What are must have games for Xbox?
What are must have games for Xbox?
Forza Horizon 3
Why not 4?
Ermmmmm well errmmmmm xbox and xbox360 games errrmmmm theress errrrmmmmmm welll theressss errrrrmmmrmmmmm weellll you see errrrmmmmmmm *jumps out window
I think the setting was better, also the DLCs were pretty good (Hotwheels island and Blizzard Mountain).
Halo and gears of war
Other than that there isn't many exclusives
Why is Fifa suddenly a bigger scapegoat than Madden?
metal gear solid HD collection
I sure hope you weren't stupid enough to buy a xbox or ps4 since the next xbox will be backward compatible with xbone ps5 should be unless Sony wants to lose next gen
Because Yanks have realised there's a world outside the US and that no-one gives a FLYING FUCK about OBLONGTHROW
I did, because found a good deal
Now thinking what to buy for it except master chief collection
>there is an entire generation of Xbox with the only worthwhile games being a fucking racing game
Ninja gaiden black
Ninja gaiden 2
Splinter cell chaos theory
Lost odyssey
Radiant silver gun
Shadows of the damned
Crimson skies
Panzer dragoon orta
Blue dragon
It’s a fucking emulator box nothing else
No its because the US is now majority spic instead of majority nigger.
>Blue dragon
No, just no
Nigga hand poster btfo, how will he ever recover?
based exchange
Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive and Titanfall 2