Thoughts on women?
Thoughts on women?
>tranny has an opinion
>lets post it to Yea Forums
i like women
Well she isnt wrong, but shes still a cunt by default.
I'm gay so I don't care.
The screencap is correct though.
This isn't video games, so kill yourself OP.
>dont have to deal with roasties because I'm gay
Have fun str*ightoids
So what do women offer besides a hole?
opinion discarded
she is correct. i wonder what video games she plays?
Wait until we gamers rise up bitch
>tattooed roastie advertising herself with her legs complains about lack of personality
Nah, it's women do like assholes, just a fact
however nice guys are beta males, so i don't blame women for wanting to not date them
y'all don't think the green dot they took hours to adjust their avatar pic into covers anything other than a cock do you?
I think it's just like a woman to make a strawman arguement like that
What Xie means is that assholes make her ax wound wet with their dominant and abusive behavior and "nice guys" are typically just cuck losers
sloots gonna sloot, but she is right
the sexual market is skewed as fuck right now, while I woman can get away with just being a 5/10 and "nice", beta men with no standards have made even the ugliest of women picky because they have endless choices
Came to post this.
Instant dumpster tier and likely a future 30+ year old wine aunt who will beg to date "nice" guys.
if a single man does something, all of them do it, user
there are an insane amount of retards on this planet, and theyre gonna win. fuck it.
Reddit betacucks eternally BTFO
Be the genetic hero mankind needs and rape the genepool cleanish.
she's right though. and the incels are seething.. as usual.
Not videogames, fuck off back to /r9k/ incels
Aren't sweetness, thoughtfulness, compassion the components of niceness?
All women are a waste of time and money when you actually do the math. Buying a whore every week/banging tindr thots is the objectively patrician way to live and women have made it this way.
anything is possible when you have an inflated sense of self worth
women want to be raped and killed
me likey... penis....
a pit to dump your income and possessions into
so yeah, just a hole
All of them will just get abortions
he/she/it is right though
wow, so strong and independent being victimized all the damn time
then go and rape and kill women
She didn’t want to admit all women like big power fashy men that lift weights and hate more things than they like.
That's kinda right isn't it? What rebuttals are there?
>i'm not an evil omega incel, i'm a nice guy beta
>how could you hate a nice guy
Honestly fuck off with this shit, be a man or don't. If any of you guys are like this, please change immediately.
Are you old enough for this beverage?
I prefer boys
“Incel” is attacking my god given right to bend you over and have my way at any given moment
This is actually a pretty based opinion.
Video games.
I was measuring my dick earlier and it turns out I'm actually pretty big, which is a huge surprise to me because it sure doesn't look like it from where I'm sitting. Really need to lose some of the fat pad though.
not surprising
as a woman, as long as you don't overeat, you will be attractive
Whereas unless you spend at least a year working out as a man, you won't be attractive
>Where have all the good men gone?
Absolutely this. Probably one of the biggest factors. I've seen so many couples where the girl is legit out of the guy's league, but women love a guy who can make them laugh.
As for my own thoughts: There's no single secret thing, no skeleton key that "unlocks" all women. My tip, focus on bettering yourself before you try to impress or court someone else.
Women, and really anyone in general, can pick up on wether you take care of yourself or not. Someone who can't take care of themself or is poorly adjusted socially, sticks out like a sore thumb like an exposed mine to be avoided.
Slut applies to both men and women and you deserve to be called one if you fuck anyone you can and let anyone fuck you.
Friendzoning varies from never telling that beta orbiter you're not interest and straight up telling a guy you just want to be friends. Saying no is an entirely different thing.
Extra emotional and financial baggage for you to carry down your life.
She's not wrong.
Who wants a weak bitch who lets everyone else walk over him?
im 20!
>My tip, focus on bettering yourself before you try to impress or court someone else.
Don't even bother with courting, if you better yourself enough, they come after you.
Imteresting.Do let us know what happens after you lose the fat pad.
>My tip, focus on bettering yourself before you try to impress or court someone else.
what a load of horse shit
>Women, and really anyone in general, can pick up on wether you take care of yourself or not. Someone who can't take care of themself or is poorly adjusted socially, sticks out like a sore thumb like an exposed mine to be avoided.
enforcing why people are all fucking assholes
Insulting a female for being a slut is not saying that she does not have the right to say yes, but rather that she should not have an overabundant amount of sex with several different men as that shows that she is not suitable for love but rather to be used as an object. Insulting a female for friendzoning someone is not saying that she does not have the right to say no, but (assuming that it actually did go down like this) that she shouldn't have received things from her male friend in a way that led him on to believe that they may form a romantic relationship only to tell him that they will be just friends.
Fine by me than, go ahead but maybe put some other cloth on. Yours look a bit skimpy
>bettering yourself for women
the cuck mindset
As opposed to this very thread where a tranny is representing all women?
fool 100%
>only polite because he's too weak to stand up for himself
such a great gaming discussion. you know what's missing though? some hardcore pornography.
>actually believing this
lol, you poor piece of shit
The "friend-zone" problem is actually solved by the woman saying no.
Literally nothing incorrect about this.
Self-styled "nice guys" are perpetual losers who think that being faux-Edwardian and simpering around women means they should be rewarded with a relationship.
When it doesn't work out, they assume it's because what women go for is the opposite of that, which is "being an asshole", it's usually about this time they descend into "HUH, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU JUST TURNED DOWN, ENJOY GETTING BEAT UP BY AN ALCOHOLIC WHO GETS YOU PREGNANT".
Almost every time, the facade totally falls as soon as their trick doesn't work, and they go full fuckin mental breakdown.
They need to stop being something that literally nobody asked for and then wondering why there's no demand for them.
That all said, women exist to suck my dick and it's a joke they get to vote.
>Thoughts on women?
They are okay.
Spoken like a true loser, good job.
That post has over 7 thousand likes. It's not a representation of all women but damn is that a fucking lot.
I hate women but I want to have sex with them.
>omega thinks he is an alpha
Natural selection at its best
This is kind of true though. Anyone who calls themselves a "nice guy" is usually a creep. Someone who is actually good doesn't have to say it or even think it, they are naturally that way.
Yea Forums - whiteknighting
All 100% correct, you aren't BORING are you anons?
Way to prove his point, man.
A man doesnt need to be attractive if he can provide.
This is accurate (although I'd happily fuck a boring girl even if she had nothing going on other than being nice) but it's definitely not video games.
You people would know all about playing the victim
in short the image is trying to convince myself that yes = slut and no = friendzone when it actually is yes yes yes yes yes = slut and maybe maybe maybe no = friendzone
Unironically true
Nice is for faggots too weak to be otherwise
go dilate tranny