Liberals want to ban video games. Why do we let these people speak their opinion again?
Liberals want to ban video games. Why do we let these people speak their opinion again?
It was Trump that said it user
Pretty sure conservatives are the ones against video games?
>uh there's nothing wrong with the government regulating lootboxes
>this happens
like pottery
>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.
>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.
This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.
>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.
>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).
Pick a side.
>Why do we let these people speak their opinion again?
So its okay when you suggest banning them instead?
Hypocrisy much?
But your daddy Trump is the one who wants to ban them
Liberals just want to turn them into tranny indoctrination devices
how do they know what percentage of adults consider suicide? do they just go around asking randoms people hoping they get a good answer?
sounds pretty dumb to me
all women are bisexual, this is a fact - we know this.
>Liberals want to ban video games.
why are you posting this? This has literally nothing to do with the thread.
Republicans want to ban video games because video games shoot people, not guns
yeah those fucking liberals
>what are lootboxes
No they don't.
If anything they want to ban shooters, in which case nothing of value would be lost and instead we'd get some fucking creative shit again probably
Conservatives want to ban video games in the same way drunk poor people beat their kids, because it helps them forget that they're the actual failures, in this case because guns rights advocates have completely lost the plot and have no fucking idea what a militia is even though it's pretty clearly defined by our laws
Because it's a kuso thread of a ResetEra user LARPing as a Trump supporter.
Liberals just want to put gays and women in videogames. Conservative boomers want to ban them. Both are equally retarded
When will we outlaw the democrat party?
>the war of 1812 was fought exclusively with continental army.
I wish we could publicly execute and gun down every kike, faggot, and disease spreader (“bisexual”) during the day of the rope
trump and gop are libs now?
what the fuck happened to this timeline
Both the Republican and the Democrat party are globalist right parties LARPing as rivals.
according to this user
>liberals are trying to save gaming y removing lootboxes
>conservatives are trying to ban vidya cuz they dont want to make actual drastic changes that will negatively affect their money flow
And this thread has nothing to do with actually playing video games but is just a thinly veiled bait for flaming. It's not like we're dumb, we know why the thread is here. It's not for discussion. It never is.
>not including dykes and trannies
Based af.
The country is starting to completely polarize. It's the final stage of a civilization, and a new one is on the horizon. Trump will most definitely be the last straw for whites. Once people see him and his boomer conservative supporters as leftists, everybody is the enemy.
Dykes can turn straight with a good dicking after a forced marriage. Trannies will kill themselves anyway.
Faggots cannot be saved since they have been dicked, and once a man is ducked, they can’t go back to normal.
Dykes arent faggots.
>Dykes arent faggots.
I know.
cant believe liberals are trying to take our games now
>liberals want to ban
If you weren't brainwashed by retarded American politics you'd realise how much of an oxymoron that is.
>white supremacy
>top 5 biggest mass shooters are 4 different races
Really gets the noggin joggin
>Trumpfags meme'd this man to be president to be "free" from the SJW and Lib villains from wanting everything censored
>Trump himself want to bad violet video games
What an odd turn of events.
trump and gop claim that theyre in it for freedom
He repeated what the SJWs have been saying for the past 9 years.
>white supremacy
>Dayton shooter was ANTIFA incel who the media went radio silent on after this fact came out
>El Paso shooter is a Unibomber copycat with Communist and Liberal talking points sympathies stuffed into his manifesto on top of eco-fascism
Most of these shooters are commie subhumans. The only based shooter was the one who killed Mudslimes in New Zealand
It won't happen for many reasons, but who knows, we could very well become as cucked as australia
>Sets a precedent that all violent media needs to be censored including movies
>Too many studies shit on this
>The gaming industry brings in too much money
>Ban or not, it's not going to stop people from playing violent games
>Historically congress has looked at violence in games as "You guys need to police yourselves" which brought about the ESRB
>MUH Freedom Speech
It's not an oxymoron now that Toxic Masculinity is an integral part of it which is intrinsically connected to projections of violence.
Erotic video games support rape culture while violent games support Toxic Masculinity.
You reap what you sow user.
This is why Trump will win 2020. Liberals trying to censor and ban everything.
They're not gonna vote for him over this, you have to remember that this orange man has been the anti-Christ for the past 4 years.
>Implying the Democrats on heels turned on video games cuz Trump began to shit talk them
Politicians and political parties are not your friends
There's no oxymoron if you are liberal with it.
This guy gets it
Tell that to that gay furry jigaboo.
>Democrats vote as a majority on a vague digital responsibility bill under the anti sex trafficking umbrella
>bill goes bilateral
>gay furry Mecca of Tumblr decides to shut down all the porn to be safe
>gay furry jigaboo goes on stage to whine about sticking it to the Republicans despite Democrats fucking him over
Makes me laugh every time.