is Kojima ever going to hire a POC actress or
Is Kojima ever going to hire a POC actress or
Why? 80% of the world's population are PoC.
Maybe POC should look more attractive?
Guy doing god's work for SFM
Actually go spend money and buy games that have them instead of pirating everything. You have to give real support to content you like if you want to see more of it. Kojima's already a "POC" anyway so what you're really complaining about is wanting black people. Unless you're one of those retards who think Japanese people are white.
>the pendulum swings back
It's now more progressive to have a white lead character since everyone is contaminating their games with mutts
They do though. Definitely more attractive than fishmouth malejaw anglo/germanic women
>thumbs up-rainbow-crab-fish-crab-dolphin-umbrella-baby-skull
What does it meeeeeeaaaaaaaaan?
>american death note thot
>french lesbian james bond bitch
>irrelevant literally who
The rest of the world seems to disagree. It is why white people get plastered all over their billboards. Don’t blame me, blame them for thinking we are so attractive.
Cute gif.
Better questing is
Is Kojima ever going to hire better looking white women or
>yfw based Kojima btfos manbabies
whyd you want piece of crap actors
>kojima is bad and a Hollywood fanboy for casting film actors
>kojima is bad because his actors aren’t famous enough
DS looks pretentious as fuck.
White people are people of color from the perspective of the Japanese.
japanese people know black and brown people don't look cool
no, japanese aren't brainwashed by jewish propaganda
>black and brown people don't look cool
objectively wrong
Media companies owned by anglos/germanics peddling their own image in your own countries is not “what the rest of the world agrees with”. Pic related is how they see white females
Meanwhile take a look at Korea, Brazil, Dubai, Greece, Italy, etc have on their billboards.
thanks for proving my point that shit is generic and lame as fuck.
This is true. Nips especially love blonde hair and blue eyes. Half-white female characters are a common trope (Anne from Persona)
this game is problematic
pretty much
ugly actresses won't sell anything
Enjoy being a tasteless pleb then, mate.
Japanese blacks are the coolest portrayals of blacks in video games.
t. Doktor von kikeschstein
White is a color you fuckhead
isnt it deathstranding?
Reminder that japanese people like to trap dolphins by the dozens into coves and stab them to death (for fun (le tradition)
>wow japanese wacky black guy! so cool!
shut up faggot, MGS4's beauty and the beast characters were modeled after real fashion models, one of which was black.
>too talentless to make movies
>make bloated messes of games and hire hollywood actresses to constantly show off how hollywood he is
God kojima is a hack
if hes spending all that money on famous actors why would he spend it on a gross afro black that loses you sales? they should pay him to include them.
Korean women spend shit tons of money to get plastic surgery to make their eyes wider and shape their jaws to look more European.
Mandela strikes again
Just like white women you dumb talking point peddling parrot
Doesn't Death Stranding have what looks to be a black female nazi?
Retard alert in sector stupid
cause the only race more attractive then whites are asians and Kojimas a huge westaboo so he gets a pass.
Not my fault that everyone everywhere wants to be white.
>sector stupid
I’m not from America
>tfw white people were the minority all the time
>he thinks that design is wacky
do you even play videogames or do you just bitch about them online
You’ve probably never even been outside your country, mutt. You don’t know shit about the rest of the world. You’re huffed up on your own farts.
Non-whites are just fucking ugly, sorry your racemixed, amerimutt ass is offended, but nobody cares.
Why would anyone visit non-white countries? To see civil wars first hand? To see cannibals? To see terrorists? To see people whi have never built a single functional society?
Why is it ok to say people of color and not colored people? Everyone has to know that in the future POC will be considered a racial slur right?
>brown skin black hair
shitskins wish they had a fraction of the aesthetic diversity whites do
Lol why would I seethe? You’re the one that’s going to have to live with STICCs and dykes
Or what faggot
> To see civil wars first hand? To see cannibals? To see terrorists?
sounds like what the US is becoming desu. I went to Japan this year and it is probably the most civilized country I've been in my life.
I guess you see enough of that in America
Why do Americanoids speak like this? Is the 56% already affecting your IQ?
>visiting a shithole
I get enough of your culture in my country from immigrants running from shitholes like yours so i don't have to go anywhere.
Stay mad mutt
>t. angry adewale
From his perspective he is.
Obviously Kojima agrees with it though. Go play another game.
And that is great, America is the biggest enemy of white people, a traitor nation of racemixing mutts that deserves to be put down by force.
Much like Japan's traitorous nation thats only been dealt with by turning it into a land of cartoon worshipping creatures.
>never even been outside your country
unlike you, whites can afford travel and have passports that work
>t. Projecting Nigel
French "women" are so disgusting
He already hired the single best looking white woman. He peaked and it's only downhill from here.
Hispanics fall in the same line as whites even tho they are a bit tanned, Arabs as well, even Indians will fall into the line of whites once whites become more scarce
Sure Cletus. I’m sure you’re quite the world traveller and are very knowledgable in all things.
I hear ye. We need a eurasian utopa seperate from all this mess
Hopefully not. Fuckin gross
From his perspective, he IS being diverse. He's Japanese. I'm surprised he doesn't make games exclusively featuring Asian actors.
Nice try, cumskin.
Lmao even in straight up africa white is literally the standard of beauty, and where there are less whites, skin bleaching is not uncommon
fuck you nigger
You know, if we all suddenly moved into asia to fuck their women we could rule the world.
>skin colour=bone structure
Oops the /pol/ retardation has spilled out again
Asia? For what? Why woulf I want a 3rd world continent? Why would I want the continent of muslims, of shitskins, of poo in loos, of communists?
The world will only be a good place if everything but Europe is destroyed. Oh, and Sweden and the UK too, Swedenbfor being traitors, and the UK for being allies with Amerimutts
>Using your gaming company to bang hollywood girls
Is he based or is he pathetic we will never know
>muh shar chinlets xD
Kys you basement dwelling virgin
>no alliteration
>improper use of "projecting"
Yep, it's a nigger.
Anything not perpetually face value is probably pretentious to you
neither the fact that our passports grant us more access or that we make more money is up for debate
>pole thinking he’s relevant or european
This is truly next level diversity. Kojima is a genius.
Black isn’t a colour either u fuckking retard
Stay projecting and mad, Nigel.
I am, from Italy. And its pretty obvious that all non-whites are rabid dogs that deserve to be put down.
They had thousands of years to catch up, and they failed.
Such failure deserves punishment.
>Media companies owned by anglos/germanics
Become the girl
You’re not a true Italian if you don’t want a Eurasian-African alliance. It’s literally what the Imperium strived to achieve
Black's a color too
What's with Asian people and their obsession with white people anyways? Beauty ads in Asian countries always feature beautiful white women and most characters in mamga/manhua/mahwa look like white people.
>insectoid ""people""
>good looking
There are 5 types of black women
>le manjaw
>le gamer girl
>le cute and shy
>le ponstar
And finally the one in your photo that also happens to look like the woman they put in the blacked pics
>le absolute dyke bitch
A tranny in the thread full of SJWs, what a surprise.
>muh jews collage
Great work fellow culture warrior! You can take a break now.
Based Dolmio man.
No the skin color is part of it too, dont even need to panic at me about it, 5 minutes of research will have you putting a shotgun in your mouth soon enough copeskin
Yes, I bet we would benefit a lot from allying ourselves with a bunch of filthy niggers eating mud cookies.
Kill your fucking self, leftist dog.
Is that makarov? shit taste in guns
Because niggers are fucking ugly?
You’re pretty fucking dumb, nigga
t. Guy with a skin therapist gf
>wastes all his money on memes like Mads, Del Taco and Nicolas Hackting Refn
>can only afford Netflix reject actresses and Troy Baker for the rest
Konami wins again
White women look like men and white men look like women
Blame bongs but she still looks better than any asian woman
You wish that were true, tranny.
I notice you did not even attempt to deny the information
Lol wannabe cool kid angry online because no one finds him cool in real life. Sad!
Yes, don't think it's a Walther and true
Damn, Amerimutts argue like THAT?
*btfos the cumskin*
Speaking of trannies the US and UK have the most trannies in the world
He hires black males. white and asian women are exclusively eye candy in these games, there is rarely a nigress worthy of being eye candy. and nigresses have the undesirable need to want to be sassy
Is this a real article by THE motherfucking NYT
Now this, THIS is projection.
Of course they do, one of the many reasons why America is the biggest threat whites are facing right now.
Ironic you bring them up because you speak like one and subconsciously you must know that as evidenced by this post
white people are literally on the verge of being a minority in the US which is gonna get real awkward when the left realizes
"minorities" has always equaled "poc" to them so being the statistical minority in their own country means they can't get anymore free dopamine from virtue signaling their pity for other minorities. they'd have to start whiteknighting themselves as a minority.
No one cares about self proclaimed “whites” (who are predominantly of central asian decent; i.e. anglos, germanics, israelis).
If he does, I think Viola Davis would be a good pick.
Also, I'd love to see Kojima work with Chadwick Boseman, the guy's fucking great at embodying kind of out-there characters and personas. Get On Up was genuinely really impressive as a biopic, partly because of his performance
Not something to worry about, at least until I start using american millennial lingo like "bois", "ho", "thot" or "incel".
>bug people crawling to the theatres to watch fellow bugs
What a development.
You don’t need to use specific words to sound like one. It’s all about the thought process and expression styles.
generic in what way? Even just on his outfit, he looks distinct from most of the rest of the Tekken 7 cast, and factoring in his age and hair-design and silhouette, he's even more dfifferent from how the rest of the cast looks.
Not to mention his design evokes 70s kungfu and blaxploitation movies
Are you implying you Americans, a traitor nation that does nothing but put out leftist propaganda and where even the right wing attacks white people, has anything to do with whites? You are a nation of rabid savages, nothing more.
Pretty sure they'll just keep hating whites anyway.
Based joostposter
i know you think every black person in Japanese media is meant to be funny or outlandish, but tekken has a fucking panda bear as a fighter, Leroy Smith is incredibly grounded compared to the rest of the cast. No super powers, just Wing Chun
Dude, they had this one editor, some asian chick, who openly tweeted racist stuff on white folks. How the fuck she still kept her job is beyond me.
Reminder to the kids that only the most pathetic groups of society spend their days online claiming the superiority of their race which they had no part in contributing to whatever accomplishments they proclaim are due to them. If they had happy lives with love and affection given to them they’d find no need to be here angry at the world.
yea you really think these people are principled?
stop talking
>If he does, I think Viola Davis would be a good pick.
Americans are formed by anglos/germanics/Israelis so obviously they are a part of what I just criticized my suspiciously butthurt sounding friend
the magic of kojima games is gone
The Makarov is literally a Walther PPK with different furniture/styling.
Hating on it is like hating the Colt 1911
>Reminder to the SJWs that only the most pathetic groups of society spend their days online claiming the moral superiority of crime-ridden minority groups, which they had no part in contributing to whatever accomplishments they proclaim are due to them. If they had happy lives with love and affection given to them they’d find no need to be on Twitter getting angry at the world.
Americans are their own beast now. They have nothing to do with whites anymore. They are all ingerently anti white creatures.
if they really do re-release MGS5 with all the unfinished kojima stuff cut, Fukushima brought on to write and joosten replaced with a new sniper i am gonna laugh and laugh and laugh
>using the term “whites”
See my post
You should probably tell that to anyone other than white people as they are the most individualistic and least group-oriented.
Ah yes, I forgot that you Amerimutts started insisting race isnt real. Please, commit suicide. Or go to your nearest school, the end result will be the same.
Damn, newspapers have no fucking integrity anymore, it's all just disingenuous nu-journalism bullshit now
You’re just going in circles now.
Guys it's a prank will you leave the house for a while, no one says this shit outside Yea Forums or comment sections
>replying sincerely to a shitpost
Because I have no interest in arguing with Americans, you are evil and need to be brought down.
Race is literally a social construct
So is the anti-whiteness that makes you worthy of killing, burgerclap.
I didn't know making their jaws smaller and more Asian meant that they're making their jaws look more manly and more European.
holy shit amazing observation fellow Yea Forumstard. nobody has ever said that before. truly the hottest take of 2019? people on Yea Forums complaining about video games? unreal.
gamer girl? black women? i've literally never seen a black woman playing games that wasn't there as a diversity quota filler for EA or something
I’m not American and you sound like one. I’ve said that before and will say it again.
Kojima hires women that can suck his dick well.
Nice try, American worm.
hey look its me, your typical neighborhood White woman(Asian).
All our school shooters are white though, what more do you want?
Not enough shooters, considering you are still alive.
But good to see you are destroying each other, keep it up.
hopefully not
Lmao the fucker doesn't even know the name of his own game.
Who hurt you user?
Nobody, not yet. I want the US disbanded so it stays that way.
Fuck niggers and fuck sheboons
whites are POC in japan
Good. Just the other day at the end of a meeting at the multi billion dollar company I work for, a misogynistic bigot had the gall to say "thanks guys" before hanging up on the call. He didn't even consider the fact that "guys" is gendered and I identify as a woman. I've never felt more oppressed in my life, and I immediately tweeted about it on my $900 smart phone.
The next day I walked down the climate controlled hall to HR to tell them I had been sexually assaulted and they immediately fired the person when I showed them the twitter mob calling for his removal. I grabbed a free coffee and snack from the kitchen on the way back to my desk, and spent the rest of the day in my climate controlled office in front of my $2000 workstation enumerating all the other ways men oppress me, and posting on twitter about how America was never great.
I finished up my work and opened a PR replacing all uses of the word "whitelist" and "blacklist" from our code base, but my efforts felt in vain when I realized the changes would still have to be merged into "master", which implies ownership or slavery or something.
On my way back to my house in my BMW I realized when stopping for gas that the pump is shaped like a penis. While I stood there, seething, with the phallic representation of the continued plight of all women in America in hand, some person (male presenting) came up to me and asked if I needed any help. As if to imply women can't even pump their own gas, he was clearly a Trump supporter.
Good to see this shithole of a country is finally making some actual progress.
>most are mixed mutts
Nice try, Shekelburg. That aside, it doesn't change the damage niggers do outside of the school.
>tfw actually worked with a person exactly like this (but biologically female)
>actually destroyed my career with accusations of racism on twitter
>coworkers backed me up that she was lying but HR shitcanned me anyway
Too real user, please put a trigger warning before such posts
>american death note thot
The movie may be shit, but she was fucking hot
Wow, why did those Asian women on the left get surgery to look more like those beautiful white women on the right?
this post is fucking great, had me laughing nervously.