How about 2d titty with guns?
It's more like
>US made games
>good looking females
yeah no
Jokes about the US really write themselves.
everytime there's a mass shooting gun sales go up because gun nuts are always paranoid this time the government will finally go after guns.
It mentions violent video game displays. Not tits
Walmart sells guns?
Americans told me all other countries are shitholes except theirs, why does this keep happening, ameribros?
nobody wants to live in this world,so you have to lie to yourself to endure it
there are more guns than people in the US, getting rid of them all is impossible and a leftist wet dream, will absolutely never happen
Further proof 3D > 2D
Yes. But not stores in cities. More rural stores sell shotguns and bolt rifles.
yes it's very easy to buy a gun in NA
and they still don't want to change their gun laws
>buying a gun from Walmart
The gun makers don't care if looney tunes people use their guns to slaughter people, they got their money, and money is the most important thing in the world to them.
Donald Trump also likes money, so the gun makers give him money so Trump doesn't do anything to prevent anyone from buying a gun. Because Video Game makers don't give Trump any money, he blames them for IRL tragedies all the time to protect the gun makers and their cash which they give Trump.
Its not like they are walmart brand guns.
I work in an electronics section of a Walmart esque store. These departments all lose money. This is just a reason to get rid of it.
They'll also still be selling violent games.
What's your point?
the point is how absurd americans are
>Implying we need Wal-Mart for our rated M AAA Vidya when there's still other more efficient means and(arguably surperior)retailers.
You have no guns lol
Not wanting to openly glorify violence with store displays is absurd?
>sells guns and displays guns
>n.....not w....wnat...ing to glori...fy v....violance is....absurd?
not very smart are you?
>Hehe! YouTube, Blizzard, ect. are all private companies. They can do what they want. Should have kept quiet :^)
>Also Lefty/pol/:
Tbh, I’m glad this is happening. Seeing lefty/pol/ fucking seeth over when corporations don’t do what they want :^)
There is nothing violent about a stick that can send small metal cones at high velocities.
>not buying games digitally
Literally who is affected by this?
Prices are shit and they generally have basic bitch brands. I don't even think they sell rifles
Yes I’m sure banning guns will cause all the criminals and nutcases to turn them in and not just strip law abiding citizens of a means to defend themselves
How many gun ads you ever see actively promoting you to do violent things with them?
Walmart just wants to virtue signal, they're not gonna do anything that actually effects their bottom line
Walmart in my area in Eastern Arkansas sells fully automatic rifles, shotgun, revolvers, crossbows, and I saw foil machetes up for like 15 bucks once.
it's about time video games were taken away. we almost got them in the 90's and again when grand theft auto came out. all it's gonna take is one more of OURGUYS doing their civic duty in walmart
honestly, this has been the left's long game. they were doing pretty good destroying the industry already with their sjw infiltration. this will finally be the death knell
Games influencing people makes a lot more sense than guns, that's for sure, but neither are the problem regardless. Of course, tackling the actual problem would entail the left acknowledging that they have completely wrecked society in the last 150 years and all this is thanks to their societal cancer, which will never happen willingly.
anyone still playing games are dopamine slaves, as bad as pornaddicts
It is neither guns or video games
The real problem is this multiracial society that is being pitted against each other by the media.
Youre right, its a shit hole so quit coming over.
nice meme
Holy shit what a smooth brain take. Guess what, any society will always statistically have psychopaths. The important thing is to make sure lethal killing weapons aren’t distributed to those individuals. People like Joe Rogan memeing about prescription medication are literal retards.
get out of here uptighty righty, it's the guns everyone knows this, but you faggots want to continue to LARP as revolutionary warriors, even if was mental health, your other boogeyman the right dismantled any chance for people to get help wtih their cuts to public health care over the last 40 years.
>The important thing is to make sure lethal killing weapons aren’t distributed to those individuals.
The Swiss have a tonne of guns. The Swedes have a tonne of guns. I can buy a semi-auto pistol from unofficial sources for about $400 here in Sweden with minimal connections, I can legally get up to 5 semi-auto rifles with a 3 day crash course in hunting. Getting weapons if you want to start shooting people isn't hard.
Guess what Switzerland and Sweden (before the last few years anyway) don't have? A multicultural "melting pot" mutt-monstrosity of a society and mass media openly hostile to the most armed group of people who are getting progressively more tired of it.
>porn addicts STILL make it about themselves even when it's VIOLENT games being beaten up
Holy shit
...That country is walking on its head.
The world itself is,in fact...
Games have influenced jack shit in people
Why do burgerlanders site the 2nd as their right to defend themselves against the government but also support their government in funding the most powerful military on earth that they'd have no feasible way of protecting themselves from?
And if the answer comes down to "well that will never happen", then why do they even need the 2nd?
>born with dick
>have to be 21 to own a handgun in most states
Normies can use stands, remember?
Careful with that. Modern men actually do cut their dicks off.
I'd rather a crazed person with a gun start shooting than a crazed person with a knife start stabbing
Everyone can tell when someone is shooting a gun, a stabbing spree however can last hours, or even days before you figure out what's going on
what the fuck does that have to do with 2D titty, fucking moron?
what kind of deaths? because everybody born will die
and they have yet to refute the fact that when guns are more controlled or even illegal, it's only the criminals that get them.