Is AST good now?
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i feel like such a weirdo having only whm ast and sch leveled other roles just seem boring to me
Still worse than whm and sch.
Buffing is pointless now that fflogs removes padding, so no.
I hope people don't actually really think this way.
my sub runs out the day after tomorrow
If you have a scholar then sure, AST/SCH do very well at the 99th percentile.
Being forced into Noct stance to survive certain bosses fucking sucks ass though it's still serviceable.
Damn so shadowbringers really did flop
It only works for people who have been unsubbed for at least a month.
Feels like it got infinite MP now but its still awful healing except for earthly star
it doesn't work that way. you have to not have played the game for at least a month or two to be able to use the free login
Yes, please
New AST cards are better in every way and they fixed most of the numbers/action problems in the patch so they're in a pretty good spot right now.
The cards feel good to use with the shorter CD on Divination. The CO buff is great, you can rely on it and your other oGCDs to keep the tank up in experts now and blast out gravity after gravity since it had a cast time reduction too. Feels fun to play and it gets the job done now.
Was a shitshow pre 5.05 though.
AuRa girls have really grown on me, they're just so small and cute
To me it's the only one of the 3 Healers that is fun to play, so yes.
Every Au Ra I knew is a trannybunny now.
I still see an Au Ra girl every now and then, they are precious and must be protected
Remember to /handover to your minion daily.
Trannies are easy to spot now, they always have god awful fashion sense and play ugly characters. They try too hard to look unique and end up looking terrible. Heterochromia and pink highlights fucking everywhere
I hate you both as much as I hate trannies.
You trying to tell me anyone wearing the quaintrelle skirt isn't a fat man?
>One solid hair color
>Lowkey fashion
>No heterochromia
>Midland Female
Guess I'll just be a NPC
You just have good taste, user. Ultimate patrician choice would be blue-skinned Xaela though. I can't stop jerking off to them
>When you try so hard to special snowflake you go full circle and become an NPC
Play Dancer
t. viera with problem glasses
Fuck off ye horny bastard.
What are problem glasses?
Glamours with those fucking glasses are a greater red flag to me than anything else.
>Countermeasures have been implemented against certain illicit activities which were the cause of server crashes.
What's this about?
I'm so NPC I noticed all the scholarly NPCs in Crystarium wore the same robe as I did when I was playing through the story.
which glasses are the problem glasses
No. It can heal fights now, but still not as well as WHM and AST. Which wouldn't be a problem per se, but its rDPS contribution is still much too low to compete with WHM. It will get closer and closer as the expansion progresses and we get stronger, but for the first Eden tier it's a fair bit behind WHM and only marginally better than SCH.
Technically you would run WHM/AST for speedkill memes, but since people don't have gear yet and most simply can't fathom a world where SCH isn't a mandatory healer it's not being done currently.
>Being forced into Noct stance
Wait what? All I hear is people bitching about how useless and garbage Noct sect is now.
>but still not as well as WHM and AST
I meant WHM and SCH obviously.
Noct is better than it's ever been.
It's no SCH when it comes to healing and shielding, but it's not a complete joke compared to Diurnal anymore either.
I did but they are bad according to literally everyone.
They are, but not unplayably bad. They get better if your party has a BLM, SAM, or MCH. Their rdps is still a little low though compared to BRD, so possible buffs soon.
Guys what is the purpose of Requiescat and Holy Spirit on PLD? I'm leveling one and I haven't hit the level where Requiescat gives you instant casts yet, but right now these two spells seem really pointless and I'm not sure how I should use them.
I wouldn't say that they are bad, just that they need some buff, since right now their DPS is so low that their rDPS is the lowest of all the dps jobs, though not by much.
Holy Spirit is really weak now, it's barely a DPS increase until you get your lv80 skill.
Use it, or not, doesn't matter much.
It’s cool looking and deal good damage.
>these are the people tanking your dungeons
Why are raids just a single fight in a circular arena? The mechanics aren't even creative. Is there anything like WoW raids or is this really all there is to endgame?
>525 potency attack x5 is weak
Im tired of WHM. Whats more fun? SCH or AST?
Creative mechanics were too hard to figure out so groups broke up and players complained
Having no trash to fight is a huge plus.
They're okay in the hands of someone who knows what they're doing and specially bad in the hand of a shitter.
Wish SE said something about DNC buffs.
ast is the only "fun" healer
>tfw you made a Xaela with pale skin, green hair, spiky tail and set height to shortest
i fucking wish
would keep all these shitters from dying due to positioning
also good taste. Xaela were made for abnormal skin colors
based lahabrea poster
Look at the total number of Titan Savage clear parses for each healer. Their rDPS is comparable for now, but they are significantly weaker healers. If you're taking them to Savage then they are most likely there for shields. Noct AST is just SCH without the fairy, with significantly worse single target shields and healing.
Fuck off, just acquired these spells on my PLD, meaning I don't instantly have a full understanding on their best use.
Already did my job and looked it up myself.
I tend to just requiscat -> confiteor
Is this wrong ??
It’s not weak but there’s no oomph to it, considering part of your melee rotation is 4 550 potency attacks that get boosted by fight or flight. Obviously Confiteor adds a nice ending to it though.
>Ascian slice of life
>Elidibus constantly needs help with mundane things like how to use the washing machine
>Lahabrea keeps getting in trouble
>Emet-Selch basically Al Bundy
The oomph is that it does good damage with holy magic. You dirty sinner.
Such devastation... This was not my intention...
God why do paladins have to be so fucking dumb
Only if you're about to transition phases or need to move out and back into melee phase quickly.
it's up there user
I'd watch it, better than anything airing right now
I always pictured Xaela girls as the short and angry type
AST Cause as soon as you join the party the tank thinks you're a fucking retard and does baby pulls for you. SCH Is less fun than WMH.
the real oomph is boosted, crit Clemency
>FFXIV gives a week of playtime
>WoW only gives 3 days
>Race changes in FFXIV are only $10
>Race changes in WoW are $25
>Shadowbringers cost $40
>Battle for Azeroth cost $50
No wonder WoW is losing
help me bros I want to cum inside a Xaela cutie so badly
If you know your legions of drones will buy anything you shit out, why wouldn't you charge more?
>buy Shadowbringers on July 8th intending to get back into FFXIV
>try to log into Mogstation, realize I've forgotten the email address associated with my account and thus cannot reset the password
>create email support ticket
>takes two weeks to tell me to make a chat support ticket
>chat support takes 30 minutes to tell me to make another email ticket
>second email support takes two weeks to tell me to make another chat support ticket
>tell them no, I already did that and he said to email you, it's been four weeks, is my account recoverable or not?
>they send me to a special form where I have to include a picture of my driver's license
>one week later and still no reply
I do like how cheap race change is in XIV, but to be fair it’s something that feels a lot more necessary in this game. I’m an altaholic, and played WoW until ARR pretty much and never did a race/faction change just because I could make a new character if I wanted to play something new looking. In XIV making an alt is pure rock cancer, so downing a fantasia helps with the variety.
Good. Dumb frog poster.
No it’s not. I’ve been playing the same race that I started. I still even have the free Fantasia the MSQ give.
use SStool if you like changing races a lot, it's free.
Not necessary at all and I'm glad no alts are needed in the game. I used it once to turn into a lalafell and never looked back.
What's the point if only you can see it? And your character will still be referred to as whatever race it is and subject to it's lockouts
Well not necessary if you’re well adjusted, I meant for ADD faggots like me who otherwise have a lot if characters in games.
Cool, thanks.
>What's the point if only you can see it?
that's the point. so you don't get banned and also imagine only changing races because you care what others think rather than yourself like a vapid thot
>imagine only changing races because you care what others think
People dress up for others, not for themselves.
If you don't care why change race then at all?
go back to second life
maybe you want to try something different but don't want to pay $10 for it
Guys what's the best way to follow Shadowbringers story if I don't have the game?
Are there good XIV lore or playthrough youtube channels ?
shame Viera don't actually look like this in game
Lmao so he's on welfare in real life and in the fucking game. I bet you run around with unglamoured tomestone gear.
probably just search for shadowbringers playthrough/let's play on youtube and see what you get
why not buy the game?
The only good content creator is babyvsheelface and meoni imo
Just buy the game man. You don't want to watch an lp of some tubefaggot playing the story with his god awful character.
t. grey parser
Einhander raid for 6.0 right?
Just come and join the fun son
Not him, but I wish we did have a lore content creator to look at for refreshing some stuff. Doing old ARR stuff and most of the quests make me go ???
I don't get switching races. It just feels wrong after playing with that character for hundreds of hours, like they're being deleted. I've only ever changed hairstyle occasionally.
>Everyone in square seems to love this fucking game and can't stop putting references of it to everything.
>Still no re-release
>Not even on PSN store
What the fuck is their problem.
I just make the old race my new retainer that hangs out infront of my house.
It was successful within sales, but the issue is the end game.
People were quick to write it off better than HW when it's still lacking.
You literally had nothing to do at the end of the game.
And were smart to see the signs the quest lines were awful, it was super easy to level from 70-80 in a week.
Agreed. I like my dumb midlander too much.
I used the ARR Fantasia on him to make him look more generic
>bonus for a fast dungeon clear if you have someone that does it for the very first time
what the fuck is that picture? also you're either lying or on the spectrum if you can't appreciate simple change.
my computer's GPU burned and components cost an arm in my 3rd world shithole
I was just really hyped for the story but I will not be able to play the game before an excruciatingly long time
thank you user i'm going to check these
Why mad?
So you're saying that the one who bothered with his character's appearance is a high parser?
Have you tried playing on ps4?
People unironically refer to fflogs when they talk about balance
>JP pugs use safe and consistent strats to clear
>NA pugs use unorthodox strats that are risky for a chance to parse higher
Kinda resembles the mentality between the FFXIV and WoW development teams.
>FFXIV uses a safe game design formula to attract a consistent crowd
>WoW tries to reinvent itself with each expansion for a chance to attract a larger crowd but usually ends up failing
that seems a bit reaching
What is this video game thread ? I don't recall asking for it's presence.
it's UNFUN 90% of the dungeons as a tank
>simple change
A haircut is a simple change. It seems more like an autist to not recognize that altering your whole species and/or sex is a pretty major change and effectively makes you a different person.
Pussy pull tank.
is red mage easy as people say i just started a few days ago
What exactly trips you up?
how can i pull more shit when i don't know where to go
and no, im not gonna watch tutorials on jewtube
There used to be a trash pull mini dungeon in the raids. It was kinda pointless so I guess they took them out in Omega and Eden. I do miss shit like grinding the rails in Alexander tho
it isn't really. XIV's dev team is Japanese and WoW's is western after all. Of course their outlook on how to make and develop games would be different.
I usually love JP strats, but the "keep it safe" strats most western plays make, are stuff liek "lets have the BLM run all over the place, while we plant the OT in a single spot."
i honestly cant stand most of the western players "keep it safe" strat, but tend to love most of the JP players "keep it safe" strats, as they actually understand melee need to stay on the boss, and BLMs need to remain more stationary. the only exceptions being cleaves on tanks causing issues, and healers needing to be in range of people for AoEs, during raid wide dmg phases.
idk whats so hard abotu letting melee stay in melee, and letting casters cast.
its not risky, unless u have 4 melee, and only 2 can fit on the boss at a time.
literal baby job
it's the lowest IQ job
Just stuff like who are these people? Why do we hate this beast tribe again? Small stuff.
There are like 10 still left I'm sure they'll put in a few gimmicky ones.
Fair enough.
As a rule, I'm pretty sure we just hate beast tribes because they're easy to hate
you clearly never played DNC.
Honestly BLM has been so dumbed down now, its roughly on par with RDM.
True dat. but ya know what is fun? healing. So to any new players reading this, start leveling a healer RIGHT NOW and do your towards making my dps queue times better and I'll reward you healsluts with my dick. Hows that sound?
Holy shit lmao. Go back to WoW
Absolutely not. Still worst of the three on healing, damage and the card mechanic is still clunky as fuck.
Yeah. Back to my original point, I wish we had a YouTuber that does a quick refresher on the patches and other stuff. I'm surprised we only really have two and I'm not a big fan of either.
Are Dancers not so popular now? I'm a contrarian autist and I was avoiding Dancer until the hype died down. Is it a hard class?
how hard is it to follow a linear path
>epic cute and funny posts died with the sole content-creator
it's the most parsed class
Hey. Excuse me, but can you stop? I'm sure Yea Forums memed some people to BLM and holy shit the amount of trash BLM in DF is embarassing.
It's easy, it has the best glams and it has the worst dps.
I guess the buffs is alright for your teammates.
It's design like red mage, you literally don't need to read what your skills do because it's pretty much self explained.
i don't know
im still in ARR so there are TWO linear paths sometimes
Would you recommend gunbreaker for a starting tank? I really don't wanna level another tank and I really like the aesthetic of it.
>no smash threads
Had the person that made that image literally ever been on Yea Forums?
because they got banned in-game for 20 days for posting cunny. it may turn into a permaban too depending on the special task force review.
Shut up nigger and go to WoW.
>they got banned in-game for 20 days for posting cunny
Rest in piss emily epperson
GNB makes a good starter for tanking, it's the embodiment of "blue DPS" and rotating tank cooldowns is just part of staying alive with it.
sure why not
Dumb enough to link to their IGN in their twitter and didn't deny it was him to the GM I think
Fuck no we don't need ,ore "gunbreaker mains" Pick PLD or WAR and actually learn how to tank starting at level 1.
This. Fuck tanking, All the instant queues and chadest AF gear in the world couldn't get me to go back to tanking.
they were linking to their twitter page in-game which had uncensored ryne and khloe cunny
is unironically a real thing most people seem to have.
Never estimate Yea Forums's autism to ruin people.
Funny enough, we were the same ones encouraging it.
>instant queues
oh nonononononononon
what the fuck
I missed that
The absolute state
I wish I could have seen /xivg/ when it happened
I don't get why this game garners so many pussies.
to be fair though they deserve it. they're a chronic ban evader, shitposter, and sociopath on /vg/
You can still go through the archives on Fireden.
Oh. So like every poster on this site?
WoW's initial rise to success is because they used a safe game design formula to attract normies where as games like RO and Everquest were immense grinds for people with some form of autism.
>Never did or cared about Savage
>FC asked if I want to join their Raid group as a DPS
>Sure, might as well see how Savage fights are
>E1S took us a bit but we beat it, Savage is fun
>E2S I had to switch over to AST because 1 Healer had to leave
>Fight is fun, Hell wind+puddle is tricky the first time but since you know it happens you just need to save 2 panick heal for when it happens
>Got him to around 50% before we stopped for the day
>Do the fight now as a DPS
>Now that I know the fight somewhat I started to notice how the others are playing
>If nobody calls out the mechanics half of the team get hit
>Over half of the team doesn't use Surecast/Arm's length for the knock back
>Nearly every 2nd or 3rd Tankbusters 1 of the Tanks dies
>Healer somehow after 6 attemps on Hell wind+puddle can't heal the DPS high enough so that they don't die
>"It's really hard, we just can't heal enough in that short time.:("
>Ask the SCH if he could just use his auto heal by 50% health ability for that mechanic on 1 person
>"Hmm, need re-read my skills description."
>3 hours later we still didn't get past 50%
Oh boy this is going to be fun, how the fuck did we even beat E1S?
I wonder how many of them are former WoW players.
Yes but at least they remain anonymous instead of attaching a name to themselves.
>spend weeks gathering all the HQ mats for 70-80 levekits because I’m a craftlet with shit gear
>you can easily 100% HQ from NQ gear with a few cheap CP materia
>so easy to get xp bonuses I’m getting 2 levels on crafting xp before turning in any leves
Good thing I’m a loser and my time was worthless so it doesn’t matter that I wasted it
Yeah the GNB fever has almost completely died down though. It's almost always tank in need again.
I only changed race because I got tired of people assuming I'm an ERP slut because I played a catgirl
blame anime
It's not really a problem of this game so ,uch as the concept of tanking itself. They can't handle being the "leader" in a party and being under pressure. If a dps dies who cares but if the tank dies it's a wipe.
It's funny because I never got any ERP request as a catgirl
I changed to male roegadyn and got tons of request from actual gay faggots male miqo'tes / male lalafells
So? It's a game.
Well at least you still have a good attitude about it
Is it a good time to get back into FFXIV? I haven't played since the original release where I was a level 50 paladin, white mage and dragoon. Has the general game play changed or is it more of the same?
>People were quick to write it off better than HW when it's still lacking.
Know how I can tell you didn't play back on 3.05? Because the endgame was the exact same shit except worse since gordias was fucking people in the ass, bismark was completely ignored as a primal and everyone was only farming ravana.
Crafting was shit because red scrips were weekly locked and not even dungeons were good with most people leaving expert the moment they got ARF in it.
And fuck neverreap, whoever designed that fucking piece of shit of a dungeon and fuck you for ever thinking the 3.05~3.1 patch cycle endgame was any better than what we have now.
Honestly unless we're talking endgame raiding and obvious mechanics, if the tank dies, it's 90% the healer's fault
It's funny that people have tanxiety but nobody has healing anxiety. If the healer dies its usually a wipe if you don't have a SMN/RDM to rez you. You also control the fate of everyone's lives and people will more easily criticize a bad healer over a bad tank.
Thank god that's not me
Feo Ul minion that can perch on your shoulder WHEN
same formula but with more quality of life and quality in general.
I am in the middle of Heavensward and I cant level up above 60, I guess that is the cap right? buying shadowbringers will give me Stormblood too?
Healer will only really die if the tank fucks up. So the burden of responsibility is not on the healer but on the tank. That's why healer anxiety isn't a thing and Tank anxiety is.
Thanks, but will that allow me to level up over 60 while I'm still in Heavensward?
>Healer will only really die if the tank fucks up
that's not what I see in Titania EX or Innocence EX. It's always the healer that dies because they can't react fast enough to moving.
>Healer will only really die if the tank fucks up
Or the healer fucks up. Clearly you haven't seen retards that cast Cure 1 once every 5 seconds in 80 content.
>Healer standing in AoE is tank's fault
>never get approached or whispered regarding RP anything
>people just give cordial greetings, complain about queues, shoot the shit
I guess I don't dress lewd enough.
If I bought all content would I need to clear previous DLCs to advance to the latest content? I don't want to get stuck at any point because no one is doing certain dungeons.
>white knights in costa del sol crying at people for disrespecting the content
>change to a lizard, actually bother to make them look decent
>whispers from trannies asking for ERP
I'm not even on Crystal, what the fuck are these degens doing here?
>t's funny that people have tanxiety but nobody has healing anxiety
I have both
>look decent
Not possible
every dungeon is populated due to roulettes
Cheaters are subhuman, imagine how morally bankrupt you have to be to cheat at something that exists purely as a test of skill, and gives no reward.
I used to have not outright panic attacks but similar feelings, then I decided that I'm not going to meet any of the people in the Duty finder again and who cares if they become pissed if I do something wrong, I always make sure to mention when it's the first time I'm doing a duty.
And everything has gone just fine. I've only been yelled at once and that was by an asshat mentor (another mentor apologized for his behavior and said it was people like him that gave mentors a bad name)
>buying shadowbringers will give me Stormblood too?
That's correct
>"It's really hard, we just can't heal enough in that short time.:("
How to tell a healer is being stingy with cooldowns.
you have to do the previous expansions.
old content is always populated because of roulettes.
No. The card system is fucking ass. Tons of button presses just to put out piddly dps buffs that other classes do similarly for the group with one button press. Also constant target switching and a "Utility rotation" on a reactive healing class is fucking stupid. Some brainlets will probably try to tell you it's fun because high APM = good and low APM = bad, but that's a shitty argument.
Oh nice, thanks. Any classes that are do not use tier? I'll probably want to start a new character because I can't remember anything.
>what Yea Forums healers are like
Literally every single job in the game is viable.
>hundreds of people jumping at the tower constantly falling down and repeating the same shit over and over again
>people have 0 patience to do the same on savage and consider it a waste of time
Hypocrisy of this community at it's finest.
Wait wasn't Xenos an Au Ra?
>I'll probably want to start a new character
Just use your old character. If you don't remember anything then go to the inn and read the book. It has all the previous cutscenes you can rewatch and summary text of what happened.
Because the tower only requires your personal skill to be tested, while savage requires you to wrangle 7 other tards at the same time
Dumb frogposter.
I got instant queues yesterday as a tank. Most of the gunbreakers are level 80 and moved back to their other jobs so I can be a tank man again.
based lala
8 tards, I've seen the guy fucking up raging at the party for not carrying him despite him being the only guy fucking up.
If you went femra you should have fully expected that
sometimes if you fall off the tower you don't fall all the way to the bottom. you just fall to the midway point. can't say the same for savage where if you wipe then you start from the beginning ALWAYS.
Sup there fellow DPSberd. Say you look a little different, new hair cut?
>Complains a bunch instead of giving the healer advice so he can be a better player
I guess he'd rather stay mad and tell everyone later about that healer who wouldn't dps and how he hates people like that.
Checkpoints on omega 4S, 8S and 12S.
>casual jumping which has 0 responsibility
>content that requires coordination,responsibility and dealing with a group of people and an undefined amount of time
you forget the part where someone has to leave and you have to back out.
>send vod to GMs
>xeno isn't invited for fanfests anymore
shut up cheater bitch
>giving the healer advice
What advice? To press the Art of War button and stop being a shitter?
was trying to level drk this morning and queue for holminster was still like 15 minutes
>Got a 75 percentile on my E2S reclear
>Even got the 470 hand with a 62 roll
Feels good, man.
Everyone, I wish to make an announcement. Ahem.
Fuck katanas.
never heard of tanxiety in any other MMO I played tho
obv tank is always the rarest role but its never specified like this
niggermage bros, how do you do black smokers?
Alright guys I didn't play for a year
Is Balmung still >balmung?
or did things change?
which servers should I avoid?
Femberd when?
Noct is decent. I like it better in dungeons atm
>giving literal who that you'll never see advice that they will not read at best and indignately oppose at worst
Yeah nah you're a cunt
My, an handsome fellow such as yourself should not use such foul language.
But excuse me.
*self destructs*
*gets raised to the top*
>ching chong sure hope I don't die
if you notice on the parser the group died once. so even with 0 DPS, the healer couldn't keep up. they're a garbage player. no amount of advice can help.
Had a healer die in ghimlyt dark and I had to heal everyone as a paladin.
>Give advice to player
>They ignore you
I don't even try anymore
No girls allowed.
>healer stands in AoE and dies
>blames the tank
Post proof or you are full of bullshit.
Why is FFXIV so lifeless? It has such a hard focus on the characters that the world itself is just plain and boring. Having a lot of written lore is pointless if the world itself has no soul.
Well, highlanders are a male only race after all
Because flying.
You have to understand we have not enough time to create all that which you ask about
>sends chief texture artist to Africa to photograph some sand
>doing level 80 dungeons
>get hit with a (Cure) 1
like why even have that shit on your bars anymore, literally no situation it’s wirth using
>trying to do dungeons on a weekday
>when school just started back up
In the morning
Ironically a lot of the characters are boring as shit dutiful heroes or wrist slashing edgys
>world itself is just plain and boring
>dozens of places showing the effects of the calamity
>random npcs interacting with each other all over the place on ARR areas
>storytelling through fates
You might need glasses mate.
The Mist has the most soul in the game
Africa doesn't even have good sand, they should have gone to Australia
I never understand tanxiety because tanking in FF14 is so god damned easy. I've run plenty of dungeons/trials drunk as a skunk first time as a tank and been totally fine but I would never ever attempt that on my healer.
>implying zoomers play this game
I drunkheal all the time gitgud bro
>New AST cards are better in every way
>there are people that actually believe this
bruh, even GW2 had a more interesting overworld than FFXIV and GW2 is shit. There really isn't anything to defend about it that can't be found in equal or better measure in every other game in the genre.
It's at best, mediocre.
You must've not played a lot of MMOs then.
go back
Did they change the ast cards again?
The original AST cards were fine, with the launch of Shadowbringers it was the same generic card with slight changes.
>Azim Steppe
>Moghome and associated locales
>everywhere else
>it was better when the balance was the only good card!
Imagine wanting an ability that hard fails 80% of the time.
People take college/uni courses and the fall semester is already starting up.
why are people saying fuck tanking? i mained PLD but i switched to GNB now that i've hit 60 i enjoy the role even though im still learning how to be a good tank
>people somehow managed to offset their entire column of freak wave puddles upward EVERY TIME, making the southern safe areas look deceptively large
>stand inside ((empty space))
>clip temporary current because i'm too high up and die
I'm just fucking impressed the north side fags still had room to dodge
thanalan is pure soul
new to XIV. what job do I play if I just want to see the biggest numbers?
The healer has their eyes on everyone and sees every fuck up.
Everyone has their eyes on the tank and if you hold the boss in the wrong place or something everyone will be thinking “what the fuck is he doing?”
Black Mage.
every server on crystal, gilgamesh and faerie
balmung and mateus are the same entity now
No they're all still mini-balances at the request of autistic raiders.
As a casual pugging I had plenty of uses for Bole and Ewer with shitty tanks and cohealers, now I just got those abilities removed with nothing to compensate.
>static stuck on E2S for 3 days
>replace shitty underperforming sch
>claer E2S immediately, clear leviathan in one night after
A shit healer drags down the group's performance immensely, more than any other role.
People bragged so much about Balance card that they made every card Balance with different % based on role.
Kinda like how people bragged about Fell Cleave on Warrior too much so they made the job all about spamming it.
Are you guys genuinely retarded? Dancer is a buffer job it's not meant to top dps charts or anywhere close to it. Holy fuck parsetrannies are so stupid
brainlets don't know about my technical finish
WoW has flying and isnt nearly as bad in this respect.
Most of them can be defined as "Look at me, I'm so stoic but have one other character trait that makes me unique :D"
Oh yes, those NPC's that just sit there doing the one animation that you can walk through and blend in with the background.
Or those fates that pop up in a puff of purple smoke, often with meme names, with mobs that respawn the moment you kill other ones reminding you constantly you're in a game.
The world is lifeless.
Imagine wanting a card draw mechanic that does the same thing every time.
You are the retarded one mate. FFLogs now doesn't display real dps anymore, but dps adjusted for buffs you receive or give. In other words, even taking buffs into account dancer is still not very good.
If you mean biggest SINGLE hit, Dancer.
>Azim steppes
Having one neat looking center piece and then nothing doesnt make a soulful zone. The Throne doesnt even have anything interesting about it outside of its immediate largeness. The zone is 90% barren nothing.
Cure 1 has a shorter cast time than cure 2 and procs a free cure 2
>poker is a shit game, if you don't get a royal flush your hand is worthless
t. brainlet
thanks, friends. I actually just started with black mage so I guess I had the right thinking. I suppose I can also pick up samurai when I reach stormblood.
>WoW has flying and isnt nearly as bad in this respect.
That's because WoW doesn't abandon its zones the moment leveling campaign is done. You only get flying after several months and extensive gameplay - which everyone hates but what can you do. As a result zones are designed with ground movement in mind and flying is just a bonus. In XIV from 3.0 on zones are all big open squares designed for fast movement with flying from gathering point to gathering point.
>the fate chain on northern thanalan about the succubus
>the fate outside camp bronzelake about the mamool'ja wanting to peek on the girls
>the fate on hinterlands that explains what happened to t'kebbe parents
>b-but it's all memes and smoke puffs
>muh wow
Go back and stay back.
>tfw Ishgard remembers but the WoL didn’t remember ishgard
Also, the fishing villages in the ruby sea and nearly everywhere in the Shroud are comfy. Azys Lla is kino. only gyr abania and the first are truly soulless. Oh and the churning mists being almost indistinguishable from the sea of clouds fuck that place
Because dancer isn't focused on buffing itself dipshit
basically, fun is subjective. If you like tanking then that's great. Some people do and others don't
>procs a free cure 2
Literally irrelevant mechanic, WHM MP economy made it all but obsolete.
>college/uni courses
Under 25 is a zoomer
Isn't it like a combo finisher for healing? You spam cure 2 and when the tank is near 100% and you're sure he won't dip immediately down past 80% you throw a cure 1 to try and proc cure 2
Jesus wept
>reminding you constantly you're in a game
Because it is a game. The devs constantly have to remind players since FF11 that it's a video game and you shouldn't let it consume your real life.
the world is the best part of XIV thanks to them forcing us to go through 80 levels of world building but it’s pretty bland as far as actual gameplay experience
>few zones have multiple layers
>all are separated by loading screens (thanks consoles)
>completely toothless
>nothing to discover since everything gets a map marker or is used for a quest
>no NPCs outside of towns that aren’t involved in quests or FATEs
>Balance was the only good card for me in my playing situation, and if you're not in a static your opinion doesn't matter.
>combo finisher for healing
user, you do realize people automatically heal by large amounts if they don't have aggro right?
Let me explain it in detail so even a dumbass monkey like you can understand.
rDPS = your personal damage + damage you give to others in form of buffs - damage you take from others in form of buffs.
For BLM it's basically all personal damage MINUS whatever it receives from buffs. BLM doesn't give anything to anyone, in rDPS rankings, it only loses what others gave to the BLM. And STILL BLM is the top dog. Which means it would've done that damage even without any buffs at all.
>Because dancer isn't focused on buffing itself dipshit
That isn't even correct because SF and Devilment buff the dancer as well.
>People bragged so much about Balance card that they made every card Balance with different % based on role.
I really dislike this, it's pretty much you can mess up even if you mess up now.
It also took away the whole RNG fun of playing AST.
Imagine wanting to rely on RNG because you value muh class flavor over a functioning kit
Sparse monster population and the fact that dying out in the world is basically impossible don't help, either.
maybe it wasn't parsers that ruined the job, maybe it was actually just retards like you
How bad are random healers while leveling tank/dps? I've only really played a healer and im afraid of leveling anything else because of shit healers. As a healer at least keeping everyone alive to do their jobs is pretty easy.
Showcase posting should be banned. Straight up advertising at this point.
>standard finish, technical finish and saber dance
Hurrr dnc doesnt buff itself durrrr
>Wahhh this game is so bad and wow is so good, but i dont want to play wow tho.
Holy shit this is why all wowfugees should really fuck off back to their stagnated "home"
Healers are almost always the worst players in any group.
I'd be way further along if it werent for the 10 minute DPS queues.
What the fuck does aggro have to do with anything?
So the dancer gives free extra damage, but it's a bad class because it isn't doing #1 spot in runs? OK tranny
Isn't that people what wanted to begin with?
>party huddled up in prep for big raidwide aoe
>start casting Cure III
>cast goes off immediately after the damage goes out
>all health bars fill instantly
Pretending to be shitposting is still shitposting.
>thanks console
actually it's to accommodate a larger range of low spec personal computers to attract a larger userbase. PS4 can easily handle open world games but the same can't be said for laptops or toaster desktops that may be worse than PS3. Reminder that this game still has a DX9 client built in so technically it can run on Windows XP.
You FFXIV fags sure like to act like victims dont you
>Muh wowboogieman
After you kill a pull everyone starts automatically regenerating hp at a large rate until something is aggro'd again. There's no need to heal anyone after the pull dies so heal finishers are retarded.
Are you new to this game?
For a dumb leveling dungeon it doesn’t really matter. A shit healer can keep things going and even if they can’t every tank can self sustain on smaller pulls anyway
it comes out faster, but still locks you in the same 2.5s gcd - if someone needs a heal ASAP, every healer has 5 different instant heals now
if a tank is at a level if health where cure would top him off, he doesn’t need healing, and mana conservation is a nonissue
>people automatically heal by large amounts if they don't have aggro
You do mean if they're not in combat, right? Because not having aggro and not being in combat are two very different things.
>>the fate chain on northern thanalan about the succubus
isn't the succubus only the last Fate there? I don't know, i just randomly ended up fighting it on my way to rescue Wedge
>drawing ewer/spire/arrow 4 times in a row is good, i'm contributing
>dancer is a good dps
this thread is too reddit for my tastes
Yes, I meant out of combat and you'll stay out of combat until you generate aggro.
You won't get stuck, the way it's designed people are always running old content, especially what you would need to catch up
Level gatherers/crafters between DPS queues
I value using a plethora of tools to optimize every draw I get as best I can in any given situation, because it actually had a good skill ceiling, especially when draw didn't countdown until you played the card and especially with time dilation and celestial opposition to extend the buffs.
New AST doesn't do anything. Cards are just a boring chore.
I just really miss Royal Road for AST
Nigger what the fuck does the pull almost being dead have to do with anything? Why are you feeding words into my mouth. Put a smug anime girl on your next post so I can understand everything you say is retarded. Fucking passive aggressive tranny.
Even counting the extra damage dnc is still the lowest so right now briging 1 dnc over brd or mch is an overall dps loss.
>The market is fill with wowclone, B-but why isn't this game give me the same feeling as wow ?
that because wowtards refused to stay in their containment game while in the meantime can't stop comparing shits to wow
Its almost as if they are both MMO.
>higher skill ceiling
>entirely reliant on rng
>mmo loyalty
The kit was already functional, you parsetrannies just threw an autistic bitchfit you couldn't have a 5% group dmg buff whenever you wanted so you had the class gutted.
I can relate to this guy's pain. Farming for a specific glamour piece only for it to get stolen by some other person that is only going to turn it in for GC seals.
>b-but my cure I heal finisher
Stop being retarded.
>I just really miss Royal Road for AST
So this is why you're so angry, you also miss dilation. Go take your hrt estrologian and leave healing for the jobs that can actually do it.
People are asking me to ress them, should I help them cheat?
Also how are your climbs going?
Yes, because you have to adjust depending on what you get and make the best out of it. That's kind of the fucking point. This isn't hard to understand if you aren't a fucking retard complaining about the job that has a card draw mechanic having random chance.
>imagine wanting to play dancer when 50% of the time half your abilities don't work!
this is how fucking retarded you sound
>wanting tank boots
>not for some reason coming on tank
brand loyalty is some serious bullshit
i played ffxiv for years being angry at how bad it is now im excited to play classic and be angry at how bad it was
ffxi/lotro are my broken bitches i go back to too often
They aren’t and you are a dummy.
>you have to adjust
There was no adjustment. You threw TP/MP cards into AOE, Bole into MA and then prayed you'll get a Balance before the next 2m burst or settle with crit or haste otherwise. This wasn't some deep or profound gameplay mate, it was literally braindead and on rails.
Raid leader just died. :(
Here's a pic of all of us.
>it was literally braindead and on rails.
nah, that's diviniation
>I'll fuck you up and gut you with my knife.
Is that the same knife you chopped your dick with?
Is it worth dropping DoTs on packs as a healer or should i just spam my AoE?
>FFXIV isnt an MMO
post on reddit where someone cares
It's sunken cost fallacy. People invest so much time to MMOs that they feel loyalty to it. Even if they hate the game. You see it most often in WoW where people shit on the game nonstop but continue to pay that sub fee because they already invested too much to quit. Just look at Asmongold. He hates everything about modern WoW but continues to play it because he sunk 10+ years into it and it's basically his job now.
You'll talk real tough once we meet up. Tell me a time and place faggot.
>Sprout Viera healer in Ghimlyt Dark
>He's healing just fine but that's all he's really doing
>Tell them that throwing in some holies until I need healing is better for everyone
>They actually take the advice and we clear the dungeon very fast
Very comfy
do the math
What a shame, none of you have fashion sense. You should teach each other how not to lose eyes since half of you are missing one, and return to whatever anime you crawled out of.
From the thumbnail I thought this was a happy merchant. I thought her card was a giant nose.
XIV is a wow clone though
console game dude
If the total potency of the dot is higher than the potency of the aoe then yes
You can also dot while the tank is running and pulling the next pack because it's an instant cast
console excuse doesn't exist anymore now that PS3 support is dropped. now the excuse is "we must cater to toaster PC players that are long term subscribers"
FFXIV took the good gameplay elements but didn't take any of the world design and art elements. So we have WoW, which is shit as a game but is at least memorable. Then we have FFXIV which is great as a game, with nothing memorable.
SCH 4+
AST 4+
WHM 6+
are you the same guy that praises every western MMO but shits on every eastern MMO
More like breaking player made agreements is against the Tos. As it should be.
XIV has memorable boss fights. And, well, soundtrack I guess. Both of which WoW fails spectacularly.
>Akihiko Yoshida leaves the art team
>Environmental design gets worse
really makes you think
You should be using dots as the tank pulls.
Point to the agreement
Akihiko yoshida is a character designer, he didn't work on environments.
WoWs soundtrack is so soulless now it's hilarious. They just hire hollywood composers that are in it for Activisions money rather than bringing passion.
yes you should
it generates practically no enmity, as soon as the tank does an initial aoe hit on a mob, you should dot it and you will never peel off aggro. regen is a little different though
Anyone save those lewd Khloe pics before that dude locked his twitter down? N-Not that I want them or anything.
>good gameplay elements
>great as a game
is this nigga serious
It has some good music but it's not used well at all.
There’s not enough flexibility in this game to adjust though. Everyone is locked into a rigid ass rotation and it’s not like old bole was gonna let anyone change it up whatsoever.
Ruby Sea was nice but yeah, almost all the environments in SB were shit
ShB has Amaurot, Il Mheg, Crystarium and Eulmore which all look fantastic though. All the ShB dungeons are also very pretty.
His mere presence makes the game looks better.
>Soken gave up his paid vacation to work on the Shadowbringers OST some more
Blizzard composers wouldn't do that.
He's a character designer not environmental.
He's a freelancer though, he still works on XIV when yoshida needs him. He did the expansion posters.
All the fae armor is fucking great. Even the crafted stuff.
Anything else I should take a look at for armor that doesn't look too "anime" and more dark fantasy?
Soken is based though, he loves what he does and clearly shows it.
>still have this outfit as my AST glam to this day
Why the fuck have the AFs since this one been complete fucking garbage
If there's enough flexibility for proc based jobs to exist then I don't see what the problem is. I'd rather the job be fun then it have more consistent runs in the harder content and be a meme. At this point they might as well delete it from the game.
>SAM shitter
those queue times are impossible
AF4 is metal. Idk what you're saying.
That's the only thing he does now. I looked into it. Even the class arts are not him but a imitation artist, Yusuke Moda.
I didn't realize all the roes were trannies
You're not NOT going to clear content with a DNC, but you'll definitely feel the pain of having a shit DNC on your team.
But on the other hand a god-like BLM or MNK can make fucking miracles happen with DNC buffs.
>GNB idle stance
>but you'll definitely feel the pain of having a shit DNC on your team.
>Tfw you get TWO bad ones
I was meaning AST specifically man
cringe. i dont care either but im not going out of my way to be a complete cunt.
>when you realize you're fucking retarded and wrong, but you can't stop because you started too strong
you got a link to their twitter?
What the fuck is less fun about it. You draw a card and use it on the person it’s more effective on. It’s literally the exact goddamn same except it doesn’t end up doing absolutely nothing half the time
MNK or SAM if I want to do big boy DPS as melee? Or are there any balance changes coming I should just wait for?
>Early access for ShB
>Que for alliance raid
>Dps in all groups was dnc
>Almost all tanks gnb
>It was Dun Scaith
Never made it passed the first boss.
MNK is the current big boy DPS but SAM is getting buffs in 5.08 and 5.1 which may put them over MNK.
MNK does more damage iirc. It's a bit more work and simple and about timing your buffs.
/xivg/ were the ones who reported him. Apparently lewding Khloe is a no-no even for those degenerates.
>buying boosts
They were encouraging him. Yea Forums just want to see people fall.
so i just beat all the role quests
is the warden of darkness another shard of the WoL?
Anything more than "can I have those boots for glamour pls" is a superfluous and a waste of 7 other peoples' time.
I would have rolled on the boots just to spite that little shit
MNK it is then, thanks.
>on a trip across the country
>playing on shitty tablet with steamlink connected to my PC at home 1000km away
Peak comfy
Actually they reported him because he's been shitting up the general for years. He could ban evade from Yea Forums but he can't ban evade in-game.
Because the cards have no value now. I find myself bored doing them and sort of wish they were removed from the job entirely at this point. The seal system is braindead. Divination cd is still too long. Everything about them sucks now. It's just like a waste of time minigame to increase my APM without actually doing anything.
How’s the lag?
Cast it and cancel around the last 2 seconds
Or cast rez on them from the ground level
>its a praetorium episode
Did you all forget that Varis has a clone of himself waiting to come back and haunt us in the next expansion?
nips avoid aoe like the trust system, literal npcs
Personally I wish the change was a damage up for the "correct" class, then something different for the "wrong".
Like letting Arrow still give sps/sks.
The biggest thing though was I thought they couldn’t use outside sources to judge and ban people, like screenshots or discord chat logs. I mean they also fucked up using their name and server on the Twitter they posted the lewd modded screenshots, but the point still stands.
>Do Trial Roulette
>Get Nidhogg
>Someone instaleaves
Are people still scared of this?
but FFXIV is an eastern MMO...?
Any hope of WoL somehow bringing back our boy Emet with some Hydaelyn magic bullshit? I miss him.
So exactly the same as old ast
Did you dress that mannequin up like your dead raid leader lmao?
Don't worry, it's going to be revealed that Emet's handmaiden was bought out by the Exarch to make it look like he died but he was only sleeping. god that was so dumb
Just watch Netflix while waiting for your free level up.
The fuck nigga? Why you complaining about prae. You queued for it
Few ms of input lag at worst, perfectly workable for roulettes, dailies, gathering and crafting. Wouldn't run Savages or EX with this set up but pretty much everything else is fair game.
Are you retarded?
It ended up being a net positive for the story even if it was dumb at the time. Sultana is basically the defacto leader of the whole Eorzean Alliance at this point.
Normally they don't use outside sources as evidence but they make exceptions if it can be linked back to a character. For example, if someone leaves carry selling PF in-game with their Discord ID and you provide Discord screenshots with that same ID of them committing RMT then the person can be punishing for advertising RMT in-game.
People will still instaquit even on Rathalos. Stupid as fuck.
I know 5 real women who play who play XIV
All 5 of them play Au Ra because they think they are cute.
You can get through large pulls with a mediocre dps or tank. If the healer is shit you're gonna die and be forced to pull single, not even double pulls. You get the ones that dont dps or spam Cure 1/Physick/Benefic 1 as well.
Real women play lizards or highlanders, from my experience. But I only know 3.
cards did different things with old ast and you had options and buff extensions
4.x ast was fun
5.0 ast was boring and borderline unplayable
5.05 ast is just boring
It's funny seeing people fail at Rathalos. You can tell who hasn't played Monster Hunter.
Also BLM oddly feels like Heavy Bowgun in that fight.
but the cards were useless lol
They didn't feel uesless. Now they're useless and feel useless.
>lyse cosplayer
>masclizard+gnb, twice the edge, half the skill
>based big boss
>Jimmy “how do I glam” McElezen
>based baked potato
>sjw cosplayer
You got a bonus point because the catboi is dead at least
only spire was useless
That's me. I keep getting tail swiped as melee and I'm just awkwardly just going k guess I'll die now :(
nah, stick a fork in him because hes done! thancred made sure of it.
spire was the go to for getting 50% aoe, so i wouldn't say even spire was useless
doesn't look good on females
>wtf more exp for doing less?
nothing looks good on females
Why are you playing a female character, faggot?
because I'm not gay
If I'm going to stare my character for 1000+ hours, I'm going to stare at boobs and thighs.
>because I'm not gay
You're the one playing a female character in an mmo. Just come out of the closet, faggot.
being a tranny is gay
I actually don't get this excuse. Is it a meme? Are people serious?
only homo fags and isekai fags play males lmao
This is one of the worst excuses. You're trying way too hard to appear straight. Either admit you're a faggot or play a male character.
I'm playing a potato myself so I wanted to make a cute thing instead of thighs and ass. If those are the things you wanted you're playing the wrong game anyway.
That would ruin his arc. It's a perfect conclusion.
Not true. I dont dress my avatar up like some gaylord and I also dont self insert as a woman like you.
playing as a male is even more gay. especially when your characters get all gay when haurchefaunt dies.
Imagine being so deep into the closet that thinking playing male characters is gay.
>not playing a cute thing with thighs and ass
nice scion adventurer's jacket, faggot
Saw this lil cutie this morning.
This is what you look like when playing as a healer or ranged DPS faggot
I find it funny that the Exarch summons 7 people from across space and time to fight Hades out of nowhere and they’re all just like “Eh....sure.”
>Be renowned hero
>Just got done saving the world
>Taking a long deserved rest
>Eating dinner at your house
>About to take a bite of your meal when suddenly you are whisked away
>When your vision comes back you see a giant masked hellish monster and 7 other random people with weapons
>Audibly sigh
>Think to yourself “The shit I put up with....” and draw your weapon
Are you one of the fucking stupid niggers who cries about MSQ roulette in chat after queuing for MSQ roulette? Shut up.
Sorry, but I wear full armor at all times. I bet you glamour your tank helms for glasses.
>Playing as a catgirl
Do I need to play as a guy to get an egf or will I be fine? I mostly notice catboys with egfs but I think they look gay. If I played male i'd have to be a lala but would that even help increase my chances of getting an egf or should I just stay as a catgirl?
Like I said, if you want thighs and ass you're going to need to play an entirely different game, no one in this game has good ass.
I feel bad for people that have to do that fight now. During early access everyone was wearing AF gear and it looks hella epic, but now everyone is wearing meme gear and normie glamour so it ruins the mood.
>or ranged DPS
What? That's not true at all.
Just find a girlfriend that is okay with having a homosexual boyfriend.
Are you the rdm faggot?
ultima horns, ackshually
Then get something that doesn't look like that? Glamour exists for a reason, you homo.
oof and yikes
>Not modding nice asses and abs on everyone's characters
no matter what glamour you choose you're going to look like a clown playing as a male.
>you're going to look like a clown playing as a male.
You don't actually believe that, do you?
no, who's that?
I don't know what this means.
Also gives an excuse for slutglams.
>saved the world
>about to fuck your waifu
>suddenly summoned to battle
>have to fight while wearing underwear in front of other heroes
So you don't play this game?
We posting trading cards? Saw this dude during eden.
I like tataru's butt
Someone repost the Urianger cock and balls image, I need it
I still wear bard AF4
I like the Hrothgar Sonic more.
Do people actually think playing as a male makes them seem any less cringe as someone playing a female? You look like a faggot playing an mmo regardless so you may as well play whatever the fuck you want, but don't imagine a male makes you special.
>play male
>look like beta self inserting faggot that pretends to be some Kirito main character
>play female
>look like a tranny
You have to pick one
I specifically que up with the frog suit for that reason.
>play male
>nobody bats an eye because this is normal
Why not pick this?
Male chars think female chars should be real girls or they're deceiving them, male chars are all cringy thirsters
>play female
>nobody bats an eye because this is normal
Why does everyone pick this?
Is there a reason why I'm seeing more players with names of NPCs? Some go as far to wear exact outfits.
I just don't get wanting to do that outside making a cutscene funny.
>not having a male character only static with a dresscode
keep all deviants out
Because everyone thinks you're either a girl, trans or a homosexual. And they're right.
>be a chad and lali-ho some fuckers
my wife waddling in like she just took a sip of lean
What did she (he) mean by this?
Homos play male Roes and Lionmen, trans play almost exclusively lizards with some cats. Just avoid those and there will be no misconceptions.
To make it feel like a JRPG where you control the cast.
That better be a femlala considering they are the best players canonically.
>Homos play male Roes and Lionmen
Open homosexuals play Roes and Hrothgar while deep in the closet "I-I'm totally straight, I want to look at girl ass!" play female characters. Retard.
None of this matters if you leave your room for once and find a real girl.
Foreign concept for neckbeards who scream tranny.
>be male playing female character
>"user get in voice"
>get in voice to avoid looking like an incel
>female voice: "ummmm user why are you playing as a girl"
how do you respond