maybe if you were kind to trans girls you wouldnt be an incel
>0.01% of the population makes 100% of /pol/roaches seethe
Based trannies.
>hating mental illness
>that makes you a /pol/tard
wow aiming is not good enough they need to guarantee that i can choose to cut off my penis in this game otherwise i WILL NOT BUY this oppressive piece of shit
I just fucking hate trannies, I'm not even an incel
I despise their mental illness, everything is the fault of everyone but themselves
>2012: what the fuck is Cyberpunk
If trannies believe that they're women, why wouldn't they just play as a female character instead of a transgender character?
trannyism is cyberpunk as fuck
exactly, just make a chick and call her steve, there, transgender options in every game with character creation
Sorry I don’t care about some man in a dress with a party city wig go smack down on those hormone pills retard
And post means nothing try with out ur buzzwords
>see a teaser
>make up the whole game in your mind
>get pissed at the dev when it's not exactly how you imagined it
why do you fags do this?
>This thread again
Mind if I curse this thread?
Lord Moldybutt.
Truly, the redpills are the hardest to take.
>be like not even a percent of the population
>cry because everyone and everything doesn’t pander u to or think ur some special brave fuck
>make ur whole life about pronouns and gender
>look like a monster
>shit up every social media
>cry muh transnogoy when someone doesn’t care about ur whining or buy ur delusions
>think they are the most special and can’t do anything wrong
Wow it’s like trannies are a plague and it’s just easier to throw them a bone then deal with their constant annoying
That’s because they aren’t true trans and doing it as some social movement or something there whole thing is very hypocritical of what they are supposedly trying to accomplish
>want to live as other gender
>constantly has to remind everyone that what they were born as and expect praise for it they literally seem like some kinda character or something and everything they do goes against what they are supposedly trying to accomplish
Really makes ya think
I think this is it. What separates trans from trannies to me. I don't hate transgenders because the ones that try aren't obnoxious. They just want to slip by under the radar and they actually put in the effort for it.
These fucking internet losers just want the attention.
>Transhumanism themed game adds more gender options
>Tards that don't know what transhumanism is start their autistic screeching because they are currently the local boogeyman of the week
I know this is a bait thread but seriously people cyberpunk 2077 won't be ruined because another couple of options that would normally be found in this kind of game are present.
Besides the only reason trans people are disgusting is because its a hackjob and they literally mutilated themselves in the attempt only to still fail at passing, once you can do genetic genderswitching or some shit where its seamless, easy and results in a complete genderswap thats the point where it becomes awesome.
>Have lifespans 30yrs shorter than normal
Huh. I always wondered why I don't see more gay grandpas.
Excuse me, did you just assume my gender?!?!
Because they're more likely to be gay uncles.
Also because they're very likely to be married to women, since those older gays went through some real bullshit, not the shit fags complain about now.
But it does have flying cars and multiple classes.
>1 in 100 is a tranny
Based retard
How many times did OP have to re-save/compress the image to get it to that point?
Does it count as losing your virginity if it's to a butt or glorified axe wound? It certainly doesn't if you're the one on the receiving end.
Pretty sure he makes thematleast twice a day.
Saw one last week on Friday.
2*7 = 14 times already.
And he is heavily samefagging them case in point the comment above mine posting nearly 30 minutes after the thread was nearly dead
It's a free brownie points from sjw crowd without too much work for the dev, but for some reason i don't give a single fuck about it. In-game NPCs would only acknowledge you by your chosen voice, which is either male of female.
If a guy was screaming about cockroaches 24/7, he would be considered ill.
If a guy is screaming about trannies 24/7, then he's based.
Isn't that the fucking norm in cyberpunk setting? You can change your body with Augs, drugs, whatever as long as you can afford it.
Heck you could turn into genetically engineered catgirl murderbot.
he does this to avoid archive callouts
he makes all repost threads, just hide, filter and report
>unironically thinking that trannies won't be a thing in 2077
>unironically thinking that only one person on Yea Forums hates trannies
Good. Just the other day at the end of a meeting at the multi billion dollar company I work for, a misogynistic bigot had the gall to say "thanks guys" before hanging up on the call. He didn't even consider the fact that "guys" is gendered and I identify as a woman. I've never felt more oppressed in my life, and I immediately tweeted about it on my $900 smart phone.
The next day I walked down the climate controlled hall to HR to tell them I had been sexually assaulted and they immediately fired the person when I showed them the twitter mob calling for his removal. I grabbed a free coffee and snack from the kitchen on the way back to my desk, and spent the rest of the day in my climate controlled office in front of my $2000 workstation enumerating all the other ways men oppress me, and posting on twitter about how America was never great.
I finished up my work and opened a PR replacing all uses of the word "whitelist" and "blacklist" from our code base, but my efforts felt in vain when I realized the changes would still have to be merged into "master", which implies ownership or slavery or something.
On my way back to my house in my BMW I realized when stopping for gas that the pump is shaped like a penis. While I stood there, seething, with the phallic representation of the continued plight of all women in America in hand, some person (male presenting) came up to me and asked if I needed any help. As if to imply women can't even pump their own gas, he was clearly a Trump supporter.
Good to see this shithole of a country is finally making some actual progress.
Literally not what i said, but okay Vladdie
Tranny detected
>>unironically thinking that only one person on Yea Forums hates trannies
I think there's a difference between hating them and letting them live in your head 24/7 and making threads about them all the time.
tranny is a mental illness if you refuse to admit it and seek help you need to kill yourself as soon as possible
I did they gave me HRT!
>was nice to one mentally ill dude
>ended up giving me bed bugs
>implying trannyshit isn't exactly the kind of stuff that would increase in a cyberpunk setting
>implying everyone would be boring cis people in 2077
>only one person makes these threads that get guaranteed (You)s
Thats the final straw im cancelling my pre order and getting Death Strancing
i fucking cant wait until all video games are taken away
he's only based because it's the latest cool thing to hate on Yea Forums, and even this it's getting kinda stale.
the funny part is that almost nobody on Yea Forums even interacts IRL with transgenders. first of all, nobody here gets out of the house and talks with people, secondly there's not even that many out there. The ones posting twitter screenshots are searching for them for hours, trying to find something to get angry at.
>thinking Earth will still have Humans in 2077
>let female characters use male voices
>let male characters use female voices
Wow its almost like Saints Row let you do this years ago