Name ONE video game character that could defeat him

Name ONE video game character that could defeat him

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Why cant shoot him in the head?

he fall on the bab

What if they miss? Also his body would almost instantly fall over and kill at least 1 baby

just take the babies off of him

what's he going to do, resist?

He's holding a pistol

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Police snipers can aim at connection between skull and spine for instant paralyze effect upon death so anybody nearby could grab him before he fell and it wouldn't be instant either.

>shot in head
>falls over
>100kg of meat squishing the 3/4 babies on his back

Right, that means he won't do anything out of moral compromise.

Psychic Mantis

its psycho, you fucking herb

that fag from superhot
use mindbeam shit, blow his head up and then abuse the slow time to kill all the babies before they hit the floor and then shoot yourself in the head

10/10 user

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>its psycho
Pscyho Mantis? lmao

He could claim self defense with the gun if someone tried to assault him

Yes, he could. But he won't.

The babies wont go squish

Punisher is technically a video game character

Yeah, no.

DmC Vergil.

Kain from Legacy of Kain. He wouldn't be concerned about the human babies at all and even if he was, he has ways to stop the guy non-violently.

lasso his neck from the roof


>Implying he won't go HAHAHAH VAE- VAE- VAE VICTUS HAHAHAA HAHA- HAHA- VAE- HAHA- VAE on the guy AND the babies

Possibly some combination of Gandalf the pimp and Gandalf the Ho, Matt Damon and the guys from Mr Show, and Benito Mussolini, and his big Weenie, and Tony Curtis in a pink bikini, Robocop, The Terminator, William Shatner, Ralph Nader, Lo Pan, Peter Pan, every male Power Ranger, Keane Reeves and Bill S Preston, Spock, The Rock and Charlton Heston

>guy straps babies to himself specifically as armor
>oh but he wouldn't shoot anyone guys!
Are you fucking retarded?

Assuming he doesn't just spin to win with dual axes, but not before THE- THE- THE HEAR- TH- THE HEART OF- TH- THE- THE HEART OF DARKNESS for a few hours straight.

I was going to say the main character of Hitman. But now that ibthink of it, with no morals he mighy just let the babies get crushed.

No! He's clearly questioning the morality of others. He wouldn't do something that puts him in moral jeopardy!

go be underage somewhere else

What's he gonna do? If it's not worse than killing babies, leave him to it. If it is, shoot him and accept the collateral damage

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>Not mind controlling him into a blood altar to get infinite items

Lure him into a room you can lock, then let the babies cries drive him half insane until he agrees to surrender.

Not if that fails the mission.

Fucking got me user.

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Charles Xavier, Magneto, or literally any character with telekinesis abilities

Corvo from Dishonored can stop time and stab him in the neck, then hold him up as he resumes time to take the babies off. Really anyone who can manipulate time can beat this easy.

One? Nigger Ill collect ten

1. Alex Mercer
2. Jean Grey
3. Darth Malak
4. Ermac
5. Kyle Katarn
6. Darth Malak
7. Yoda
8. Kylo Ren
9. That bitch in Control
10. The Flash

any faggot with superpowers that involve bending reality or telekinesis can defeat this guy

how do they beat him in the comic?

The objective is simply to beat him, OP doesn't say anything about saving the babies.

Half of those are Yea Forums and Yea Forums. OP said Yea Forums only.

name on of those thats not in a video game then cunt

Rope from above around his neck, and then he pulls it up and hangs him in place.

Rope from above that hangs him.

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Leave this to me

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>get simple 2.5m high metal frame with block
>pull line through said block, throw the other end with pic related on this idiot neck
>pull until his feet are about 20 cm above ground
>mission accomplished

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Agent47 would just disguise himself as one of the babies

Dante and Nero could use Quicksilver/Ragtime Breakage and sort it out quick.

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Power Word: Petrify

Corvo fucking Attano

>Freeze time
>Crossbow bolt to brainpan
>Cut babies loose and set them down, or just ease his corpse down

An ATF agent.

Dante, Donte, Jonathan Reid, Alex Mercer, Albert Wesker, Bayonetta, Raiden(MGS), The Courier, that detective android from Too Human.
In other words, someone who can move really fast, someone who has mind control, someone that has high CHR, someone that can morph flesh.

sam fisher would climb onto the ceiling and reach up to break his neck, holding the body in the air before gently putting the body down, quickly so he could get the babbys.

No police officer is going to shoot at a man with babies attached to his body.

Just dragon into him or use triangular gate or smash that mf excidium button

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Simultaneously ninja dash towards him and cut off his gun hand with an upwards stroke.
In the next tenth of a second there's a flurry of blades. Everything seems still for a moment before the dude's body falls apart, a little bit of bad guy meat still attached to each baby to cushion their landing.

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>straps on more babies so he can kill them

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Uses his powers to change his mind and make him just take off the babies

>western comics

You best be insinuating France or somewhere is better, because if you think Japanese manga is any less stupid I insist you stop browsing this website


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Holy fuck Yea Forums

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Limbo from warframe
>put babies in The Rift
>kill the guy
>put him in stasis before he falls on the babies
>cut babies free

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Gorion's Ward. Paralyse him. Done.

Now what if he had a fishbowl for a helmet similar to Mysterio and a bomb attached to him that can detonate? What would be the realistic approach from cops?

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Does he bhop 360 it with an AWP as well?

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user, I...

Alex Mercer
if he shoots Mercer then Mercer just eats the babies to regain health

What if the babies were black?

They would just shoot the babies

Any character with telekinetic powers.
Just snap his neck and have him float while also removing the babies

Underrated post. A spear gun through the head into the back wall to hold him upright long enough so the babies can be safely removed could also work.

So what, you just assume that every Hispanic with a gun is gonna use it to shoot the police? Fucking racist.

None of those babies are circumcised.

Any FF or KH character that can cast Stop.
>cast Stop
>man is now frozen in time
>safely remove babies from him





anyone with telekinesis or time slow/stop powers could easily disarm him and save the babies.

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He has a bomb that is in sync with his heartbeat. Anything irregular triggers it to explode.

What now faggot.

>falls asleep at some point

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Time stop would stop the bomb too, you dumb faggot.

based retard

What if the bombs are hooked up around the house

What do you not understand about time stop also stopping the bombs from going off?

>not going Silent Assassin

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To be fair, FF/KH characters can't stop time completely except Mickey which is only for a few seconds.

Jumping attack, pierce him vertically from head to crotch. Dude is dead and pinned to the floor without any outer part of his body hurt by the spear.

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Any character capable of moving at obscene speeds like bayoneta.

>goes back in time to right before before the guy kidnapped the babies
>hits him in the head with a frying pain and turns him over to the police

Crisis averted, day is saved.

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>yells at the babies
>babies switch sides and maul the man to death

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or anyone with timesop

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>All these law enforcement anons laughing at your ass


Just kill the fucking babies, there are only like what... 12 of them? It doesn't matter for shit, not if you're in a huge sprawling city, there will always be more babies and people living in there that will spawn more babies that will soon replace the lost ones.

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But if he is threatening less hostages than he has babies attached, killing the babies is not worth it.

Just blow the damn building then, what's one more person to the pile?

How did they "defeat" him in whatever capeshit comic it came from?

I think The Punisher strangled him from above.

....that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works

Sick bait

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>Rips off the babies one at a time and uses them as meat mallets to wack the guy with
>final baby he shoves it down his throat and then rips his head off

what the fuck man my kratos wouldn't do that he's a soft hearted lovable father who loves his childrean and respsect woamen

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My underrail psion can manage.
>Activate cloaking device
>Cast mental breakdown from stealth
>Use the 15 seconds to remove one baby
>Screen transition then restealth
Rinse and repeat then finish him with biolocate.

Why not have an orgy instead with those characters?


my fuckgiçj sides

Baby is Baba is You

Just cut off his hand?

Hell a sniper could shoot it off and he wouldnt be knocked down, just in shock and stunned. Coordinate that with a team to breach as soon as it's taken and wrap him up so he doesnt fall

kratos wouldn't have any issues at all

Way too risky, no team is gonna try and pull off a stunt like that when it requires so much coordination and speed

Volgarr the Viking
>impale his head with throwing spear
>he doesnt fall

nigga just use sleeping gaz and when he is about to lose consciousness and fall over, someone rushes to stop the fall

>Courier 6
>Maxed out speech
>"dude stahp"

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any game character with a persuasion skill high enough to talk him out of it

Are the babies inventory space? If so, Link from Botw. Use sheika tablet to time freeze, then collect babby.

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don't pay attention to them user. they're dog whistling for snarky liberal humor

holy shit

>Are the babies inventory space

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Spider-Man with Venom Symbiote. He simply grows a tentacle and grabs him by the throat.

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>Shadow walks in
>His sheer edge cuts all the babies loose
>He goes at super speed and catches them all
>Teleports away

I don't understand what's the problem here

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How did they get him in the comics?


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>goes in vats mode
>shoot him in the leg with the nigger baby


I want to know this too. What happens?

Based and retard pilled


Someone incredibly fast could walk up to him and snap his neck, then hold on to him to he doesn't fall. Then call in someone to help disarm him of his babies

Nah he'd just cut him in half and then get prosthetics for any babies that were in the way

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Extremely based.

Wouldn't his 4 just ZA WARUDO the guy anyways and he could just go and pluck all the babies casually

I fucking kek'd

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He just removes the babies and tanks every attack before setting the man on fire

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I'd imagine anyone with some sort of time stop power.

>goes in vats mode
>remembers kids are immortal and just shoots wherever

not vidya but the spirit bomb only hurts evil people

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Of course this was the fucking Punisher, I should have known.

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Spiderman could do it.

Basically he'd have to snag him up by the head. The only problem would be if he started punching the babies while this was happening, or shooting them.

Any stealh game protagonist can sneak up on him, insta-kill him, grab his body before it falls and eat the babies.

Baby blender

Bro, like I have no words. Life is not like a vidya gamu you stupid fucking nigger


Is this even possible period


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What if the guy is a mind-controlled innocent and the babies are the real bad guys? How do you save everyone?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Frag his ass, won't ever happen again if people know you're just going to redecorate the walls with them.

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>I found this image in a folder and I will now force a barely games relevant conversation around it.

Yep, something like on the nose, no pun intended.

This is a job for a man with baby-skull-seeking-bullets.

I'd strap my self up with babies and threaten to kill them if he hurts anyone.




What if the babies are evil?

Doesn't work on living tissue
Just grab a line gun and shoot

>babies stop breathing
>brain damage
>dismember the dude to immobilize him and the proceeds to stomp on the babies like he did in DS2.

>proceeds to stomp on the babies
all because he couldn't find some pacifiers

whatever touches the person being stasis will be stasised to, so that won't work.

why has no one done this in real life yet?

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Captain Macmillan

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won't work. cops will just score a headshot on each baby

4 does blast damage. The babies would explode.

yeah, someone is just going to find that many babies just lying around

I hope no one took this post seriously

You win

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That’s a lot of potentially painted fences you got there hombre

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Morgan Yu

Combat Focus (Speed reactions to superhuman)
Lift Field (telekineticly immobilize and disorient the enemy)
Headshot with a silenced pistol and catch the fuckboy when he drops.

Alternatively, gloo gun head and hand, Lift Field his ass, and use remote manipulation to pluck the babies off while he slowly suffocates to death in mid-air (maybe, I don't think gloo was ever shown to do this in game, though it did extinguish fires and stop leaks.)

Simplest, Mindjack, one power and he now considers himself your ally for twenty seconds.

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I'm not a cop and but I'm pretty sure even I could do this

This, if you swing your arm really hard when you fire, you could potentially curve the bullet to only partially sever the spinal nerve to ensure perfect rigid paralysis.

Wanted isnt real kid