tick tock XIV fags..
Tick tock XIV fags
That's not how that meme works.
>made so much money they can just give one week away
All WoWfugee welcome
>making any money
I wonder why they have such a huge cosmetic store.
Yeah as much as you may hate xiv you're deluded if you think the game doesn't make them any money. Fuck the trannies and changelings on this site alone have spent thousands of dollars on the mogstation
It's probably struggling if they have to give away free play time almost every month and have so many micro transaction items in the game.
> all comsetics
Yeah you wish it was struggling. How does it feel to have bought 6 months of subscription for a god ugly mount.
They can do all these free logins because they aren't greedy corporate faggots and understand that good will is the best way to be successful. All the "Yoshi-P"s of WoW left blizzard a long time ago.
Daily reminder that Classic will be the only pure subscription based MMORPG on the market, no cosmetics or micro transactions.
I didnt thought it would happen, my friend bought me shb for my birthday but he forgot that i can't afford to play the game anymore, is shb longer then sb?
Too bad it's going to be hot steaming garbage while FFXIV continues to grow leaps and bounds.
not really since you need to sub to normal wow for it lol
They've done this like 3 times in the last few years
Holy shit I can almost taste your desperateness.
>FFXIV continues to grow leaps and bounds
>devs are struggling to add another race to the game because of the technical limitations
Good future.
Come now, let's be rational here. WoW classic is going to be great, FFXIV is great, modern WoW is trash. Can't we just have both?
>all cosmetics
>jump potions and retainers are cosmetics
>the mount that ignores mount speed regulations is cosmetic
Fuck the haters.
>cosmetic shop
>in a game you buy and then have to pay a monthly fee for
Don't forget the tip.
Didn't yoshi-p himself want a wow crossover event? Too bad nublizzard won't ever allow it though.
>console MMO
>continues to grow
when your player base is like 80% trannies who just want to ERPG and play barbie dress up they’re smart to include a cosmetic cash shop to cash in on the brain damaged fucks
FF14 is pretty great and I haven’t played since like 2016 but the player base is pretty cancerous. Not in a “toxic” way I mean they’re all a bunch of fucking faggots
It's growing because it's a console mmo dumb anime poster. Contrary to what fags like you might believe masterrace faggots like you are minority in gaming. Heck billions of people probably bought one to play xiv because of that tom holland commercial.
I wish they give the first two expansions for free and increased the free to try lvl cap so more people can play.
sounds like a great way to have all content filled with F2Pfags
except the things that let you skip leveling, and let you skip storylines for the game
They do give those for free when you buy shadowbringers though.
well i can use it to level a few more second jobs , is all i did last month i played anyway
>new consoles come out
>have to port the game on a new platform
>limited by the hardware on what you can do
>people actually fetishizing specific games so much they construct battles between them in their head
Meanwhile, I'm gonna play both Classic and FFXIV, because I love both.
Stay mad.
Diablo crossover**
My biggest issue with XIV is that they keep using 'underlying server issues' and claims of 'stability' to avoid adding critically needed features (better solutions to housing, crafting from retainer inventories, etc)
The game has been out for 6 years and even if it was a big effort that is more than enough time to rearchitect it if they had taken the issue seriously by assigning staff/money to it.
They are happy to sit and rake in the money because people aren't demanding better.
I love FF and have been a fan of both old school blizz and old school Squaresoft, and I have to admit FFXIV looks absolutely beautiful, however WoW seems to have them beat when it comes to open world pvp. If FFXIV ever changes their tune and becomes more pvp focused, and not in a mini-game sort of way, I will sign up in a heartbeat.
The thing is, the more the game grows in content, more daunting and intimidating it is for someone completely new to get in. Giving old content for free and widening the free lvl range would make it easier for new players to start.
The 30 day inactivity requirement is really annoying. Makes sense, but annoying.
The game has a serious problem retaining interest from newer users because of the retarded amount of content you have to go through before you reach anything meaningful. And then you STILL have to grind because for some reason the post-story content hasn't ever been updated to reward you with exp so you do these long ass, boring fucking stupid fetch quests to reach the new areas, and you get nothing for it. literally nothing.
I know people who fantasia at least twice a week every week to change their race and gender based on how they feel. Fantasia cost like $10 a pop.
I mean, if you can afford buying the game with all the expansions, AND pay a monthly sub, I'm pretty sure you can afford a 25 dollar main scenario quest skip so you can start at level 70.
Unironically stage an intervention
Did you forget that they dropped 32bit support recently retard?
And even then honestly you are being really disingenuous considering that most pc fags playing this play on some shitty laptop. Fyi ps4 actually runs the game on high settings.
>free login
didn't FF14 go free as long as you don't go past lvl30 or something?
>$15 monthly subscription fee
Yes but what they don’t tell you is that the game is pure shit 1-30 and you reach level 30 in like 2 hours
>30 fps gameplay on ps4 with drops to 20 fps
>a game is literally limited by a shitty laptop hardware
>still defending it
You're so loyal it's almost cute.
this came way sooner than expected, would've expected it in october or something, not even taking into consideration the extra days
And the game ends up costing $80 or more at that point.
>classic beta
don't worry you'll get a few days more when wow classic releases
not that i'm going to play a monthly fee to any of them
You're a dumb retard. I'm saying that muh fps fags like you are a minority and that pandering to you is one of the dumbest things you can do, especially in an mmo. Keep seething all you want but WoW will still be shit.
I'm not a tranny but i do like seeing cute girls look cute
>During levels 1-30
Not him but the entire game is awful till you complete the ARR.
Maybe the last 48-50 level of story content is some the best content moving into HW
Funny thing though, most trannies in this game couldn't make a cute character to save their life.
Is a week long enough to do the 3.1-3.5 quests, assuming I'm paying attention to the story and not skipping cutscenes? I left off at the end of Heavensward but don't want to buy Stormblood right now.
I ask because I think the 2.1-2.55 quests took me like two and a half weeks.
Yes, they're trimmed down considerably
>implying i play wow
>implying i play fps games
>no argument
Try harder next time user.
>spend nearly 2 months skiping everything when i wanted to catch up
i dropped when i reached cap level i think?) in that samurai city , so i started to focus on other jobs to not waste the exp from the MSQ
Will the seething WoWtrannies ever calm down and realize their game has been killed?
Im a poorfag and cant afford subscription does this mean I can play for free for a week?
More like implying I'm a huge faggot, which yes you are.
>implying i play fps games
Holy fuck to think I was arguing with some illiterate third worlder. Unironically kill yourself.
it can't possibly be that the devs are just... BEING NICE???
>what is this... bein...g... ni....c...e??? like, you're tricking them into buying something right? what? you're just giving them a thing to be "gen-ee-roos"? what the fuck kind of word is that?
>still no argument
It's okay to be wrong user, learn how to accept it. Otherwise you would just have to stay mad.
One brings shadow, one brings light
Two-toned echoes tumbling through time
Threescore wasted, ten cast aside
Four-fold knowing, no end in sight
One brings shadow, one brings light
One dark future no one survives
On their shadows, away we fly
They've been offering free login events since 1.0? (before the game was remade)
Nothing new to see here, they have enough funds to offer these things to their players, if you'd login you would see it's not a dying game, almost every server is over-populated, i literally see crowds of people in almost every map i go to. try harder next time
The road that we walk
Is lost in the flood
Here proud angels bathe in
Their wages of blood
only if you've been away for a month or so. But honestly if you can afford to shitpost on Yea Forums you can afford a subscription. It's like 10 fucking bucks come on man.
>Hits peak subscriber count before the expansion even launches
>Shadowbringers is the highest rated PC and PS4 game of 2019 on metacritic
>Shadowbringers is the highest rated MMO expansion of all time
>Has likely surpassed WoW in terms of subscribers
>b-but...we're going home bros....right?
Meanwhile Classic is dead on arrival due to streamers, layering and discord, also the inevitable raider.io compatibility and LFG plugins.
At this, the world's end, do we cast off tomorrow
One brings shadow, one brings light
To this riddle all souls are tied
Brief our moments, brazen and bright
Forged in fury, tempered in ice
Hindmost devils, early to rise
Sing come twilight, sleep when they die
Heaven's banquet leavened with lies
Sating honor, envy, and pride
One brings shadow, one brings light
Run from the light
Authors of our fates
>>making any money
They literally just had their fiscal results showing XIV brought in more money than projected. It was the crux of their profitable quarter.
>I wonder why they have such a huge cosmetic store.
To make more money off those without self control.
We’ll see how long that lasts
Orchestrate our fall from grace
Poorest players on the stage
Our defiance drives us straight to the edge
A reflection in the glass
Recollections of our past
Swift as darkness, cold as ash
Far beyond this dream of paradise lost
Riding home
Dying hope
Hold onto hope... Ohhh...
Riding home
Home, riding home
Hope, finding hope... Ohhh...
FFXIV fags definitely have some kind of mental illness.
i don't know what you're basing that off of in relation to my comment which is just observing how funny it is that people cannot comprehend a dev being nice to their userbase without an ulterior motive.
I hate you and people like you. You can’t just let people just enjoy playing their games.
>this entire post
or maybe they are desperate to retain their playerbase since classic will release in 20 days.
>you can only play one mmo
user are you a retard or poorfag?
No, retard. Feel free to join us in reality.
>playing a mmo
>arguing over mmos
This place really is pathetic
I hope constantly saying that makes you feel less pathetic yourself.
We both know it doesn't help but it lessens the pressure crushing your soul, at least.
Why do WoWfags act like everyone else needs to be afraid of their game when Blizzard are the ones who like to time their releases with everybody else's out of fear that not doing so will cause their players to try something they might end up enjoying more?
Fuck, I still remember that shoe horned in Darkmoon Faire tallstrider racing they put into the game literally the same day as Gold Saucer's chocobo racing patch despite Blizzard making no prior indication that it would be a thing. That one stuck out the most because of how blatantly desperate it was.
I bought the original version like 2 years ago and never went back after the first month.
Is it finally going free? Cant see myself playing it unless they changes the insane grind time to level up.
>hit 80
>finish ms.
>no eureka
Good fucking night
What are you saying user?
This is my first time saying that, I'm enjoying videogames for free...
You did the EDEN stuff yet?
>ff14 ever going free
oh cool, I've been looking to get back into playing with my gf and we were waiting for a login campaign. Thanks, op.
We're just having fun user, both games are shit anyway.
>classic is wildly successful and kills bfa and future expac
>SE copies and pushes XI legacy
>XIV becomes a barren shithole
tick tock faggot
11 is dead mate
>SE copies and pushes XI legacy
XI still gets updates...
>SE copies and pushes XI legacy
>XIV becomes a barren shithole
oh lad, I'm sorry for you.
so basically you just watched that movie The Secret and you think that posting your "reality headcanon" over and over your entire life will eventually get you what you want.
i'm playing XIV for free and having lots of fun, you on the other hand seem like a miserable spiteful gremlin who probably can't enjoy anything even when it's fucking free
>playing shit games
But why? Why would do that?
Mental Illness?
>Didn't know XI still gets updates and has dedicated player base
Keep seething wowfag
Your opinion is not fact, also your are a dummy.
>Play for 144 hours straight!
I think you missed the joke..
>play as healer male
>looking for armor set
>they all look gay af
fuck your game trannies
Are you talking about XIV or WoW?
Healing is a bitch job so you dress like a bitch.
XIV especially after browsing this site. the only normal looking set is the healing from stormblood pvp
The massive player drop off is obvious, most people have already quit. The Raid was a complete failure, I don't know anyone happy with the rehash and nonexistent storyline.
They failed to get more people into Savage with the simplification of classes, at least on NA servers. Maybe on JP servers they have succeeded into getting more people into Savage, but they actually lowered the amount of people doing Savage by creating the Crystal Datacenter, which is completely dead in terms of raiding.
There's still nothing to do outside of Savage, don't know why they've failed to give players anything to do for yet another expansion.
There's also the problem of Healer design in the game. Even more than ever, the only thing that really matters in Savage are how good your healers are. Tank DPS has largely been made skillless, you have to be a real brainlet to not do 7k dps on a tank, and you're not optimizing it much from there. However, they expect your healers to be doing 5K DPS on 2, 3, and 4, and most healers are just awful and can't manage it. They really needed to rework the way healing works, especially in pugs you're never going to get healers that actually proper DPS and Heal. Doesn't help that every other healer in the game is a tranny that freaks out when you tell them they're bringing down the group by overlapping heals and not DPSing properly, or letting people die because they are spamming Glare and refuse to cast a Cure 3.
Do girl healers have cute, modest clothing? I just want to be Senya.
WoW is for boomer trannies if you know what I mean.
Does this give me access to all expansions? how far can i get from the MSQ around Alexander raid release in heavensward
yes but mostly robes. pic related is your general "p..please don't look user" outfit
SCH AF1 looks awesome without the hat.
best race fight me fuckers their nose could be better though
nah i think it looks like something mickey mouse would wear
How do you not like that coat? Just glamor Scion Adventurer Boots or something if you really hate it that much
Yeah they do this almost every two months.
If you could add one (1) previous FF job into the game, what would it be? what's its gimmick?
i have to go with chemist as a healer, instant cast but weaker heals, maybe a mudra-like mix system, make it the new 'DoT damage' focused healer but balanced because it's not attached to a DPS like SMN. What the tier 3 limit would be i have no idea.
I wish this game wasn't weebshit full of trannies, it's actually a very cool game with great ideas for professions and crafting.
>buy to play
>but also pay to play
>but also microtransactions
>have to use their retarded outdated website to play/pay instead of being able to buy subscriptions on the PS store
Hard pass.
I mean user, it's all about the circles you travel in, just have your fun and ignore all the idiots.
On the subject of crafting how the fuck do i level weaver it's killing me oh god oh fuck.
I like the big nose, it reminds me of the Gerudo. Maybe could be a bit thinner. Sometimes my roe looks great but sometimes they look like they belong on Sesame Street depending on the lighting.
[Spoiler] Ixal beast tribe dailies from 1-50, leves and GC deliveries. Don't forget that HQ items double the exp reward. 50-60 do the moogle quests. [/spoiler] no idea how to go past 60, haven't been there myself and only just finished HW
No, there's absolutely no modest clothing.
Unsubscribe and play something else like yoshi-p wants you to do.
Namazu beast tribe dailies to get to 70
don't take too many screenshots of her but this is the one I like the most
gunner / sniper class
use a sniper rifle
long range pysical damage
stationary, need to "cast" actions ( kinda like black mage )
gimick: you have to change magazines, clips or whatever. the damage you do is the type of magazine you have active at the momment, one for single target damagecombo, another for aoe damage, another for debuff and dot... etc, the final hit of your combo gives you a special bullet for the special magazine for a max of 3, you can change to that special magazine anytime but every time you do it enters a cool down. the special shots have a long cast bar but they do massive damage.
or something like that, i just want a sniper class
No, he just wants you to stop playing but not unsubscribe. Don't want to lose your house now do you?
A gorilla with lipstick
But he didn't post a male roe, that's Michael Cera
I like femroes btw, I just find this shit funny
I am the shadow and I am the light.
alright, but
>no nose smudge
Looks good. Here's my ogre
I'm pretty sure it's "one brings shadow, one brings the light"
>long range pysical damage
>stationary, need to "cast" actions ( kinda like black mage )
Were you not around during Heavensward? Bard and Machinist were like that and it was almost universally hated.
>Race changes in FFXIV are $10
>Race changes in WoW are $25
>FFXIV sub is $13
>WoW sub is $15
>Shadowbringers expansion pack is $40
>Battle for Azeroth expansion pack is $50
>FFXIV free gametime promo is 1 week
>WoW free gametime promo is only 3 days
Jeez, no wonder WoW is losing to FFXIV.
square will shut the servers down before the game goes free to play, ff11 isn't even free to play
keep wishing south american trash
That honestly sounds horrible.
Here is my bunny
looks good.
would marry.
>MMOfags argue with eachother which game fucks them in the ass the least
Why can't you fucks take your shit back to /mmog/ or wherever the fuck you came from
Really need to take more of mine when I play again
Is FFXIV the only game with passable muscular race ? most other games look like fucking male shrel with boobs
It kind of makes sense for bard, though
get your eyes checked retard
VERY cute.
How do I play as a male character in this game while not looking like a weirdo?
make Ardbert in the character creator
gr8 meme desu
>playing a male character
>in ffxiv
are you fag?
I liked tera whatever the name of the race was
you also forgot that Blizzard has diversity tranny hires while Square Enix only employs respectable people.
By taking the Hrothpill.
I play a catboy, would you like to hang out?
no matter what you play you will look like a weirdo regardless
I honestly can't stand looking at these fucking liggers
Loading screens still litter the world, even after dropping requirements and old systems the game is still held back by them.
You first fagatron
I fucking love Roe women
They haven't actually dropped the requirements, only "no longer support." For example you can still run the game in 32bit and DX9 in the launcher settings, but if you get any problems with it then Square Enix won't help you or fix bugs related to it.
>calling this a good female
>calling anyone else gay
nice brain problems
It really is fucking uncanny, amazing
To make money.
It's bait, OP. They're pulling people in in the wake and promise of new content. Because they can actually afford to give you 100+ hours absolutely free. It's not a admission of failure, it's a flex on the competition.
Being on HRT will do that to you.
Why are they having free access right after an expansion lol
calling your landlord
Play a midlander hyur
arguments are a spook anyway, i'm right, you're wrong, that's it snap snap done
They always have. They do these like, every six months. And either way, it's not like the free players get access to the expansion.
only includes accounts that have been inactive for the past 30 days, so pretty much anyone who didn't come back for shadowbringers, so it's probably a good idea to try bring people back when servers are bustling with people actively doing things rather than a content lull and maybe they'll buy the new expansion they don't have that also includes all the other expansions they may or may not have.
The only right choice
But you're not even him user, don't try to pretend like you're someone else. Thanks for the (You) though.
God fucking damn, it doesn't matter the race, freckles turns them into a 10/10
(you)'s are also a spook
(you) gave me a (you) too and all i had to do was lie on the internet, is that really something you want to support if you care so much about a (you)
They do this because all accounts are re-activated even if they don't play, so they can give higher player numbers then.
user I'm jaded as fuck. I have seen many shit and I can safely say its not gonna end up well.
Classic will fail. This is inevitable, I'm not doomsaying, I'm just experienced enough, when it comes to the company and players too. It can't work for reasons I could write a book about.
FFXIV is a good second gen MMO. The problem is in that. Second gen, which means it bring the shit what has been plaguing this genre. It does polish it, but that's the best it can do. Its like putting a trabant motor into a ferrari, its just gimping out a relic of the past, where its clear that it time has come.
Its just all the tiresome same ass formula we have seen so many times, and genre peaked and exhausted itself. This same exact scenario is happening to retail too. There is absolutely nothing left for it to show, and why so many people are burned out with it. The era before WoW was so much more enjoyable because you could think freely, and get a good and somewhat successful game. Now if you want ANY damn success you have to follow the fetchquest and boar testicle collecting. And all because people still can't let that damned game go, we can't have anything else, just some mediocre WoW copies. Forever.
I support any good (You) exchange conversation with random anons on Yea Forums.
Looks very cool. Is that a DRK? I've been doing WAR as my tank class but been tempted to try the DRK out
he's referring to the ending lines
Samurai, weapon is Lost Allagan Katana I think.
>your midlander Hyur will never be this cool
not fair
SAM, this was from 4.X. Can't comment on DRK or WAR in 5.0 since I haven't leveled either one yet.
You people are fucking obsessed, who the fuck cares if this shit game does well or not. As long as the trannies playing it are happy and kept away from my games it is all fine.
Can you please go back to /xivg/ for your useless bait posts? Or do you not get enough (You)'s there?
I'm 6'3 and white, in otherwords more of a superior man than you ever will be genetically.
>Noooo, my Smash threads!
no one wants to go to /xivg/
>Can you please go back to /xivg/
Hell no and fuck you for even suggesting it.
I'm 7.2 :)
This. I tried again recently because I had the faintest glimmer of hope that if threads were so lively on Yea Forums, maybe there'd be enough discussion about the game on /vg/ to drown out the usual cancer that lives there. This was not the case. I hate it.
They also don't have jannyposting.
>finally gray parsed levi
what is titan pugging like bros
Nice, I can pop in and get my Faire items. Cancelled my sub until I have more free time in September so I was going to miss this event.
I'll give you (you)s if you let me touch your feet.
Does post-hagakure sam build for speed or dh/crit?
SS until comfy > DH > Crit/Det
what if i dont have a comfy limit.....
>just got DRG to 62
>gierskogul, doomspike, sonic thrust, coerthan torment, and dragonfire dive
god DAMN
>Unfinished 2006-tier wow rejects with scoliosis
Oh boy I am laugfin.
I'm running into massive influxes of new players, I think it's doing pretty well. It's annoying because they don't know any mechanics and also don't learn them because they get carried by people who outscale the content (and also it got nerfed).
Then your tsubames won't sync up and you end up losing damage
Yes how dare they discuss video games on Yea Forums
I thought hagakure was supposed to take care of this, or do you still want to minimize usage of it by building for a specific gcd?
And yet they're the best race in the game. How did they do it?
Hagakure is only used if you're going to overwrite a sen such as during a long pause and you need to refresh your shifu/jinpu.
How have Monk and Samurai change in 5.0? Is Monk good again?
>Your Monk pal is actually the heir to Ala Mhigo.
how did people not know about this
Nah you're just a giant homo. Or a bandwagonner. Possibly even both.
>gilgamesh teleports himself across the rift to another world
did the hildibrand quests always hint into the next expansion or did they come out after the reveals?
>Playing as a human in a fantasy game makes you an isekaifag
That wouldn't even work in universe with how the sundering is.
>Free week is advertising Shadowbringers
>But the only people eligible for this offer don't have Shadowbringers and the free week doesn't give you access to it
MNK is currently the best DPS in the game if you have the ping
It came out after the reveal.
It's for people who haven't played in awhile to come back do some of the patch content they missed and inticie them to pick up the expansion. They do it all the time.
>People who went Hrothgar
Those people jumped to bunny girls
1st it was that fantasia deal, now this free log in campaign. they must be really desperate to keep their "Active" player base up now that Classic will be released soon
>the mount that ignores mount speed regulations
I'm sorry what
>caring about score
twitch views is a better representation on how many people actually play the game
Classic and FFXIV are two different audiences. The Classic audience will dwindle fast since most of them are in it for a quick nostalgia or being seen on a Streamers Livestream.
even if you don't have the ping
it barely has 1mil subs though?
Stand tall my friend
MMOs that succeed are low spec anyway. Gotta let laptop players participate.
>caring about maintaining subs
He's the one telling people to go play other games.
I remember last year when people on this same website wouldn't stop saying "FFXIV only has 300k subs". Go check the fireden archives if you don't believe me. Tripling their sub count (and before the expansion even launched) in just a year is crazy.
>they must be really desperate to keep their "Active" player base up now that Classic will be released soon
They do free-login campaigns all the time, at around the same times every year. The only people fucking sweating about Classic are shills for Classic, whether they're shilling for it "ironically" or not
I think it’s cloud’s bike that does that. But that’s kind of pointless because you can fly everywhere.
Cloud's bike from the cash shop will always have the maximum speed allowed in a zone, even if you haven't unlocked the speed boost for that area yet.
It was really good for the start of SHAD and good for ARR areas but that was pretty much it.
Cloud's bike has a riding map built into it, so you're automatically +1 speed even in areas where you don't have any riding maps. It can't exceed the maximum riding speed, though, so if you're already max-speed for an area the bike does nothing other mounts don't.
>console jrpg disguised as an mmo
that's a nah from me, dawg.
Liked and retweeted.
>There's still nothing to do outside of Savage, don't know why they've failed to give players anything to do for yet another expansion.
I've been spending the time getting Garo shit and raising my crafters before 5.1 hits.
PSOBB was that and everyone that's not a zoomer loves that game.
Yeah piss off faggot let the "plebs" have their fun while you go back to your decade old games on your 1000$ Yea Forums machine
As veterans unsub, new players and returners replace them.
0-4 sam in titan
5-9 monk in titan
holy shit that gear...literally the dork class of the game. If there was ever a xiv high school these fuckers would be getting wedgies.
Unsub for 27 days.
>Is it finally going free?
Not even FF11 is free.
It's obvious that you play on Crystal datacenter lmao. We warned you to fuck off there.
>2.5s gcd
Moghome... home..
Actually you can't lose your house if it's a FC house. Just make it so it passes down to a alt instead. I've been unsubbed for months and I still keep my house.
The funniest part is I recall them saying they wouldn't make it F2P any time soon because it would totally destroy the community, even if they'd make squillions doing it.
The absolute state of crystal.
Isn't there a quote where he says that they would never do something like that?
>Scholar is wearing the medal of Honor
lol cope
If he plays on Crystal his problem is attempting to be a braindead "Savage is the only content" player on the data-center known for not caring about raiding.
The writing in this game is a joke. So glad that I have WoW Classic now
You seriously have to pay extra for that?
The absolute fucking state.
It's free with SStool if you only care about client side appearances.
Also it's much cheaper than WoWs race change option which costs $25
>Innocence speaks after he's defeated
>still has Vauthry's voice
soiled it
Do femroe look like men, or does Michael Cera look like a woman?
does he? In Japanese he doesn't
>>twitch views is a better representation on how many people actually play the game
>think viewers actually pay sub and play the game
I'm sorry for you user
why ffxivtrannies are always so defensive, its cute
>says user as he entered the final fantasy fourteen thread for the ???th time since his post isn't a new IP
Why the fuck would his voice change. Even in the middle of the fight, after he transforms, he speaks and still has his voice. What did you expect
So not free at all.
>muh WoW
Fucking rent free. I don't care.
PSO2 lets you do that often for free while being free, and it's CC is way more extensive. You COULD say it's not really the standard, but for a monthly sub game it sure as hell should be.
>inb4 but PSO2 is shit
It is, but not any more so than FFXIV.
oh comon crystal isn't that bad...
Seething and coping
This user has the right of it, gods damn.
They do the same fucking thing in Japanese, just with generic isms.
Most games don't let you just willy nilly change your race/gender on the fly post creation.
I was more just expecting it to be like all the other primals where they don't actually have a voice. Just bothered me
PSO2 can get away with it because they make their money exclusively through in-game ads on loading screens and the lobby TVs.
There's less shitters playing the hard content, but also less players in general bothering with it. It's a fair trade in my opinion.
why the play-by-play of your posting?
He's a human/sin eater hybrid. Not really a traditional primal in that sense.
Jesus Christ. Emet-Selch was fucking right. Just fuck our shit up and kill us all, I bet the Amourot people wouldn’t have stood for this cancer.
Why are you pretending to act surprised by the same screencaps that get posted every thread
I do though. I play one with blonde hair and green eyes with no highlights or heterochromia.
Simplicity is best.
>Everyone is an autist that reads every single ffxiv thread on Yea Forums like me
Strike one
PSO2 doesn't either, unless you have a salon ticket. The thing about getting those tickets, though, is that you don't HAVE to pay for them.
When you're paying for a game monthly, you're at least should be allowed to do that also monthly.
FFXIV could get away with it because it already has a huge playerbase that constantly has to pay you if they even want to play. But I guess jewing the shit out of them is the better option when they don't know better.
>PSO2 lets you do that often for free while being free
Not every PSO2 option is free.
XIV lets you change everything you can normally change in a hairsdresser like hairstyle, haircolor, make up etc for 2k gil ingame. Everything else that would only make sense for you to need to be reborn to be able to get like skin color, eye color and overall race/gender swap needs a fantasia.
Monthly sub covers patch development every 3 months, marketing worldwide at various places, and GMs. Compare it to PSO2 where it takes 6-8 months to get meaningful PVE content that's not costumes, GMs don't exist, and the marketing is almost non existent outside of a Episode launch.
>It’s impossible for someone to not have seen something I have
You genuinely retarded, user?
The people of Amaurot seem happy doing anything, they just seem to enjoy existing.
So I think they actually would.
>You're now imagining amaurotine intellectual ERP sessions.
I can't even begin to think of how that would work, so no, I'm not
XIV has a free ingame barbershop for some cosmetic choices but a full revamp of your character requires a Fantasia.
You get one free as part of the Main Story Quest and if you were around for a subscriber reward a while ago you get another one free from that.
If you really need to change your characters race and gender that often then why shouldn't they capitalize on it? There's no benefit to doing so besides aesthetic.
I still don't know if I sub or not. I maxed healer and DPS to 35 in trial and the game is kinda mixed bag. The atmosphere, music etc is great but the story is kinda slow and meh for now. Not to mention the game obviously rushing you to endgame but I heard there's a ton of filler. Also I'm not sure if I want to drop another hundreds of hours into another MMO. Guess I will try tank and we will see.
>emet-selch "gas the balmungers 1488" tier shitpost that's not a new ip
bull fucking shit he hasn't you haven't seen it before
Those would actually be fucking amazing with their creation powers
>Feeling horny one day
>Conjure a giantess mommy gf into existence
>She drains your ballsack the whole night
Maybe the ascians are onto something...
>amaurot try to erp
>giant tentacle monster out of nowhere
>everyone gets scared
>beasts out of everyone imagination
>zodiark is summoned
>stops their lust
You know the rest of the story
I’m glad I’m not as cripplingly autistic as you user. I’ve posted earlier in the thread but I’ve legit never seen that chat log before. I don’t know why you’re being such a massive faggot but whatever
>FFXIV: Art of Eorzea is still 40 dollars
It's the only art book I'm interested in, too
Yeah I stopped reading after that.
It's only going to get more expensive as time goes on since it's a limited print. Like if you want that Odin emote you're now paying more than what the statue cost.
Yeah no they got scared because some madlad had the crazy idea to imagine a katana being unsheathed.
>follow the imgur link because I'm a masochist
>its some kind of weird snot fetish wanting to lick the snot out of peoples noses
thanks for showing me this, time to play through the story FOR FREE and not touching this game until there's another promotion.
Maybe i'll buy the expansion when it's on sale for 20 bucks
>people STILL trying to say XIV is dead/dying despite the mountains of evidence and official numbers that say otherwise
This is fucking pathetic at this point
THIS art book?
That's the lorebook.
Chad Roleplayers, absolutely fucking based.
Square Enix released their economic report a couple of days ago and named FFXIV as one of the main reasons their revenue is soaring, specifically calling out the unprecedented numbers of subscribers.
That's the lorebook but hot god damn am I excited for the Shadowbringers lorebook now.
maybe that's because SE still doesnt bundle a month's sub with expansions.
Guess I better get it soon.
Does Yoshida do work in the lorebook too?
And it will get even more pathetic once classic launches and their nostalgia is shattered to pieces.
Wonder how good Shad did.
Why even pay a monthly sub if you still feel like you're playing a F2P game.
femroe look like men
>unprecedented numbers of subscribers
Yeah the "free" subscribers, look at the pic in the OP you dumb retard.
30+ Savage PFs at any given time on Chaos - and this is after we lost 50% of our players with the split.
There's more people doing Savage now than ever before, even with this raid being underwhelming so far compared to Omega.
this game is for fucking losers
Think recent live letter mentioned some things would make sense know if you look back at it so he probably does at least some work.
>join dungeon in progress
>someone left
>"hmm, wonder what went wrong"
>healer just standing there doing fuckall during pulls
Why are catboys so consistently faggots?
what pso2 option isnt free you retard
Confirmed retard holy shit.
A company earnings report isn't going to pretend free login players are subscribers you absolute fucking autist.
Stay mad poorfag
Because it doesn't feel like a F2P game you idiot.
>earning report
>not trying to pretend like they are doing well for investors
You cant't be this dumb.
You realize it's illegal for them to lie in investor reports right? Jesus fuck you're an absolute retard.
>a cash shop that paywalls you from basic features that don't even take much effort to add
>doesn't feel like a F2P game at all!
Yeah, nah.
They also pretended to have players log in for lucky bancho log 1million active players.
>If you really need to change your characters race and gender that often then why shouldn't they capitalize on it?
you could always reroll another character. oh right I forgot that the main scenario is a major deterrent for this and causes turboautists to pop race/sex change like its candy. fucking good show SE. they really know how to capitalize on sad gay retards.
>a cash shop that paywalls you from basic features
>changing race on a whim is a basic feature
Turning into a completely different race isn't a basic feature holy shit.
If I want to get a haircut I can do it ingame.
It's not a common feature to be able to take an existing character and completely redesign them at the drop of a hat for free. This is advanced reaching.
It's not illegal to pretend, learn to read faggot.
You're both so fucking naive.
>basic features
You can hire the JoJo reference to do literally everything besides shit like skin color and eye color changes. Hair, scars, "beard"s, etc.
>it's not illegal to tell my investors that we're doing more money than what we actually are
>"You see if you just play along with me then you'll notice we are performing 800% above current market trends."
Economists btfo.
why not just get a digital copy? mega.nz
It's basic for a game you'll be playing for fucking months. Maybe not race but everything else should be available at least occasionally. Again, everything else, not just some of it like you keep trying to tell me as if I didn't get it the first time.
What? They made healing and doing damage even easier than before. Every healer now has exactly one nuke button and one dot button. If there's even a tiny second of downtime, it's ridiculously easy to refresh your dot and start spamming your nuke until the next set of damage. All healers now also have an abundance of oGCD heals to toss out at any time, meaning even more easy opportunities for continuing to spam your nuke. Aside from one tiny little extra thing for additional damage (energy drain, earthly star, assize/misery) there is basically no complexity to doing at least some damage as a healer.
If you're not doing at least a few thousand DPS as a healer in savage, you are legitimately holding your party back.
I appreciate the offer, but I love opening an artbook and paging through it. Digital copies aren't the same.
>it's not illegal to pretend
What exactly are they even supposedly pretending about? The numbers are there in the financial report.
You get a free fantasia the moment you finish the lv50 storyline.
If you botch your character at the start you can fix it then. If you botch it again then you're shit at character making with such limited choices.
>be a young cunt when I played FFXI
>make a Mithra because catgirls a best
>play dress-up in her because I liked all that cute shit
>somehow, this makes me a tranny
Never claimed I was a girl in the game, I just played "Dress Up Your Waifu" basically. Sad how times have changed.
>Maybe not race but everything else should be available at least occasionally
Almost like the game has an ingame barbershop to change things and you keep skipping over that.
Seeth harder sourgrape poorfag
>Registered service account must have been inactive for at least thirty days
>sub expired a week ago and i wasn't totally set on renewing but this extra week might've hooked me back into the story
Gee thanks. I'll just wait for Classic.
It's not about "botching" it, it's about wanting to change it up once in a while when you're playing it for months and years. I don't see why that should cost anything more than ingame currency in a monthly sub game.
Fucking learn to read.
Playing dress up doesn't make you a tranny. Taking hrt and thinking you're a girl does. These people who say things like that are brain damaged psychopaths. Cute is justice
> I don't see why that should cost anything more than ingame currency in a monthly sub game.
Explain blizzard $25 race changes.
$10 is really cheap for a race change considering you don't have to level alts.
So where do you draw the line then? You keep using PSO2 as an example and while that's great it offers that, most games don't.
Even single player games don't usually let you just completely overhaul your character at a random point without using a 3rd party tool.
Aman are great, I just wish the women didn’t have such smooth faces and precisely 0 attention from the devs. There’s no reason to play a female over a male when they look weirder and don’t have any extra classes
>All those costumes that don’t take their giant rocky dragon feet into account so it looks like they carved their legs to squeeze into heels
>PSO2 has premium service and other services that require AC
>b-but FFXIV charges $10 for race changes while it's free on PSO2
>Explain blizzard $25 race changes.
Why are you letting blizzard live in your head?
Single player games don't intend you to play for years, and range from letting you change for free (or a negligible fee) at any time to not at all, depending on if the dev thought of it or not.
As for MMOs, what other examples do you want? Want me to compare it to WoW, since it's pretty much the only other sub game on the market? Guess what, it's shit and always was.
There isn't even much need for examples, common sense is enough.
>b-but those other things
I could play PSO2 entirely for free and get to drastically change my character constantly, or I could pay for XIV, its expansions, and monthly sub, and still not get to do that more than once.
It's pretty pathetic when you have to compare your monetization to a F2P game and still can't say it's better in every way.
>Why are you letting blizzard live in your head?
I'm not? They're the only other company that runs another subscription based MMO.
XIV fantasias are actually even cheaper than other F2P/B2P/P2P MMOs if you want to just compare it relative to other games within the same subset.
PSO2 just so happening to offer it for free is more of an outlier than anything.
You are really digging in your heels that this one thing should make people riot.
>Free players can't access full blocks while Premium players can
>Free player can't trade
>Free player can't sell items
>Free player can't have a big home
>Premium player get access to a drink that boost their drop
>Premium player get more storage too
Yeah I'm sure you have a nice experience as a free player.
Enjoy getting 1 hour in advance in a block to do any of the EQs with competent people I guess.
>free gametime just 1 month after expansion launch
Wow they must be bleeding subs. Not surprised since the game revolves around the MSQ with little reason to keep playing after.
You get a free Fantasia upon finishing the 2.0 MSQ.
So, yeah, you get one for free.
Also, SE frequently has specials where if you buy a game time card, you get free stuff.
Like, right NOW, you get a free fantasia for buying 60 days of gametime in code form.
You need to buy gametime to play, so it's free. You can even save the code if you want to take a break and use it when a content patch comes out to re-activate your account.
So, that's two for free.
Name another MMO with over 1 Million subscribers that gives this for free.
As I said, common sense. The option isn't new content and likely didn't require anything more than one guy writing some code for a day. In a F2P game you're getting content for free, so they try to make you pay for it somehow.
>Yeah I'm sure you have a nice experience as a free player.
I dropped it so no.
>Enjoy getting 1 hour in advance in a block to do any of the EQs with competent people I guess.
Didn't they fix that? Even if not, you're not really at a disadvantage in doing that since you won't get kicked out unless you really need to visit your room for some reason.
>free gametime
>Users who have previously purchased and registered FINAL FANTASY XIV.
>All registered service accounts are set as inactive during the campaign period.
>Registered service account must have been inactive for at least thirty days.
This is them dabbing on the competition since WoW gave out free gametime and it was only 3 days.
>Thinking a cosmetic store is an example of low player pop.
That's not how it works you dumb brainlet. XIV is a subscription based game so if anything, the cosmetic only store shows that people are ready and willing to dole out even MORE cash. SE is just being smart and they're not giving away shit people will gladly pay for.
>tfw mooch off free weekends
>never paid for membership
see Keep seething harder deluded WoWbabby
It'd be cool as hell to fight Arthas/Lich King in FF14 while WoW players could challenge Omega.
>you can change your character for free in pso2
also free players can sell items have big rooms and extra storage
>extra storage
fuck I want this in XIV
>I'll always be behind paying players but I can change my character looks 30 times a day for free
That's some next level cope there my dude.
>be behind players
why are you so retarded
So how big will the VIIR shilling be?
Ya just fucking play. If you're this concerned about being a weirdo playing male, you sound like you'll just be happier joining the hordes of female character.
Unless they changed it recently.
Also you need a Salon pass to be fully able to change your character, though I kinda forgot how you get one.
SG scratch is a fucking ripoff.
>look up PSO2
>it's weeb shit
>tfw play dress up on my elezen male
>have a glamour for most jobs
>constantly examining others to see what their armor is
considering shilling out the 18 bucks for Mun'gaek to wear on BLM...
>I kinda forgot how you get one
From guaranteed login rewards and just randomly whenever they feel like giving you one or putting it in a bingo. You can buy it too if you're really desperate.
So just like FFXIV.
>still no Freya set
post old characters
>mfw recording bards playing copyrighted music and reporting them
>weeb mmos are out of the question
>wows shitty cartoon artstyle is acceptable
this is your brain on blizzard.
good. I dont want 9 to be fetishized any further.
FFXIV is not weeb shit. Weeb shit is garbage that doesn't even attempt to take itself seriously and solely panders to waifufags.
I play FFXIV you seething retard.
>I play FFXIV you seething retard
then your in no place to judge you seething retard.
>FFXIV is not weeb shit.
FFXIV is weeb shit. If you don’t believe this, you are in denial. Get some help.
Tell me how are you holding up bros. Every fucking day I create double flares E2S learning party. Everyday I waste ~6 hours wiping and never reaching double flares. Today miracle happened - healers can heal. We reached Quietus. Sadly everyone was tired and party was disbanded. We tried again with healer bros, but sadly "Quietus practice" party can't even reach first flares. This is nightmare. Other guy told this is first time in XIV history when PF was SO BAD. People literally have no passion and leaves after 5 minutes. What the fuck?
Only if you think you are the girl, also you can just choose a dude and play dress up as well.
Correct. It's a respected Japanese MMO that doesn't resort to waifufags for autismbucks.
kys faggot
We know that mentioning 14 at Blizzard will get you in shit, or at best, nasty stares. I doubt it's the same about WoW at SE.
>I doubt it's the same about WoW at SE.
considering Yoshi P is on record saying he played WoW for inspiration it's very clear it's not
what should I be doing to get gear while leveling my alts
People say if you're a healer trying to do Vault you should be fully geared up to 56 but that seems excessive and I don't have the gill for that anyways.
I feel like Freya's getup would look silly on anyone that isn't her.
god damn you showing your flag ameritard
Is european life so boring that all you people do all day is obsess over americans?
pls respond
>zero (You)s
Don't tell me you all have clears with static or is there real XIV thread somewhere?
I like to watch cute things. I dont hate cool things, but I prefer cool things. Cute things on dudes tho is hella gay and not my type of tea
ERP for money or whole gearsets
What data center are you on, I can craft you some gear.
I don't want to do the first thing and I don't know what the second thing means.
Crystal, I got baited by the preferred server meme
Imagine if americans went online and spent all their free time accusing people they don't like of being canadian.
As in do the ERP still but have them give you a full set of gear instead of money
I mean that's where I am so...
E2S require people to play well, and that's just asking for too much man.
To be honest tho, somehow E1S was harder to clear for us since everyone wanted to follow MTQ/Mrhappy strat or their own stupid strat (stuff like running around the boss as a party for pure light) and when we explained them how to do it they would just type "trap party i'm out" and leave.
how is FF 14 still #2 to a game that's been dead for over a decade
what a coincidence
because neither company is releasing sub numbers and blizzard fans are a cult that will never quit no matter how shitty the game gets.
Do i need to buy the game for this deal?
I remember playing this once but i don't really remember what the hell did i do.
I only play FF songs in town because of this. If I'm out goofing off with friends though i'll just play whatever since we're usually out in the overworld doing maps or something.
You DO know that FFXIV funds most of Square Enix right? The money Yoshi-P is printing for Square is why they were able to completely scrap the Cyberconnect FF7R and start over.
ff14 is just a cash grab for square/enix to funnel to their pointless costly vanity projects like FF7 remake and FF15
low player count but absurdly high attach rate with their micro transaction store, like people who buy the 10$ race change every week etc
>they were able to completely scrap the Cyberconnect FF7R and start over.
do we know if they completely scrapped it or if they moved it in house
FFXIV is probably on the higher end for player count, considering the top dogs are barely breaking 2 million, if that. ESO inflates its numbers with free accounts and WoW doesn't report anymore so we just have to rely on server pop data and aggregate guesses. Comparatively speaking, anyways. A million subs is more than enough, and that's not also factoring in the companion app and retainers people might attach to their monthly sub, so that's something to keep in mind too.
if you're serious and not going to shitpost me to death though, I'm on Byrn.
What level are you? So i know what to make
What about E3S?
I suppose asking job would help, but healer right?
SCH, yeah.
E3S is actually easier than E2S, and the DPS check a lot less thigh too.
almost 80% sure thats ironic
Give me just a little bit then, if you want to drop a name and come to Balmung and afk there while I make it all up.
Don't do it user, it's a trick
I'd rather not drop a name on Yea Forums but I'll hang out on Limsa in Balmung.
bleeding so many players they're trying to bring some back*
Then how will I know which is you? give me a race/gender at least, and stay as a sch.
I have to risk it.
hyur SCH with Selene out, no one uses Selene
What are the requirements? My sub ended last week and I only have heavansward
>(stuff like running around the boss as a party for pure light)
That was a day 1 melee uptime strat. It became obsolete after healer/range bait was found. Though i guess mrfaggy puked a guide asap and never updated it.
You think double flares is bad? Just wait until you see cycles. And after cycles you'll embrace the "clear" but wipe to enrage at 1~5% every single time.
Have to have been unsubbed for at least 30 days from I think the start of the free time
It's pretty terrible in Shadowbringers. All the new players, refugees and boosters are just inflating the bad player pool. I still haven't even finished my extremes after my static split apart because every practice party would be filled with retards who couldn't get it right, they'd leave, we'd have to teach the next ones to fill in, and then we'd all give up because we'd spent so long for nothing. So I just haven't even been doing content. Just crafting. Gathering. Maps. I can't do PF anymore. Too much frustration for no gain.
That's dumb
Way to fuck over the subbers
As always you want your extreme trial clear as fast as possible, all the good players will be there.
Sorry for the wait, I'm done and otw now
thanks a fucking ton holy shit
Np, that should be good until you get your next quest reward stuff (and some of it should just be quest reward stuff you should? end up getting soon.)
It should probably last until AF2, right?
You'll probably get some shit around 58-59 before AF but yeah.
Thanks again.
the game is a steaming pile of spaghetti code, it doesn't matter if its console or pc, it's never going to get better because they literally can't do shit with it, just look at the live letter
every question is "can you do this small, easy qol change"
and the answer is "sorry our shitty fucking game is unable to handle that so deal with it"
Should i start my Eden prog as Healer (which i've played since 3.0) or try MCH? I like playing it, but i'm worried i'm gonna hinder the party. How is the difficulty for the first three fights?
Leviabeetus is unironically easier that E2S.
The only hard parts are basically easier Pantokrators.
PuGs are still going to fuck up tsunami and disband, tho.
>wow PVP at lvl 20 is probably the most fun I've had in forever
F2P isn't a meme. Shame XIV doesn't have as good pvp
np, have fun man.
you don't see WoWniggers helping anons out.
E2S will make you grow a beard.
They don't give a fuck about you. If your sub recently ran out, you're more than likely gonna resub sometime soon. They're trying to entice the people that haven't played in a while to come back and see whats new and maybe get drawn back in. I cancelled my sub as soon as I finished the MSQ and saw it was gonna be exactly the same as always but am still salty because I want to mess around
E2S is so fuckin easy, if you die to flares ever kick the healers, if any dps gets a dmg down before quietus kick them, if the tanks ever die kick them
To be fair WoW isn't as much of a game where leveling gear can actually matter.
To be even more fair I never see anyone in these threads doing anything with each other, ever. Neither do WoWniggers but still.
bro paying $15 a month for a 15 year old stagnate mmo has got to be the most pathetic shit I've seen in gaming in a long ass time
>E2S is so fucking easy
>just spend 30 hours on PF per hour of actual fighting
>doing just fine during quietus phase, dodging no problem
>shitty dps eats 5 stacks and dies or drops low on hp
>fumble around trying to heal them/pick them up and end up with stacks myself
Solid fight with decent mechanics aside from the end though.
I heard anecdotes of legendary Alexander savage that was reason for fflogs creation. Is E2S even reach this tier?
Champions heed the call to defend Azeroth and Eoreza from an attack from the Void Lords with help from the Burning Legion. A crossover event that's near WoW's final expansion as FFXIV keeps on chugging, would be hella interesting.
fflogs existed before heavensward.
Gordias nearly killed the game from legitimately near-impossible DPS checks and Alexander having weird and esoteric mechanics. FFlogs existed before Heavensward but the obsession with parses and min-maxing didn't start until Gordias Savage.
>Alexander having weird and esoteric mechanics
>unsync A8S with some friends
>make it through bots and regular BJ just fine
>barely make it through the all out attack shit
>ultimate form is impossible with just 5 people before final sentences are read
jesus christ man
The way you do A8S unsync is hit it so hard that he dies before he reads anything.
Yeah, we just didn't have enough people, and of the 5 we did have, 3 were tanks.
Really wish I could have progged Midas.
>People who aren't playing the game are a better representation of how many people play the game
Really activates the almonds
He does in both, but his tone and manner of speech noticeably change.
What the fuck is at the top of that tower aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Absolutely nothing.
>Classic not dying after a couple months
LMAO talk about being delusional.
I watch asmongold and i play FFXIV.
Look man I just play for the porn.
Where's the Yorha raid Yoshi you absolute fraud
When are we going to get back to best girl?
5.1 in October
Please look forward to it and all the fags that's going to be wearing 2B's leotard
I know these are paid shill threads so it's pointless even saying but this game is so fucking boring. It's got about a month of content then you drop it cause it's shit.
I don't know man, but whos that broad you posted? Must have been forgettable.
good taste
How do I deal with vendor trash in this game?
>raid hits
>we never get the leotard
Imagine the seething.
e2s is incredibly healer-intensive and none of the good healers are playing the role anymore
"allow me to announce to the whole thread that i haven't played it, bait for arguments about its longevity, then bail the thread when i can't think of any way to spin a new shitpost"
sell it?
E2 is not like Gordias, the dps check is tight but you can do it even with one or two members slacking behind in dps. In heavensward basically all the jobs got incredibly more complicated from ARR and the first raid tier had a wall immediately in the form of a trash mob. Faust alone killed the raid community, turning away all those intersted in raiding for the first time. Then pepsi man just mercy stroke'd the remaining ones.
>Games as a service.
I can't believe you faggots support this in any way.
But every piece of vendor trash in this game is a crafting material
>missing SAM
What the fuck is this garbage
>not a new ip
>expecting MMOs to be released and never be patched ever again
Are you retarded or did you just learn that word and wanted to use it somewhere?
His "I know this is a paid shill thread BUUUT" shitpost didn't fly so good so he has to keep trying.
Wait a second. New raid tier will be ONLY in 2020? So there is no point to be so sad about pugs in PF right?
>24 weeks
I just happy we get anything from drag on dragoon. Maybe Cain’s outfit for knights? And ranged get that faggot who was in love with Cain’s sister outfit .
>SCH AF3/4
>Gay as fuck
Well "Yda" is Lyse now so probably never.
Speaking of WHM AF, what do the AF3 legs look like on males since they're basically just panties on females?
How likely is it that I get a savage clear by PuG? Is finding a static or putting up with party finder niggers the only way to go if I want to try raiding for the first time? I'm on Primal
Both are a gamble.
But one you can blame the system and the other you can only blame yourself.
What's with unga bunga tanks wanting to solo bosses? WHM died at like 50% at Amarout's last boss and this guy was mad we jumped off.
Why do I see people with chocobo's who aren't in any grand company? Did the requisites for getting one change?
If it was PLD he probably couldve just kept everyone alive
If he was PLD or DRK he was actually telling the truth.
I'm pretty sure they haven't. Why the fuck wouldn't someone be in a GC anyways?
Square Enix reports 16M sub earnings on FF14.
Do you seriously think 16M funds a billion dollar corporation, you fucking retard?
You can. E2S is bitch. But a lot anons cleared it with pugs. E3S is easy according to a lot of people. E4S is eeeeeeh just watch video on youtube. And technically this is just week two prog
He was DRK. In the next run he stayed in the stomp and died to doom (something I've never seen before) so I still don't believe him.
I once witnessed a drk solo it after everyone was dead with like 50% or so hp remaining. It's definitely possible.
Why do only certain jobs get titles after reaching a certain level? Monk does but Arcanist appears not to.
Arcanist is a class, not a job.
Arcanist is not a job.
You retard.
I'm not getting these for MNK either really, I'm getting them for PGL. I just said Arcanist because there's two jobs associated with it.
It's a pretty cool feeling. Had a run of Malikah's Well where the healer and other DPS died on the last boss at about 60%. Tank was PLD and I was DNC, figured we were just gonna go for the wipe so I just stood there for a bit to take a hit. PLD covered me so I figured they wanted to give it a go so kept fighting. There were a few close calls but we ended up killing it thought it took like 15 minutes.
Classes don't have specific titles.
Dialogue like this wouldn't be allowed in WoW. Even back during Mists they had to change one of Ji Firepaw's lines because it was suggestive, and that was back when they weren't anywhere near as onions-laden as they are now.
Huh? But some of my titles cite the Bulletproof achievements, and those achievements are for reaching certain levels with Pugilist.
Very first dungeon is rescuing a bunch of whores and kidnapped women from a pirate rape-cave
What they mean is the jobs they upgrade into since they're upgrades from classes on a code level. You can remove your job-stone and technically be a lv. 80 lancer instead of a lv. 80 dragoon, even though that's a terrible idea.
Bulletproof is for monk. Are you intentionally being this dense?
This reminds me, I haven't seen that dude that insisted classes were stronger than jobs around for the longest time. Think he died of shame after being btfo so many times?
Classes stop mattering once you unlock their jobs. Honestly classes just need to be deleted from your character entirely once their respective job is unlocked.
The achievements literally say "Pugilist". Yes, it's functionally MNK, yes, the flavor text is all MNK themed.
You think that shit's blatant desperation? Have a look at this.