.
And now they are adding paid weapons without removing the MTX/lootboxes.
Normally I'd say something like "weapon packs are fine if they add many more hours to the game", but that's not the case for KF2 because the game is in steep decline already. It takes 20 minutes to find a HoE game and I've already done everything there is to do in solo. I guess all 5000 concurrent players are on those meme 32-player maps on Normal difficulty. Just let it die.
>It takes 20 minutes to find a HOE game
You are not using the matchmaking are you user?
The server browser is dead too. 99% of servers are at 0 players.
>dev adds MTX
>waaaah why not normal DLC waaah MTX is evil I hate receiving free content from whales money
>dev adds DLC
>waaaah i liekd it better when it was free!
I remember back when retarded shills on Yea Forums were trying to shill killing floor 2 hard and then it crashed and bombed
you faggot shills got BTFO hard
also hazmat speedonvhs adamantium and jimmy are cucks
Thing is, I was fine with faggots buying MTX to fund my content, now they are keeping MTX and making me pay 10$ for a gun.
Because nobody wants to play HoE since it just makes the enemies more bullet sponges.
If they balanced the difficulty by making it slightly sponge-y, the enemies do slightly more damage, etc. it'd be fun. But as it is, it's a chore because (speaking as someone that has to outlock medic since most of the playerbase was retarded) you have to berserker wall Fleshpounds/etc. while the non-Berskerers clear the trash mobs or you get swarmed.
>waaaah why not normal DLC
Said literally nobody.
>devs add MTX
>thanks, I hate it, you should've went with DLC
>devs add DLC but keep MTX
>thanks, I hate it, because you already had your shitty MTX.
Kill yourself if you can't see why folks are pissed.
>go back to kf2 for the hell of it after not playing it since the robots were introduced
>all of the comfy 10 wave suicidal servers are empty except for one
>only suicidal servers left are endless mode servers with a handful of 7 wave servers active
yeah i'm sure you weren't one of the faggots throwing a tantrum when MTX were added in
Well sheeet
FYI, this decision likely results from the recent poll.
Also nobody buys from the in-game shop anymore because you can buy nice looking cosmetics for less than a dollar on the Steam market.
If this doesn't work, KF2 is dead.
mtx are shitty cosmetics they are not content you absolute bitch they are completely different matters
>If they made the hardest mode in the game easier it would be fun
Just play on normal then?
Not him, but I would enjoy the behavior of HoE zeds without the bullet sponginess.
Having trash run at you, Husks use the flamethrower and suicide bomb.
But not having them take multiple headshots to die.
Play ss? the game literally has the playstyle you want.
>Play ss
That's what I'm usually doing.
I thought there was a difference between HoE and it though?
Nothing changes besides stats?
What? HoE has all these changes. Enemies run faster, do more damage, have more devastating combos, spawns more enemies and faster, and only scrake and fleshpounds have higher health pools. This is fact and clearly laid out in the google drive megasheet.
I think only pat and the fp king have some extra attacks in HOE
Sharpshooter. It's all about getting enemies in "one headshot" unless you go m14/FNFAL side where it's more of a stun and spam deal. Nothing is a bullet sponge against ss.
Nobody wants to play HOE because randoms suck
I like carrying randoms on HoE. This monday I medic'd a team to wave 40 on evac point HoE. It wasn't a walk in the park. In EU you easily find 10-15 servers at all time. Sadly no one is playing the map contest winners, mostly official maps.
maybe payed for perks are next
>I may have become used to
Imagine being this autistic.
I tried but it's one of the perks I really don't enjoy, not sure why, I like it and its weapons in KF1.
>Smell ya later. Gonna go play some zerker rounds on KF2.
Thank you, please fuck off
30$ Martial Artist Perk!
Limited offer! Buy now!
they had dlc weapons in killing floor 1, i dont see what the big outrage is
I think I'd rather have paid expansions than this shit.
>No, we have made a concerted effort to design of these weapons as we have with previous weapons to not be better than any weapon of similarly targeted tier in terms of raw stats.
How fucking stupid do they think we are?
It's actually pretty insulting. At least have the common decency not to lie in our fucking faces.
That's exactly what I'm going for.
Sharpshooter feels like shit, and I doubt Tripwire has fixed it since I last played.
Ok? Still feels like bullet sponges and is totally unfun.
Suicidal feels like what Hell on Earth should be. With maybe a slightly higher damage number while keeping the health pools what Sui had.
I do, but it feels like Tripwire should've done more for difficulty balance than "make enemies take more bullets to kill." Hard is what Normal should be. Sui is what Hard should be and HoE should've been what Sui was (as weird as that sounds). However have them be named Normal, Hard, HoE or whatever.
HoE is just a chore to play and unfun.
>Small CONTENT piece-mealed
>Generally more CONTENT not-piece mealed.
Again: kill yourself if you can't see why folks are pissed.
>paid dlc to support content
>mtx & lootboxes in EA
>supposedly to support content instead of paid dlc
>adds paid dlc anyway and doesn't remove mtx
Dank Trolling, Dab on the haters.
An expansion from 2019-era Tripwire would be the Versus zeds with abilities they took from other enemies/bosses or with half-baked new attacks that need 6+ months of balancing to not suck.
Oh god no. The last thing we need is more tanky and generic-looking robots that turn the map into a 70s disco whenever they attack.
what did they change to make it bad?
My dick in your mouth is a sign that you're a faggot.
U wot. You can decap a Scrake on 6P HoE as even a fucking commando without even needing to reload or stun it first. You can do it to FPs too. Sharps, GSers, and Demos can do it, and Demo's can kill an FP without it even doing an enrage animation. Sounds like a case of get good. But I know it's bait. Both games are good. Welding is just shit in 2.
They are a COMPANY.
Companies do things to make money.
Do you think the 20 (or sub 20) entry fee would make the ride last forever.
>refunded years ago
The entire fucking game is monetised now.
Remember back when KF1 was released and they said they would never add microtransactions.
When did TW went to shit?
They are still pulling the "small modders gone indie team" card while getting money from Epic to publish Chivalry 2 exclusively on EGS.
They did the same exact thing in Killing Floor 1 but i guess too many trendy bois werent playing the game long enough to know this.
Based, i did the same and never looked back
Fuck Kikewire and fuck KF2
I think the point was that they said it wouldn't be happening in this game
so you think the game would be better if they just released a bunch of mini expansions for a few bucks each every time ?
If they don't get enough money from the MTX/lootboxes they should rework them since they are overpriced trash that even whales don't buy.
And if that doesn't get money either, slow down updates.
Have you even read what they said?
Alright medic mains, what's the fucking deal with the Hemogoblin? I never buy that shit as medic because it doesn't heal, and the debuff makes shit flinch, which is aids for teammates. Now I see fuckers running it on Suicidal way more often, and it fucks me over every time. Not to mention, they heal like commando medics. Did it get a change I'm not seeing in recent notes?
i mean i am pretty sure they thought they would be making terraria level sales since the second game had a much higher production value but probably ended up with the same success as the first game. a companies *promise* is only as valid as their sales projections are.
You are a dogshit human. You aren't worth a drizzle of piss in a bottle. Never post here again and die soon.
>Added the shitty Zedconomy market and hats during fucking early access with the promise that all updates would be free
>3 years later double back on that promise and make weapons DLC anyways
Fuck tripwire, i should refunded this shit heap of a game when i left early access
>turns out all updates really were free and all you missed was literally bullshit like a green paint for your jacket
you are the shitter for even caring about cosmetics, zoomer
Now, give me 10$ for this new gun.
Don't worry, I'll put it to good use, to fund new maps, you know, maps from the community, that you can download for free.
nice rebuttal, hatwhore
it's almost as if we just got 4 years of completely free support, which tallies up to like 10 official maps and 20 something weapons, plus new zeds and mechanics and the only complaint you have is "muh hats"
Reminder that Chivalry 2 and Maneater are both Epic Store exclusive games
and Tripwire controls what happens with BOTH games because they are publishing them
Not only they are jews for taking Epic money, they are now fucking up KF2 completly by doing this 10 dolars 1 weapon bullshit
>implements loot boxes and steam economy bullshit on early acess because they dont want to release paid dlc like KF1
>release shit/ugly paid skins/items and characters on the store/loot boxes
>no one buys them
>"UUUhh what went wrong??? its time for paid dlc like KF1"
Honestly, I saw it coming, the game is half dead and all updates have been free thus far. They need to either look for other sources of money or stop supporting the game completely.
They did this near the end of Killing Floor 1's lifecycle so it's not a huge surprise.
>got 4 years of completely free support
Game came out late 2016 so from the get go you're wrong.
also, if they accepted Epic's exclusivity deal with 2 FUCKING GAMES ALREADY, they will do again with their games on the future
It's kind of sad how this game took years to release objective mode, which was already in the first game.
I don't even think custom maps will save this.
The game started april 2015. But but early access! Where are the goalposts now? Oh you've lost sight of it, fine. You can go back to jerking off on fortnite SFMs now.
>I don't even think custom maps will save this
Don't worry, they'll find a way to monetize it to make a few more bucks before launching KF3 as an EGS exclusive.
Because one person can just buy it and that means everyone in that person's game has access to it :^)
Only thing I've ever known the Hemogoblin to be even halfway useful for is the boss wave, since you can stack up some pretty reliable bleed damage with a magdump. Rest of the time its unmitigated shit so I think you're just encountering a lot of dumbfucks.
Please no.
The worst part of objective mode is that it's not even objective mode.
Santa's Workshop was literally more of an objective mode than the objective mode. They just added the same shitty tasks to follow, but at least in Santa's Workshop there was progression and areas unlocking.
Objective mode has 0 progression, it's just a normal fucking map with garbage tasks to do. It's so bad.
>The game started april 2015. But but early access! Where are the goalposts now?
>game being updated during early access, the period in which the game is actually made is somehow "free support"
You're absolutely braindead and should kill yourself bootlicker.
Alright thanks. Par for the course then.
Did you pay for support cockmongler? At any point since april 2015? Do you want to keep clinging on your semantics and somehow be right about that one point depite starting off with literally no argument?
Point being, MTX are nothing but hats, they are not content, you don't have to pay for them, and you got 4 years of free actual content.
But I get it, you really like neon skins and that's what you really want to spend your money on.
>4 weapons for 8 bucks
>1 weapon for 10 bucks
that's fucked
>Do you want to keep clinging on your semantics
You're the faggot claiming the game had free support for 4 years and claiming them making the game counts as "free support".
>you got 4 years of free actual content
>he keeps going on with it
Thank you for conceding.
Now fuck off.
Arguably, you had to pay for hats by putting up with teammates dressed like mismatched clowns. I would have gladly paid a small premium for the privilege of being spared that eyesore bullshit.
>Thank you for conceding.
I'm not, you're wrong and a cunt, twisting numbers and meaning.
The game hasn't been out for 4 years yet you claim "4 years of free support!"
Early Access is them making the game, of course the updates during that time would be free you absolute retard.
Do you legitimately have autism?
Ok, I'm sorry. You are correct, it's probably more like 3 years. Now, what was your point?
You can go back and read the post history, I'll be waiting.
Or are you satisfied with being correct on the exact timeline?
In which case I will ask you to fuck off and never post again about microtransactions. Is that fair?
I think that KF2 was a shit game from the start.
I would have understood a gun pack for ten quid, but one for a ten? Not with me. That's too fucking steep you mongos.
How long until they rat out to the epic store with kf3?
>Now, what was your point?
>we're adding MTX and lootboxes to fund content
>we won't do paid DLC because we do this
>lol we either slow the release of updates or add paid DLC
>give us 10$ for a gun
>every gun is now behind this new DLC we're introducing
>new "content" will probably consist of maps taken from the workshop
That's the only real argument against MTX
But with better quality control it could have been ok. The worst part for me is how most cosmetics don't even have a splatter map so they don't get grimy like your outfit and look fucking retarded. The effort is so low.
Did you really fucking think they meant "we will support the game for free forever even when it doesn't make money anymore"?
It's not fucking fortnite, obviously after a few years it dies out. Why do you think franchises make new games? They die out, it's a thing.
Do you think MTX is some kind of philosopher stone?
>obviously after a few years it dies out
I'm fine with this, let it die out instead of putting half the updates behind a paywall.
They nerfed elves again so the crybabies are crying
>1oz of real gold is cheaper than 1 gold color virtual hat
So you don't care. Fine. Just play the free updates then, the game is already complete and a half, there's more guns than we know what to do with. The maps are still gonna be free, until they completely give up that is. Regardless, MTX definitely served their purpose and TWI kept to their word for 3 years.
Beside, the character DLC since at least Mrs. Foster and both the Zweihander and Road Redeemer were already behind a paywall. (same for the shitty headshot FX)
>So you don't care. Fine.
I did until they went back on their word and made the game have both paid DLC and MTX/lootboxes.
With how it's going their next game will probably be on EGS only, so TW is definitely off my list.