Video game are pointless

video game are pointless.
history rts - read a book if you want to know history
story/adventure games - (this is the big one) no game has good writing. What passes for good writing in a game is mediocre in film and abysmal compared to books.
Art games - look at some art, watch a film
Interactivity is pointless and the only thing games have going for them is that you can press buttons and do mindless activities to pass the time.

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>story/adventure games - (this is the big one) no game has good writing. What passes for good writing in a game is mediocre in film and abysmal compared to books.

Yea Forums, why do you always say this? You and I both know you guys don't ever read books.

I'm clearly not from Yea Forums though, am I? This is different.

Ive come to the conclusion that games have no merit outside mindless pleb activity. They really are just terrible at most things. Games trying to be films.... watch a film. Games trying to teach.... watch a doc or read a film. Games trying to have genuinely good story... read a book. 'Smart' games where you have to manage resources and economy etc.... study a subject.

What book lets me do stuff

>2 posters in this thread

why do you care so much about your own choices? this is something ill never understand. who cares about agency and interactivity. I have no interest whatsoever in doing stuff in a game. I'd rather be immersed in a film or book.

>video game are pointless
Well, its plain entertainment. I mean, they are video GAMES

Well fuck you and answer the question

exactly, they're mindless, immature and highly time wasting pursuits. They're exercises in arrested development.

just like books and films

>films have better writing than games

Maybe 30-40+ years ago. But now? Dude...

Everything is a waste of time.
In the long long time to come, whatever you do now will literally not even matter at all.
I'm just playing games because i realized it's the cheapest hobby and can pass the time mindlessly , and fast.
So that i can get to my death as soon as possible.

Art is pointless. Gawking at some dried out paint on canvas provides nothing useful. Listening to varying recorded frequencies is not fruitful in any way.
Reading books that contain any kind of fiction is pointless as it doesn't provide you with knowledge or skills.
You have no way of refuting that, unless you admit art is subjective, and along that line of thought, video games have a point even if you can't see it.

ugh dear god please kill yourself. You're one of those plebs who think reading is limited to the hunger games, aren't you?

Okay so you admit that you want to pass your only time on this planet quickly and MINDLESSLY? I genuinely feel sorry for you and hope your eyes are opened one day.

And I bet you wouldn't count training sims as vidya, would you

>Reading books that contain any kind of fiction is pointless as it doesn't provide you with knowledge or skills.
I think I'm going to be sick with anger. You are literal scum that should be wiped off the face of the earth. Vacuous pleb.

CYOA books, but like those are just primitive narrative driven games

I enjoy playing video games, so they're not a waste of time for me

it's entertainment you american

>you american
trust me, if I was an american gamer I'd kill myself. Scourge of the earth.

So you're saying video games are devolving?

Name one fiction book worth reading

So shitty memes aside, this thread really is the ultimate and genuine NPC thread.

>Do not enjoy things.
>Do not partake in fantasy.
>Do not waste your time with hobbies that I personally deem childish.
>You must always work.
>You must always be productive.
>Do this until you get married.
>Get old.

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.......... I don't know what I expected to be honest. I don't know why I'm annoyed. This is an anime image board for sixteen year old gamers. Fuck me.

That's fine, but remember that your inane anger is not an argument.
Written or filmed fiction provides you with nothing else than self fulfillment, just like video games. It had no real world usefulness, beyond being a pasttime, like video games.
Go on, argue however you want, but the ultimate point of written fiction is providing a person with enjoyment - which is the exact same thing video games strive for.

Hard to describe how sorry I feel for you, that you have no idea that there are other books out there than Hunger Games, Harry Potter and Wheel of Time. Just sad.

>this is something ill never understand
and that's the difference. We can handle difference in opinion. You can't. You don't get it, but someone else does. You're no better for it, nor are they worse.

I'll say it right now. Reading fiction books is JUST AS pointless as video games. But guess what, they're both supposed to be entertainment, dumb fun. Get your superiority complex outta here bitch.

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Don't take it seriously, user. It's just shitposting to kill time. We all do it from time to time.

Trust me, nobody is actually 100% serious when they go on a video game board and expect people to genuinely hate video games.

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Oh look, another one. See:
Real books are more than just entertainment.

Again, zero arguments.
To spite you even more - i read a lot, way more than i play video games. I just wanted to tell you that your point is so retarded it hurts, boiling down to
>nuh uh you can't enjoy things i personally enjoy, and if you don't enjoy only things i enjoy you're retarded
If this is the way you argue in real life then pass my condolences to your colleagues

These are literally equally pointless activities. Only women think hobbies are immature.

Not american. Not even the same continent as walmart shitters.

Just worse and worse and worse. The fact that you read and still think reading is a form of 'pointless entertainment'. You must still be reading Sanderson and Martin.

No, and the distinction is pure pretentiousness.

Same mind.

I think you should take reading comprehension 101 again, it's worrying how you couldn't understand a few simple sentences.

You genuinely think that Moby Dick or Don Quixote is the same level as Harry Potter and to suggest otherwise is to be pretentious? Fuck this world and fuck bratty little American Fortnite gamer kids with ADHD. That's what you all betray yourselves to be.

My argument IS the books themselves.

No they're not. And the pure arrogance seeping through your post is enough to make me feel sorry for you.

Because you've never read a book beyond the level of Harry Potter. It's not arrogance, it's simple fact. Certain books are important and of high merit... because they're important and of high merit. Real adults in the real world think this. And it's true.

They're not the same level. While quality of the writing is dramatically different it's still a fictional story that leaves you with no additional knowledge or skills - just entertainment

Why are you backpedalling? At first you imply all books are a better past time then games, now you claim Harry Potter and Hunger Games don't count?

books are pointless.
history - play Age of Empires if you want to know history
story/adventure book- (this is the big one) no book has good writing. What passes for good writing in a book is mediocre in film and abysmal compared to video games.
Art books - look at some art, watch a film
Interactivity is pointless and the only thing book have going for them is that you can flip some papers and do mindless activities to pass the time.

whats your 3x3, Yea Forumsfag?

Point to me where I said this. I've only ever qualified that good books are worthwhile. Also, I've made several posts now shitting on bad books, so there's clearly a difference.

>the same level
No, the same category. Being a good [THING] doesn't make it another [THING]. Mediums and genres do not represent quality.

Yes, but the point is that the GOOD book is NOT entertainment. It's more important than that.

Technical and learning books have value as sources of information and knowledge.
Fiction books are a source of entertainment and nothing beyond that. No matter how good a story was, it's still a made up story with no value beyond reader's satisfaction.
This time at least try to present a counterargument instead of previous
>ugh i'm mad
>ugh you're dumb

I can't argue with someone who honestly is this blind to the power of literature. I just can't. I feel like I'm talking to a fucking brick wall. The fact you think there is nothing to be gleaned from an important book like Crime and Punishment other than mindless entertainment is genuinely shocking and saddening.

>video game are pointless.
Good job, you failed from the very first sentence.

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Can you imagine a world with no fucking entertainment whatsoever? People would be driven fucking insane if they were forced to work like bees for the rest of their lives. Just take a look at Japan. The suicide rates are through the fucking roof because so many business men don't have time for themselves. They're literally forced to work until they die.

OP, I know you're shitposting, but I know for a fact that you wouldn't survive in a world with no "pointless entertainment" whatsoever. After all, baiting for (you)s seems to be your primary source of entertainment, right?

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No. That you find rubbing yourself off to spiteful, murderous russians more fulfilling doesn't make it more than entertainment. You're the same type of person that reads self-help books for fun. And just as obnoxious in trying to convince yourself it's anything more.

>. I just can't.
I'm literally shaking right now. Ugh, I can't even. Can we like not?

Just sitting here at a loss for words now. Unbelievable.


So you read all those books yet you can't even articulate why? Seems pretty fucking pointless

Sad that you live in a world where nothing is important and everything is trivial, even the highest forms of art possible on the planet. Fucking hell. I would hate to be you.

I can, but no matter what I say these people will just say that no matter the book it's all pointless entertainment with no value. I'd also be called pretentious if I tried to articulate what was good about books and on a higher level than games.

We do have something in common then. The feeling's mutual.