So why is this game so widely criticized on Yea Forums? Has some of the best gameplay in the series...

So why is this game so widely criticized on Yea Forums? Has some of the best gameplay in the series. And all the characters have their own interesting backgrounds for why they wound up with the party. But you die-hard SMT fans can't stand "muh power of friendship" contaminating your dark and edgy RPG.

Attached: smt4abox.jpg (1544x1376, 767K)

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It’s a glib facsimile of the series at large.

>implying we didn't love best mick

Attached: 57AWK4g.png (1440x1262, 2.26M)

It had all of the quality of life improvements 4 should've had but a worse 'muh friendship' story

Kill yer frens, user

Attached: Dagda.png (200x194, 67K)

the game redeems itself with you being able too kill them.

its the second best smt game after nocturne though

the death mechanic wasn't as good as the first game

It had too much xenoblade tier weebshit in it

SP management is too tight for Nanashi in a game where auto attack is garbage