>Violent video games being banned from the largest retailer in America
Violent video games being banned from the largest retailer in America
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What a society we live in....
is that wallmart or gamestop
Damn, guess I'll just buy a gun from them instead
Eventually the only thing safe enough to show on the monitors will be the news, and then people will wonder why mass shootings triple.
>dude shoots up wallmart
>lets remove signage of gun toting people
They're still selling the games, and still selling weapons. Give me a yell if they ever try to stop doing either.
A small price to pay to finally, completely, 100% stop all future mass shootings.
Lmao the USA is third world levels of fucked
Damn so they gonna replace them with JRPG only ads now?
Better to have your kids grow up to be gay than mass murderers
can't wait for sony to jump on the hype train desu
>walmarts sells guns and ammunition in the states
please tell me this is a joke
There's a reason that people talk about federal gun control that doesn't mean "BAN THEM" but just a more uniform approach to sales such as "do we need dedicated shops". Walmart would sell weed if it was federally legalised.
this revives the game stop
>he doesn't have a walmart brand ar-15
Fucking europoors I swear
one stop shopping, of course they sell guns in america
Now they need to ban non-violent video games and we're talking
My big question about walmart guns is do walmart charge a premium on them? So do you have someone walk in, look at a rifle, say, "nah this store up near the range offers them at least 20 bucks cheaper", is it legal to do "price matching" on guns deals?
Even better, it's probably the largest gun retailer in the United States.
Only at stores that are way out in the boonies.
Wew lads. Just one more step towards the Orwellian nightmare.
not american, but i'm pretty sure that i can buy guns or at least ammunition from online if i'm too lazy to go to department store. or could if i had gun license and/or hunting license.
>it's da vidya games!
Thanks older generation with all the power and money.
Walmart hasn't done price matching in about 3 years
Oh no looks Iike I'll have to use amazon prime and have the game shipped to my door
Oh no I dont have to go inside subhuman central
That's a good thing. Do you honestly think Trump just randomly blames games as the cause without having a clue? He has studies and experts, you faggots have nothing but your fee fees.
Hopefully they'll ban degenerate porn games as well.
They sell everything, why wouldn't they sell guns?
>yeah bro he totally has experts and shit. Don't question your leaders.
Explain why this shit was much rarer before the video game addicted generation got around?
See? Instead of trying to provide proof of the contrary, he just pull character assassination to deflect.
Almost like he knows he'd otherwise have to defend the cause of murders...
fucking kek
stupid but only plebshit drones and retards are affected by this
Yeah they do. I mean, maybe they don't price match guns specifically, but of course they do. I get games price matched at my local place all the time.
There's a lot more people addicted to social media than video games though.
You made the claim fuckface. The burden of proof is on you.
Another day, another Burger's complaints on mongolian hentai imageboard.
>blaming the thing you don't understand. It couldn't possibly be anything else.
The smug ol boomer.
It's not a joke.
the complete lack of self awareness in burgerlandia is staggering
>Use your best judgement when determining whether an element is appropriate.
Lazy Walmart managers ain't gonna do shit
>Specifically PlayStation and Xbox units
Nintenbabbies aren't even worth censoring. Poor kids.
Based fuck video games. It's time to stop blaming inanimate objects and blame the things that are programming people's minds to be violent. One thing all these mass shooters have in common, they were gamers.
>They're still selling the games, and still selling weapons.
lol duh, the J*w can't miss out on profits, goyim.
They stopped selling guns ages ago
>Specifically PlayStation and Xbox
Nintendo wins again, baby!!
wonder how this will coincide with the new cod and the "no russian"-esque campaign
Boomers trying to ban/censor violent vidya won't solve this shit. The real issue is a lack of meaning for so these lonely, marginalized types on the fringes of society. Post-modernist Western society has replaced religion/cultural meaning with a depraved hedonism that these guys who can't get ahead in life become radicalized as a result. Look at what drove many to Islamic terrorism and Antifa autism, it's the same shit that's driving these retards to become white nationalists. They see these mass shooters get instant fame forever, and they crave that as meaning.
Banning guns won't do shit. If guns were banned these tards would just start driving semitrucks into festivals like at Nice. If they were a root cause, why is Chicago filled with gun crime? Why is London crime ridden? Why is Honduras hell on earth? All have very strong gun control. Fuck, there was a mass shooting in Croatia recently and that country has massive gun control. This shit is a fundamental cultural problem, gun control is like putting a band-aid on a pulsating wound.
Prove me, you actually can't.
all of a sudden the "glow in the dark" meme illuminates itself.
what do you see american gangstas, who kill people and shoot up drugs, do all the time?
play fucking madden
so video game addiction is caused by murder
Do you expect me to be Q user or something? How the fuck would i be sitting on the studies the president has?
>Video games are literally the only cause for the degradation of society
>Walmart managers ain't gonna do shit
This is true, but they're going to still freak out and force associates below them to do all the work and err on the side of caution and ban pretty much all of sporting goods and electronics advertising.
Only one's that can be construed as "sports equipment," shotguns and hunting rifles mostly.
You can't buy say, a handgun or anything primarily designed for self-defense.
Sometimes I feel like parody isn't even possible anymore.
It's been proven that 95% of all mass shooters have been addicted to playing games. All young men who spent most of the day playing vidya according to friends and parents.
Not even the SLIGHTEST same shit and that arguement is so inane and low IQ it should be an instant ban.
no they fuck they didn't, I work at a walmart that still has a gun case. whoever told you that is retarded.
And the president at that, so much for gamerg8 sticking it to the "censorship side" because looks like both of your parties want to fuck with video games. Logical since obviously playing call of duty pushes you to shoot up a school. Wasn't it the same with rock music and movies? Frankly, the whole situation is absurd. Maybe you should spend less time shitposting on here and more time finding a real solution to your problem.
why are americans so stupid?
based vergil dropping redpills
Off yourself, parasite.
They havnt done automatic price matching with the credit card in about three years. If you get a manager you can still do price matching at the register
They're not being banned, they're just not being displayed on TVs. It says right fucking there, idiot.
>Sure, let's just inject AIDs into the cancer patient because why the fuck not??
Are you the kind of moron who won't do anything because there's several causes? If we don't fix one cause, we won't ever start
>Xbox and PS4
Nintendo wins again
correlation does not equal causation. You could say that most also didn't have friends or had a mental illness. But that's harder to fix so we fall back on hobbies. Which just so happens that friendless mentally ill kids go to video games in this day and age.
>own the school year like a hero
Wow trump is so fucking garbage he's actually going to make me vote for a fucking chink.
At least he'll give me NEETbux™ though.
>Own the school year like a hero
That's an edit, isn't it? Funny, but still.
I don't understand. Current generation grew up with video games. We literally had the same shit about violent video games in the 90's. Before that it was rock music and comic books. It's all so tiresome
>Go to target
>No blacks
>Don't get shot
Honestly, it's the friendzone and atheism that causes this. That's why all the shooters are young virginal boys who is "enlightened by their own intellect"
Who buys video games in walmart?
They also banned some guns too last year, again though. Who cares?
You're wrong, faggot. Any firearm you order online has to be shipped to a federally licensed dealer, where you go get a background check, fill out paperwork, and then get your gun. The only exceptions to this are muzzleloading/blackpowder guns (not considered firearms under U.S. law) and firearms parts, not including a complete receiver (the receiver is the only part under U.S. law considered a firearm when independent from other parts).
So, I could order a parts kit for an AR-15 and have that shipped directly to my house, no issue- barrel, bolt carrier, trigger, etc. But, if I wanna build it, I need to either buy a complete receiver (which needs to come from a licensed dealer or be shipped to a licensed dealer, either way I'm getting a background check), or make the receiver myself.
Fags will bring up some shit about a 'gun show loophole' and say you don't need a BGC at a gun show, but the reality is those places are mostly filled with licensed dealers who *have* to do the proper check and paperwork no matter where they are, *and* federal agents from the FBI and ATF who are just itching to arrest some retarded felon or their girlfriend for straw purchasing.
ackshuwally the difference is Ameritards, Switzerland does fine
Trump is right again. Video games caused these shootings. If he bans the games you’ll see a drop, I guarantee it.
Are americans ostriches to bury their heads so deep in sand?
Wtf I love hilldawg now
Who the hell shops at walmart? Only the absolute gutter trash go there. I refuse to go to any one of those disgusting sewers.
Target/Brookshire masterace
Are guns sentient in America or something?
america is such a shitshow hahahaha
not an edit just someone moved the sign themselves to take the photo
It most certainly is the same you colossal retard.
correlation != causation
Literal basic statistics.
I'm willing to bet your statistics are wrong as well. Mass shooting have been around before Video games were even invented.
Maybe we should start by improving mental health care and hiring more school counselers instead of being alarmist reactionaries who ban shit we have nothing more than suspicion of?
Republicans have to blame someone or something except themselves and their ideology. Facts and reality be damned.
Are you talking about US law? Because I own three guns and have had no background check for any of them. It wasn't some seedy shady shit either, I just went into a pawn shop and bought them.
You have to prove video games are the cause first. Now do it. I will wait.
good post right here
depends and the needs you dumb faggot hence convenience store.
>we will witness the death of the mediocre genre than is Cowaduty FPS
Thank god.
Supporting the president isn’t lefty retard.
That’s funny, since you can say the same about gun grabbers
This. It's what happens when you remove meaning from everything in a culture.
Yeah, lets just give away our money so mentally deranged faggots too weak to live gets help, instead of taking away their terrorist practice simulators without stealing our money
We'll do everything but talk about the forced diversity that's making white men feel alienated
>any firearm you order online has to be shipped to an FFL
Was my main point. I'm aware of private transfers.
>Zoomers:Mass shootings, quick and easy
>Boomers: psychos huffed up from lead of old shitbox american made cars that go on 10 year killing sprees in the most gruesome way possible and produced some of the worst serial killers.
I'd rather take shooters. They seem more straight to the point and easier to stop
I think you do not know what that word means.
Fucking this... Deep as fuck... What are we, the gamers, supposed to do now...
they sell low quality guns
I do when I don't feel like driving to Publix.
Stop playing doubles advocate fag
Walmart is a supermarket, not a conviniance store. Moron lol.
Besides you act like theres no other competitors around.
Got a giggle out of me.
My Wallmart still has a gun counter. WA state.
>m...muh marginalized first world wh*toid virgins with everything at their feet!
what's the solution then? free sex?
why are f*rstoids such pussies?
How can you say that any media doesn't have an effect on an impressionable, young and developing mind. People are programmed by media all the time anyone who works in advertising will tell you that. Some people have trouble separating reality and fiction, especially when they are mentally ill to begin with. I'm not against stricter gun laws. But simply blaming guns and sweeping the issue under the rug is just as bad.
That's either a lie or highly illegal. Pawn shops that sell firearms are required to have a FFL.
Friendly reminder that HIllary Clinton flip-flops and will say anything and everything to try and suck up to potential voters.
After all, in the 90s and mid 00s she was the one spear heading the anti violent video game movement, at least in government. Almost Jack Thompson level of stupidity made her push forth this bill
Explain why this shit is STILL rare in every other country who consumes video games just as much as the USA.
Can't wait to watch you slither away
This. Video games contribute, look at all the mentally ill trannies associated with them, but media is to blame, music, movies, politicians, Twitter, sjws are severely to blame.
Walmart is where a black man was shot because he picked up an airsoft rifle off a shelf, and someone panicked and called him in as an active shooter.
And then someone else died of a heart attack in that incident from the panic of the police response.
Gang weed
Because they, being beta virgins, are too much of a pussy too contact criminal organizations to buy their guns, and too weak to use a knife or otherwise dangerous weapons
After they realize that banning videogames dint helped in stopping any shooting at all what do you think they gonna dump all the blame on?
Plenty of nations have guns. The problem is obviously something else.
>clearly ignoring that the USA has a SEVERE mental illness, drug, and gang problem that if eliminated would reduce gun violence by 99%
These are just hunting rifles though right? There's no way they sell ARs?
Ah yes, without any counter arguement, you instead attack the source as disreputable. Classic cowardly strats for cornered rats.
You're full of shit
Nothing lol, NRA always gets their bloodmoney
>live in a first world country
>be white on top of it
>get depressed and shoot people
Yes! American developers will go bankrupt and glorious Nippon will reign supreme.
They only price match if a retail store has the same product for cheaper. They dont consider gun stores "retail".
>because he picked up an airsoft rifle off a shelf
No he tore off the antitheft device, unboxed it, then wandered around the store pointing it at people. And when the cops showed up he wouldn't put the airsoft gun down when told and was shot.
Gun homicides cause about 10,000 deaths in the US every year. Mass shootings cause about 100. Who gives a fuck about edgy white retardos killing 30 spics in a Walmart when every Tyrone, Jamal, and Darnell is out there literally killing 100x as many people each year?
Also the 911 caller lied and said he was pointing it at people (surveillance camera footage disproved this). Also this was in an open-carry state.
An AR is a hunting rifle you absolute moron and, as of this year, one of the most common rifle types in the entire US.
Does Walmart sell "scary black tactical rifles"?
I don't know - Walmart here doesn't carry guns due to state level restrictions.
>SJWs, college professors, and the media literally fuelng civil war thoughts
>Wow, why is there so much violence and shootings? Surely it's the guns and video games
>no source
Can you imagine being a failure when everything is basically handed to you? The pressure is too much. They know they should be far more successful in life, yet they're losers among winners.
They do. Also protip, just because it has wood furniture doesn't mean its any different from an AR. What you are seeing are rifles with magazine wells, which do exactly what an AR does but looks less evil.
Land of the jews*
I still can't believe, as an outsider, how does a powerhouse like America, can't fix shit like this
what the fuck are you guys doing?
No they didnt, Walmart would be out of business if they made such a fucking stupid decision
This is it gamers... Soon they will knock on our doors to give in our vidyas and dakimakuras. It is time go buy guns from the same society that want to harm us
It rhymes with Thirsty Teens and is responsible for what rhymes with Titty
Way to miss the point, retard.
I assume this was a misquote and meant for 3 guns user. Whether its illegal or not, I'm not sure. All I know is its pretty common around where I live and if its highly illegal you would think it would be better enforced, especially considering all the mass shootings we've had lately. I was just pointing out that if some stupid kid wanted a gun to shoot up wherever it's insanely easy to get access to and has minimal footprints leading back to you.
>you can't hunt with an AR-15
Thank the young people for putting the older generation with all the power and money into power.
>Own the school year
But bideogayms are the problem here, eh?
Get your shit together, murricans.
>“He’s, like, pointing it at people,” Ritchie told the dispatcher. Later that evening, after John Crawford III had been shot dead by one of the police officers who hurried to the scene in Beavercreek, Ritchie repeated to reporters: “He was pointing at people. Children walking by.”
>One month later, Ritchie puts it differently. “At no point did he shoulder the rifle and point it at somebody,” the 24-year-old said, in an interview with the Guardian.
Here's your source you fucking faggot
Read and weep, and try not to shoot innocent people you fucking monster.
but you still live in a first world country with plenty of possibilities to be succesful
I literally don't get it
Thanks, that makes sense.
you fucking retard, posting screencaps of cherry-picked statistics isn't a source, post a link to the fucking study you dumb autist
Have you seen the nutcases like AOC in our government? Then you wonder why we can't fix shit?
Some Walmart stores still sell guns, the majority do not.
>This is what gamers actually believe
Gee, clearly NO link between being a gamer and being a paranoid soon to be murderer
Member when Bill Clinton banned almost all guns yet a couple of immigrants from Romania managed to get 2 full auto assault rifles with drum mags body armor and some painkillers and managed to shoot up a bank ?
Pepperidge farm remembers
hahahahahahaha lol
Based. Trump need to follow through on what he said and start by ban video games.
You do realize someone put that sign from the back to school section to create that photo?
>Mental illness problem
Never going to get better because free healthcare is needed to tackle mental illness and that will never ever happen in the US because muh socialism
>Be America
>Blame everything but your shitty culture
In your own words what exactly do you think an AR-15 is?
>plenty of possibilities to be succesful
And yet fail at every single chance where others always succeed. The fact that they, a white man never wins when literally everyone from you to society expects them to succeed puts too much stress on them
Well, if you want that particular pawn shop shut down you now have a way to get that guy Ruby Ridge'd.
No background check actually stops a mass shooter unless you want to seriously invoke a security/surveillance state at the civil level whereby every social media posting/shitpost/internet activity is fully visible to the Feds.
My state has the most stringent requirements in the country and I still easily passed.
Member when France had really tight gun control and someone drove a truck through a crowd and killed more people than that boomer with a bumpstock in Vegas?
that's what you get
Hey, you see this cesspool of mentally challenged, candy-flipping fuckwads?
Let's add guns! Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Guns don't kill people- oh they're all dead
You can't stop it. Of course you can't. if somebody wants to kill people to have their name read out by a twitch streamer or whatever they're after as fulfilment for their shitfuck lives, you can't stop it. What you can limit, is how many people they get. With a shotgun or a single action rifle, they might get 5-10 people max. With military grade assault weapons, that number is 10 fold. There is almost zero reason for those weapons to be in civilian hands. The reasons to posess these weapons are so obscure that 0.1% of the owners would ever use them for that purpose. The main reason they own them is because they enjoy owning them as a hobby, which is not justification for releasing them to the public.
Y-yes officer J-Jamal...
>scary black tacticool rifles get banned
>Resurgence of wood aesthetic
Praise be.
Not marginalized in in a racial way retard, marginalized meaning insignificant.
Let's say I'm some insignificant lower class white guy back in the early 20th century. I'm lower class, probably ugly and not incredibly intelligent, and poor as shit with no skills. I'm probably working at a factory, have a strong religious background to give meaning to my life, and have a caring wife whom I met through my local Church.
Compare that to what the bottom rungs of society now. Modern Western culture has removed all meaning from life.
And YET AGAIN he attacks the source instead of the arguements. And AGAIN he ignores the fact that their arguements links to ACTUAL studies NOT BASED ON FEE FEES
I went to USA during my vacations and find the arms section. I full of excitement ask for them to give me one of those 50 bucks handguns and they FUCKING TOLD ME I NEED A LICENSE!!!!!
You autist told me buying guns was as easy as buying mountain dew
They f*cked with gamers... GAMERS...
We MUST rise up!
they claimed to have stopped selling AR-15s in 2015 because people said that it looks like one of those scary 'salt rifles.
>muh studies
>(((grossman))) (((psychology)))
>oy vey just believe my bullshit goy
ARs don’t exist, retard
>posts links that counters his own arguments
>gives up at the first obstacle
>"bro, why do I failed???!! fuck women and fuxk niggersss Killlemm!!!
excuses and more excuses
Are you an idiot? The very source you posted refutes every claim you've made. That's the point of procon.org, retard.
>Armalite rifle doesn't exist
Not him, but NANI??
See Literally no counter arguement
The studies don't support the arguement. It's basically just being devil's advocade
>lack of meaning is the reason
genuinely laughed
Trump is a stable genius with the highest IQ of any US President. You are a screaming man child on an image board. You really think he doesn’t know what’s best for you? He’s here to teach us how to win faggot. Grab a coat and shape the fuck up. KAG.
God, you leftards are so obnoxious
I'd like to direct you to VT, the Houston Clock Tower, Columbine (AWB compliant), shill.
>Visit America years ago with family
>Go to Walmart for some shopping
>Play the Guitar Hero 3 display
>Walk round the corner and there are just racks of guns
But nah, video games. Jack Thompson must be pitching a tent right now.
>the studies don't support the argument.
Pot meet kettle. Come back with real proof.
Yeah, imagine wanting people to be able to go to a doctor if they're sick or in pain even if they can't afford it.
Why is Australia doing this? They figured out the problem already and banned guns. This shit only happens in America
Yes. It's that simple and dumb, but that's the reason. Ironically, they then get attracted to boards like /pol/ which further reinforce their expected successes by claiming they're supposed to be the superior race, bringing the losers down even further.
>Killing all niggers and enslaving all holes
>Baning self defense tools
What would save more worthy lives?
People get murdered in mass in other countries too, retard
Yeah imagine wanting to spend 100 times our debt to retrofit every building in the country and replace every vehicle in existence.
Tell me the meaning any of these retards had in this lives before going on their shooting sprees then.
Money. Gun people give tons of it to people in government in exchange for them ignoring anything regarding "gun control".
>firearms kill 11k people in 2016
>rifles were used to kill 378 of those 11k people
>rifles responsible for literally 3.4% of all deaths due to gun homicide
>despite AR-15s being the most popular gun in the US
Nah fuck off. AR-15s and any other weapon you can lump under 'assault weapon' are used infinitely more often for lawful purpose (hunting, recreation, self defense) than homicide. Why the fuck should we ban a gun that is responsible for (almost certainly less) than 3.4% of all gun homicides? What the fuck is that gonna solve? You gonna save a whopping 200 lives every year in a country where that same amount of people are killed by car accidents every two fucking days?
Actually it's niggers
They could probably actually get gun control implemented if they didn't literally make up the term assault weapon and constantly use it so retards would think that people are buying fully automatic military assault rifles at walmart. They just want to use the term as a catch all to ban all guns.
>dude stop pointing out my source is dogshit goy
not an argument
kikes are at it again
>guns this cheap
what are these? pellet pistols? there's just no way they sell handguns for only $40.
>Addicted to playing gam-
Doesn't exist. Ignored everything else you've said.
>play a single violent game
>go beat up kids
do they actually believe this or what
Kek, nice reading comprehension. I didn't question the validity of the source at all.
What I did do however, is absolutely BTFO you when I pointed out the very source you posted also provides counterpoints to everything you've claimed.
Good job.
Really makes me think.
>”Hey guys, it’s Lier Mclyingpants here with the Give Me your money foundation. Give us your money. This study said so”
>Wtf that is obvious bullshit
If games are the problem why there is no mass shooting in other countries ?
that is some crazy knee jerk reaction. their gun sales is going to tank hard.
>free healthcare is needed to tackle mental illness
How about you pay for your own treatment? I don't pay for your autism.
The anti-gun lobby spends far more money lobbying than the NRA ever does. Politicians aren't bought and sold, there's just a shit ton of pro-gun people who are more politically active than their competition.
and? that white guy still had a job, and a wife. He DID SOMETHING. Why do you think he can't do it now either, in A FIRST WORLD COUNTRY??
god sometimes I wish you faggots would experience living in harsher conditions.
You wouldn't last an hour.
And that's a good thing!
>He didn't try to copy what he did in video games as a kid
We literally spent a week trying to wall run and jump as kids. All media influences.
Sure, that's what stopped fucking Breivik from shooting all those faggots.
It literally didn't stop mass shootings.
A couple years after port arthur, a chink kid tried to shoot up his uni class and failed like the retard that he was. Sydney siege could have easily been a mass shooting event, if the guy decided to open fire instead of taking hostages and just recently someone went around Darwin CBD with a shotgun killing 4 people.
Typically in lesser countries they use trucks, IEDs or a can of gasoline.
>dude if some kike said it, it must be true!
And yet more proof that it will never be fixed.
>No gf in High School
>No gf in College if you even go
>Now you're mid 20's to 30's and still a virgin
>Media constantly showing you how amazing highschool romance is
>Even the "minorities" are easily having sex
They basically go insane until something makes them snap.
The NRA is also largely individual donor funded along with every other rights organization.While being a TERRIBLE defender of the 2A it does something very important: it motivates people to vote and contact reps consistently.
Suck my cock, shill.
Anti-gun lobby has Bloomberg's ENTIRE fortune behind it to name a single donor who outclasses the NRA by several weight classes.
oh yeah, because the only thing that changed in the last couple of decades are videogames.
I'm surprised it took this long. Didn't they ban Parental Advisory versions of CDs years ago?
>Free healthcare is needed to tackle mental illness
Britbong here, stop talking absolute dogshit, free healthcare doesn't help at all in regards to mental health
>Video game addictions aren't real! I just play 20 hours a day because i'm healty and sane!
Here's a fun fact, that same year, more people were killed by blunt objects (479) than rifles (378). Far more people were killed by knives (1,632). These numbers are from the FBI.
It's almost like how many people are killed at one time by something doesn't at all reflect how many people are killed a year by that same thing...
i think the AR is too iconic for even wood furnitures to remove the anti-gunners absolute fear of it
Yet one lane over in "sporting goods" you can still buy an AR-15
They're banning displays, AKA cardboard cutouts. Probably for another month or two, then they'll bring them back. This isn't anything new or unusual. It's retarded though, that's for sure. They'll ban mentions of violence in games and go so far as to ban mentions of guns in ads, and turn off all huntsman videos in the sporting section, but not just halt gun sales for a month. Goes to show that they don't really care, they're removing ads, not the products.
And no, I'm not saying vidya or guns are the problem, but they're claiming they are, without actually removing either. They're line straddling homos.
Because there are no true first world countries anymore
>whites develop societies beyond hunter-gathering
>because shitskins are too stupid and lazy to do so we shouldn't ponder higher questions and simply be content with not having to scrape by
We don't treat commies nicely around here. Piss off, you won't get a penny from me.
Those are the sources for the counterpoints, retard.
Literally proving me right by doubling down on your autistic fit. God, gamers really are mentally numbed from their illness.
anti gunners think AR means assault rifle.
Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait. So the US is banning VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES, but not GUNS?
>Even the "minorities" are easily having sex
I don't get it. Why can't they do it too? Sometimes I really don't understand how americans work.
The depressing part is, the majority of people who are anti-gun don't know the first fucking thing about guns other than what they see in movies and video games. They honestly believe ever single AR is full auto and you can just walk into a gun store and buy one no questions asked. Then, when the laws come up banning guns, they don't know what they're fucking talking about so they ban dumb shit that doesn't affect anything, which is how we get shit like California compliant ARs
We 1996 again
No, actually. Anime came along too.
Is this 1986? You have a serious issue with your idea of success.
Tell me the meaning retards of the past had then. Working a job and then going to church on sunday? That's a fucking joke.
He won't reply, user.
It's the same poster making like 50-60% of these posts, I'd wager.
Very cheap leftypol information warfare - hence why we've had four of these threads in 12 hours.
not an argument sweety
i still can't comprehend how anyone would watch ecchi momcest.
nice job exposing yourself as a retard
and then you wonder why you're "left behind"
So did SJWs and third wave feminists. Hmm...
Because it's not gamers. Or guns. But the real reason is "racist", so no one is allowed to come out with the truth and find a solution.
I accept your defeat.
It's time to grow up and have a family, bucko.
Lay down your games and stop acting like a manchildren.
As an outsider she seems like one of your only decent politicians.
Guns are practically a religion in the US.
I think about how I never have a gf and while it does hurt...
I also remember that I am in the era of loose and disloyal women and I still have my sanity and dignity because I never had to experience a woman monkey branching or cheating
so it aint too bad despite me still being a virgin in my 20s
but americans tell others all the time how they live in the best country in the world, and everyone else lives in shitholes.
I also didn't try and beat people up like a fucking goon because I played Street Fighter 2.
>responding to incel posters
When someone boils down an entire movement to "must be virgins lol" you know they're projecting.
All caused by anime and video games. Notice how SJWs didn't exist in the spotlight until games came along?
tbf you would save more live by banning vidya.
Go cry in an empty parking lot
But I'm not white. I'm Asian. There's enough of us already.
>the first republic founded on the principles of individual rights over government control out of an imperialist monarchist state worships individual rights and power (and one of the few expressions of that we truly have left in the decayed modern world)
Well at least there is still plenty of violence available in movies and music. Put your money there.
That's fucking stupid and everyone knows it. Imagine if the theater chain where that guy shot up in Colorado decided they would not show any more violent movies. They would be out of business in a week. No other chain sperged out like this when a mass shooting happened at their establishment, and the list is big (McDonald's, Luby's Cafeteria, Safeway, Twin Peaks, etc.)
It starts hurting again in 10 years.
Saying things won't make them come true user, drop the shaman rituals and put some effort in to your life.
guns are not the problem
It's kinda weird how the facts are there but no one is allowed to speak about it.
Really makes (((you))) think.
>Working a job and then going to church on sunday?
Working a job to support your wife and children. Like nigger the main use of religion is for people to find meaning in their lives.
>My inceldom is a mark of PRIDE AND DIGNITY
kek, rationalisation
Just have sex
>Feminists didn't exist before video games and anime
What. Nigger you played RDR2.
Walmart is just removing the displays. That shit will still be there.
Not far enough, you need wooden receivers as well.
From an insider, she refuses to do the basic legwork of a representative. She believes paperwork is beneath her and any critisism (even internal to the party) is seen as insincere because you just dont like her and are probably a racist as well. Her big upside is shes a politician that knows how to use social media but thats about it.
shes genuinely mentally retarded
Ban Americans
Why must you lie?
I'm really glad you're an outsider.
This is art.
Video games is not art. Video games is mindless numbing waste of time. You do not improve, you do not come out as a better, wiser man after playing video games for 20 hours a day.
>Short hair
>That ass
Build a wall around every american
Are you a Mexicoon?
THIS. Also use tax payers money to pay for my trans gender operation.
why would you give up? is not like you're 90 years old
26% of 18-25 year old men are still virgins
I'm not the only one here mate.
Maybe it's time to realize that the dating market is like the housing market in that most people are simply priced out
ITT online game addicts
Enjoy gargling on your own blood when you get shot up by some edgy white guy in his 20's.
You don't get much news coverage of her where you're living, right?
>gamer amerifats get trump elected
>he kills their games before leaving office
as a based European this is so weird to see
It says right on the packaging
>BB Pistol
Use your brain for something other than cooling blood for once you cockhead.
>Yeah imagine wanting to spend 100 times our debt to retrofit every building in the country and replace every vehicle in existence.
This. It's better to spend that money on war and Israel. That's the true American right wing way.
I'm not giving up, rather I'm keeping calm and carrying on, because I'm not some emotional freak
Sony won't/can't be that retarded.
The backlash would be ridiculous.
There's a walmart in san diego that literally sells the guns next to the video games.
There's also estimated to be 300-600 millions guns already here so even if they banned the sale of all guns tomorrow nothing would change.
This doesn't establish ANY causality. Two things show a correlation, but there's nothing to say one influences the other.
>white guy
Looks like I'll live
What a dumb fucking lead you are
Maybe because video games are a mainstream hobby that almost everyone under 50 is into these days? How about the tens of millions of people who play violent video games and DON'T commit mass shootings?
In most states you don't even need a permit to get a gun. Mutts dug themselves a hole because every nigger now has a gun and the biggest argument for giving everyone guns is to "defend themselves". They're stuck in a circle and fucked good.
As long as I can still get my cunny from Steam I'm good
hmmm... really makes you think
We don't spend 100 times 22 trillions of dollars on wars, you inbred hick.