Sony once again leading the charge as the speartip of inovation. You ready to buy a PS5 day one Yea Forums?
Sony once again leading the charge as the speartip of inovation. You ready to buy a PS5 day one Yea Forums?
Is it time for State of Play already?
Dropping E3 was the right thing to do. State of Play gives Sony a more focused grasp on the future, moreso than anyone else.
Is that why they deleted and reuploaded their video from YouTube 3 times to reset the like-dislike ratio?
God I hope they pull a microsoft and bundle that shit with the PS5 to arbitrarely increase the cost of it.
That never happened.
PS5 won't need bundling. It will come with VR to allow all you plebs to bask in Sony's radiance. I'll pay whatever it costs for another decade of the best games on the marked.
Trying too hard there, m8
>PS5 won't need bundling.
I think he was implying that that VR would need bundling. Not the PS5. I can't tell if you're having a laugh at my expense or if we're witnessing the famous Sony'gger retardation full-on.
>OP links from dailystar, a known clickbait red-star """source"""
>some S(n)oynigger spouts random nonsense that's barely coherent
>you give him free (You)s
I don't know man I can't tell who's more retarded anymore.
it actually did
Quit lying.
Fuck off.
The only retard ITT is you and the shitposters. I'm trying to a legitimate video game thread and you fags keep shitting it up with your endless denilism and sheer bullshitt.
Isn't the dailystar like Polygon / Kotaku?
No Dialystar is way WAY worse. Kotaku pretends to know things about video games and video game culture. Dailystar doesn't even do that, it just flat out lies about most of it's stories and then turns around with a shrug saying that they're just a news tabloid.
There was huge fiasco in the UK a few years ago where the CEO tried to bluff it away with some poor excuse about them "only being a tabloid entertainment-focused good read" and not an actual news outlet.
>Dropping E3 was the right thing to do
Even they don't believe that which is why they released all of those trailers as E3 trailers.
On an actually interesting note, will Sony be back at E3 this year, or are they too flustered to show their faces there again after the State of Play shitshow?
If they do show up next year they'll be the laughing stock of the show before they even show anything.
>ctrl+f wireless
>0 results
into the trash it goes
Fuck off genuine shill
Sony doesn't have to return. They have officially left the pleb-event behind and the YouTube-views speak for themselves. There is no reason to put on a show when the hardware speaks louder than words.
You're a retard for thinking this. E3 this year was dull as fuck without Sony carrying the event like they always do. I don't expect E3 to be thing in a couple of years unless they start paying Sony to come back. It's just pathetic without them.
Wireless is a meme and everyone but the tech-illiterate know it.
Sprint into traffic.
How about a little honesty for once user? How much are Sony paying you to sensationalize their shit like this? Is it against your contract to say?
>You're a retard for thinking this
user, they absolutely shat on E3 before calling it unnecessary. If they go crawling back no one will ever take them seriously again.
>without Sony carrying the event like they always do.
Please, the thing Sony was good for was making a fool of themselves like that time they tied people up and hung them from the ceiling.
the only good vr games on the ps4 was Zone of the Enders, Ace Combat 7, and Wipeout Omega Collection. everything else runs better on pc
The PS5 will destroy that number.
i hope so.
i was disappointed by the selection of vr games and how some of them were downgraded on ps vr
The PS5 is really shaping up to be a VR-centric console. Whatever your dismays they will be lifted entirely with the PS5 for sure.
When will this meme end? No one is buying it except for noveltyfags and they'll buy literally anything.
>I'll pay whatever it costs for another decade of the best games on the marked.
Then you should probably consider buying a PC. Maybe a Switch too if you want some nice portability.
They already confirmed that the new PSVR won't release at the same time as the PS5 specifically to avoid making people buy too much stuff at once
not any time soon, ever since that cheap oculus package came out more of my co workers have been buying vr headsets for themselves or their family.
VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.
>t. Nincel that can't into VR
Sure must suck to be you.
I have a oculus and I've only ever used it for koikatsu and other illusion games. It is a meme.
You don't have shit. Quit lying on the internet like a faggot. No one is buying your shit.