I'm a boomer born in 2000 but I honestly don't think this is as bad as some other boomers say it is
I'm a boomer born in 2000 but I honestly don't think this is as bad as some other boomers say it is
I'm a boomer born in 2010 and I love Fortnite.
I'm a boomer borin in 1995 and I'm a tired gamer, who else tired here? Anything beyoned 2007 is bad, I'm so old and depressed.
I can definitely see the appeal of it if I was a kid. It's colorful, all the other kids play it, and it's free. Of course it is pretty boring in my eyes.
same here wanna fuck
>I'm so old and depressed.
>he's 24
yeah, try when you're in your 30s, you faggot
It genuinely looks and operates like some like of psyop
kill yourself unironically
based schizo user
everyone in this thread should die
It's got some nice visual design and if you're a kid or someone who can put dozens of hours into rather basic gameplay and find it rewarding, I could see someone finding it enjoyable. I played a lot of it last summer since my friends were playing it, and the game's far from bad, just gets boring quickly when you're alone. I do think that more games should adopt the content model and attempt to do it properly with actual weekly updates/changes rather than "Here's a seasonal battle pass, we won't actually update the game again until the season ends." like BO4 does.
Pftt good try zoomies
fuck off
>born in 2000
Listen, millennial, we are the greatest generation because we went through so much sh*t! You have NO IDEA how good you have it!!!
Sent from iPhone 5
USMC 1987-1987 Medical Discharge
Mall Security 1987-Present
MAGA 2016 Drain the swamp!!!
thanks for proving my point; you can only react with some stupid meme
Weekly is too much, I prefer seasonal. Anyways like I said fortnite is only the best if you're poor. I would much sooner play pubg, or COD. A moba if I was going for FTP game.
>tfw we’ll never have a comfy fortnite thread on Yea Forums because everyone is a “boomer” elitist that only play mature games for mature gamers despite praising nintensoi products
>tfw have to settle for the discord tranny furfag shithole that is /fng/
No but it's popular so I hate it unconditionally even if I never tried it.
Hurt yourself.
>aim assist
if i wanted a point and click adventure id play monkey island
I was born in 2000 and I have never played Fortnite.
I usually only play retro games and I still play my retro consoles on a CRT.
I also prefer physical copies over digital.