What "latest hits" are they talking about?
What "latest hits" are they talking about?
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Lol. I hear this from nonunion guys all the time.
>"Why would I join a union? I have to pay dues and shit."
Yeah. 5% pretax and about $30 a month. I also make about $48 an hour while they make $18 for the same shit, am not treated like shit, don't have to bring my own power tools to the job, etc. But fearmongering is a powerful thing. So is the idea that someone's "taking your money". People will literally take less than half as long as no one's "taking their money".
Human psychology is fucked up.
Holy shit the jews aren't even behind the scenes anymore
Depends on the industry, some unions are complete retards that exploit their members to shit
Most anti-union groups are retarded though
And then the bus stopped and everyone clapped.
The truth is you pay $60-$70 a month just so you have to follow stricter protocols and regulations on how you do your job and the boss hates you giving you no chance in hell on getting a promotion or raise.
Unions are anti-American and breeding ground for communism you retarded kike. Not being in a union is the best thing you can do since you can get both more wages, and get to negotiate your hours without a pesky union rep faggot. I literally have the best relationship with my boss after he banned unions and immediately tell him of faggots trying to start one so he can immediately fire them
>I literally have the best relationship with my boss
Your mom patting you in the head and giving you a discount on Good Boy Points for tendies isn't "having the best relationship with your boss", froggie.
No, people rightfully distrust commies agitating in the workplace
>shitposting and larping as a scab
you'd do anything to be a contrarian, huh
>boss likes toadies
Who’d have thunk?
This. Declaring that you support an organisation that actively encourages illegal "industrial action" (thug action) and communist agitators has consequences. Don't shit where you eat, and don't bite the hand that feeds.
the absolute state of americlaps
I wish we had unions in my state.
>getting fair pay and employee protection is worse than your bosses making 4x the amount you do while working fuckall just so you can own the libs
>hurr I bet my boss loves the fact I joined an organization centered around halting his profits
Unions are retarded. You’re better off without them
>getting fair pay and employee protection
you get neither of those
all you get is a place on the "do not promote" list
one day I'll be the boss of my facility and I'll make sure to get rid of faggots like you first and foremost
>illegal industrial action (legal)
>stricter protocols and regulations
You mean like being allowed to tell the GC that we're not working equipment hot so no one dies?
You mean like actually being given proper safety gear so you don't fall to your death or get turned into a charred smear?
You mean like how I can't be fired for bullshit reasons and there's actually a procedure to be followed, with proper documentation so I have a recourse if I feel like I've been wronged, despite it still being perfectly possible and efficient when it comes to terminating worthless workers, despite what anti-union propaganda says?
Yeah I like those protocols.
I make back what being in the union costs me on like the first day of the month, and that's just in terms of money.
>no chance in hell on a promotion or raise
Actually I've gotten a raise of about $1 roughly once a year since I got in. I mean sometimes more sometimes less, sometimes with other perks. I think journeyman scale started at like $21 when I started, before packaging in benefits (insurance, retirement, etc), and it's about 150% of that now. Just about around a million in my 401k alone, am still in my 30s, and will probably retire at 55, maybe do some side work if I feel like it.
As for promotions, I run work now and they're talking about sending me for a second degree in business admin to become a project manager. So I've been promoted three times already.
Not to brag, cause who cares about bragging anonymously. I'm just saying you're unfortunately misinformed.
Looks like the you know who are here.
>a scab
Fuck off /leftypol/.
>people getting paid for work is more fair than demanding pay for no work
big think
But then again I bet you also support $17/h for literally flipping burgers
>having money
Oy vey, this won't do at all.
Well yeah. $17 is bare minimum to have any kind of meaningful existence without government assistance. There's no such thing as 'entry level positions' anymore now that industry in the US was annihilated by deregulation and unrestricted FTAs.
You could just say "yes I'm a socialist and think evrything should be free and fuck what happens to the country " and be done with it. 17$ a fucking hour for basic ass jobs come on man
Nobody deserves $17 for FLIPPING HAMBURGERS you commie fuck
It is literally bankrupting restaurants.
>read it as onion dues
I've been on this site long.
>it is literally bankrupting restaurants
No. It's really not. And if it was minimum at $17 then they'd all be on the same playing field. God forbid the CEO not make more than 1,000x the pay of the people making them that money.
>It is literally bankrupting restaurants.
Good! If I can't be rich, NOBODY CAN BE RICH!
>i belong to union so i ams granted a job :D
you will not make $48 an hour because they will just hire the other guys for $18. so not only are you not making money, you're also paying a monthly fee. gratz
If you're American, you're socialist, you dumbass. The programs that fueled America's rise to superpower dominance in the 1900s were all socialist policies. Now unrestricted socialism is as bad as unrestricted capitalism, but throwing out the baby with the bathwater is retarded.
The wage isnt the problem, there is always going to be a race between big companies and minimum wage. The main problem is that everything necessary, or almost so, costs too much money because they know they can get away with it.
this but unironically