Finnsh the sentences.
The Ps4 is for....
Finnsh the sentences
Balding leftists
Why wouldn't you just shave your head at that point. It's gone bro and it's not coming back, it's only gonna get worse
>Finnsh the sentences.
The Ps4 is for PERKELE
how big do you think that TV is? 75'' or 81 inches? thanks.
Can someone please post the screencap so this thread can get deleted?
Someone do the math and calculate how tall that dude is
...COD and FIFA!
people who are kinda into video games, but really only play the popular stuff with some occasional more obscure games
my tv is way fucking bigger than his and it's only a 55"
his looks like a 40
People who lost their virginity
Watching the opening scene of The Dark Knight Rises on Blu-Ray 3 times every day.
>supports nYike and playstation
I thought sóy was just a meme
what have you nerds decided is wrong with nike?
Oh I'm sorry tranny, didn't mean to speak ill of your lord and saviour the happy and friendly corporation
Jesus. This is kind of sad. Dont get me wrong, I still enjoy videogames, but we are all adults now. If you are not making money out of games, why would you have such a collection like this one?
Playing PC Games releasing on the Epic Games Store
I have a similar hairline and Im 26. I shave it then let it grow for almost a year before repiting the cycle (been doing this for a couple of years now). Either shaved or with long hair I get compliments on my looks. Maybe it is because Im fit and not ugly, but also it could be about self confidence
I don't think there's anything wrong with keeping a "Nerdcave" as long as you are a working member of society and don't fail at your liabilities because of videogames.
Still i kinda get what you are saying, i've always been really into gaming but now i feel kinda ashamed of it because now i'm an adult so i just keep all my stuff in a "secret" room within my bedroom
>If you are not making money out of games, why would you have such a collection like this one?
Why have any collection at all with that reasoning?
1 foot tall men
didn't some user do the math on this pic to determine that guy is like, 5'4?
I think the problem is that people still find gaming as an "outcast hobby" and gaming collections aren't as socially accepted as movie or art collections
But like i said before, unless you're a parasite who lives off their parents' or the government there's no reason for you to be ashamed of keeping videogame collections, that's just part of your personality
just did some quick counting and that stack is about 177 cm
PlayStation is and has always been for black men disappear. your black seed now fuck off
At some point that guy is going to die, and I dont see any kids in his near future to leave them all those things. But at least if you have a collection with some real cultural value (not in the sense of "pop culture" inb4 "everything is culture) like books or vinyl, you could leave some actual heritage to subsequent generations. If not, you should at least try to make some money out of it. Anyway, thats my point of view, to each their own.
I got 166cm / 5'5" though a 14mm PS4 case and 119 games, but I may have counted wrong
either way it's not looking good for him
Why do they do this?
Imagine being so poor you can't even buy every console to play ever game regardless of it's platform/exclusivity. What pathetic gamer are you then??
I counted 119 cases too, 14 x 119 = 1666
1666mm works out to about 5'4 and a half.
Probably the most disturbing thing of all in this pic is that he has a PS4 Copy of Battleborn and he's not ashamed to show it off.
Pictures of a decaying civilization. Sad.
Is he wrapping his arms around an invisible person or something?
Nike is based, they fund cool puppet films.
Rate my collection, Yea Forums!
The internet is for....
Funkos are trash.
Okay, where is my PS4 then?
>not one vidya
>owning and wearing video game apparel
please don't do this
Those are PlayStation shoes?
r8 my collection
I have a Pokemon t-shirt with assortment of gen 1 Pokemon on it, everyone says it's awesome. But, in Kurwaland vidya were always cool.
Do any of you really keep the games you beat? I understand if the game is too good to let go of, but I highly doubt that the majority of shit that is out there is worth hanging on to for over 1 or 2 playthroughs.
Imagine owning a physical copy of a game in 2019 lmao
I think the most grating thing about this photo is how he's holding a v sign like some anime girl... that and he's trying to pose with the collection like it was a person.
As if I'll ever stop
Based, how is it fucking user's girlfriends and waifus you chad?
>World of warcraft
>not vidya
I know you guys don't actually play games but come on now. it's still shit though
So if we count all the bundles/collectors editions on the side, the PSVR etc and those 119 games
is it safe to say this dude's spent over $10k?
Feels pretty good I'm just a kid from the projects but some people like seeing black dick take over their girlfriend or waifu.
Ultimate soi
If physical games 'die out' from production, the vast market of people who still want or desire physical copies (used or new) will skyrocket in value.
It might not be for another 10 to 20 years -
Even now - 3 or 5 gen-old games are worth some serious money, or have at least retained most of their original value. If you buy a 3DS game for $39.99+ tax 9 years ago, and today it's still worth between $30 and $50 on eBay (or more) - that's a major retention in value.
hella based bro!
>All those PS4 games
>No Bloodborne
>The Ps4 is for....
Kale males
Game collectors dont actually play games
These collector people seem like the biggest casuals, Buys anything that comes out.
I seriously hope you guys dont do this
I can never hold on to physical games, I just trade or sell them eventually, There's very few games you can play over and over.
English not your first language?
Almost every game there is a multiplat, which all run better on PC or XboneX. The few exclusives PlayStation does have are all cinematic, linear movie games, with no replayability, no multiplayer, no co-op, and all for 60$. Your paying 60$ to see a movie when you press a few buttons throughout. That's it. And its a SJW politics filled shitfest. Literally, all of their new exclusives coming up are pandering to the LGBTQUQPJEMURIAOFKGPVMA community. Sony keeps talking down and treating their consumers and rivals like shit. They're bowing to political pressure and censoring games. They have already stated that "PS5 will be a system for pro gamers", aka that'll be 1000$+ dollars for a console less powerful than the competition that only has black, disabled, Muslim, gay, down syndrome characters in all of its games, and any/all mulitplats will either be heavily censored on PlayStation, or flat out not allowed on the console. Sony is going to fucking die, and thank God, because they are the cancer ruining video games. With all the great indie studios and first party games coming for Xbox, and I mean REAL GAMES, hopefully Nintendo and MS can stand together victorious next gen.
>you should only enjoy things your decedents can sell
What a warped mind space user.
Is that who i think it is?
Those games at the bottom are probably beat the fuck up. All that weight has to damage then
They're shipped in larger stacks. You're retarded.
Nice reading comprehension.
You really rhihaventnk that?
You do know she does BLACKED porn exclusively, right?
he's about 1m64.
half of that pile was probably found in a dollar bin just for the photo
>controllers mounted on the walls
I count 119 game cases.
Google tells me the cases are 14 mm thick.
He is about 166 cm y'all,which is about 5.3 feet. He is 5 foot 4 inches.
Ironically, I use my ps4 mostly for watching porn!!!
>no metal gear solid v
I'm kind of glad its not there, desu.
How is there not a single decent game in that entire stack? How can one man's taste be this poor?
>I've bought a total of 2 physical games this decade
Imagine wasting space and money on modern games that have no manual, shit album art and don't even come with the finished game on the disc.