Why are you faggots wasting money on Three Houses when the best SRPG ever created is available for free?
Why are you faggots wasting money on Three Houses when the best SRPG ever created is available for free?
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i hate niggers
I don't speak japanese, and neither does most of this board. Try reddit, maybe.
>come to english website
>wonder why people speak english and not moon runes
it's like going to a chinese restaurant then being baffled when they have chinese cuisine on the menu
>implying bafflement
It's more like going to a Chinese restaurant and laughing at the shitty rice they have eat while flaunting superior spaghetti and meatballs.
>food analogy
>can't be bothered to learn another language
Speaka da engrish PREASE
Why faggotto wasting der money on Twee Hauzes when best SRPG cleated avayraber fwee?
Is this an h-game or what?
What makes a man idolize girl on girl relationships other than a life of emasculation?
They think men are tainted and evil and so corrupt perfect pure women.
Single mothers
Public school systems that shame boys and promote docility and obedience.
Also what you said.
I can read a bit of Jap, give me a rundown of the game and tell me why I should play it instead of just dabbing on the EOPs
Realizing that anime girls are the most blessed creation of our species
Is this yuri?
50+ hour SRPG with more than 60 maps developed by a single guy. Intense plot like a Sentai series taken to the extreme with a variety of interesting characters. Gameplay moments melds with narrative moments perfectly. Nothing but a pure balanced SPRG narrative experience without any frills. The guy also has a longer game that combines all characters from previous games and that has loads and loads of SRPG maps too. It's all free.
Why are faggots on my board?
Yuri is the superior race.
And no translations planned by anyone?
One died in 2016. Translating a 50 hour game takes time.
Answer this , you double nigger.
I will now play your game.
Answer this
Are there any sexy lolis in the game?
Take your pick vndb.org
Hold on a second you lying bitch, where's the yuri tag?
Considering how badly tagged it is, I wouldn't pay too much attention to a missing yuri tag.
Where’s all the porn
I'm watching you.
>the best SRPG ever created
But that's not Aldo Senki