This is game is GAY and RETARDED and has the worst use of CryEngine ever
This is game is GAY and RETARDED and has the worst use of CryEngine ever
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female yu was cute
no u
>worst use of cryengine ever
ohhh my sweet summer child, have you ever heard of homefront: the revolution?
you must be 18 to post here champ :)
unironically one of the only fun AAA games I've played in the last 2 years
>a sizeable chunk of the game is trying to find and listening the audio diaries of some shitty carpet muncher and her retarded lesbian drama
It's the best Western game released this generation. Prove me wrong. Pro tip thou canst not'th
It's not even 5% of the game and about half the audio logs aren't about that.
Lying isn't going to make Prey 2 release.
FemYu is so cute
>It's not even 5%
It's entirety of the Crew Quarters which is a sizeable chunk of a game.
>It's entirety of the Crew Quarters
Another lie.
>sizeable chunk
Hyperbole doesn't help you
redpill me on why some people turn into phantoms and others don't.
>samefagging this hard
You're defending a segment inspired by a fucking Gone Homo
Get better taste in games
The real reason is that Alex arbitrarily coded in phantom spawns in order to actually have Typhon-Morgan have regular enemies to fight within the simulation. There's no real reasoning in reality as far as we know.
Those who OD on typhoon upgrades turn into phantoms, as far as i remember
You do realize you can skip 75% of this quest by killing the cook, grabbing the audio log from the corpse in the fridge and going directly to the gym, right.
Get fucked. Prey is an easy 11/10 game.
Your picture says Prey but I don't see Tommy, I'm not sure what this is? Some bored graphic designer?
You do realize nobody will do it on their first playthrough, right?
This section straight insulting because that lesbian gets more attention than any other character in the game including your brother.
I know it hurts to think that you're the only one with shitty opinions, but lying and using a strawman doesn't prove your point either :^)
i'm having a blast with it, easily one of the best things I've played in the last couple of years
Quit lying, man.
Hey i can play this game this too.
I did that on my first playthrough. It's not hard to miss since the cook is in the section with the telepath, and there's really no way to miss that. You don't even need to kill him to get the audio log that directs you straight to the gym. I've never collected all the audio logs.
no. u
user I know the girl you had a crush on in highschool dumped you for another girl, but this is too far
Your gay and retarded and your face is the worst use of CryEngine ever.
>the worst use of CryEngine ever
>Expect anyone to take some retard that writes like a 15 year old seriously.
Go play your generic MP shooters, pleb.
The audio log puzzle was like, one section of one zone. The fuck you on about? Was it dumb? Sure, who cares though, so was the d&d segments
Except nigger Stabfellow
Thank fucking god. The first one was bad enough.
DnD segments are optional.
This shit is mandatory and was written to push agenda as admitted by devs themselves.
*My nigger Stabfellow
But yeah, most of the audiologs were dumb. That's how all these games are
Well I'm sorry you got triggered buttercup maybe one day you and the other girls from Tumblr can come join us in the real world
Fuck there's so many more things to be pissed about like what they did to Wolfenstein, and this is what you hang a hat on? Cause some lesbians got screentime?
Every single crewmember aboard Talos 1 is accounted for, including the phantoms that are named like them. Where are the extra phantoms coming from? Including enemies such as mimics that can only reproduce by killing someone
Morgan knew the staff aboard Talos 1 before the neuromod experimenting, and neuromod removal is stated that every memory formed after the neuromod was implemented will be gone, so why doesn't he remember anyone?
Because it's a videogame
I would love Prey 2 to be announced, either as a different perspective from the whole situation or even after the events of the first game
You have two ways of skipping the audio log hunting
>playing the song in the bar
>knocking on the fitness window and having Shodan give you override words
Worst thing I've seen someone complain about was her giving you the mission to kill the cook, when you have a pretty good reason to kill the cook, given that he's an insane cannibal gulag prisoner who killed several people, tried to kill you, and is now roaming the station attaching recycler grenades to buttons
There are many things to be pissed about with Prey like non-existent difficulty that even makes the obnoxious Nightmare into a complete joke. Taking Gone Homo as an example for the writing is just one of the most insulting things.
>Morgan knew the staff aboard Talos 1 before the neuromod experimenting
Where was this mentioned? I know Morgan would've known OF the crew through Alex, but probably didn't know any of them personally before getting to Talos 1.
I really want Prey 2 set on Earth after the Typhonpocalypse.
>Where are the extra phantoms coming from?
The "volunteers" who aren't documented because they're human Guinea pigs
>so why doesn't he remember anyone?
Because that's not Morgan.
>The "volunteers" who aren't documented because they're human Guinea pigs
But they are. There's a list of all the volunteers on the station in the Neuromod division.
Mmm, been a while since I read that doujin...
But there weren't any volunteer "named" phantoms, were there?
Kek, go away
I never did find Josh Dalton
No, but I was saying that all the volunteers are documented, even if the their phantoms aren't named.
Would you feel differently about this if it was about a heterosexual drama? If so, why?
GUTS tucked behind some pipes and near some cystoids between subsection 19 and 16
Nets you the Qbeam
Stupid drama is always a stupid drama, but being about carpet munchers just makes it even worse and far more cringeworthy.
The only really bad piece of writing in this game is how the telepaths are handled.
The whole plot of the game revolves around the fact that Typhon literally lack the capacity to see humans as sentient beings with emotions and cannot comprehend communicating with them. However, in Mooncrash, a telepath brainwashes the volunteer to find his son's toy by imitating his son and playing on his emotions, indicating an understanding of human bonds and emotions as well as a means of communication. Dialogue of the brainwashed humans in the base game indicates that the telepath is "speaking" to them as well, so it's not just the DLC.
I guess he'll never be found...
Mostly implications, Morgan was aboard Talos 1 for some time before the tests began, met with the staff team and even had a relationship with the chief engineer before going into the testing chamber
Prey was dank but I hated the excess of respawning enemies in the last quarter
I took that mostly to mean that victems are just seeing what they want to see, the telepaths aren't specifically constructing an illusion, the humans own mind is doing that. All the telepath is doing is pressing buttons and our minds attempt to make sense of the stimilus. Like one of those hypnosis fish in that undersea game
no, no, they see humans as sentient beings, but the whole thing is based on mirror neurons. the ability to see yourself in that person. meaning that they are incapable of empathy.
I'm pretty sure Alex says that Typhon see humans as pure material for reproduction/food rather than anything that thinks. It'd be like us thinking a dog was literally just unfeeling meat on legs rather than an animal that can have emotional responses.
Right, hey can't anthropomorphise. Or whatever the alien coral equivalent is. Like we project our feelings and humans thoughts on to dogs, when dogs are actually just dumb as bricks. But this very statement will upset some people so much as to be inflammatory, because we can project so much of ourselves onto them.
What does it look like? The shape in the glass...
Fuck that jumpscare with the glass
That does make sense, thanks.
I shoot up the glass every time I see it now. Fuck that part.
Based and Redpilled. how will the trannies ever recover?
Alien Isolation was a million times better that this shit
The human kinda ability to wrap imagery around stimuli is pretty incredible, many paranormal experiences can be attributed to the mind literally making shit up in reaction to stuff like persistent vibrations or anxiety
My Turn
Dogs can learn around 150 words or gestures and understand basic arithmetic. They lack complex emotions like guilt, but they do have emotions like happiness and they have pretty good spatial intelligence.
Comparing them to bricks when cats and 2 year old kids are far stupider is silly.
For me it's Kirk Remmer
Damn, nice digits.
the only problem with CryEngine is that it probably got busted because it got overloaded with your crybaby complaints
Named fantom near evacuation pods in life support
Since when did Prey use CryEngine?
It uses the ame engine as dishonored.
It uses the CryEngine, m8, look it up.
Which is pretty great, considering the entire game is trying to make a human's brain and all it's associated perceptions out of an alien one.
Schizophrenia is sort of the same deal too. The hallucinations and how they manifest are also heavily influenced by the surrounding culture and attitudes towards the disease.
did you guys hate or love the GUTS sections? my friend hated it but I actually really liked that part. Great game anyway, one of the best of 2017 without a doubt.
I liked it at first but it got a bit tedious
Zero G in space was better. That being said, bouncing along the conveyor belt lines was extremely fun until you crash into something.
>halfway into the game, went full typhon powers
>get the morphing one
>try it out on a bunch of shit
>no way they will let me turn into a flying bot
>they let me turn into a flying bot
>okay but no way they let me fly upwards without any limit
>they do
>okay but no way they let me reach the escape shuttle that would skip the entire questline for that weird secondary quest
>they let me do that
>game ends out of nowhere, get spoiled on the real ending
Not even fucking mad. I don't know if you consider this emergent gameplay or not but god damn I love games that just let you do things like that
I like that strategic use of the gloo cannon + the speed/jump upgrades can get you pretty much anywhere besides hardlocked doors.
gloo cannon is the kinoest weapon
>the worst use of CryEngine ever
I liked the audio logs. The crew felt like actual people who worked together in close proximity rather than just spewing vague ideology, like most of the Bioshock ones. It made the space station feel like a place where people actually lived.
>the content of the game is shit but at least you can skip it!